HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-23, Page 7„ sponsor for coolOoffilty IVIOloiloU • . A wry onjon,*Ke, ovonlog Wagiteld lastday welling M the Auburn Coininuo4 11fernorlalbalt Winners were High man, Mrs John Blok (playing as a man), higb lady, Janice Daer; "low, map, Dennis Schneider; 'low lady, Kim. Scott; novelty, Joey Mason. •Winners at the weekly euchre party last week sponiored by the Anbupn Silver Tops held every Tuesdx evening in the. Community Me orial hall were: novelty, erry Block; high lady, Mrs. Eiiott Lapp; low lady, Mrs. Edgar Daer; high man, Edgar Daer; low man, Ted Mills. There were nine tables in play. Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark of Goderich visited last Friday with Mrs. Tom Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips, Over 60 Silver Tops en- joyed a turkey dinner last Wednesday in the Com- munity Memorial hall prepared by Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Dorothy Grange, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and Mrs. Emerson Rodger. Grace was said by Oliver Anderson and the president Tom Jardin called the dinner to order. Movies were shown by Ross Robinson. The Silver Tops will en- tertain at the next meeting on April 20 and the com- mittee will be •Mrs. Tom Lawlor, Mrs. Orval McPhee, Mrs. Oliver Anderson and ; td *Omit Me,r,gooci. Iho • Oilta , ilie .011P,COMIlan7- WaS algi011Itged that MAW TotenSbip• is planpMg 41,atud3i ParMaybeinJuly posoitlY tke holdIcarbr and tbeY haveaskedtb Club to, participate and send in some SWOOPS 0.* soon as possible. Lion Ted Nertronel of Mitchell visited the club. He stated that the deaf and audio testing machine has been bought and Paid for through the generosity of Huron County Clubs. He also presented certificates for Leo Sponsorship to Leo Advisors Lion Eldon Chamney and Lion Jim Schneider. WI meet Auburn Women's Institute met for its March meeting last Tuesday in the Com- munity Memorial hall. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Florence Diamond of New Hamburg for the crib quilt which Mrs. Tom Jardin had made and fora gift for the Associated Women of the World con- vention in Vancouver in June. Mrs. Tom, Haggitt reported on floor covering for the hall kitchen. An invitation to attend the Tiger Dunlop 35th an- niversary tea on April 13 at 1:30 p.m. was accepted. Huron West District executive meeting will be held at St. Helens on April 4 at 1:30 p.m. The executive and curators will go to help plan the district annual, Simple Home Repairs course is being offered and will be held at Walton on Apri121. Plans were made to hold the annual meeting on April 22 when the District president, Mrs. Peter Chandler of St. Helens will be guest, and members will go out for lunch. The Directors will make the plans. Converners for Education and Ctiltural events, Mrs. Emerson Rodger and Mrs. Hugh Bennett were in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Rodger showed some of, the souvenirs she had acquired on their recent trip south. Mrs. Bennett told about education in Ashfield Township and schools in ,„,generat shieg 1810. She Ohl ihollt the ' changes tribe education system;especially when she taught school. Mrs. John Stadelmann thanked Mrs. Bennett and presented her with a gift. Solos were sung by Mrs. Gordon Chamnev. and an Irish lunch was served by Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. ' 1111 IliradnCialga 4109-741606 Knox United Church is holding the Good Friday service at 11 a.m. This will be a coMbined service and all are weldome..0efore the Service the Youth Group -will be taking part M a Good Friday Waik. through Auburn.. A special route hes been ,mapped out and • everyone is most welcome to participate. Lions meet The "Atiburn and District Lion's Club held their setai. monthly meeting last Wednesday in the Com- munity Memorial hall. The matter of the fence for the ball diamond has been finally settled. For the present the Club will finance a new back -stop, 100 feet on each side wing and a fence around the pad, unless the Club happens to get a win- dfall. There will be a tem- porary fence on the outfield for another year. The Club broke even on the March 12 dance due to the small crowd but those who were present enjoyed the band from Mitchell and had • a good time. All Lion's club members are urged to be present at the March 23 meeting when nominations for next year's officers will be held and the election of officers will take place at the next regular meeting. They were reminded of the Lion's club convention being held in Kincardine in mid- April. Those wanting to go have to declare their in- tentions and pay their money to Lion Fred Lawrence so it can be sent in for pre- registration at the end of the month. Bingo night is scheduled for March 25 and it is hoped that a good crowd will be present. Volunteers are required to help as usual. Lion Bud Chamney was approached by the Women's Institute about the possibility of moving the bells on the phone so they Others get snow too Mrs. Ross Robinson. After LOCI—IALSI-1 the movies shuffleboard was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson spent the weekend in Newmarket with their son Keith Robinson, Mrs. Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines visited on the weekend with their son Ed Haines, Mrs. Haines and family in Niagara Falls. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lutz, the former ..Jennifer Mayer of London who were married on February 24 at North Street United Church Goderich. They _have taken up residence in their new home on John Street. Plans are underway for the annual pancake supper sponsored by the Knox United Church Sunday school on April 6 from 5 to 7:30. Films will be shown in the church while people are waiting. Conveners are Mrs. Ross Daer and Mrs. Ross Andrews and .'parents are being contacted to assist this project. , • WS Kee VVebeiter, 396.45257 • Perhaps some of my read- ers would like to know about some of the weather in Richfield, Ohio, and also Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. When talking to my sister in Saskatoon the middle of the week, they had lots of snow and it was cold. And. on Sunday when Cecil called from Richfield, Ohio, _they had received nine inches of that white stuff on Thursday. But on Sunday at 54 degrees Farenlieit, it was fast disap: pearing. On Sunday Rhetta Mac- Lennan had her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Hirold Jardine of Harriston visit with her. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Kenzie and John MacKinnon of Kinloss were in Burlington on Sunday to attend the wake of the late Mr. Merle Middle- ton. Mr. Middleton was rais- .ed as a youngster and a young man on the fourth of Kinloss. Mr—Middleton was 66 years old._ _ _ Amy Ratteau, daughter of Brad and Dianne Ratteau of Amberley had her tonsils removed on Tuesday in the Wingham Hospital. Amy is recoverittr-tiietly:mBetWOr,: health, Amy. Irene Stone of Goderich visited with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds on. Sunday;. also their son, Kenny of Goderich and his 'daughter, Melaney visited at the Wylds home. PECK iifiri.THENEART. 0FiligSRVIME1144.1.4#444.,, krtimcM/mCLEA4104,040,40.k.,, 1 arNt C0104.411$ MATIONSTATO], •Torfarloboshoos,: .": f.0sPEM)QUEEN"ApppArilOgs, . 0morrATApPkimICAS, • 01r4sEcir LIGOTa... a FlOrikilai. OVUM. *GIFTS a • • • •MANY 011.3.1ER rrgiviS. VARNA, ONT. 0RIR '1 4827103 WHEAT GROWERS Spring is fast approaching . NITRATE? UREA? or 28%? We can help!! CUSTOM APPLICATION: WE ARE EQUIPPED WITH 10 FLOATER UNITS available to you through MITCHELL, HENSALL, GRANTON, & PORT ALBERT.. Each unit is.capaEile of doing UP TO 500 ACRES PER DAY. • Now is the time to make arrangements for Nitrogen Application to your wheat. • Custom Application or use a Rental Spreader • Apply Nitrogen or have it mixed with clover or grass seed. The choice is yours. I I We have almost 60 years of experience serving farmers." "Let us serve your 1983 crop needs." 411.14 F. t rf,` 6 4' mitehoji 348-8433 Henson 262-2527 Granton 223-2360 Port Albert 529-7901 you'll find a store full of surprise sale bargains (just hi time for Easter) including our new Spring Arrivals —FRIDAY, MARCH 25— OURGESS DEPARTMENT STORE Children's Wear -Linens -Toys 11 VICTORIA ST., CLINTON .4° May we have he privilege • of serving you with your memorial needs CORDER NOW — Over 150 monuments on display and ready for installation this spring. — All prked well below regular 1982 prices. — Compare before you buy. — We have a fully equipped shop right here in Exeter to give you the finest quality and service possible. — The only service and product we sell is cemetery memorials. — All work fully guaranteed. , - mErnownu— Area Rep. Don Denomme Bus. 482-9505 Res. 524-6621 Pryde Monuments 293 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0620 ON SALE NOW AT CASHWAY 3-PcSANITY PACKAGE You get the vanity . . . the 1 -piece marble top PLUS a 4 -inch chrome plated centre set DEPT. 212 White With :Gold Trim ALL FOR ONLY 88 30"x18" VANITY Mirolin marble top has raised backsplash and dripless edge with oval basin featuring integral soap dish and 4" Jameco centre set. DEPT 306 It's a long -wearing 1000/0 polypropylene carpet with foam rubber backing ... it's on sale now at all our SQUARE branches. Colors as available. METRE IDEAL FOR HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS! Our Reg: 6.75 Before You guy, Check Our Quality *6MM - 1/4 INCH • 1 1MM - 1/2 INCH • 1 9MM - WINCH GOOD ONE SIDE FIR. DEPT. 155 Save 5.00 Per Gallon Now Thru March 30 J. ' RO ET EX I n terior well tailing tutor, 0•1012•111. tutasolt .St OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 800 AM -S:30 PM SATURDAYS 830 AM.5:00 PM DE PT 349 • • u- 1. • • ;t0 • • 1. • 5.. 4 • . Y• ▪ • • qd . 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