HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-2, Page 5't1.151244, 1""TA ' 3 l21$+
i� the
popular tns
ne'nt for the same
,a .
reason that popular music is p, .p; lar -it
l r'ahes the biggest hit with the biggest crowd
not only l=cause of its great popular repertoire; not only
Because of its equally noteworthy classical repertoire; not
only because of the true-to-life rendering which the
spphxre reproducing -point insures; not only because of
the Arberol Records, or because it is the instrument on
which you can make your own records at home. -but,
because all these things form a combination which
one recognizes as the greatest thing in the musical world
ttlday--'the Edison Phonograph.
L'additien to our regular monthly
Bit of Edison Standard and Edison
Amberol Records, we issue rega-
lariyanumber ef British and French
Records. Be sure to get the catalogs
fromyour dealeewhenyou gotobuy
yep; Edison Phonograph -and ask
tq'liave the newRecordSupplements
mailed you free every month.
There are Edisondedlers everywhere.
Get complete catalogs from your
dealer or from us. • Edison Phono .
graphs,$ 16.50 to $24Q.00. Edison
Standard Records, 40c. Edison
4mberol Records (play twice as
long.), 65c. Edison Grand Opera
Records, 85c. to $2.50.
PiontaeCle goon.
100 Lakeside Avedue, Orans . N. J.
A £emplete line of Edieo •Phohosrapbs and Records will be found at
South Perth 8. Z. Assoc, held its
on Wed-
first annual :tonusion
ntesday last, Rev. E. W.; Halpenn,y
fen.1 secretary was chief speaker.
ailie delegates very mfuieh enjoyed his
addresses, Rev. Mr. Malcom gave an
able .address in the evening. The
fausiday School of St. Marys, and the
Blanchard Male Quartette provided
nejdsic The excellent supper was
provided, by the ladies of Anderson.
.The >folllowing were the officers el-
Eated 'Ho.n. Pres Rev..B,ufral- Doan
'Taylor St. Marys, Pres., Mr. Jno. Urs
juthart.; Vive Pres. 'Mr. Henry Green-
wood dMiuinroe. Department Superin-
t+n.dents Elenieu tart' Miss Hattie'
ker Fullerton; Secondary, Mr. W.
weitzer•, Anderson; Adult, Miss Flor-
ence!, Jamieson, St. Marys; Teacher
training, Mr. •Hte 3h Kirk, Kirkton;
MMisSionary, Miss MeF arret„ Mitchell;
Cor, !Sexy., Trema lMr.. R. V.i lSweitzer,
Lia'ntnocli:, I i. f'1 : •i v t
Miss Pearl Marshall spent the week
at Mr. E. N. Shiers
Bev. B. Snell was in Mitahetl Mon-
day attending the funeral of the IlaLe
Rev. Jas. Livingstone.
Lettu s Bern son of Mr-. :Philips
Ikrn left itonday to spend a day
v• th r,ter at Rockwood psi
to his +1•:,,e.?'a ex:. for Caloa.y where
lig: has scca!ri d a position we wish
him every s•at•tcess.
Mr. and Mrs Arthur •Gtunnilng of
Kirkton were •LLe giuest of his broth-
er Aihert here on Sunday.
• Ernest Habis and sister Waggle
and `S:,yrt1e w ere e uests ut J. V. 1bat-
Isans here oil Su qday.
wi:son Morley is engaged •at Mr.
Nat Options for a few weesk.
The Kirkton Telephone Co. are new
running a line from Granton on the
Town 'bine to Whalen this Will be a
great road convenience to the ear -
:mer on this road
Wm. Knoles of Granton has beent
driving po:sts in this vi,eniity for the
'past few weeks.
The members of the W. INP, S. at-
tended the convention in fC1ande-
'boye on Thlu+rsdayf;
Children Cry.
Lastweek mention was made of .the
death of Mr. William Miller at the
age of 58 years 10 months and 1.13•
days, The funeral was held. Friday
to the E'rett•r Cemetery.
The deceased was a native .of chis
elistriot having lived here all his dile'.
For the past year he has been. an in-
valid having suffered with paralysis.
The end came peacefully and he
quietly passed away, 'About sixteen
years ago the deceased was married,
to Nellie( Harris, his now sorrowing
SY1daiY 1Yh awith three children one
boy and two girls survive, Mr. Miller
was a Methodist in religion and a
conservative in politics and was high
respected in the community Five
brothers and three sisters also tour- .
Poor appetite is a sure siign of im-
The 'death took blase on. Saturday
April 20th o1 Mr. Joseph Hudson of.
this village Mr. Hudson s illness wags
•of brief duration he took sick on
Wednesday arced died on Satur+doy.
I!'rom the nature of !hitt disea;ae, how-
ever there was little (hopes for this
recovery from the first. `l.°he.trou;ble
was paralysis of the nerves. lIr..Iliad-
son was 7? years of alae. He removed
with his parents to West Gwill'itri
bury, where they 'resided mutat 1855
when they came to Stanley, 'lie was
married in 1856 to 11'Iiss Annie Walker
who survives him. 'Shortly after
their marriage the deceased .pu.rvhas-
ed a farm in the T'ownsabip of Stan-
ley ;near. Mats Green. In 10O4, Mr.
Hudso..retired. The deceased was a
man of the .highest reeitude Indus,
riots straightforward and honorable
in al! 'his dealings to his fellow men
and .lived. • a life consistent with his
professions' He was a l consiStentt
member. of the Presbyterian 'Church
'and a Tubera! in Polities. He is
Survived) by .his widow four sons and
seven da_ug.bters, The sons are Jos,
of HeYrsala„ Thos. and John o.[ Mar-
lette Mich,. and Isaac of Edmonton
no daughters are Mrs. James '1 roy-
eir' of Seafort'b, fyIrs. James Jarrott
W Hay Mrs. James. Logan, of Godor-
io1. and Mrs. John lConsitt Mrs. A,
Hervey Mrs' V. Dou end Mrs.
Wilson Carlisle, all ofitei:ey. The
funeral was held eewiciay and
was largely attended The xellr.ains
were interred in Bayfield cemetery.
!Mrs. Hart of London is visiting her
daughter Mrs. 11. P. Madden.
: Mr, D. Urquhart our old establish,
ed miller and grain merchant, in-
tends improving his dwelling by hav-
ing it raised and a good foundation
pit under it it
Mrs. Welsh, the mother of Richard
and William Welsh, died at her 'home
last week Deceased made her homy
with her son Richard .for some time
previous to her death, but was com-
paratively a stranger to our village
only living here a short time but'
wail highly esteemed with those
whore she was acquainted Mrs
Welsh: had attained the :good old age
of ninety years.
Mr. Wm. Heidi of Hanover, has been.
visiting his mother Mrs. James Bell
Mrs. McAlister who was visiting
here with her Sons and daughters
but who is now living with her son
Dr. A. McAiisster of Georgetown, has
returned to George town.
We are pleased to report that Or.
Artie Blatchhford is improving and
we hope soon to see him around again
Our council intends making some
improvements on our streets this
!Mrs. J. Scott and her niece Miss M.
Sinclair intend ieving here next
inonth for a trip to the Old Country ,
and the former home in Scotland, •
Our •bowlers are putting their
green in shape and wilt "have an idea!
green this summer.
! Seeding is in fall swing around a,
bot t although some of the weather
we had this week was more like fall
than spring.
When going to shut the barn door
last week the wind oauirht the door
and knocked Mr. Williams off the
bank •dielecating his shola:Oder,
At tit annual election of ofi;.;ere
o? r o' Leine ay Epworth League 'he
'following officers were elected car
the !next conference yeer. !'reside
ant, Mr, Jobst Oanu 1st! Yiee, M!l:sd
Passmore; 13nd Vigo Mr. W( s -
ley Johns; fd Vice, !Nilly Woods; d ri
Vise. Mr. O. Canal; Sec. Miss Plorenee
Passmore; Trees; Mr. harry For.
Organist Miss Stella Bray;
Mr. Join Hankin and ;his men 4rc•
building a silo for Mr. Fred Eller-
ingtany i, -. 'ta.
There never was a time when peo-
ple appreciated the real merits of
Qhanvberlain s Cough remedy more
than now This is shown by the in-
crease in sales anal voluntary testi-
monials from persons. who have been
eared by it. If you or your children
are 'troubled with a o.> gh or cold
give it a trial and •become a0quaint-
ed with its good qualities. For Mile
by. aI1 dealers.
Now is .the time to get rid of your
You ca
rheumatism by p
' plying 'Chamberlain s Liniment and
xiassagin„ 1flc parts freely at each
application For +Sale by all d'ealer's,
Baldness is too Generally 'Clonsidererl•
• a sign of Advsnced age" ;
A ;bald-headed persom does not have
an equal chanoe witth one blessed
with a healthy head of .hair, because
baldness is too !generally accepted as
an indication of age. Many large
oorporatians have teetablished an age
limit and refuse to take men over 435
years of age, as new employees.
J'robably sixty-five percent of bald-
headed people may regain a good:
bead of healthy hair if they will fol.,
low our advice and accept our offer
We have a remedy that we positively.
,guarantee to grow hair on any heap
unless the rents of the hair are entire.
ly dead their foilisles closed and the
scalp has .become. glazed and shiny !
We want people to try this remedy at
our risk with the distinct understand
ing that unless it does exactly as we 1
claim it will, an3 !gives setisfaotion in
every respect, we shall 'make no t
charge for the remedy used during
the trial
We know exactly what we are
talking about, and with this offer
back of our statement no one should
scoff, doubt our word, or hesitate to
put our remedy to an actual test.
We want everybone in Exeter who
is !suffering from any scalp or hair
trouble dandruff, falling hair, or
baldness to try Rexald 23'' .'Hain
Tonic. We want them to use it reg-
ularly- say until three bottles are
used -and if it does not eradictate
dandruff clense and refreshthe seal•p
tighten the 'hair in its roots, alnd
grow new hair, we will, return every
cent paid us for the remedy for t1i
mere asking. There is 'no formility
expeeted. and we exact no -obligations
from the user whatever.
We are •esta•blisked right ,here in
Exeter and :make this offer with the
full understanding that our business
entirely depends upon the sort of
treatment we acoord our customers:
and vye would not dare make the ab-
ove offer unless we '.ve.•e peaitively
certain that we could substantiate it
in every particular. Remezaber you
ran obtain Remelt Regiedies ,ie. ,tris
eo:nmu iity only at our store, The
exalt Store W.18.,Cole.
paired digestion A few doses cf
Cha><'n,berfains stomach and 'I• v,..
Tablets wild strengthen your dip.e-
tion and improve your appetite,
Thousands have been benefited by tak.
ing these tablets Sold by all dealers
Mr. I.T. ,A. Corriveau of Drysdale
( shipped a car of potatoes froin Kip -
pen station .
Mrs. "!Joseph Roster 'Jr., is at' pres-
ent visiting her parents Mr, and Mi!s
John Yost at Kinda Mich.
•Mr. Solomon Martin sr., received
word of the death of his daughter;
Leah of Elkton Mioh, Mr. Martin and
bis icon Solomolri left to attend the
funeral. ,
Mr, 'Zeno Kipper and family left
for Bigger Sask where they wilt%
make their future home Mr. Nick
Foster jr. accompanied their sag,
which besides furniture included some
hogs and poultry.
Mr. Christian Hess of Goshen, Ind-
lanna brother of Messrs F. W. and
W. G. Hess arrived une•vpectedly on
Thursday evening Iaat. alt is 43
years since he left town and many
change:: have taken place in that
titre. Ho is looking weld. +
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hendrick of
the Sauble line, mourn the death of
, their infant child a boy about a;
year old. The little fellow took 111
some days ago and 'quickly devealoped
acute bronshitis and though he re-
ceived the ,best of care and attentien
h mlbdto fedisaseonSun- e tsucau a h
day afternoon, about 2 0;clock. The
funeral took place on Tuesday after-
noon to the Bronson Line cemelrery.
lir. Joseph Hudson of Hensel! fo'r-
merly a farmer of near Hills -green, i
died on Saturday :at about 80 years
of mage. He was ono of the early set- ,
tiers of this section and was a man
of sterling character. His illness was S
of a very short duration and he had
been quite smart up to a week ago. ,
The funeral took place to the Bayfield
Mr, rfradr.ick Mao+cae has returned
to Detroit after spending several
weeks with •his family 'here.
Mr. Chas Guenther took a. load of
fiirniturc to Stratford for Jacob Bre-
nner with his auto bus..
Rev.:G;,rex+ze•bacli who attended the.
annual conference at Canipden,oeenp
led his }o'wn'pulpit on Sunday.
NIr. -II. Guenther lost a valuable
brood 'mare in Exeter
recently The
animal. ;gook sink on its way to Exeter
a week previous.
:hkr. 1?, ifrtoXsaac has returned home
after spending the week with her son.
•Milfred, who is sick in St. Tosephs
Mr. Jos. Guinan assessor for Steps
d in his roll and the
n hashanded he e.1 e
following figures have 'been taken`
from the roll, No. of acres in Stephen
36.798 ; total assessment of real -proper
ty •x5.689024: abufrdintrs 6158,10 ex-
emptions 63,20'0, business assessment
20572;'taxable income 700; Total $265-
7456; number of children between 5-21
1027; number of children between 5-16
732; male persons between 21-60 758;
total population 3270; deaths during
year 29 Ibirths 19. The population.
for 1911 was 2555; births 55 and
deaths 11. The are "310 dors in
the township,
Special Notice.
Spanking does not cure children of bed-
wetting. There is a constitutional cause for
this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box 841
Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother
her successful home treatment, with full 1
instructions. Send no money,but write her
to -day if your children trouble you in this l
way. •,;Don't blame the child, the chances
are it can't help it. This treatment also
cures adults and aged people troubled with
urine di$ieulties lay day or night. .
Ur. J, t-,!", Graben). lett Sati
fora'. 'ax where he aural!!; be the
the way by Dr. Jaokson o P. Wimps
Man., brothers of Mrs. Geo. E, g
ham. who met his c'eath in the ori
1lntio disaster. At present it
not known whether the funeral w:
take, plate Here or at Winnipef3
A special xneeting of the wet c
(alight and heat eotrlmission svli,i '!te,
Saturday evening, Orders for Milt
Plies for power house were pa0SOIR
and a warrent was issued to pay,t
sum of 'S96.34. to ex-faµperinten eln
Stapelton, !being balanoe of bis sat:
any due ;Maniat the end of the mcnt
Mr. J. Allen electrical engineer IS
here inspecting the power 'house pial
for the board of water, light az11
heat commiesionera.•
The St. Marys Fire . Departmea
whieh lately changed -from hirl
horses to owning
them, met
their first misfortune on
night in tlhe loss of one of their*
horses by colic. Ancther horse ks
being purchased t.
The high price of apples is. drawintir
the attention of inany farmers $d
their orchards Mr. E. 'Creighton
the base line Blanchard, is havi99l
a :fruit tree expert :in the person o
John Brown of St. Marys to cares
fully go through his large crepe
pruning and spraying it.
Now is the time to paint and the
most important thing to do is to
tided the right paint to use. Good
paint, such as
For 15trildings-Inside and Outside
protects and beautifies the building on which it
is applied. cheap paint is a waste of money, it
does not look well for any length of time and
affords little or no protection to the wood, from
the wear and tear of the weather.
We can help you choose the right paint. It is
the famous Elephant Liquid Paint, made by The
Canada Paint Company who have been raking
paint in Canada for nearly half a century. All
the latest fashionable shades, ready to use. Good
paint at a moderate price. Come and see us.
Hardware, Paint and Stove Store
4�a. 14141 iyg3- ....1.444.414444401F44+ 31II+l+ og+01 !344;41 -ii0e1 4;4-1.pIt'IIt;4Lo§tlr;a.: lht+4: .e.e.e.+loFl +. 1. ..yee e.4..e.•e.+gyia.1/+ 1 •b€§ot3 r3kllF•144 +3f+3ggi4lo+.1.1•a.g. .1x1•1".141g:€.yks;gpd4.1..s1•l,lg.it•+gsdgggi1l;?
•f.'#•d• •1 § ggog1'l' § 1I§irE•1•�1IIl l+l+Fl+Fp4 S yib3e.ti•sl •4•1fiI1!11Ill.etIpt ,•gI+oII4i4+•f lEiI+t.FoFt§€i; 4 o•iA3•gf1€Fa,gI+ gI40d II> ie•E Irl•gg x, •I,•!Y•€r
•s• l••s•.l••3 •g 1.•g7 .•k
lk1. HAVE not . a fraction of the space here to put before
you the facts concerning the enormous country surround-
';' *• in Edmonton and the reasons why we place our faith
g y
'-r; in its fatugie, However cut out the Coupon attached to thi$ Spice:
+i i and send Lis your bathe and address and we will send you all the
Government Reports with Maps and much valuable information
which will give you some idea, of what a wonderful country there is
around Edmonton.
4..g.'1..1.q».1.•1.+4.4.1'•14.Ir' 4.4..1..1.,1'.1..1'.1'.1,! 4!'l.'1.'1.:"t44.'1•'1•.1..1..1..1'.1.'1..1.+'I•,i..l'.1.'1•.l.'11..;,'1•.1..1'.l,.l.'1.'l.'l"g..l..l.. ,l..1., '.1"1"l..lt' 3E,,1'.l.*i''lef.-1-.l•';4-1.rl•.1..1'.1'•1'•l'•I'.;.14'1.'1.•l..l.+.;.•1"+.l.'1.•1..1••l+e ,'g:l`d.. +.;.'1. • •!1>'l.,+ii:.l..;••;•''1•'l+.l.'1:'1'.1..1.0a'e,.';roe!.1•!1•' •F•1•+1.21,34,l< L'F•H61.'•11.•g.'£..1!.se..l43._+l;cl.•1'..1!•l.,l•°i'_'1'_'t'_ 'i4
The Beautiful Capital of arta, affords the est 0 portullity in Canada. to=day
for a Safe Investment with the Greatest Amount of Profit.
+++++++i4+4•44÷44+++++++4.44+++++•14+++++++.144414++++ 44+++++++•4•.q'++++'I•+++++444 ++ ++++++4.+++oe++++++++++•l• 44+++•Q•ri•+++++ ++++cad.+++++++++4• • ••l..i..liar•.¢.44•l••1,,4e••l••t»,•1•.g•a°o4:g'•II++•i•'7•1;•lz•$' +•1•.l••s•ye'•£•,i»•l•'€••F•% i••l'•I•++lv.•i43W.E.E't•S;
D1'1ONT'O1 IS THE KEY to the Peace
EDmoNRiver Country and • the Great
Mackenzie River Basin to the
north, a country larger than the whole of Ontario. In advising you
to invest iia gcli 1Qnton we dQ se. because we have invested there and
in'oved that it is a great opportunity to make money We are thor-
oughly acquainted with the conditions and we will protect anyone
will buys property,' through us to the very best of our knowledge
and take care of your interest as long as you have a dollar invested
t„ • tkt
+• 4.
✓` :i,
�% WE SEE CHANCES go by f
y ��� where we know yrs could
�7• make money for anyone wil- I°•0.
ling to buy. Good buys do not stay onthe market long, We 4.'t''
receive Listings by telegram and so are in direct touch with the 4'
movements day by day. As a last word of advice let us remind
you that every week means an increase in value and you will be'
paying more. Now is the time to get in, We can show you a doz. ,
en good propositions, easily handled and sure money makers.
;# .x44
o +�s
Oe••+••++•sso+s+e9.,*®ea :e4 s••o•+•s�i•••e.s•e++a.a 1
o C'O U PO N :i.
• •
Bawden & Bawden s
Alberta s •3'
Please send me Literature of Edmonton and •w
4• ;. •l•
it• . • • • 0 OW** M ', ... •. .. ..'• t
We have some Good Securities bearing S per cent for Sale, (Guaranteed)
Offices aEdl oston, London and Exeter.
Western . City Property, Farm Lands,
Exeter office one vacated by Bank of Commerce
Timber Limits, Coal Lands
�l• -
Distributors of Edmonton Board of Trade and Alberta Government Literature
,1 r y r f +440 y�'1rl..d•44x1. '°1••+ +44 • t 4•'�„il.>l.4.44,4.1,.1"1,.1.•'1."1.'+0.44II"'.1.+4••lr+l ri!'1.'1..1.+4 1..1' .1..14 '+0 .
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ea�e�oedso '+►�o�d+aa�so+►+�s* a , ♦e40....+•••0 +1.4*. IN A