HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-04-13, Page 21St. Peter's Catholic Women's League recently collected $657 worth of Zehrs tapes towards the purchase of wheelchairs for Maitland Manor Nursing Home in Goderich. Here, Ray Hurd, manager of Zehrs in Goderich, hands over the cheque for the tapes to CWL president Genevieve Madden. Mrs. Alexis Erskine, a resident of Maitland Manor, sits in one of the newly purchased chairs. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) year 26 Huron Cou students have shown interest. in attending a Christi high' scliooi. • le Closest. school of .-t1ds. tape is ;irk Lacon. it 4iniy cost parents . more 'than $3,90 trach in°transporation and fees to send their childrenhere. • in the past few rears the number of Huron students atteniiing' the Christiian high school rh London has been steadily- increasing, ' It• has come to / a point where pa rents are now wondering.if it is, feasible to begin a similar ,high school in Huron out)ty.; , • During March public Meetings were held in Clinton, Goderich, Blyth and Exeter todiscuss this proposal: More than 70 people attended and to date 26 people have responded by completing a written questionaire. The initial results, of the meeting indicate a positive attitude toward the concept of the Christian high school. Those attending the meetings asked for further 1 COUNTYOF HURON 1982 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS REVENUE FUND OPERATIONS Revenues -Requisition on local municipalities Ontario grants Qther revenue Expenditures General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development 1982 }}te�r. •m :1,335,000 7.406,277 2.260,237 1982 i cttial. :1,338,725 7,556,9:15 2,516,6111 8:39,273 832,475 92,760 94,132 4.163,009 3,986,592 1,496,398 •1,475.574 5,199,043 5,430,878 771,577 8111,221) 419,549 411,072 l'AY1T:\l. FUND I)PF:RtTUONS Capital financing Contributions from the reveime fund Contributions from•reserve funds and reserves Ontario grants Sale of fixed assets Capital Expenditures General government Transportation services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and des elopment 'T'ransf'er to reserve funds 1981 Actual. • 2,753,696 6,837,134 2,122,295 620,234 96,408 :3,38.1,;3213 1,304,879 • 1,7119,113 686,'22:1 367.705 \' 1982 Actual $ 162,399 129,981 200,318 1,462 210.336 127,643 115.744 17,557 17,1(12 1981 :Actual $ 2_17,825 3:39,497 :344,591 68,452 2_28,:128 :3811,955 176,867 • 85,1116 27,22(1 68,132 " RESER E AND RESF:RVI FUND) OPERATIONS 1982 Actual Revenue 'Transfers and expenditures \'ear -end Position of reserves and reserve funds 3413,706 1:30,271 1,686, 21)fi FAR -END 11.1IANUES OF ASSETS AND I,1:1B1LITIH:S , 1982 Actual . •$ ('ash and short -terns investments 1,017,330 Accounts receivable 1,:3110,914 Other current assets 10,162 Long-term investments 165,000 Temporary loans -122,196 Accounts payable :392.684 Other current Liabilities Reserves and reserve funds 1.686.206 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year :351,420 (19,91:3) L'nfinanced capital outlay, at rile„end of the year Nil Nil Trust funds under administration 688,891 414,4.15 Investments held in trust 9,762, 772 2,160,2:34 1981 :Actual $ 196,93'2 :367,6311 1,312,771 1981 Actual $ ' 720,277 899,15:3 19,016 179,000 :186.41.7 21:3,363 21,806 1,512,771 • No ES 1. These financial highlights reflect the operations, assets and liabilities of the Coun- ty of Iluron including the following local boards: Iluron County Planning,Board, Huron County Library Roard, Huronview Home for the Aged Committee of Management and Huron County Board of Health. 2. The Iluron County Children's ,lid Society has not been consolidated, Copies of the, ,Agency's audited financial sla4emenl mabe examined hi the ('Ierk-Treasu'er's Office. :3• Copies of the audited financial report from which these highlights were extracted may be examined at the office ofothe Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, The Square. Goderich, Ontario. GRANT STIRLING WARDEN B.G.• MANLY CLERK -TREASURER & ADMiNISTRATOR stlichrdittlaa: educatlol and how it applies to such education areas as menthershipl stakdant enrol',ment , chuluin And ,teacher hiring policy. , Henry Slotte graaf Clinton is the ebal of the Huron Cl7iristian Education Comrnitteeu The committee believes, "By graciously , giving` us Scriptures., our Lord God has revealed to His people or- derly principles • intensely relevant to education." Committee members therefore feel chat ; it is the duty and privilege , of thie; Christian community to provide a complete system of Christian education. for their children. • , -• At the meetings it was explained that Christian schools are not schools with a general education program that most are accustomed to, with a Bible course added, but that Christian schools are unique because they integrate biblical principles with total cirriculum. Christian schools are de Msd _mate an en, teachers can conduct devOltions, prayer, a Bible .clasaan .teach t tats the bii2Bcal Per 1pl ct v of life in all subject areas,, Hiro County is now serYleta with two elenten- tars► Christian s cols, in Clinton and Lucklow. These are attended by hundreds of lorai children. A few years ago four students from the t5 area went high school Fear It art earY' reg 'the interest°I secondary istia r education isir ,in creasinnd a ,ahiri o'tkie commit is, to lmin whether stoney paiddeterto sende these students toLondon could be better - spend establishing a Christian high school inthecounty. Club celebrates 36th The Sunset Circle. Housewife Club celebrated their ' 36th anniversary by holding a. euchre pal'.y at the MacKay Centre on March 30. President Jean Sinnamon welcomed everyone on behalf of the club members and thanked therm for com- ing. oming. Euchre prize winners were; ladies high - Greta Zoethout, men's high Orby Cook, lone hands - Alice • Moss,, lucky draw wi were as' follows groceries nners- Myrtle Good, groceres; Helen Jewett, money tree -' Len Rivett, doll - Beulah Good, Easter cake - Della Slavin, door prize - Bob Fowler and lucky number - Jean Cook. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed to com- plete onplete an evening of fun and fellowship.. r FSI ,64 kfrkfr 4), REGINA IVMUNDI COLLEGE: his once-in-a-lifetime. opportuniQ AT 14 .YEARS OF AGE, he :standsatthe very - threshold of inanhogd. Help him take those neitt, critical steps into successful, re)Sponsiple adult,' hood at REGINA MUNDI, trig residential hjgh school for boys from Grades 9 to 13, REGINA MWND.I. IS STAFFED BY A HAND; PICKED TEAM, of professionals dedicated tate spiritual, academic and physical devalopment of the boys they teach: The 130 -acre campus in cludes ' modern facilities,. a golf course, tenniS - courts and extensive woodland jUst minutes south - of London. APPLICATIONS. FOR THE 1983/84 ACADEMIE YEAR ARE NOW BEING RECEIVED. • Write for full information: Director of Admissions REGINA MUNDi COLLEGE Wellington Road South London; Ontario N6A 4B8 (519)6852153 THE FOUNDATION FOR HIS F• UTURE I t 1 • or L „ g/ '' , t °f ®`cel �' :147; '4•�t .A 1®®�,9s:47 la ii#11100-,,„ Sunday, April 17 YOU'RE INVITED TO COMPETE AND JOIN IN THE FUN OR BE A SPECTATOR with p`Tv�s . •- • led events . Rodeo'Sty • to radio .. =• our favors o CKG� • See y • from BX �n rsonal�t �es: personalities e(flipping/pancakes i and• C and competing .,..� morning a the in -con to '' • the afternoon Breakfast on& Br• Re9j5t0t1and 1 nus at. 1 ' tions Eve cost ra Farm use darn • dies • Fa,°r . the kiddies EE rides f • FR ._. all classes pries ® Trophies 11'1 ,� ® Door C.C.• 50.300 ._ATV 's ATC25OP ATC200X ODYSSEY ATC200E ATC200 ATC 185S ATC110 ATC70 Ontario: 519-262-3318 Western Ontario's friendliest and most complete motorcycle tehtre. Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8 a.rn, - 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday - 1 p.m. - 5 p.itn. (Sales Only) Closed Mondeays West of Highway 4 between Exeter and Clinton ra