HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-02-16, Page 116 Nod GOPERMS ,P1.41447 4• . `CILASSIFIC;ATiONS .. • 24Won, ted to rent 1: Articles for sale 7. R.V:'s foc sole 13..Mob�rio'l'omes . 19. Rooms tor rent -...30. Room & bawd a5, Wanted to buy 2. Yard tale E. Marine 14. Pecrettionol properties 3. Garage sale 0 Automotive ' 15. Qut of town properties ' 21. Cottages for rent 26, Help wonted.: t x. Antiques for sale 10. Pets for safe 16. For rent 22. Lots for rent " 27. Wanted (generoe 5. Cars ter sale 11. Livestock for sole 17. Apartments for rent 23. Commercial property . 29' Businessuopportt#nity 6. Trucks for sale 12. Reol;estate for sale 18. Houses for rent for rent 1.. Articles for sale SINGER for authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431,-1 tfor AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, Ijme and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available of Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating. Kingston Street, •Goderich.-1 tfar 3Q. Employmeot wanted 3] . Service directory 32 Coition) work 33.. Form services 344. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sole • 39. Educational 40. Lost .& Found 41. To give away 42, Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44: Engagements 45. Marriages • 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks • it firs jossifitld: llson; o-£! #It 1,?'Po�R ailutttAaT�.. sem; lgt iiit. Oil**11 lyildx Wilt l> gia�, '01,1 94 ortti..l 4 psprite'doy. ,IQRD C ASSSWIED ft IES; *at .tniM /.23 Wards, 1 a Wards: tbereafter 13 Mom.oriom. 1%75 min p14.5731$ per rhymed )lno tsf Verse. 'Cards of ,Tbanke 113,75 mina/;ZS words. $4 a word thereafter, Public Notice 116 for 3. insertrofs Notice to t*reditgrs "2:7 for,3insertions, "22 for sertipns; 'i7 for 1 insertion. Special rates avctiiable'by 6 or 12, months: no copy change. Ask, about oqr special discounts. for prompt.poyment. MONDAY TO JRIDAY• 5-24-8331 WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heoter, liner. Single, queen or king. Sove money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. Call collect (416)637-6904.-O-20tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck I.D.A. Phar- macy, 14 Shoppers Square. Goderich, 524-7241,-7eowar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-7eowar CRISP JUICY APPLES, $4.50 a bushel and up. Fresh cider, ap- ple butter, red and white . potatoes, .onions and honey. Cider barrels 14 and 45 gal. at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037.-1 tfar PERMA BUILDINGS. Take ad- vantage of our winter clearance on a limited amount of steel buildings at FANTASTIC sav- ings. Why wait and pay more? Call now!! ! 1-416-625- 4093.-0-7 -416-625-4093 O 7 1. Articles for sale FRIDEN ELECTRIC POSTAGE METER - Model 60-9225. Surplus as result of business change. To clear $150.00. Also number of Challenge High Speed quoins, 6, 9, and 12 inches - 515.00 each. Tel. (519)527-0240.-0-7 _ 10 FT. STAINLESS turkey water troughs, $35.00; 10 ft. chicken feeders, galvanized $10.00; stainless $18.00; 450 KVA to 75 KVA double throw transfer switch, $2,500.00. Martin's Metal Shop, (519)669-8400.-0- 7 CUT AND KEEP. Gingham Cross Stitch, Box 401, Eckville, Alber- to, TOM OXO. Apron tend Tablecloth patterns, book 1, 2, and 3. $5.50 ppd, each book. -O-7 USED SEWING MACHINES - Like new condition, wide selection of makes and prices, from $55.00. One year free home ser- vice. Twenty-five years ex- perience. Several nice used cabinets. High quality new open arm machines from $279.50. We deliver and demonstrate. Phone 482-7809.-2-7 MADE TO ORDER - Hand and machine knit garments. Specialize in Icelandic sweaters. Phone 482-7944.,-30 BROWN/WHITE BABY CHICKS; special meat, Heavy breed Cockerels (White Rock); 3 - week -old Capons. Small orders our specialty. Guaranteed delivery. Bonnie's Chick Hat- chery, Box 154, Elmira, Ontario, N3B 2Z6.(519)669-2561.-0-7 BLACK & DECKER radial arm sow, nearly new, asking $300.00. Phone 524-6837.-7 SWIMMING POOL SALE - Manufacturer is having o pre- seosap . pie on, new,- .above-., ground pools: complete with filter, . motor, deck, walk - around, fence. Regularly $2,295.00, now $1,295.00, while supply lasts. Book now for spr- ing delivery. Call collect 1-416- 523-6467 for more details: -5- 8x AS A RESULT OF THE SALE of our newspapers, our Phillips 320 electronic accounting machine is for sole. Handles payroll, receivables, payables, .- trial balance, advertising lineage, etc. for community newspaper. Tel. (519)527-0240.-0-7 HARDWOOD FOR SALE We WIII Deliver Call 482-7171 FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD 4'x8'xl'-'30.00 Delivery - '35.00 Must order 2 cords before delivery "CASH" 524-6311 524-8198 1. Articles for sale STOCK REDUCTION SALE - over 1,000 rifles, shotguns and scopes must be cleared. Huge savings on all items in store. Village Market Guns. Under- wood. Phone 368-7182. Open 7 days. --3-8 BROTHER PORTABLE typewriter, student model, in good condi- tion:524-9545- 524-9545.-7 1972 CHRYSLER Newport. Toaster over). Electric heater.' 9ropane hot water tank. Phone 524-.7560.-7 WOOD FOR SALE, dry hard maple, beech, cherry, split and piled one year. $30.00, 4 ft: x 8 ft. ii' 14 in. Will deliver. Phone 524.9854,-7,8 BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. 04 north of Clinton, 11/4 miles south of Londesboro - watch for our sign! By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523-9508.. 45eowtfor FREEZER FILLER SPECIAL Hinds of Beef Fronts of Beef Sides of Beef Long Loins of Beef 1e721b, 1.291b. 1`.4914. 1.891b. Hips of Beef 1.891b. Whole or Half 1.1914. Pigs Prices include cutting, wrapping .& quick freez- ing gross weight SPECIAL Med. Ground Beef to *01 4.90 Homemade Seesege ;061.49.90 Baff Potties to 6014.90 Homemade Heed ckustl OPEN Mon. -Fri. $ am -4 pm Set. s em till noon Ripley Abattoir 395.2905 or 395-2979 maims 1.256. INGLIS AUTOMATIC washer, perfect condition, four years old; six Colonial type kitchen choirs, $100.00. Phone 524-8485 after 3:30 p.m. or 524-7348 days. 7,8 81 FOOT boat anchor chain, link size 7" long, 5" wide, 1'/2" thick. Phone Lucknow 528-6792.-7 CHERRY WARDROBE, 25" x 46" x 83" high; one wardrobe and storage, 26" x 60" x 83" high. In excellent shape. Coll 524-8131 afternoons for more information. -7 4.5 OUTBOARD motor, good runner, $195.00. New 1/2 h.p. SP motor, $59.00. New 3/4 h.p. SP motor, two barrel com- pressor, would make good spray unit, $138.00. Phone 524- 7181, -lar 200 MM F4 Hexer lens, Konica mount. Asking $75.00.. Phone 529-7795.-7,8 TYOSET KEROSENE heater, 19445 BTU, good for form use, asking 5350.00 or best offer. Call ofter 5 p.m. 524-2085.-7,8 QUANTITY OF hay for sale. Phone 524-8021.-7,8x 1975 900 KAWASAKI Police Special, in excellent condition. Please call after 6 p.m., 524- 2879.-7 MAPLE SYRUP. Taking orders now. Larry Fisher, 524-9595.-7- 12 APPLES - EXCELLENT hard ap- ples fresh out of controlled at- mosphere storage. Spys;` $7.95 a bushel. Other varieties, Mut- zu, Mocs, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious and Spartan at regular prices. Crunican Bros., 1'/2 miles south of Elginfield, Hwy. 4 on your way to London. Phone 666-0286:-7,8 SKLAR CHESTERFIELD and chair; velvet drapes; Sklar swivel rocker; three-piece antique bedroom suite. Phone 524-, 2234.-7 CREATIVE CIRCLE Needlecraft Kits through home demonstrations. Be a hostess and earn beautiful kits free. OPEN HOUSE February 23, 1983. Call Cory Kuipers 524- 4459.-7,8 - 1970 SKIDOO 399 T & T. reasonably reconditioned, 5200.00; 16" block and white TV; Lloyds AM/FM stereo, 8 track cassette receiver and turntable, best offer. 524- 6866.-7 WATERBEDS- complete • with pedestalpine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit. $259.00 at Vanostra Fur- niture. 482-7922.-27tfar THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up from 5'6", 7' and 9', 545.00; three 40" 1 Beam rods with run- ners, 59.00. Phone 524-8331 between 9 a.m. • 4 p.m., ask for Carol.-26tfnx MODERN, WALNUT, eight -piece dining room suite, includes buf- fet, hutch, sideboard, table, four chairs. Will sit ten people. Phone 524.6780,-45,47tf . C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USW WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONET Ya MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich S24.7'231 We even Taft. Trade', THINKING of building? We've got the solution - the most com- plete line of steel buildings available for .farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Coll collect anytime (705)474- 1180.-27otf 9.. Automotive APPLES $4.50 per bushel . and up, all varieties available. Fresh apple butter, cider, potatoes, onions. Bulk cookies. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, R.R.2, Goderich, 524.8008.-42tf POOL TABLES = Slate, all sizes, delivered, installed. For infor- mation phone Bob .Tanner, Listowel, 1-800-265-3228 or 1- 291-3617 evenings. We also buy slate tables. -4-7 . ..... ..... . . . Sellingyour car? Need e. Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only$23.95 GODERICH` 11. Livestock for sale 15. Out of towni, properties GOOD SELECTION of York, Hamp, Duroc, and crossbred boars. Ready for service. ROP tested, herd health approved. Priced to suit most any budget. - Some meeting QS standards. Vista Villa Forms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R.4, Walton, 345- 2317.-7-9 12: Real estate for sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: In Seaforth, one floor, 3 bedroom house, close to uptown, chur- ches and schools, full base- ment, gas heat. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE - MAKE AN OFFER! Phone 527-0673 (nights) or 527- 0240 (days). and ask for Kathy,-2tfnx APARTMENT BUILDING FOR SA1,E • 28 unit, three storey walk-up ' in Csoderich. Asking $380,000.00 5295,000.00 -first -01901£1991t, „at .14% ,.i+l,tti! ..1,985. Over $92,000.00. gross income, 15% return on investment. Call Annis & Associates Real Estate & Insurance, 1-519-672- 1981.-7,8ar BOY'S THREE-PIECE suit, light brown. size 8, wilLinclude shirt and fie, $50.00. Excellent condi- tion. Phone 524.6753 offer 5i30" p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend.-6tfnx . BOY'S THREE-PIECE suit, blue - grey color, size 12-14, will in- clude shirt and tie, 550.00. Ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weeken21.-6tfnx 5. Cars for sale 1976 OLDS DELTA 88 Royale, PS, PB, 350 motor. Phone 524- 7215.-4tfnx 1976 DUSTER Slant 6, was cer- tified last April, asking 51,000.00 or best offer as is. Phone 524.2006.-7tfnx• FARMS FOR SALE , TWO STOREY •FIELDSTONE HOUSE - Built in 1847. Solid barn with silo. Large garage with workshop. 70 acres systematically tile drained, balance in random, tile and pasture. Located just north of Sheppardton is this 100 acre farm which has lust' een listed for quick sole. Call ill Clifford for a showing today, S24-9097. 100 ACRE CASH CROP - with .1'/a storey` home. Steel.clad pole born set-up for pigs (starter to finishing); Township of Colborne. Owners will assist with terms and is well worth asking price. Details and more information by calling Jack Cummings, 524-9624. COUNTRY BR CK large 4 bedroom family home. Original barn has two additions, feeder and farrowing set-up. 2 silos, driveshed and storage shed. F.C.C. mortgage, 10 1/8%. Over 100 acres workable. Shown by appointment only by calling Steve Buchanan, 524-4478. SMALL HOLDING - 14 acres with raised custom-built ranch home. HOBBY FARM with 43 acres, family home and pole barn 40'x40'. SPORTSMAN'S FARM • 74 acres, reforestotion, trout stream plus refurbished home. PLEASE call our sales staff as they would be pleased to give you more information. details and a personal show- , Ing on the above-mentioned farm properties.. Bill Clifford Realtor 524-9097) or 524- '1951. - 1980 AMC EAGLE, 4r wheel drive, stationwagon, automatic, factory rustproof, four new Goodyear radials, well main- tained. Phone 524-2191 Ext. 254 or 395-5079 (after 5 p:rtl:).-7 6. Trucks for sale 1969 FORD Econoline Von, A-1 condition, $2,500.00 certified, or best -offer.. Phone 482- 3548.-7 10. Pets for sale ate. HOMES FOR SALE YOU'LL LOVE this attractive home with many extras. Living room has fireplace, kitchen hos laundry facilities. Large addition which makes an ideal family room or extra bedroom. 3 bedrooms, and 3 pc. bath on second floor. Huge lot with fenced yard. Call ENID BELL to inspect this family home today. PERFECT ANSWER - Starter - retirement. Bayfield Rd., 11/2 storey, 2 bedroom home. Beautifully finished interior throughout, formal dining room, free maintenance ex- terior. You'll be proud to own, as it's one of the many homes Bill Clifford.Reoltor offers, and the best part of all - it's priced to sell. NOWREDUCED: 3 br. home backing on Robertson School playground. .Immaculate condition. Fridge . and stove included. Asking $30,000.00 Call Enid Bell 524-9097 or res. 524-8191. $6,000.00 IN GRANTS toward building your new home. For lots from $2,900.00 to 525,000.00 call Enid Bell 524- 9097, res. 524-8191. PLEASE call Bill Clifford Realtor 524-9097 or 524- 8951. FOR SALE Six -month-old female Plott pup for coon hun- ting.. Repiy 10 Drawer 0183, c/o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486.-6,7x 11. Livestock for sole DAIRY GOAT Herd, 15 does, 10 yearlings, 2 bucks. Previously Grade A license shipped milk. Phone 61,3-476.5309.-0.7 13. Mobile homes MENESET PARK, 68 Cherokee, 68 x 12 Bendix, two bedroom, 111/2' x 10' and 14'/2' x 9'. Very efficient oil furnace -(Sept. 76 to Feb. 83 oil costs were below 51,700.00). Owner has made tasteful interior changes. Ex- cellent Choice for starting out, or for retired or semi retired. Open to offers. 524.9174.--5-7 PRICE REDUCED over 53,500.00, 14 x 70 ft. mobile with partial basement and 10 x 20 ft. deck. Must sell. We are moving. Phone 524-7555.-6;7 , 17. Apartments for rent LOVELY ONE or two bedroom apartment in the country with a view, located ld minutes north of Goderich, at Port Albert. Phone 529-7775.--40tf SALTFORD - two bedroom apartments, carpet', throughout, available immediately. $200.04 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-9166.-5tf 24.Wonted, to rent GOOD CLEAN house, with fireplace. Close to or in Goderich or Port -AlbeUt. Reasonable rent. References. Please call Ripley 395-5960 after 6 p.m. --31 tfnx FOR SALE: 60 x 12 Pyramid set up in Mobile Home Park at R.R.S, Clinton. Fridge, stove, Washer, dryer, new rugs and drapes. Immediate possession, $12,500.00. Phone 482.7066.-7- 10 ' 16.' for rent IOW 46160101111010 MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, 530.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524.6777 after 6 p.m.- 33tfnx TWO BEDROOM apartment, near Square and hospital. Available March 1st. Apply in writing to Box 353, Goderich, Ont. NTA 4C6.--6,7 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. illu.wat.r Cleaners 524- 4231. LOCAL BAND needs space for practice and equipment storage. Phone 529-7930.-6,7 SINGLE BEDROOM or bachelor apartment required immediate- ly. Please write Drawer 181, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 486.-6,7 SPACIOUS THREE bedroom apartment,'".,recently redecorated, doe to the Square, available March 1st. References required. Phone 482=3312 after 6 p.m.-6tfnx URGENTLY NEEDED in Bayfield area by .April 1st, three bedroom winterized home, un- furnished. Call Waterloo 1.884- 0921.-7,8 UNFURNISHED, upstairs apart- ment, centrally located. Phone 524-9038, after 5 p.m. -7x . '25. Wanted to buy PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669-2198.-3tf USED HOUSE trailer. Phone 524-, 6438.--6,7 POST CARDS PRE 1950 wanted. Top prices paid including your postage costs. Mail your post cards for my offer or write Neil Hayne, Bath, Ontario, KOH 100.-0-7 POST CARDS WANTED. Private collection. Will travel to your home and pay cosh for your old picture post cords. P. McWhin- nie, 44 Colquhoun " Crescent, Hamilton, L9C 4W8, 416.383- 8727.-0-7 BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION Ono and two bedroom apartments for rent.. Cable. Fridge and stove included. All utilities paid. ;,Security con- trolled. PHONE 524-6653 EXERCISE BIKE, in good condi- tion. Please write Drawer 184, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, NTA 4B6. -7,8x , - USED MUSKRAT traps. Phone 526-7230anytime. 7x 18. Houses for rent er'on 3 R. HOUSE, 5285.00 per mon- th. Central location. Call Enid Bell 524.9097,.res.1524.8191, Bill Clifford Real Estate.-7or 20. Room ft board 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR., for eodertch and District Association for the Mentally Retarded.. To be responsible for a variety of programs to meat the needs of developmentally handicapped individuals residing in the community., Demonstrated managerial ability Including fiscal management. needed. Awareness of Ministry legislation is helpful. Ability to develop and implement community pro- grams is also necessary. Experience in Mental Retarda- tion desirable but not necessary. Salary Is negotiable. PLEASE FORWARD RESUME, BY FEBRUARY 28, 1983 to: Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, P.O. Box 527. GODERICH, Ont.. N7A 4C7 CASH for Us.d Trailers. Mobile Haines- end Modular Nems TRAILER MART LONDON 685-1110 COUNTRY ROAD LODGE - private rooms, meals, 24 hour supervision, etc. for Senior Citizens and retirees. Dorothy Farrish, R.R.3, Lucknow, On- tario, 395-5283.----2tf 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,00Q square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 27.17.-261f OFFICE SPACE for rent. Available immediately. Phone 524.8845 offer 5 p.m.-36tfnx 26. Help wanted CARETAKER WANTED for Vic- toria Street , United Church, duties to commence April 1st. Apply before March 11th to Ben Freeman, 216 Bayfield Rd., phone 524.8857.-7x Offices To Rent 521,44382 AVON THE NOSY sUCcIS$,UL OtRECT-UELLING COMPANY IN THE WORLD Is looking for people who want to make good $5$ FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME. Cell: 524-8589 • or 482-9524 27- Wanted (general). WANTED: Color TV aerial, ,booster, refer, etc. and small . portable color, TV. Phone 0 523- 4455.-4 Experienced COMPOSING ROOM Personnel Wonted Daytime and evening, part time. Preference will be given to versatile applicants with excellent typing skills. Apply in Writing by February 23'83 To SIGNAL STAR PUBLISHING LTD. Attention ,Lloyd Lounsbury Composing Room Supervisor Box 220 Goderich, Ontario N7A 456 Fabulous Food and r=un'all in One+ }}uttpti's ?cLdf1g LICENCED UNDER LL, B.O. 360 BAYFIELD RD.. GODERI.CH . HAVE YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A LEPRECHAUN? We are looking for hardworking, mature and sincere individuals that will contribute to our new concept of pro ing' fast and friendly` service with excellent fo d reasonable prices. At M phy's the customer is King! and our success and rowth In business as a result has made it neces ail( to increase our full time kitchen staff. While xperience for this position Is an asset, good attitude is a must! If you feel you have something to offer our organization, drop in for an application Mornings from 10 am to 11:30 am or Afternoons from 2 pm to 4 pm. Ask for Mr. Lloyd. Please, no phone calls! TWO TO THREE hours daily for training of standprdbred horses. Phone after 5 p.m. 524- 9155.--7 ,1r ,M ,M �► +1► OPPORTUNITIES OFA LIFETIME Just Phone or Visit THE CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 520 Wellington Street. London, Ontario NSA 3R2 Phone 679-5110 (collect) or visit our Mobile offices In the Federal Building 12:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Sarnia . e Stratford. . Goderlch e e Woodstock Tillsonburg .. . . . . e . e e' o . o . Every Wednesday .1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month 2nd and 4th Thursday of etwh month .. Last Monday of each month . Vita's No Lite Like 1t THE CANADIAN MIMEO FOAM "086,24/01/11.111 CASH FOR GOLD All Gold and- Silver items, rings, watches. earrings, chains, medals and dental gold. Damaged or broken items acceptable. Special prices for Canadian and American silver coins, arty . con- dition. Also buying any foreign silver coins. • ELGIN STUDIO & FRAME SHOP 106 The Square Goderfch • Exclusive ' Agent in Goderich for Northland Gold S. Silver Inc. N:3. Business opportunity BEAT INFLATION. Raise large,, bait worms at home for extra, income. Neat, odorless opera- tion. Low investment. Terra Worm Farms (since 1975), R.R.1, Stratford, Ontario, N5A • 6S2: (519)625-8140.-21 tf EARN*MONEY NOW! Learn. In come Tax prepjrfro�ion by car respo geke Ee%1i:chum, Ito obligation. U &I? Tax Schools, 1148 Main St., Winnipeg, Man. R2V4 356.-0-7 REQUIRED GENERAL practi- tioner for 20 bed hospital in growing community northeast . Edmonton - new clink. Applica- tions. to John Dudor, Board Chairman, Myrnam, Alberta, TOB 31(0. Phone 403-366- 2441.-0-7 TELEVISION TECHNICIAN, good knowledge of Zenith, 5 years' experience. Capable of troubleshooting with oscilloscope. Neat, self motivated. Apply Advertiser 0282, c/o Picton Gazette, Box 80, Picton, Ontario, KOK 210.-0.7 TRUCKING CAREER. Transport drivers needed. Train now for your Class A licence. Write, Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, P.O. Box 3186, Cambridge, Ontario, N3H 4R6.-0-7 WANTED: G.M. for Alberta print shop and town newspaper:- REQUIRE:' produc- tion, pricing and estimating ex- perience. Contact Andrew Kyle, 2500-700.2nd Street, S.W. Calgary, AB. T2P 2W2.-0-7 BRYAN DURST would like to thank everyone who applied for parttime work in the Benmiller area - poultry form. Due to the overwhelming respon$e, pew sonal repiiOS weren't possible. The po Pion has now been filled .--lor 27. Wonted (general) ARE YOU interested in learning o simple skill that could earn you an excellent income in your spare time. I've .earned up to $300.00 in a day. Private train- ing. Enrollment limited. Phone 523-4455 after 6 p.m. -7 30. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT children .in Tiy home;, - reliable person, , ex- perienced mother. Part-time or full-time. Phone 524-7519.-7-9 YOUNG MAN, 21, looking for employment on dairy, beet, cash crop or trucking. Phone 482-3295.-7 INTE'RE51E'D in leasing depen- dable tandem truck chasslt for spring fertilizer delivery. Please coil 529.7901.7,8dr 31. Service directory CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERA- TIONS, 24 to 48 hour service fpr minor and major sewing. Dianne Mallough, phone 524- 2492.-6-32 HAS THE HIGH ` cost of machinery repairs got you down? Repairs to all makes and models of farm and industrial equipment. Specializing in repairs to international Harvester equipment. Ex- perienced, .-certified, farm equipment mechanic. Reasonable rates. Contact J. A. Culbert, 529.7469,-6,7 GARDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE 1. AP- PLIANCES - bought 1. sold. We deliver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 CHROMATROPE UPHOLSTERY AND VINYL SERVICE 45 E'A%T ST. :, Goderich *FREE ESTIMATES* NOW f. TAYLOS 482.7925 PELLOW CUSTOM CARPENTRY *RonovOtions . *Homo Ropotrs *Free astir:wogs LICEN* IID CiUDIN? N Phone: Fred Peliow 524-2406