HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 18F TOO TO GLR591FY sS fi He 9i Agt., ry; is t�4 F'. rig 1.1 iK wl t tit CHIMNEY SWEEPING ming wood) haveitdove- HAROLD LIVDDY 524-7237 AIT!II soon(' i1 uot. aradlnd tha corner DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED cell` 1owto hove "your" decorating don: by STAN'S INTERIORS. PhJohn t els+ one•- S a HY 524-6941 Reasonable Raton Free Estimates ' 7 cubic foot .FREEZER 2'/," insulation for energy efficiency. ONLY 32500 AT TOUR P IIZIR CENTRE N TCHINSO Hu. APPLIANCE SERVICE 308 Huron Rtied'Goderkh • 524-78`31 1 ill II s C-.nti(a it all 4IRLPOOL t<, GiSa ` PEED.QUEEN - *A MIRAL *SIMPLiCITY *HOTPOINT. Appi.lbnees ,• HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & LTD. HEATING . • 55 Kingston St.. Goderich GARDINER'S DE, LIVERY USED FURNITURE & AP. PLIANCES - bought ' sold. We deliver and move anything y� 9 large or small es sltlmat *free 524-2421 SPRING Carpet Cleaning I L PSCA S Living Room. Dining Room and Mall regardless*, she 3 95. 9• CALL: A,& N CARPET CLEANING 524.7795 PE4 LOW M• CU5TC CARPENTRY. *Renovations *Horne Repairs •` *Free estimates LICENSED CARPENTER Phone: Fred Pella* 524-2406 *FLATROOFING *SHINGLES *MAINTENANCE *FREE ESTIMATES ° HENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REGIER EXETER 235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 150 &p,0'CUSTOMa LjBUILDING' O �QJ�•RENOVATIONS .‘/%OLS' •ADDITIONS Req ,.,., -n R,,, ,., RR Hl1DAt- �!JF W HOME v.ARRANTt BI PRcr;RAM FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS LTD. 524-6866 yltevs iRe ... npp Chaw1sr. 01lnf E,'ULSh E! 341 233 Mltch!t S;elr•V e: Y• Seir*irg Goderich-, and area'for • 15 years PHONE Clinton 482*3320 or Seaforth. 527-0284 CARPENTRY AND. "NG WI Noah's., r novatlons, Rocroorn i. etc. 'PHONE sup HARVEY AT 5;4.7974 CONCRETE FORMING .y h Walls Aa .Floors ors o Fora comnpl to lob call SID"BRUINSMA EXCAVATING' LTD. 524-x668 CHARLES C. CULBERT BACKHOEING Septic Tanks Weeper Sods Open Ditches ' - Farm Drainage 29-7. 1, r FOR YOUR •Aluminum & Vinyl Siding *Replacement Windows •Insulation Needs —Contactea.,� GODERICH INSULATION 524-6844 HOUSES BUILT BEFORE 1971 ARE NOW IN- CLUDED IN THE CHIP PROGRAM. 920:1S,art exoel101t yte,(dm0:' ` 'l yIAof,•feang,tast drydowrr and' excellent.standability, .. rya,._ � b; hybrid having :excellent ' • stalks and'rgots and.is: elccellent tor grainer silage, 3950 3950 is a consistent dependaPle hybrid planted on more acres in Canada than any other variety, Yeu' Pioneer Sales Representatives Are: BILL STEENSTRA NR NO.3 CUNTON 482.3t45 OR RAY BROWN RRNO.6 000ERICN 529.7260 Let PIONEER. BRAND •. SEED CORN • Pioneer is a brand: name: numbers identity •varietw...: Registeresd R.a.mara licensed to Pioneer Marto Limited. Chatham, Ontario(, 34. Personal PREGNANT, .DISTRESSED? Mar- ried, .single, free positive con-. fidential ' support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (cdllect) 432- 7197; 527-0115 :or •524-2023 (after 6 p.m.). 2-52x,1,2x 35. Notice to , creditors wannwwwwineminammumemligimmei All persons having claims' against, the•Estate:, of ' ROY HARVEY ASHITON0 ..keiiitired Truck Driver, late of the Town of Goderich, in 'the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of November, 1982, are -required to file the same with full .particulars with the undersigned by the 12th day of. March,• 1983,-as..after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario:. this 8th day of February, 1983: Prest and Egener, Barristers, etc ,, 33 Montreal Street, :„ .. Goderich, Ontario.. Solicitors for the Estate; —7-9 CLINTON COMPUTER SERVICE LTD. *Data -Processing -44R, -- A/P. G/L, payroll and statements *Record Preparation *income Tax • *Cash Flow preparation *Estate Planning Phone 482-9260 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich NOW IN STOCK FLOWER VEGETABLE SEEDS' Complete line of Everything needed for • . INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 a 36. Announcements, . notices ALL persons having claims against the Estate of THOMAS :1 PEARSON DICKSON, Retired Carpenter, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of February, 1983, ore required .to fi e'*e same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 19th clay of March, 1983, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED of Goderich, Ontario, this 16th day of February, 1983. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Estate. —8-10 36. Announcements, notices LOREE'S LADIES WEAR. LUCKNOW will be closed for holidays, March 2 = 12 inclusive. Reopen- ing Monday, March 14. Open 10 a.m.• to 6 p.m. Monday to. Saturday. -8,9 a «4 A!! mentis 4vlilt sold Vis. ! / yyw ,..p, r- .1 l n t,'th unll . ti o1Qr 41t Ih�;'� f�i>pf 4 1nlPMSR � .:e 4a th ist b ,. .-, ; a:.,`: OFFif-PAirr 1 .., N " ''.TERMS` Or Maki arranO nttbfore losA lf 14hI01t raqul►w'g sNR:O diposC.sh or �ertfi d(ex. at pt,dasiers). eal.4n*i•on Deliv.ry• Dgal.rs bring your most o,l►ufo Araflon,pala Remo f sa• day i Mon: • day • Open for lnsp.Nlon Fridlay.:12 t0. l i p.m.. • Home fogdkon pr.mtses • Par 'furthor Informaslon,call the' ' _ .o -',i. tlon4er. • ` ' Greater Toonto Autin s. Mlaissaugo, ntarlo • 4.06477..k3000:,. fl�,,�y a�i%ral` � r.�,ir�tJ2J-ref%! MOIITAGE SJ BY AUCTION Under' and by Virtue of the Power of • Sale g in 134888 " Mortgage e •instrument No contained Registered'on March 25. 1975 at the Land Registryt Office Division of Huron No. 22 and which mortgage• will be produced, at the time of sale and which is now in default. there will be offered for • . sale by Public Auction on the 4th day of March, �Restaurant, •19>}3at.11 :00 a.m. held at Sullivan's.lk Kingsbridge. Ontario on Highway No' 2C. north of Goderich. two farm properties and the.,farm buildings. thereon. Properties described as follows: • Firstly -Part of the. East half of the North: half of Lot 2, Front Concession. North of ; the Town Plot. Western Division in the Towns, •ip of Ashfield and Part of the South Half of Lot,3 Frront Concession, North of. the Town Plot Western division; in the, Township of Ashfield. i . Seeondly�7�t�e West Half of Lo t2tn the Sixth fi;. Concessions"'Western Division, of the Township of Ashfield and The The East Halfof Lot 3''in •the Sixth ssion. ConWestern:Dtvts.,t : ti a de . ,. _ �{!,� �',, . ; t yr: }:YA'.r...sr•.s, &iTr. ,n• - Ashfii;ld.'ti Theipropeities-wiWbe offered for sale subject to reserve bids and tothe terms and cond'itlonsof the sale. A deposit 9(s/0.600.00 by cash or certified Cheque to be paid atthe time of each sale and the balance of the,pu`rchaseprice by cash or certified cheque within thirty days thereafter. For further p_articulare terms and conditions of • the sale, apply to the undersigned, RATHWELL AND ASSOCIATES 77 Main Street Seafoith, Ontario NOK1WO . - J 579.527-1458 ". ./La. e//VJ.4oc6z/e. AUCTIONItEER'S, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1W0 (519):527-1458 ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario, Friday, March 11 1983, 10 a.m., (sales conducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519)424-9998 or (519)424- 9093. Proprietors K. S. Hamulecki & Sons.—O-9 WANTED CONSIGNMENTS for our Spring Auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lind- say. Tractors, farm machinery, tools, camping equipment, trucks, cars, also quality fur- niture, antiques. To consign call Barn 705-324.2783.—Q-9 36.. Announcements, notices GODERICH AREA PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETING RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF TWO GROUP HOMES Tho Godorlch Area Planning Board will be holding a Public Meeting en Tuesday, March 8, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, 57 Wast Street, Goderich, ®ntra to to discuss the proposed establishment by the Goderich and District Assotiatlon for the Mentally Retarded of two group homes to be located et 16 Elgin Ave. W. and at 79 Wellington Street S. The Public Is urged to attend. Further information 1s available from the Secretary of the Planning Board. Kenneth C. Hunter, C.E.T. Secretary Guderleh Area Planning 0derd 524-9492 O� •Ta press during )hey, engthy !lir! would •also; like. to alt ma,: 39, Educational Ioi civ frten and neighbors of 15, lower and meraorlf! alit s these thing v nt 'tak vgrtY 0rgore$' lit, its Wo wish t ceditr€I ;t' our sincere, t n • rid' ctatiah to ail hq its �, del our' rialattYasl ne+ghbors . �oied friends for,thetf kindness and expressions; of sympathy during our recent sod ber'oavement. Special thanks to Qrs • ,David Walker . and B Thomson. Rev. r - a JohnA wly M. iad of Vrcta,t..,5 t, United . hur ;for his find mrtistrattpt} t�,o c< the ;i • of U., h 'it 1 t. ; m e -church :for the lovely, luncheon and> to the Stiles Funeral'; 'Horne.•—The Family of ,.the late,: Thomas' P. Dickson.-9ar ' HILL We wish to: express our sincere thanks end appreciation to relatives, friends, neighbors and our,familyfor cards, treats and visits while Brian was in London Hospital after hid acci- dent *loc. prayers, phone calls. always nd thoughtfulness will a a y , be remembered. -Bev Shirley and Brian Hill.- .9 ' McDADE Shelagh anct baby Sarah wish to express special thanks to friends and neighbors for. flowers, carikand gifts. Sincere thank you tO:_lcr6. James and Leslie Rourke and the nrein 9 staff of 2nd East: --9x . ' McNEE Special thank -you to my relatives and friends n fo r visits, cards and flowers while in Wingham Hospital, and since returning home Also Dr. Corrin and Dr. McKim and all the nurses to lntei'tsive• CareiLlri For ell their:kl'ndness, a_sincere • thank you. --Besse 9 HOW 4 TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO! New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! For FREE informa- tion, write: Studio CO228, Russell & Associates, 10060.102 Ave., Ft.. St. John, B.C. V1J 2E2.—O-9 • 40. Lost & Found INLET Many thanks' o all who visited mecin:hos st and sinc return=. P .e, ing • home.t also;• For ,cards, a • flowers and gifts Thanks o Qr; Lambert 'Dr Walker Dr. Thom son, end':nursesin OR -.and all. he ur OO� itz oiaf e`o 0. 4T N,A.W . 0 East �t ho took such good cure of me --r Helen Morley- : 9x ` 45 GAuON$ of • ; kerosene, $50.00. Phone;524-6022:'-9x SWING INTb . SPRING `•• •with a' skin care and.osmettc seminar. Free t. admission'. Demonstrations- all evening. Learn. skin Core the easy way. Make-up artistry se simple. In- dividual consultations boor prizes. Coffee, Monday, March 14th, 7:30 p.m., Clinton Legion. Reservations needed. Call 482- 3119.-9,10; INVITATION TO a "Soup Sup- . per", Friday, March 4th, at Trini- ty Christian Reformed Church, Goderich, Highway 8, from 5 p.m. to ft:3Q.p.m. Adults $3.00, children. $2:005.Families $10.00. All you can eat. 9 LOST: A gold chain, in or around Little Bowl on Wednesday: February 16, 1983. . Please phone 524J•4676. Reword.-8tfnx 41 'To give away TWO-YEAR-OLD part Collie, part Lab, to a farm. Excellent with children, good watchdog, loves to run. Anyone interested phone 524-8794.—B,9nx 46. If'1 memoriam PARK In wing memory of a dear hus- bond, father and grandfather, Thomas Park, who passed away March 3rd, 1971. • Sweet memories will linger ever, Time cannot change them it's true, Years that , may coolie cannot' sever, Our loving remembrance of you. --Sadly missed by wife Ger- trude and family. -9 47. Card of thanks We wish to thank Mr. and Mrs, IRobett Sherviood of Sherwood Transportation for the surprise McDonald food vouchers an our trip to' the ' Ice Copddos—0rowhios, Guides and Pathfinders of Goderich.- -9 38. ,Auctifh sale 1%! Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clanton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR ThUrs, evening, Mar. 3 Breckenridge 414ar- dware Store houiiehold effects and stnallwaros, etc. Sat., March 3 -10 a.m. Breckenridge Hardware Store, Goderich. Office equlpmeni, shelving. hardware„etc. Sat., March 12. 10 a.m. Housohdtd'- effects, op. pliancos. and"tools. Ross Rutledge estate at Richard Lobb's Barn. Wed., March 16 - 1:30 p.m. Trucks, tractor, machinoty, combine for Don C010, 7 miles east of Henson: Frl.. N400•610 - 10 a.m. Traitors,` • mothl'nery, etc. consigned by local farmers at Lobb Machinery yard. 5ayflirld Roved, Clinton. over til! ,ducal forces, Choi e'e or ., kill`s Nat i Aw .g aids .g� •of'. e d o ~, every ,..n 4 The pattern., held `as the. ambuf ante•movertien;t gradually • spread ,,' through the Commonwealth. Some of the , earliest ,classes Canada- were filled by the 1nels whif,wete7,openmgwho up ' the,. country, working on its railroads -and in its northern miners On rid hail a provincial centre in • Toronto by 1895, headed by 1,?r=. 0: -.Sterling Ryerson His vigorous belief in the need fof first aid train= • ing was boor .out of. his ex perienee as an army doctor, during° the Ries Rebellion. Early councils?had.members from ' Peterborough, Brant- ford, Berlin, ,London, Strat-" ford, Sault Ste. ;Marie. St. -John volunteers'' began their •public service during the.1890's, looking after peo- ple at Queen Victoria's Dia - mo d•:Jubilee celebration.- n and at the opening of the 'Grand' Trunk. Railwayin Niagara Falls The first volunteer, : uniformed. Brigade unit was, fanned in London in 1909. One of their first ;public>.duties was one they,ll do; providing first; aid, coverage at 4he Western:;; Fair ' t , s The fit Shiro rnen saunit was -a. Tor Nllrsin Dtvisui croncei-.,..,_, adepts " and: Iuacies Vie e e ideal Was (trk.,:z.: j...) v ...,..aw Pa TIt,Pat`TIa1111P, now liasti t * ions in i ll- Mario. woven, uta the lives of� r ;their& • com- munities In eau serving.* Vocal; events and at some of Ontario's peren- mals sut:h as' the Canadian - National -,Exhibition -,and the- ternati0nal' Plowing Mat-. 1. When the .: Stratford ' Festival put ':up its; tent In 1953, St. John's firat aid tent was right beside it. In ,.30 years, the r, Stratford volunteer's .estimate they have 'looked` after 100,000 people. When Toronto open- ed its glistening Roy. Thom- son Hall, St. John Am-. plosiotolPtn 'Tt wider er In o roux t .. > n, fires in Toro lto and to . ds d o •'" oes: >n: M o ' t ain:''a is ��t; : s.,y.:. T, tc in .Ottawa.and udbury• :dila ing Hlurricane iflzel.and:the 1980 ;Mississauga chemical spill; lnd evacuation Through a century of of fort he goal of St. John has remained the same, to. psi- vide`first aid andh ltb,care. training and servieet 1t the courses tit teaches #pray. very:differett frothat f tcivaelrInsuQuceitabetcionCiantyAr-Ole first aid treatment for burns, for instance, have.. changed from the pioneering tecbni ques, St. ,John reviews its work :continually^, with..tti�e help of volunteer ^ medical., in d health ex- Huss g an care.. pests, and =id the, light of changing teaching teclini- quesand technology In:1970, St. 30W -tested a theory based oil its yearsof experience with,�industz l training . With'.Mencourage- meet fro in Wor nsation •:BoalT° 6 ' 17• and'the Industrtal7A set t Prevention Assox ation, bgtb Tong: standing { associates,• it had�an� dependent research 'stu ly, done With ° York iti~iu►eiit' :on rte relation pshe �etWeen ' at;clda .. nt .01000(1 d first ail d� a �llew tu_.Y,ar sizes reduce toil' ill"oTl” CidentS eiy arts hell 1M There is:a new approach to home healthcare; being of-' fered at a time,:when coin- = mulrity °;health care __resources are, stretched•'thinn As the ..—„percentage? ' of senior citizens in the popula- tion: rows, St 'John is;pro- viding ,Health ; care , or Seniors to helps ., maintain their, ' health. and :in- dependence - St. John' Ambulance is an vorgani ation with a <long,. proud .history, a hard work:• ing present„ and constant thought for the future. OFA. president" announcesnew three-point pr The Ontario Federation' of Agriculture (OFA) has Colne up with a three-point pro- gram to help stem the flow of farm foreclosures and bankruptcies.:The program was announced this week° at the " monthly meeting of OFA's board of directors. The program calls for working towards setting up a group of farm experts to help farmers with their: finances, right -to -farm legislations and long-term affordable credit.. " ' Ralph Barrie, president of the OFA, said OFA. must deal with this complex pro* bleu' because' "more and• more farmers are packingit fir They're; turning the key and walking away from farms that have been in their families for` generations." In 1082;, 178 Ontario farmers declared bankrupt- cy, a 26 percent increase over the 1981 level of 140. Many other farmers were foreclosed, or "-ottherW'ise forced odd farmingBarrie cited high,: interest rates, poor commodity ' prices, lower. property values and the general economic situa- tion as factors contributing to ' the demise , of Many fanners. The OFA will a'orlr towardssetting i up midi a group &farm experts tohelp farmers facing ' bankrdptcy Or foreclosure. Such ateam would consist of knowledgeable farmers and exper eneed financial resource people who *Auld respond to c froth the far - Ming b0i1ifi urilty. These riaource people 'Would then assess the overall situation of the farm, re-establish con- tact with 'thebank if it'; ..d been broken lid ,offer tO draft a proposalspelling out theoptions availableY,to- the farmer and his creditors. "Foreclosures =should only take place after die •process - after every possible option has been explored,":, Barrie said. "Even if theesituation is not salvageable, thefarmer • should: be left with his digni = ty intact. At present, many farmers feel thr;it'the cards are 'stacked against thein from the beglniiing."' •, The OVA also plana *lob- by by' the govermtient for right to-fa'rm', legislation to guarantee farifa rights. Governments will also be pushed to. provide more'long term credit at affordable rates and guarantee`- com- modity prices through._ Stabilisation programs' or market risk insurance. "While OVA has been in- volved in sone of these areas fer.some dine, clearly • this plan will broaden, its ad. , tivitiea substanitialy," ear-. tie said. "We want to farmers and bank°e ,s together to try and *ark Out. their differences. We shop they'll 'tome AO...With $qi u - tions both' sides can llve;with while ensuring justice forrthe farrier.'" "In financial tern ',. many';: fat rf'rs tire desperate 'need the lending h stitutions td understand the Sever' �dst-price squ+e On' sirers are facing. believe that we can comelel With'fa'il ail just solat i on , :. t.