HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-4-18, Page 1f1IARD YOUR 1104,111.1100 At .this season: of .the year when the weather changes so cud ienly, Do not let coldrun44.. It :may lead to Catarrh or 'sonrethingii:se REXA.LL WINE 00D LIVER EXTRACT " It heals and cures. A, splendid Spring Wonic, Price Ka Bottler Mote's Dry Store .220, 442-4,....attira#40 Have Yon Tested its Merits. $IRTY-,EIGHTH YEAR --,—NO 1992 TARMRR$ ATTENTION vent ytin graise n? VVe it on 4 so ita O 1cacy, its virtue is unquestioned, than *by neglect sowetlaf.ng, that means so P31,14, to you, better get ready now. We halm just, received a large ahipr skit fresh frol . the manufacturers. If you get it at + thea - ifs good. Huron 80 Dlidcildsex Gazette 100 e's Drug Store EXE1.VER, tl1CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, Ap J 18th 191 JONE'S&MAY lamaimmurivomiammumaimminsa PHONE 32 RE3ADY-TO=WEAR DEPARTMET 1 This is oneof our Big Departments this Season. We are showing everything a Lady can wear. Hats, Dresess, Skirts, 'Waists, Coats, Suits, and Whitewear. It will do you good to see what we have. Ladies Dresses Some very Swell White Dreeses from $5 to $10 each, Also a nice show- ing of Colored Dresses from $2 up FancyWaists In Silk Net Lawn and Linen. Ev- ery waist is well made and right up to the best style. Waists from $1 up to $7 each, Children and Misses Dresses A big lot of White Dresses at $1 to $5 and all kinds of Colored ones for $1, 1.25, 1:50, 2.00, 3.00. Ladies Suits and Coats Only a few lett, but you will get a bargain on' any of them. 16.00 Suits or Coats 11.00; 12.00 Suits or Coats $8; 25.00 Suits or Coats 16.0.. 'he New .Wash Goods Now is The Time for Them Chambrays and Ginghanis In the best Patterns and Colors Plain, Striped or Checks Foulards and Linens The best yet. Fifty different pieces to select from. Rugs, Carpets, Litt -tole -urns Now is the time you want them for Housecleaning. We are headquarters for them and can give you the Best and Biggest Selection i:i the county. This is one of our Strong Lines. Wall Paper We have hundreds of designs to choose from, From 5 cents to 50 cents a Roll. Phone 32 Boots and Shoes The Best in the land, All our Shoes are New and Nifty. Jones it May, Exeter u Need Spring Supplies We Gan Fill All Requirements. Lawn Rakes 25c Garden Hoes 40 & 45o Shovels 60 & 75c Carpet Beaters 10 & 15e Hand Saws 50 to $1.00 Hammers 15 & 35e Screw Drivers 10 &15c Tack Pullers 10 & 15c Curtain Pullers $1.00 to $1..40 Step Laddeas8 5c Brushes 5,10 and 15c Use Dnstbane the Sanitary Sweeping Combound 35c a Tin • Poultry Netting all Sizes 3i to 10ets. a yard qteady Mixed Paints and Varnish Stains. ` 100 tins Paint 15, 25 and 45c `Elephant 18, 80 and 60c Martin Senours 20, 35 and 65 Full Stock of Lowe Bros. High Standard Pure Ready :Mixed Paint. Alabastine and Muresco, Chi.namel New graining process also used for floors, woodwork and furniture. Cambells Varnish Stains in 15, 25, 45 and 85o tins. Other Varnish s in 10, 15, and 25c tins. HARil liAMAI\'S ANDDWASTOVE SWORE Tho. Times" to the- end of 19IZ for 50c • The newsiest paper -.in' the C+alnnt HA:N: CO?(NCIL . ' Council melt April. 3rd at 10 o'clock all pres'entt. The parties who. 'had' potnttionied the council to take some lots from S S No 6 and add them '40 S. S, No. '2 did not appear until °A- ter recess when both sections wer. represe'nittad.. After hearing ail part lies interested and as it was shown that the assessment of 13 S No. 2 was 4240010 higher than S S. No 6 The council decided to stake no acr;ion in the ina't'ttnr`, The following were ap- pointed paet.hmastters Div 1 A. With• feria; 2 J. ilawkins 3 J,, Patterson 4 J. 111I..Bell 5 J. Johnston 6. RR Thompson, 7 Ely Reynolds 8 'P. Mur- ray 9 W. Chapman 10 B. Edwards 10a. D. Shirrs 11 R. McArthur 12 R,. Dick; 12a H. I.vison,- 15 W,i. Arm'- sll otng 15a. J. Tinney I6 & 20 W. Digma'n. 17 S. Troyer 17a A, Laker. 18 0. ll:+'e'e 21 T: Richardson 21ae, H. Deters 22 A. Reichert 25 W. Black- well 26 Geo. Gram, 27 J. McAllister 528 S. Walker 29 A. Foster 30 J. Hey sr, 31 Joel Bechler 92 J. Disjardin'cv 33 J.. 2Ia'berer, 434 J. McBride '35 J. .Enngland 36 Jac Hagler, 37 J. Drechr- er jr. 3)8 L. Warm 39 0, Koehler, e49J. beach 41 0. Oestriloh'rr ,la 5, Webre.r 43 A. Mossean 41 IAS l a'arch,- iner,',:45 •Sam Dietz 436 J. Erb, '47 J. Bender, 48 • J. I1•einfaldit IJ H. lrulai- ger 49a W. Millner, 50 W ,Beaver 51 Hy Steinbach 52 J. Hartman 53 W. f3eckman54 J. Gags't'4t er 54a L. bfleisch 55 L. N. Denomy 56 N. Mas- se 57 A. Brisson 58 3. Cha re t to 69 W. Sch.daa,,60 11. $chada 60a. T, Turnbull 61 ;A Turnbull 63 5. Cochrane, 64 W. Jarrot't 67 W. Finlay' 68 R: N. Douce las 69 11. Howard; 73 W. Pfaff 73a W Beaver 74 I). Snider 77 U. M. Wil- ler't 7.8 5. Wilbert 79 W. B. Turnbull tx'ound Keepers and fence viewera were all reappoinl64d An application of trus't'ees of S. 19., No 7,. askifi'zg 'tth'e Connell to pass a bylaw for the issue' of 6000 debentures in 20 equal annuls payments fro paying of a new School House e v � as rxanted After paying a wean numb of ;loco/mita pinipl= ty for Telephone sttpplvas and work the council adjourned until May at 2 'clock p. m. i . HMS Sr. Clerk,, Women with pale colorless faces Who, feel week and discouraged will receive birth m'en'tal and bodily vigor; by usingg ''Carter's' Ixoii, Pills' which are made for the blood nrdrtmg anti nantplution, Exeter .Council ?The 'Council met in the Town Iia on Monday evening April 15th Mern bers were all present. Mae Minute of March 22nd and. April 6th wer read and approved. Messrs Marchand and Snell wet -Le on. the council re gettin,5 a cheape water rate than the by-law calle for building purposes. On notion o Lovett seconded by Word Messrs Hee :van, Scott and Rivers were appoint- ed a committee to arrange the in - stetting of water into Messrs Mar- chand and Snel1's property A deputation from the Women's Institute accompanied by Messrs Hun don and Huston met the 'Council ask- ing a grant to help therm in laying out a park on the land, adjoining the waterworks property also that the council act with. there. Council/for Scott stated that the council had no money to give them as they were at a big expense this year, but was quite willing that the council should act with, them. Scott and Rivers—That Mr. A. J. Ford act onthe committee in connec- tion with the 'V(zainen's .Bnstitute in assisting them to la,y out the park. --Carried. Mr. J. G. Jones waited on the council asking to have permission to have the stable on the old Mansion 'House property removed onto the property back of their store As the property is within the fire limit it was moved by Levett and secon,ded by Ford that the council with Fire Chief Weeks meet Mr. Jones to take in the situation. Carried. Rivers and Levett That the petit- ion asking for the extension of the }eater works on Main Street, south side of Huron Street andnear the corner of North and Andrew street be granted Carried (The com- mittee have met and thought it bet- ter not to have the building moved until the proposed snit.) • Scott and Rivers—That the ac- counts be paidas read Jas Connor salary $,30,00 T. B. Carling pt. salary 25.00 W. J. Bissett pt. salary 37.50 Jno. Ford, pt. salary 3125; Bell tel- ephone Co. rent of phone 6.25; Geo. Mantle coal, 16.25 ;Hamilton Machine Co. 3.35; EIectric Light 1118.56; W. Johns act., 1.00; Queen city 011 Co.. 17.01 For labor, T. Webster 7.180; W. Hatter 2.73; R. Davis 3.50; Ed. Har- ness 75c. Thos, Sanders 922 D. Riisser sr. 4.01 Roy horn 60; Frank Durdie 2.00; Jas Stewart 1'25; T. Brook sr. 14.12; Sid Sanders 20.47; F. Mallett 6.12; Geo. Atkinson 1.75; Harley San- ders 88; henry Nestle 3.15; Thos Houlden 11.00; A. Sanders 2.93; A, Gloucber 2.09 Wes. Vale 3.02; Wal - Wells 55; Wm. 'Gillespie SQ; Jno. W. Gloncber 209; Wes. Vale ,9.52; Wal- ter Wescott 1.20; W.• Anderson 24& Earl $oetheott Rand 50.00; W. ij, Howey acct, 3.00 W. Bissett meals for tramp 2.25; Mrs. F. Mallett 50; total 457.18. Levetf and Rivers that the com- missioner see Mr. Fitton with a view to having the town clock put in run- ning order and his charge for 3kme , and to report at the nest meeting of. the council. Levett that we adjourn to meet Friday the 149th inst . T. B. CARLING Clerk: 11 e' d r d Usborne Council ICoencil melt at Township 'Hall 'Apr. 6th All members were present The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following were: appointed pa'thmas'ters for the current year Ward 1 Wm Johns P. Webber Henry Jones J. Lawton Gena Wes obt T. Bissett: T. Quinton Phim' Hunter R. D. Hunter Hobt, Kydd. a, T. Hicks Eli Coultis; Wm. Johns G. N. Williams R, Jones. Ward 2 John Welsh James Dick, J. Rowaliffe. Peter N. Moir Thos. Har ris W. Keddy Evan Dew, F. Blatah,- ford J. N. Ratcliffe, G. Etheringtori A. H. Doupe, H. .Anderson, John. H. Cole Wm. Glenn M. McTaggart Ward 3 R. Taylor Ephriam Hern; John Johns W. Heywood, James Squ- ire D. Goulding M. Routty John Fleet - cher • Wesley J. Shier James Kemp A Hawkey W. Atkinson James C. Gar diner P.. McGee, Ward 4 Geo. Coward A,, .Hedger't D. Cottle A. Campbell T. Hankin W. J. Kerslake T. S. Balianityne, R. Gar- diner; J. J. McCullough W, Kay. T. Roadhouse J. Duncan jrc 5. Gilfillan D. Balfour Alex Frazer. it was decided to construct a new 'outlet for the Anderson Drain to be paid for by a pro rataassessment on the Ia'nds and roads assessed for the construction of the said drain except that lot 2,7 con 4. shall pay 10:00 extra for benefit to said lot The contract for 'the construction o f' the new work and for needed rep - pairs to be let by public aucitionl at. the Iocation of the drain on Saturday May 11th at 5 &cloak in the after`. noon. A few accounts were paid and the Council adjourned to meet Sat- urday May 4th at. one o'clock. F, MORLEY Clerk. .......-4.-- EI) GT7NNI'N'G—LAe.K)N- On the 8th Line Blanchard on Tuesday April 16th Miss Myrtle Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lankiti. to Mr. Newton Gunning of Winchelsea, by the .'Bev, 41. C. Rattle, 1tt LL— PRINGLI, At the residence ).. 711 Hill t of Mr, o.xras l un lc, of the C r rin in iii dv' I. bri I, on rl a on Monod lr , 3" April 8th by Rev. N. Shaw, Mr. David Hill of Sterlingville Mich,,, To bliss Maria Pringle of Hibbert. DIED COuxisr'is, ilii llictd' Jph, on Tuesday April 9'11 Miss Jane Arie,ia Coureee •nge.tl 21 years and 7 days 000 Pp1I1--1 n Clinton on h nriL Tilt ,l. C1 �: inn Nee r ict of the late 551.4 os el . a Tilt/maltCooper aged 71 yours. SM7 TIT-MN—To 'Minton on April 9th William Smithson Letl88years, World's Largest Vessel Founders; 1,342 Lives Lost. White Star Liner 11'itantio Struck Ioeburg Off New- foundland Banks, and Sank. Vessel Goes Down in the Early Moaning Befor Steamers Summoned to Her Rosette by Wireless Arrive ou the Scene—Women and Children Constitute Majority' of Those Saved First Cabin Passengers Probably Rescued, The greatest marine disaster in the history of the world scoured ilast Sunday night, when the Titantic, 'of the White Star Line the bigigest and finest of Steam ships, shattered her - Feld against an•iceburr on her mei- rine voyage from Liverpool to New York, and sank with'' 1,541 of ber: nassengers and the crew. in less than Four. hours. Over 2.200 people that 'h' carried only 868 were saved, and most of tbese were women and child- ren. They were nicked up from small boats by tbe Cunarder Car- nathia which found when she ended her desperate rime against time, a sea. strewn with the wreckage of the -•'• Shit and the bodies of drowned inn- , nd women. 'Shortly after seven e'•' -.l{ Monda3' night there cavae over the wires from Cape F --e within 400miles of the liner in the trea.c•'herons Newfoundland banks rerrion bad struck the burg Winch brought her to grief. That at 2.20 o'clock Monday morning three hours and 55 minutes after receiving her death blow the Titantic sunk. Left on the surface however were "(c eats from the Titantic and in them as appears from the meagre re- ports received up to a late hoar, were some 868 survivors of the disas- ter. These according to the advices the •Carnathia picked up and is now Ti her way with them to New York For the rest of the scene as the Carpathia came up. was one of'desol- ation All that. remained• of the $10.- 000:000, floating palace on which' nearly 1,4000 passengers had ;been voyaging luxuriously to this side of the Atlantic were some Mts of wreckage The biggest ship in the world had gone down. snuffing out in her downward plunge. it appeared, hundreds of human lives. Among the survivors named were 133 women 63 men and 6 children of first class nays' ngeru. 88 women 16 men and 10 children of second class and 558 ot'hers not nanrell. THAMES ROAD ' tA' number of rtbn !armors atou'nci here have taken in their sap buckets and given up maple syrup making far another. season This. year has no!t been. what we call an A.' :I year for syrup making The nosh iwe hear of anyone making is knout 30 gallons Not withstanding the severe storm Sunday night quite a number turn ed out to the Bethany church. The farmers around here 'have 'noli done much on the land yet 'bet it looks now as if seeding weather might come right on. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner vis - ted out this way on Sunday, Mr. Oscar Reid of Fullerton viaitiad near Farquhar on Sunday. . The first thunder and lig1 tnirag form of the season was on Sanday ighit we hear of several small• fides ult. nothing very serious. 5 n b SIRETON Mr. S. Tufts preached in the Meth- odist church on Sunday morning last in the absence of the pastor who was in Exeter. The funeral of the late Mrs. Nairn: nee Ethel Berry. was largely atended on Saturday afternoon. J'lowing bas commenced and seed- ing will soon be in full swing. Dr. Campbell had a short 'visit from his brother in Toronto last week The engine at the mill is under going repairs Miss Lulu Nethercott of St. Marys spent Easter week with her . grand- parents here. Mr. R. Davis returned Saturday from Woodstock. • HARPLEY Mr, V. M. Hodgins teacher in Tees- water who spent easter week with his parents returned on Saturday. SS No. 10 is still without a teacher at time of 'writing. Miss Mable Green of Brucefield is helping Mrs. Thos. Love for a week. We are glad to hear Mr. Thos. Ken ny's infant daughter is improving af- ter her recent iggness. �blr. Larren Stone has taken to him self a life companion in the person of Darren, Miss D. Thornton Congratulations House cleaning is the order of tree day. Don't forget the Olde Tyree .Con- cert in the Opera House Friday even- ing See progratn on another page. A very ry qt. 'et wedding took ince c y qtr (; at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lankin 18th Line Blanchard April 1Gth when their second oldest daughter Myrtle Irene became united inn the holy bonds of naatrim:'lny to Mr. New- ton Gunning of Win:helsca The cer- ,,mony pas performe.I by Rev. O, Karns of Granto, n the presence of only tins 'rnme''iat ne i,:ves, The hest w'shns of a c.'r a't' r 1`riends ttc� mrnpany t ben'l, 'r"ia;• vi 1 be:At home to their friends a u: let 1`612. $rR O•Year Ioadigina :•••••••••••••••44,...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44• I N6• Srillij Aft. •d^► alt. r Sv '� • 4 • e GENTS' O FURNISH1NGS t Opens e• This A eek 41 s No Job Stock or last 4 • year's styles carried over. but a COMPLETELY NEW STOCK. This e es you the latest to be had for DRESSEY MEN. When you 4 here you know it's new. Come to us for Ready -to -W ear Suits; Spring 2 Overcoats; Fancy Vests; Pants and Overalls; Hats and Caps; ✓ Shirts, Collars and Cuffs; Gloves, Underwear and Socks. 4 9 • , O 4 i :4 e 4 •4 • 4 • 4 • e • 4• e 4 4 • •4 ♦ 4 • • • • ,, • • • • 4) • TAMAN made -to -measure clothes are shape retaining. I 4 e Every yard of cloth, the canvas, the haircloth, the wigan, the o o. lining that goes in the inside, is all thoroughly shrunk by t o special process before being made up. That is why Taman w O garments retain their style points until worn out—and 44 • they cost no more than ordinary garments. ;4; • 4 g We Are Now Shoving The rin �.+s Z : e 4.1 w; 4� 4' • • .40 r' -4 i{ • w 4 s .e' assay- s` get it Clothes That Keep Shape Iv. VV. TA MANI e M1 RCI-IANT TAILOR _ t4 ....•'4'004.1►Ae4®8'.0OA0A•seelk....OAOA.e.4d`l....AAA/..NAI,* A WOODH'AM Wm. Sinclair and his mother spent the Easter week with old friends in. Hosting Co. It is twenty three yrs since Mrs. Sinclair saw her old home She found many changes. Mrs. Janes Swallow spent Easter in Toronto with her daughter Nettie Another pioneer passed to the great beyond in the person of Henry Adam Sweitzer, lie had been in poor health for some months and ten days ago was taken worse. On Friday morning he died and Sundayi after- noon Apr. 14th funeral services were conducted at the house by the Rev. W. R. Vance Interment taking place in Kirkton cemetery Three sons and five daughters are left to mourn his loss. ;le was in his eightieth year and was born in Brock Township and tame to the Base Line of Blanchard sixty years ago. Fence repairing is the order of the day ,..- Smart Weed and Balledona combin- end with other ingrediienfts' weed in the best porous plasters, make Car-' ter's "S. W. & 13. Backache Plasters the best in; the market: Price 25 Dents. Some ladies always look young —many of them use -- FACE CREAM A quarter buys a big jar of it. It soothes the skin and keeps the complexion clear and is not greasy. Anything „ir you buy with . the name FAMILY will give you entire satiate - tion W. S. HONEY, Phm,B.' ESE;TEtl3, ONTARIO( .y..;..,,4..x . ' 44,: +' 441 444.454 li• 4W++++ + ++++++++44 q .1. BIG SALE! $4 • 4. S. 'gr a :'�'. • Of Blue and White Geaniteware all THIS MONTH' I'I1 , , Nothing Over 25 Gents. ii Bring Your Friends and Get a Bargain rowel! s Bazaar. Phone 56 +++++++++++++++++++440444444+++++++++++++++.4 '