HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-4-18, Page 4�,, -1 �, 11 --.1, "''! ... ... . .. _ ". � I ... I'll..."�,,�,�-,,�,-�,,�-,�-�7��,i�-'�"-'�'-"�-'7'�l: I., -, I—'" I .... . . 177771.11-17--77 �_,.,�-,:- . I _. � I ., ,�i. � �: ;, I i " -11 � , 11, I -� . I ''.. . . I I
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_ � 1-11, i�, -1 �- � ". '--1 il � I I , "' ", , _7_:,�._ . I . I . I , I I I �r� . � � I I I I I � , I I I -, ,:I � I "I 11 , . I . .: I I
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� I I I I I � I I : I � � I I I 2 . . . I . � _ . . I . . I � _ 1. . . . , I . .
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I � I . :. I I . I . I . . . .. . i . I I . . I 1. � � . . . I I � � I
I I I I . 11 I ; I . � T H E EXETER TMES. : � I I I . I I 11 I ,. I : � I �. Tau'USDAY A RRIF N 11919 , . 1 1 ..
, I I
I . I I I
� I � I
� .
_ _-- .. � --- _ __ 11'1-------- . ".. I I . I 11 .11.11111- � 111.1 1-11". I'll I . . . . . . CC �C1111 I., � "I", ,III � I 11 _ ... ;, ... "'
I .1 ----.-1-__, -, - '' "'.." �.., '. ill 11.1-11.1.-1 -1 I I .611- --11 _-....-11 11 � 11-1---1-_._'__. I . ... - I . - --_-1., � -1-11.111, .1 �.11-1.11
I . _. i1i ��o, ". " r 60� "' , " '"", , i, - - I I i � . -1 1 4 1 1 .1 .1 '� , i ii"'".0"I"fi , i * i ii I
I -11111.1. I . . i;ii 0 , il 0 I - .I. I I I I , .1 " " ... .. I �, . I I I 11 . I ,, I I . . I . I � 11. I ''I'll , I 11 1. 11 11 1-11, 1. 11 I ;.1 I . I . I I . I 11 I ;;;��
� I
. _�� I . I I 1. 1. � . I I
,� % V_Ue�n'r,ouljo tting r acre drains more -t4ag pay f or � � I I
� , . g e , get the ]IMT 0 .
I ,
I . I . amselves iu two, S"'ral EARNED HIS PROMOTION ' " � - tYf . Ve � �. ...
� � IS NOT k WILDERNES3, WOPO I QU $alc � � FAM49r,
� Qne tha,t will outlast Me reO 1h . . , ,,
I I , � ,The 0. A"(0,18 Again, renew.Lp� Its, .Humor an. .
. I . .0at's ecoino,My and sense - - The undersigned -is Qfferin
� 11 I I . .offer for assistance to fATM05 1,11 14Y I Philosophy I , � I t9r jpojLea,j9 ,at oace�zo.o acres 01:400 I
. 33ab, !n, plig,rActer and FENCE ing out t1eir dr-a1A3ajr,q oyste . 0110 P't of lot la coal. I U0b0T,n,4 , grom. Plinton. a '10 ,
, nas, The DUNCAN MAC .. W, . I I .1 � 04n.. 0 W103 V,211
I ... I . . . . . 14
I , I wIle equtb Orl ' r,,,,*,. In ate 0! cattilm"I
. as. ,a , ,PHERSON., I$ R ED MA MAN I _ Z , I
I . Depart �nt Of Rk,ysios 4 , spoq�s I -PUTY, n � ' situat�d A - , , xetlirr, TV11.1 � good 1stA _1 . I
st4im LEONARD'$ DF 0 Al,
I . -----*— iiii X of dr4baage advisers for thil * � or VIVJVCAJV iWo .10VOT4 WHO LIVE containing ,seven dnd ovie .th Aores
I I r � I . . . 1. D TI$'ERE. There is ca ittio. Premise* .4 goodi 100 rourta in ,Xrain. 10 acres al
. � rk arp fog the 12 �ores bitv4., x,est bay amd . � �
: Tbandlo nothing but the Best " ,. �There is 4Q ob I . 1. I . � , . I
I service of the�se men, the onlS oat- � 11 1. , frame hQnseL 4iiud barn, good Well SWne bouse, Itivo swrey,.Qate ,
, .
1, I 141 to, the farmer being trAveftiu�� ' Capable Engineer of the National i walter, ,about 30 4ppl,a t;lqes wid . cvllAr� farnac*a 0 . I I
I for instance I , . I Former Resident of Cana0a's Little Oa quantity of small fialitv, This is ' ent ff o0v 54U - batsi $5:06. w' I
-expenses which are low. 'As th,g rail. Translontinental Has Speh't 'Six vh4ile, ow � , I I
� , -%vai -fare is only one cent a mile for Known Territory Says It Is'Not the , a splendid proparty.welt dituAtidd and , tiMper. waterworks. Stalb " I
' '
; 'L this work, �and as several siarveys are Years In Charge of the W-drk and OND rectson why, somb penspno Jus# BI-eak 1'rilibspitable Placo So ON�; Trill ba sold riason-able and -qa cm I ItIo ii(nd 9 J�Iormawm% I , I
. . SOck Fence . 1, I . I ..
. � 1, - , —H i can't help making fools of theram 'barn 1. I !:
I made on cup, trip the expensep Knows It From A to, Z e is Ormo, X40. Ilay 'barn 5.
11 20c are div4ded among ,the several par- Widely 1<6wn as an Engineer,Sur, selves is bacallse they. have suc.h ex- qLiently Described � Peopld ,W66 It mdt soTcf prNalteV, on or Wfolr o0d . w -t farm if kliiisired, .. I i I :
at per ro-J , cellent material for the purpose. Live There Lik'o It aad Make ai , of Xay va iii; NAIL'ba sol awwow 340r6web, .Pox 5 , LL . ,�,,
. ties ,00ncerned Anyone wishing to , .. I "' I
I I "h'e 2""' . . ,
i I � should , �eyor and Inventor.' — I -V by ,bli, auction with the bousehotd . L 1. �� �
have a. drainagb s.irvey made Qpmforti�le, L. ing, f�rp
I drop aca�rd to the department of Dancaif Maiphersoi�, wh�r has re- Ever notice that it Is genevally,'the, 'it're on Iffie-Ist of June 1912 for. � � , � .1 , I I I j
� , . � I ��
I Galvanized Pfhysios, 0. 'A. )0, Gaelph, whereupon in. , lit most articles P continual re.fe n further ,particulars apply !,to ,Tbos, .
. , contly been appointbd assistailt' -to upstart that gets the plao,e at the V. , co 1�
.$4 regalar application forra will be sent, R. -W. Letwia,rd, c1tairman I , , was made to the-blaiikneAe of axlect Cameron auctioneer Farquhar 4 O. � �
� I Farm Gates at and later one of the Depertmentsi of the Na- navo? � which.is .generaljY regarde4 as cha�.' or ,on Itibe premises Ito JoAn Salbaii Farm For Sale � ,
I I I Drahiape 'Advisors will make the sAr. tional Transcontinental 'Railway Com. I — acteristio of Lgbrvdor and,also to the Exetter Possession given inime.diekely Per 8'ald— Yarm ceiiWn . . ...
. I --------*— � inission, is one of the best lonown civil One way to make frOnds, Is to im"ce . i'll; � , �
I yely. - . I � t I I � I . ,barren nature of that cold and rocky I . _____ of first class land it thal � � �, 1.
I - .engiueers�,cf the Dominion and.he �has tfi6ney. I country. But, though this is the -gen. age bf Woodham; good t,wo-e& , � 1 '*
. I Also a large stock of Cedar beeh assistant to the chief en�iiimY I .. I 3
; I I arafly r6eeiVed o�inion of Labradbr, frhme houise; bank barn .334. 4 V
. I p*sts; all kinds of Lumb' ........ +'. of the commission for some six yeirs - - . For Sale .
0 Anyway, no man.was ev,er ab� I 11
I sp that he is thoroughly familiar with 4 to it �yoilld seem that- lbose j7ho, sp.q:nt with up4ordalte stable, found,% 4 ' ,�
, I +' ' T all thb details of the big'rdih�A ,11 quietly. � I . *1 " " �
and ,Shingles at Low Prices *I- I � ' breolk Into jai . ypttrs on t�ai somewhat forbidding. 12 - ACRE S MUGH LAND bizift abOut a year ago. But I �
M JX00 11
BREVITIES - A., .11 Y unA . ast have a difiprent view to. pr Part Lot 6. Cow k� 'cerhent Ithroqihoujt, Also �
* + dertaking. — esent. cession 13, rrue�
. n Itho i.k++++,.+ , . ++++++++, - His�)remotiQn is an4inportprit one;. A man likes.a wife with a SdRsd *of in 'their, eyes Lab.*raglot is a.,pountri smith, H. 11.�,S. Apply Ito GIAAman ,celler 25xX3 with ge,ment t p 40' L, '
I d ' ' gungway. New driyiA X �",
I howbvpr, an mea'ris that during 'th� order, provided slid deeg the orderft ,whore a man ,ihay a�a4o as' good it � z
, �� I �.
, no J. UAW , I Gen Bodth of )the Salva!,tiovia 'Army , absenee of the 8iaft-niaii ,that h1q, will ia hl� ablwnee. . living as iii'a:hy oth4�ropi;irt of- Oanada & Stanbury. solicitors, Hgnmll ,,vad rogated isteel siding 94i40; ima a ��
wbo, 'was 1q3 years old on Apr� 10 . th . aTkd also where lie. may eiijo� 4considpr- Exeter. A7x18, Also a good su"ly of sibift , -
� ,have complete cbntrol of the work of — � . I
; joirt aDle -comfort, in .the, process kro I hard water, Whe farnit is thorou - � I .i .
GRANTON. .hopes ito visit CauadjL and ,the, Unitad thib�important, depaTtMent. The PO�i, The reason ,why apme Womed Frarik 0. Crean, in a r�cenlr 1�tter to diftijii�d axid well fenood. mostly ,
� Stcvbes this yea,r,t � I I I I
I ___ __ - 1% . Won is a new *onelb'ht Chairman L n4 allut up is that they Imow, that art ex- -day Night, makes a strolj& preo . all n9w wire fewcee, Also tea ae 1
' iSSI'Dii - t� 0 Crop. of asied bush mjostly har4 wood. I ..,:.,
� . I. ard desires to*make the oOMM'I " Satur , -
i plosion 4w�uld result if they should. ' sent'dtl6n 611his side of th3 case. Standing Field pait4iouhra apply to IS
�. A PRIM more efficient aiiel to allow him -to I I Nn, anybod� tell, he asks, why it Wesley �, 1� ,
� . - word the bird � The co4tra6l; has been award,od,for have more time to attend ' WNImpor;tl — wobdighm Ont. i . 4 1 11
I . One reason why a man Idoesutt ll�ten ig thaf lf Labrador i� s'uch a lorbid- .1 � �
,. What was itjiF, � Competition For -
Spoke in Ithe morning chill— 'the constru4tion in Vancouver, B, C. ant work outssid� of headq�iarters, lie ' "�-�
: ,The gudcl-orn magical word? . of K-h,e largest floating steiail Dry desires aii assistant with thorough to Ids wife more. Is that to baslil timp. ding country as'ltlis aaid:.to be in so I.. �.,
� -I-nQwlo_ — .. I tbuch'of thd literature dealiQ with ''I
I Apill Dock on the Pacific coast Ik Nvill, ad- ,&e of the detail� aInd in Dun� Fall Wheat D -a jff
adate the largest Pacific Shipik i�, . we still, I
. com ban 'M-a�herson lie feals certain t1fat Smetimes the' -policeman se6i that Wi jh�`�p��opI6 of Labrador ' All IdNosa who feel interested House for Sale vr 10FIRt , �%
� - and will cost a million and a .half. 6,has such a inan. -The new assistj we get on in *hb worl(I . - fling to 96 '6 diving on, the e6ast, in . I . ..
11 - g money sent -out ih aid tits staidding field. crop competition �
, ,What was ' the thing the sparrow 44t chairman of the National Trans4 . I in �, peafs for �
. . y -the windo-tv-slU, — , 'havoc for quick'salo or to ivat A
. Said b * * 0 # 0 41 0 61 the Oxr4nfellg liospitals and also in willplease Ito forward theirnameionil (We � I
tNs Ilhe voice were Ithavoice of Vow, continental Railway was �born at Bia"th ThIa fellow who is smarter than W-6 letterg_fr.oin strat visitors,' -*a relia $1. to President Ed, Christie or Alex very desirabTe reside�oe in Exet'w�,
April The delegattes of 1the West Indies in 1853 and comes .of, United EiApiro lookis gen erally' gets there at thq shov4 ,of -the terrors. -of, the cold dnd bivtret' Well located, comfortable and reonif 11�
I Dyer Sec. Exeter; No Entries, will
. -and Canada who were, to Conference to3raliit pkirebtage. He was ed-itoated down. wastes of L&bTadbt, ana - ypt be receive'd after the lst day of May Gla,dman a Stanbury. ,� . 1:
� wind wind -4 in Ottawa have agn,,ed upon lth� reo- t.Napai�ee High School and the'Royal - I "pe 1 19112 75,00 %vill be awarded in prizes 1
— g�, 6141t I _====C5 , ,
r14he world khat txoubled the grove,A 1prosity Lrea:ty for the exchanga or Oilitary Collage, Kingston-, graduit- I who might 'easily. ' ' to the g'oraa, . 20.00; .15.00; lor.'00� �..00; $% -and . - , 1,
a. h. ng from the jatter i Conceit Is a.think that is easitr, rec- West,' I
With 'the old, h,,xquisi[tive thrill, produdts No de -tails are made pah- . n -Tune, 1,880, , , , and tkkd up a farm .1n. tha , ,Ill
sang like an arrow. lic as the agreements wjill have to ituaiding' head of ,the class in civil 09sized—away from home. '. on, ivhich haS4 been s6 inuch ex- M,essrs E. Christie and Alex Dyer* E, xe For Sale - ... I
�, na� sqared and . regi 1:00 For further particulars apply to
r, 1, , be seat,to Itbe Governments oif thZ- ;ngineering,t ap4-taking.high,mionors .� ploited as a larmei's paradise) remain " , . I 3ins I
1-�, . April - � on thii iocky. coast, where they have oer, . I 11 ....
�,4 ' varions coladies for approval if sat.. n several othe subj.ects aDA being the 'Universal Topic- � I t
Fresh as It.he running watter, _Lorr I I beeii dialoing a li�ing dor years. As - I D
11 I , . � . HOUSE AN 6 LOTS IN HEN,SAIJJ. 1
i I I, All in Ithe 'gray li�,,hlt NMI . I isfactory the agreement ivill i.o into Vinnei� of d Lorne's silver medal We pay our respects tb,the *eatlker. - one who for twelve years and paore : I . the property of bile late John M F ' ''
e . effect on Jan ],-101!3� 1, ; � It's either too hot or too cold; , 0 al:
I 1,3egan !the flatter and chatter—d ' - I � [or general profici�ncy. Thise�iiss I d'. �
I . I V_ . In little, tense groups git together h,%s liv�ad bn thd Labrador colist, not lane. House in, gooO repair, 7 rooing I 4
[I April I . And give It a well deserved scold. air a MIS a trader,, but as- a furnace. woodshed, wel.1, cistern. goqq I
. Its marlts are seldom so striking genuine Crean - ;
1� `1021413y6t�r of it, Mr. 4?001��/ �14 V_�X_W` .stable. Terms reasonable!, ,.apply jq5. ��
� I March was a roaring blade, The scope of the Quebec Ba*ilefields Z. I . LDG., .
I d Itheir -vvill I That. It Is not dubbed a mrsfit. -spleaks 'from - a fall . personal knowl- 0Y.XMbCj)A
I 14B Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors, HeAW
I fforth and East ha 7 Commission is propoised to bc extendL .. ,��.kv It never is built to our liking, edge. � n L I ONT. sall and Exeter. I 1
�, Bdt April a young fair maid, ed by the Borden Governmiardt so as �.I.;0.:,�, .. ." ..."W: . . . -Nor could *a regard It a lift. .1 13U ES&and, SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. I
-1 , ' :� * Twdlve miles- west lqf As ngt6n M,
� . �
, A:pxil , rri
. k, � -
s_ "R15'.11 !��.,,' - 1-.�,�F,�, �, .� .
. I- . :�
- --�&.,�-,! ,'? ., Haibor, *here* one of the anffil �
iiielude all the ba,ittlefields and hi .,Nv..i�,Wflii I -.111-1.111 Re stered last season upwards of 300
w.'l..4 C1, GIV4 �
,ir?1111;��,�.�::!.\'W. 1;111
. Z.,`z '! WK�.,�.'.?.W,.I,i�.�,-"i�u�,,�, 33tij some regaAd -it's deserving t nts and placed every graduate. Seven
�. llow toric -landmarks throughou t tho 4"',?,)`,.��'�".
- �, --n ",�;,j %2!�
� .." , t4l '11,1M. `.!�� ., -_'---1- , , , Irk spite of ita faults and Italkwa, 4 �i .
J0, 41% � -, W-M��t�,.�-� I (PsIalsi,stand, is Nettagawmi riyer.
E -ear lthL, wren and Ithe. swa nirj Wbilethe Plains of.&bra:ham . ...; . . . . .. 'NI.P. "�,, ..'�,,�t§ I a : olly,qualified regular teachers. One Acreage Contracts �
. 3::,'- -__2 Or
- W .. � ,
11 con y R ,O , ".. I " �
-, k-,..,r,1'.'.�, .:R,ji!M'.?,!�,!� . , A purpose It often 6omes serving igh isand bank beside its hundred and fifty London firms employ :
�. I Skimming and cryiAg sbXilb- I are being attended -to, there are sev- -.,%g.-N ." -, �Mffp kr inmith. is to ,be -seen a cross standipg
,pver Ithe greemim�� fallow, I .,'��ogg,?,"' -.-..1--',11@( And� so for'existence has cause. )
�,�� eral oxther historic grounds which ,'g ., �
I 'April ,%�� , . ....... cr_. I - ifi s, little foheed plot ol ground. IT, our, trdined help. . College in session from We are prepared to contract wit%
. ,
,�:Iig( . � Without Its small cbapterb of angulsV'
� have ej th,er beep neglected edtirty voT ' . &;,Wgix. �, .400 . SEpt. 5 to June 30. Enter any t1jue. farmers to grow peas. and corn fag
t� , .11 I 1", - - Z, 1, How aould we our fellow'men standl a Wals,hman who Catalogue Free. the Canning Facto& for tiao; sea.so4 I
�� [&prU's a golden lass. . ; left to local authorities with Ile re- - Vor most conversation would languisU had made h1s living fo,r*-over twenh Forest B of 1012. Seed cora'and ppas,�'WU14
. I I �.oty,� v I j
kee - ,-A, 0 ,( Were It nQt � a f6io at hanti. y *'U"&ndws fle . "
. "...: Co
. - & I �11'? shery, � U du furnished by the Compan as U�,
�, Walking on a green hill, suit tha:t their coinditiun is .Adt ' I I yea thblrout dild salmo a 11. Q�
i I I R anzbj ii.
ping -%YVth Ith-eir significance In Ift ' ,D � S : .4 ge
I ,�.` i tj 1`i -, had diTectad that he should ;' W. WESTERVELT, JR. J. VELT,
Treading 1the side of lthe� 11rass. � ..".N'R attentibix W� WESTER ual. We waiald osL farm�rs to,
. ;;::i:. �.; I 1. The man who is paying
1� Canadian history. I � ,gii:!�! i h9k .
::. �.':. . . rM .
April .. .. .. ". i) j I �� I .
.. 'g. To one only kirl would be lost I FrincipaI I
�, ,N*,'�;, "A'.1 bb bT!ried beside the river where he - Obartired Accountant. tend to Lhis as early as 'pDss ;
". ,
Nr5r�...g q .. ' ,
11 j.."s ... 4 V100 Prinalval. Is
_, ..
. Wer; there not the,weather to mptlori* haS I
HeT mautle of Leaves a glimmer% 'A ok 1) A - - 11-- . d,,spent so many years, befor,_ tha bu_i�y se -a -son comes.
, �:,_..�,�_ I Until tbey bad broken the frost mil � I Ixeter Canning� & Pre3. Co., Ltc� .
�", - jHer kirtle daffodil, I ,�,--�,x .� 1-t .. G�l ,N�' ,ps west 6f this .river is E . . I
�, r reason to believa, 11;; � . He'd stumble and stammer and stutter. Point au. Mau r,, where li*es Joe - . - S. INL Sanders, Xanagexg ��
, She is all, a4-shiue and a shimmer- There is ever, It meet :.� I gg 1. �.iie�jl..,-�U.:- i His brain as,a-steamplpe would thro% . - � .
I I next session of Parliametn wi I ?[ fis*, . .
1� April i t11;,1W one single 1-Taliftult, an, storehebper, I
, on Jan 10th T-911 This will . ty, �,_W61... Nor word could be utter - _;,
an- �-,?'N�Vlsl, �Were it,iriot there du the Job. 1, poq'tniaster auzl also te-legripb agent,. I �-,
: , )� Dr. de Van's Female Pills 'I
�� . fi:%M 1, .1�, � '
I!k*�4�',�',�,-�.t�.',�'k\,-�;.�, .- !1411 -a hospital was-beftig b A reliable French regulator; never � .
. �
� Bhe -wears (the bud and recess of nine months a id is 4 .,-g. �-. �,., -, .;..,:. - - , K-.� 1 ... When th uilt at fails, Theie
� � I . Stock for Sale ,�
I Of sweets she aball have� her fill, urged upoR the Government by tne 00�-�1'1'110t,�10, � 61f, yes, even weather has uses I 16n, Gallibrault was asked pills are, exceedingly owerful in regulating the
, � . ,.�� HaTring
. , ... If for them a search we would ni6ket . . ,..
, " Western ,members partioularl .i�.:::: . . . . . . whether or not he, liked to have the 14 . I
- -%Tne .. ,
r ,ger arms are full, amd her -bosom y merative portion of t1c, fani ate system. Refuse -
1, April have been rompelled in the past to � .,Vle fieed it t6 frame 'up excuses all.c.hea�, Imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold 2t
I . come to Ottawa a few weeks before .1 I 'Wben'va an'erigagernent must breagm doctors so near him. His answer -was a 0_ ."threefor$19. Mailed to anyladdress Stock For )Sale -We ara at pre
,�, I 11 Mat he didn't know. 1j.p had lived rh. S. ien Drug Co., St. Ca4barines, Out. offering three choice Shorthorn b
'. R�rlmxoses under her fe�et- W measure of credit to hand it �
� Y, I'
�, . Daisies in furrow and drill, Christmas and they are obliSated -, . , A:n& say a small word on Its side,, I there lor forty -Ave yeave, -had made. a � - - - — 10. 112 and 15. monfink ;1d; aILLso a , ,
, 'The 'blackbird calling Sweet swee,t to pay double raih,vay expenses if , , � Ilowever it com�s, we can stand it- ,' good living, had raised alamily, alid I . cows and heifers, and a zvegWarse ,
� I , . April they wish to go'hom� fox that season . . It might b4 mucli,Worse if it tried, "I had, never nee.ded a doctor. And he 'Children 0-1 r y -- Clyde -nare bred ifrom importeA �
� The parliament would then last long- �, '' 1: . - stock. �even yeai 9, old -and ipm foal, �0 �
er than May '24th which hereto has ' . - seemed to think that hav,ing w doctor "...,
� . I -4 �
� ,:Ever sby and capricions, . I FORILETCHER'S T.- J. Berry's King TbDma,3i, Lot .. -1 ,
� . I , . Almost All Done. handy would -probably'result in their I �
I -1 I
I been reco-nired the official date for . I . I I �
� , Never unvolving and ill* Con, 2. Tucker3mith. ,-A. G. Emilt 111.
- closing fa the summer season This I "I hw Jackson 'intends to btffld thq acquiring,, d4seases w1iich they- had 11 I
! Qke is a girl deliciaus, . ��i. *1' CASTO R I A H,.,an. I '! 11
I April would mean a four months session for � I . beason�ll . never known beiarip. j I . I : � . I'll
. I ' . ' " �
. .
� � I the next rGpssQmbling of Parliament , . . "Ye's He has 'the site cho�on� thd Eight -miles west of Ws again is a � .. . _. . I t . 1. -1 . 2 I % "I :
; , She is a girl �tD their mind, I . . . I . I . h6ds-e 'planned imil the Intetior Aicaw bay, where a-nvmber of fainklies- like . .. . .. , - I � I I .
11 'tb�,rn shoirting 1greybill and * 'A 0 * * * 4 I . . . I rations decided uj�on." . that wete takim from the Island of Children Cry I
11 �_=_ --- ��__� I . . Dental Offices Closed.
�, Uear . ,
� ; goidtim. , ! , tl-iii , �Iff_."AIIAIFW . , I , * Anticosti-& coupid of yea,rs after it FOR FLETCHER'S ' ' notice I `
, I . TIi,by are Tossing her praise. to t,he I a introducfng ,tne buagpot Yat. 2c �11 .1 �, . "Then it's all settled?" had been, pu-gdh-as6d byiMenier, the I KLndly 'take hat my offthd . .
House of lCommolus Mr. Llc�d G ,)�,trgo "Yes. All he has tb do, noW, 119 td chocolate kin.j. Mpier startbd in to , , iis olosed every Wednesday afbar]4040�i . ) .,
� � . April . I DUNCAN 41-AUNrUSON. , C AS Tirl 0 R % A
�, _1____-W — 'the ChanceJlor of It -he ExchoqueXj'. was,the original of 181studeAs enter- perpuade his fatbertln,-Jaw. to give blia sto& his island wiTbl,�ur-be,%*ring 'ani- . I DR. ROULSIX.Ovi .
r , TO AaLSIST WITH DRARNAGE I said that the coal strike, had cost in,,+ at the inceptioR of t�ie college ilih the money." mals affid. gperk a great deal of money — 0 � � li
I" the Governmen�± so far �$12,000,000 fD -1976 and. hds been known ever since . for thAo pWpDs.e of ob�aining them. . . . CLOSINO NOTICE :
�, revenue There was besides a loss bo as the "old ei A SooreWer. 11�ge people, hdireV,er, took aaVan-tage - Please remember that my DqV��& �,
During the exceptionally dry sea- . ghtee]n." In Nevembq, . Children Cry . . I
' �
�:, Itbe Post Office of 00%'000 The 'Mas be a good recor6211 Of this, to trap and 6hoot all they Offica is closed ever W ed n t. t -o a y ail- A
of 1911 hend that was underdrain.- 1880, he� was employed as r6aman o1i , � .Vi- I
�. I I gon drophowever was more than covered could Wh6n warn;ad, tbay still con- FOR FLETCHER'S -Dn, Riwsway 11�
" � Id produced on the average about �py an increase of 5,OQ�0,000 in the ,the surveys fox the extension of t�e AIDL�pends." - . t-tnued to disobey ihe regulations, and I � ::
s�, W11 1 �6.59 more per acre tham land that pro Cwaada Cetatr.al_ which in 18.81 wag. "On what?" CASTOR 1A . 9- .�
� ce�ds from ta_,zes upon liquors a.- � the is14 �
! . was not &ai-ned according to data nier-go_d into the C.P_ _ud t
I . collected b� the depratment of Phy, bove ;the ,estimatbes The C-han-cellor R. He remain,ad '�Tho kinel you are afteT� His poker __ , _____ __ I
11 "
' ldZation*1 and consf,j�uctioit for th16 1161, ojie lnor 4. � : 1121: I raalz�� I
I - ", announced a surplus on altogether. At tl:re time the case ciaa. . - '11- _--it. ------- gillp cl;
isics at the Ontario Agricultural Col- of ,.$M 000 (YOW - vain, but be has d edainag6 ad a great s6iisation, as it was alleged STORIES WIN WIVE , ; . :: I � : ; � ` _ - �
�: � � a rccord breaking figure Ae Iie,,� C.P.R. tor seve'ral v'eaps and in var. on the pike than any man'l knoVr."- that Menier's action had, been based , 41, � N .0 1--i 11 I "
I loge. budget shows no reduction in estim- i-ou,,capaciti;s and"was subsequ�ntly I . . I I , . 9 �,
1. 'Reports were received from a ated jaxpendibures, but it carries no given the position of resident engineel .. .... mi religious grdu.nds.,0 But rdligion Literary Men Who Ra.ve Found- Their I calk 11 cis �
i� . .. . had nothing to do Zith it. the 4- . "L
: 1. latge'number of farmers, of whoni iricrcased ;taxation. The jenLire sur- O'n !iyinteiianca of way and obinitrue: No Tkia Trarap llooks� I �
,f#enty-five were a:ble to give rlefin- ITId you notice anythin.; Is ejo -hat these peopla . - , "Dim'k
tion - uspi US shoi of 4t ail Wa� t � Do."lo -_ .,
ate figures on yields on drained and Plus of the 'treasury 92,725,000 is 'to of -branch li�*s,'startirig wkh 'a � 1. w,e A few days since at, a ,dinnier giveit . 11,
pppwlll� I be r,Aained to gtremrrth�em the treas; terilt6ry. of' ab;0' . ,Vvhen this tramp knocked at your baelk .].,a remloyed from the island and I .
I qindrainbd land Thxee of the nun- g , - ut 400 miles. He wa.i giv6n.-farims in U�e west with Irouses, * the Authoi&l' Club 'in London, taO .. , , L1:TW, .:
� . ury balances Mr. George in his speek1h afterwards pXftnotod to division engi. door?" asked the prosl6cuting lawyer. . Patt)q_ horses, implements, seed :and ;qdif,or of The'Cornhill told � how 9 �
N . I lber said they naw no differenoe, but said ,the Itrade, aouiditions of the, ne6.r with,duties and responsibilillei "Yes, indeed," replied the lady. ' ,. �,�Dry which appdaxed in that niag = 1.
I ,,,-�� pr � the strik-
I ,U11 the others.reported inoreases, 21-i rld are exceptionaftly healthy. cd ovisipns for- a year. BUL
�'; pven Counties were represnt-ed in th ` . ntinually� increasing until lie wal "What was It?" ing zine was. instrumenthl in brbigin " . I
I � � I , feature 6f 6� whole thing is that I
,� , I. -w 'I'l I . .about a marriage. 9 I ��
. reports from Durbammin the east to ,ivbn c7aarge of'tlia whole eastern divi nHe asked fot a drink of. .Ater.k the pe,ople,wbuld not sti'y in, th4i West The story in question, the, work, ol I 11
: 0 * a 0 0 a sion, comprisinif 1,500 ];Ailes of 11
� Essex in the west The value of iA- . maill I im spitp -of tlibs�! gTeat inducements ,
straw was fLgured tr&d,lc. . * - "I
� I ,&.contributor from wh�m ,
� niore than ,
, ave up their farms and inie tale had been previously accept& . Canada via Chicago- . IL
, creases inaluding Altit�dinous. to do so, but q . and Settlers Excursions to Westeriv
� . I at October 1911 prices, an TI.c Ecrat! Rule Bill which Mr. A,,v- - 'He. resigned from the C.P.R. in ' other possestfons 'and now are all ) +he Teiluire I'll -
I av"I has ftxtrDduced in the Houxe I 5 ,after. serving �ome 25 y6aris with . . settled on -the Ilbrader edast, where Lid, not bting up t( ?.
1 1,912 prices The former showed an , 90 4
� average of 15.197 per acre and the lat- of Conamons provides foIr an Drfsfi. that c6rporbLtioh and accepted the po, � I standard, was ret,arnea by the editor
,,, � ther seem to Ve �per%ctly satisfied April 16, 23 and 3(l. ,;
� ter 17.04 and both together an av- Parliament consisting of two Hc%sqs aition of assistant' chief engineer ot � tq�fts autkor, from whom s-obn after, . I "
,% . . with their lot.. Mr. Gi6an relat6s ward,� came a letter wherein thd , I
�11 I crage of 16.50 The three who report- which will sit in Dublin Ther� wijl. the National TraiiscolAinental Rail I 10 I cee and everT Second Tuesday tbereaftex-
� ,, z ad no increase were counted in ob- be six rePresery-'ativqs of Dublin a� way; a pw4idn he has hold witk . that not long age he saw one of them writei stated that he and lus flan until Sept. 17th inclusiive, Spediat I 11,
I I I I . s,ifll. nifi7pty cases of'01obsters at fou -r- having quarrelled'wer8 iot on spgak. :
� f 4aining the avera;�es. moing the forty Irish members w,hrj' mar'ked ii�bility until his recent prDmo 4 Train will leave Toronto" it 10:80 p.2n. � �.
� I teen doilaps a case. This repre$erifad ibg terins-a state of affairs -1hich h on above. dates for- Edin6v ton atia I
� .
� I n wet season$ Xhe ,results are will xePresev% Iffie, country in Me tion as assistant chairman of the cptn . . I . I . I
I even more marked but even at 16.50 House Of (CDMMdaS a,' Wi-estminster mis�16:n witli a seat at the board and I . 11 t1te result of twe months' w@rk,-1Gf,a had ttusted to put xight by the pub]1. I
- � Ic ,: 14 � �..:` atchewan
� I .
I . . - I
� 1, I I reiancl wrff make no. ctirect con,trt;- ranUing nexi in authority to the chair . . .. I rA an and two boys . e cation, of the rejedQ story, which points in Manitoba and Saek . ;
.. 'of n. , , 1: � . via Chicago and St. Paul carrying �
. I . - .1,11 A fel%y infles west . IS again, .js
— -e. h3an. . . .
I . bation to 'filve Imperial rewnue. Th . I .. � . , � I 6ont&ined matter'the perusal of wMell
I 49IFT" audtoms and excise of Ireland will He.. holds a earti ' eiioeher bay where there ,are settled , IL I ,� through coaches and PlItIman Tourist ,�-
ficate as �a Domin. . .1 . I would,'he was., sure, ;have softene4 Sleepers. ,390 clialige of cars, . 11,
I , I he Oil y "I"hiong remain under Imperfal controA buL ion, land suiveyor� and an Ontarid ' I five English families ftom Peiti).'Onj, tho lady',s heart. TheJetter conjelu4od I . I . �, 111.
I : ' Re ji t . Th,ey are 'all doing well A�a seen) ' ith', t& reguest that ,the ,.editor Full particulars from any Graiad
, ReVe the local Tarliament will have pow la d su ve)�`or, afad, is ii life membej , I qiji-te lia '. w �
�_ I 91 er to vary th�e duties on articles, - 0, I ppy in their ,,kr?,u.RdffigA in , Trunk A ant or 0. 9. McCut cbeoij,
That I a" of the En&lish Institute of CN11 E111 . . . . t'ict, _ would recongidier his decision. This I .
1. 1� I though it may not vary the articles I spite of the terrif�ing a ounts w i,.. g�, ros-ulb fhatIthe Alberta government Agemt, Palmer
1 2 VP gine4fs, and alcharter membe . be,giVen of the severity of the nted, with the House Block, Toronto, Ont.
,� " I 1 fleuigalgica. ) rhem, sAves The taxation of Tive- Oanadian Society of. Civil Engineer.% .17- ihigbt rA�I'ria a *as duly celebmted. �
! , . I . chmaVe and. the rockiness of the land. g r a '
I . land is I -o continue to be in coosom,, ,.jid ],,,I,. also a mem-lier of the Amer ore than one lite, ary man owas . THE MOST POPULAR ROUTE TO .
�-\, The piercing pains qf Neuralgia, ance with 1ho financial system GE ican Railway Engineering Associatioo, "I have high aspirations." Twenty' -five ,miles west pf ,this is happy- marriage to his books. Long
, � I � ' h oftea follows a had cold or the UiniJed Elingdorn '1'he old ,` He is' a past president of the Cana'. , b s t her fut Montreal, Buffalo, New Yo'rk, Phila-
'Whic' 11 I "And what may they be?" . . Natashquan Harbor, d saettl6ment �oon- ure .
I 11 -
I pensions and land'pu�chase `ch`m'�Is dia, "I desire to be the chauffeur of a, -taining a popu,lation of t-hr^undred tt felt !
� ,La Grippe, are frequently almost un- Society of Civil 'Engineers anij husband ]had Elizabeth Barre delplifs, Detroit, Cbic,)go, is YjA G -and �
; . axe ,tbo remain under Impexial res- :. Dying machine." and seventy-five people, most French- herself drawn towards the author Of Trunk, the only Double Tra ck Rt0e. I
�.'_ bearable and few m6dicines afford ' ember of the councL - Canadians. . I .
� 11 consibility. The 1xish Parriament. of that bodY,' hav�ng been recently I ' "kells and Pomegranates," of which . I I
; I I � . any relief to the sufferer. , Nvill bave no pow,er Ito impose duties elected,to that office forthe 14th time, Willing to Oblige. . Mr. Crean states that he dag -up she makes the hero of "Lady Geral- �Steamsbip tickets on sale -, i it, all . I I !
I "I am a rural mail carrier and on British goods. oats and timothy grown near here as (fine's Courtship" say: "Some Pome ;
, . . a unique hbnpr in the his Wiry of the "Let me give you some advice.". Lines. For Tickvts end l) f ,'I
! bave been a user of the Dr. ANle& 4, fodder for cattle, and that it measur- I
m,l association. He is alW noted as tho "On one condition.$P . granate of Browning's, which, if cut tion applyl o A. E. Duff, Dist ri et Pa �
I '
1: . I : inedicines for years. inventor of th _ � ed, roots and stt,ms, f6ut feet and deep down . the middle, shows the I W
,� I ,� a Macfharson safety 41Name It." 6igbt ,inches in heigb't�. Wbbn they . I heart within blood-finctured /of , a senger Agent, or to . I
� �, I I Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain PHIS The Miners F,cdQraticn,, after con- sivitch and frog, which - gives a solig "That you pay storage charges In were sbown by him to officials of the veined humanity." Nor was, Brown- . J. J. KN10-41T, I
1; I I continuous main line and which i' � De I �
"I can't,be beaten. They are the rv.r.noas, bav,o advised all the miners 1 advance." Department of A,gricultuie, they could pot Agent. I I
-1 I in use in Canada, the United Stateil . b i,n in-sensibld to the - charm of the
1. � I only thing I have found that Will in Great Britain -to remime work, and ,and Australia and some of the.se fro . scarce,!,� elieve otbat it bad been I wV k, so that the inevitable, I . I
� . -Aurned to the I �) , groan on the Labrador� 12y .
I � inany 'hausands have r . I Evidence. t1iou
� Mieve n*' neuralgi'a aiid I h2ve tried iave been,in use on the C.P.R. for "l 41 1 gr% doerlayed, in,etingy resulted in a ____ - - - I I
4 I LA'4 la a few cfays -tj>orc wilf, .13,� ars without renew Ele's n married man.11 At Betchawaii, Harbor,' sbcty miles love which, overcoming all olisfac]43, i I I
;�', � snost everything, besides medicine almDd'. romplete resumption. of wo,ric ye - ,,sal. — � . "Did he say so?" I west again, is to be, see -n the f,ra,ye resulted in the 111111niest of linionst. . . ___ -
, I froxn the doctor, I am wiHing to in 'England. In Boo -land and NorLb of an old Scoteb;,fisherman wAo, whan T� was throug!i hfi n1vy, "The Plain I I
. . Wales 'W miners in ' When Dick�'ns Bought Coal. "He vrears a pained expirbission e . ,:�
general have rc- very he was..dying, ordered 'tbat his tea"g, ler that ,kl
tell ai�yone what ,the Anti -Pain , � tfine, be passes a millinbry display." � Doa 'flfla�i wyc'nerley .�i
. ,urned 'to, work but triany of the pits of five dogs should be �sbol and buriled In.,., i" .
� ; I Fill's dia for me." Coal was "up" in March, 1839, when de he ,I"tR1".'.h'IT3C0 of the hidy �! . I
f arn blr�okd wi.',o dobris arid several wjtb him, I NO
� �
I , . Dickens was inAhe neighborhood of Mr P'o r1l4q rimsti.nf-I (n be his wifin. 0110 I
I I CHARM HILDERERANDT, da,Ys must pass before coal c,ui bc, Not Popular., : creal) stiltes thut in il�alld (
11 . I., I I Exeter arranging for the comfort of rKl,r with dry ,0-�,n 0 TvnbrPr,, 1ATON, lie � ..
I., I
,� � f11111,d`5 o" his parents in a cottage he had pro. ,, I �111;1 a , '('!I -asp in 1.
, , 4OX 205 Woodvill. Ohio Dr -1--d Trott, Ithom' !"hL �'Mlsery loves comppuy.11 one of the English residents y Of -the ,hvi-�O".-, f') bf� m;lk, .�177. 91
,. , I � . . th' nllrn,�Irz n3lion have d,ocreascd by ided f�r'them. "Ooal's are de4r just Td haO to be mise .11 coast concerning tha,,doctors and tho I 1)()cj-..g,lj�%1 �:',O:) 011 flj�' PVT1111,5.1. . .111 j I .
� I � If you, like M, r. Hilderbrandt, ,,�� O' v " � . - ..
I . 1 :02' ('7OU .911160 tb,�. strik,o bi�,mln hospitals, this man state 11 I
, , 4 have tried' most everything" in leavin' now -26 shillifigs a ton", be wiote to "And I'd hate to be company." . d that lie wa� ,,�-.hen n v,ry av,lsrnle wninmn C-'�Irrle .
I I .
1__1 I , I 9 only M, �41.250 in thair pos- Mitton, Boy labor, however, was not, - . glad to have thp aoptors in case of 1,;r,,l for "Tho P!NiTl � . �. � � - . , - . A
jV session and 4bis amortrd: for � . fri fr-d irn
� �'., I I 11 ,,ain , , why. not do as he did, fight Ift.1 mo"qt he goes on:` "Tfiby f,bund ma a ' , accident, biit thit the pauPle were rjht r)�,_111%" w1, -i;") ];:)-I t'-.- Iyat rocently
� I your ac es . Part is in -the hands of the uniors '01 Odd Fancy. . . looking for charity, and Ailid well - t).-,�-n ' lUbl'sh J. "M1,01Hm", lie sil:dl . I i �
�_ �
� " 1. h and pa�ns with Dr belOngin,r't001711�r oii:� pr -two (jjSLrjCtS b6 to bo two miles out and bacl� Actors are so superstitious. ftluO sflor� to pa rate, for v- -n host I
I I . 't an , .1
Wep '-Pairi :Pills. Let the S;mc ,4.'.al i, I ici, , wlio ha,, bp" -71 fig- .g� . �.
� � I . .' And n to order -some (coals) this morn. of them Will iwear that they soe tlie ,,v, a reasanable i 11 Insi r, . t q,r.Il11k-,1t bow, "I an] fh'-� Wfurr Graror i
iHs-bear' the brutit c� the bakle, nring (he jass,,s by �tho nilmirsl strike in�, I ,*,as debating in rxjy inind inedical services, Pjaih Desler" �,nd fo!jo-�'r��J up thi-i .
. ghosp walk ome a Week, � -. .' i " " I ss'diiitY Coat I tri , . I I I
�� : � . ' T40 mattiir how stubborn the con. arrive !LG vv,rjojjs'r,Csjj1-(s bult 11.11 ar-0 whether T should give 4)lm 1� panca � . . Tdobnelusian, lyt.r. Creaft, states that fritroducti.o'n with F1101'a . T�_ �
. 11, "I'moont, I � Lal?rador really needs is a rea- fll,, jadl,, ',vfin turnH btit'to 1� thi) I I TqV I
'' I I test, thty will. �Owd out vicho'noiiis, (Moro)VITIS in , Nt,,, ,IV, jj, o,r ,2 shillings when hia fee wag AN. � wba, I I
I ' L �obwlinr, ,.i .qj�atqsfirnl W1,ftL,r, - qunced�twopen 111-41,on�(;n 01hron, sppable steamboat,iiervice, b'oM,,a,g re- wjdd�,ve�j 'C'tirj09'1*; Of Dro-If'-da, plv_� I
'. � - !00 ThaKnooker, ' 0 , .r 1,
" . � � .9-10, a,' I �. I ,, athleticlo, I I
I . � in Pills timatez tbat th. niin(,m lcqt ,10 i0l , 9111cious '01
It'. I Dir, M0466" AntR 04,11" 'Is Jones I giirds ra.tes,,,and fieguency, 101bis ,jr t�o Iiig suit, ,ind, nflAr a �, I
, � �. . I I I I I . - I .1, #Il' . ij . *cf ( 'p, accantod' H -m as bor In Contre of Shopping 11 I . � . I I
I, 000 in wages 'Inj 517,;p,,.I� Th v"'xi �b . . Veil, be�s a great hainnie Were robtained,' and 41-'Labra�ddr were bn mart4tn and Business District,
- . jund on their record, whi6 is a ,j e ragq, of,t.h,ir jjf,jjjg� y� I . � r ngeri I
�',, :L I . 3 �(d owd Pr'O.- ' " . 1. . properly advertised, hb, thinks there hitsbaud, In t1lis c -;-.se, liowever,, ill, 250'ROOMS-108 wRh Private Bathe I I
� counes Irish. I. I -,
I � I t' I would be no.-,fur,t'V-r ineed of popl'e in,-4rdag,, dA n'ot t,irn out a suaces,�
'1� L o,tg -list of cures extending 'kaek 9 dau'lon other jwinwrlaj work�rs " � Ilk" 1) , I ult .
i . �, 11 � .. � .G�ying evi(lorico at 11,rontford, T",rq" � A Teeasurip, [ thj'� eouAtq going. to Nor ' [ to be imperions, . )E 0,P]MAN A16 AmmiucAir P"V I
11 . I lierktion. wal"f, thtown t'll't e,f �r-rnplrl,ymo_w Is, a ' in way or for tha Ndy ,,,Vdre, I , .
- I IV] don'Stable' I'mm r-,aling ,;alrl that h,� � , J%
aylr�!Ihor 4.0,000,000 hilo I(A060"Ooo, be A lgehtlln , OR , '. ": ,
I I rugalsts over here sell them, if , , S 'fill' in the ,stitilmor, ,Wben, May - extravagant, 'and jeafofts� Clough 11�,r '. I 11 . It. Oto RdMuraRt , I . , ,
"I I I . . . iSAM. R. TROMPs �� I ill
, 'v,; �e Aootr,qAg4 doming, Ite.q." , O', ' P'"t t"at �� AVe den r tless-d L I .
, I , we
, . . rxtpk,,,,sij,f�II#tcb#n tyyou�drvq- W115 of ' . h -a ibeffor - bt thoir oft, pdratively em-ly 01 : I .11 I I - . I
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