HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 227,1 tte 041' 0 • the Winnipeg Genral HpathISchool of Nursing 9911lastweek, she receiveda wtigiam .of birthday ngratulations from that school. In 1918misaGlen'in'actised nursing in Britt* Columbia 1 9 • 0.."!' it; eiich:. nurswhen she accepteda position, OS superintendent , :at the hospital in •the - village of, V49044,,,SaskatehOWARIA.# iretelietaotike6tiOgi?001x "Traiis to Counbil interim tax lev The regular meeting of Colborne Township Council was held on Tuesday, February 15, at which Unit an interim levy of 75 mills on all assessment ,for residential real property and an interim levy of 90 mills on all commercial andhusiness assessment was set. The interim tax notices will be dated, March 7, 1983 and the due ate of the interim tax payment will be Friday, March 25,1983. The penalty for late payment of the in- terim levy will be 13/4 pet - cent per month, the same interest rate applied to late payment of regular taxes. _ A committee of council of the whole was set up to look into and report on a proposed project under the Canada - Ontario Employment Program whereby a 12 acre park site would be improve in Part of Lot 4, ConcessiolVl W.P. Under this progr approximately 80 percent of ' the costs of the project would be paid by .the federal • government. An on-site meeting was scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Friday, February 18. •' Bryon Howard, General Manager, and • Ian Deslauriers, Water Resources Technician, Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority, ap- form work. The 1983 degtags have now been received and a door-to- door canvass for their issue to dog owners will be •com-I rnenced shortly by Mrs. Jimi (Deborah):Lawlor. An application for a license to conduct a lottery to raise funds for snowmobile trail inaintencei was approved for the Colborne Snowmobile Club. The meeting adjourned the next regular meeting te be held on Tuesddy, Marcia • • • a" AP... h...:,,' ' (HelenL :SIP and nursed *.' in. Goderich; 0.iich and also for many years served as a private nurse ,' for Dr; Coleman and his sister *Toronto, Riga Gien has lived in Goderich for several years now and lately has been a patient in Alexandra Marine and General, baying come ' there from Maitland Manor. On her birthday she received many beautiful. floral“ arrangements, cards • and best wishes from relatives • and friends; a scrolled letter of congratulations from Erik Neilson, Leader of the OpPosition, which was presented by Murray Car- diff., M,P.; a lovelY plaque from Premier William Davis; and a beautifully framed "Congratulations on • Your 100th Birthday" from Prime MiMster. Pierre Tradeau. Present for Miss Glen's •birthday party Saturday to enjoy som&socializing and birthday cake were her brother, John Glen Sr. of and grail Colborne; ICOteY McNeil. Mrs, armee_ Cranston and daughter, Mrs. Aordsre. ,YcHeageta( Hasson Gedjeewrleei4b; Mrs. '11"Iliytinht9;nMarned. MarileBarterelll Yeo and -Mr. Yeo ofGoderich Township and their, daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Williamson of St. Marys' Mrs. Ranh Jewell • and daughter, Mrs. Florence Sowerby. of Goderich;, and Mrs. Kathleen Glen of Goderich. Euchre Party, The euchre card party held iri Colborne Township Hall on Thursday, February 24 drew a crowd of 10 tables of players with winners being: ladies -Millie Johnston. and Wendy. Ritche; and gents - Jim Bennett and Marian Haggitt "(playing as a gent). The'beirtOard party will be held Thursday, March 10 at If p.m. Or rlrn ratielt„ r o , coaches ,' *iII. be , . r,.5...... Home. activities.were carry out this program, socorrected: .,the JO* volunteers would be veil!) ' meeting and then. nernbers weleaMie-, '' . ate what they . had *bed.. A' *Two, coordinator Several did not Ithe'horesh, is required. Mrs. Mrs. Helen The activities to, be done Fisher bas -has ' fired this office for, the neat Meeting are: for several:, . years and now make ' a recipe, fill in the finds t necessary to give it blanks and bring something uP• .. •1' „ for the roll call. • Parents are needed to help The meeting was then in the work 9ilthe recreation adjourned and the next one coMinittee,vOlether it be as will be held March 9 at the enaChes''swimming helpers home • of Linda Bisset. -by orjuSt cletianiittee work. If Judy Walter. you can offer your services, phone Mrs. 140b1 at 524-8143. Social News ,. f.,* • Guests with Mr. and Mrs. 0,11 News Terence Hunter on Sunday The third/regular meeting were Mr. . and Mrs„ Sam of the Tiger Dunlop 4-H Club McClure of Seaforth. . • was held. *Wednesday, • Sincere sympathy 'is ex - February /3'. at Linda tended to the family of the 13isset's-4,..khome with 12 late Willie* Treble. Mr. members present. The Treble is ' well IMovm in meeting. Started with the 4-H Colborne having fanned in pledge, the minutes of the thisdiatrietfor many years.. ,. 0,1:1490, 9 411BOOID,O4D0000004 400040000e •••fai.4..40•40 • CUTTLIMIT •DMASTER • BEATRICE80:10DS FRUIT ••YOGURT.:m:4 MAPLE LEAF • Rrm Rs2G 99 • iCHNE1DER'S "NEW LIFE STYLE" •5 VAR. • LUNCH MEATS • • RED .& WHITE FOO 91 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH / WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT /TIMES '• • P.,'1/' • lc ,!, 000siO. O•••••••••••• r A cor!#r;Jr.DEE BEEFARON1,5 OZ. TIN •-FOR CUT PROM CANADA GRADE1.111" BEEF FULL SLICE BONELESS 115 GRA CENTREIGUT LOIN ' PORK CHOPV3 • — , ,''', 1" . QIN, •Ili eAsasiv Pawn, .L . $ ii peared and made a w ,, • presentation to council to get • support for a proposed • PORK CHOPS Li • • • program of aerial mapping • CANADA GRADE "A" CUT & WRAPpED soiDusers• :BEEF BURGE • in the township to enable the • • HINDSOF BEE ef the Lake Huron shOrelhie • authority • to complete its • ping. The work will be • • ,BONELESS STE -4110- BETTY CitiicliER 400 -GRAM 41(SAVARItifi SNACKING- CAKE MIX Y FROZEN DINNERS _ HEINZ FL. OZ. CARNATION SOO GRAM • FANCY carried out under a federal grant which will pay 90 •percent of the cost of the mapping and the municipality will be responsible for the 10 per- . cent balance. Resolutions were recorded agreeing to the program and to the cost- • • sharing of the program to an • • upper cost limit of $1,390. • • A building permit was approved to permit Harm Kloeze to install a mobile house trailer on his Property at Part Lot 7 and 8, Con- cession Lake Road East, for use by hi son who will be • assisting his father with the e iI COFFEEMATE • TOMATO • JUICE • • CARNATION INSTANT • 99 COFFEE WHITENER• 9 • • $2•29 •a, 500 GRAM • • MOT: 'ORANGE • CRYSTALS • $ HOT CHOCOLATE • 26.5 OZ. •• Pioneers • _ BRUNSWICK 100 GRAM meet • SARDINES 59 • it° H Club "Port Albert FOR IP 41, The first meeting of the 4- 1 4. Pioneers" ' was held on . k are: president, Carolyn IP )9 Dowds; vice-president, Lisa • 12 Oz.. 41/ FRA BENTOS January 29 at Mrs. Greta • Smith's homeThe officers as CORNED BEEF 9 MAPLE LEAF • TENDERFLAKE ' • • LARDi Le 9 4; OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 8 AM.9 PM melte In effect till deans thus Saturday, March 5. at - 0 p.m. Or while quantities last. 0 .• 0 •• •••••••••:*****.iloo LB. .• 'MAPLE LANE 500 GRAM •/, • COTTAGE CHEESE • 1 BYtHE oo 00, MAPLE LEAF POLISH : • SAUSAGE $1 39; -3,00R* JEL : "4" • LB.' powasitS FOR CHOICE APPLE • JUICE •0044 48 OZ. ir • HEINZ 10 FL. oZs. TOMATO SOUP 994 Feagan; secretary, Andrea • • Smith; treasurer, Barbara' • ASSORTED 200 GRAM • • POTATO IA9 Smith; and, press reporter, Andrea Smith. : HUMPTY DUMPTY CHIPS — maryttio,0000breTtes her li/th /drilalOan Saturday Wilk auletfOOPY illebidog hoOStenOtti*other John:Glen from Reghmand several iilecesand Reatio*nr, She was hint OlifeWatell.448.03 illVelberne Irotrii01P to Alex and boot Glen. Shelveritotil as a nurse ID Alberta, ,British. Columb* Goderich �nd Torouto from 1954. She:has:been lititlexeng*IVIarine and oenerai Hispitai since breakingkerldPiO1081t Prior to that,she lived ID maillang Manor. She Is shown here with a jilagife, or . congratulations sent by theOntariogovernment,(Photo by Joanne Buchanan) • The meeting was based on �W PANS! .NEILSON'S GRANOLA • • BARS$ 383 GRAM W • COLGATE •• TOOTH PASTE • i. 100 PAL. $ 29• •• • ALL 1.8 KG.• • DISHWASHER• fp DETERGENT 53.99i AYLMER 19 FL. OZ. CHOICE • CANNED e TOMATOESti ra • • 4 SNACK BREAD2000111 • 1 9 Settlers." Members made "Native People and Early • GINGERALE 4,1, eggs, Irish soda bread and • FOR9 9 PLUS DEP. baked apples, Anglesey • COCA COLA 1M51°- 2 SCHWEPPES 40 ML. FOR PLUS D • * CREMES. CHIP puirnpkin soup. McCORMICK'S 400 GRAM VAN. & NUT PEANUT BUTTERS Il S 00 CHOCOLATE PUFFS NI McCORMICK'S .34/ SALTINE GRAM FRESH BROCCOLI The second meeting was COCONU held on February 7 at Mrs. *COOKIES Smith's home. The nuriutes di PRODUCE OF U.S.A. read. Members said the • SUNKIST PINK 02 wain SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES and treasurer's report were FRESH FLORIDA CAN. NO. 1 GRADE meeting with the roll can, ,iik LEMONS Have you eaten any German IV or Mennonite desserts? They • baked deli special, celery soup, and peach kuchen. 0 FIVE ALIVE FROZEN CONCENTRATED ° While these were baking, al w GOLDEN YELLOW they continued to read • fi pledge and started the • FOR GRAPEFRUIT e it 79' 5,0. 984 ..),A9ED°L RUN. 794 t e meetin Their throughh meeting. home activity was to com- plete, a "Me Page" for the next meeting. The third meeting was held February 23 at Mrs. Smith's home. Members started off with the 4-11 pledge and read the minutes and treasurers report. They read through the meeting and made breaded pork chops and vegetable macaroni casserole. While these were cooking, they discussed the party plans. The meeting was closed with the 441 motto, "Leat to do by dohig." BANANAS • PRODUCE OF U.S.A. • RADISHES • • lb Oz. BAG 494 di STOKELY 1411.. Oz. KIDNEY BEANS • 65 STAFFORD CHERRY19 L. oz. •$ • PIE FILLER 1.49 PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRAN SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS 7941A. AYLMER CHOICE 14 FL. OZ. PEAR HALVES 994 VAN CAMP 14 VL. OZ. IEANS WITH 1J0 6 FRUIT JUICE„,,,...mi PRODUCE OF ONT. NO. 1 GRADE RUTABAGAS 794 OR VAWA PINK SALMONVE 73/4 OZ. LARGE VIAXEO $ 11 • 29 STOKELY 14 FL. 0Zrern" P°D EAS 594 FANCY p PRODUCE OF OM. NO. 1 GRADE WASHED9 CARROTS 5 te, ALPO 14 FL. Oa. 2 Fon DOG FOOD 894 DOLE 1011.. 074. PINEA?PLE • TORINOS * FROZEN DELUXE PIZZA 0,,10, or DEEP CRUST 310 GUAM • .000400000004000040004/0000000.041•00.0410 894 1 29: rt'4111:0) UgiflgE 0 N T . GREEN • CABBAGE 66E4: 07 144: PRODUCE U.SA. 1112 FRESH 3 — GREEN BUN. • ONIONS 89 at • mccommiZs TEA AGS $ 11 .24) 40 IMPERIAL 3 LB. • MARDARINE$ 2 49: • 0 1 • ?0000e) 00 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE Spring is here! and along with it, a Cash Break to get you in the mood! Cut out and bring in the Coupon below because right now you can enjoy 10.00 OFF any purchase of '50.00 or more. Whether you are heading South for a break or looking to outfit yourself for the warmer days ahead, David E. White has just what you need. Light and breezy casual wear...cool and comfortable dress wear...it's all new and In stock for SpringISummer '83. Plus, as an added extra for shopping right now, every coupon redeemed will automatically enter you into a draw for a free pair of Nash Slacks. Than a •50.00 Value...Freet Excellent °MOIL Top Value. Spring Cash Break. Free Draw. Four very good reasons to vieit DavidE. White today! Clothiers for men 36 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH 524-4312 -••••• VAt UABLE COUPON • EXPIRES 03.31.83 DAM E. wHITE CLOTHIERS, GODERiCH THIS coUPON IS WORTH II OFF ANY MINIMUM P RCHASE OF $50.00 :ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE NAME: _. — NASH PANT • ENTRY BLANK • ofiAw BATE MARCH 31,43 ADDRESS: Loh.oes 44x OtEASEPRINilig • *"" "6.'il" "1'141444" ‘k''''"'.."'"°141"..' •