HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-4-18, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES
`PITi1'Ii61DAY Al.'lti,+ 18 181k . 1.
.• •AN••••••••••••••••••••••,
teas', '.•••••••••••
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M ke+t ar -- b'e totiowlllg its
ar It .4
the report of Ln,ss'be' Markets !fore
related up to April 18th,
Wheat 95,
Buckwheat 70 cents
111+111 a1
w• ■. w+�'■
o<• + +
'< +k'
+i+ +i+
•w'. .
Oats 46 to 48
° COAL COlk PANYS 'it+
+I a♦►
Barley 65 to S6
I b
• ••
,� ® For Women and
isof a high ordef,
o alar a QWn this
For a
♦ •
• •
r +
workmanship •
among the most e •
smart salt at a • azedium
Pts 1.00 to. 1.10 .
shar'ts s
3drau 26.00
Model Fleur 2.70
Feed Flour 1.,60 to 1.65
Potatoes 1,56 to 1,75
Hogs 8,10
Choice Export steers 6.90 to 7.10
Med, Export Steers 6.50 to 6.75
Choice Butcher .Eleifers 6.60 to 6,80
Md 13utoher Heifrs 6.40 to 6.50
Chice Btehx Cows 5, to 5.50
Butcher cows 4,50 to 4.75
(Common 3.50 to 7.00 ,A
4f Fol'Iiok's Tee Cream
PaIOl' on_4
Saturday Apr. 20.
with everythig in the line Of,.
Ice Cream Sun.
daes and Sodas
Our room is cool and cean to harm -+•i
the goods, try them:
4.+ Scranton Coal +
4' TheBestHardGoal IYlined
,, °F.
o�+, W, H. LEVETT
+ 4
c o A 1. MAN 1+
e• ,+�"<<..•�"�
1 +Tr S m + o o yl+<o d . dr r b1+4.4+4 d
+ PHONE 18
ra• ,►
moderate rice the qre hard to
* p• •Qua��y
"Choice sheep o to 5.'25
ouize with
' Messrs S. G. and Jas. 13awden were
: ,
l'„•e Long Coats
• We have a splendid assort-
"'t' ment in Blue Serge Coverts
4 ®
•• •
Umbrellas *4
,• •
These are Umbrella Days • ®
We'have prepared fot them • •
Untbrel- •
44 (OCALS` •
• , LOCALS •
•••a1+1••f ••o••s•'
Music in the afternoon and
in Landon on Saturday,
)Miss Vespei returned Saturday af-
ter spending several days in Londona
Dr. L. L. 1+o11,ick of S. Marys vise
iced his parents over Sunday.
OW that the time is son nearfor HOUSE CLEANING, '•'+
me a OUS ANING, you ,.
; N will be in need of several necessities such as WALL .g.'
and Grey Diagonals. They
are very reasonably Prices.
4 •
• 810.00 to $12,50
••• O Lawn Waists
• in many new styles. The
+� this
with a stock of good
las. The cloths are good and •
the handles nobbyand •+s
decrable, .=
•0 �,
Corsets ••
Areyou gettingthe Corset
The are in pretty good
The sound of carpet beaters is heard
in the land.
Miss Victoria Miner's left Saturday
for Gaderieh,
Assist the Board of 'H-ealth by s
spring clean up,
u ���g�
�I1IUU 1
hP 1 l!
A'v limo
The school r teachers who spent 'the,
holidays in gown returned rto thein
different schools on Saturday,
Mrs, Frank MaIJ'e.bt was ca[1 d to
Stratford Monday owing 'to the ii-
ness of her daughter-in-law Mrc. W.
Mallett; r
; Wall Papers Wall ,Papers ! �
p ! �i �..
We have something NEW and UP-TO•DATE ••in this line in
�; all SHADES and DESIGNS. +II•
:i. +F -
• waists season are very
+F pretty and moderately priced
• ° Special Values at $1.00, 81.25,
I $1,50 and $2.00.
most suitable to your figure, •
If you are not we want to !
show you the Bias Filled Cor- • •
set. We have them in all :�
iMr. and Mrs. \V. S. Cole were in
Laean on Sunday
Miss Elsie 14IcCai am returned to
London on Sat irda3'.
The Exeter school was closed dawn
for a couple of days thuis week ow-
ing to a number of children having'
!the measles
+ ,p
+ Lace Curtains
O •e'
• •
•• •
• •
Get after t:he spring trade by
advertising in the Times.
Mr. Win Piper of Seaforth is visit-ct
in3 his mother here.
J. M. Southcott was in London Sat
at•t+ending the funeral of the
; are of the LATEST DESIGNS. and are well worth your while to
ee me and see them. 40
�. • •3+
• •
• HouseFurnishings
• +►
• •
• •
4 +4.
Mr, Eli Sne.ld is in +St.Thomas this
• week visiting for several daps.
Bev. D. W. Collins was called to
• 13irr on Tuesday owing to the illness
of his little daughter.
'Alma Ida
Mrs. Robt. Higgins of Hensall vis-
itcd in town last Friday.
•Mr. Wm. Snell snipped a carload
of battle on Saturday last.
Miss Doxa Atkinson of Lucan visit-
infant son of Mr, and Mrsi Thos. Lee
ince Miss 'Maud Sou'th,cotlt,,)
Mr. Geo. Chapman will be at the.
Central Hotel Exeter on Wednesday
April C4th;at 12 o'clock with a
choice load of calves for sale.
re 4.
q, In UNION and all WOOL in very neat designs, 'a'
4 41
• Rugc
• Beautiful new Wilton Rugs
Peeieoted with great care
They are distinctlg different
I ,11101Ci11nS � •
- �' +;
The new Patterns of this s er
popular and Sanitary floor •
covering are here. We will •:
O •Misses NIc,Pherson and
VTarchand have retuned to Stratford
i to sesame their studies
Mr, Albert Peginaw of Stratford
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
•• A. Marchand this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson 1vho, have
ed 14Trs, Geo. Rook last week.
Mr. Ed. Anderson has been enga Sed
as butcher with Mr, Al, Ford,
Mr. Hairy Parsons of London via-
iced et .his holm over Sunday.
Dtr. Jno Mitcheii is able to be 'out
Messrs G, and T. W. Bowden
have opened up real estate offices in
London and Exeter under the name
of Ba:vden & Bawden, real estate
brokers and financial agents. There
office in town in in the oId 33ank of
Commerce building. 7 '
+ ��
+t+ 4„
.i. In UNION,anc:BRUSSELs in BROWN FAWN and (xREEN .moi.
GROUNDS with floral designs. ,�
from what you will see ;else
• where, Sixes 3x31, 3x4, 3ix4,
• 4x4a. We are anxious for
'• you to see them.
• Wall Papers
be pleased to measure your • •'
room and give yon estimate e' •
of the cost. •• A
• •
Curtains�� 4_
o i
spent 'the wintaer at Thompsonville
Mich have arrived home.
Mr. Fred Matfett leaves Thursday
for London wbrre he bas secured a
good position in Oak ITall,
1?on'i forget '* hn opening of P01.-•
again after his severe
Mr. W. Hog,garth of Avon visited
friends around Exeter last week.
The Bachelors of Hensait are gee-
ing a ball on Friday April 26th.
C. Mason of "Brockville was in
Yon will look a good white Ib•efore
you find 'a beltter remedy for eau ghs;
and colds than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It "not' only 'gives relief -it
cures Try lit whet you have n. coughp
cold, and are 'cer'tain to be
,'if, ' +t+
4. Llnoleums And Oilcloths +
I: Are now in for inspection +
tion come and see them, i•
• You can hardlyrealize
what a difference a few roil l
• of our New wall Paper will
• make to your home. Try it
We h e curtains to suit • ®
every room. We have ual- ®
it q • ®
y to suit every taste. We 0,
have prices to suit any pock- s;�
et, A O
lick's Ice Creatn parlor on Saturday
Se.: add in another column.
Mr. Richard Gould has sold itis
house now occupied by Mx• M. Salter
on North street to Mr. Thomas Cann.Leagues
town last Thursday on business.
Mr. Frank Cornish of London visit-
cd at his home here over Sunday.
Mrs. W. H. Atkinson of Lucan
.or you
with the prompt cure' which
it will iefliect, For Sale by all dealers.
Elect Officers -The s -,The Ep-
League of Main Street Methodist
•� +
• We are !vin a SPECIAL •DISCOUNT of 15per cent for one 't'
g g,i,
,� week, on all the articles mentioned above, yr
and see.
p •
• Q
Messrs Wm and Clinton Sweet
sold a fine load of cattle last week
'C, them to
spent Saturday with friends in town,
Messrs A. Hastings and C. h ,Mc_
Leod Lucan Tuesday on bus-
church held their annual' election of
officers on Tuesday evening when the
following were elected, • :President
+ +
e •
Mr. Sweet accompanied
Now that the pile of ice and snow
has melted in your back yard, yon
were in
Miss Bettie Sweet returned last
week from visiting friends in Ham-
Miss W, Howard; 1st, Vice P}es, Mrs
Rev. Powell; 2nd Vice Pres, Miss M.
Brooks; '3rd Vice Pres;Mrs, Monroe
5th Vice
Price paid for Produce
2 , 4.
Are you getting the best
On account ot the sCarCetp
we Would advise on to
Ja ��
See:I . 4i
2S •
We sell Steele •
• •
of lYlan�el Seed e• •
a `�
to buyearl +
• •
� � •
will be able to check up your canned
goads account,
ILadics-If you want neatly printed
calling 'cards, the place to Iget them
is at this office. We carry in stock a
full line: of ladies and gents cards,
LOST-lt4bile coming down from
the station on Saturday 1st a 'horse
blanket with straps an Bind Finder
will be suitably 3.-,ewarded by reborn,-
ing to J. Gillespi.l•
'have tot
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Atkinson of Bid
dulph visited Mr. Jas. Atkinson Sat-
'Mrs. 731altchferd •and duaghter Marr
ion returned after spending several
days in Lucan.
The band boys are preparing for an
entertainment to be held in ; the
Opera House on Friday April 26th
A load of young popple drove out
4th Vice Pres. Fred Hooper;
'Pres; Mrs. Powell; Secy, Mr. Laurie
Watson ; Cor. Secy Miss B. Howey
Treas. Miss Laura Hooper; Pianist;
Miss L'. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moir and family
left on Wednesday with their house-
hold effects for Traverse City Mich,
where they will make their, future
home: About six years ago 'Mr. and
Mrs. Moir came here from Traverse
City 1VIr„ Moir.is taking back with
im two
horses "The Jap"•
T. 7”4.
+; ; ,,,,,
• �'"�' `
0 Carungi
, ,, . ,, •. J ti„,,,..+4.44./.,:.+44+4.4.i.+4.4.4.+4..,,..4.++++.1, 4!
” i O �'' 1' -
Among those who startd
learn the dressmaking with Miss Tom
Miss Ham-
to Thos. Amy's Sharon Thursday
evening of -last week and spent a
' which he• purchased from W. Kuntz
Ding's Son.. from: T.
.€••+t++t.•II+•i••f++,•i•fi+4+•i••t•+3.1•o�••x`••:•+:+ ++II++E•+3++f�F,s••1•+1+34+•5+
are Miss 'Hicks_ Centralia
pleasant time.
and purchased
J. Berry Hensall, Mr. Mrs.
••€••€+•A+3•fi+•;~+l••i••i••l.d••i••b�+•fi.�.•i•.; -
il.ton of Cromarty Miss Skinner of
All those taking part in the Olde
of aid
Moir have many friends 1410
Zion and Miss Ginning of
`Pyme Concert A. April 19th
Monday was a beautiful warm sun-
p will meet
for Rehersal Thursday April 118th in
.regret their departure.
b �1
..::„.0,,-3.6„0„,„p �'
ea... '1'
shiny day and a large namber of eit-
their fishing tackle
the Opera House,
At the annual vestry meeti .[,* of
the Trivitt Memormial 'Chore?t the
1101P: ��� '
s/ '
+� jy�.� p./� STUDY.
,i, 011o14E STUDY. „..,a f
(' S•
izens tented up
and bait and headed for the "+ver.
As there, was no school . ig boys and
Master Bawden returned to
g •
his hboie en Rid etown last :week af-
ter visiting with his grand parents.
ted for
following officers were electedlir
the ensuing year L. H. 7licksonk
1i4t�i � <
y , .
r, �f
LA �
D +€
h� ousands of ambitious
+s •people are instructed in. their .II+
( 'i' homes our home de ''`
g.bystudy p•Legwho
+ artment You finish at "�
may 1.gaud
small were also at the river trying'
their lack. i
Broken -On Thursday London
weak Mr. Sam'! Parsons of iGoadan
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. 13atvden.
Mr. and Mrs. 14Lelviyle Hazelwood
have been visiting friends ar-
here for some time elft Satur+
People's Warden. C. H. Sanders; Bee-
tors Warden. N. D. Burdon Thos.
Boyle auditors; Jos. Davis vestry;
Select vestry, T. Boyle Dr. McGillicud
0 1 I
t (
1e -ice)
Sleeplate in the morning.
Enjoy •
J y the luxury of waking .14
I up whenever you feel like ><t
College if you desire. Pay +
'§' wheneveryou wish, Thirty'§'
{ 'i' +l+For
+ Years'Experience. Largest +l,
t' trainers in Canada. Enter
Road South had the misfortune to
step on a stone which threw nim and
fractered his right ler,* near the
He be laid up for some
day for their {home in Vancouver B.C.
•rhenimeltism you will find ¢lath'-
i(°g better than Chamberlains Linim-
d Samuel Sweet N .D. Hurdon Thos.
Sanders I'. Sweet, Thos: Hawkins L.
•Da Sidesmen T. Boyle T. Sanders
Samuel Sweet Tbos. Case G. ;Atkinson
Y �'�
- loose e{
if you can, but if you can't
better get one of our .�.
fi3 osite Electric Light Plan
'Opposite g
any +i+
• dw Positions 2
.i y guaranteed, If
+ you wish to save board and +g
•i' learn while you write •�
ankle. will
time ,in consehalf o ,
Acting on behalf of t'he �klon. Adam;
London. Gladman i& Stan-
tent. Try it and see how quickly it
gives relief for sale by all dealers.,
Mr. I. S, Clubvne of 3i2anu�ib Erain�Watches
Jos. Davis P. Powclifle E. Elliott
The selection of lay delegates was
left over till the adjourned vest"
Clocks, +
for particulars. see y« +'r #
t = • ,--•11 ol•
Beck of
bury last week completed a sale of3
inn at the Collegiate jinstitu te►
meeting to be held April 22.
+ 1
a ::
• • +II•
Keep Happy in the Home
by getting YOUR
•3 •
'r 36i? `
l +-�.- "_
4. t7:.y f elintonflusi cess ^) 't'James
the farm on the London. Road near
Kippen owned by the Minister of
Power to Mr. Thomas Kyle o£ Tuck-
Stratford was the guest at the home
of Mr. and "Mrs. Harry ['arsons
stt, Thursdayand Friday of
A meeting of the County .Council
of _. •i
the ,South Huron iSuoday School
'� 1
Tea Spoons,tnonds
Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks
t SoupSpoons, Pie Knives,
• •,•
. 4last
President _ Principal 4.
ersmith at a good figura.
Mrs. W. 12. Wa'agh +bride of the
Rev. B. Snell of Kirklton preachrz,d,
(two excellent in James Sit.
will be held in the Medea
odist church Hensall. on :Tuesday,
April 23rd 1912 at 1.30 p. m. The
Pearl -handled Butter Knives,
Knives and Forks,
Glass,Silver m
1®1ECE+�iTIE •
• Here. We handle onlyurday
newly appointed manager of the Bank
of Commerce arrived in town on Sat-
last Mr. and Mrs. Wali
an Sabbath last and also ad.
dress.d the Sundaq school. Mr.
council •is composed of the County
Executive and the members of each
Township Executive. The Township
Fish Servers, Garvin Sete,
Wedding Rings
ware, Plus, Etc,
the BEST and. we have
have taken ep their residence in the
of Brussels will occupy the
pulpa on 'Sunday next.
Association Officers, Department
everything you need at
all Seasons,
of -ay, fer, I ain't a beggar, nit r
house on Elizabeth street recently
vacated by Mr. W. HH. Collins.
The Plus Ultfa Sunday School glass
of Main Street held their quarterly
Superintendents• and , resident Minis-
isters compose the •Township Exec•1
utive. Rev. E. W. Halpenny, B. D;
!Big Stock to choose from
u ulju
Up against it Could slip me Et jite
Mrs, Ae. Hooper of tact Lake RceacT,
meeting in the parlors of the church
Toronto General Secretary of Ontario
ne or even two bits. P'—
'Iraq are really hard up? ,� inter-
was called to .Toronto ma Tuesday
owing to the death of her sister
on Friday evening last when the fol-
lowing officers were elected 'Preside
S. u, Association will be present and
will also address a 'Public Meeting in
+II+ "i"I'•t••t•'¢"'g•1••t•+ +i•+1�+3�+D'3+'+ ++F+3�+t++ ++i++t•+Y+41
+ 44+ + + 4•+II++b+3++3++3++b+b�++f++A++ +d•+i++;44i%i`1
WANTED -Choice Butter and
Fresh Egga,
Rard up?" he echoed bitterly. ;'t5ay,
Miss Isabella Mainland. The deceas-
ed was operated on for appendicitis'
last fall and has begin ailing even
ent Eari Cookson; Secy 75avid •Hall;
Treas,l3ruce Walker; convener of
Lookout Committee. Jas. Walker; of
the Presbyterian church in the even -
hag. 1 •
The following
r��- N N + r p�
boas,.if I had to pay a centra barrel fe..
a1 I'd be suocated befor•I'd breath-
since gln<e�men't Loos pfaca en. `Weds
nesday a+t Grimsby.
Social Committee, Trueman Elliott;you
teacher Miss W. Howard; After the
clipping which will
be interestng news to our reeers
�I��rrl Itrrllr[rrrrr�[r ►►i trr
me first halt pinta"
We we>e weak, and we fixed it fig ti '
Would have oxygen for another l:v'a
Moura. -Cleveland Plain I3eaIer.g
Mr. W. II+ McDotgall :trsvei[in;
freight agent of the Grand Tr:tnk
was in town on Teesday and called
D Reeve W. J. Neaman Mr. Me
Do igall submitted the plan and ea•
soc al businessluncheonas served ant a
Mr. W., W. Taman now has his
store fitted up and it presents a
beat tiful and is a vats-
was taken from Sault et. Marne Star
on Feby, Path `Mr.7 times Walters of
Exet r lIuran County, has purchased
thru' Hand & McNabb a number of
desirable properties, inctudin sixty
eight acres adjoining the town of
' •
r1EW illHRT'8THE us{
The Belt Telephone Company of
Canada is soon to print a new issue of
ftsOfficialTHlephoneDirector for the
District of Western Ontario including
� '-i,$a' `'E�
Parties who contemplate becoming
Suberibers, or those who wish changes
+ An Epigram From the RencIi
`Dat wasn't a bad epigram 9e i7
lid a s, said Plodding Pete,.• ;.•
j g ' " 8
"What did he gay? a� r c';y
Thoity days."�• ?+:
„ ,_ „''
Dat ain't no epigram, !et it2
. "Sure it is: I asked a fellow tvhat�
an epigram id, -an' he says it's a short
timate the cost in connection with liable addition to the business places
the proposed switch to Harvey Bros. of town, The 'tailoring • department
mill, has been moved to the, rear The
front art is a painiteld
There are many buildings in town p papered and
that would be greatly improved a with metal' coiling Two silent
cast of tint and the beauty of thq salesmen and the furnishing are on.
p "the north side of the store ,the read!
town would be much added to, Not made clothing in the centre and the
only does paint add to the valiuc of tailorrngs at the south: , t • '
your property. but it prolongs the
life of the building by the
Stel:lton which he intends II) sub.
divide and plane on the merle ti in the
near future He also ,bough•! 10 !rats
on Parliament s't. Steelton 4 lots in
the Caston subdivision, a house on
Raid s"tree"t, and Other phe neiies,
I n an he Mae Invested in the neigh-
borhood of i�20,000 during the peed
ten, days,
Hicks Forecasts
s-^ ='l•
' \
�••w ::. l.! -.fir ,
$ ,\ - �k ,
s FT M ..
:^, �, - .
•,;;, •, r'
•' �M�k r,7;>
^" .� ' II i ,c
*. ' 'i ,'r' ''
° to �, ' ",;
ei, =
• -�•
` Furniture or
..--• Woodwook
ate with a dry duster
et, whet the dust flies
and follows in your
•" Get Modern
%their present entry should plate
their orders' with the Local Manager
at once to insure insertion in this issue
sentenceedat�gounds light, but blvbd
you considerable to think about.'4+e
Washington star.
'• "" •
timber Paint up.
You can make old furniture bar-
monize with new surroundings by ape
-A Regular Storm
period rums from the 1,$1th'te the '2,'3rd
Laving its center on the 20th. The
Venus period is central on 'the 23rd.
`• _
a Shuffle
On and lJse • =
E •
Connecting Companies/
should also report additibtls and
Changes in their Ii+it of Subscribers,
either to the Local Manager or direct
the Special Agents Department,
The Belt Telephone
Company of Canada
"Ante,,+ says a scientific note, "earl
loads from forty to fifty times their
own weight"
which the ants acquire while resting
tl g
their feet upon brass rails. --Chicago
Record -Herald. exald.
piytctm. one coat of Campbells Varnish •
Stain' Stains are transparent and lin- /
a f ne color and finish without /
obscuring !the grain of the woody J'� r
inexperienced person can use them,
J. 1Tea.nan for coln;c
acrd R r■ ■ e
Blood Purifier
Bail Players Organize -=A meetin; insures absolute blood purity means
of the Baseball, enth'tsiasts was held p y
Monday evening when.• the fall.awin4 health and strength and the joy of
and Moon is at greatest north de
ciination ex; x2e on kha'21wt and'�r
It g1
Astronomic condition calls for si ea.dy
current from the south low
barometer,. very high t'elnperasurc,�
gin wlectrical storms, lar�avq
rain and, destructive, hail storms al
wide seetiohs, Tornadoes will visit
carious parts especially in southern
re ,.y
gtotns, durtn;s this period;
„.>' i.�--�- /
• /
:" -.
Before You Car, R, e►p
'" Venoil
a on our duster and save your .
+,,-,. 1
; 7 health, It disinfects and
1A■" "`"-
Mental biscretiori,
The !*lice Soy II -!rave you forgattetri
that cent you narrowed of me?
officers were cleated Hon. Presidents living. Try a bottle and be convinced.
Peeve W. S. Beaman S. G. Bawders -•�
and James Bowden ;Y President n; Se . Aaythin \ lull! +
s giv
le; Vice President W. W. Taman Set, you buy yoei
A iieaetialnary storm periocl is cenr-
trla on the 2ath and 26th This b,+••
tug at the cents" of the 'Venus per-
g and tbo V
iod tbreatenin + weather
You mi lit as we ! . ' to make cleans everything it touches,
9 ''1' , *-•
forming pay without sowing r,� leaving new
seed as try to make a tneicttri- �-
is claim.
rot, infants
r4_ ..
��ii Kind � t411� �AlwaysBough �
! 1� 6
The Hard Citse- Yest Haven'tyou?
The Nice Boy now that ytiiI
r-rpjtrind the of ft. -I'ucl
Those tiiihappy ltexsons who sufferThere
WIth!fie curl
Tress M. Hoskins; Manager H. Axt, s. n ra
Masoott 11. l'clrsbns; !Nana tar Coln- name Ery E IlIEs gatietaction
g 5 R
rnittee; presicicnt, manager, secy.and
trees, ,%T. Bissett and W. Bradt, , The Sold and guaranteed by
boys had a successful season last - -...
canttnued from lh+e prooeeclin g p
wall most likely lead t: wrtth
p in.io the '25th
26th and thence forward into the
biasing days of ,the month causing ii
tong spell stermy and uttseltt.ied
file pay without adyer•; "-
tieing r
+ u S• Martin & Son
In Your i` Eton Paper. •Qom.
.... TIXETIIR, O1�I!C,
etixh the
i lxgtta:ra° "Mt
front 'neteouseess and dI' eft is
should use Carter'a l:,ittle nerve !tills
which are made es ce,aIly for dlecp�
„hw+=x.:,, r1.rn 4nttiF.w ntrfftcYni,i
year and played good ball and the
•Wr Sa Howe Phm• �?
prospects for this eenson are better
than ever ol�atni�txnd ClptiCian. EXETER 1
weather, The will be a markett to
rrea$c i,1 the' sevori t y of 't,he' stuoa�Ai
on and toueb!ttg l:he '25t'b and: 26th.
with possibly brief chant#, to colder!
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