The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-23, Page 39iy DEAQL'I.NE...S P.M M! NpAv "TIE ON .COQ HEALTH . Alt *MO you, to attend th,Erepectalt Parent Education. Classes, being held in the;: Assessment Office Board, Room, 46, Gloucester Terr^., Goderich commencing Tuesday.; March 29,;1903 9:3from,7:30 - 0 p m.: Series will begin with 2 Early Bird classes followed by 6 Regular Classes, The cost is $3.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12, 1983. For pre -registration or further -information, please call 'the Health Unit office in your area at 524- 8301.-10,11,12ar HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit. presents an information night on cancer and breast self examination with Dr. B.R. Thomson, Wednesday, April 13th, 7:30 p.m., at the Assessment Office, 49 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich. Film and handout materials included. Free admission and refresh- ments.-11,12,13ar RUMMAGE SALE: Friday, March 25, 1983, 10 a.m. to ?, Canadian Legion Hall, Main Entrance,Goderich. Sponsored by Legion Ladies Auxiliary. -11,12 THE OPAL CLUB - a dining and social club for 4ngle adults. For information phone 1-273-0118.-11,12 HAM MO'. Sponsored by Rubin it and District Lion's CIO, Friday, March 25, 8 p.rtl at Auburn Conununity Ha1L-12 FAMILY FUN: With a Musical concert featuring TheCrippled Ducks, Richard Knechtel and Jim Medd and the Pleasure Pac, Sunday, March 27 at 2:30 p.m. at Blyth Memorial Hall. Adults $4, children, $1.50. Call 523-9300.-11,12 BINGO every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, R.R. 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00; 15 regular $15. games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over. -1-28x CARD PARTY on Wed- nesday, March 23, at Brookside Public School, 8 p.m. Proceeds for Arthritis Society. Sponsored by West Huron Junior Farmers. Euchre and crokinole being played. Everyone welcome. -11,12 THE FAMILY of Mrs. Geo. (Dolly) Bruce would like to invite her friends and neighbors to Maitland Manor on Sunday, March 27, 2-4 p.m. to help her celebrate, her 95th birthday. Best wishes only please. -12x STAO&DOE FOR CAROLYN LITTLE AND CHRIS CARTER SATURDAY, MARCH 26th GODERICH DANCING 9 pm - '1 am Lunch Provided Tickets '3. at the door 1 GDk, FILTH SIGN PAINTING THE DOCTOR RUNS A CLEAN OPERATION...NIGHTLY 524-9830 BOX 33 GODERICH y,lfl u � Ill ll ' I Ill°gllllllglllllll Illi I Illi IIIIII Iu, dlrll�ll• � unll.. 1 ,� pr.. m. m �uIIIIIUII"' � ,pill nul, nn I � ulNpflll rl .igli 11111 DUNGANNON WIPING: WORKERS EASTER Smorgasbord, Dungarnlon United Church, Thursday, March 31. Sittings at 5 and 7 p.m. Adults $4.50, children under 12, $1.50, preschoolers free. For tickets call 529-7932 or 529-7617.-12 EUCHRE PARTY at MacKay Centre, Goderich, Wednesday, March 30th at 8:00 p.m. Prizes, Draws, Lunch. Admission $1.00. Sponsors, Sunset Circle Club. Everyone welcome. -12 THE FAMILY of Angus and Helen MacDonald and the nieces and nephews of Dave and Isabel MacDonald invite you to celebrate their 35th and 40th anniversaries in Lucknow on Saturday, April 2. Dancing to Siddon Bros. Best wishes only please. -12,13 iRcis. brook THIS WEEK'S ROCK OTTOM DE "PIG TALES". Musical Play by Two Plus Players. Goderich Branch Library, Thurs., Mar. 24th, 2:00 p.m. Free tickets available. Spon- sored by Huron County Library. Funded by Outreach Ontario. -12x FRONTIER RANCH SUM- MER CAMP Girls July, Boys August, complete riding. Waterfront program 26th year accredited, 55 miles west of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jeffrey, R.R. 2, White Lake, Ontario. KOA 3L0.613 -623-3577.—o-12 BLUEWATER CENTRE Volunteer Association meeting, Monday, March 28, 12:30 p.m. Speaker: D. Carter - Fire Safety.-12ar GODERICH DAFFODIL TEA at St. George's Anglican Church on Satur- day, April 2, 1983 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Collection at the door. Proceeds for Canadian :ancer Society. -12,13 tr >!C¥.it. >al ¥44• 44*4_4*'K'K* * * * NHL HOCKEY * Saturday March 26 * * * * * * * * * * For Further Information Contact * * * DETROITvs. MINNESOTA * * * ,1* * * * * * Goderich * 9 Seats Still Available 524.7622 524-4540 -* * * * 4444444444144 ■ II MIA, RAO EAR 111.1114111 1110■:. U'11 RAM III II •.I:a1!'f1,B1♦1I I:■ .OLEL, u P ' RESTAURAN TI,� & TAVERN \ ( / non LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O. �"'BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH f 524-7711 .II THIS WEEK FRIDAY A SATURDAY March 25 A 26th "COUNTRY COMPANIONS" Watch nest week's paper for details on our EASTER SUNDAY SMORGASBORD 11 111111.1011111'1: I► N �Ni�JGl�lllih 4 GOOD FAST AND CHEAPI ' OPEN DAILY AT 11:OO AN1 • • .. � • • • • .• • • •, Watch for dnihalll0 t wuk. 7 * * * * * **,k T IS R O T C FLO ER +t 23.1983-44100 0 March 25th, 1983 For Further Information Contact Godorich 524-7622 524-4540 * * * * * * * * * * * s * * * * * * * * •o • • .1• • 4. LOWER LEVEL OF THE COURT RESTAURANT 120 THE SQUARE, GODERICH. 524-9111 I>Igu n3,lnq m llpmllgllllgl.. .....11lllllh, XAMPLES: HOT DOG 8 ii;llillii!I.A�!IAr .,. :iinlil..... "RI IIIII ... II ,..! IIIleI ' II:I :1:::,^III� iiIiIIIhlI ......,...... iilallai... I1I1 I1II 1 l . ... ........ FRESH GREEN SALADS $1 .°° BIG BOWL STEAMY HOT CHILI $1.6° THE'BUNFILLER' HOT SANDWICHES from $� -20 If you can find better food, cheaper...go for it! TAKE-OUT ORDERS "WELCOME" 524-9111 HOTEL.' 524-7331, /CM 92 THE SQUARE, GODERICH • Join us at the Bedford for a traditional EASTER SUNDAY SMORGASBORD APRIL 3rd 2 SITTINGS: 4:30 & 7:00 Featuring: A Generous Selection of Fresh Salads and Cold Cuts ROAST ONTARIO DUCKLING A L'ORANGE Roasted till tender and simmered in a special sauce. GLAZED VIRGINIA HAM Baked to perfection and glazed with mustard sugar syrup. ROAST TOP SIRLOIN OF REEF Roosted t+a• perfection. Served with the traditid,41 trim- mings •"' Also: Garden Fresh Vegetables, Pdtotoes, Our i= ►;*in Oven. Baked Desserta :with Assailed Cheesa IIESiOV' .JIONS PREFERRED acid 'Fresh Fruit. R1600 0 ysy CHILDR N UNDER 1.2 RI The He'd Nalgard wile ba timed cilli d ►1, rW y. itplrii 1 • • • • • • • •1 •. '• 1 • .0 • • • • • • • • . 1 •• • • • • • 1 • • • • "THE SUMMER'S BEST MOVIE. An affectionate masterpiece. Spielberg's finest, most satisfying movie yet.,, ' EWSWEEx "STEVEN SPIELHEI G'S MAGICAL MOVIE, IS FN A C9 SSS BY ITS ►? EAU'flFUL SELF." 7I1b u.,cgrcat Friday:Saturday=Sunday • . • • • • . • • • • • • • CHARLES BRONSON A COP... A KILLER... A DEADLINE... • • • • • .IIT ',NI 1151 Rt. 111 M 7111 1: \ 1 H1a-T1Ji HI .STR!41. Fie il. afraid. He i, totally alone. He is 3 million light years from home. • • •1 • •• •. . •, • • • • • • \'1\ RPI FIAT M. 1-11 M 11 '1111 1\10.1 1111RI •1111.11 111f U 411.11 f PFTFR f1 )YUT} 111NR\ THUMA. 4. 1111111.1 •1 at 11 RIII\ '4111,4Ms \ruin).\ 11\ Sin I\\4 MAI-titYrs PR(1n1•CF11 H\ •TI1'I \ •P1' 1111 R(. R LAI 11U 1\ Al \\FI)• DIRF("FFI) R\ .TFVFN \PII:LBER(. A 1'.'. I\ LRT41 P14 11 1' ODri; • • Wednosday-Thursday 7:30 pm • Friday -Saturday 7 pm & 0 pm • Sunday -Thursday 7:30 pm • • SPECIAL MATINEES • • SATURDAY -SUNDAY - 2 PM • •• ••••••••••••.•••••••• • • Y• • ... e • • • • • $1iin !stress Her wildest dreams Are about to come true. . • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • . • • • 1 • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • .•..•••••.•••••e•..•. .:1 ,.t rx • } Av • ti. 50 BUCKET. This Saturday and Sunday, Kentucky Fried Chicken has a sensational special for you. A Bucket, with 15 pieces of finger lickin' good chicken, priced at only $8.50. The Sensational Saturday and Sunday $8.50 Bucket. At Kentucky Fried Chicken. There's nothing like it. .04. 94 ELGIN. AVE GODERICH