Exeter Times, 1912-4-18, Page 5• e
D-OrtsDAT A 13X
28 10It
There is. no greater comfort
than an evening' -with an
--the comfort of bright songs
Amberol Records, playing
the comfort of the permanent
1640 to
and music perfectly rendered; the comfort
four -and -one-half minutes instead of two;
sapphire reproducing point that does away
with constantneedle4thanging, and
the comfort of a subdued volume of
sound, that does not carry.beyond
your own little family circle. The
wonderful, sensitive, waX cylinders,
the silent, long-running motor, the
long-playingAmberol Records, are
perriument sapphire reproducing
point; and the means of rnaldng
and roproduoing yOUr own records,
ardall exclusive Edison Phonograph
features. Remember this when you
ntalte your purchase.
There are EdisOn dealers everywhere. Go to the
nearest and hear the Edison Phonograph play both
Edison Standard and Edison iunberol Records. Get
complete catalogs front your dealer or from us.
Edison' Standard Records, 40c. Rdison Ambera
Records (play twice as long), 6Sc. golison Grand
Opera aeotrrds, 85c. to $2.50;
eheeen_ 100 Lakeside Avenue
ed;i, ea..
A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at
••••• 11 4', • • 04 •
lilies Hamilton of Winchelsea is the
guest of Mrs, Wes. Kerr for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Baker of Ex-
eterevere in town one day last week.
Mre,,Wm, Wenzel returned home af-
ter *visiting friends in Detroit for a
few days,
Miss Mildred Braun returned to Pe-
tersburg after spending the holidays
with his parents Mr, and Mrs, 8, Beaun
Miss Mildred Reber returned home
after spending a few months in Lon.
Mr. Doerr of ()apace Mich„ spent a
Jew days with friends in town.
Mr, Ira Braun returned home after
spending a few days in Toronto on
Bev. Burn left for Carnpden where
he will attend tbe Canada Conference,
The Messrs Veolkers of Detroit are
spending a few days in town veining
'with their mother who is seriously ill.
Miss Muriel Preeter returned to her
home in Zurich after spending a couple
nfidays with Miss Mildred Braun,
Mrs.;Wne, Erb returned to her home
ia,Brantford after •spending a couple
of:days the gueet of Mr. D, Svveitzer,
Mr. R. Dinney spent a few days in
London this week on business.
Miss iliatz of Hamburg is visiting
With her sistor Mrs. Chas, Zweeker.
Weare sorry to report that Mrs. C.
Toelker is seriously- ill at present.
We hope for a speedy recovery.
The Misses Geiser returned to Lon-
don after visiting with their parents
over the holidays.
Bee, Blatchford of Centralia men
reed:the pulpit in the Methodist churcla
Sunday morning. .Rey, Hicks occupi-
ed the Centralia pulpit.
Mrs, 3. Either returned borne after
spending a few days with friends in
House cleaniug is the order of the
day around here. Pity the poor. men!
•WHY .HE WAS VA.793 ' I •
"Viebian )leade non se late?" t
; et met Bmithso" •
"Well that is no nerason Why yen
aould be an ho'u'r late getting 'home
you Supper."
. "I lonlow, bye t asked bbn ihow he
was ,liekling anti he insisted ein
ling rat about his stomach trouper
"Did you tell him to take Chamber-
lain's tablets?"
"Sure that's what the needsee Said
-by all dealers.
•'The farmers of •this Vicinity ere
. nntsy getting 'their implements 're-
paired for seeding which is expected
Ibis owning week,
Mr. Burley Ilocigins is busy hauling
lumber be intends pull:ling up a now
Mr, W. T. Colwitt has be,en loadine
tips. large quantity of pressed hay an
G, T. 11. Depoit for the past week.
Alamo number' from this place at.
:fancied a tall et Mooresville lest Fri-
day evening An 'excellent time was
enjayeci as the. belt Ives 'the best of
the season, • ,
r. X, Doclgins is recoveein; nicelY
from his recera illnj alnd will Soon
*e able to be oat name,
t ernes Fronde Sell cif Chicago, hes
returned borne atter speindipg „a.
pOtiple treore hs with old frienene
To All Women 1 will sendettreee
;with full.ineteuitione, my eaome treate
in.eut which positively Cures Leueorin
lima, Ulceration, DispIacetnents, Fele-
dog of the Womb, Pansful or Irregular
Periods, Merino and Ovarian Tumoin
en• growths, also Hot Flashes, 'Nerve
grusneSei Melancholy, Pains in the
Mad, Back, 'Boevele, Kidttey and
nele,dder troubles here caused by s
Weakness peculiar to our sex. You y
tan ebtatinue treatment at home at a
Oast ot only about 1,2 cents a. week. 0.
Otry beetle, " Women s Own Medical Ie
fAtInitter," also sone free on request. c
ferrite to -clan, ,ddress Mre. 111. Stun.
Peleet Aeg It 841 Wlndeeei Otte
I !Mrs. Aikens has reitturnee ito her,
I home in, .Allenford after spending 'the
wenber with her mune Mrs. D. Parkl
I edr. John Hoge -ex -et -moved ilia
1 family to Regina last w.eek. Mr, and
Mrs. Hogrgarth have been lite lone
eresid'ents of the 'towaiship and will
be greally missed.
IMr; fliougbIton who toeight Mr.
Hop,gaxith.'s house moved his family
ro the village on lreonday.
James nloggenth is tender the
doctor's care at present;
•"My little eon had a very sever,
cold. I was .recommended to • try
Chamberlain's cough remedy, and be. -
fore two small bottles vr'ere finished,
be was as well as ever," writes Mrs.
II, Silks, 29 Dowling street' S,yelney
Aostralia. This remedy is for sale lby
ell deealeee.
. 'The following is the anode /of lthe
prometlien, iexaminaltions oX'S. 8, No
efsborne &ire Total number of
marks 725 Alvin E. Pym 547 marks
honors Sr. I et -Total number a
marks 615 Margaret E. Penrice ear
Edward Ray Pyin 386 merks Jr. IU
Vivian Brook, 'Sr 11:-I3dtal number
of marks 560; Greta C. Andrew 413
Edna C. Pyra 379 Garfield W. Emelt
324; ist class Weilingt9an BroOok
Hall Teachers (
Messrs Glare Downing of Waeltere
ton; T. A. Hawkshaw of Brussels.
lined Coursey Hasplee; Jataes Wald.
add themes Road,
of New Hamburg; PE, Dermegy Tavis-
tock and Chas. 24 Bonn of Haranton
spent kolidays at home. •
Mrs. liketchford and daughter Mar,
icin were the guests of Mrs. Lee fair
Mr. McTavish is able to be. around
Mess I da Mara was 'home for
Yon hardly analize than it is •mede
icine when taking CArter's Little Liv-
er Pills they are -very small no bad tee
fetes troublesefrom terpid liver are
relieved bz 'their use. .
1,V.hile Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliver
were geting to church a couple ,of
weeks ago th'ee were thrown oult of
their cue tier owing to the •bad state'
of the roads and live latter got her•
leg broken a libtle above 'the ankl• te
Messrs Alfred George and Frank
Childs have returnedno the west.
Dlr. D. Davis sr., who was very ill
is recovering.
The C. 0, C. E. held an tee 'Home on
last Wednesday evening in rthe hale
Mr. W. Patterson of Gadshile is
'time guest of his sister Mrs. • T.
Advertising brustes away eobweba
and dust, smartens shop wnidows,
atnekens the intentgenee of salesman
Advertising ,nakes the merchant
think of you -of year 'wants • and
needs, inakes him anxious to serve
you to your liking and advantage.
• A.dvertising keeps stook from bay-
ing bird) day s
Advertising acquaints you with new
things, and so brightens yoer, herae,
your life your person,
Advertising keeps a 'business from
erowine lazy and stepid 3dWertis-
ng etiod red Wood into the
externs cif a.business, and keeps it
•healthful and active.
Shop wheee entir want renal needs
are uppermost in the minds of the
merchant Shop in the store which
t.eflecte• you where you ilominate,
Shop where yoar money returns to
you in better goods better values,
bettor service, ,
Shun the ebbe that is dumb e.nd
dark and dreary keep ttwey fecon the
shop that never speaks to yen never
!MRS at yea, •haver bothere about
liewerd lby emir mistom the met-
hant you lives to etintre yon, and whe
doing Ills utenotit to build up the
ommonity who take you into his
nee le. oe by inteine of it dveettee.
ening eoer Meld newspaper.
To Correspondents
Te 'Correteependents -The Exeter
Times 11 -Mites bo increase its 4taft
Vorrmandent* throughout tbe
•country mad invitee the help of thoge
willing to send, in from iveek to week
items of aews ie the neighberhood
Matters of iraportanoe are elirars
welcome, but equally so ere the items
telling of thie movemeet of tbepepl
to end from the hemline. The Times
asks that all willing to hell) in the
worn eyelash will }benefit the locality
by bringing it betore the world, write
tbe editor of the Tines, when sup,
plies ot paph envelopes and Deetage
will be furnistiedi,
Donn be surprised if ` yetu have an
attack of rheamatisna this kering.
• 'rust rab the effected parts freely
with Ceenaberlain's 'Liniment and it
will soon disappear', 8old by all dean,
Men. John 131aechford bus reeurned
efter spending a few months in Tore
onto and vicinety,
Mr. and Mrs, • Loan Wolper iIeilli
here for Saskatchewan Tuesday last
• where Inlay intend welded:lug a hoard
Mg house. Mr. Walper and famien
_Lave resided for many years in this
neighborhood and will in missed by a
large, .eirele of relatives eau eriends.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Taylor, who have
been 'here during the winter reeurn.
ed to their home in the west.
Mrs. IIVIciDonald nee Miss Aggie But-
ohanan is here from Winnipeg amine
pained by a couple of ohildren visite
ing her parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm
B hanan
r. Albert& Traquair, who accome
panted a car load of onions tie the
west a short time ago, for Mr. Jo
Johnston reports his safe arrival, and
speaks iu glowiree 'terms of Edm'ontore
he mew located and inteeds
Mrs. Manns sr. has reb-urned from
London we -ere she has been spending)
some weeks with, her grand-daugh-
seer Win. Brooks..
The concert given tere Wale MOneb,8
ago under the aus pies of the Boy
Scouts and which was so much
enjoyed and showed excellent 'tenant
in a number of our young people who
gave the play, 'The •Troubles of the
Newly Wedded Couple was given by
renutest at Zurich. on Monday evening
last to a large and apprecietive aud-
tenee th5 fjhied itne town hall.
Miss en. Hunleer left on Monday :or
Toronno to attend a fever days' meete
leg* at the training school of the Spir
elle Corsee Company, of which she is
a valued • agent She wile. also visit
an aged aunt near Toronto and her
niece Miss Gre:a Laramie at Brant-
Rev, E. W. Halpenny ,Provincial
Sabbath School secretary will be In
Hensali 'Methodist church on Aprii
23 at 2 p. re. to inetruet the South
Huron Sabbath School Executive
eatunnetee and wilt address el:veep:bile
meting in the Presbyterian- church
in tLe 'evening.
Read how useful it proved to these
Widely Different Cases
•Zs.meentile's strongest point is its
effeetiveries.s in all kinds of skin dis-
eases and. injuries, Juse note how.
excellent these persons proved
it in widely different directions.
Sore Heed- Mrs. C., A Campbell
of Powassan, Ont, writes, One of my
Leels were very badly blisteand by.
a .pair of new shoes, and 'the poison-
ous dye from my stocking or into
ib And me.de a bad sore. For a week
Could mot pet on a seem and suf-
fered great pain:. I applied Zarn-Buk
and in a few days it 'drew the poisoxz
out and healed the wounded
Bad Cut -Mrs, J. Virgint, of On-
onclego, Ont writes,. eZumBuk heal-
ed a bad cut whieh 1 astained I
was hurrying across my yard one day
wIlen.1 stepped and fell heavily, my
knee striking a sharp eton. At the
moment lid not realizo. how badly
was hurt, bet I found I had a
had cut about two Inches long, Yore
jagged and very deep. We bathed.
the eut and applied Zant.Bukt This
stoped Ithe smarting very quickly
and in a few days it had heeled
wound completely. For oats and
bruises Zam-Buk is e;eplendid rem-
Ecenina Cured- Mrs. Antoine Ar-
senuart of Maxiimville le. E. I. writes
'I can matey recommend Zane -auk
to any one suffering from Eczema, I
had the disease: and was under 'doer
tors treatment for two years, when -
free for,i7ioe from Zaennenn Pe. Toe -
an tried
dreartv.ersuir:leg. s16:tel
adtb --
n:IA:Bak and in 'the end it mied me.
add all skin inyiries and diseased. 50o
box all druggists end stores, or poet
pen eirtiptions„, cuts Mims brumes,
ZameBuk is .just as good for piles
Always avoid harsh purgative pilIs
T.hey first make yoa sick end then
leave you constipated. Carter's Lite
'tle Liver Pills regulate tbe bowels
and task? you wen. 'Dose one pill
.• Gertada
Via Ohiaego and St.Paul Apnea
Iteth 23r6 and 60th, end every second
Tuesday Ithereafter entil Sept leth in-
clusive. Tiekees will also be on sale
it oertem dates via Sarnia and Nore
theen Navigation So. ,tqpeciul train
well leave Lorene* 10.e0 p. at, on abe
ov'e ernes for Ecintont•on and in Max,'
itoba and Saskatchewan stopping at;
all p0105 an Grand Trunk '.Pacific
Railway west or, Winnipeg, Through
(roaches and puIlman tourist sleepers
will be carried eully equipped with
leedding and poeber in charge Berths
may be scorned ip sleepers at a low
rake. This is en lexceptional oppore
&unity liar therm wishing to take acii-
vane:age of the; remarltabier loW one
way Settlers rates or rouged trip bonne
seekers excursions 'through the Aire-
etrisan ,cilteies, No change of oars.
itemize kiekete and berth reservations
feten axty Gland Trunk agent', or
write A. E. Duff, Distriet Passenger
Age.tet, Creole Station Toronto.
Electric Restore'. for Men
PhOsphotiolrcatotee every nerve in the body
? to ite preen' minket; resteree
vim and vinePrenature decay end ell sexual
weakness averted at °nee rheephonox will
tmike volt n man. 1'tti.....4 SS a box Or two for
05. t tin y adctrecs, TcSCSb8flDrflg
Rook Rolling Feats of Mark
Twain 'In His 8,0YhoOd
Tu. Final Prank on Holliday's Het
( Was In a Fair Way of Ending In 2
TrAsedY WUn the Danger Was, by a
Sit of Good Leads, Narrowly Averted.
Writing on "Mark Twain" in 7.,er
per's hiagarine, lbeet Bigelow,
recounts some of the serape: ef eee
youthful Sam Clenieps. Sant 'WU
recogilized ringleader alnang iii.;
Mates, endenhe of the melte 1.,.1;e
played neatly had eti fifta.1 term1natul.1
"One of tlielr Stintlay prtmtllurs
'to climb Holliday's hill and teel
big Stones tc; friginen tie) pewee' v ho
were driving to churc'h
till anove the road wae Mein A nem>:
mien started, ''would go ,iitungIng u:.
leap ng', down itud bound tenant tet•
road with the dendiyeswiftnese of
twelve Melt shell. The by wow 1 ent
etone poised, 'thee wait Mil b neer
save a .tan approaching ane, non,
kiting the distance. would give it a
start Droriping down behind the been
es, they wbulcl watch the dramatic et
feet uPen tbe churchgoers us the greet
missile sbot across tbe road a teny
yards before then2.
"This eras Homeric sport, but thee
earned it too -far. Stones that had a
habit of getting loose so numerettetY
on Sundeys and so rarely on ether
days Invited suspicion, and the 'pat.
terollers'-riner patrol, a kind ot poliee
of those days -were put on the whet
So the boys found other diversious nit
HI the patteeollers did not watch any
morn Then they planned a. grand
coup 'Met should eelipse anything be
fore atteineftede in the stone rollin
"A rock abVt the size (Ann onnenti
was lying up -there in a good- pentim
to gp downhill; once startee. • Thee de
dded it wouled be a glorious thing t
see that great bowlder go sMilshing
down a heinclred yerds or so in fron
of some unsuspecting and peaedui
minded churchgoer. Qbareymen were
getting out roe'lt not ferntway and left
Weir nicks and sholiels "over Sundays
The boys borened these and went to
Work -to tmderniine the big stone. It
was a heavfer job then they had. count -
ed on, but they worked faithfully Sun-
day after Sunday. • If their parents
find wanted them to work' like that
they wbule have thought tiny were be-
ing killed.
"Finally one Stmdey ,white they were
digging it suddenly gohloose and start-
ed dowe. Therwere Ilot quite reader
ter it. elobotey was corning bun an old
eolored•mans in4 eeett; to It wits, going
ro bp Wasted. It was 'not quite west -
ed,• however. They,„had plaueed for a
thrilling result, and there •wae
euoirgh wbile 'It lasted. In the firs
place; the, stone nea.riy etrught Will
powert when It •Starteci. John Briggs
bed just thee moment quit digging
and handed Will tbe 'Mak. Will was
nbont to step into tee excavation when
Sam ,Clemensi wive was already there,
*toed out withn yen:
e" Look out, boys ; she's ebraingr
"She came, The huge ettene kept•to
teeigibund at,firste them gathering a
wild mementuem it„we.ntibbunding into
the air. About ealfway down the hill
it struck ebbe severer inchee thick
and cut it elean oft, This turned its
coarse a little, and the negrO in the
cart, who hoed theepoisei snit it "one
craithieg in bis direetipn and en a
wild effort to whip .up his norse. la
was also headee teemed a ceopernhoe
aeross the road'.•
"The, been, watehet*: it whit &Offing
inkerest. It •mile lohgere letups with
eery bound, and svlimiever It struck
theiffeasments geed dhst ewould fly.
They were certaineit Wiald depoliela
the uegro aud destroy' teeecoopee 'shop.
The sbop was empty,' it being Sunday,
but the rest of the cone:strolls would
'mete clime inveetigatIoneancloresitItei
It was makittg raeglity ieapnnovr, (11;ta
fhe negro had inneraged• to get direetty
in its path. They stOod !eddies theft
breatla. their. Mouths epee!.
"Then stiddenlyr-tlieee could hardly
believe their eyes -the. bewlder, struck
a projection a distance above the reale
tic], with a mighty bounci; welled clear
over the 'negro a nd his Mole nod lend:
ed in ibe scift dirt beyond, only a treg.
went strilien,g the shop, deranging bin
not wrecking It. Half bugled in tee
ground. that bowlder ley ,thetenfOt
nee rly forteeyears. fallen, it was, Mast.
1 for milling peirposes. It was- thelaet
Pren the, boys ever eolled down. They
l+rfea n to stspect that the sport was not
sltoget her sti fe.
"Li melte:tit nfrd the 1. ceiter of ,the
beige was n mission of Sena Clemene'
boyhood, a love of the epeenteulae tie M
never wholly died. It seems almev t
pity that in those old fteroff, •ban '
days he could not have lookeee .wn
the years to it time vben, ,e ...a time
world at his feet, venerable,. Oeferd
should clotto him in a scarlet Own,"
Her Resentment.
Alice -eel's menu oenyou to th11 people
hat when Jack kiesdeerne I diautt re-
sent It elatid-1 dlelnet„ dear, On the
eoutrary, 1 egid that wbere lee kiesed
eon on the eneek- you helelelt up against
j n for 'entre n while -Boston Tran-
qr Langnage,
"No* you Ittiow yOu're tilt wrong
shoot thit."
"Oh, yes: if you say so, I rechon
uvong, all
WItteb.,the bekinnings, Great nen*
aa1s'00030 .tsvorizi$
elliyrne uonce.ri
Given by Ye Olde Folks in Ye Olden Gownes li Ye Gidley Play House on ye Main Street,
Exeter, on ye Friday ye Nineteenth Day of ye Fourth Month which will be April I9tb, at 8 o'cloekt
L Chorus by all ye White Ribbon Women,
xr, Reading (The Bose Act) by Mrs, Rodd
A. hive part song by gernantlete Singwell
and Hezekia,h Knowall-Called Ben -
ben and Rachel.
IV.. A doleful song by Tents Tiri4le,
v. A fiddlin piece by Ararnem a Rosebud
VL Reading (Sally Ann's Hxperience,) Mrs.
Inf. Ye Mayflower Quartet, Prieilla Alden,
.Temirna Standish, Mary Ann Maloney
• Jerusha Gallop
Mrs. Henrietta Hornleigli Mrs. Powell
Miss Sally Simple . Mrs. Howard
Miss Lithe Little.. - .... . Mrs. Paton
Miss Polly Pounder .. .. . . ... , ....Mrs. Blatchford
Mr% Romleigh's Quilting Bee with her
Eriends Hind& Tunefpl, Lillie Little,
Sallie Sipple, P011y Pounder, Mercy
Toomey, Prudence Lass Virtue, Faith
Ann Works, Ann Sane Squealer,
IL Reading (Lactate) Mrs, Rodda.
111, A. yery great number of .parts ono
piece by re Village Ohotr.
IV, A Worldly Song (,lohnny Sands) gamier
• McComb,
V. Beading (Reuben Troasts Tricycle) Mrs,. el;
Rodda. •
VI. A very nice song, Betty Rum
VII. Ye Grass Widows quartette And All Ye'
Singers will sing after them, Priscilla
Alden, Jemima Standish, Mary Ana
Maloney. Jerusha
Miss Polly Pounder ......Accompanies&
Miss Sally Screeeber, . Assistant
Ebenezer Brussel Sprouts ,Ottairmen
N.B.-Ye can come earlie, and ye womenne folks can bring they re nitting, and gette rested brew& ye singing'
beginnes, Ye womenne folks will be found goode places to see and here by certyn discrete young n tmue,
N.B.-This Lyste is gotte reedy for you which can read; all ye others will heare ye things railed out by per
manne in ye chair.
companie neede not trouble to snuff ye candles as Neighbour Seeley will bring bis bige snuffers with(
that intent,
N.B.--Ye olde foikes of five score years and upward will be admitted free; Ye young folkes of six months and
under will be eept out.
re mast all stand uppe and join ye singers ts ye:last tune.
Ye Poll Tax WM Be Two York Shillings (25c)
Aud by paying io cents more we will keep a seat for you. Pay the money for a seat to be kept
to Mr W. Howie
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature Of
We have been asned to print Ju.dge
14:44: Ryder vs. Usborne Hibbert Fire In-
Holt's Decision in reference to the
1 surance Co. Cane and below we givo
it in full
This 0050 WAS heard before me at
the last sittings of this court, and
I with -held tbe giving ot judgement
until later rine in order to enable.
counsel for both parties to hand in
any cases they wished to bearing up-
on the points in *sue . At the
close of the evidenee I expressed my-
self as of the opinion that the cease
1 was one that perhaps might properly
Ibe settled. Since then i have delay-
ed giving nidgement so than the. par-
ties might have an opportnnity of are
. riving at a setelement. Nothing
however seems Ito have been done
itf this direstion and I now pro -
ed to dispose of tne matinee The
plaintiff upon the leth day of Augast
last was holder of a policy in the de-
fendant company and upon tbat day
This policy No 41951, Exhibit A. was
in due force and effect. and by it tem
iletendants agreed among other thinzs
to insure the plaintiff against loss or
• damage to certain animals gauged by
lighenine, vele loss or da.nage being
limited to a certain amount in
each case. The plaintiff on the 131h
of August last wen and had been for
some time previous tkereto
the owner of a Inure which he valued
at 160. and which mare was Denuded
as one of thc animals in the said pole
icy. This animal the plaintiff saw
alive and well in the afternoon on
the 131'h of August and on the Sole
lowing day one of his famity told
hen that his mare eves lying dead in
the field The plaintiff we.eit over to
where the mare was lying wed his son
followed him. The mare wee found
lying on her side aad there was no
indications oe an strug,gle and tbe
plaintiff in his evidence said that he
then had no thought of her being kil-
led by lightning. and that the son came
with a term to draw the animal
away 21, , then got Mr. Brock the
Director of the defen0ants to come
over and the mare was examined, but
nothing could be discovered which
would indicate that she had been kil-
by lightning. By by-law No 9 of the
Policy endorsed on it in rod ink it
is provided that within 24 hours aft-
er the *teas or ineiry the clement
shall notify a diree,tor and skate on
oath declare that the animat was
in good health up to the Ulna oe
death or injury and that there was
a thunder storm at the time and
in the event of the assured and the
directer nob being abiato areeas t
the cause of the death or injury of
the animal or animals 'the ASSURED
shall have a veterinary surgeon ex-
amine the animal or animals, Ona if
required by the eirector shall file
'the statuome declaration of the vet-
erinary as to the cense ofCehe death
or injury. I 'Janet think it can be
successfully contended that at the
time Brock the Director, came over to
see the mare that he and the plaintiff
agreed as to the cameo oChet, death
They, perhaps, .and no doubt did,
think she might possibly haVe
been killed by lightning, but 1 am
unable to cotne to the cone/lesion that
wile t was said by Brock upon the doe
casion in any way absolved or reliet4-
the plaretiff of his manifest duty,
namely, to have the animal exemined
by a veterinary surgeon and t'he
cause of th.: death if possible ascer-
tained This not having been done
and the mare having then boom bur-
ied, it becteene practically impossible
for any witness to testify what reaa
ily was (the cause a elle death of the
mare The night of the 13th of
uel: last was nob according to the eTitl-
once. a Stormy night Seme of the
WitheSSes testify to it. baying been a,
bemetiful, fine and dear night,. evith,
hardly a cloud in 'the sky Tee ev'el
Once addrieed by elie plaintiff 418 ltO
there being liehtning at ex' neon the
eloinite itt whioh the plaintiff reside
ca is to say the kitst of it, of a very
meagre ohainoter and no witnese
other than perhaps one would say
that thete WaS anething other then
sheet or hash lightning. e ant DOV
Asked by theplait-AM'. upon the evida
Ono e east for offien
Du a tittle Mace.
Every one was certain
Wourd win the race. -
Pn my ear they whisperecit;
You are Ito tlae goat.
You will be elec'teci thda
'A•nd J thought I would.
Men who had leeen stranglers
edee me every day,
Said that I had amithinn
But a walkaway
All their friends and neighbors
Were, for me, tbey said
AndeI never doubted
I would be ahead
Others came and touehed nee
For an X or V;
Said that they would use it
Where results fed see.
Some judicious treating
Often pulled one throunh,
Though I didn't need it.
fend I thought so to.
Why can't one forever
Go on dreaming thins '
Why muse an electioni
Come and olip his wings
People came and promised
Till the air was blue,
Bet the 'things They told me
Never did conae true.
Our reputetion and. money are back
of This Offer
We pay for all 'the medicine uaeci
during the trial if our remedy fails
to completely relieve you of epneele
patioa We take an the risk. You
are not obligated 'to us in any way
erhatever, if you accept our offer.
Could anylthing be more fair for yon
es there any reasee why you atiouln
hesitate to put our claims to a prao-
eical 'test,
A most scientific common-sense
treatment is Ilexall Orderlies, whicii
are eaten like windy They are v.er
prommeced and pleasant ie action,
and perticulanly agreeable in every
way. They do net cause diarrhoee
nausea, flettelense, gripine, or other
inconvenience. Rexali Orderlies are.
partieularty good for children at
and delicebe persons
We urge you to try Reza!! Order-.
Hee at our risk. Three sizes itic 25c.
and 500. nemeniber you ean geed
Rexall .Retnedies tn %his communitn
only at otir store. The Itexall Stone
W. 3" Cele
Pardintabie Fjaestfloro
"Stitt young son-in-law of TV/14m.
ftIct Mr Curarex, "says I'm sures.
Atinable, 'Ass4d maybe he's right."
"'What's the trouble?" ,
• "before their nnitrelage I objected
to his attenfions to my ditughter. NOV
l'm objecting tO hig inattenteeneene
Wasbingten Sten
Not a Monotonous Life,
rs g (ty le- Don't you nil murried
.11e in3l.1)t>tun0116"? Afrs. NOt a
ht1 .+1 t Ale husband is a napst or1gt-
ua 01411. and I am alwayalookbng forL
oid in 'gee what eled ora He he will
holt 4,4 (*miles home at night.--
pAt York Preen
Whe He nikeet 'neem.
Mae -eDo yott 11k ,those `neattOftly
auspoders, I embroldbred to yon,
daxrlkrubby-teey darl1ng TI103'
show when 1 ttnr
wankel§ kiews.
A dwarf Steer farther than the gia.at
when he has the glapt'n sitouIder*to
ence to find positively as a font that
there was not only iightning that
night 'but in addittion to that to find
that this mare was killed by a stroke'
of lightning- As 1 take it the plain -
tier 'nest prove in order 'to succeed
in this action and the onus in
undoubtedly upon him to prove afire
matively that the animal was killed(
ligetning. In view of the evid-
• ence adduced I mei that the, only
coneluston at whirl I can arrive is
that the plaintiff has failed to prove
that which is essential to his right
to recover, name/y, that the. death of
the mare occurred from or througlaie
stroke of lightning Should I hotd!
otherwise it woali be upon. mere Gene
iecture and not upon preen Several
queSnOns were raised at the trete
objecting to the erects on claim fine
ed by the plaintiff, but having re-
gard (to the views I have already ex-
pressed uponthe merits of the case ifi•
becomes quite unnecessary for me toe
deal with these objections This L
may say however that had I been,
able to come to the conclusion that
tie mare was killed by lightning;
these objeations so far as I can at
present see, would not have ereated
any formidable barrier to the plain, -
till succeeding, There will be a none
sult and following the usual ordext
cost will be to the defendant ie they'
see fit to exadt costs. Signed by
"Philip Holt Jee
30 narch 12,
It has been proved that .microbes'
Cause Baldness
Professor Unna .of Hamburg Gene
many, and Dr. Sabourand, the leading:
French Dermatologist discovered
that a micron., causes baldness. Their
theory has time and again been amply'
verified through reserch expelime roks
carried • on under the observation ot
eminent scientists. This microba lodi
ges in the Sebum, which is the nat-
ural hair oil and when permitted lto
flourish it destine -Fs the hair follicles,
and in time the pores entirely close:
and the scalp gradually takes up te
shiny appearance. When this hane
pens there is no hope of hair growtir
being revived.
We have a remedy which will. we
honestly believe remove dandruff-
eXterminate the mierobe, tpromoece
good eiroulattion in tbe scalp and are
ound the hair roots, tighten and res.-
itailze the hair roots, and overcoenn
baldness, so long as there is any life
left in the hair roots.
We back up this statement with
ear owrt personal guaranbae that
this remedy called Reran "93" Babe
Tonic win be supplied free et all cost
to the user if it fails to do as we
11 will frequently hap to restore
gray and faded hair to it orginal cot -
or providing loss of color _Las been
caused by disease; yet it is in no
sense a dye Rexall "93"Hair Tonto:
accomplishes these results by aidicre
in making every hair root follicle,.
and pigment gland strong and active
and by stimalatieg a natural floW,
of coloring pieznent throughout the
hair cells .
We exact no obligations or prom-
nises-eve simply ask you to give Bez-
el e93"Hair l'onic a thorough trine
and if nut satisffed tell us, anil wn-
will refund the money paid us for it
Two sizes prices 150 and $1.00 Beane
ember you can obtain it in Exeter wi-
ly at our store The. Ronal ntore-.W,
S. Cole.
Messrs, W. G. 'Rees and Sam Diet*
vjsiftcd 1.ondon on Thereday last eta
business r ;
; C • wybk.,t0
,Messrs `Alee tend Alfred 13entlea' are.
/caving this week to seek their forn
times in the eves't.
Mrs. leeleinger of Detroit is vistnien
her batherMta, Seaver Sr. 142th corigt
Mr. and Mrs.; Won Einkbeiner and
claire...beer a avzirtwton were yisitt.o.re•
with relatincs here !ant Weei4
fl‘tr, te. Rartleila was in London oU
Alan riaY and retuxime with his daughio
tax Miss Etta., who is now able ,te$
leave /the hospital 'hera she halt
been for some Ma1ithS4
• The Misses Vera S1e1er:8 and Riled-
Geettzebach of Dadirivocid Wetv.`,
or a't Mr, and Mrsit 3, lereeeleteclx
Thersday hoe •
Misses Myrtle illotenrtier aud Oa
Eisentaeb 0± rale UVlz on, ;atter
short visit in Detroit returned hpin
fait Week. .1 •