HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-2, Page 6VARICOSE VEINS
Confined to His Home for Weeks.'
"Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on
Varicose Veins. When 1 worked hard the exiting would become
Severe and I was often laid up for a -week at a time. My family
physician told me an operation was my only hope—but I dreaded it.
1 tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted WAS my
money. I eonunenced to look upon.all doctors as little better than
roves. One day ray boss asked me why I was off work so much and
I told -him. my condition. Readviscd me to consult Drs. Kennedy tt
ICerinedy,as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew
they were square and sktiltaL 1 wrote them and got THE New
Mariam:. TREATMENT. Xy progress was somewhat slow and during
the Arstmonth's treatraent 1 was soniewhat discouraged. However,
1 continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded
with a complete cure. I could only earn $15 a week in a machine
I shop before treatment, now 1 am earning $21 and never loose a day.
1 wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment.
BLOOD POISON'S are the most isrevalent and most mrious diseases. They sap the
very life blood of the victiin and unless entirely craclicat, fr. syAtem will cause
derioUs complications. Beware of Mercury. Itrarty suppress the symptoms—our Neve
ierrilOn cures all bleed diseases.
YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MB?.—imprudent sets or later excesses have broken
down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over en. iteniti-ly, physically and
vitally you are not the num you used to be or should bo. youheud the danger signals?
pEADER t,;;eggyog.PilVdilvgdrulfalehoyPol .Are you 11411talf rTVIEJ,Ig
tour:anus. will cure you, What lb has done forothers it w.:1 do for you. Consultation
Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an hor b (rinioa rire.e of Charge..
Books Freo--"Boyhoocl, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on Diseases of Men.
NO NAMES USED WITHOUT 'MI/T*7M CONSENT. PittnAlsE, le? Tura:Eames col:
boxes or enVelOOds. Everything Confident.41, Question List and Cott o
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Cliswold St., Detroit, Mich.
• ,A.
Norpr 1: letters Irani Canada must be addressed
Ft %iv tUt to = Canad,an Correspondence Depart
-ateseasesioneete nuns in Windsor, Oot. If you desite to
• see us personally call at our Medical institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patiente in out Vindsor officct wiiich are foe Correspondence and
Labotatoty kr Ca/iadiati busk/esti only. AddreSS all letteeeas follOws:
DRS. KENNE6Y & KENNEbY, Windsor, Ont.
Witte tor our prIvate Addeese.
Seems To 13e Habitual
With Many People.
$00e are seldom, if ever, free from it,
euffering continually aud wondering why'
they can get no relief.
Headaches are generally caused by
• «eine derangement a -the stomach, or
• bowels, or both.
Bmdock Blood Bitters- rem.oves acidity
Of the stomech, improves digeetion, regu-
lates the eoustipeted bowels, and pro-
motes a perfect circulation of pure blood
tro all portions of the bode, thereby curies'
the beadaches by removing the cause.
Mrs, To Maguire, leinmount, Onto
writes:. --1 am writing emu a few lines
to tell you what your Burdock Blood
Bitters has done for me1 used to be
greatly troubled with headaches, but after
useag two bottles of Burdock Blood
Bitters 1 was completely cured. This
was two years ago and I have. had lao
return a headache since." le
Burdoeic Blood Bitters is mataifactured
odly by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
'14r:unlatch, Ont.
• —
He Is One of the Most Hospitable
Creatures on Earth.
Iu a part of the west which was
virgin prairie six or seven years ago,
and where the homesteads axe still in
all stages of infancy, the bacheloi
abounds. He has been in the coun-
try longer than the married man, and
is still in the majority. Sonaetimes
he has some of his own people livi ;
,vith him, or at least a sistesvr, o
"holds up" the femirtinie end of t e
esteblishment; hat more otten he
lives alone, being his own housekeep-
er, cook, washer and baker, in fact,
ministering to himself in all things.
He has, therefore, many household
duties to perform, as well as his day's
work en the farm, so that his life is
by no means an easy one.
To a mart so situated, marriage
would bring greater ease and eom-
fort. It would relieve him of many
small cares; but, then, a homestead-
er's wife has a hard time of it, and
it may be that -chivalrous eonsidera-
tions keep the homesteads so often
without a mistress. The baehelor
seems quite contented, and no more
vulnerable in matter of love than a
man who has more to divert his mind.
Though the homesteader sees compel.-
atively few women, he is fastidious
enough in his ideas of them. He
does not evett strive for the favor of
e fair by trying to look bis best. As
rule, he =passes the average man
height and good looks, .generally,
ut he is as unconscious ca. this fact
e he is of all the rules of becoming-
Itess. The laundryman and the
clothes presser are far distant, ane
his own exertions do not extend to
.giving his gaxraents that care which
garrest be given ii the wearer is to look
;alai* and span. These words can -
'mot often, be used in describing this
aohelor's appearartce, and his attire
•ilently needs all the force of
looks to cari7 it off. Indend,
he is not the ready-made prey
ur &lams that you imagine laini
0. So do not extend to hint lin-
ed sympathy for his hardsbi2
e desolateness of his home ati
tihfe. No doubt there ex.e ea
le ticks present, but he Is emus -
to them.
•r all, his activities are often
those demanded by the care of
,e -roomed shack (of whieh, by 1.:
ess of evolution, the h.ouse Will
he final achievement). But it is
that the narrower the limits, e
ter the difficulty in peeserv g
r. Housekeeping bachelors here
D there share this opinion, and are
atilly convinoed of its soundness,
they forego all efforts towards
it there are some, whether living
n'eleaoks or houses, whom no worn
Con,14. rival in neatness and genera
Onestio ability. They are goo'd cooks,
era ete looked apon as such. But
theix reputation has been won by,
iikile in a few simple lines. They at-
teMpt nothing elaborate. One of them
has explained that recipes in cookery
boars bring with them a diffioulty
which baulks the bachelor at the very
outset, The first direction is gener-
illy: s'Take a clean dish."
These men are as much addicted to
ltsiting one another as were the three
eniates in "Shirley," with their per -
"triangle of visits," It is gen-
on Sunday that the farrisers
each others' society, forming in -
os and threes for the purpose.
etimes they are five or six strong,
they are reeeived by an unclis-
-.6a host. Probably, the fact is
be is well prepared for such an
on, tor it is usually the most
le who have th,e greatest mira-
guests. The unmarried home -
„ex' Who entertains is surely one
the .raost hqspitable oreatuxes on
Ceptain of Mount TernPloWflI
Give His Evideopet
Members of the Crew of the Titanic
Are Being Examined In Groupe In
Order That They May Get Away
Home—Want to• Find Out When
• Liner Was Warned of the Danger
eels Field of Icebergs.
Washington, April 26.—To learn
why a nearby steamer did not offer
aid to •the sinking Titanic arid te
fix the exact hour at which the lost
liner was warned that she was in the
vicinity of dangerous ice, Senator
W. A. Smith, chairman of the Senate
committee investigating the disaster,
yesterday summoned, three important
witnesses. These are j. a Moore,
captain of the steamer Mount Tem-
ple, which passed within a short dis-
tance of the Titanic whoe she was
in extremity, and the captain and
wireless operator of the liner Cali -
Mrs. Joseph Throop, Upper Point
de Bute, XX., writes:—"I cannot speak
too well of Doan's Kidney Pills. Par
two year's I was so tired life was a burden
attd I got up more tired than when %went
to bed,. and my back was so lame I
could hardly straighten up. 1 took dif-
ferent kinds of medicine, but iemie Of
them did nee any good until a frieed
iriviseci. me to try Doari's Kidney Pills.
lid so, and to -day 1 dpn't know what
is to be tired, and nay lame back is all
one: / can recommend them to anY
sou itifferittg with lame back, and that
ertible tired feelieg,"
'Domes Kidney Pills are a purely vegea
table in.ediente, matte -bag guide penile.
fiat relief,, without any ill aftet effects,
Doasee Iildney PIUS are 50' cents pe
box, or 8 boxes for $1.26, at all deaiera
er mailed direct ets teetirit of Nice, lel
0 ir- Miltihrn Co.) Litalted,l'otonto,
'14t t,ct tpeclir oiu4s..
, . ..
fornian, which sent the warning. All
will be put oxi the stand to -day.
Summonses were issued fax the op-
erator and eaptain of the Californian,
while annamiceraent that. Captain
Moore would appear was contained in
a telegram trona Acting Premier Fos-
ter of Canada.
Captain Moore's story will probably
be heard first, fax bus ship is due to
sail from St. John, N.B., late Satur-
A new method of examining the
neembers of the crew of the Titanic
has been adopted to insure greater
despatch. The men are anxious to
ref= to their homes in England.
Accordingly, each member of the
oommittee yesterday undertook theex-
amination of a group with the inten-
tion of rceleasin,g such as had nothing
important to tell. The others will be
placed on the stand. The names of
those to be held were not made public.
Vietually the entire day was given
over to questioning G. Marconi, in-
ventor of the wireless telegraph and
head of the company bearing his
name. Both the Titanic and the Car-
pathist were equipped with the Mar-
coni apparatus. Harold T. Cattam,
the wireless operator on the Car-
pathia, also was re-examined.
Senator Smith asked Mr. Marconi:
"I desire to ask whether an officer,
director or employe of the Interna-
tional Mercantile Marine, after the
collision asked yota to enjoin silence
on Titanic operator Bride, or Caren -
Cala operator Cottara, as to the time
or manner in which the accident oc-
"No request was made and no order
was issued to stop any messages. Na
such instruetions of any sort or man-
ner ever were issued."
The witness was exeused.
Senator Smith made the following
an.nouneement: "I desire to say that
some rumors have reached the cern-
mittee that there is friction and lack
of harmony among the members of
tb.e sub -committee, and I have the
concurrence of my assistants that the
statement is absolutely untrue.
"Personally, I have never heard. of
the slightest friction. We are all pro-
ceeding on our own way to get at re-
sults. I wish to say further that we
have determined to hear the members
of the crew of the Titanic. It has
been thought necessary' bepanareanf. the
large nambee of- these- meu, to pro,
ceed with the hearing without the
attendance of the public, each mem-
ber of the committee examining his
quota of these men. This is done to
expedite the hearing."
The committee adjourned until to-
day and the Senator took the sailors
into conferences.
• It was the purpose to talk to each
man, each Senator taking as many as
he could.
"We will endeavor to find out
everything that each sailor knows
about the wreck instead of putting
each man cm the stand to go over the
whole ;greound," said Senator New-
lands. `If we find any men who have
knowledge 9f importance, they will be
brought before the committeefor de-
tailed examination."
P. A. S. Franklin, the president of
the White Star Lite, and S. Bruce
Ismay, managing director of the In-
ternational tVfercantile Marine, were
pleased over this move.
Badly Hurt In Quarrel.
Brantford, April 26.—Harry janes,
an employe of the Massey -Harris Co.,
was rushed to the hospital at noon
hour yesterday, having been. struck
on the head by a fellow -employe fol-
lowing a wrangle over a truck Jones
left on the floor. Jones is alleged to
have first threatened' his assailant
with a neeltyoke. He was unconscious
and his condition was regarded as
critical, but it is stated to -day that lie
will recover.
Locks Open at Soo.
Sault Ste. Marie, • April .26.—The
steanaer Aga,wa, of the Algoma Steam-
ship 0o., left at daylight for Duluth.
Locks 0:11 both sides of the river are
open. for the season, and night ahifts
• went on lase night. Boats irons Du-
luth are eXpeoted to -day, and several
weetboued vessels will be up to -day.
Argue on Fraud Charge.
Chicago, Ill., April 26.--Hart1ey
Dewart: Kt. and. Supt. Rogers: of
the Ontario KCL,
police, arrived
here yesterday from Toronto, in con-
nection with the extradition of Dr.
Beattie Nesbitt, whose 013,56' comes up
to -day. The argument will be upon
the charge of freed.
Brakeman Injured.
Toronto, April 26. --George Frank
ling of 23 Brad street, was caught,
between two C.P,R. freight ears while
coupling them yesterday morning and
was badly crushed. He area taken to
the Western hospital, and will re.
sboAtt--itim .Bes
, r
How the Little Man Persuaded th•
• Horse and Beat the Driver. .
Tiorses fat and horses thiu, hoses
that looked miserably sickly and
horses that seemed apparently heal.
thy, horses that broke a leg and 'mete
.thM slipping on the ice paveirient
were reridered worthless to their OM=
ers, to the tune of 149 were shot anj
destroyed by the Sooesty for the Pre -
'merlon of Cruelty to Animals in
Montreal last year.
• In these days of automobiles, Whell
$asoline is the motive power of fiftti
per ceet, of the transportation faeikk
ties of the street When a.nirattle ark
looked upon as being a necessary mil;
when the snow is off the streets
the asphalt is bared of the slier, -et
coat of snow that has covered it a I
winter, the sound a the lashing ivh).#
striking the flanks of inoffensive an1=!
mals is all too often heard. ,
Organized some forty-three earsl
ego and ever since that time having
grrovided effective means for the pre.
ketion of cruelty to aniraals, not,
only in the City of Montreal but alli
through the Province of Quebec, .614,
Society for rrevention of Cruelty te
tenimals, has banished from the street;
corners and from the lonely routes'
the disgusting spectacle of dunlh
epimals whipped to the blood for re-
fusing to draw loads far too heavy fee:
the emaciated condition to whieli ill-
treatment and lack of food had reduc-
ed them.
Ribs that stood out prominent up-
on the flanks of the beasts, while
others sported a glossy coat of at,
'were notieeable upon the horses that',
the society put out of misery. t
Instruments of torture, whips whichl
would have relegated the cat-o-ninee
tails into the background, were cone
fineated from cruel drivers and form
a collection of weapons in the offices
of the 0.S.P.C.A.
About three months ago, at the
corner of Bleary and St. Catherine;
street, a 'very thin horse pulling i,
very rusty wagon, which bore no lie!
CO7199 number and which was nee
adorned by any name of company was
stalled and the whip of the driver, a
foreigner who seemed absolutely',
ignorant of the eapaeity of the beast
plied often and hard upon the ribs of
his animal.
A crowd had. gathered and the man
swearing graeefully in a language:
knewn to himself alone, finally
brought the blood to the flanks of the
dilapidated. animal. Despite strain-
ing every nerve the horse could not
budge the load away from the crossj
ing. All the while, the -whip ve
plied: furiously. A mild looking indiv
idual trotted out of the crowd, tap-
ped the horse gently over the "nape”
and presented him with a lump o
sugar. The animal devoured it, whil
the driver stood dumbfounded at the
audacity of the little man who would
interfere with his right of beating hisi
'Another lump of sugar was hel
ar:bout three feet from the animal'
inouth in the hand of his benefaoto
end what the whip had failed to ac -
teenplish the sight of the sugar di
itaard the hone dragged. the heavy loa
away, grabbed the lump of sugar fro
the hand of the S.P.C.A. man and
kept right on down Bleury street.
• "I thank you," beamed the driver.
who 'Weighed some 200 pounds urpo
the Man in the street, who could no
tottet of raore than 130.
"Come off your seat," was the replye
"I 'wish to speak to you." Smiling
'benignly the man descended ancleasite,
told in terse words to get ready foe
a fight.
, As, a straight right, landed on ;the;
• roan's jaw the "sugar man" was heard
ie deliver himself of the following
efation: "Any man who will beat al
horse the way you beat yours, is AO
eoward and will not fight You are
no good." 'Another plinth landed!
squarely and the man went* down. 1
•'II will have you arrested," wailed',
the brutal Colossus to the little man.1
The man who a few minutes previous -1
ly bad cruelly beaten a defencelesS
horse cowered before another wh ,
could not cope with • him in size:
Weight and strengt1i. l
— .
"I think it Is a shame the %nay ffolini
nI0 Brown teases t,ha.t dog of their&
700 hear him, howlr
'What Isn't Browielf, Mg."- ‘, a,
ninet ,
"Xo. It f Greeted, tlile dog tlia#
tease S your cat "so." •
"Really? riin Johnnie Brown teage
ing hira?"-
"Xe4. Be 1,4 tormenting WM dread!!
e.,011,, well, 1 kuppple he keeps *Rd
child amuseV
People all over this land tees night
after night on a sleepless pillow,"and do
not close their eyes m the refreshing
slumber that comes to those whose heart
and nerves are right.
The sleeplessness comes entirely from
a derangernettt of either the heart or
nerves, or both, but whatever the cause
Milbutn's Heart and Nerve Pills offer
the blessing of sound refreshing slumber.
They do this by their invigorating effect
on, the heart and nerves, and will tone
up the whole system to a perfect cop-
Mrs. A. Martell, Rockdale, N.$.,
• writem--" I was troubled for a long time
with my heart, had weak and dizzy
spells, could not sleep, tied would have
to sit up the greater part of the night,
arid it was itnpossible for me to lie on my
left side. At last I got a box of Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did me
so much good I . got another, and after
teking it I could lie cis my left side, and
sleep as well as before I was taken sick.
They are the best medicine 1 eveee heard
of for heart or nerve tr6uble."'1° .
Pric‘ee 60 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
$1.25,wat all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt ofivriee, by The T. Milbu.rtt Co,*
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
MOtint TetTiniceS Wireless:Or-lega-
tor Tells His Story
J. Durrant Was In Communication
With the Titanic, But Leff the Field
.Free to Other Beats He Believed
Nearer. -As Soon as Message Was
Received Captain Wore Put About
and Made For the Scene.
St. John, N.B., April 26..—T. Dur-
rant, Marconiwireless operator on
the stea.naer Mount Temple, now iy-
inig, at Sand, Point, tells a story of
wireless ftlls he piked up from
the sinking Titanic.
Mr. Durrant said; "I was lying in
bed reedifig with the telephone over
ray ears at 10.25, ship's time, or 12,11,
New York time, • when. I caught the
first call. Immediately getting out
of bed, I answered, asking the posi-
tion of the ship. This was sent back
with the addition: 'Come at onoe.
Have struck berg.'
”A$ soon as I got the message, I
notified the -captain, whe at once
doubled the watch of firemen below,
I called all hands on deck, and changed
' the ship's eourse towards the poeition
of the Titanic.
• "At 12.21 I heard the Caxpathia
answer the 'C. D. Q,' calls of the
Titanic and heard ne orator on
that ship give his position, adding:
'have struck icebere; Nees to 1111, -
assistance at once.' .a.t 1.2.•''a I heare
the Frankfurt answer tete rneon ef
the Titanic. That ship asked": ''e hrt
is the eaatter with you? The answer
was: 'We have struck an iceberg;
please tell the captain to come.' To
this the operator on the Frankfurt
replied: "O.K., will tell the bridge
right away.' The answer to this was:
'Yes, quick.' •
"All this tints the 'C. Q. D.' mes-
sage was being sent out incessantly
from the sinking liner, and at 1.06 I
heard the Olympic answer the call. To
this the Titania said: 'Captain •says
get your boats ready. Going down
fast by the head.' Five minutes later
the Frankfurt struck in with: 'Our
captain will go to you.'
"At 1.21 the Olyrapic sent another
• message which the Titanic answered,
saying: 'We are putting the women
off in the boats.' Another five min-
utes of anxious waiting passed, when
'the agonized '0. Q. D. again cut the
air, a.ceompaniecl by the words: 'En-
gine room,floodede Oat of the dark-
ness the Olympic again, asked: 'How
is the sea round you?' to which the
reply was le -The sea is ealme Another
four minutes passed when. the oper-
ator on the Frankfurt asked' the Ti-
tanic: 'Are there any boats around
you already?' To this there was no
reply, and two minutes afterwards the
Olympic sent a message to the Titania
which the latter barely aelinowledged
by the code letter R.D. That was the
last message I heard and I peesume
the flooding of the engine room had
pat the wireless out of commission.
"Meantime everything that was pos-
sbile was done on the Mount Temple.
All .hands were -on deck, the boats
were swung clear of the davits and the
gangways and ladders were got ready
to lower at a moment's notice. It
was not until 4.30 that we arrived
at the position of the Titanic, having
been mu& delayed by the thick field
ice. At the time we saw no sign of
the illafated ship, nor any wreckage.
"At 5.11 I had a call from the Cali-
fornian= and told that boat of the &e -
aster and gave the position in which
it occurred. Shortly after the Frank-
furt also °ailed me.
"About forty minutes later, we saw
the Carpathia and Californian, with
the ,Reesian steamer Birraa. There
wet. also a tramp steamer cruising
aboutnapparently going in the same
direction. as =selves, but as she had
no- wireless installation and never ap-
proached very near, we could not find
out what she was.
f"As soon as I saw the Carpathia, I
asked for news of the Titanic; and if
she had seen anything, but got no
reply. Other ships asked the- same.
question, but she kept silent to all.
It wan not until 8.30 that the Car-
pathia: gave out anything, and then
the only. information was that she
had pieked up twenty boats. There
was not a word as to the number of
4eit the time I received the first
messaee I would judge the Mount
Templt'e to be fifty miles from the
Titanic's position, and when the big
ship went down, there was still 20 or
25 miles between us."
Abe Cohen Remanded.
Toronto, April 26.--Oharged with the
murder of Rebecca Cooper an Agnes
street, a few weeks ago, Abe Cohen
appeared in the police court yester-
day. Magistrate Denison remanded
him for a week- Cohen was arrested
oti a oharge of vagrancy, but was
ehanged to one of murder '-following
the verdict of the jury at the inquest,
which incriminated Cohen.
• Died of Injuries.
Toronto, April 26.-3ames Pearson
af 60 Garden avenue, who fell trona a
scaffold on a Tyndall avenue build-
ing on April 20, died in St. Mieha.ers
Respitel yesterday, as a result of in-
tereal injuries received. The reemains
were removed to the mergue, where
an inquest will be held. He was v55
years of age, and is stevived by a
widow. •
• May Be a Strike.
Nashville, Tenn., April e6.—Officiale
of the Nashville, Chattanooga, and
St. Leuia Railway, who have been in
conference with a committee of tele-
graphers over the question of wages,
announced yesterday that all negotian
lions had been. abandoned.
Big Revenues From Deaths.
New York, evil M.—A London
cable saysl "It is officially announced'
that in the last three weeks the Ex-
ohequer has reoeived from death
eittties alone. 410,825;000.v •'
Fe lete.Mindeci ChhOren Ought to
Be Listed, Says Report.
Dr. Helen MacMurehy Reports That
Defectives Are Increasing In On-
tario With Alarming Rapidity and
• Recommends That Legislation
Should Se Passed, For Their Pro-
tection by the Government.
Toronto, April 26.—That the children
of feeble-minded parents are them-
selves feeble-minded; and that they
unfortunates are increasing with
alarming rapidity, is stated in l5r.
Helen MaclVfurchy's report to the
Provineial Secretary's Department Oh
"Feeble-minded in Ontarie."
Dr. MaelVeurehy recommeeds that a
register of feeble-minded persons, eel-
pecially feeble-minded children,
should be prepared forthwith; tha,t
legislation should be passed enabling
the province to protect, care for and
control the feeble-minded.
"Institutiea care," says- Dr. Mae-
IVIurehy, "is the only way to deal
With the feeble-minded. Perm eeletir
ies with industrial and agricultural
training and employment are Mopt
successful. ' The cost of these sheule.
be nertly borne by the Municipal!.
"It is iieeessary to refuse entrance
to undesirable immigrants," says the
report, "but it is, if possible, more
recessary not to refuse to the feeble-
minded that protection and care which.
alone ean prevent them from wreck-
ing their OWT1 lives and bringing into
the world native-born Canadian cite
zees more feeble-minded and unfit in
body and mind than they are them-
"Persons who are feeble-minded
should be under the control of the
state, the most should be made of
their working powers to raaintalp
them in •comfort, and the balance, if
any, in default of their relatives be-
ing una,ble to pay it, should be borne
partly by the municipality where the
and their families have resided and
partly by the state.
"It is now universally agreed that
the place to attack this problem le
in childhood and school life. As sooli
as the ehild comes to school his men-
tal capacity reveals itself."
Reorganizing Queen's.
Kingston, April 26.—The provincial
board of Queen's Theological College
met yesterday with Principal Gordoe
in the chair. Committees Were struck
and there was considerable routine
work necessitated by the separation
from the oollege. A eommittee was,
appointed, with Rev. Dr- MeGillivra/
as convener, with power to nominate
a principal for the, theological col-
lege.l'Jr. McGillivray was also ap.
pointed commissioner to the general
assembly, to outline piens and to get
the sanction of that body for the pro.
posed measures.
At the meeting of the Queen's board
of trustees, twelve new members cif
the board, Were elected astallow‘'
Rev. Dr. Herridge, Ottawa; LteCol.
togie, Hanititen; Rev. Dr. Clark,
Montreal; D. B. MaeLennar, K.C.,
rnwall; Hon. Justice MacLennan,
oronto; Edward Brown, Winnipeg;
Judge ManTavish, Ottawa; J. K.
Matdonald, Toronto; Rev. Dr. IIcgil-
livray, jiingston; Dr. A. T. Drust-
rnond, Tbronto.
• " Taft does After Teddy.
/Springfield; Mass., April 26—Pres.
dent Taft made his answer het% les-
terdary to the criticisms that Gel,
Theodore 'Roosevelt has made of him
and his administration. .
• In a speech that bristled with in-
dignation, in, which he named Roose-
velt over and over. again, Taft told ce
crowd that filled Springfield's public
square, how he believed Roosevelt
had not given him a "square deal,"
and how he had "misstated" and "dis-
torted" the fads concerning Taft's
conduct and aetions in the White
Militia to Avert Race War.
Monroe, La, April 26.—A company
of the Louisiana National Guard left
here yesterday morning for Delhi, 30
miles ea,st, where serious trouble be-
tween whites and negroes developed
Wednesday night.
One negro was lynched and fur-
ther disorder is anticipated.
jersey City international.
ClubWon. Lost. Pct.
Toronto 6 2 .714
Bu4 2 .667
Baltimore 3 3 .500
3 2 .600
Rochester 8 8 .500
MNecivntai.relat I .. . 2 4 An
3 4 • .429
1 4 .200
Thursday's scores: Toronto 5, Newark
2; jersey City 6, Rochester 5; Providence
3, Montreal 1; Baltimore 3, /31iffalo 1.
Friday's games: Montreal at Newark.
Buffalo at jersey ' City, Rochester at
Baltimore, Toronto at Providence.
National Leagues
• clubs__
Chicago YorkssiveitadaoeneolPliia Won, Lost. Pct.
I; 7 8 '7
6 5.68845
4 7 .364
4 6 .444
• 8 3 .327
4 5 .444
, 3pS tri t. ot os Lit it uoi yurngi s ,
, , 3 • 6 .343
3 7 NO
Thursday's scores: Cirtclenati 1, Pitts-
• bUrg 0; New York 8, Philadelphia 1; nos -
ton 7, Brooklyn 5; Chicago 5, St, Louis 2.
'Friday games: Boston at b) ew York,
Brooklyn at Philadelphia, $t. Louis at
Chicago, Cincinnati at Pittsburg. ,
Americao League,
Chicago .... Won.- Lost. Pct.
8 3 .727
Beaton ..... . , 6 4 467
Philadelphia. 8 8 ,667
Washington 5 4 556
Cleveland ........... , . ,,,,, 5 6 .445
St. Louis ......... , ....... , 5 7 .417
betrolt , .. .. 6 7 All
New York ..... .... ... .. ... 1 8 en
Thursday's scores: Chicago 2, Cleve-
land 0; Boston 4, Washington 1; Phila-
delphia 5, inew York 4; Detrelt 3, et.
Louie 1.
Ptidayet games: New 'York at Nearen
•Itigtort, Philadelphia at Boston, netrolt
at St. Lott% Chicago ateelevetand,
10101111/0111U11111111111111111111,11W01111111j11110ifinnow, ,,,
wInnimumulinall nil 1 in 111,11 II
. I
• tregelablaieparationforAs-
sinillathig litioodandReguia-
thig thetotahehs.andBowels of
'nesslgestkontains neither
nim; orphine nor ivrineral.
• jilltman Sold•-
ReafAlle.falis -
Aire ..rei4 0
Witritanstairm •
ighlhrwed -
garvalliar .
A perfect Remedy fo r Constips-
don, Sour Stonsch.Diarrhoea,
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
TacSimile Signature of
A t 6. rife ritliWe:- bid
•G ill:si T.' ciNts.
,. .......-7.: • i , -, ,
. . . . •
% asileda
THUM= ersey
Per Infants and Children,.
The Kind You Have
• Always Bought
Bears the
For Over'
Thirty Years
'Mg cCNTAIJA ColAPANY, firm vons cn-r.
Cartorsbury Once the Home of Many
Literary Celebrities.
Historic London is rapidly disap-
pearing, but now and then one runs
aeross some relio of the middle ages
that still preserves much of its orig-
inal character. Such a survival is
Canonbury Tower, standing iu one
of the northern suburbs of London.
It began life in 1360 as the country
residence of the prior of St. Bartholo-
mew. In more eecent days it became
the home in turn of many literary
celebrities. Oliver Goldsmithlived
there from 1762 to 1764, though the.
actual rooms that he occupied are un-
certain. It was there he commenced
"The Vicar et Wakefield." Anetber
tenant at file game time as Gold-
smith was Newberry, the bookseller,
and it was in bus room p that the ink
pecunious Oliver often took refuge
frrm his creditors.
In tit: f ocane generally reputed to
hafe been filhabited by Goldsmith
lived Washington Irving some time
after, a period of his life which he
deseribed in hie "Tales of a Travel-
er." Other interesting folk whb liv.
ed there at different times were Sam-
uel Humphreen thenauthor of "Ulys-
ses," who died there in 1731; Christo-
pher Smart, , the "mad poet"; Dr.
eeneene, Of .dictionary fame; Willisen
"The Everyday
Book"; Woodfall,
Letters of *Xunins," and Robert hors -
field, one of Pope's:booksellers:-
Clanonbury Tow ee is now the pro -
Pelt' of the Meequis of Northampton.
and an interesting romance is told of
his ancestor through whom it came
into his poesession. In 1594 it belong-
ed to Sir John epencer, a Lord Mayor
of London. He had a very beautiful
daughter, Elizabeth, who was also a
rich heiress. She loved and was lov-
ed by Lord Compton, but her father
refused to sanction the match. so the
lover had to resort to strategy. He
deemed. himself WM AA A .balrpy o,
eerree at tae liohse and eventialIg
left—Witli his lady love in his baskeiff
-Sir john was furious and refpsed,
to see his daughter after the marriage,/
but a reconciliation was effected abouti
a year after by that most cunning
of women. Queen Elizabeth. She itar -
vited the angry baronet to bect4e
sponsor te an infant, whose mother
she declared had behaved muche/ll
his daughter had. Sir Sobei consente-
and then announced that he shintl
adopt the son as his own. At this
tiropitiou,s- moment the Queen reVea •
ed he little plot and the incidert
closed 14 the time honored way by th• t
old Man obless-you-niY-childering"-thi
ion -in-law and erring' daughteee X,
was through this child thee the ,1t1artl,
Ruis, of Northampton. inherited' Vial
tower.,, , .. . _ • . • - •. ---;-,
An Anglo -Canadian Hostess: ..
Lady Kirkpatrick, who is noveeiti
the south of Franco, Is one of "the
fried prominent of Angio-Oan t
hostesses in. London. lier conne9 i ril
vrith social circles in tho metropoiietx
of Course, dates from the time,,erV
as a girl, she made regular vis s to
that country. Like so many otjae
Canadian ladies, she has suc
to the charms of the °vital, atari 1
some years has made it her resideneie
Many of the intellectual leaders ot
Britainneed Canada are to be meg
at her flat in Hyde Perk gate,
Never a Goose Quill.
.. n _
pnly one hitch Occurred a few days
ego ARA the West Indies treaty was
being finally agreed to. It is custom.
ary to sign the treaty with a goose
quill, but none could be found. An
athrm3 edoitypoolliceomttaanwaw,asbuteesnettareithierrh
vain, with the result that an ordinary
pen performed the deed. H.R.H. the
Governor-General made a happy
sp-ech to the representatives of the
tee countries after the ceremony of
ahnsina had bee.ri *included.