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Exeter Times, 1912-4-24, Page 1
B. B. B Be Reza ambaQ prier Blood Builder d a s * toni'e of unusual merit) A veaetable preparation . that renews. the vitality and gives fresh ambition and energy. Large Bottles $x.coo lii o1ht a� 2?fer �i' �r�r Drug Iv Have You Tested its Merits. iHJf 'IY- TCr EI rr YEARc — [O 1993 Huron Se dlasez Gazette EXETER, QNT GA.N•ADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRII 24th 1912 a TONES & MAY. 1 PHONE 32 :.: 0=WEA T .ENT This is one of oar Big Departments this Season. We are showing everything a Lady can wear. Hats, Dresess, Skirts, Waists; Coats, Suits, and Whitewear. It will do you good to see what we have: Ladies Dresses Some very Swell White Dreeses from $5 to. $10 each; Also a nice show- ing of Colored `Dresses from $ 2 up Fancy Waists In Silk Net Lawn and Liifen. Ev- ery. waist is well made and right up to the best style. Waists from .$1 up to $7 each, Children and Misses Dresses A big lot of White Dresses at $1 to $5 and all kinds of Colored ones for $1,'1.25, 1,50, 2.00, 3.00. Ladies Suits and Coats Only a few lelt, but you will get a bargain on any of them. 16,00 Suits or Coats 11.00; 12.00 Suits or Coats 25.00 Suits or Coats 16.0. Tlie New Wash Goods Now is The Time for Them Chambrays and Ginghatns • j Foulards and Linens in the best Patterns and Colors The best yet. Fifty different pieces _3'1ain, Striped or Checks I to select Brom. Ruurs, Carpets, Latioletitris Now is the time you want them. for Housecleaning. We areheadquarters for them .aid can give you the Best and Biggest Selection iu the county, This is one of our Strong Lines. Wall Paper We have hundreds of designs to choose from, From 5. cents ' to 50 cents a Roll. Boots and Shoes The. Best in the Iand, All our Shoes are New and Nifty. Phone 32 ou Nee We Can Jones & May, Exeter iia•:z"gym . Spring Fill A11Requirements. Lawn Rakes 25c Garden Hoes 40 8e 45c Shovels 60 & 750 Carpet Beaters 10 & 15c Hand Saws 50 to $1.00 Hammers 15 & 35e Screw Drivers 10 &15c Tack Pullers 10 &,15c Curtain Pullers $1.00 to $1.40 Step 'Laddeas85c Brushes 5, 10 and 15c a 17,e Dn tb ne the � anitar y Sweeping g Coib oun d35c a Tin'. Poultry Netting all Sizes 3•i to 10cts. a yard ,a Ready Mixed Faits and Vanish Stains. 100 tins Paint 15, 2 and 456 Elephant 18, 30 and 60o Martin Senours 20, 35 and 65 Full Stock of Lowe Bros. High Standard Pure Ready 'Mixed Paint, Alaba.stine and Mar co Chi.nanlel New graining process also used for floors, woodwork and furniture, Ca,mbells Varnish Stains in 15, 25, 45 and 85c tins, Other Varnish On 10, 15, and 25e tins. BE AM AN9 Ain ��n�� STORE "TheT es ' to the elnd of l9l 2 for 5Oc The e ? �r nit. � � �� e � ��� � � he COor�:ty Communication The Wom.ens 1;nstitute of the vil- lage of Exeter have taken in hand the laying out, the planting of trees and the naming; of this new park. which so beatufuily slopes down, to the water s edge at the pumping sta- tion of the Exeter waterworks. These ladies .have been asking for suggestions for a suitable name 'tor this park I am aware of the fact that so many people in naming their own children to say nothing about naming a Park make awful badness of it. I think the name of this park ought to be something of importance Now I' have an improtant name to suggest, and a name that means a great deal to this Canada of ours and that name is "Tecumseh' This is the name of a brave Inrttan Chief who fought with the Canadians and the British against the United States in 1812, .and who was slain at Mor- aviant:own in that war. The year .1.x9 0 z 1� is then the century s! year for this historic event, Though 'Tecumseh was slain one hundred years ago it means much to -day 'I c meant much in the past and will be regarded withhistoric interest for all time to come, in Can- adian and British history. The worst is easy to spell easy to pronounce and easy to remember Possibly teachers oft a o to public and continuation school tivonld pronounee on this or on scant other suitable name. Your obedient servant. II. B. Hester( P. ,S.—While I em at it I might es welt say the 1a dies of the Institute ere having a load of sitc'ar maple seri other trees on the great to be pla^'t ed some time about Empire Da;+ The thought is to have the Lewitt eii.izcns of Exeter buy a tree from thein at a nominal price, then for each person tor lant his or her own tree I noticed in one of the 'J'or- anto ()tilled Unit the 1V'o'mcns Ins- ligate of Amhersbrirg is ootleetina }}money to have a monument erected n that town to the mera:ry of the brave "Tecumseh il:, I. x1. Dont be surprised ` if you have ar nt:mak of rhea= taut' this apring. .lust rah theeffooted parts free'11 •with ChaM rlain's Ltr iaarxzt and it will soon,itlisappeae. Said b,'� all data te• , .+ , , W' •1 rrar Locals Mr. ' C. Aldsworth is preparing to build a uewahouse. As we go to press we learn of the death of Mr, William Miller of Lum- ley full particulars will be given} next }reek, Mr. Geo. Chapman will be a,'t the Central Hotel Exeter on Wednesday May lst at 12 o clock with a aliotce Ioad of calves Lor sale. Dr. 3, B. McGilliouddy was called to Watford Wednesday owing to his mother having suffered a paralytic stroke and being in a serious con- dition, An Organization temperance meet- ing was :held in Main Street church on. Monday evening when it was de- cided to launch a loeati option cam- paign for nest d'anuary. Rev, Mr. Kettlewell of Toronto ivas present at the meeting Rev. Livingstone in 'critical Condit- ion --It is anrorneed that Rev. James Livingstone of Mitchell., who. has been in Stratford Hospital' Tar several weeks is very ion, and that he could not live more than n. few days. The firniily have been ."Ltmmened home. An Ex -Priest D. C. .Cosseello, who is touring Canada announced that he would be in ' Exeter ;last Monday evening and deliver rt Lecture ea/ - bracing nine subjects hrarine. on the Church of Pomo. . He failed to get' an audience and consequently the lec- ture did not come off A meeting of Temperance workers for Stephen Township was held at At. precisely halfpast eleven Mon - Crediton on Monday when it was de- troll 'ore, Thursday morning, there tided to carry on a local option wa.; f wnt fight Mr, George Drown of Grand :naill }veliery dri epartmentalisolutc ofcessationthe G. T.oR. Bend was elected preside9t and Rev. and G. T. P. and their affiliated lines D:1). Thompson Secy Tress, for the space of five• minutes as. a memorial to the late :President Hays This striking and far reaching mem, er;al. will embrace three countries. Canada, Great Britain and the Unit- ed States tunny lines of railway on this continent and also (steamboat servinos on the great lakes and the Pacific) coast, The time will be so ar- ranged that the cessation of work for nearly half way round the world shall he simultaneous While ' the memorial service will. start in Mon- treal at half past eleven, the five minntes of, mourning will start in London England at 4:30 p. n1. and at 9:30 a.m. at Prince Rupert while dif- ferent times will be brought into play on the' „aliausands of miles be- tween these points, Instructions will he gent to the pacific and by lake vessels and sharp at the appointed time tbey as well as the trains shop machines and employes (throughout tee whole system will come to a standstill at the appointed. hoar At the:,eaYtic tinge a memorial ser- ene? will be °held in London England The Grand Trunk offices at the empire capital sban be closed 'during the time of the service, which will be attended by the English directors of the Grand Trunk and the Grand. at Trunkthe 'T'officesacifio as well as by the staff , District News Crown 'Attorney Seager Was in Clinton on Wednesday of last week to conduct a case in which S. S. Coo- per proprietor of the Norznaudie is charged with ztssaalt. The coinpini,n- ants are a married man and woman Who stayed at the hotel; After hear- ing the evidence behind dos- ed doors. Mr. Cooper was commit- ted for trial by Magistrate Andrews and will coons before a county judge in Gedericli, ,T, M. Best of Seafer.tle o.ppcared.for• tbo defendent. on Friday last for the first time stage communication by autonnobile was established between London and tlm village ,of Granton, • The innova- tion willmark a new epoch in rural coltrau.nication. The motor bus bas` for a long time been used for Rural traffic in Ireland. where it displaced the old -tine jaunting oar over a de= Cade ago. Mr. E. Guest is the enter- prising proprietor of the Granton Stage line who is responsible, tfor the innovation of the first suceessful motor bus running to and from Lan don Some years ago the late John ilodgins of Lucian, introduced an auto bus between Taman and London but it was not adopted' far the heavy, ser- viee end was hon afterwards abated- ed. A much more serviceable type of motor'haa been chesen by Mr. Guest and it is fully expected that he will give goad satisfaction. 0 All 'Trains to Stop The death occured at :lits late res- idence 'Cartwright St. London, of T. Worry at the age of 71 years, Born in Cornwall England he with his parents 'cane to this country in 1847 living for some years in Parting- ton and Whitby townships respective- ly. About the year 1369 the fam- ily removed to Usborne township, Huron County, In February of 1880 he married Dort'hy Manning daugh- ter of the late Samuel Manning of Usborne who predeceased. him by five months To thein were barn seven children, two sons dying in infancy and five daughters. Anna H. of Boone Iowa Rwbx.J'. of London. Lac - retie M, of Toronto Sophia and Dqr' othy of Regina Sask. The, cause of death was pernicious anaemia from (which he was confined to his bed very quietly Thursday morning April 18th Funeral Saturday April 20th in- terment at Mount Point Pleasant nrmetery. The family fi,el atm. loss of a kind and loving Chrrsil11: father!, Reeve W. J. Reamer' and Conncill. day l L TJ. ast Scottattewerendining' a- CIintomeetzn on Thuofthe s- rusr, heads of the different towns and vil- lages of ate oounty in reference to electric power developed on the Mait- land River at the Black hole near Benmiller. The meeting was addres- sed by Messrs Acres nod Yates of the Hydro .Electric Commission During the past year the river has Don't Forget the Band been measured at that point and it Concert Friday Night. I ayes found that the minimum horse ,power developed was 800 while the o maximum horse power was 5,100'the W'ITALEaT i 3 later being the time of the recent Miss Edna and Ililda Gaining are 0 thaw on Gond Friday. The estimated ea TRUSSES We carry" a +complete stork of all: different makee of trusses, When in 4 come to us, we do not overcharge, 0o4 44 talion free, We guarantee a rorfpttt ` lx and cQxnp1e:te satisfaction or naoliTey refutl*d ed. Cob's Drug Store $r.o0 per year in advan •*********4 .*0*a0* **.*d* '* 4,440* ***4¢* 0©********* a 0 0 0 The Men s Store •We now have as neat and 00 tidy a Men's Furnishing Store • as there is in. Western .Qiltarit ib and we invite you to inspect our premises and have a look through our stock. • Everything in the stock is • new and up-to-date in every respect. We inte:id to carry no3hing but the best goods for the price, and you will be con- vinced of this on an exarina— tion° We wish to draw special • attention to our Kenmore soft mand hard hats. The full list of furnishings consists of • r & 0 .. 4 I .eady=lo=Wear Suits, Overcoats, Fancy tr •Vests, Odd Pants, Overalls, Shirts•, Coll..Z. ars, Ties, Cuffs, Underwear, Socks, 'i: es, Handkerchiefs, Bats and Caps. 4 a 0 ** a 404 1,4 r O0,, 00 eV ea 0 Clothes. That K #e p 4.O4 00'aShape ., eo a o TAN! AN made -to -measure' clothes are shape retaining, 4,,, Every yard of cloth, the canvas, the hairctoth, the wigan, the • lining that goes in the inside, is all thoroughly shrunk by : 0 special process before being made up. That is why;Taman a garments retain their style paints ' until worn out -and they cost no more than or.dina°ry .garments 0 ,0_ We Are Now Showing 1 Th Spring I ines 1 ti- 0 0 • 0 e 4 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 cost for ecquipprnent is $586,000. The estimate of the cost per horse power for the different municipalities bas- ed on 2000 horse power being used in the county is ns follows; Wing- ham 55.00 -Exeter 51.11; aiensali 5014 Clinton rn on ..3 s., Goderr^h 26.84 Bayfield 43.00 Zurich 52.09 13,yth 71.50; Dash- wood 70.00; Crccliton 80.00 At the conclusion of the mectirg Messrs Beaman and Scott were informed drat a survey was Ie- meeting on Thursday last no changes ing made from St. Marys tin. Granton �.i re made in rr_ard to the offices 67+3 'Wellington Street Limn,. Ailsa Craig T arkhill, etc; and excepting secretes . this was given t o phone 708 inondon Ont. that they would come North to in- eI•,s lles',ie Mer,~•; elude Crediton Dashwood, IIc'nson: and i Horn was Exeter., and uin this wayMiss Iia W. M. J3 appointed 4n at - power could ten'i the at S. Branch meeting in SCHOOL REPORT, be secured at a Iower cost but just Sarna next mo.'tb. how muoh they did not know. At Mr. Samuel Crnn'ng has rented his ' 'The following is the result of the present the price' for Ilydra fry Sea Ferri to Mr. r' r;• airs for 3 J)romotion examintaions for S 'S Na, spending a month in Exeterk ]ii ss Myrtle l!errest of '"rospect s"14nt the past wenn hereethe guest of Miss Vera Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. John Morley and Mfrs -,n } rb• e - s nt FridayIi' k in 1r ton +t. the home of Mrs, Gorge Duffield c:catnon being their 20th year of wedded life. The trustees of this ehurch have de- enani to (purchase a new organ. The C P. M. S. held their annual, 0 MERCHANT TAILOR A -004400v*40b�7*00-00Et*000•AQ*0000a4G?fd$a0 +00644-04.004+7ti• v'^•^•A pea experienced need en r p general S' maid z A girl x 1 who can do plain cook- ing. Na wnsbinz. Small family. Applicant: must be reliable and of good character. Wa ges $.1'2 per }month Apply to MRS. J. J. CALLAGIIANt lyears forth is 41125, while at 8t. Marys itlr, Gunn'ne resifts on tho'farm'and it is about 10.00 which price will we are pleased to know that Mr. Glare be greatly reduced when the cement eiee: will still rentei • among ;is. company of St. Marys get connected several of our ;venlig men were up with the system away on Sunday lo' s suspicious boys LONDON C' Nr fE CI Program issuer] for M?' -i'- Oath- }BORN Herman In rl ,'- '•l. Geo. atawso , ering in :•t, 'I'h:i.n,as, Z"Itr"iCtIG'G-1'u rtrl;l:i!I Friday Asir. teacher. n, Rev. Ur. rt I, Vl'� i i e'•• rease eat of oath to Mr. ae;!. Mrs. 3. M. Z:•:r- the Domani Meth •l, r,,.,,-,,, a ,•a son 2 (lay V class Wilfred Northcott 70 Ella Joncs..65; 1'\* class Earl Camp- bell 66; Ralph Hawkins 66;. John Mur may (58; Emil Wr1'ard 57; Hilda Wil- li.,.ns 40 111 rilas Grotta Case 73, Algia 1learina Ira; Vera Jones 59; 1:'e,aia Geddes ,� 1t';,'i' 1.1."i:ltrd 47 bas issued a pro/creel ,': r t.'e Meth- TJiCKEN'1—Ili:11 tea h,;-. 8'h tr M r r est Church St. T'hrn i :'1 1 n ,r c ` i.: Ol h and Mrs. 1"' It';i.S'- a ciaarFrhter. The manrsterral ses•le ,.i sleetcn, rare)' ,lune 5th 12r, A]f clog st texplr;nr'sy knows no 7 a: :.• 11 years laIlineTon 1 •. , r ,(• •.:• of T'I:hb�: rt resift '',11-aln 1: 'x ' ,supe. r ,. Addresses will be given le the : i c '•, c i 'iTn•1"day, Apr 1 1 r r r 1 ell- a al e f a ; 1 ,r serial sesGian b 3ev, ,•t d i z„h- its, of London ' Fv'a ennel erai ih•x �.ns,` 1•= er•,r( F. Cctrrmun'on , � 1. t' I . r,,. z=• a tlri acoau.it of r la r3 f•a ' hM A.rd o+ IL P. Rowles of Victoria niversie ° 1 I'ti1 �* l r g4i 58 yrs. ' r.r,:.a a.7 sso :s yl . M.G„t- cervi e, an .. y Lev . ro . r. nesday r „ ^' A o-. 'hurt'} t l 1 the neem a ," ,: , •y• ; 1.: ena t aa n The hin-, .. 3.v. I11. Ian i',nrw f T. rid r }; i ! 1' ••r. 1 \ti ::i t.e ; .. c :lrriday at 2, (lido over the T'h 2ologiaai 01-.0 , ,.t' r _ 1 '• nh w; It . be he .. 1'r. }inion Clairol: .rel '` '" ' n : P: all 'nturday c :. `1'.: i :.r., when 13ev, A. J, I r'n for e r i 1 li,• er t •its, a 1 i•r fn i; dolt • tn address an 'Cbl-stia'rit'% xu ue s ;1 „ rrf r ZI'rs cif!, •r.1 drrr;n'n„ 1. [;,.. Crti s t r gar r e,. :,'.c' ri.i,. 11 r‘ ‘.C1 25 d+ ley and :flev. 3. W. naikeras ''.l ef 1 elrrYy i r't nt',4 of r. •r,t1117rr'a: 1 ..,a>.,r4I : r`^ r`.I- ... is 1 ,r+ • .1 Tl urridai'x ,y. Urtir, 1 it !+'cfl 'dreg? ,h . n le ., 7 A. r r:•r11 r••r,.'" aged 71 3'•i Coen G. ac Chan1,. • t' ,t,e g+!° Ale ueet-on ' i": p1a ryr' i `+ 9 or rcliTrir :.' } e .r n' ,. t r j» antes ar�'idrvsses wiIJ,be gat rv• ' .. lege:: - c c 5 }don W t•gh•. 1,o i at A 'Coll'( r . main,: a ,rx as„.. ••elril,,, r,,..: r o` ,l'a1911 51 L st 4.r r ate( tilay 1l. 'Iharn.ry , t a. x. 1� 1 x. Onr t1 x Ti sl.. r .tit ��•• alt s . n.ddrrr r is m^ n • , .s t 1 .11i xivr 't n' - ' Rev. Pr. 7 W. farahri:n 'ttrv+ T, T 1;,, al to part 'e a 11 one so �+ 4. 11!. It, Shore and Rev. 3. Aikens, dear » lel r. Tsranr 'Gayler on i ,:€` glia ..:nr errant± n.ntr'.lo, a t "'cite}; % y` tress on Sn'"t'treiay 5 ' ' gets, r ':” sie.,e 1 },1m hast I'1't' r -" ' yi. t 1 the Ilonrl", Dia 1 ',' i' an'e- AN 1 ae hour her rt -day ,y rf.:v will leers on l si ,r -i„ ,nr ` .. passed nyvtt, -•aare nr..,1•'rrrese r+ a .,,n in 0r• roe ;MS gond l'"' st:.'l:l ,we. "rra;io Church by Bev, t''.. 11."4-01- rig's Bite , f Sarnea on "Wbri it "'rasions n;,,,, . •.. hal' Ws >neznor;' •' ''gee novo far the ate' `lurch to lin „ t,,; : llts w,r," , �;1i1't•,7 }ii?'r' rimy. ' rii C; e!1 e r� �' . - n lvtrn'av rued 'n 'M r r." ' Chown on ,T55246 Christ trees w ( he lisi. 0 e$r'a ri:atin r s l,gran, 1.,ry Iat'rt i'" ars aoglrar iation o convention en tan held � 1 s in ton on Wednesday. Mrs. Wrn. Ross is so far recovered} as to t.e able to }slurp. to' her father g home here A high board Pence has been built, along the street from A i`aul s house to the barn. Mr. Thni 'Crews is bent on having 'earl_ vegetables this year, es 0, lore portion of his garden is already plan-' ted , Everybody is ready to Se cloomo spring Mr.. T. Washburn is drilling real cs- tate. Mr. Newton Gunning seri bride spent last week at A. Gunnitifgs, Mr. 11obt. Davis is preparing far extensive repairs to his Lain. One day tart week w bile Pr. Jose tins atten.ling a horse he received-: a, r,eisct on the A re -tweet ler membership tire'.••} 11.; ier;'e ai ten.1aa. e at the Ppwcrth Lenz ' nt 11'e a i:an,r, ?ast Friday el ght. ',PEW .171,aaai were Treeman Teets nod nne,err Jose, 11,e letter wOlielnea elartear ve rew rnerobers e,e -i arl rl aro . i r,11 r Aline 1 g +t:. pr•a- :rani asren'ered• t fres,'tr-nents 711'1 'en eeeee' was ierrod.• Every e,iy crjcye+.l the evening, "' :,r+:+d•+•.`++++ 4•+€• rho`i" l+++++t•; ✓. 0++++•i+.3+.i,.i!.i,.p,.,+,i,.,.+h'.;..i•M` yT..3"'a'"i+. t Red e d .,•rot W• 3;. ' l e s sMessage For the W (l n e n . •�. Oast• a a•lf* +-1' k::,': 1, ••4':i,2 i', \:-irate'.: ad. hi la. e'lltltirratee !'. ,Rte rare e'er 1 , r. ,'1 � , . , • t }l , moat h. ". > , alt Iiia\ :#r ibis r.tcirq, and statieitlr_r�;W, rein, t:or the lot Pts :or 1 at' and l3,+:tnt y Rine et 10 anal 15e, Yorl'll wonder hoar o re' no it, Watch 1 C)Jf r i sob foot( ir'yx " :4 Varity J gttire if we hey,. r - ()ay car' ,1 t,her gaelt,1', `1' 444+44 +. r tTS+l w h+r , �' E 1t tt a ri slits}} snaps rrwxasyr11r.r•;r, Ktr erne at our Sl"d?rit"o rift may save 1120) +y, V. O.. ay 4•, }voile arid' n" - r. a. 00 `Viet, a i'' darer is Wrr' 1 e' c•ft Al'n.r ist, 1 (Jt; gat '1'14'6 of Ibis 04.1'04'44p t•aarItl'.•, „a,hsr and F�,1 .•htl.tls of lie, 1.p,, 2 ne ,r A di