HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-2, Page 7011V1iliart 3rAY 2 fail
absorbs the dust,
brightens the
floor and deans
the carpet.
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One eto
Yours for health,
Tfl q.RLTh G. Lite, Aeo ent, Fire and Pte
Gass ineyrunce, also Ooitdobtng Acdountr3
`end Auotioneeting,
riW. BROWNING, M. t7., M•-' C.
• P. S„ Graduate Victoria Uni-
versity oflloe and residenenoe. Dominion
3mbartory. Exeter
Associate Co toner of Hard n.
srrtsttets, Solicitors,Notaries, Conveyancers
Bammissiiioners, olicitors for the Moleens
Mine* toLoan ab lowest rabee of intteresb.
1t, gy I,xso a. A. L. R. worse
We have a large.amonnl) of privabe fun.de
nen en farm and v111ageprepertles at lowrabe
Barristers Solicitors, Main Sb.'Eseber
Tia Usboraa and fllbbart
Farmer's Mutual Fire lnsur
ant Gompanp
cad Office, Farquhar, Ont I
P;cesident J. Il, RUSSEL'1.i
ittlie-Bren. RoRY. GARDINER
Iffi,. RYAN
Winer eleea
JftiN ESSERP Exeter. agent Lie-
be ; and Riddulph:
IVER HARRIS Munro agent for
erg Ealtarton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar
eLAD3iAN- & STAN1313RY
Solicitors. Exeter.
S tT/RAT11 O NT.
Our eIassee are now 'erg- e'
er than ever before tzXt, we •
have enlarged our quarters
d we have room for a,'few •
;tore etud•en'tis. You may en- •
ter at any 'time We have
Staff of nine etanoed ban -
dtrue'tone and our coaxes are •
the beset. Our gradua't:s'sue- T
deed. This ivoek three " re- •
c'ent graduates informed fes *-
Olen they have poieition:s
paying $65 $7d and $125 per •
Y.otnth. We have three. de- •
partmen'hs -- Commercial. •
Shorthand and ZTelegi3phy. •
Write for our free eatal'rnote •'
,!' oo•a9 •••••••o too4p•••••*!►•
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t7' to Date Work We Take he 'r•
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TH . ]...,,2c.ETER, TIMES.
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Copyright, telt, by American Pros
:•lot reany r haven't, not really and
truly. Why, Mrs. Mason, I've Just told
you their father's guilty -guilty as.
belle Ands to think I shall have to go
back i
)� Again to Westfield ,g n 1i' std td and .take up
my life with that man!" tier brows
twitched and she trembled,'
"Yes," pursued the stern old Puri-
tan who, beeause of a peculiar twist
of consc!en re, could see the matter
only from one side. "It's the debt
you owe the boys. Anna. No woman
has any right, to give helpless souls
the Wrong father, And when the day
of -.reckoning comes it's she must pay,
not the children she's betrayed -into
life. Oh, look here! FIere's'something
I. was just going to bring you when
Jr. Temple rang the bell for me. It
had just come in the post."
From her pocket Mrs. Mason drew
in efrvelope, out of w'hieh she took two
"`"They sent them to me, as I told
them," she explained to the wan moth-
er, handing her the children's letters.
"Harold writes pretty well for five,
doesn't lee, Mrs. Mason," observed
Anna with pride, opening the younger
boy's missive first. And she read
"Dear Mother—When are y u coming'
home? S am well. I hope yo are well.
I had a Stomach ache. The cat lead kit-
tens. Are you coming home next week?
Robbie says he is going to be president,
letee been it every day this week. Won't
yee lease make Robbie not be president
ever day right along? 110 lets me be
vice president, but thht's no fun. When
are you cowing home? Very respectfully,
your son, HAROLD GRANGER."
"And what does Rolibie's letter say?"
asked Mrs. Mason as Anna stopped
to wipe the foolish little mother tears
from her eyes.
"My .Dearest Muddle (she began with
a. sorrowful pride in her voice. "Bobs has
never left off calling me 'Muddle,' Mrs.
Mason.i°'Don't you think it's dear and
pretti* of him?)—Do not worry. Every-
thing is quite all right. kr reld had the
Stomach ache, but that's all right too.
Harold misses you when we go to bed,
but I don't, not till after Harold's got to
sleep. Your son,
"He signed it Robert Granger inn..
2, the second,'.t finished she, drawing
a long, sobbing breath, "Oh, my
boys, my boys! Whatever can I do to
scotch the criminal traces of Robert
Granger the first that may be running
in your blood?"
Mrs. Mason considered 1 the mo-
ment fer interfering on Robert's be-
"He just made one terrible mistake,
Anna, that's all,"
"I don't know," said Anna,.Slowly
shaking her bead. "I don't much
think that temptation develops any
qualities, good or bad, not a tempta-
tion at least that has any deliberate
consent of the will. No, it dpgsn't de-
velop them. It only shows a man
what he already is. Temptation's a
test, that's all;
"Why, you see he wasn't even man
enough to come to me and ten me
that he'd been tempted. Instead be
must offer the plea of a martyr—fool
me, trick me, lie to me. I can't stand
a lying man!" Again sbe seethed to
smell the 'sickeziing, cloying honey-
RAVEN rang sharply for Mrs.
11"Isn't Miss Dale better yet?
Hasn't she recovered suf-
eiently at least to remember the com-
bination of that safe? By heavens,
woman, she must! There's a letter in
there we must get out and take into
town tonight. We've already missed
the last decent train, and now there's
nothing left for us but to take that
thundering motorcar of Temple's and
drive inI" Craven spoke irately. He
was past the limits af; patience.
"I've` been talking to her," said Mrs.
Mason quietly. "I think she is soon
coming down herself."
"Puritans and petticoats!" muttered
Craven after Mrs. Mason's retreating
figure. 1 bet there'll be a man• at
that typewriter next time" looking
angrily at the empty desk.
Temple came in and looked at it too.
"It's my fault," he said. "I should
ave sense enough to remember the
omb£nation myself. Poor Miss Dalel
he's all tuckered out. We've worked
er too bard."
"She's coming down in a few min-
utes, Mrs. Mason has just said," ob.,
served Craven, with a slight sneer.
And she did come down. The door
on the othere
side of theroom rao opened
Granger entered. She was
white as alabaster. The full terrible
nese of what she had done was tug-
ging at her beart and soul.
"Ah, you have slept? You are bet-
r?"- erred Temple, rieing to greet her.
t3`n n
fen t l I
to Craven: v n. ,r O oldy ou,
ad giving orders to the Chauftetir to
ve the Car ready In about an hour?
ell get there in good $neigh (fine."
'(lot to go in that infernal eighty '
eeepoWer thing, after alt. Bet you
nthiug vire strike's rock, ort' neet i ig
4. BILL asA.Ds
BOOK Wrist
1?' bC�.rl; M.
R A Ml.S
A S, TO.
4.LE BILL 1.
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S test ?fssible
• fliVe Us'a Call & Be Col'Vineed
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Printing L � �
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and Gear angelswings en out way!"
was CraYen's comment as be left the
"Miss Vale'. --Temple fixed her gaze
with a whimsical, ineffable smile--
the key to my . liberty and rely good
nA m lies in my safe sander. It is you.
only who can give it to me, I am. glad"
He came a step nearer and a great
light shone in his eyes,. "It is the prin-
e s y
es of m en chantedl n
p ace who shall.
give It to That is good."
With one long sobbing that rent it-
self straight from her torn heart, Anna
stepped back.
"What is it, dear?" be cried, spring-
ing toward ber, a big, wrapping ten-
derness in his voice. "You ktiow, don't
you? 1 am cleared now, That letter
Is the proof I have been waiting for.
I bring you honor, sweet; the penknife
Lsn't all now "
"Oh. wait, watt, just a little minute!"
she cried, struggling pitifully for self
"Olt, but surely you've guessed it,
Anna. i love you with a love that
bas been waiting a good many years.
I want you to be my wife, dear, won't
you? Won't you?" He was holding
her hands now compellingly, fighting
for her answer in serene, unswerving
fashion as had ever neon hie manner
of fighting for All tit:nge that he want-
ed much.
But she swept back from him with
a gesture, Then the words came with
a rush:
"Mr. Temple, I have deceived you.
I have deceived you from the first. I
have been here ender false pretenses.
I am not Miss Dale. i am married.
I have two children, 1 am—I am
Robert Granger's wife!
"Yes;' she went on breathlessly, hay-
ing been awed into silence for a second
by the look on Temple's face, "Robert
Granger's ,wife. Now you begin to see
a little, don't you? I came here to dis
cover some evidence that would clear
hie name. If spying, shadowing, track
ing could do I meant to get it. I meant
to vindieate him and to send you to
prison in his place."
O God, why did he fook at ber like
that?. How could she go on? The
pained amazement, tbe crushed suf-
fering in his face, they were gnawing
at her vitals.
"But it was idle," she went on, the
sob in her breath cutting like a sword.
"I've failed. I knew now that Robert
IS guilty. I know that yon are not. I
have found that out."
"Ah, you needed to be told!" He
vas speaking more to himself than to
her. It was the protest of his heart
against the blindness of his heart's
• "No, nobody told me; I found it out
myself. I.—I read that letter you put
there --in the safe. I thought it might
be something that would clear my hus-
"Poor little wife, poor little wife!"
was Temple's only comment.
—"and it was just the opposite," 'she
Went on, struggling to finish her con-
feshion. "Sun and moon and stars and
allhe lights of
theaven and earth they
"AH, IrOtt POOlt, POOR EI'rTLn titQTHER!"
got frightened and left me in darkness
somehow. Oh, it was dark, and I 1
was groping! '1 heard my children call-
ing, and I could not reach them be-
cause I had failed, because I had
' en them a father who was a thief. And
then—then I saw the flames beckoning
in the grate, and 3 burnt the proof of
their father's guilt—burnt it to ashes."
"You burnt"— His sentence would
not finish itself. The woman buried
her face'in her hands that she might
not see the agony in his eyes.
Temple continued to stand before
her, grappling slowly with the horror,
which loomed larger and darker, as it
closed In on him. Re stared from her
to the safe, then back again. He, too,
drew his bands across bis eyes to cut
out the picture of the woman who
.sank now ma her knees before bine,
sobbing bitterly, convulsively.
"I didn't think, you see. I couldn't
think," she moaned. "I saw only my
'boys' names branded through life."
Still be did not speak.
"Oh, why—why don't you say some-
thing? Why don't yon curse me?"
A vast, overwhelming pity surged up
in Temple's heart. Suddenly he forgot
himself, his own horrible future, in
the picture of the woman he loved so
"Ah, you u oor p ,poor little mothers„
he said at
laste gently. v nt He laid
t'Y g 5'.
hie band on her bowed head. "P1e'ase
get • ]p,” be said hbarsely.
Anna rose and stepped back, her
bands clasped closely against her
breast. A light, aloin to worship, shone
heir eyes asshe1
zr looked h m
e at i
" ,
That sis t
vT a you have to say to
me," she breathed -"that? It is like
the Magnanimity of God. X creak into
your life, deceiving you, spying upon
yoti, cheating you. I'r'e destroyed the
one p#'ieeless thine that stood between
yo'u' arm prison, and now your thought'
is for me—'my suffering and shame!"
irplalsively she raised his hand to
her lips and held it there for aa in-
stant. It Was not caress, but it bene,
Oh, you, prince ofrinees among
Hien," she said royei'eutly', "1 have no
words in which to tell you how 1 bon-
ory u
Temple smiled sadly, remotely. .
"1-X think I can understand why
you carne, why you deceived me, wby
you did this terrible thing. You were
fighting for your children and the imin
you believed in, and you fought to the
bitter end. It was natural, I suppo•cc'.
I think I understand."
"No!" .Anna's voice was low, but
steady now, and she spoke with a sort
of introspective finality. "No, it was
not wholly natural. I -I bad to fight
to do it all. It wasn't easy, this de-
ceiving you, this spying upon you, I
bad to go against my instinct every
time—give the lie to my impulses
From the moment 1 saw yon I must
have been believing In you, 1`hink.
And every day singe 'I've been here
I've been belleving more and more.
No, you see, It wasn't wholly natural.
I was fighting,. hope."
"But the hope fought. too, didn't it,
dear?" he aslced solemnly.
A light leaped into her eyes.
"Aye," said she, "it was a fighting
hope. It' fought, and it has won," she
whispered half to herself 'with trem-
bling lips, looking far, far past '",tm.
And it was a joy to the man to see
the smile in, ber eyes. "i know now
with every _faculty what my heart
iiiust have known from the first. 1
know that I—yes, I know," she shud-
dered, "but I mustn't say it."
"You love me!" creed he. "No, don's
say it." He swallowed painfully. "Boit
it :will he a comfort to think some-
times that a scrap of the very best
that is in you is mike. That call do
ao harm, can it?"
She could not answer for fear that
her heart might tear from its moor-
When she spoke it was an eminent
ty practical thing she had to say:
"There's some 'way at least, thank
God, in which I can repair a little the
ihjury I have done you. When your
Case comes up for trial I can give my
testimony, I Fan"tell what became of
theft letter. I can repeat it, word for
word, the ,foul thing. My testimony
would have weight, would it not? It
would have weight because it ,would
be against nay interest"
"It would have weight with the j'nry,
yes," Temple nodded. A pause, "But"
—he hesitated, then went on bravely
"no one knows of your having burned
Vile letter?"
"Mrs. Mason knows. She's an old
grimed of my mother's. I found her
here by chance. She knows, but she
won't speak. She's on Robert's side.
Oh, but she must speak! She must!"
cried Anna, with sudden resolve. "She
must help in this. She must help
undo the wrong I" haze done. Ring
fqr her, prease. I want her.
"Mrs. Mason," said she when the
housekeeper entered, taking in the sit-
uation at a glance, s"I've got to go to
court and tell what I've done. I've
got to tell the truth. My testimony
means Mr. Temple's irberty—and
The - old New Englander had been
almost prepared for this. Nevertbe-
less she turned toward Burton Temple
fn indignaFit protest:.
"Surely you won't ask her to dd
He shook his head gravely.
"I shall ask nothing," he said.
"You see, Anna. He'll not requke
it of you."
"I know," returned Anna c` • 1 f r, But
Mrs. Mason didn't like the genet tet
shone in her eyes. She attackeu is
first by cunning.
"You wouldn't have the heart to
send goer husband back to prison just
as he's about to be pardoned or ao-
"But' he's guilty, you see, 'g ilty• as
hell& She °leaned back In her" chair
with half closed eyes.
"Well, it's one thing to send a guilty,
husband to jail," continued Mrs. Ma-
son, "and it's another thing to send
your children's father there, branded
a felon by their mother!"
She saw by the spasmodic clutch of
Anna's band on the arm of the chair
how directly ber shaft had gone home.
"You told me awhile ago that you'd
failed in helping them," she pursued.
"You needn't fail. Why, I'd let ever,
man on earth go to prison and stay,
there before I'd forget that 1 was a
mother and had two boys: with two
names to carry through life!"
"I'll teach them to make their names
over. I'll look out for my boys." Anna
stirred on her chair tiredly.
"You'll teach them to make their
names over? Why, Anna Granger,
yott told me only a half hour ago sob-
bi n ! in
b y your
room how their father's
disgrace would be thrown in their
faces all the days of their life"—
"Oh, 1 know, I know," moaned the
woman on the chair,
"Well," concluded Mrs.' Mason,
"that's the thing for a mother in your
place to remember, ,Night or wrong.
Learn It by rote if nj isn't already born
in you. Your deity is to your boys, to
give your boys an honorable name."
"Ah, if I could; If I only could!"
cried Anna bitterly, "But I can't give
them that, you , you see.
"You eau give them at least the ap-
pearance of an bonnet Name whether
their father is honorable or not. i'tn
not 1 tending any. longer for Robert,
the scamp. Let the rhea out of It. both
your ]ftisband and --Mr, Temple."
Shef the e Pur ,
e nscien
ce nodded
coldly to one side to where the big
fla nncier stood silently, taking no part
In the discussion. "After all," she add-
ed, "I sit os
e Robert's t'S a
1a n
worse, than'
Mang a good other. men in ,the *oriel
of 1iniuicta. You sbQ ild 't judge hlut
harshly. Anus,"
Anna'sdelft'ate brows twitched,
When she spoihe it was in an odd,
faint von*. Mrs, Meson and the whole
roo tweeted ua s aled tp be moving
out Of her
"'I don't !,now many men," she said
m s •edl ,
err ur 1 ever di
y n d judge itob-
ert by a general standard, I judged
bins by the standard I held nut to him
before I married Irlcn. It was a pretty
big one, blit he anew it, and, Goch or.
give hint, he knelt beside me and
swore it was his own.
"And now"—again that spasmodic
twitching of the brows, while the low,
measured voice went on—"and now it'e
not only against my standard that 1
balance hien. I weigh him against one
who is my standard's standard."
0 Mrs. Mason's narrow, unbend-
ing, shortsighted code every
thing in life was prepared la
ce--a man's political con-
Picttons, a woman's religious convi
tions, a child's nursery stories, the b
bies' prayers. Her puritanic soul wa
outraged wholly now, and, finsbin
angrily, with an instinctive shrinkin
back of her whole person, she attar
ed the woman before ber.
"May the Lord have mercy on sue
women as you, Anna Grangprt You'.
wicked, flagrantly, deliberately wick
ed, to titter such thoughts. Isn't 1
enough to have the unlawful feeling?
She wheeled suddenly to Tempi
"Oh, I've seen for a long time tha
you loved her. 'Every one has s
It. But I thought her sense of d
Temple stepped forward at that, h
eyes blazing.e.-
"Mis. Mason," he said forbidding
"'don't you think you have gone quit
far enough? Have you no pity, n
sense of womanliueesi"
The housekeeper ewlttt•ed at tb
Man's tones. The words escaped tie
,Anna had risen. Very white an
still, she.stood for a secot,d. 'Shen:
"Mr. 'Temple, i must Leave
house, leave it at onye. But you m
count upon me. When your 'cas
comes up for trial I shall be there.
am going to clear you. Mrs. Mase
thinks"—her eyes traveling slowly
tbe elder woman—"that it's not be -
cause you're innocent that I insis
upon giving my testimony. Sh
thinks it's because I love you. I de
But you at least knoty I've nothing
further to hope from this. I am Rob-
ert Granger's wife' till death!"
Temple bowed.
"Yes, I know," he said simply. "I
want you—in my soul I want you --to
be always as you are now—right and
""T. rat is vybat I longed to hear yon
say, just those words," said she, with
a little, quick, 'sobbing breath.
Mrs. Mason was forgotten. For a
brier moment they two were algae, re-
naved from tbe rest of the world
'he silence was eloquent, yet never
tad Burton Temple felt farther from
be woman be loved than now after
be had made her heart's confession.
e adored her iuuecessibiilty, her code
f honor as wife and mother.
itwas she who broke the silence,
nd when sbe spoke the great moth
rliness of her voice sank lino his
oubled soul and quieted him.
"It had to Coat' corse day—the awake
nirlg. Will yon try to believe me
beer I say it Is not all a loss. be -
use we will not ,;:'c tv it to be a los,?
$cause we are going to do right, you
pd 1."
Sbe smiled tip at him with trembling
s and eyes running over. Tben she
ted one hand end placed it upon his
rk head, even as he a little while
o had placed bis upon her own-
nd in this case again it was not a
n d h
n e un-
She turned and moved evenly toward
e do;,r, 'Tbere came a sharp rap, a
verisli. Insistent, wild sort of rap,
Bebe paused. Cato leaked tit alert -
k -
Left Throat and Lungs
Very Sore.
There is no better cure for a cough of
cold than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
I v tu es
of the Norway pine tree, and is a pleasant,
safe and effectual medicine that may be
confidentially relied upon as a specific
for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, .Floarse-
ness, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and all throat
and Lung Troubles.
Mr. S.
Monaghan, Charlottetown
writer: certify that fEr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup an excel-
lent tnedicine for couglts and colds. Last
winter Y contracted a heavy cold which
left my pings and, throat very sore. I
had to give up work and stay in the house
for two wee&ie. 1[ used several cough
mixtures, but got no relief until a friend
advised me to use ])r,, Wood's Norway
PineSyrup. Time betties eztixely cured
the, and I can recommend it as the best
medicine for coughs."
Don't be
imposed upo. n
by y taking
thing but „Dr, ood,s, as thereaimany itt1tiiti ns of this starling remedy
on the market.
.,H. ,." .
i. wood's is put up in a yellow
art}a�Iet; three ptte tree.
s the trade
price 5
cents. Manufactured ,o tI ' b
The . Milb ztn Co., Isiflnited, x'Orbit*
ly troni Aup out! t .eV4` 1C1tiC1I' al
Temple stepped Ied grie
kiy to the doer
and threw it open. Then, in amaze•
went, he stepped track,
"Granger!" C
rise ! be exclaimed, What
.are you tiding here?"
A little white faced roan, wearing a
Jong ulster and earrylaig hishat: in his
hand, nd, entered. It was not his Grose
cropped hair and subsorvieet hangdog
manner Alortte which witnessed to the
tate prisonlife and discipline; the tiro<
Id, interyal spaced rodvement of the
lockstep bore its witness as well.
He cast but one sickly glance of con,
fusion at Burton Temple, Then be.
teemed to the woman who stood stone
still at one side of the door staring at
him piteously. •
"Anna, I've been pardoned," he said,
coming to her quickly,. "I came here
at once, you see. I want to speak with
you for a moment alone." His words
were hurried, furtive, like the jailbird
accustomed to sneaking whispers In
the prison lisle to his pal. Involute
tartly the wife shivered,
"There'sno need,Robert,"h
she an.
swcred dully-. "There's nothing to con-
ceal noiv; they know who I am."
Wearily she turned to Temnple. "Tbe
pardon has been granted," said she.
Temple bowed, without speaking.
"Yes," broke in Granger with nervi
ous haste. "They've been working for
a pardon for spine time. you know.
You've seen it in the papers, haven't
you? You see, the public felt that I
was innocent, unjustly condemned.
He paused, seeing a slight, beseech-
ing gesture of his wife to Temple. The
big financier understood and, turning,
quit the room quietly, leaving man and
w'fe together. Mrs. Mason. whose
curiosity was quite as alive as her
consetence, stayed. It wouldn't do to
miss this meeting. Maybe it was her
duty to stayl
"! want you to leave this house, to,,
come away witb me at once. There's
no Longer any need for proofs of vin
dietitian, you see," Granger said to
Anna, bastily kissing her.
Sbe submitted. ba'"ttling,, down the
sbedder of disgust which tbe touch of
his lips fetched ber. After all, he was
her husband,
"Yes, 1'11 go with you," she said life
lessiy. She wondered bow she could
live with this thief allthe rest ot Iter
da ys.
"You see, Anna, every one knew 1
was innocent; every one believed in
me. Now I must get away to some
place where I can rest, where no one
will ask me questions or Barry me.
for I'm tired to death—to death. Ob,"
still catching no responsive fight on
the immobile face before him, "it was
your belief in me, Anna, that gave me
courage all along."
She looked at him, shuddering. .,
"But I don't believe in you. Robert,"
she said. "I know "
Under the man's prison pallor rose a
sort of grayish fright,
"lnowl Know what?" he asked
"I know that yon are not innocent.
At those words all the bravado went
out of Granger, as a tiny spark sad-
deely goes out touched by a block of
"Sb-fz=b! Wbat do you mean any-
how? I am innocent; I am." Be did
not whisper now; Ise almost shrieked,
even as he had in court that day when
tbe jury pronounced him guilty. And
now, as then, he fancied he saw over
Whe, t itl,l your •. uspitua, Au.o4-4..
.. bIutdgocotr
, tW
you tvnItt to ,Tum mer"
Jae sank at her feet in pitiful. Ohl
"Anna, as your husband, Rs n Ars
who loves you and whom you o
IO �' O
Yd a fr ver': G .a
the ri e
y #
ens! RI vo 1'epented. I ve paid thrl.
over again for my folly. What can
do now? 1 can't undo what's be
done. It's you who must wipe out tri
stain; help me to begin aver atgalnr:
lonrfergiveues would be afl$platiollt
Alma, you will forgive me?"
Curiously the woman touched
shoulder Instructively she wanted .
feel just a little bit alive.. But s
might as well have touched i post p
wood. It $eeened as though the y
fadulty or 'feeling bad been obiiter4l ,
within her, l
"Forgive you? ' I suppose 1 m `
Robert," she said lifelessly. "All w,
men forgive. They were put into tie
world like priests or governors, I thin
Only we are not supposed to give p _,4
emcee or sentences"--, Hen voice trail
oft wearily.
o r!I
"You see. Anna," Granger went o '
trying to excuse himself, "I knew
hadn't made the success of my lit;,
that you'd expected. It touched m
pride to the quick to see you living
that narrow wag—you, who mi
have been n queen ,among women:"
look of cunning came into his face
"And then, the boys"—
"But, Robert. didn't you know their
I would sooner (hive worked my t
gers to tbe bone and my brain to a:life
tie white spot than have you do thiel
awful thing? Didn't you know I would
sooner have worn rags than have ye*
steal?" She made a pitiful little geai
ture and ended with a half sob.
"1 know. I know." said he. "It's eats
now to see what u mad idea ital
was. But I had Hutt chance to get,
fresh start in life With money I could
do big things; 1 eoeld make myself alb
that you wanted rue to be. The boyg
were growing tip iVe needed more fo
tbew for college and to give them -
Pair eeer
"Andy listen, Anna"—he moistened
his lips—"I've inr•ested the money. t
put it in stocks that would pay welt
I teas going to use the interest for yo.
and the boys, a little at a tame. yeti}'
see, it was for you and them I did it
I was n fool, perhaps—I was worse,
Yes, I know. I.ht you'll help me nowt
vc-on't you? 1 need you!"
The appeal had gone home; he had,
aroused the maternal instinct, alway
dominant in Anua's breast. (Tb'
"Largo ot .ttotlterliood"in the "Sym:
phony of \Vunfauhood" was playing
agnin,f She It111 ut her band toward
hien again a•'*r, I quick, unconscious '
gesture, su, It .,s 5110 used in the ours.,
err a when rhe• , ttrtdren were tired Or
"Yc's. Rot„'rr" 'he admitted, "you de
need some one ! ou need me, yes."
Craven's rot: r, speaking to the but-
ler in the hall t,r•,tke in upon them.°-
. Not 111 the eh.ary? Well, End Elim
and tett him tt'- : ",r's ready now. Just
saw the c•banttenf drive up. Ten him
1'11 be with he. in a minute. Rave a
letter to rattle "::i first."
"It's Graven. the attorney," explain-
ed Ahun rot lewing Robert's fright-
ened took toweru ibe door.
"I duu't want to see any one," wav-
ered Granger. -Cent we go in there?'
He motioned re :t door on the opposite
ide of tbe count Realizing how .rrea
itive he munee, ei, Anna noddedr
"Yee, 'go, I'll call you when he's
The door bad barely closed upon hit .:
retreating tigltrP when Craven blies.;. ,
his head the cruel Roman symbol of
vengeance. the faces and the ax—saw, t
ton, the cairn women who spin the
thread of life, crouching on the shad
owy frescoed wail of the courtroom, a
naked skull at their feet.
Something seemed to grip his, throat.
He strangled a'n instant, then he
coughed and spat, He drew bail hands
across his eyes and pulled himself to-
ge her.
"I ^.nt Innocent, innocent!' he in-
"Don't! Don't, Robert!" cried Anna,
pity at the shameful sights of her per-
jured husband rising in her heart. "I
know the whole of it. I've .peal the
letter you wrote to Cornelius Bratty,
you see."
He shook as a matt seized suddenly
by some deadly disease. Then in-
stinctively, fearfully, he looked to-
ward Mrs. Mason.
"She 'knows all," said Anna quietly.
"Who has that letter? Where is it?
Has Temple got it? My God, why
don't you tell me?"
"There is no letter now, Robert. I
read it, and I burned it without think-
"You destroyed it? Then it can't be
used against mel Oh, Anna, you're a
trump!" He seized both her hands and
kissed them in a frenzy of relief. Even
in' that pivotal moment, though, when.
the we3 bt of nt n ba I
g o the d fallen from
him and left him light, a suspicion
came to him, a jailbird suspicion.
"But you said `without th1nithug,'
Without thinking what, Anna?"
"Without thinking that as well as
convicting you that letter was the only.
evidence to vindicate Mr. Temple," an-
swered she calmly.
Then Mrs. Mason, with a sheer,
made it plain.
nitlaybo your wife feels that an ilino-
cent man mustn't be sent to prison,
Me. Granger, ger, ar maybe she feels
some stronger motive. I remember that
yon were adverse to ber staying on.
here the day' that I saw you. Now, I
believe, She thinks of ening evidence
about the destruction of that letter.!!
At the last sentence the ugly, con -
den -ming, vindictiveexpression which.
had tome into Granger's face at her
incriminating wends 'vanished.
' Aiana, rt'e not true! It eou1dn''t be
true thattxr,at'
g O u would
expose he
gasped inn Sort of terror,. "You ate
not ;going to, tell al)ent r hat, etttr_'f
tered in. Evidently as Set be knell
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