HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 17;irQ''.'err. • .•• ' ete re rri 11 cP; P1''l4 91 • 1' cu,ro,11 enme..--.--,,....--,Ket.mr.1...slerone.ear,..eteaSiaalfaiSAffi • , ,euenue.i. e :•, L.' . - '- '12 ' 't for sale ' ., 1$d. Ml11§f4h0.011;"' • 1-.4E dee= r 'n . V ... . , 2 Yet 40'.8,-; , . !• i'f:i Marine 14. RegkIn.1101101t,e.X.Reer! ras CIAIVSSIFICATION$ ' '. '3. e/Moji.t.to. , .' 9; Autoriiiitive 15, Out of town PrO, P.ert1 es 4. Antiques for sole , . Pets or sole • 16' Fortrqt, *5. Cors for sale ,..„ 11".1.:ixestack for sale 11.4§iiritne'nf,sfer rent 6. Trucks for sale ' 42. Real, estate for sale ittleuses for eent Ailickei for sale Room&boord !!!, 100 ren? Help :,forrent ' -; . 27,110010. ' 411110-4910:0010051#, : ..28.1. IluE0* 29. T0nilt”. - • ,.:i45,•:....''', .. ,,;::,,,. , '.':',:'"*%:,.., ' '-: ' ,:::::',, 3.'SSicdrctory 32. Cust�o!k 33. 11 401410.4citditir5 36 Announcemeflts notices 42 D.oth00in:roc:le 445, t!ri tio ::° °*e*:i4:5' • • • ••0 „ 39. Found 'i6111.0101110i10113, -„:41.To'BlveowaY • 47. Card of thanks „ 0419140.040.11 dlt� 4. 0*.)01A.07,,lesq...:af‘!.earilgtotir: :fii'..'0:0:11:14;:,14n:Oces:etoi:,.(,.. .t310009nri, 4, '0 21 : 0 chong NW about our sP004,!„ for prompt payment.' MO,.." DAY3 1 Tr' • , 41. s.t SINGER - For authorized sales and 'service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no - lions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, pow located at 56. The Square, Goderich. 524- 8431.-ltfar _ AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-Itfar WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. Call collect (416)637-6904.-0-20tf CRISP JUICY APPI.ES, $4.50 a bushel and up. Fresh cider, ap- ple butter, red and white potatoes, onions and honey. Cider barrels 14 and 45 gal. at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037.-Itfar SWIMMING POOL SALE - Manufacturer is having a pre- season sale on new, above- ground pools, complete with filter, motor, • deck, walk - around, fence. Regularly $2295.00, now $1,295.00, while supply lasts. Book now for spr- ing delivery. Call collect 1-416- 523-6467 for more details. -9- 12x FREE COUNTRY KITCHEN FARM CATALOGUE, incubators, brooding, feeding, watering, processing, gardening im- plements. How-to book section. Write , Berry -Hill Limited, 75 Burwell Street, St. Thomas, On- tario, N5P 3R5. -O-9 BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. 44 north of Clinton, 11/4 miles south of Londesboro• - ,watch for our sign! By the case . or by the poond. Call collect 523-9508.-45eowtfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con- valescent products, etc.: Rieck -Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-7eowar 1. Articles for sale ATARI -VIDEO Computer system' with •three game cartridges, paddles and joysticks. Excellent conafterdiln5e,. -,$175,_.009,.icinax111 524- 9338 39" CRAFTMATIC remote con- trol electric bed. Phone 524- 8853 -9 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances.: Rieck I.D.A. Phar- macy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-7eowar CASEMORE fresh maple syrup. Contact Don Saunders, 524- 6434.-9-12 REALISTIC 24 watt stereo cassette deck, old. 524-6717.-9,10 AM/FM one year GAMES FOR Vic 20 and basic programming guide part 1. Phone 524-6717.-9,10 551NATTS R.M.S. complete com- ponent stereo, direct drive turn- table, AKAI Deck, 175 watt speakers, cabinet. Worth $1,800.00, sell for $90Q.00 or best offer. 524-6737.-9 THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up from 5'6", 7' and 9',-$45.00; three 40" I Beam rods with run- ners, $9.00. Phone :524-8331 between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., ask f'or Carol.-26tfnx BROWN/WHITE BABY CHICKS; special meat, Heavy breed Cockerels (White Rock); 3 - week -old Capons. "Small orders our specialty. Guaranteed delivery. Bonnie's Chick Hat- chery, Box 154, Elmira, Ontario, N3B 2Z4. (519)669-2561.-0-9 MAPLE SYRUP. Taking orders now. Lorry Fisher, 524-9595.-7- 12 FRESH MAPLE syrup now available. Robinson MOple Pro- ducts. Phone 529-7857. Will deliver. -8-13 MEN'S THREE piece suits, sand color, size 14 and 38-40. Phone 524-9875.-8,9 WATERBEDS complete with pedestal ,pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit. $259.00 at Vanastra Fur- niture. 482-7922.-27tfar 'THINKING of building? We've got the solution - ihe Most com- plete line of steel buildings available for farm, industrial, cOmmercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (705)474- 1 180.-27o0 APPLES $4.50 per bushel and .up, all varieties available. Fresh ' apple butter, Cider, potatoes, onions. Bulk cookies. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, R.R.2, Goderich, 524-8008.-420 ONE REAR spoiler for a Comoro. Also for sole one set of headers for a 350 small block. One set of mags, American, racing style, with good rubber. Call after 5 p.m. 524-7078.-9 POOL SALE: Manufacturer's clearance on above and in - ground pools. Many models at fantastic savings. ^Shop direct. Call collect 416-522-1414.-0-9 MUST SELL WINTER WORKS PROGRAM. Our company bought o lot of steel at a really good price. We sold a. lot and have. a few buildings left. If you want to save $1,500 to $2,000 give us a call today. You may choose from different sizes, huge doors available. First come, first served, call Miracle Span toll -free 1-800-268- 4942.-0-9 ONE PAIR of cream -colored 'sheers, like new, 132" wide by 100" long, $75.00. Call 524-4438 between 8 and 9 a.m. or after 6 FIREWOOD FOR SALE: while it lasts $20 per cord (4' x 8' x 14') picked up. Delivery con be ar- ranged. Call 482-3814 preferably after 4:30 p.m. -9 , FRESH MAPLE syrup, $21.00 for 4 litres. Edgar Martin 482- 3159.-9,10 ONE PAIR of Chev L60-15 Unilug mags with fires. Four 10.speed bicycle. Phone 524-9517.-9x HARDWOOD FORSALE 1980 .C6 650 Honda carrier, backrest included. Best offer. Excellent condition. Phone 524- 8794.-8,9nx RESTAIIJRANT EQUIPMENT: One Henny-Penny pressure fryer with automatic filter system; one warming oven; one wedge cutter; one breading machine; one indoor menu sign; all like new condition. Phone 524- 9995.-8-10 We Will Deliver Call 40-7171 1980 HONDA CR 125 dirt bike. Phone 524-6685 after 5 5. Cars fat sale,, ' REBUILT 197:1-Astite, 524-2836 after 6 • . • 1974 COUGAR Mit, autoreptic:„7: PS, P5, AM/FM CossetPit,. radials, sun roof.,,Extellent con-, $1,000 00 or best offer.. 524.4700.-9,10 12. ROtitesitite'!!. for.sa Colorlok sided h0010r three bedrooms, ifIgrAntn.rlarge remodelled kit - chew '4 piece lbathroom. Full basement. With airtight stove and bar in rec room. Laundry area and Workshop. Front porch end steel shed, . For further details 'phone 524,6918 -• • -n • 17. APOTtnrieritS • cent - SPACIOUSTHREE , a pa r try! ;•.•!'oLcent I le.; - recletarnt,00,,.'.09A0- to the Square, amailffilt4March 10„., References r0911 000, '. Phone' 482-3T2 efter 6 SINGLES APARTMENT, fully fur- nished. No smokers please. Call 524-9895 after 6're,M,i--80 . FOR RENT One bedroom apart - 6 e ment, kjtcheh, livingroom, L th secomi floor One blo Trucck • Trucks f sa I 1977 DODGE Window Von, Royal Sportsman Edition, V8, PS,. PB, AM/FM radio, new motor and transmission. Cap- tain's chairs plus bench seat. Phone 524-2241.-718,9 BOY'S THREE-PIECE suit, light brown, size 8, will include shirt and tie, $50.00. Excellent condi- tion. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend.-6tfnx 1977 BLAZER 4 x 350:4 -barrel, automatic, PB, PS; 38,380 mites, one owner, $5,000.00 certified. Phone 524-4851.-9,10 7. R.V.'s for sale ! 1976 CITATION, 24 ft. travel trailer, like new. Dual axle, all utilities. Phone 524-4401.-9,10 BOY'S THREE-PIECE suit, blue - grey color, size 12-14: will in- clude shirt and tie, $50.00. Ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend.-6tfnx C & E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 Wo even Talks Trades 9. Automotive JEEP PARTS. NeW,' used. All Jeeps 1942 to 1982. Gigantic stock, low prices, ;quick service. Gemini Sales, 4736 East Hastings, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2K7. Phone: 604-294-2623.--0-9 2. Yard Sale SATURDAY, March 5th, Sunday, March 6th, from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Applionces, dishes, etc. 52 Stanley Street, Goderich.-4x 5. CM'S for sale FOR SALE. Grolous 5 bedroom :hem*. Close to Square. Owner transferred. Phone 524-8709 *NOME OF THE TEAR* 3 year old. 4 bedroom brick home, 2100 sq. ft., plus • attached garage/workshop. Fin- est quality construction throughout.' Energy ef- ficient and maintenance free. (Setting) Large lot within walking distance of Lake Huron. Many other features. For ap- pointment cr29-7804 20 POINT 13. Mobile homes SUPER LUBE $1 88 '9 Includes 011, filter, grease and labour. Domesti Vehicles GODERICH 10. Pets for sale FOR SALE - one year old male, Cardigan Corgi, Phone 524- '7910.-8,9 . 11. Livestock for sale FOR SALE: 60 x 12 Pyramid set tup in Mobile Home Park at R.R.5, Clinton. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, new rugs and drapes. Immediate possession.; $12,500,00. Phone 482-7066.-7- 10 MOBILE HOME .for sale: mobile home 12 x 48, plus porch. Set up in park. Drapes and appliances • included. Phone 524-4262.--8,9 GOOD, SELECTION of York, Hemp, Duroc, and crossbred boors. Ready for service. ROP te'sted, herd health approved. Priced to suit most any budget. Some meeting QS standards. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R.4, Walton, 345- 2317.-7-9 1500 OVERNIGHT YEARLINGS sell Friday, March 1 1 th and April 8th, 10 a.m`r. CST at North Battleford, Sask. Livestock Pool Yards. Contact John Florence, Area 306 445-9421 for details. -0-9 1976 OLDS DELTA 88 Royale, PS, PB, 350 motor. Phone 524- 7215.--4tfnx 1976 DUSTER Slant 6, was cer- tified last April, asking $1,000.00 or best offer as is. Phone 524-2006.-70nx 12. Real estate for sale 1, DOUBLE BAY. Hoist and Pit Garagii, on a double lot. Apply to Drawer 186, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, NTA 486.-8,9nx HOUSE FOR SALE - two, one bedroom apartments - pay for your four bedroom home, on large treed lot, close to all your needs. Owner selling due to ill health: Phone 524,6948. --9,10 14A. Vacation OVERNIGHT - STEAMBOAT VACATIONING. - Canada's newest replica steamship - the elegant . CANADIAN EMPRESS. Calm -water cruising on the mighty St. LawrenceRiver through. the heart of the most beautiful scenery in central Canada. 3 to 7 day cruises evadable: Contact your travel -professional or DIAL-A- BR.00HURE toll-free 1-8120-267-: 0960.-0-9 • 16. For rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, $30.00 . per day plus deposit. Phone 524-6777 after 6 p.m.---33tfnx a , from Square. Heat gnd TV cable included. Referer0,• required. $185.00 monthly.), No pets • 25: Wanted to buy please.'Phone 524-7415.-71f 711'' 26. He p want . ' , • -26, ,Help,wante4 G�dcb: or --Port 'Alort. ..pgrecinp.spit;:a1Z,IrRiprewhyt-345,Re_sf9e6roenactetesr. 45.01m:--31.tfnx anytime,490nx THREE. KDROOM house adults only in Clinton, Goderich area. References may 1:?e 'obtained. Reply to Drawer 087, c/o Signal -Star Publishingfltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-8,9 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent' , ONE BEDROOM, apartment, available 11.4arch15th, $209.00 per month plusutilities. Two bedroom apartment, available April 1st, $200,00 per month plus utilities. Call Kay, 524- 7381, 8:30 to 5:00,-9-11 AVAILABLE Aprillst,'upper two bedroom, furnished,. carpet throughout, 4 pc. bath. $300.00 per month plus utilities. Adults preferred. Phone 524-9166.-90 UNFURNISHED, upstairs apart- ment, centrally located. Phone 524-9038 after 5 p.m. -9 BENNETT STREET 1 APARTMENTS UNDER NERVIRTERr011 One and two bedroom apartMents for rent. Cable. Fridge and stove included. All utilities paid. Security con- • trolled. , PHONE 5244E53 , LOVELY ONE or two bedroom apartment in the country with a view, located 10 minutes north of Goderich, at Port Albert. Phone 529-7775. -401f SALTFORD - two bedroom apartments, tweet throughout, available immediately. $200.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-9166.---50 • 1,1 18. Houses far rent ,1 'THREE BEDROOMforni'fiouse Aslifield Township. Phorie.,529- 7349.=-8,9 THREE B.R. house, $285.00 'Oe month. Central locatiom tell Bill 524-9097, res- 524-8191, Bill Clifford Real Estate:-9ar 20. Room & board COUNTRY ROAD LODGE - eriVate rooms, meals, 24 hour supervisiOn, etc. for Senior Citizens and retirees Dorothy Farrish, R.R.3, Lucknow, On- tario, 395-5283.-20 23. Commercial property for rent PIANO WANTED- regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 514-669.2280 or 519- 669-2198.--3tf GROUND Fia0R, 2,000 square feet prime Office space at 60 Lighthouse . :St. Phone 524- 2717.-260 'OFFICE SPACE for rent. Available: immediately. Phone 524-8845 after 5 p.m.-- 36tfnx Offices To Rent 524-8382 24. Wanted to rent HOME, APARTMENT or trailer in Goderich for small family for April, 1st. Reosoncible rent. Phone collect 1-881-3741.--8,9 FURNISHED dwelling with kit- chen facilities for two during summer months for two to -four weeks. Phone 524-8465. --9,10 1076 MATADOR. Phone 524- 2612 between 9 a.rn. and 5 MAKE AN OFFER! FOR SAOIN- SCAPORTI-I-Onc floor, '1 bedrooms, oinario or phone . 6/.3. neiveltit in kitchen. run 'basement,. gas heat, hardwood floors, recently retlecoritteLt. 528.000 t'll?ttgage at 12'.i% until June 1985, new roof, large backyard. sun cleat. Nice location. r. lose atter 6 5274 • to churches, schools. uptown. Make an offer. Dos 46, Seatiditilt4 WE ARE LOOKING for a child's spring horse in good condition. If you have one you would not mind porting with please give us a call 524.8423 after 5:30 p.rn.-9tfnx SMALL CHILD'S bicycle, suitable for four-year-old, training wheels optional. Please call 524-2551 before 5:30 p.m. or 524-2725 after 5:30 p.m. -9 ONE LARGE used galvanized trough. Phone 524-2360.-9,10 WANTED • to RENT or BUY House In Country with smell acreage within aPOrMgimcitRIY 0 mile 070.141.401.0 :trIch• r„, lax 1t1ilin &Milli and PluinrV number. for Used Trailers. Mobile Homes and Modular Homes TRAILER MART LONDON 615-1110 TOWN OF GODERIC.11 'requires.• .:One-lumnlor student • , • The above stud,90t,119 ba hired under the involvement In A44161001 AdininfotrationProgram iolistly fundedby the Town Of Gederlieli and the province. The student must ha currently enrolled in an Ontario University or College Course consisting of business, te; public, or municipal administration; . commerce.' economles,or politkal science and returning to school in the foil of 1983. 1 Applliations to be submitted to the undersigned by March Utith, 1983. Larry J. McCabe Administrator. Clerk -Treasurer. Town of Goderich 57 West Street GODERICH. Ontario" 147A 2K5 APPII.ICATIONS by oil fo and full time summer employ- ment now being received. Jer- vis Photo Inc., (film processing plant), Box 12000, Clinton, Ont. NOM 11.0.-8-11 BECOME r A .F.soFEssiiptiAL transport drlYtkr,, Call us now., 0 897.143.;868* Ottawa -641.523= . 489 Onto 621579 7 London 519-432-1726, :em-: bridge 519-648-2519,-0-9.'%, CARETAKER WANTED for VicA. toria Street United Church, .duties to commence April 1st. _• Apply, in writing Wore March 1 lth to Ben' Freeman,' 216 Boyfield fined,GoderiCh, Ont. N7A 2G3: Phone 5248857.-9x 26. Help wanted STUDENT PART-TIME •on vegetable farm. Greenhouse and general farm work. TE -EM FarM, 482-9940.-9 Required for a progressive distributor for general hardware, • industrial supplies and steel products. Excellent opportunity. Previous related experience an Clellet. Attractive. unlimited career oppor- tunity. All replies will be held In strict con - Mance. Reply to Drawer 105. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR Sox 220 Goderich. Ontario N7A PROFESSIONAL 5ALES POSITION aocause of tremenaous response to oar 'Chrysler Products we aro look- ing fOr , o genuine AutontOblie Sales Pro that Is self motivated and wants to be associated with success. To the succossful appli- cant we are prepared to Offer. an *Opportunity to, sell the fine line of 1983 Chrysler Products Plus our • reconditioned vehicles and a compen- sation package we believe is one of the most lucrative in Canada. If you are highly suc- cessful now and desire • career change. we would be most happy to meet with you and discuss your future. For confidential inter- view apply now to Peter Warner. WARNER AUTO MARINE GRAND BEND (S19)2384391 WOULD YOU LIKE to earn fifty to one hundred dollars per. Week displaying and selling top. , qua* fashion jewellery on the home 'party. ,system. Care is essential. FOr more informatran Variei'sa; • lionS,Q2201.13ayview DriVO-, Barrie, Ontario, 14N 4)(8.-0.9 29; Of r (genara I) CASH FOR OLD wooden: duck decoys. Call 1.-416-562-7086 or write W. Schlombs, R.R.1, Jor- dan; Ontario; LOR 1S0.-0-9 4P + OPPORTUNITIES OFA LIFETIME Just Phone or Visit " THE CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 520 Wellington Strbet, London. Ontario N6A 302 •Phone 6794110 (collect) or visit our Mobilo offices in the Federal Building • 12:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Sarna. ..... Every Wednesday Stratford. 1st and -3rd Toms* of each 'month Goderichlet and 3rd Thursday of' eoch Month Woodstock 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month Tillsonburg .0. Last Monday of each month tones No LifiLI$i. it ?fit tA14/401491 AMIED FORCES „ , „ • 1111111111111111111.1,11111------ / CASH FOR GOLD All Gold and Silver items, • rings, watches, earrings, chains. medals and dental gold. Damaged or broken items acceptable. Special prices for Canadian and American silver coins, any con- dition. Also buyirig any foreign silver coins. 'ELGIN STUDIO & FRAME SHOP 106 The Square Goderich Exclusive Agent in Goderich for Northland Gold & Silver Inc. . WRSHIP. 01401110,01NE.; TENDERS' FOR -410Y4 - Sealed'' feeder*. iinFotnta Pktiti*mactik, as 50 seeteoteesiiilt01; roceiliadt at tits:Ott Atte". the CIork Townihlp el. Colborne Oeinsiatinity Hall. Carlos/. .Ontario. until 3:00 p.m. IOOSI • ItiniaTisesday, • Mardi,' 15.1903 for Obor isesulaje and-- epreading of -the. CONMINED amounts -of: 16.006 allele GlranOltir "A" ' grovel, • cruibed and spread on, townsIsIP roads.Y • . c • • 000 'ubic ards 'Granular "A"' grieel,''' ,arts,sistd Sind:oriels; on, .09.91WY,RitOd: , :3,00e yards Granular' "A" 'grovel... crtiShed cad st9cit-pliod in tovoulilp : 'A Certified cheque in the . amount of S% Of the bid price. payable to. the Township of Colborne mult accompany each tenclitr. Tenders must bi •iubmitied •on tender fo rmslrolvipWnhoilch of °coral offica.. available at the Cisiris'a: ' borna'CormnuinitY Carlow. Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily eel? cT4:;;;:dliih.IP 01 Colborfl*, • WS R.E. DDRNIN., • 1 445efeii.. 524,4009.; 31. Ser'ViCi:, CUSTOM SEWING A.ND ALTERA; TIONS, 24 10 48 hour, service for minor and major Pianne Mallough, phone 524- 2492.-6-32 HAS THE HIGH cost of • machinery • repairs get . you down? Repairs ,to all makes and models of farm and induistrial equipment. Specializing in • repairs to international Harvester equipment. Ex- perenced, certified, farm equipment mechanie. Reasonable rates. Contact J. A. Culbert, 529-7469.-769 HORSESHOE1NG: Kevin Camp- bell, Graduate of the Michigan School of Horsesheing. Specializing in corrective Shoe- ,ing and trimming. Coll 524- 9673.-8,9 • ' 30. EmployMent wanted WILL. BABYSIT children in my home, reliable person, ex- perienced mother. Part-time or full-time. Phone 524-7519.---7-9 28. Business opportunity CHROMATROPE UPHOLSTERY AND VINYL SERVICE • 48 EAST St • Goderich *FREE ESTIMATES* HURRAY F. TAYLOR 41124020 BEAT INFLATION. • Raise 'large. bait worms at home for extra income. Neat, odorless opera. ton. Low investment. Terra Worm Forms isince 1975), R.R.1, Stratford, Ontario, NSA 6S2. (519)625-8140.-21d *SEPTIC TANKS *SEWERS .BULLDOZING *BACKHOE WORK *GRAVEL *TOPSOL For a complete lob call: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668: 28. Business opportunity NOTICE LOOKING FOR ViallIC 1St EXTRA INCOMO CANADAS FASTEST DROVING CHEMICAL LAWN eAllit COMPANY, le **pending Intho Godorich Atom Would you like fo be pert of This dvriamic industry 'Mit is hot a lob offer but a unique opportunity t600/0 you4 own business with titssithetdosiii loscontopeettinttleL The working period is from Apill,Noretnher with higher than average income deterntinad oitiy by your owe efforts. sole*, 'routrnterttent, teehnitel training arid equipment are provided. This unique; fully titmice:1 System, is your answer to taclyt odontimit problems . CALLNOWFOR MOO INFORMAVON 111110141:LAWN SPRAY Vuditlitin Of the Notion's' Lwin" 1 .091 43413$ . • COOPORATE i4Ab OFFICE or wrie: PO. fimt 64/3, Stn. "b", Londok0ntatiO42W0k