HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-4-11, Page 5eeTRStiAle MXtU 11 1912
• The Edison
$16.50 to $240.00
OU get in an Edison Phonograph a
perfect, instrument, one embodying
every improvement which Edisbn has devised
The Whim of Sound of the Ediaon Phonograph—just right
for the home—perfect in its reproduction, giving just the
right,yalue to each kind of music, but never loud, strident
or noisy, is an.,Eclison inProxeltentt ••"
TheReprodueingPointof theFdisonPhonograph-7-a smooth,
highly polished, button -shaped sapphire that never scratches,
never needs changing and that brings out all the sweet, musical
tones of the sensitive wax Edison Records, is an Edison
The Amberol Records for the Edison Phondrgraph—records
of wotderful clearness and richness, playing four -and -one. -
half mifmtes and offering all of 'the best music without cutting
or hurrying, are an Edison improvement.
HomeRecord Making on an'Edison Phonograph --that, is
, talking, singing, or playing into the horn and getting a clear,
I lifelike record of the voice or music of anybody, for the Edison
to reproduce, is an Edison improvement.
. Them aro Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and ...
hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and a &Oen.
Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs frora your
dealer or from us. Edison Standard Records, 40.. &list%
A .Amberol Records (play twice as long), 65c. Edison Grand 100 Lakeside Avenue,
Opera Records, 8Sc. to 82.50. Orange, 121b J., U. S. A.
A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records win be found ist
ee3 Yes we want you as a customer. Ask us to
send you our 1912 Catalogue. It's brim full of
all that is good in Flowers, Vegetables, Field
Roots, Grains, Plants, Small Fruits, Implements,
Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc.
Valuable information is what we have airned to give ti2e
Farmer. Gardener and Private Planter. All it will cost you
is one moment of time and a two -cent stamp. •
Write us to -day, the day you are reading this.
Dept. 34 London, Canada.
D. & R.'s Canadian Gem Swede Turnip—Acknowledged as the best feeder. the hest
cooker, the best shipper. TRY IT.
lar. 3, R. Holtzmann, last week
xeoelied word from his s.on .Arthur
who is ttending. Naperville College
teat he was successful in trinn-
ing -the- first prize -fir -the Iiiiinteentli
feelnnual Inter-tilless Oratorioal Cf1D •-
jiVt held in connection with the oat-
jeige. There were seven who took
Mit end Arthur is to ea congrarure
cited an his ;success. IIis subject was
eine 'Charm of len Impossible." and
he received more point's on both
thought and comp:linden and oa the.
*Retry of his address than the °thee
gpeakers, The prize was $15 and Art's
enemy friends will be pleased to bear
of his eueeess in his chosen work'.
Mr. and Mrs.) Micheal ellitzel re-
ifterned to North Dakota after ete
Wending th.a funeral of the le.tter's
*either Mrs. M. Hirtzel.
Mr. Md. Clark,e and obildren of
!Aisle 'Craig spat* Friday in town via -
Vine with friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Neweon Baker of
Egeter were in • town one day last
• ir,tk.
Mr. W. et, Wenzel is spending the,
Liolidays in Detroit with friends.
• Mrs. Girein of Lacknow spent a
eew days the guest of her daeghter
grs-11, K. Either.
Miss Carrie Kuhn interned home
-.after spending a couple of months at
' Alma. College Sit. Thomas.
Mrs. .3 Heber is visiting friends,
ta. %%Tanen.
The Peer W's met et the 'home of
-Oise Clara lea.hner on Monday eve*
hag All report, having a good time.
Miss Mildred Brown of Petersburg
is spending the holidays with her
Mr. Wib 'Clarke of Grankon spent
Friday with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
ne Clarke. •
•. Mr. Oscar Wolf left for daskatoodi
an Tuesday morning) We understand
*hat Oscar intends to remain 'foe•
some time. The many readers wish
fisher succes-%.
Mr. Harry Trick of 'Stratford is
*pending a few days in town with
lie lends
gu,es't of her cousin Miss Mildred'
Brown for a few days.
Mr. Carey spent Sunday with lais
parents in Gederiolee r
Mr. Ike Brown is visiting friendeer
in •Toronto for a few daps. •
Mr. I, Whiting of Parkhill spent '
,-a few- ,days ta.% the home of' Mr.. J. H. •
Efolezmanais. - • '
Mr. and Mrs:, Albeit Morlock are
spending the holidays visiting friends
ete, Wel 1ee,ton Rae of Lando.n,
spent a few days in town with
Mr Aaron Brown of Blenheim is
• a .
upending, a few days in town.
The Messrs Webb and Finkbeiner
of London were in town for a few
days visiting with friends.
Mrs. 'Wright of Liendon was the
gu,eit of her mother Mrs ' .Henry
Bloke fora beer days.
The aortidg oZ :Carter's, Little Liver
Pills is pleasant mild and natural
They gently stimulate the liver
and regulate the bowels but do not
purge. They are sure to please Try
Ate* . .• •
To late tor last week
3aortimental services morxiieg and
evening next Salebath at the' Isresby-
neniten Marche • et
In answer to the subscriber who
esked how the sap was running !esti
week tee eie pietism] to answer, that
we are dile to overtake it Wore' the
race is Linithed. but es :tea intend
I5 have a notha• try, at it we hope the
resultwillbe, kora satisfactory)
Children, Cry.
Children.. .Cry
Children. Ory
MissMerie Prenter of Zurich is the CASiroR 1 A
INC rnoks WOMEN'S An.aviepits.
.1 am a woman.
I know womann sufferings. .
7 have found the cure.
.1 will Mail, free of any charge, my home treat.
ti at with full instructions to any -sufferer from
sv oen'S ailments,. I want to Milan 'wonlen about
no) cure— you, ling reader, for yourself, your
dayirhter, your mother, Or your sister. I want tO
you how to cure yourself at home without
tbe. Leap of &doctor. Men gantlet understand Wont'
en'astilferings, What yre wotnen, know from et.
oerience, we know better Licari any doctor. 1 knew
.91 Stay haute treatment is a safe and sure'cure for
rthrua or Whitish discharge, Ulceration , Diem
is mentor Palling_of theWomb, Proliste, Scenty
or iteenet Periods, uterine or Ovarian Tumorsor
.CtrI" also pains lt1iehead, backend bewels.
Pee, • 3." dowfldetlllige, nervousness., creeping feel.
log rt. the spine, meiancholy, desire to cry, het
fieet.oi wcarincos, kidney and bladder' troubles
who •...2 :teased hY Weekteas peculiar. to our sex.
I we, •; to gelid yon a cemp1ete 14 dayetreatineet
fitC tO prove to you that you eau onto
.'1,ffilttelf at home, Oasirr,ientialar and sti•ely• iteelember, that it Will coat.yesi nothing to give
sae treatment a °mew ete trial; Allah you shooed wish to continuo, It 'will c046.y022 Only Sheriti2
tents a week, or less than twocents a day, It Will not in terfero With your worker eceppation.
•.austseed me your name an d addreaS,fies. me how teen suitor, if yon.with, and tivill Send you the
' einatirtent foryoureeso..entieele free, plain wraeeta, by reI
turn mail. will also send 3,04 free '
43/tostany book—"WOMAN'S OWN MEDISal., 4i R"with explanatory -illustrations' ghat
Ing why wenten eufeen an&1 ltow4boy eaneasilaeure. t Insolves at home. Every weirian cabbala
/ItaTil ft and lento to think for' herself. Theo WIt,11""vedoCtOrartya-“Ireillienathatean opera.
lien," you Call decide for yourself. Thousands of PiVIDt.it have cured tbenmcl tea Withiny hOme
getuetly, II darts All, ,Id or ybilifit. To iflotbora o • ...:rughters, I will explain a SUMAC home
treattnerth'Which speedily and otfeettIally aural... ter,' otheek, Green sicknoee, tied Painted or
.1retrigolar Menstruation In VonngLadir.a. Plumpness And health al way a restn tfrein its toe.
Whoreveryort 111).0,1 ben reforyou t ladica of your Own lecality,W)20 knoWend will gladle
an e Kix/toter thee this fat Treattae t really ages alt wOmort'S diseadOSend rualc es wom
'Volt mega. Wenn) had robust, Jetta send lab year idd rtaa. and the fronton days' treatment io •
goun1entiie book. Weiteitteettit, ats son maygot sots thie pita emit. Addreee t
'1**Hfe, -ETER TIMES
To Correspondents
Tn 'Correempon de h ts —The Exeter
Times %deletes to Increase its' stale
of vorrespondents* teroughout tee
country and invites the help of teose
willing to send in from ‘Yeek to week
iteins of news le the eeighberhood
Matti:re of imporctinee aro alwayit
welonme, but equally go ,are- the items
telling of the moveroent ete thiepeeple
to and from tire lecallity, The Times
asks that all willing to help ip the
work which will Ibenefit the locality
by bringing it before the world, write
the editor of the Times, when sett -
Plies ot paper, envelopes and postage
will be furnishede
ehe fealoteinn the repent ot the
promotion esanimetion natu in S.
No: 5. Usborne. in March 1912.
Sr Fourth Class Pass -400; Gordon
Dungen 654, Hardwick Corinth. 632;
Lloyd Johns 620; Ilea Heywood 560;
Dia Cornish 544, David Creery 516;
Mae Clarke 410i Sr. Third Claes .Pass
350; Willie liciatly; 569 'Viola Bell 559,
Gordon Delbridge 4.50; Myrtle Wash: -
burn 434, Vera Heywood 02, Alden
Creery 362„Lewis Cornish 867. Sr.,
Second Olass Pass, BOO: Lorena, .Toess
516; Willie 'Skelton 507. George johns
493 Elva Horne ,
timt. Rhea Swale 3'ite. eta. Itrawnoa
120. !Middle ileoeed Pens 235; Mac
Ceenish 345, Wesley Heywood nee
Jr. Second Class .Pass 225; Bruee
Medd 105; Fianklin Skinner 1308
Gibson- artery 393 Frank 'Wetly 378;
Cora Bell 375; Bay Joints 358; Mina
0ornisk 312; Edythe Johes 306. Reg-
gie• Delbridge 247; Tommy lieywoed
226. Jessie At Hamilton teacher
Ordinary Cateartics and Pills and
Harsh lehysic Cause Distreseing
Yoe 'cannot be oivercarefel in the
seleation of medicine for children.
Only the. very gentlest bowel Medi -
Leine should be given except in enr-
ergeecy cases. Ordinary pills. catbe
ernes and purgatives are apt to do
ntore harm than good They may
eause griping, nausea and other die-
tre.ssing ef ter -effects that are free
quently health distroying.
We personally recommend and guar
antee. Rexall Orderlies ae the safest
and most dependable renaedy, which
tee know Iler constipation and as-
sociate bowel disorders. We- have
such absolute liaith in the virtues
of this eernede that we sell it on our
guaranbeenf tamer back in evenY in-
stance whiere it fails to give entire
satiseaction, and we urge all in need
of such medicine to try it k t pear risk
Ilexall Orderlies are eaten east like
sandy are particularly prompt and
agreeable in aietion, may be taken at
any /Mae day or night, do not Geese
diarrh.oea nausea griping excessive
looseness, or :other undesireable et.n
hacks, They have a mild but positive,
union upon the ot:gans tvith whicb
they come in contact apparently o.ett.
ting as a regul-ative tonio upon the
relaxed muscular 'coat Of the Newel
Una overcoming weakness, and aict-
lug, to restore the bowels to more vig-
orous and ,healthy activity.
Ord,etlies cenimonly. eibent-
pletely relieve constipation, ietteeptine
it:aurae when of sergical -tharaster,
They also bond to overoomg the neo-
essity of constantly taking lixitiees
to, ke,ep the bowels in Normal eondite
'ion. Three sizes of packages 10o,
25e and hOe. Bernember yea 'oan obi -
at our store --Tae Renal/ Store W. 8
It)aiont-a,R.exall..13-emedies in Exetee only
The post °Moe here has been trans-
ferred to Mr. E. A. Maelelanizie- Dire
G.eo Lewis has been postmaster here
for the past nine months
Mr. S. Rosser :wand wife of Den-
field have returned to their home, in
Denfield 'after spending a few days
with relativ,es here. t
Mr. james On)wy,er of London, is
spending the holidays with relatives
Farmers in !this vicinity are busily
engaged in making :maple sirup.
They do aloe texpect a big run. as the.
season for Meknes staple syrg• es al-
most ,expered. .
• Dlr. G, ell. Case °if Toronto is speneA-
ing a few clays with Mr. T. Hennessy
:Mrs. F.. Brown and her claughtet,
Maggie, spent Faster witb Mr. end
Mrs. Kilmour,
Mr. Fred Aeltinsten who has for the
past two months been visiting relate-
ives of Linen, has returned fo his
home in Swift Current Leask,
Mr. 'Harold Bice who •for the hast
six months -been licving tvith his par -
'ones in this plow 'left for Detreet
where ha' has a good e Position.
Donn be surprised if you have an
'attack of efileumatism this kering.
Just rub eke effected parts freely
with Chamberlain's 'Liniment and it
will soon' disappeter. Sold by all deo-
Me. Alfred Bander of 1.3ael 'Axe. is
the guest of his father Mr. P. iflevicler
a't, present.
.1Vliss !Chapman cee Berlin who was
itiglterter with her friend ¥iaa Miry
tetterbein returned home last. week.
Miss Ekeanor 1IaxiIcib oC Tozonte
is visaing at the home of hor parente
Mr. and Mrs. O. ,Hareleib for a few
Mr. Set:Inman Barber at 13,a,yfie1n
was in, town a low days last Week
assie ing (MrlRiplAur in bis shop.
Mr. J. C Kalibeeesehn rnil" yard,
is pied! Wall with all kinds et(' lags,
that will rteenire several months work
to teeth:toe them into limaber,
P.tw. selicol Trestle's expect ,to taint
ehe piens ready shortly for the rieW
sc1001 It, be greeted this suinmer
Dloses G•eigetne 'harm. Stick ,sale
reekbed' over 3,000 One heavy mare
was sold Oter e000 Mr. „Alfred eVIelicle
being Itha purchaser/ •
...Miss Kettle., Cook litho lett a few
moniths ago for Sesketoh,etvan and %Tr
Joseph llfelclinger of kihat Prervincc,
and traltborly :1.1w Tette/Aline were
Marreei U Sew treelte ego
Eleetrie: Restorer o Men
Phespuonoi reatorce everyberve in the body
• to in wetter tensionitosiores,
vim and Ability, Prninat ?ire de, It Sind ttilstmltaf
WORklIOD averted at once rhognionet
make von d Dew Mee, P 4 te it bee, or aye -fee
65. Mailed I o so v teqq. Tho 840ball Dietag
Co, S t 41 CatlsoMineav Dna,
•CAN leetf" ASK MOTtE ? "
Your MeneY Thiele for the AsItin
otz Proonee Netheon
We ere: contident thet .we ea
fuenish relief for iadigestion end dy
hernia that promiee to steeply t
made:tine tree of all east to eve
bne who eases it aecoircling to dire
tione who is ,notepereectly satiefi
e results. We exact. no pr
redoes end put intone tinder tiny °lei
ation whatever. Sureky nothing eon
he fairer. . We gee, boated right h -.1.
where Yeti live and our reputatio
should be sufficient assuaranoe of ti
genninest of our oefer.
We wane everyone wha is tiodielee
with indigestion or dyspepsia in tu.
tone to come re our stortgann iod
a box Of elexell Dyspepsia 1.1.ablete„
Take them home and give them d'ina
sellable etrial aecordiag• to direetiohs
If they don't please, eon tell us and
we will ceinekly return; your money
They 'have veeY .411:talieeetive.
Leetyiencoumpeonin ticeoen' oarpgt catipcptiVahkiyw heti!
ing as • a, eeeeletive twee ;upon the
relaxed neusenter coat ot the bowel,
thus overcoming• weakness, and aidr
ing to restore •the bowels to more
vtgorouseand healthy activity, Three
sizes 125c, 50c, and' $1,01e Remember
you can obtain Reacell Remedies only
at our ratore The. stare W. S
Vele. •
,WIr„ D. 13, McLean has tented the
dwelling of Mr. jobn 11. Stewart, in
thisevillage, and recently accepiecl fejt
Mr. A. King Greed Trunk Agent, and
intends moving into it shortly.
Mr. Nelson Reieheet is home been
on •a 'visit it.C'ter an Absence of eigh
'tars arid is bolding 4 good:13°810min
as bridge inspector at tiara, Indeanni
Ile sots a great many thanges and
improvements in our village.
Mr. N. Wakeener reeently nue"-
cshased Mrs. W. Cole/earl's farm on
the Loudon Roach- •
A. sacred. oratorio, "Olivet to Cale
vary," consisting of solos, duetts:
quartettes and choruses, recalling
some of [the indidents of our Savours
lite en Earth, was given in Carmel
clierch Friday evening last. Mr. M.
Dannie loader of the t choir gave a
great deal of his time training the
choir for this cantata.; who were as-
sisted by the Rennie Ladies' Quarte-
tte of Zurich- There wee a laree at-
tendance as this was a riell musical.
Tlie foilewing• is the result of the
weekre' and Easter Promotion Exanee
a Motions. The names ere orre.nged
aceerdiug to merit per cult, These
ite over fifty per tient will be promoted
re Sr IWClara 'Morley 77; John W:hel-
ee ihen 73; eielsen Sentire 67; Tesea Gee
ea. nie,g 06; Arthue MaOarthy abseett;
Mr. and Mrs. John' Balfour venire -
ed hare last week to re-etsit relatives
at ter their trip to NOW' York and
Bermuda, and brfore leaving for
then, home in Regina Sask. -
Mrs. Aikenhetid returned this week
from apl ease. t visit witii rela t Ives
and friends in Grantee.'
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'McNaughton,
who have been spending the winter
months in Ontario and with relative
in Heiman and vicinity left last week
for their home in the west.
Ur. Jexnes Dron thren sr. -through.
illness was unable to lake his place
as secretary . of the lelasionac, Lodge•
itere on Monday last the first time
we believe he has been,absent in
thirtr-vears watch speaks. for itself
of his general good Iteriltta said faith-.
flatness to duty, and we teest, than
he may be spared in geedebeaith to:
.speed. Malay mai-eh-ears iitleteis pest;
Considerable fine meple-eyriah tap
been brought into marketeed Meets
with ready deinarie. •
ars. Robert Patterson acoompaeleel
by Mrs. Blair left. daring the past
week tor a trig through the west and
to visit their many friends.azie relate
Miss .Maggie Thempson leen here
this week an the excursion to the
west where she has many relatives
and Weeds and intends remaining
se,me, [time there. ••
Sri Wm. Stonne, has Are:meld into the
dwelling which be recently purchas-
ed theta %Ir. tWe [Pasee and recently
owned and occupied by Mr.* Jeseph
Miss esabella Sparks. who Sas been
h•oreet visitingher mother fo r some
menthe returned to Lund -at.
Leers. W. O. Davis was in egtield
recently spending a dag with lit:r
ttl2r B. R. Higgins who hid the eni.-•
fortune to get ene, of the srane bones
ef els leg broken,
"What made .y=1 so late?"
• "I met Smithson" • •
"Well that is no reason twhy
Sbould ba an lio,ur late getting home
bo lour stepper."
"I know,' belt 7 asked him haw he
was keeling igid he insisted ane.tele
ling toe about his stomach trauma.
"Did you tell him to take 'Chamber -
lain's tablets?" ,
. "Sure 'awns what the neadsee Sold
by all dealers.
Mr. Allen Duefield is visiting in
The Cantata, Baster Angels, .giveu
in the Methodist church on the even-
ing of Good Friday, was a emend suet-
eessi Mr. and Mrs. illingworth
Misses Ray and Butcher of ein. Huge
the 131anohard Male Quartette, and
numbers of the surroanding choirs
rendered valuable assistance . Great
eintlit is doe Dr. Campbell for the
anqualifted success. In spite of the
freshet, there eves a good sized aucte'
knee preemie.
Misses1 rine and Helen Taylor are
visiting in Clinton. t
Miss Raib Barton is visiting her
sisters Ethel and Mabel in liondoe,
What might have been a serious
aecident occured tO Mr flowerd Bal-
four and Mies Veka Hazelwood Erb -
day crooning at the Copeland benign
norih of the villages ein, an atteropt,
to cross the water. running over the
road just north of the bridge, their
ha4 gY was upeat and its occupants
thrown into the water. Mr. Thos.
I3lake come to the. reecue.
• Mrs. S. Shier is visiting atir child-
ren 10 O'ookebown.
Mr, Ralph Bevis is spending' his
holiday in Wooditock.
,. The Easter service in the Methodist
church Sandey night was inepirine
„The podtor proa died on the pagativo
. attig.dh 1tiv ide 0.f the resurreeti_or,
The d:spisie 'Of lil1ca' Was 7 beetetifeli
.A.' numb r from here iieteeldect the
bOX setl'al I in WoonLain oh Monday
Jlvhttell Lend'on Erie
Spitoetn Dengue work
Thew McGee. absent Jr IV Men
vete Gunning $9; Iffinnie 1i 59L,
Wilmer Brooks 52; Garnet Ashton
eibsent. Sr LH Elsie Gunning 43:
LI Patrick McGee 04; Earl Rut,
ohison 63; Jetnees Whelittem 59; Jr.II
Bert Duffield 57; Edward Egan 421
Wellingtoa •Shiply 45; Austin • Dle-
enarthy aleseut First Class Greee
fe.),ffirnleeri 06,12r;a TiateriehiWsonhaler L 6K3
53; jr, Premier William Duffield 64;
Miss T. Powe teacher.
• Mrs. jebri Hodgson spent the litnie
day season with friends in Loodee
Mrs. Philip Hern spent Emitter well
her daughter Nee R. Inert of Roclie
'vc)°11.eci'e(:OrMilison visited Mr, •Jellies
Hobbs in London Townstip of Sunday
Mr. end Meet Fred DeIbridge of
Winabelsea spent Sunday the guests
ef her parents Mr and Mrs. Philip
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston spent Easter
here with her mother Krs. Suthurby.
Some of our Yonne, people attended,
the concert at Inirk.ton on Friday last
Mr. Prank Squize spent Sunday
wiek a friend near Exeter.
tYort eardly x,ealize that it is med-
icine when taking 'Carter's Little Liv-
er Pills they are very small no bad el
feets tronbles from torpid liver are
relieved by 'their 'use.
Tee followni nig were 'he off i CerS
elec ed nt the annual meeting of the
Huron Fenball Club. Honorary erg.
sidenle Rus. Sproat; banerary 'nee-
presiden' Dr. leisheae ; President.; F.
Sills vine presidene Wm. Oughton; sec
reeery Hy. R. Scott; treasure -a W.
Wets; exe.cutive committee Chas
Seewart. Hy Smith and James E. Wil-
lis deleemee to the emend m,eetting et
gee W. F. A. at Weodstook Frank
Sills, '
Miss A. G. Clark lefe last Thy tars -
day ibr 'her home in Fergus.
Ed Webb of Terme.° and W. Pear-
son [Grieve of Toronto are home for
khe 'holidays.
'Mr. Wm. Murdie and children of
Luckoiew are the guests of Mr. and
hErs. Alex Sutherland, john Street.
Miss Pearl Toll, teacher at Broad -
toot's school is 'spending the halidagn
at 'her home in Elythi
The following beachers have arriv-
ed home Inr the Easter vacation,
Misses Nellie Grieve AlefeJeft; Flor-
ence T.h,onerisoia. Golspie; Helen Gil est'
pie. Wareeord; Nettie Petbick Nor-
wich; Florence Laidlaw, Eglintonil
Mr, Frank Scott.; Toronto, and WAX1
Morrow, Forks nioadi. •
Always avoid larsh purgative, pills
They first make you, sick and then
leave you constipated. Carter's Lite-
tle Liver Pills regulate the bowels
and make you well. Dose one pill
• . The warm wind and 'sun paused the
ice: to move oft the Thames dam at
low floe.d Water shortly after 1 tin
clock 'Friday ailtiernoon. and all dane
timer waselthought to be gone But
between '2 end 3 ranee of' ice came
dawn from up the river with it. terr
rifle flood rush and about fille.d the
theee archways of the massive stotee
Vicitoria bridge, and the water rase
rapidly and Trout creek became t'ap'
idly senallen and ceased ao to,verelow
on water street between Queen street
and Water streelehridge, The Theme
and Teeth Creek join it few yards
west of the. bridge.,fund Thomas street
below Victoria bridge, was covered
with water. and residents on ibe,
hanks of the Thames were almost sur-
rounded by waten L The C.' P. A.
men with lenteres watching their
track wbich is on the ;bank of the
Thames :and which crosses %Telex st.
notilth :water being 'up to the track
The 0, le el. was :afraid of Hodder/2i
timbers getting on the 'teazle and de-
railing the -train from Ingersoll
whicfi is doe et 6.05. p. an. but was bee
hied tim nn account if the, 'holiday
Brown &Co. Lumber dealers, Win.
er et. lost a quantity of ceder posts
as they did not 'antieipatit the flood
reaching such dimensions. ,
Shortly before 9 p. na Mayor Sane
derson we's 'called up h yp.bone from
Mitchell to Warn St. Mary. ;that
Delitchell dam on the Thames was
about,. breaking away., At 10 p.
the Mitchell dem Hoed had not ar-
rived; but the water was risidet rape.
idly ,ahd fthe .ever flefw Vein Treat).
Creek- an Water street was nearly
crossing Queen street which would be
serius for sellers ;along btusness and
erivalte residences on Weieer street'
This is tid to be the biggest flood on
the Tlaames in 20 years.
C.alnaela '
Via Chicago and St. Paul Aprie
16th 23rd and 36th, end every second,
Tueseay [thereafter until Sept 17th in-
clusive. Tiekees will also he an eale
1.11 certain dates via Sarnia and Nor'
thorn Navigation So. Special train
will leave Toronto 10,20t tie m. en ab'
one dates for Edmonton and in Man,
ttottit end Saskatchewan stopping; tut
41 points on Grand Trunk Pacific)
Itailway wet at Winnipeg Through,
co -aches and penman tourist sleepers
will be carried fully equipped with
bedding end porter in charge Berths
!nay be scorned in sleepers et a low.
rette This is teiti exceptional oppor-
tanity ear those wishing to take ana
valiance oll this remarkebty • low one
way Settler -4 rates or round trip home
seekers exerksions [through the Aran
triceet einit s, No change of ears,
lieut.() iliekele and beeth reservations
torn any t. rand Trunk agenit', or
vrite A. E. Puff, District Passenger
Agent. Unice Station Toronto.
Por Xiifidits and. Children.
The Pnd you Have Always Bettght
Bars • the
Word nee been receiveg erten). high
don that liev. We H. 13att idative,
ouely ill and pot expected to reeenee
Miss Bessie Andersoe oftet Oxidate
Basintess Ctellehe is visiting ender the
parental roof,
hlisti Lillian Panda of Deletion is hoe-,
idaYing ,at her home here.
Wer, Thomas tditchell is yisiting his
sari Loridon ,end sister et Byron
aver the holiday seesont
Mr. B. Quarry is spending [the hce-
idays weth friends at Lendoe,
Walter Widmeiger ie holidaying at
his home in tcm.
Spenoer and daughter of 8t,
Thomas ere viseteng at the 'noine of
ears. IL Mille..
Mrs. Parsons spent the ibolideYe
with friends at Exeter
Sev,eral ceilees were badly flooded
with water daring the reoent heavy
the w ?n Friengeeeekeyetintene
:Mr., Leonard Abbott is spending the
holidees with Jais friends atafiengtotteent
engeFranie lefitohell af Port :Huron
spent the holidays with his parent
on elate 2 tid con.
The sympathy of the community
is tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Ford in ithe loss of their little son
Efarry, aged 3 years. The Mile fele
low along with his sister Viola, aged
B nears were !taken sick n,eeely at the
same lame and as they were vomiting
it was supposed ey the medical atte•ne
dent that they had got poieonirtg. The
boy getting a great deal worse a
cortsulta.tion was asked for tend' the
consultant diagnosed the case as in-
terseption er the passing of one part
of the towel dowel into the oefeg
eo touch time had elapsed that noth-
Thing could iba done and the child
succumbed Ito or three hours later
The little girl is progressing fever,-
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church held ;their ennual meeting at
Lha parsonage The treasurers rer
port showed a prosperous year. .
Miss E, McLennan fell on the, icy
sidewalk on main street recently and
has teen laid fup ever sines Miss
Gillchrist. of London is ,attending her.
Mr. Tom Meadaws, who has beenl
spending Ithe winter at W. Meadows'
etas for the weste
Mrs. Shipataa.y has roeurned Immo '
Dam London; where Aci. hes bea un-
dergoing Itr,evement for her throat in
Victoria Hospital.
'Miss Ada lleinnerly, of: Stratford
Normal is spending the holidays lo
• 1
The Sea Shore a forte - eight
page book12 it with a striking 'cover
and more khan 100 illustrations has
ljust appeared describing the new
London district of 'Connecticut on the
Line of Ithe 'Central Vermont Railway
popular resort for Canadians in getc.-
era' and Montrealers in particular
wbich promises to be ten even more
than was old orchard in. its palraiest
days.Anyone who is worried over
th.e annual summer vacation problem
iosietelest if not inspiention
Jus t how varied are the resources
oe. [this oaeve territory can be realized
from the statment that they include
deep sea fisbing and bathing at New -
London; river boating on the Thames
saltwater bathing arta sand for the
youngsters at Ocean Beach, Watch
Rill and -block Island; as well as gol f
and 'tennis at Fisher's Island .New
Dondon is the secene every day of a
harvard gale boat race which correse
ponds in America to the historic cone
tests between Oxford and Cambridge
Universieles on the older Thames of
the British Isles and this sporting ev-
ent attracts large crowds of college
toer girls to the sturdy
Copies of this ptablication may be
had for ehe asking from any Grand
Trunk Ratwlt
iev,eiap agene or ICe'ntral Ver
, Intertheozled the teateyer.
Aniongst est. gluey stegie.s told. Gene
mini:fag Coventry 'Pan:tore, the poet,
the folliewinh, peekages, as one. of tiie
'Mese %reinsinge'
MOS Paemore lived in hes beau-
fietseklehoteseesteltsstings, a. kind of
11001,1441cirapore ibetriten.to feake
M .4 acquanatance.
"The. 'allow VMS •0110 of. the 141e3;et''
esIteveet panne ecreestn said Phtmore,
when shim/king ebout hi'm to a per-
sonal friend who relates the story.
-"One day Ile the early part el our
aequaentanee he came 'te ie fot inet
tidyice,tiles ;fife had purolaased a
ecestunte nt cam of the principal local
deepens, but when an assistant was
sent ,for to realm -certain aeteratione,
tne latter paelteel tenet and carried it
leaen • tie eke sbep. What should etse
%0 to site,d, naming nay
layger; 'and off he istaetedt
'Summon the people); said
`tlitit'is what ybn had better cite Wirt
wait have yeti paid for the dress?
If Ina, send a aback :and surname
t4m. afeernardset
:On /My *ore; "I' neyer thdieght of
hat," exeraisned the Other,Nhinocent-
y„; 'aed as I deinet happen to have
y purse, jest obliger me with your
heek. for the am!!ount"
"And I'll" be hanged,'" aeded Coy -
Mee Tatmore, elitseklieg, "If he did-
bambodzie the lawyereeInstead of
topping over the way no' went
traight home. Tbe dress was never
aidefer, ahd never got baek
me money.'
A Romance of Saierice.,,
But for the late Sir Joeeph Hooker
O orthe eomances of sciehce prob.
abiy wituld have been robbed, of its
ooler, for it was he' who perStut4led
Darvein to send eh his treatise on the
origin of speeins to the •liistorie .gath-
ering a the Linnean society- se that
it, might be consideree along with
that of Alfred Russel Wallace. The
exhilaratiag spectacle was thus pre-
sented of tgo giant nii•nds arrining
sireteltanecniely at the Sallee geed
goal. In the letter conveying his ae-
sent .Darwin wrote that ee sent hie
sketq)t ot 1£41 "solely that you thay
•seal, lee, your own handvaitying that you
M. read It. It is miserable in toe
to, care atall about prioritY-Lon,
don ebtonicle,
Writiag from Poplar, B.O., 2403. O.
Haneon, proprietress of the Cormier-
eial Hatel, days : "I suffered, foentears
' !With bleeding pile. The Pain Wee so
1 bad at times that fould herelly walk,
and ordinary renaedies seementietterly
uaable to give me any ease. Finally
I decide& le undergo an operation,
and went to the Sacred Heaetelospital
in Spokane. There they performedan
'operation. For a time I was certainly
"better, but within twelve months the
piles became as painful as ever. I
tried liniments, hot poulticesevarions
'pile curess'end indeed evelpthing I
could thiret would be likely dada any
good, but still I continued. to suffer,'
!end the shooting, burning stinging@
!pains, the dull, aching, ' worn-out ' I
Sfeeling that the disease causes 00U-ei
'tin:tied as bad as ever.
"One day I read about Zam-Buk
and thought I woeld try it The first
one or two boxes gave me more ease
than anything else I had tried, so]
went on with the treatieent„ In,,a
shortstinie I began to feel altogether
i'different and better. Wen, I went on
tieing Zam-Buk, and by the time I had
used six boxes I was delighted to fuel
myself entirely cured. That was time
years ago, and there has been no
Breturn of the trouble."
0 ZameBule is a sure cure for pike
'eczema, ulcers, abscesses, eruptions,
chapped bands, varicose sores, burns
scalds, bruises, inflamed patches, and
all skin injuries and diseases. Ie.
gists end stores everywhere, 50c. be
or Zam-Bek Co., Toronto, for price.
The Council of. the Township of
oSribteepdh„in. iconveaned in the Town Hall
previous meeting Nvera read and ad
April 1912
tonotileactapeyule ..thAelsuit edmaybeort
were presenn The minutes ef the
Elliotte-Kellerman— "That Bereave
No. 1,90 to bolero w the sum of Tete'
Thousand Dollars frcen the Canadian
Bank of UI)Mra'sn'OC CO, meet the cure
.rent p.ixpencliture for the present year,
having been read the third time was
passed and signed by lthe Reeve. and
Oltirki tine tene •ear ot ene Corperp
Shinn attached (hereto.” Carried.
The following wtre appointed to
serveana:J:1,h; m‘ma Pound.4.keeperg
Path-Masters' Con 1 —D. Smith'.
Thos. Elston. Jas. .P.arsnais Samson
Pareens, Nelson Iiteetale; 24 Blr6-4
Hicks. Charles Isaac, S. J., Eiggarthe
Jno. Willis, Iiirem Shariton, Wesleg
Dearing; e4-5 jno. Hepburn,. Richard'
Davey. John Cornish, George Ilirtzee
Frank Treibne.r, Sam Preszcator; dee
William Sims, Isaac Hill, Albert Fee*,
ner, 'John ,Morlock, Gottf Wein Jr.
8.9 Patrick Carroll: Wilfred Lawson
Chas, Babel., John Wein. W. H. .X313",
Ile e Albert Brown; 10-11: Edward
Hall, D. lelawhiemey William Mare
t.yn, John Bagear Thies Kestle;
',Tames Carey (lYieunt Carmel) DonIthi
Oetioxiatil, Jerry Campbell, Levi feel-'
aeher. Mi ik, Heitman, Edward Kre.ft
14-15 oto a Morrison.. Neevenee
Not:holes _Pollard, William Nichols, T.,
les Willert; IRA 9; John Berney,,
X1 Jacob Geiser, Warn. Sweitzer hipk
Chris Finkbeiner. David Webb, Ghapi.
Charles Sopiran; 16-17 John Houlaka
Clark, Rebottles Keys, Louis Wi jlioerbti,o
Webb; Robert Adair 28-21
Brown, W. II. Ilay ter, Humphrey
Webb, Abner lelollard ; A -13
Farrel, Steve en Webb, 23-6a bi
Wm. Lovie Wenn Holt, George Lovio
Joan Eagleson, Thomas Isaac. eite,
I3a t tram, LII1E—IIRWit Joseph, Breree
ner. Andr. Disjardine sr. SB. Edwar4
Sheet, James McCarthy, Naha Berney;
N.13 Fred (Iran gilaseStanlake Jere,
Wm. Sanders Teens Rader; Adaz:te
Birk, Nicholas ateeinget, Henry Rae'
der, \V\Ibly.
, \::iter Steel John Lather Step-
• Poued Moffaits
Hiram Shapien, W. 13. Geiser, W410.
lirokensbire, Joseph Hickey, Gectege;
Webb, Joseph Edwards, T J. Amyl.,
Chris leinkbeiner, Wen, Wade, Jone
-Brenner, 11. preeter, Silas Stanlakd
Wm. iimmer Albert Moser, Jereme
tab. Bropbey.
Fence 'Viewers. Daniel McCurd.v, Is
Hill 'Ezra Heist, Peter MacKenzie e
George IVIO,Whinney, Eli King, .1.64111"
)3roirn Geoz& 3)2i2iin , A u8 'nay ter,
The Itillowine orders ' were passed.
The Seer lerinting oefice accouhel
30.75: Cheseer Prone! Gratutity 2e.hel
IP, W earntown be Campbell's aa aril;
& W. 27„10; [teary Smite. Tile cons
0,57 Willitun White rep bridge 1.00e
Bert °leek painting town Hall 40.10it
Chas. Wolf teaming elank re Halt 24131
Tie no Beaver pain ti rag Town Hell
14,50; Charles Lochiler • Shoveling
&2t°)° egirl°11v9a2AVec.'fitee' f116111ctht.,
Weazol painting town Hall 14.50 14f
Webb t.4 gravel plt 1.50 3., Statham;
drawing anti v e 1 15.00. David W 8 WV.
)00 or Vt o ti g?vii arVt i51 10' . dS. . 15;06; G.
'Yea enutitl adjourn to meek again' •
in tfn: Town Hall Oto.iiton, 0,0 liinttro,
any, the lithdeya• colfirhylatsi,th,112011.ef
"hey lietle son had a very severe'
old. 1 WO.6 .1%?.ceolninended "'to try
Cheinberlaitin cough remedy, and bet..
fora two small bottles were, ilinisitedi,
libm was as well as ever," wtibe8Mia
le Seiko, 20 Dowling Eitreet Sydney
&esti-elle, This rented)" it or 6816 by
till dealers, . , ,