HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-4-11, Page 1iUARD YOUR HEALTriltso At this season of the year when the Weather ,Plaangee so sud ienly, Do not let a cold run. on, It may lead to Catarrh or something worse. HEXALL 11LISTE COD LIVER EXTRACT" ft heals •. ;M cures,. A splendid Spring "Tonic, Price $1 aBottle. ;On Drag Store zuf" ; Have You Tested its Merits. Hl'•R `3t' -EIGHTH YEAR—No 1991 Huron & Middlesex Gazette EXETER, ONT CANADA, THURSDAY 11IORNIN+GG, APRIL 11th 1912 JONES- & MAY I YOUrzFenv PHONE 3x :.: ARE READY WITH YOUR EASrE 8 ON,N E Our Milliners are very busy but are ready to take your order for. your Easter Hat. They are showing some0very dainty styles in the newest Paris and New York Effects, SEE OUR HATS BEFORE YOU BUY ! e„ NEW COATS AND SUITS Still a nice lot of Spring Suits and Coats to choose from. Nifty Styles and Good Colors. SUMMER DRESSES Our Ready -Made Dresses for Ladies, Misses and Children are just in. They are real beauties and come in all colors Prices are very Cheap. SWELL WAISTS We have a lot of New Cream Silk and Net Waists. Just right for Spring wearing. Also Some Good Blacks. LADIES' NECKWEAR In Collars, Jabots, Side Jabots and Coat Collars, Some very New Designs and Patterns. Just what you want. A11 prices to choose from. Dress Goods for Spring FANCY DRESS GOODS COTTON DRESS GOODS ' Bordered Voiles in all colors. Striped Voiles in all shades, Tans, Blues, Greens,. Browns, Greys and Blacks in great varieties. Bordered and Fancy Foulards. Cotton Voiles, Marquesettes, Jaquard Silks, Ginghams, Linens and Chambrays. MEN'S NEW SPRING WEAR Headquarters here for New Shirts and Col- - lays, New Hats and Caps, New Ties ' and Lounge Collars,'New Sox and Suspenders. HOUSE FURNISHINGS For House Cleaning—New Rugs, and Car- pets, New Matting and Jap Mats, New Lace. and Tapestry Curtains, New Linoleums and Oilcloths. NEW SHOES For Men, Women ,and Children, in Tan, . Black or Patent Phone 32 WALL PAPER For Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room or Kitchen. Jones it .May, Exeter Ladies are Delighted with CAMPBELL'S VA.RNIS II STAIN for re -staining and finishing Furniture, Wood- work and F1 oors They can do the work themselves witk excellent result" Sold in all colors in 15, 2: 45 and 85c tins cti I=NAfIEL of FREE } lA receipt that will absolutely break up any fever, no matter what caused it if taken time. I have used it twenty years without a failure, A postal card will bring it by return mail. Ad- dress C. R. Jenne 10 Alice Street Tor- onto. Watch for the Lady Demonstrator. Use Chi-Namel for all decorative purposes. All colors and Shades. USE OUR Ready -fixed Paints and Varnishes. Good brushes from 5c upI-IE. AHARDWARE AND STOVE STORE SCRANTON COAL ROOFING MtC. s �� 1912 Io The Times" to the end of r 75c TheneWsr~est paper in the :County AUCTION SALE General Merchandise —at the -- EXETER BtIRGfiIN STORE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, April, 11, 12 & 13 at 3 p. nna and 8p.ni Exeter School. Board iMinuites of the meeting held in the yown UTali Monday, April 81th, at'8 p. m. Absent F. W. Gladman and Ifs Woo& The following is. the order of business duly submitted and appro. v'eld., Per chair minutes of previous mhei~ltin►gl Reports of Committees, Wood, confirmaltion of O'itarch report, Insurance, refund of 20 per cent sc- oured. on list' premium; ]Lecture 'Corp:. March address given. by L. H. Dick- son Esq. further addresses to be held over for Sepltember term; Building coni., alterations procurable: for a ten room schoar with assembly hall and -basement at minimum ,cost', walls in first •class condition. Per R. N. Creech and I Armstrong that a careful and Mara o/a report presents d ley the building committee A. E. Fuke receive the special thanks of the •board. Per Aa E. Fuke and I Armstrong that he following paye moats he approved; 3. E. Creary, wood 114,00; :W. S,1 (Cole drugs 1 33; Advocate printing 13,65; E Dougall, wood i53.00 Toronto Supply Cow chem- icals; hem-icals; 24.40 Per R., N. Creech and Al. E. (Fake that the school including desks be 'thoroughly scrubbed during the present holidays; 'lir R+. N, Creech and A. E. Puke that i'he'H. S. Inspector•s report toe received , Per A. E: Fuke and R, N. Creech trhat the Public School report be received Per A. E. Fuke adjournment,, J. GRIGG, Secretary. Exeter Council A special meeting of the (sauna. was 'held Saturday evening the 6'tla insit. All members present with, the exception of Mr. Lovett,. The meet- ing was called for the purpose of taking into consideration the laying of a new sewer on the west' side of =in etreetr The reeve suggested that we secure the service of an en- gineer 'to take the levels and ,give us as •estimate of the probable cost of same. • Scott and Ford that we engage an engineer to take the. levels' and to give an estimate of the probable cost of the workt `' Rivers and Scott—That Mr Farm. combe had been doing the work of the town and so fax as he knew his work was quite satisfactory and that he be engaged to -engineer the job. Carried, r The Council adjourned to the call of the Reevo. Oil T. 13. CARLIING Clerk,, --Asti-- THAMESROAD .Mr, letter Whitlock spent a few days at Dundas last week'. Mr. 'Hal Brawn gave a dance last Monday evening and the young'people had et very pleasant tine. So far the farmers have ,not report- ed any extra big runs of sap this year but the sap is still running and of good qualiky. The quick thaw and extra flood- ing of the creeks• caused a number of small washouts around and a few farmers last bridges which were either demolished or washed away comple hely. Mr. Wes Arrns't\ong and his man were boiling sap in, the bush lost FriL day the A'uxSauble rase to such a height . that they had tot fall a. trek 'across the river before they were able to return to •the house: I t• has been suggested by some that the Duck pond at the corner of the Presbyterian church -vas in need of a little gravel. Mrs. S. Passmore and' her father moved to Exeter last week. l • • Before moving to our new premises, we have decided to "reduce our stock of Boots and ShoestHataand HCaps, Laces, Trimmings, Embroideries, Rb - bens, Corsets, Dress Goods, Boys' and and Men's Suits etc, Three Premier Separators for Sale Remember the Dat e and n Place .amu T EXETERBARGAIN •STORE School Reports Following is the result of the Huron l',romdtion Examinations held at S S. No. 5 Usborne on March 28 and 20 and April 1st based upon general pro. Helena.* throughout the the 'term tor, gether with. the teste. The names of pupils and their percentage are put down in order of their merit: I•t required 30 out of a 100 on each subs jeot and 60 on total. None getting below 30 on any one subjedt From Jr. 1411 to Jr 1V Ferrol Hig- gins; 185; Thelma Ford 80 Harold Moir 74; Orby • 1 estle 71; From • Jr. jiP1 to Sr. 111 Arnold Ford 63; Gordon Perkins 55; 'Charlie Prout 50; From Middle I T to Sr. 11. Mary Darman 5'8; From Jr If to Sr. 11 May Ford 78 Ch,a.rlie Fisher 69; Oran Moir 61; Amy Fisher 57 Laura Flicks 57 From Jr. .Pt 1 to 'Sr. Pt. 1 Russel Ratcliffe Violet Ratelif6e Tom Yellow. Jackie Aldington.. Jr. :Pt 1 George Moir Creseenit Dayman. J. A. 13rintnell teacher; Report of Easter Promotion .exams of S. S. No. 1 TTslborn,e,. E•nitran•ce class, marks olbtainab!e, 500. required to pass 300 John Dougal 333 ; Cecil Harris 146; Elgin Rowcliffe 340. !Meg'„ie Strang 331; Wilfred Don, - gal 327,; 0 •ltowcliffc 310; Elva 'Har vey 102. Sr. Class Mira Dew 485; Lily Selves 475; Frank Jarroltt 402; Jr, IV plass—K,aIto Sanders, 'Marvel Neil; Flossy Neil; Vera Bell, Ross Dick; IN class—Evelly+n Cann .Ila Mitchell; Clara Neii, Clifford Moir; Lorne Oke„ Mac. Donegal, Alice Dick Rosa 1Starr. Laura Nail Sr. Class Lein Purdy, Annie Strang; 'Torn Dougal •I Wilber Selves; );axl Mitchell Percy :Harris; Jr IX Glndvs. (Dew Mamie Selves Harold Woed Edgar Cudmor e Aver age alitend•anse for Match 34' W. 13, Rydall Teachers o-- RN ago CORIIIVEATI—AI' the Ssuble Line,, Stanley March 25'h to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vorriva'au a son. ETUE—At the Snnblc Line ;Stanley, ft/torch 51tJi '2 to Mz end Mrs. Sired • hi a Heave a; soon„t lytoBBLD73—At the Town Line Staniey en March 1.Mh to Mr. and Mrse'S. McBr. i.a e <a. 'sorsa. LITTLE —At Zurich on Sunday :1st Be Fs BEAVERS Marehl Ito Mr. land Mrs, H. L.%t.tlel fir' :Soba( W. H. COLLj1GV'S Manager of The Canadian Bank o`. Cansmerce, who leave on Friday 'to take charge of the Branch at Brock, ville. Mr. G. IL 'Waugh who succeeds him in Exeter arrived on Wednesday Locals Mr. John Welsh Is in Toronfo this creek on business. Dr.- Rollins of Mimico spent Mdp; day visiting in -town. Mrs Thos. Creech who recently un - d• rwent an operation is improving nicely, • Rev. A. Barker of Seaforth visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coul'tis a few days last week. Don't. forget to hear Miss Rhoiddtti. of Detroit at the•Oden Tylme •oncert of Detroit at the Olden Tyme Concert We would like to get a copy of the 'Times”; of March 14th ind would appreciate the favor if some- one would send us in a copy: Mr: James Dickens of Birmingham Eng.. who is visiting Canada spent the Easter holidays at the home of Mr. ,john W. Welsh London Road north;. Mr. M. F. Salter, who for the past 15 years .tis been butchering with Mr, 4. 3. Ford, has resigned his pos- ition. and leaves in a few days for Landon where he` has accepted a si.nb- ilar position Mr. and Mrs. Salter have many friends in town who will regret their departure: LOST-I,n Ezatr;r about a month ago a fox *arrior answering to the name of Skip. The dog • was white having five spats.. one on each hip and an each shoulder and one •on. the head he also 'had a black bobtail, John Routly Winchedseat, By using. Campbell's Varnish Stain Graining Process you will produce a fine effect over any old discolored' flcror. First •apply the Ground; color then the surfacer, going over it with the Graining roller; finish with C.am- bell's ..Varnish stain, Light ak or any desired Shade. It wears Jibe iron Ask W. J. I3eaman.about it. Friday, passed off ciuiet_1y in. town. 'I'h • ,tsy wns ideal, the sin shone_ out brightly and many citizir. p radod ttel streets Bonin; for the first time he it new spring outfits, • Many spent the clay out: of towe chile a great many were in town visiting with rola i Ives and friends. On Sun- day tL -weather turned colder. Rev. E. G. Powell was called to Oorunna. on Monday morning on as - ratan of his mother's death Mrs. G. Powell. Mrs. Powell was born in I rerana ane came, 'ta Canada when a sgirl and was a member of Abe Methodist church all heir life. 'Ale though 82 years old she did her own work and was around as usual on Saturday night. She took a slight Stroke and passed away on Sunday Funeral will be held in Methodist church Cern ant on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock • Remains Brongh't Home—The re- mains of the late E. N. Boon. ivho: was killed at Thorold whip brakeing; on a freigh:t train and mention of whose death was made last week, were brought to Exeter on Thursday last and were interred in the Exeter cemetery on 'Friday. The funeral wns prirvaitc the I. 0. F. of which he MIS •a member assisting in the ser- vices. A.mang those who were in at lendance were Mr. and Mrs. E. Vroo- man of Cope town. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry :Baker of St. Thomas. Bo yotr Ofie east 014,1 t In graixr Ilse it tl .e te>s e +f 4y. its virtue is ugcluest aUedo k* why neglect eonaetlii l,g, that naeankso0)0 to you, Better^ tet ready now,. e 'WA flue received a large sinlawent fresh 'tee1p the manufacturers, If' You get it at Cola* . Os.good, .Drug Store $1.00 Set year in adwalzce i•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •t••o4lroes4A•4••••e•4a►•ad4.r • 4 O • 4 O • O 4► w 4• 4' e 48 O •b • 41 • 4 1 o. • • O 4 4 • 4 e B •0 0 e 0 • • O • 0 4 • 4D * 94 • • 4 4 O 4> 4 e 4 4 e O 0 • 0 4 New spring Sto6k 01 GENTS' FURNISHINGS Opens: This Week No Job Stock or last • O 4 • qty. • 4► •0 8 • • • 4P 4 • 0 • • 0 0 4 4 4 year's styles carried over, but a COMPLETELY NEW STOCS, This assur- es you the latest to be bad for DRESSEY MEN. When you get it here you know it's new. Come to us for Ready -to -Wear Suits; Spring Overcoats; Fancy Vests; Pants and Oyeralls; Plats and Caps; Shirts, Collars and Cuffs; Gloves, Underwear and Socks. Cloihes That Keep Shape TAMAN made -to -measure clothes are shape retaining. Every yard of cloth, the canvas, the haircloth, the wigan, the lining that goes in the inside, is aII thoroughly shrunk by ®' special process before being made up. That is why Taman m, garments retain their style points , until worn out—and �' they cost no more than ordinary garments. • 4 We Are Now Showing • The evil n.-. Lines 4 ��Opp • MERCHANT TAILOR O • 40.000400000•00090.0400000004P0000000400• ► ••♦06.90064600 ap ELIMV ILLS Mrs. N. Ogden on 'Wednesday last met with a very painfulaccident, I,n some manner she slipped and fell putting her ankle out of joint. The doc`or was called who dressed the in- jerf ;;nib and sha is doing well]. ' ITM%r . Wm. Jacques who has been seriously ill for the past three weeks js improving slowly. Mr. Sidney Wilson iris been confini- ed to his hone for the past stwo weeks with a severe attack of rhos - ma tism. Mr. J.% T. Parkinson president of the Lko,ncc 'n teachers Association is spendign 'the holiday swith his moths ce• Mrs. S. Parkinson of Elimviller Mr. and Mrs, Charles Jaques of S'tratlfrord spent Easter with the for- naves or'mgr's mother Mrs. Wm, Jaques. The 'Hicks brothers are getting a large new Gals'tone engine for cutting weed telt'ei i ' The Thaw—The dem at the river was somewhat damaged on Friday caused by a big ice jani just above it Fed lbyie the sudden thaw the Aux Sable rose suddenly Friday afternoon to the dimensions or raging torrents. With the rising of the waters the to began to move and piled up. and and part of the Dam was carried wayi A Lean, of men worked there most of the night, Throughout the townships several bridges and culver- ts were damaged The bridge en Mr. Samuel Cuclmares farm was carried in ay, Several washouts in the roads were reportedi• 7 aster Sunday was br'fitingly eel-, obrnb'd with services of son,ee in Civ.• 'r4'sby'terian church on Sabbath last. 'l'3. -hair of the church assisted by :'rof. W. Brown and Mr, L. C. neon - !op; of Galt, rendered some excellent •pprnprih•'`•' mnsic while the pastor Rev. S. 5, Sharp pr'aehed two very •ocrIt I sermons. The program as as insibi'she el in lass sc.'e ks issue -is r5rri,, r cut in full. On Monday r nins n a„cred concert was held ,Irl es re est,' lovers it- nets a rare? ".•rnat. The singing of, the choir, in solos, cluetts trios quartettes and an,- thorns was of a wry high order and trtu'oll appredia'ted by those Drese'nt.• i c t 14 r. Fred. Sharpe of 'Shipka., and Mss Bertha Hobbs, of Thorndaier iwer.r quidtly married on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Mr. McCracken of ll;derton at the residence of the, brides brother -inn -law Squire William Taylor of 35i Central avenue London 4 d 4. 4 Some ladies always Iook young —many of thein use— FACE CREAM A quarter buys a big jar of it. It soothes the skin and keeps the complexion clear and is not greasy. Anything you buy with the name w01 gtvg yon entire satiatte•- tion W. S. HOWEY, Pima. EXETER ONTARIO! ;.•:. 4. s:..;:4.: 4+444.4 +4 :.4'444•4-1 $'++ 44.4, 1444+4 +4 ++4+4 ++�II.44"1"t' priI Bargain . Sheet! ■ Powell's Bazaar Phone 55 3 BIG DAYS 3 �i Commeneinir FRIDAY, APRIL 12th, 1012, we will put on sale a .1. t FinestWHITE Granr teware ever BLUE AND Large shipment o Ethe p shown in .Exeter, eclipsing anything we guar attempted, 800 pieces. in :5! ,. all and nothing over 2 Cents. The early shopper will be in luck. So, get here Early. Remember AP111L 12th, 13th and 15th, Three Big Days, This Graniteware is imported from Germany andis best grade. Other Specials in April day to sell at Job dha s wilbe here most any an job lot of H, i. g A big Prices, Wait and see ttr.c�nd. Clothes Pins 59 for 5 cents. Baby's fi'tvitl Soap 20 cents a Dozen. Three Prizes given free at the Candy Counter' Ask about it, See the prizes in South Window, Bring. Your Friends to the Big 3 Days Sale. Conte Eariv. *444.444+44444+++++4.4444.4'4444+++++444444++++14++.444 qy.