The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-16, Page 44a IHICHANAN The first big fashion 'change yeafs: 1.1, awing MIS sparing - aiid, fall, says Wolfgang Ht erfu . of the FashionShoppe in Goderich Herfurth was the commentator at:. The. Silhouette, of '8, .a fashion: w sponsored by the Cla., await 1Y.. t of theWort t Street Vatted Church Women Wednesday,March 9, He told his audience that the key tell* new fashion is fit, with emphasis On the waistline. However, the full impact of this change from today's simple, unstructured clothes will not be felt fully until fall. Mr. Herfurth said there is a polished finish aboutthe new look. "It's a• more dressed -up look with gats,, belts, jewelry and scarves. The colors are bold -gyred, cobalt blue, teal and' black and white as well as pastel. shades which always Make clothes look fresh and new." The spring fashion show featured a black and white #oup of clothing, all- weather coats, suits, dresses, sportswear and co- ordinates and swim suits from the Fashion Shoppe. Models were Elizabeth Bundy, Mary Ann Dempsey, Bev Dolt, Kay DunCan, Cathy Hamilton, Dura h ton, Melodie Howse,. Sharon Jeffrey, Verna Kane, Mary ' LaPaine, Connie Macaulay, Anna- Melslp. Bertha. McGee, Norah More and Kay Nivins. Children's rainwear, sportswear and dresswear were also featured in the show by Ktdsworld. Models (stealing the show) were Laurie Bender, Wendy Bogie, Angie Leggatt, Christopher Leggatt, Mamie Sims, Bob Simi. Dustin Steckle, Erica Robertson and HollyParks. The fashion show, which was seen in both an af- ternoon and evening presentation, also featured door prizes and refresh- ments. Iola Robinson of Venda Beauty Counselor applies make- up to Mary Ann Dempsey, one of the models in the Silhouette of '83 fashion show held at North Street United Church last Wednesday. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) THE Connie Macaulay and Mary Ann Dempsey model two different styles of suits which will be popular this spring and. fall. Mary Ann's is real suede. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) GODERICH ARTS FOUNDATION ELGIN AVENUE EAST GODERICH, ONTARIO N7A 1K2 Mary Lapaine, Bertha McGee and Anna Melski are all dressed up and waiting backstage to model the latest fashions during the Silhouette of '83 fashion show held March 9 by the Clare McGowan Unit of North Street United Church. Hats will be a popular accessory this spring and fall. ( Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Huron Genealogical Society. marks third anniversary March 2 was a very special evening for the Huron County Genealogical Society, being .a celebration of their third.anniversary. During those three short years, the Branch has ac- complished a great many things toassist those researching their families in Huron County: regular monthly meetings feature guest speakers on genealogical topics and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and in- formation; research is done as extensively as possible for out of county (and often out of country) members; the Branch genealogical, library has . grown extensively through donations and purchases and is of great assistance to 'researchers; a very informative bulletin is published three times yearly and 22 cemeteries have been completed and published with another 27 in process. Membership has grown from 18 at the formation meeting to over 200, spread across Canada and the U.S. and as far away as Hawaii. An annual genealogical workshop is held each September with the fourth annual .currently in the planning stages for Sep- tember 1983. This year, a "Beginner's Night" is being held in conjunction with the April meeting and it is hoped that this too will become an annual event. All this has been made possible through the coin- .bined talent, hard work and generosity . of . volunteered time from caring members of the group and chairman Carole Robinson thanked all for their assistance with special thanks to Ruth Ann Chapman. (Co -Founder and Programs), Alison Lobb (Bulletin and Cemeteries), Yvonne Porter (Library), Marg Cook (Membership), Eleanor Williams (Fund Raising), Marg Rutledge ( Research), Bill Clutton (Treasurer), Karen Harman (Alt. Secretary) and Elaine McKinnon (Secretary and 25th Anniversary ' Project). Little would have been ac- complished without ' their combined efforts. Elections were held during the meeting and the Huron County Genealogical Society Executive and Committee Co-ordinators for 1983-84 are: Alisoh Lobb, Clint Chairman; Karen Harm •' , Bayfield, first Vice - Chairman; William Clutton, Goderich, Treasurer; Elaine McKinnon, Fordwich, Secretary; Karen Harman, Alternate Secretary; Carole Robinson, Goderich, Past Chairman; Margaret Cook, Goderich, Membership; Nancy Kale, 'Seaforth, Research; Yvonne Porter, Goderich, Libraryi; Carole . Robinson, Fund Raising and Press; Alison Lobb,. Cemeteries; Elaine McKinnon, Nominations and 25th Anniversary Project. It was noted that positions for Bulletin . Editor and Program Co-ordination were not filled and it is hoped that someone will volunteer to fill them before too long. The; Mystery ,Prize (kit- chen set) was won by member Margaret Cook of Goderich. March bulletins - were distributed at the meeting's conclusion. Regular monthly meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month in the board room at the Assessment Office, 57 Napier Street, Goderich. Parking and entrance are at the rear. April features a 'Beginners Night', so come and bring all your friends. For more in- formation,:call 482-7167. Jean Young to conduct workshop at conference The Canadian Council of Homemaker Services hasin- vited .lean"Young, Executive Director of Town and Coun- try Homemakers, to conduct a workshop on "Rural Agen- cies - The Challenge of Pro- viding Services" at their an- nual conference in Montreal June 9, 10, and 11. The monthly meeting -of the Town and Country Homemakers Board was held in the Seaforth town hall on February 23. Guests at the meeting were Hazel Hildebrand of the Seaforth Council and Loretta Siegner from Exeter. Jean Young reported on a meeting with the Huron County Social *vices Com- mittee at which .ithi• McKin- non, Social Services Ad- ministrator stated the Ministry has said there will be no more than a five per- cent increase for the 1983 hourly rates charged ed to government agencies. This percentage will only cover the increase in Workmen's Compensation, Unemploy- ment Insurance and mileage. it will not allow any increase in wages for the employees. Bev Brown, chairman, said, "It seems to me that most of the five percent in- crease is simply going back into government coffers. We intend to continue negotiating as we feel it is grossly unfair to give our homemakers a zero percent increase." Members of the Board received an invitation from the Goderich hospital palliative care program to attend a workshop on the topic of "Bereaved Parents". The nominating commit- tee is accepting names for potential board members to be. elected at the annual meeting. Chairman of the Board Bev Brown, again emphasized that the Agency must have committed work - S 1.00 OFF` Towards the developing and printing on your next roll of colour print film brought. in for processing. ' (C41 Process: Sizes 110, 126, 135, a10 SC Film) GODERICH DISCOUNT CENTRE To The square Dial 524-6061 No limit on quantity Offer expires Saturday, March26, 1983 We use ib„h. -- good bolt. ing members to accomplish its objectives. The annual dinner meeting is to be held at Blyth Com- munity Centre on April 6 featuring Elaine Baillie, Ac- tivation Consultant with the Ontario Ministry of Health, as the• guest speaker. The tickets are available from directors. Jean Young reported the following figures for January' 1983: New referrals by source in January: self - 12, family - nine, public health nurse - one, neighbour - one, doctor - nine, home care - six, Goderich Psychiatric - one; total of 39; ages of clients served: 1-18, zero; 20-45, two; 45-65, eight; 65-75 - 22; 75-90 - 71; 90 and over - nine; and couples under 65 - one. Donations received by Town and Country Homemakers for February totals fi, 1 600. The next meetingwill be held in Bayfielon March 23. If your onlyt .claim ......... . . m this year is a CHILD CREDIT H&R Block will prepare your income tax return for the special price of 11111 11:1/: at participating offices. It pays to be prepared — by H&R Block =HB.R BLOCK INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 19 Victoria St. N. Goderich Open 1 A.M.-1 P.M. Weekdays, 04 flat. Phone 524.0631 OMN TODAY -NO AP OINTM1Nf MK1ssARY r THE CHAIR' FUND YOUR $50. DONATION WILL ❑ be matched automatically by Wintario if received before March 31st. *(Pledges for s50. wilt also be matched.) ❑ entitle you to have your name engraved on a plaque for the Livery Lobby Elbe greatly appreciated You may . donate a chair in memory of someone someone or you may name a friend or family member as the donor. HELP US NOW TO SEAT YOU LATER If you are unable to contact a member of the Goderich Arts Foundation, you may drop your donation off at any of the locations listed below. Please include the form provided with your cheque or pledge. Baechler's Kitchens -and -Interiors R. Bell - Optometrist Campbell's Cameras David E. White Clothiers Denomme's Flowers Heads UP - Hairstyling - Suncoast Mall 1 wish to donate chair(s) I have enclosed my cheque for • (or) 1 wish to pledge to the chair fund DONOR'S NAME AS IT SHOULD APPEAR ON THE PLAGUE or I with to remain anonymous ZE SPECIAL PRICES AVAILABLE IN STORES AS SHOWN MARCH 16 THRU MARCH 22 BULK SPECIAL REGULAR GRANOLA BARS 3 51 /Kg. 159 ■ Ib, BULK SPECIAL DRIED FRUIT & NUTS ORIENTAL MIX 49 5. /Kg. 2 ® IL) SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: rite markets of fitfoods 49 BULK SPECIAL STRAWBERRY OR LICORICE. TWIZZLERS 84 2. /Kg. 129 ■ Ib ZEHRS NO. 8 HIGHWAY GODERICH, ONTARIO OBETT