HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-4-24, Page 4I I I , , I I � I I I I , I , I I - . ", I ,� ! , IIIRIP� 11: � � ­ I � 11 I 7-7-_--..1__ 111.�111, I . I I.. ," " " � �� - .. I I � I � 1 .�1.1-11,-,",..,.M,.,.Ipl,lll,71 I -1 . I . - � 11 , � I , - 1. I . I �. I I PFFFF- i- ,, t .,— � '""W-', � - � . I I'M", PV- . . � . I . - I . I I � " � I � ��, � . � 1, . .. I I I � �"ii�,tP,"ir�-",-",",�,�l;".--I ", 111--�'"'M�"." I __­ � I I I I . '.. : � I V ,IR EXETER T1 . � _, I I I I .11, I I I � 1-0 . ­"�7 I I � : . -,!�,-, � , . I - ­ ,.I I -4 , 'N ..--1---1- L, , I � , I—' � � X & $I. 11 I I I 11 ... .".6 I ­­ ­­­­__..,.,A1W!1! "I"11,41 1_1.4, 6 ......... ... I—— ­­. 11 166-11 6 � 11 '. . I 1 16 1 Ram �­0'i� __ .1 . . . . . . . . 1. I 11 ­ I � I I I ".. " , -1 VZ=1:; � I 11 16 , . ­ I , I ­.. ". I 1.11, I -1 11.11 ­­­ .66 1. I—' ,�L'I�",""161�"".".,�,,-,.,� .... ­_ ,­ 6 1 1 1 1 VV I I I -.1 I . 001'0i�u' ­­­­­, I I I I ­ I'll I I ­ L.-MR0­1­.11 I TliultsDAT Avam �ri �q .PtP yr,u'le gottlrg,, get ibe 3M ST ,4tirming, in ,the W40 ,many of t.14.e-ft , q i'� .. ­ 11-1. - � ­ j i,"�Lll i1i1j, - ".1-1111116 1 ,, . , � 11".., "I . . .. - I I I ., I W -,�,_ � I 11ALL' - '_ i ""' 1.61"..,- '_ ­ � e- 6 �P;4$j,;;,�6 ��� � 6 I r � �040 that will publaist tbe rest will maue,m*e�y fo . A , OENE& - Or . 40 1,10,29. ;___� 11, 7� I , ,r ,I time by lap;*, __ . , 6 . � 1 6 1 . 0 to 0 : - j . I V , ax �, , . Tbat*s economy and sense ,Mont - Jiaril�rx than ove.r ,q -'An ­"k:`,l) 0 FIRST COMP01111� I I -Proper'- for Sale , F ,, in ,the value pf their txvest. It is. going to lbe, .' le Inddonts Which, Were ,r !INCe wont oit wait till the boom -s-uNiou �Ouil_l� PeOPI Not Given onr -t __L�_ _ . ty .j a , for Sale 6 Wth In oll4racter And M , "or .od,�,e an ad � _hQ Pro&raM. . - r . , tioa _ , � and Q09,40mio c ti6l, . slation is I,bcing propose I The undersiglied is 0 . . I Leg! d N'I", is . , fterIng � . . I j L� j -----*I— , 'O'Aditiqlars come to, t ake Attend4n,ce at. iligh : R14 IV LOOduller, will -'recall A re- CAL16XT sale lit of,:,jo r .. . I cov m, -Sale ki Once , '200 acrom'$ , , � r', , _0 4 b school rbabje affa�r'w ,E LAVALLIM TAKE$ H I G..Iq t 13 Don" A F4 1 � , j r - their level,. %Iien they will - j 4 C, wl j , . ro, 6 111011 eause.d 1110 lialo . W situatedr ,I)AI�,$41,1i Usbftno - swtol-- i Wiles fro lintolul. . , . r fknd compulsory in n . I 11Y .. 9 .- I T,h-Alldl,o nothing but the �Best ttemseives up aga . the cluge of boys all $'I " t' 11 at the Stei 05, Hall a fe* RANX -IN, Mtjsjo, ln4 sew . South 6i 6 1 R , iiist a conk rjs 0 , r. Xotorl 0A r0ft-* gh go9d, �st ' ' r 0 r I , plex, 91. -between the agas of fouxteon y0am 4&0, Sonle pioc*fioal jol�ors de. OgAttlin , Prej,s, . * , ulta, 1 6 - I . e n n and one Oth -a I . . sitri4ttatiou ben.t with n � I the prenll4e�o r ­ � . � � ,. weeds, insect ' and LSeVe teen wh lij h 43'ekq to ta40 it rise out Of a well. L . j There is on I ,100, a400 !in grain.. 10 acres a - I for instance � ,r 9. ose eduoatiwij hits, - I. .. r . . A 4 , , — i r . I frame 'R 9d0d 12 acres buah. rest ,bay and pg , j. WO11111 bous'a an,pd barn, good � ' ' - j. crop diseases, transportatioA pro W#,it ineglected, I $in,-er, it-n(i fat, this purpose The Man WhQ,fWrote the Inspirbig of wafter, .,abojat g, 4ppl'a ,j 0 jJ104,60, ,($10 otorey, pj,ai� I, ; r b4 - t)A�ly dressed r up Voll Stdix ! , , locis ,and wa-miting �ertllity" lirith. 010 0 0 0 * 0 - h,,nr a wax figure, -to r � troo a,Rd . � ; r . iiS 0,10 I 0- Music, of. "O banada" and Whoso a QuftntltY of stnall Ouits. 100 eut floor in Cellar, fur'naceQ. � � , , I 4f out the .speelal adaptability .to 010ver N � semble sely as. possible., Death ,Was S6 Pathetic Splendid 'Pronavoyr.well ditua Thig is Vc. . .­ .� ""I � I and then, q,,:isted,by the arrangemen . ShDwei.j a 1 1 ted -and te ephone, One barn 85x5a. w I . t " Vu�jxl)er, 'Waterwo) . * 1, I , at per rod20m C growia., and mixed farming 'Dial yoftr Nrife turn, out to all be selO reAsonable ancl qb, Vasy k�s. St b � t1fat th*. � be of the building, tilrust this effigy Oil Real Genjus'as a Mus -Na NY111 11 j 1 4, j � I L , . I yeiij cx�acted beT ,tp jbe? P -to I � I I Creator- �,errns4 head Cattle plr�fjl U AO1rs*eL% I . 1, � : � . makes restoration of fertility ,com. . More when I married ill ep tha,pllat�prna ji:i full vie�v t the'audi- 9 I r "Better Xn;wn . If mdt sof(f privaltery on ov be . barn ONO. Hay Wn NiX� , I j , . & paratively t! she I wenve o H s Fa .AbroaZI j I 11 . j roWiF Wd i . . j asy in the East. 16vas ax Slim as 1.1 young vr1i'lle lllo%voodlist'in qttestlob he 20th of Way A01�2 iL will. p0th rarm it klesiTIcd. ' , Than He,ls, In Hils Native'Lan,d. . INS01 AW001-A monwen, VOX' 11 ... I'll . XONV , actually sing-ing. Naturally, the .� IDY Public a-uai-ion with the 'household , , ; , "I 6alvanized 11.n� 'ApIle I. L I Jtlat now the Lfatt, with all its she weig%s over 200 polunas, I � - 56 " I I [­ L I re on !the lit Of' June j I'912 forL j . : Proving QVpDrt.-u.Mities, may uot offe,r �011leago Reeord Her,11d audienge was d'ambfounaed for the. eanada can b;ast,- unabashed befor, fllrnitu I _j ===Ap � I � j Farm Gates at' -T 4 `Z, I I lxlomeat, its also was the vibtim of tilis th " * * '� furthT-r ppLrtictilars apply 'to . ame chances to get .rich e elder nations, at least one musit,.-I I L quibe the a, * a "jolce," which vas, in re4lity, an,out. . �, C ITI) 0 A. I . � . I I __ I I � I ameron' aubtioneer Farqdhar P, 0. , , 11� a quickly that may ,be ran aoraw b7 rage. Qu4cldy re0overing liimsblf; composeTs%v�o Possessed,fIrst-rate cre- ,or on Ithe premlso,s It* JTOjla SarbalA. Farm For Sale I I . ­ The Debate Oil the Irish Varlia- 110weVer,. lie llid�ressed a dignified ative ge�iu$, and who, E xelber Possess ", �j I Also a large Stock of Cedar la-cky individuals in tlie West, blit mclit Dili jgm 11 . witbin, the � ion given imme-Ala1tely � I I ow proceeding and in sentenep ox,presE�ivb of I is amazeinexit sh6rt cre�tiv� iperiod, of his'fitful *ua , I 11 ,.:;:::::::::::::::- Pa,r Sale- R -arm containing .=- a .:-- - - .. ..!!! �, . ,n a .!:. =�­ ...... acres of first c4ass lalid & tlxfi j ..!!:. � I I j . ­ .. I 1. � 711 is matisfaotory to 1(r. Redinand the" left the platform,' aft -or ' I _ I , at,the Occurrelled to the audience and unhappy life, Produced worj�s, ntaiL-Q� , Of Wo4fibUM-1. good tw ' I Posts; all kinds of Lumber' 0 lie people k ow .that there are bob� "Fok�n'E; the greatest interest.. The . �� � % ter things 14 11-fe than getting r w1ji 1. e . I %nd Sbingles at Low Prices I . c- by'versatility ill -form and Ayle ' m jj o I , 1 * 804 ­ . j . , Ousell bank barn ._� I " I 99ter, ,the 'Unionists press oam isde- the atte-lid-Ants. difiti,ngiii,slied'by beautif�l ineloale-iij- with up.40�-'dcitem 11_4� �Ap4 mad OtLer Jorish Nationalists, but Ul the Offending figur6 was removed by and f rRa e h b I Anyone prizing the chance to make a Notice to Contractors .1. � . ' d- . . . 11 This was eert�inly' an V4811i . I . built ab6uf dtable.� fou .- , , I . �.. ' §are comfortable living, while era terrilined not to 'be relegated,to t e occurrence of'a very ur�usuaj 1;ind. tj�n, by iii�h, noble hermoniiis aiia A contract to co,nstruct ail ope-,a -Y9 j Ar - , I Q014trol of a Dublin Parliament.. The � 4 , ago. 1� I I r o , .. - 's 'k . ually accumulating a competence, f�l� A personal inciden't of mn6the- b;r emotional variety, says'�%. J. 1). oitcU` about 15 reds long on Lot 27 cerhent throlighodt, X . ' 10011cilation of Ulater is admitted by der ,4occitr' T' I10.1dil in .The Canadian Courier. This Con, caller 25X - 4. J. Glatworthu -eresd red in a Lon'don ,con6ert .10 %rith'. qeln,ent I 0 � 3P lowing a verigatod and int 149 the 'Liberal Pre 4 Township ot Usborrie being ;( - ' ' ` , .4, 4 1 11 I . I 11 system of Agrilealture whieli iaev,. ss to be the important room moria recently. This was, in coulPoser *,Nvas ,,Calixa'* Lavallee. new Outlet for the Asderson.Drain ga3agway. New drlv* ­ liv, "Of " . . ent . faces March, 1905, At which time, it may be rogated skeel siding 2*14615 1 GRANTOR j P.rOblenl which the governm Ullf0hunately, Lavallee has been also to 'repair part of, the old ditch 7xtfl. Alab a . j ; hen - I t.itely safe -guards the righis of the ' . good sapjily of so rewarding tell, need looksp was;* being held in -Lo%idon. T eena' tar�d- watoT, The farm is t ,. 1� . I � - elops brain power rvad builds charact- bqt also insists that the bill absol-j r6call�'d; a great revivalist mission, most adiiiired for his I�ss, if not leas't irill be let by auction on 'Saturday ' i: I I . ­ ­�"" Protestant minority. The -he s admirable music. In Canada his ni-' KaY Al'th"at 5 oblook in the after- . ,, . IN LONESOME LAND , fuXther than eastern Canada Rere goverlill Am St. George's Hall, knd the oces. drhinod and well fencoij. m y, .. ,, I t � tive land, he has, a-chieved fa'me soie, noon at the loowlity of t � . we :have a fine isteady . - nlcnt it is believed tam little I10PQ sion an afternot)n ballad concer � ly througg-h a single '00 ho -3vPrId all neiv w.jre 1,�Uceo- ALISO te ." , : Xx ionesome .6ancl few. friczAa is all tdnjff&9.te th9t the House of Lords will pass the which it had ,been . L 4� 4 so.called " MPOSitiOD, the specifications will be turni4hed Rt of gp6il'bux;h i4ostly bar _ I A � I J climate, good water good an4 bill, but it is confident there will . a7rraliged that ' Chaalt, National " whi64 time of letting ., ,4. !1i " well-known. society entertAirier w neither molod4ca'lly nor Vn otion ally 'A Hunkin Wesle ' . . social . partkulara ajiPIY to Wesle , I � . �-:, � be no dissolation of PaxIiIament until , pr Ou I -ati I F. Morl . ey WoGd,b2m Ont. 1 I V, To have a 'hundred seems like fool. 1,�U.s�e�x advantages, and arei situat- fhe, HouS4 of 0 ovide - .. a ' "humor6us inter 4, possesses othe, 8 sfying' qualities ,(.,f Reeve 1� Ateiksl4ess.. th ommons is able to pa,ss Irdde . I I . I Clerk I I . '1-1, I e on 0 main line of coaltinental bti tho measure Over the Lorils 'V(*O� � When, li.owever, the artiate appda,rq4 several of his othtr bompoiliions. In-, A� Mj * � . , - .- hap dTops in allid has a S)noke, gre L , lie starti .1 _ _­ I . -1 ­ ��.. tercolirse Far-off fiads Look , ed the audielica by alliftoulic- dublt6bly, however, he'ls to be sig- I - 0 . , . . and feed - � I i t . ex __1q_ I nalize " j 1. I 'A, -ad the4 ,he says. "'B, that, as he had been ",,-iD�lvettea 4'is -the first ciestive Canadian 4" , L . I o long Vil go but, in Point of fact, there is no bet- The plans of the new Grailid N I - ' , compo,�tex,' b� xft,tue of nAivity,'edLl- ,110.use for Sale or Rem' � , - j;uP.%,S.,-- � I t GDdfhrough the agelic mjs* . I Trank 'y of t1io Tenders for Sewer I : L) . ter country under the son than Eas- central station in Ottawa innItude -a' si6n at the'AIj>gTt- Hall/ he did llq� catibil, . sphe're, of' -activity, invelith - I I � . . . . I I 33ti't ,somehow when ibe-s gone you tern Canada in general, dnd Ontario regal slite for the excInasive suite. 14el inclined to proceed with gandus, .and -numoer of meritur . . Tenders will be received up to Fri. . I the ask � 1101119 11.1, � hi in partfoular, O,f course, ,thoamand for the exclasive ute" of their Roya I 'of ftau8ing people, -and, there( t, comj�osiiions in all styles. ­Lavallee;'�` day noon May .10. next, fox the eon- , - � �. and suceeding- Gover. Ifft ille .Platform, bever-16 re h � td' 14ViAgLCanadian. musiciam ,and dreativ� 2-inclil . . 'About kj.� virtues, , tures elswhere. and nothingthat way nors Dake and ged to be. eXc'used. W,'Koro" . ill' I , � - r, Iligkilesses, tke -� . how lies square �,',',,' qg-' S -id Dr� A. S..,Vogt (the m6st- ominenk istruvtjon, of aboot 3,000 feet 6f sewers . ivill leave it in search of better go ­# - � and tTug. Pas' Of Connaught ur . viso for. about 3,010 fept of k I - If ,more come stringin ill they'd I -General of Canada. This s,.lito tbIe stage again. , I � composer) ','impressed rp.3 as -a ,man alad 18 -inch vitrified sewer pipe and .i . - make be said or written will stop �1 consists of a reception room furnish- Theinodem practice which req -tires of extraordi�n . sPedialm. 1?1ans and ,,specification$ 1� , it cheap P 22. e ( ' ary ability, not as -a 'HOUSE AND 6 LOTS IN HE - - 14� . � . and forms of tender may be seen at the, Property of bye late John , . � This friends -hip thing,, and spoil it Let them go. .There will be tgoo4 I with leather upholstered chairs . 11 instrumental soloists to p merelyflelver execiltant of the pihiio; - T60F' ' I .� lay rom ,,o ' !office of either of the undersig.n. Ian . -ill f or you. enough level-headed persons left to pd settees, a ladies' room and writ- 0MOry hag been responsible no in. ely adroit deviser of pret. 'e- HO11se ilk 9000 repair, i_,�O , . � . , t , not'as , I the � Ing room, also fitted uot in a taste- req ed. T� I . e JON � I .1 Next day or inebbe taint until hold the heritage the movers so I*ht f L11 and thorough manne.r. i�2ntly for trying ocL%uireh9es. Th ty nielodies'and. ha-rmo6iqs, but ai a 'Vest or any tender not furnace. woodshed, jvj&1l, ci��rn g I .., ,i. � atd H6nry Holmes, f musical giinhfs, a .genuln-eay. creative rn le ac,cj&1e,d,. * . stable. 'Terms r,!asomablei, Apil , 1 . le - ------- 0 z , ,W.s a "y i . r NC 13 ormerly wow . IrA.,, y ., � inext week , ly forsal Meantime, we would say — I rig"rn as a violinist, once f -T- I3,CAUUI%G I I �, Another friend drops in amA sets a _4gured j artist.?' � Gladman & Stanbury Sojicite.ro� , I to th h think below the surf4ee ainfuldneidblit, of th16 kina'. ff� Lavallee's',constructive years -lid not Consulting emigineei Town Clerk sall and Exeter. . I 11 .. _ � 1114 - . I I . I a W 31 � � , -while lose w o �, j London Ont. Exeter Ont, ' .. � ­. Xoutxe miglity glad to have the poo,rft get a titt, to a pieve of igo,md farm AMORMT RECTINS—­; laying in'a coneerto of Rpohr: at A begin uli.�l ISTA, wNen lid had remov. � I � . e hilhaxiiaonic: concert some years akd� ed from Alonti,eal to Quebec Ciby. Ili —,, , I cst seek ' . 1, d me is not far off when I . . . — - ; . I 'in - The 'i � I then on rea,cliin� the. cadenza 1-4 1 . '_ A LL .. , I Tob, out when 'blocks is measured you or 7,,, heirs holding a few han- ThO Method'L of "Fitrnninq For Co�, he j�. m vement, his mem'ry 00 .. , . I I . I � L - . It 0 9 " Acreage Contracts I I I I � . 9 I - I 'IStanding -Field Crop L I I . , by the mile, . 1 1 1 dred a-oxes, of arable land. will be driPas'! In'Germany. pletely failed him, and, c6m i I . ­ � � �,] I, , For AlectiOn to the reiclis 4 . I 11 ,� oro ,�tag er . . I I *'lid So thp,,v come, the few and far independently rich. Let the lvd: it�tl, �,r,ls Pudden stop, he ran Tight off the pl4t4 I- - I 1�! . � ! 0 m. eaving. . ....W I , . j, betlmeen . drift Be Nvise and hold fast. -Far- equal universal suffiragb 21, et -4 i the, oonduotor and ot : �,g,,.� .Competition For - IN, . � I . I I ballot for all made citizens twenty,fIV,@ egtra to finish the work as . rf, * ­ e ... �� I i j You,- get a chance to weligh em. in E,,r, . well iN, ��,'.T-,�'Ir;;0,q.i; `s:,;.;� ." ..... ii � - i ­ . .,� .. �, . mer s 'Advocate e could without him. It I �j, _-"R,R,F� ,g%l I�.-;,� * Stock. far Sal , I , �iiuy hand Years Of Age, there being certain ex, . - 1�;W,�g­-. 4R., I—' e - . " 2� 7. .,. "I I,4110M`-�NA!,� ..1. I.I.i F Fall Wheat . .MV��`41T%� ..,,j.-..--.�!;!N.� I Vr. W.- Matthews a famous ainatwr . 1.!1! , � . I I.", " . 11 `P4up .-J�`)�','T I;1'1%.'� 11 I ,You aint a-huntin little trAcks and eluded'elass&, cAminals, -11.40M.,_;� 1�1 --�. j g.11t � ;R.. Stock For )Sale-W,e are at,preka ' 1, . '� Aalitist &f an eaxfi�i generation, had - .- " I .; I pean B. ers, OtL 1,.- . rt.�,�i�.�,q?I All Iftse, who feel Interested in . �0;.,. , +++ While Persons in actual military sery. .., Wa sbaulding field crop competition ,offering - , � I 04t see the good in friends An Lone �n..ulipleasant experience of a some. ,&IJ."tItt?"�jK.t , three choice Shorthorn bu ,m ", . "V! " .." -- f�W,j.q,!.??, "rill Please Ite forward their nainesand ., + I - lea have their voting right �"";&;-,-.,.,Q� -'), 10. 12 and 15 m=fhs old; also - j . . - some Land. , : I + + s olasPeu(Leil, .ivhat different lcind. He was Playing 11Mi5d.7;AX1*%I :�:::: i� I -!.�; 1 4 re From The Denver RePublican. - I.P I � . -Wominatlow ire ,Act R cows ,,d Ileifers. and a r�oklatelv L i IN'. al. 'to P�resident Ed, Christie or Alex . + BREVITIES made by rega. � solo at one of "the Les -lie 0h91r ,6on- '�;`- Dyer See. Exeter; Drea (from irapor .4 l —_ 4u -� lar conventions, as . .,;T.�!.I:%,:. . Clyde ,,,, . I I . +++++4-4.+ with us. Any, nlan tert� in- the ola St. James' H 11 he ;,:`11.5,�-'�,*-." Il.jl�,,Ni��§!( . No Entries., will stock. seven " :,..-,:j:;,i,,AjI.;I be received after tEe list day of May T. J. Berry's King jbo�ua.st,, I The Lesson of The Titantic-It cost , y .... � ... 4. I 'A boy at 5 years of age is befler to be getting weaker an weake .. -,:X; -.n 4i!%?Mn%jjjV' 1912 75;00 will'be 4yarded jin pri7es I jj.,,:..,.-.;.-..nA';!I , -, but in pmetico, .Z,111 .,�....: ;igj � 20.00; .15.00, [D.00Z. j..00; $& mil d Lot sixteen hundred lives and twelve mit ' a w I ­ � Con. 2 Tuckermith. A. G. �Gml . . . . . . .. I'-' may Pllt, his name before the people, It'was noticed that Vis t7oZ� s`e 0 el I yeai Is, old alit) in foal . of course, committees d ril 'M . liwy;.7 ,,..�� Hcusal off at school than runnink the streetm in each ejec �ventually mot a. not" would oombi I ,�,,�,g..!,,�� Gnl� . , - j7I : I ti011 district make the ' � ?,1"'�,,�. . .. i. I j - . nom- ,�A,�.'� ffk-4.x-�I!o I I � .. .;.A'4g'i%,1,1VN 1.00 For further Particulars apply to 11 1.g:;,RW-.:, _ .J."A � t fion dollars to demonstrate that the and the department of eduoatiob will Inations for the parties, and the moth Lnd lie 'had. to leave 'the- platfom� ' . .4, . I 11 I I "Ad t, . - i,;j1�A,[,tj�,'V,1.4j' �`.��'� Messrs E. Christie and Alex Dyer Exe I I gr ary paralysis of the lips, in, - , '', .jmtest and strpA-est ship that man hear from indignamt mothers if an ods of socnAng the nomina ons, I e P r . -0',11% ber. . : , As, Wag ` 0-1 ; Nux i%j�Lka. 1. ' .. I ..., I I . L attempt be made to raise tka agia Pe"Onal solicitation,* by trades among lin&rsto�d- to have been the cius4, 1_,.. Dental Offices cl 'k " . '� can produce is no� unsinkable. Th ti by Rug:doby extreme nervousne , . I �....'� ; - - - .:_k 10 — osed. , . q . ' - I . , , _ � �. j I TKantic, the most perfect example of limit- I . . .. . the aspirants, by the Influence of dom. �1 -his breakdown. 51 !_ �­_ 'In .�,, �1, niarine arckitecture was out open by --I * 0 * * * 4 . 1111atill:9 personalitim, are much th9 .. I. - ,'. Kin4y 'take noLite . I 1. . ,.":;, - . j Vme. Melb.a. 'was obee the'viiAiln � '...:;....�P , ,that my offied I sanv ... .�,'� %-.1�'!j&IJ !. .. ,Q o� ,."M very Wednes I a projecting spur of an ieebu:n.v ai with us, for the Germans, tooj ��nperiQnco ?I �jj -K% �!'jvA Houses for Sale is closed e _, as The Quebec Legislatiire has bega ­ 01 .--Nil,, 0 1_ I I da -V afb�rnoc4- I � rat disconc-erting i . * , - . , I pasily as one may ,cut a have- their "bosses," and they 'are even per*nzoZive Alistralia'.. After singi 4, I DR . - . piece of officially dissbived by the beiutmar.t 1.1111.0w �� I cheese. The falsity of the theorX GOVOrnorand it is anno,unced that th'a VOW using the Eugllsh,woDd t& exAresa I>ne of her himous songs Elie Aac. r 4 - �11t:AW,'.1%, , � '0'.%,�.-. . rigo We offer a comfortable frame oot- CLOSINIn NOTICE . ROVLS;XOV, , .1 I 1 7 I .th?tt.an unsinkable ship can be built elwtions will be held on May 15th tnO .Tac4- � fiarnad to'the pla0orm, and was abou� � - ?it!;f�'%�,' .I..- ,i tage at a-bargzin, a larger storey , "� I "Y&_p�; � A*L 14! and a Lalf houte. well lo)3*ed an that my, . D_ . I . ,111'-� _ Please, remember ", I nominations taking place a week ear- One hears little (�r nothing of, g again when a lbud voice wa4 :�§,,,,� I I ggl " ,two fine'brick residence. 0 � j . . � (.,.,., ive pric-es. 1 1, nian bleedous, but the j.11:ffUonc6 S'a ,M�.".,.,4*�V,WI 0 ,,j%,I% 4 at attraelt! . � "r W ed 13 Fkd�Qyaf � 'y laxu beell proved by the Titantic dis- tier, Xay 8th fil %G6r . 'br"jory rear ��. "Xkop perf octly still , = - Meals closed e . e aster That it was honestly heldby . 9, .. If You are looking toir a -Dim. jjqs . _1 . � I . � . I * * IN Ot tti . C. hi,ent; I am gbing to take a flas&g I .� " .y011 ,13 �I�i',.,.'?�,'-.',t�' `q e goYe'rnment amountin . g�,'�,' . a * 0 * g pra J, ... Z,�-? . house in"Exeter call and get partja� . , I L' . ehi�okraph." I Melba had evil-ri 14 1...,01'in t — L 1.01.11 I 1i .,..-;',', ulars. large choice- Easy terms _M;===;X 1, j 7 ( I � ,many men on board the great shij tically t6 coercion of officials and Las ot , 0 11:11�1�j:��:" . - . �,.,­ 0 , een apprised of itl .,,'I- I . `�tu;`11-10:1=1. I . ____ .� �L. :eyen. after she began to fill is quite The C,anadian Governmen't ctrq jtj�k.a direction of their politib*aI actiivity . ,,.'.-...r,r .,.', -'.%,iffi -, 11 ,11 . . . . . .Gladman & Stan -bury . I I . �,., .. j . � an 0. .%� .,.� r"'... -N. -i � I " ,. L' � by r,ogram, for she was lear tak r.n..--j%'t.��Vmk,- s% 9=11! I 1 � � � � 1 1 i ,I t I A 7 1 �`�ng -W .'I- � I I L. ! I ,evident from the stories of the suryi- fing for competitive sculptural designir their superiors, is generally recognized aok; , but, li'),-,-� the- I i aud - .0, ,ggp f N 910 '.X_=_____ ­W= . � �,�' �. _ "' ­ . for the Kin- Edward Memorial to be, , ��.,�!�,iv . I .- m �! — � I I vors.-Toronto Globe . as going fhr bbyOnd the "perni b , she bow6c Tit I � ., I �N �111': I I - dous po- ftce� I.. to tke e an, ..,,�,,,��,,R . Wkwar-Am"IN I ­ I - ------ a--- created in Ottawa. The competition 11timl Ac 111'..... fm� , I ''a , is thrown open to British subje-sts fivAy" ihat has been �so em- e p�hpibgrapi4i got hid picture. , I , M ' I - 'j , � A BrTCL - AT HOMB 'the world over. % 07 1 I'll I " . . , . L . I emm �/ J�� , ,/ / I jjhjtjddjjV, I ev ," idla�� .. :_ ,, 4E "WEST ' . � . GondOmned ana so nearly I �, . ----7.-- '. . or. ` , � � " 9m0pressed ili the United Statee.- . A. A 'V,,�ited -GarettI. � . _, e, k - 001161M � I I I . I - - I y M. Q A. BLDG.. . . I ae West,"' realar- * 0 * * * * . American Review of Reviews. Mr. Frank Harris, who has recently . LOWDON. ONT I I "They re off to tf . Is I I � I. . I � . . I , . I _ I . I ,1;�4d a tLirfty Ontario farmer at a . - fashionablei _X I � - , �, ,,,, "I The ,price of coal drUped 62,56 a . bedn lecturing to the CALI 'A LAVALLEE. DUMESS and SHORTHAND jUBJECTS. - , I Till PA91stered ,last season upwards of 300 i I" world at "the Ritz," London, is one IfO-'T- JUDGE 'Rot� � Hit.' . � 1: railroad station the other day, nodd- ton 4z England on April 112th T,hjMj MULTE9 MIS OOLONEL of " t1ae .nkost remarkable figures in that ye,,r lie, QO I I . , . ,� . R M b � 1P i OR � . I " , I ing towards a little group of' men is the bigigest fall ever known in One contemporary Finglish literature. .He and brilliant Canta�& which was Sung O'Uafly qualifled regular teachers. One P. ��.,� ., . posed a eautiful , nts and placed every graduate. Bev each with a, neiv gray telescope. And. day. The reduction of course, is the i :01 . . , ; ghtly at its by a choir'of 50o voices in 1,velconie bultdred and fifty London . � r , ­ tlien he added reflecting cheerfug,ly direct result of the resumptioi%' of 46 bffense For Whieli a Franck Sol. was editor of The Fortni firms employ H - I . +10 �, I dier Had to Die; b6stj he madie The Saturday Review the Maj,q�j�s of Lorne and -P;' 8Vr1radned help. College in session front � . "I I upon his own irell-ordered homestead 'York in the mines _ and Settlers Excursions to Western I "ne'083 ftt- 5 to June 30. 'Enter, any time. Canada via Chicago , ; 11 By deliberately insultizg a superibr the first- literary paper ki England, Louise on their,airi'val at Qu,.�,)e,c..as . ' , , I � . 11 Chore a better North West at home ofHoer at a court martial a Frefiell and, inv,�nterl Bernard Shaw - as a, vice-regent and vice-re-Ine of Caiiada. Catalogue Fr - ... I if they would woxk it. soldier at Lille incurred the debtth Pon. aaamatic eritic. 'He ligs wrihen', some His creati�e pe,riod 8e, ' usium . ems to have and " . A sinali Alberta town spendsthous- end.e;l as abruptly,&q it be�an ftest C4 " e, April 16, 23 and 30 1 on an advertiaiag f our best short stories, one of ant ,A g the. . F,5,r shorthell, I I :� � , � VIA. what s the tise of -talking? ands .of d@llars Alty.,, 'The incident is a deplorable one, 0 in 1i883 Ite is t-ourin T�nit.6d VELT, JR. cao al . id evePV Second Tuesday tbereaft I 1- best- novels -"The Bomb," a book on I- W. WEMR P W . �', Pee The fact tl�at the ofacers had to eon. Shak.espea-re, which is as interestifif ,9-t4te,, as solo ObartereclAcemmtant. . I,* relwbWt., untin Se . ",', 1. _ ple, wili act the sheep Twenty scheme, ,while a rich and prospereu�3 plariqt, with Mine. r Vk6 J"% . ESTERVELT I]Pt. 17th inclus 11,�'.. , I m PdacipaL ive, 10: Spe6i , 'I . years ago, when economic conditiOn,T country in Ontario is afraid to sp!.ad demn the man is likewise painful� but as a romaif,ce and as startling a; &telka Gerst-er, fallicylls at that time � . is Tra W I leave Toronto, t SOP. . 013 � . . � were hard in the East and an empire a few hLindred And yet so.me pps- the military regulations were plain yellow Press-Rews par. He discover- as an Operatic and coloratura soprano, above dates for Edmonton ,an# � .. "I .. I ple wonder why western t6wn go nad left no alternatiTe. ed thc� late Richard Middleton; ho But durin,& tis. -brief j)rOduj6fAVe perlod - __ Points in Manitoba and Saskat b . i - :. - , of OPPort-11hity lay virgin on the Can- ahead so qaickly. AL. dragoon ia one of the regiments fougbt. ,numbeTlosa literary duels o . La-vallee ' pose�l Prodiguolusly,jiav- .� � — via Chicago and St. r -P c q,o!a ­, 11 � , � . I adian prairie, yov, could hardly drag --I aul I I I � I ibg t, -h"" Chilciren Ory I _� 1 , at Lille was being tried before a ,air." He has traveleel al is credit m. ahy s � 11 a 0 a § a a ,* court "Vanity r bngs ej.pure through coaches and Pnj � It Iiere with . , I I I -Vnters or hired men o v, , I... . .., . ­ I . .. . L � � martial. Anotber dragoon f the kame over- Amexica-in, the Wost where no beauty, a (3antata, an, Oraterio ("Tu FOR'f LETCHER'S Sleepers. No cba�ge of cars. I �� �.� horses and many who did go foandi I 0 e, . I . I � F.. � I regiment, who was undet rest a revolver; �. euve. ') i . 11, 1. � - Twenty-five out of forty-eight going ar man's life Is safe'without h ; Petrus"') ri an O,pe;r,a ("La V P Pull Particulars fro .11 . � � � their -way timidl�y back to the East, V t i0e. adho tie� 9AY two 6peras; als� 04OLSTC) R 14 Trunk A m �. . I ,ru for sonic other fault, was surnmoned on Wall Street,*w4erenb man's life is gent or (% any Gra'MA' IL ,��, . State_� have so -far n ,a their can- ' saf,Q without 4 bundle of debentures. a ,SymphfDny, two ore'llestral Suites, 'W', , . R. McCu tcheo0i -- * I I I I Out once the rush set in, a lVesterit didate for the Republican nominati'P. as a witness. When this dragoon eR, several Overtures - and Strir4g Quar- Alberta ktovernment Agent, pal , ; I . for the Presideney of the He has -made money at fauance, he - House Block, ronto, Ont. 81* I fever spread through people s' veins II unite tered the room of the c6urt martial 'h I Lots, many plArip. . I - Children ory I To I ­� 4, and now we see thousan States Iresident Taft Ilas 967 dele- 0 has a vUla,at Nice, and he has aneue. . Pieots and etudes I � . t I I i ds, upon wtus aslied b the presiding colonel ie Mcert ("I . FOR FLEICHER'S , THE I 1, �.. gates Pledged to him, and will re- ijj�6 ofr. his fo ed Mr. �G. B. Shaw'o( A-ealing the idea � - 3. e ;A A` is th,q b6st 40ST POPULAR- ROUTE T ,; I , � t, . ',�'11101 1: � tlidmands leaving the finest provialce quire 202 more if lie is to vanquir ' K. P. Tbe man took this In oT his Phakespeare play- . known), ,and, ji al y,, ,the so_aal,6d . ,� �1, I ,bL . . CASrOR�A Montreal, Btlff&lo, 1� .1,11 , I in the world to gamble on Wheat 9-;.q )Roosevplt,' bad part and flung him caPloh't the colty- "Chant National" (1880). � New York, Phiw . . I I 1. .. . __ __ n6l, fOlIO-1villg it uP VAth a storm of Classified. . , As'f6r the latter, there is no bing . a delphia, Detroit, Chicago, is via Grali -11 .. abusive language. in its origl�n or fif its m , NI . Trunk, the only Double Tra*ck R P. ­ � usical s ruc­ o,ut ". 1. - L - F . Lord Normaiaby is one of the fe A Double Loss. �V it peers and ther only marqui's in Eng- Steamship 66T% "' When h6 had rinished, the colonel, . w ture and emOtiona:l alipeal'to ,ca,use it , - June I the hours of fhe 0 ' t -o 6 -be, as it becohiel, a bone'of Ow-ashiP Of Zorna ,Qnt,, Lines For Tickets and allinforma:6 ��_ � IN Mifles' N Beginnin tit of sheer good nature, Osi,ed him to laild in holy orders. has Out In the T tickets on sale via all ' ­ I I 4 ervine day w i 1.1 b a number F6r manyVears. . (Iontention and ��I�en in Oan. not far from Embro, liv� P - . ��� ad from re -Sect and expmss rbg,ret for ble ac. he conduetbA a s.Ghoal at MiAgrave, . racial two Scots of . 1, : I Compltately one to 21 from midnight to midnight ada. Ifs melodytwas -Goni * the true�,type, DOW fast d1sa P''earing � UOD apply to A. R. Duff, District Pas� I Cured on all tion, which he was willing to 1801( and some, good storie4 are told of his; mel6dy as'suC10'a-Rd �06ed il'� a Bachelor , L past nliddle�ak� -apa souger Agent, or to . � ,i;,., I French Railways apd in ttle ,� . ' ' ' I E Bur postal and telegraphic serv'ice -, Upon its a momentary Outburst ol tem. scholastic days, His chaTges led ala -th� words by H ' 110t,as�:E!.S�Wn.;- ls, ll . I d P, � nfiy ana . J %J Little B q yr o f new The p&_ t npaulpered life. t, I on. Judge'Routfii�j, they 'for, m yeari-� I 1. �� arrangement is to replace the .Tbe dragoon merely repeated Ills ' Ham,pers were lo - aV(- -ly . Y. -:KNI�;HT' - ' " . In* r' who -says: "I learned to sing it with. chummed og'etlier, argued Ia.nd ' ' ot AgpL f. " .&- 29 awkward A. M. and P. M. designat- ihsult8. The court 111��tibl immediate bidden, and the boys' weekly pocket I I di,s-: I TIPP out words, a'i�d I Set �MYS�jf L to c ' an� fully enjoyed life until " ri ;- Was limit4d. tip threepence. "O P"ute'd ' ' an h ,L in in - ISO ) . ions A partial test in the telegra.. ly di�liberated and at t e end of ' oAey iv*as' in hirmony , , , incident*- "severed their re .� 0 Once when expou�nding the my' Normanby - Van's Fetnale pills - Stec- wilh its ideas, ThYthm and time." The 'Atidns and left them �o& miserable Dh service has given satisfactory re pose a �oem whi,ch III-af O I a * i A family can sTiffer no greater suits. I . quarter of an hour gave judgment ie� of the creation Lo'rd wp-rthy -.poet of ,�'6 C' , , ­ , Sandy� Mathlesbn and Donald G . ' L� , Offliction than to have a child sub- condemning the dragoon to death.- asked one pupil, who'is now a well . anaga" 'is, hero unn'' A rdliable French mgulator; never fails. Theft Boston Trqnscript. itidulging in jiletaphdr: A ,,melody were� their mames ' pills are exceedingly werful in regulating'the -1 . �, Refusp, l . I- ect to fits or epilepsy. . klipwri politi�ian, the differerlee and their la7st triP generative portion of t e female system �� I Many a .be- constructed,purelylout Qf the im ' together was to Strat _�01 . . 1�11 � -------- � tween himself aind a tiger, meaning, 1111- folid, where they all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's a sold at, '. � i , jather or mother would give their ITC—I know -how this catastrophe of,couTse the differew ' UOP or Musical sense a4d noag" Pat in a. big -started home Mab orthreeforsio. Mailed to any addtess. Book Without Errata, )e .in the scal`4 Do' I com- .. Vho eU Drug CO., St. CatbarjAes, oAt. ed ,expressely .as an interpretation With a generous allowance of Heather � I . , Las crippled yo -a and as one of your A London publisher"once, determlne�l of natme' jDhi boy �hought hard and' If5spealfic, words and senliment, Dew'undeT each be ­ I all to restore such a child to health, t so.% -b . "I am heattily glad to tell you of oldest friends I abould like to helD at las-Viblutted' out: I eon- It. On. the way an I our little boy who was coMpletely J-10", I will buy Your furniture for to publish at least one book *h1ch "A tiger, Sir, is an imperfect b,east- tains .-no ideas "except musioal-ideas. ,argument arose which became � 11 I - but you are—w.ell, a perfect beast!" all armonu, I '. ��, , r� I cured of fits. He commenced hav- 300 francs should be faultless In tbQ m'atter of er S nieloffie d `h' . so heat., I ing them at lo years of age and had Shc--Yoj.tr very ktmd but I nit've rata, relhted� tones. , *madd* up of ed that Donald declined to sit' any 1. I — I I them xor four years. .He had the proofs corrected by . I - me! In if&elf Lavallee's longer with Sandy-; who whs driViiag. I I ; � . I tried three jU EIt ,9cld it for,1325 francs. his own proofreaders with the greittest oay, which was a got back into the long, sleigh, P * . L doctors and one specialist but all of .purp �construc_ He , , 1. I I them said he could not bd cured, Re—What? Yout allowed yourself care until they had exhausted their . To Fight John Burns. bittil of the musical sense, is without pulled Out the tailboard, and putCing I M1 ff, 04M 40 , but Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine t1j ba robbed like tbat?—Pele Mele. . Viscount Curzon, who hits t_L"ecepted sex or Taoe,'and devoid of any specific it across the box, glowered at Sava.. .1 . skill and patience and assured him the invitation of,the council Of the seutiment or`mjpaning,* Further, A dy' 11 back,iin solitary state. Sandy, . � , -ty and gay. It has been 0 �711's composed t6 be sung, as, it was .'so ould not deign 0 loom . three ears since he -had the last spell. t. Ron. John t -urns. in 18804t Quebec, in oelebra4irig the eiinc, and thereby failed to notice - EXCURSIONS I - Tl:,e minting of 'Cauadain ,K mad Proofs of the last revise, he Sent them M.P:, is the,only child of Lord '. 1 .. I sha I give Df. Miles' medicines $10 gold prec, ti 1401're - I T, "eligiotis Festival..,of jeaA' Bgptist(. that a.severe jolt, c I I . and Dr. Miles� Nerve and Liver Pills III A that there -were no longer any errors Conservative Ass6clation to e nte'st f 01111 , , 11 made a comptete cure. He is now 4 � i hale, heai to be ellmin4ted .� t HOMESEEKERS' 1, _,�._ I � I Ps 'Will begin al; 0 awa to the universities'and other large Pub . OuPled probaWy TO I - Taking� duplicate the seat of the R ' t I 'I I -ever I 0. You aTe sat Naturally, �Iierelore, I � ., Praise Whet - by his marriage witli the late Lady ;iin tempo, sttuc- With a -slight unsteadiness on Don. ­ . fiber tousethisfat asyousee nex I t inonth. T12P new coins, will lisbing,houses, offering large niQnoy Georgina Spe.r�cer,Churchill, ,daughter t,�re, and emotiondl expTession it has ald's part, caused the latter to pitch Manitoba, Saskatchewan, . fit ail X I will I . ,. as prizes for each error dikqvered. A few of th'e sdvdnt%, Duke of Marlboroiiiii. 01 the qualiti'e6' of a' Alberta - . isanyone writinv o me weet a ]on- felt need in Canada , ,., � I I Hymn, and out into the snow. Neither would Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 . . . . , � I ladly answer if thWenclase siamp pxactic1illy the onfy gold used at pr- errors only were, found, and af , ter ev- Xr.'Durns' Young opp&ne' (he is mi�ht have "'had' any-P1Iit,qrcjy sett I ing APRIL 2, 18, slI M .p m on , " for rtkl 11 sent in C, nt . Donald dem-ean -himself to diaw �t_ I T! anada is coined by the U�oit_ . ery one had, only twenty-s6ven) is a �comma t with *6e te tention to his mishap, so that Sdnd.y JOLY 9, . ­ I I . F. M., 130GrUE, Windfall, Ind. sta tes &..chance to detdct any ad nder iii ,�,filch 'w'as �cons`isten ' AY 14, 20 jUNg 11, 26 � L lk is estimated that there 4 - the naval reser 4 -ature, and ' . 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEP.I. 8, 11 I . . ve, in w1liell he 'haj t"ril Motional 'demalim � arersevera ditional errors the plates 'were made, de' in due time arrived hom� alone. Second clams ticketo from Ontado stadcos to priticipg ,I millions worth al Uiilted ;erved -for eight years. He is a '1�'Iidilier or e I 1. I Dr. ,Miles' Nervine n 0 gold Pieces in cir. the book printed, expensively bound O . XOt lit -wins the dis . jinc- Say, Sandy, you've lost �yoxr tail- Northwest poinit al . personal charm, and is :ioli of beconling Oanada!s ilational oard," said a neighbor, ag he turred UND I calatioll ill ("alluda now and sold as an,absulutely perfect book to put UP a good fight against,the re- 4nthern, let.us rpmejfib -TRIP RATES � it iq represented to bp, , 11112� " '% hist what' su b LOW Ro I ' . or Larvalle as a into. his gate", and tc> 61h4r p,oi;Its in Propord6n. Tivj&ktas 11 I ,,ant and patri6tic,,�feljew-country- "Yass 80id. Sandy, as he turned Roo� (0 rettlin within 60 dgya ft6m goijig date. ; ' ,,� , a inedidne compounded especially . .. nild unique in all jiterature. For a long doubtable Tribune ofABqttersea, brill 11, $M'nonle 9 and return $34 00;. Edmmiton Atkd ralutit . - . I for nervous diseases, such as fits, . ' time ON was conceded, 4 'but six or tn an lyhO ; 11�8, 'left' otir., . inusicia 'ail d for' Via; first time realized ,tha , date. I I eight months Aftor IfS publication a 'it , I f ns a ,f-ilo-,ldid idea and �01'rSOIY lie Wag alond�, , "Yass,-an' 1 loss Tonal k . , spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul- T110 cabillet has 1:assed 'an order in Some Rdc6mmenaation, " .es 4 goodly t TOURIST SLEEPING CARS � I 11 1, . ePSY. These dise'aseg council rc,,(-,j_qjn- t.be mancy appropria . -!on li, )','ta_,0e for, our delectation �nd in, � I . 0ions AAd epil 1. I . letter called the P011sheIr's 'attent A Hindu baler's assistant in Dom- p! -, Gunn." I .. " thrOU21) to Edmbntoti via salkaloon, &Igo t6 winnipce I I � I I I . � . �L�cj as a reward to the veterans of to an error in a certain llne and page, bay, on settin . I I � I I and Calkyary via Main Line on h1l excurcip CUT- , I 10BG s i atlon. Alas _that 'wo 'jea.a. f � ' 1� I 1, frequently lead to insanity or cause , 70 T c7 will now be entitled . I 9 up in basiness joi I tjiia brillian't. cW - . I .how forla6lq berths, fay equiPped with boddU."".. im I I I ''. I " 11 � I - h Later a second wag�ftnu011bced, and himself, betlipught him of - ative Cand�ian` corn- sec"Yed at moderato rAlds througb local Agem", ; . , � � . I : . weak rnffit7s. Dr, Miles' NerVine 1-�,O 100 dollars each for making proof t.!fore tke first. year bad elapsed some for the Dngli� catering � , Puma, as,'Schllber�tand koz�rb . I A Canadiati Cheese, Early aPPI!bation rnuat be fnade. I , � h cornjnunfty� aA -well as � . I r IA-rviDu Application , forms to be 7olir or Ore errors bad been reported — fOr the native one.-rWith this end ii, 1116'r t1lers, of the,edme, Wiltd--lonely pimp"LET � I I 1� I � ,I I, ­ has Proven tnost effective in reiiev� " le �,��Id 0 Spocially indd'e'da Canada and takctj ASK PoR HOI�ESEF:KrAS, . . I til d out by Fenian raid *0-rtrans Charles W1 � , -3 alone. WI -died. at. o4i6n, S � gri. to London., fh� ji�rgeAt ell . rmektion. � . r \, . � ad th4e follow- '-', ISM, "1113 frete -de' I . � wo, � $109 have b ,� I Ing paill-ted ovdr his 001`1�-AY� 'Itain -u,-1;-1'—comppnj( agl- Mtge st-oro I . : , � . ing thesp dree2ed maladies. cialming the ;,-rant of'. uslow ilillit In NatiZat View, alocolIdi,rigly, -he eese .in the � contAififtli raies aod �ull info � cen -kt1l,gAzf,U -finite Id is ,now boipg exhibite,d in it Apply ftld b.,all deugtj1jte. Ifthe f1rat bottle Nllpnred by j -he Militia , 1 61 , _ � c . . . 0 tO Acatest CPA, Aoent or 1 � departr4ent - � .. � .. . - UX solicits reg ' , �:a.lwfth' i 066 W� I at nalhqim� Tho 811�("se, M. G. MUR I I #011210- b0n0flt Your monayls refurnad. i1nd can he had- by aPPI;6ag 1:0 the pe-otful , atrollage. , So �fgbt,of Iiij i I Oso PkiY, Dht, Pa3s, Xgt,. Toropt, . . � , Odmitter of the dep* . . . ?A 8k first -014L t �. . of, whiah stands 5 feet big'i ' I . ''I AUX4 MEDICA4 CO.# Twontop Can, artime'lit, � '. -, , . llvi... . " , . 1 20 fe, , and is '0�1'pr OOLY DIRECT LINE - f10 CHAN I I . . ­ . . leafek'" � bovo.. _ _. . -, is� I. I k in eiicitiliference, w0ighs 3 to'ns 1_ � I I . 1:1 . � ­ ­ ­ . . 6 �Wt qq� po aE OF CARS � � I I . � . I I .. . 1� . I I . I I I � ". . � I "... ... I " 6, I" un,14 ., . 1�_� — i I I � . I i � � I I � I 11 .f . . I . . . 1. . I . � I I J . . I , I I . . . I,— I I I . I I � . . I , .1 � . . � . . __1111' I I � I I 11 I I . I I I � I � . I I � . I I . :� � " :1 I . . � 11 � � I I I I . .r I � I - , 4 1; � 0 I'A I I I 1 71 1 1 1 1 N91AT9 ., ___4 rri 01hu I 'I. y � H 'I' I I n_g .1 , �, I I . I I � .� � I t I � . . I I I I I I I � I I . I - . I � I I I I . I I , . 11 1. ­ . I I , I I . . . � � . I I . I I . � I I � I 11 : � I I I I I . � . I � . I 1� . I " . � . . ­­. I . I . � . . I . . I I , . . . I 1. I I 11 � . � : I I I � I . . �:, I 1. . I . . I ! r . . . . � - . , I � I 1. . I I I . I I I I I I .1 I . I 1. . I I I , I , I � I ­ . I .1 � . L -L I _�-,A___ . . ­ I I I ­ I' ­­ ­ I I I I , r . . I � I I � I . � I I . I � � I., I I : . I . . I I . I .1 I . I .� , ,. : - -1 ­' —l"'.1r'', � ­,"', " , I . I I � . 1 1 I I . I _1-1 ­. 1. --1 _.­.­­, ____ ----111 ­11� ­­ 11-1 .. I I 11 ­ - ­ ,__ "'' �� "', __­ . I :� ,- " ,,� , � I I'' I I I . . . I . I I I . . I I I I ,L I I .11 I I � I I I I r I "; ,. I � . �... I �, .: ;.:" _ 1-1-1 -11, I I __� � - � ,, . _1 I . . ­ . I � I , i, 1, I . . 1-1111. . r -1 �� � 11 �.�­'�, 1, I "I � I I— I _�,­ - . � . . I I I . 1 �5 . 1-1. ­ I—" I