HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-02-09, Page 110 &Country CLASSIF1E GUDDEmcn SIGN4L°ST , WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1W3, -PAGE 11 RI*DLIi1 Ss Classified wont ads of 12 noon. Tuesday. Too late to ossify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m.. same cloy. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.75 min./2.3 words, 17.9 a word whereafter. in Memoriam '3.78 min. plus 309 per rhymed One of verse. Cords of Thanks '3.75 min./25 words, 54 a word thereafter. Public Notice '16 for 3. insertions. Notice to Creditors '27 for 3 insertions. '22 for 2 in- ' sertions, '17 for 1 insertion. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our special discounts far prompt payment. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sole . 3. Garage sole 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sole 6. Trucks for safe 7. .V. sfor sole E. Marine Automotive 10. Pets for sole 11. Livestock for sole 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 19. Rooms tor rent 24. Wonted to rent 14. Pecreational properties 20. Room & board 25. Wanted to buy 15. Out•of town properties , 21. Cottages for rent 26. Help wonted 16. For rent 22. Lots for rent 27. Wonted (general) 17. Apartments for rent :illi 23. Commerciol property 28. Business opportunity 1'8. Houses for rent for ren) 29. Tenders NT A 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 32. Custom work • 33. Form services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36: Announcements, notice 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sole 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. TO give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Cord of thanks MONDAY TO FRIDAY 524-8331 WIWIPPIPlefee SINGER -For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431.- l tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your Toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and- Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, • liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. Call . collect (416)637-6904.--.O-20tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES" and ap- pliances. Rieck I.D.A. Phar- ', macy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-24tfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-24tfar IN HOME, mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs: Adams or'Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. 'Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-24tfar CRISP JUICY APPLES, Spys, Macintosh, .Ida Reds-, Red and Yellow Delicious and Russets. Fresh cider, apple butter, red and white potatoes, onions and honey. Cider barrels 14 and 45 gal. at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037.---1 tfar 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale VEAL - FRESH locally raised veal available as of Friday, February 11th, at O'Brien's Meats. -6 $385.00 (RADIO SHACK) In- tellivision Master .Compdnent with three cartridges, 11/2 mon- ths old, still under warranty. Reason for selling...buying home computer. Elgin's Studio, 524-9021, ask for Mike. -6 PERMA BUILDINGS. Take ad- vantage of our winter clearance on a limited amount of steel • buildings of FANTASTIC sav- ings. Whyl1 wilt and pays more? Coll ' nOs0-) . -4'16=625- 4093. -0-6 USED SEWING MACHINES - Like new condition, wide selection of makes and prices, from' $55.00. One year free home ser- vice. Twenty-five years ex- perience. Several nice used cabinets. High quality new open arm machines from $279.50. We deliver and demonstrate. Phone 482-7809.----2-7 SWIMMING POOL SALE - Manufacturer is having a pre- season sale on . new, above- , ground pools, complete with liter,motor, deck, walk - around, fence. . Regularly $2,295.00, now $1,295.00, while supply lasts. Book now for spr- ing delivery. Call collect 1-416- 523-6467 for more details. -5- 8x SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other • models, repairs to all makes. All' machines and repairs • guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich, 524 2551.---2eowtfar MADE TO ORDER -. Hand and machine knit garments. Specialize in Icelandic sweaters. Phone 482-7944.-3tf FIREWOOD FOR SALE: while it lasts $20 per cord (4' x 8' x 14'), cut and split and picked -up - Delivery can be arranged. Call 482-3814 preferably after 4:30 p.m. -5,6 AM/FM CAR cassette deck, "Pioneer" model KP4500, one pair speakers "Pioneer" model TS695-6X9. Phone 524- 6015.•.- 5,6 LARGE UTILITY trailer. Asking $500.00 or best offer. Phone 524-6659.--6 BOY'S THREE-PIECE suits, size 16 tan with tie and shirt, size 14 light blu'e, excellent condition, reasonably priced. Phone 524- 7655. --6 --_ • 41/4" PLANER and jointer, used very little. Phone 524.6573.--6x , SANKYO SOUND Super 8 movie projector and Sankyo Sound XL - 40S movie comers) plus leather case. Excellent condition, $450.00. Video cassette recorder, Zenith Video director, one year old, perfect condition, $695.00. Phone 524-2808.-6 WALLPAPER BARGAIN! Come In.Now And Make Your Selection From our Newly ArrivedDiscontinued Lines SAVE UP TO SATELLITE TELEVISION - 8' antenna. INC, 20" Television with receiver built in. Sale Pric- ed at $2,777.00. Contact Con- cept Systems, 15620-111 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, T5M 2R7 or phone (403)453-5827.-0-6 THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up from 5'6", 7' and 9', $45,,00; three 40" 1 Beam rods with run- ners, $9.00. Phone 524.8331 between 9 a.m. 4 p.m., ask for Carol.-26tfnx LADY'S FULL length fitted'(Bain- ton) black suede coat, beautiful 'grey fox collar, size 6 to 8, (not locally owned), 5125.00. Phone 524.7105. 6x FOUR CORVET'L "" Rally Rims; two G6015 Firestone SS; two 16015 General Tires. Call 524- 8110.--6 REALISTIC TRC55. Base Station CB unit with aerial' clock and much more, $75.00. For more information call 524-7719.-6x ANTIQUE DINING suite, nine- piece walnut, superb condition, $1,500.00 firm. Phone 482-' 7910. ---6 • TAPPAN 30" electric range, gold. Phone 524-6028,-6 OPEN: MON.-TUES. THUR. FRI. 9:30-5:30 WED. CLOSED SAT: 10:00-2:00 WE HONOUR `Jnouseau 73 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-2448 MODERN, WALNUT, eight -piece dining room suite, includes buf- fet, hutch; sideboard, table, four choirs. Will sit ten people. Phone 524-6780.-45,47tf STOCK REDUCTION SALE - over 1;000 rifles, shotguns and scopes must be cleared. Huge savings on all items in store. Village Market Guns, Under- wood. Phone 368-7182. Open 7 days. -3-13 BROWN. 'WHITE BABY 'CHICKS: special meat, Heavy breed Cockerels (White Rock); 3 - week -old Capons. Small orders our specialty. Guaranteed delivery. Bonnie's Chick Hat- chery, Box 154, Elmira, Ontario, N3B 2Z6. (519)669-2561.-0-6 FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD 4'x8' x11-'30.00 Delivery - '35.00 Must order 2 cords before delivery "CASH" 524-6311 524-8198 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades WATERBEDS complete with pedestal pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit. n $259.00 at Vanastra Fur - i to re. 482-7922. -27tf ar 5. Cars for sale 1976 OLDS DELTA 89 Royale, PS, PB, 350 motor. Phone 524- 7215.-4tfnx _ 1966 SIX CYLINDER Ford Falcon Stationwagon, best offer. Phone 524-6438.-6 6. Trucks for sale 1979 DODGE D50 pick-up, cap, L power brakes, tilt steering, run- ning boards, rear bumper, tinted windows, sliding window on cab and cap, automatic. Phone 524-8810.-5,6 THINKING of . building? We've got the solution - the most com- plete line of steel buildings avoilobie for farm, industrial, commercial 'and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (705)474- 1180.-27otf 1975 FORD 150 Custom, V8 automatic, power steering and power brakes, will certify. Phone 482-7093 after 6 p.m. -6 1976 CHEV 3 ton truck, 350 V8, 4 speed. Asking, $2,000.00 or best offer. As is. Phone 524- 6659.-6 APPLES $4.50 per bushel and up, all varieties available. Fresh apple butter, cider, potatoes, onions. Bulk cookies. Gerald • Bell Fruit Farm, R.R.2, Goderich, 524-8008.-420 POOL TABLES - Slate, all, sizes, delivered, installed' For infor•' motion phone • -Bob ',Tanner, Listowel, 1-800-265-3228 or 11 291-3617 evenings. We also buy slate tables. -4-7 9. Automotive BOY'S THREE-PIECE suit, light -brown,-size-B,.-will. include shirt and tie, $50.00. Excellent condi- tion. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays; anytime ;on weekend.--6tfnx BOY'S THREE-PIECE suit, blue - grey color, size 12.14, will in- clude•shirt and tie, 550.00. Ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 6753 diter 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend.-6tfnx 1A. Snowmobiles ' • for sale 1979 SKIDOO Olympic 340, elec- tric start; speedometer, temperature gauge, with cover, excellent running condition, 5975.00. Call after 5 p.m. 524- 7143.1-5,6 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Craig Hardwoods Ltd. Auburn, Ontario Can give immediate delivery of hardwood slabs - 17.1 Cubic yard box full Delivery Within 20 Miles $1 30®®O Additional Delivery Charge For Ovor 20 Mlles CALL ---- 526-7220 l 1968 SKIDOO Bombardier, in good condition, price negotiable. Call 524-2444, after 4:30 p.m., ask for Rick. -6 5. Cars for sale 1979 MERCURY Marquis, 4 door, 351 V8, air, power brakes, steering, AM/FM stereo cassette, electric windows, locks, seat, cruise control, snow and summer tires, $4,400.00. 1977 Pacer Wagon, power steering, automatic," 26,000 miles, summer and winter tires, 52, 200.00. 524-2536.-5x , 6 1976 RENAULT Le Cor, 60,000 highway miles, new paint, new Michelins, recent motor overhaul. Asking 52,200.00. Coll 524-4105 after 7:30 p.m. -6x Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Cal{ 524-2121 Now only 2 D e GODERICH 12: Real estate "'for sale 15.Out of town properties 'BAYFIELD, nearly new, modular house. Three bedroom on treed lot. Paved road. Make an offer. Also treed lots„ Phone 1-565- 2899.-1-6x REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: In Seaforth, one floor, 3 bedroom house, close to uptown, chur- ches and schools, full base- ment, gas heat. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE - MAKE AN OFFER! Phone 527-0673 (nights) or 527- 0240 (days) and risk for Kathy.-2tfnx 75 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, VANS and STATION WAGONS. 21-117$ to 11 Plymouths and Fords. 3-1176 to '61 Lincolns end Cadillac. 3- 1177 to '76 Station Wagons. 6.1577 Ram Chargers. Suburbans and Vans. 26-1,75 to '76 1/2 and % Ton Pickups and Crew Cabs. 1-1177 GMC' Ton 4 x 4. 16.1574 to '76 1 to 3 Ton Stakes and Damps. 2 Lift and Tows. 1-17 ft. Stock Rack. 6 Hydra Utility Bodies. 1- 1077 Plymouth Volare 2 Door as low es '455.41. MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 miles East of Hanover on Hwy. No. 4 Phone Durham. Ont. 14694136 OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES YOU'LL BE PROUD to be the owner of this country refurbished 3 bedroom family home. Features in- clude family room with patio doors leading to huge sundeck and profes- sional landscaped grounds which have a spring -fed pond on 1.56 acres. No. 118 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - Victorian 2 storey home located on extra large treed lot. Huge kitchen with adjoining laundry room; 2 baths, boy window in bright and sunny living • room • and master bedroom. 10% mortgage. Vendor will assist - carry second to suit you. Located in Dungannon. No. 131 RETIREMENT 2 bedroom home. Low taxes, maintenance free exterior, neva vtiring,- new plumb- ing, new kTtchen. Where, else can you buy a- cute and cozy bungalow for the new low price of only $21,000.00. Immediate possession. No. 129 LOT INCLUDED when you purchase this 2 bedroom mobile with addition. Ap- pliances. and many extras for only $17,500.00 or best offer. No. 119 WONDERFUL LIFE - Shell enjoy the upper level with its "L" shaped living room dining room, efficient kit- chen, adjacent laundry room, -plus 3 bedrooms. Lower level is for him - garage, huge workshop area and wood stove. Ask- ing $33,900.00. No. 134 • RECREATIONAL RETREAT - Farm hour, -has ..• been ,renovated, new siding. Good • bank • barn. Reforestation acreage - spruce, pine, etc. 2 bushes. Ideal for snowmobiling. 74 acres. Perfect fishing, spring -fed streams. 4th_ _ _ Conc., Goderich Township. No. 141 ESTATE HOlIAE of Florence Million. Located in Auburn on anextra large treed 'lot is this solid brick bungalow with garage, full base- ment'. Many extras are in- cluded. Shown by appoint- ment only. No. 138 PLEASE call Bill Clifford Realtor 524-9097 or 524-8951. FOR SALE Gracious large home close to Square. OWNER TRANSFERRED 544-11709 13. Mobile homes MENESET PARK, 68 Cherokee, 68 x 12 Bendix, two bedroom, 111/2' x 10' and 141/2' x 9'. Very' efficient oil furnace (Sept. 76 to Feb. 83 oil costs were below $1,700.001. Owner has made tasteful interior changes. Ex- cellent choice for starting out, or for retired or semi retired. Open to offers. 524-9174.-5-7 PRICE REDUCED over $3,500.00, 14 x 70 ft. mobile with partial basement and 10 x 20 ft. deck. Must sell. We ore moving. Phone 524-7555.-6,7 15. Out of town properties JOIN THE. RETIREMENT COM- MUNITY of Port Sydney in Muskoka for less than 570,000 in your energy efficient custom built house. Ground -water heat pump, municipal water and paved road, mature trees, sail- ing, golf and tennis. After 6 p.m. 416-497-5059 or 705-385- 2584, -0-6 16. for rent 7 20. Room & board COUNTRY ROAD LODGE, private rooms, meals, 24 hour supervision, etc.- for Senior Citizens and retirees. Dorothy Farrish, R.R.3, Lucknow, On- tario, 395-5283.-2tf 17. Apartments for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, 530.00 per dqy plus - deposit. 'Phone 524-6777 after 6 °p.m.-33ffnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse -St. Phone 524- 2717.-26tf OFFICE SPACE for rent. Available immediately. Phone 524-8845 after 5 p.m.-36tfnx Offices To Rent 524-8382 24. Wanted to rent GOOD CLEAN house with fireplace. Close to or in Goderich or Part Albert. Reasonable rent. References. Pleasecall Ripley 395-5960 after 6 p.m.-31tfnx TWO BEDROOM 'apartment or small house in Goderich area required March or ApFil. Will share larger house. Must have shower! Call 524.2901 after 6:30 p.m. -6X LOCAL BAND needs space for practice and equipment storage. Phone 529-7930.-6,7 LOVELY ONE or two bedroom apartment in the country with a view, located 1.0 minutes north of Goderich, at Port Albert. Phone 529.7775.-40tf SALTFORD - two bedroom apartments, carpet throughout, available immediately. 5200.00 per Month plus utilities. Phone 524-9166.-511 ONE BEDROOM, sublet or share, in Goderich. Phone 482- 7295.-5,6 SINGLE BEDROOM or bachelor apartment required immediate- ly. Please write Drawer 181, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 4B6.-6,7 TWO OR THREE bedroom apart- ment, furnished, carpeted throughout, available March 1st. Phone 524-2887.-6 TWO BEDROOM apartment, near Square and hospital. Available March 1st. Apply in writing to Box 353, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4C6.-6,7 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669.2280 or 519- 669-2198.--3tf SPACIOUS APARTMENT, recent- ly redecorated, close to the Square, available March 1st.. References required. Phone 482-3312 after 6 p.m.-6tfnx USED HOUSE trailer. Phone 524- 6438.-6,7 CASH for Used Trailers, Mobile Homes and Modular Homes TRAILER MART LONDON 685-1110 BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS TINDER MEW SIIPERVISIOH"`".1 Ono and two bedroom apartments for rent. Cable. Fridge and stove included. All utilities paid. Security con- trolled. PHONE 524-6653 18. Houses for rent CLINTON • Nice three bedroom ADDRESS LABELS - gummed, 300 home on well treed 104 with for 52.75; press -on, 200 for . garden, gos heat, References. fridge dgd $3.75. Phone The Goderich stove supplied. Signal -Star at 524-8331. 529.7949,---6.8 FIGHT INFLATION BY MAKING MORE MONEY Don't wait pround for the Government to halt in- flation. Do immothIng yourself to make more money now. The Ontario Automobile Association provides essential se ftrices to motorists. We pay qualifiers Guaranteed Weekly Income. plus big commissions and large bonus*. Pull or part -tine. Apply In perilen to Mr. Bauer at the Elm Haven Inn. Clinton on Wednesday. February 16th at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. sharp. LOCAL INSURANCE Company has on opening for an Assistant Office Manager. Accounting and insurance experience will be necessary. Apply in own handwriting 4by , the end of February stating qualifications and with two references to Box 3683, c/o The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seafortr, Ont. NOK EARN EXTRA money part-time os, a Regal Sales Represen- tative. Our Gift Catalogue is all you need. Wrifg REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept. XXX, Toronto, M4G 2L4.-0-6 WATKINS - Full and port time available. Earn yehat you need by building yourown Watkins 'business. Estalished since 1868. Call 1 -51? -658-5484, Bill Couptand.--0-6• AVON THE MOSTUCCESSPUL DIRRCTOI NG COMPANY I TMMEE WORLD is looking f r people who want to m ke good $$$ FULL-TIME QR PART -MME. !all 524-8589 or 4¢4-9544 part-time PIANO PLAYER Needed to play Honky Tonk style music in hotel. Male or Female may apply. Clinton 482-3489 +Vr 401 +M 11' YOU'RE CUT OUT WE'LL CUT OUT OF GOING TO The Canadian Forces Regular Officer Training Plan is for senior high school and university students who have come to grips with what they want out of life. If you feel you're cut out for, a, life of excite- ment, security and satisfaction with the Canadian Forces, we'll pay your tuition and more pay you while you take a degree in any one ofthan 40 disciplines at a Canadian Forces college or a Canadian accredited university of your choice. When you graduate, you'll step right into an interesting and well-paid position as an officer in the Canadian Forces., for more information, visit your nearest re- cruiting centre or mail this coupon. You can also call collect - we're in the Yellow Pages under Recruiting. EXPERIENCED URETHANE foam mechanic required to work in Eastern Ontario. Please reply stating qualifications. All replies confidential. Warmth In- sulation, Box 460, Perth, On- tario, K7H 3G1. -O-6 28. Business opportunity There's No Life Like It THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES Canadian Forces (Recruiting Centre gy0� WELLINGTON ST., 6`779-5110 (collect) I'm interested in a Sea Trete career' in the Canadian Forces. Please send me inlorrnation Nome. Addreas City ---Prov Pootel Cods) Lan ans ra0 ote to 0. ea ow MS thITI MO go oto atia A BEAT INFLATION. Raise large bait worms at home for extra income. Neat, odorless opera- tion. Low investment. Terra Worm Farms (since 1975), R.R.1, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 652. (5491625-8140.-21.tf 30. Employment wanted REGISTERED Radiological Technician urgently , requires position. Will relocate. Resume and references available. Miss Kathy Emerson, RR 1, Vienna, Ontario, NOJ T20. (519)866- 5581.-0.6 PRIVATE SALES, $195,000.00. Northern Bakery Francgi - Super business could be family: operation - expansion potential excellent - low financing for qualified purchasers - illness forces sale," (705)472-1759 evenings. -O-6 VERY EXPERIENCED Drummer With Vocals And Excellent Klt. Would Like Position With Weekend Country Rock Band PHONE RICK 524-7331 EX. 290 527-1896 RES. 29. Tenders INVITATION TO TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 2600 square foot home Footings and concrete, walls Framing Blocks and Bricks Drywall d Work to commence ap-' prox. 1 May 1983 For further Information contact: CODAN CONSTRUCTION ERIK CHRISTENSEN 45 Wintercourt 482-7640, Evenings and Sati errt111i s DAIRY QUEEN/BRAZIER Franchise Dairy Queen 1s looking for potential franchise holden in the Goderich area. willing to loin one of the most successful fast food franchises In North America. If you are looking for a challenging business oppor- tunity and have o minimum of .•50.6N.N to Invest. we would like to talk to you. 'Por further information please call: The Pranchlse Deirelopment Manager Mr. Rd Mayne 416-431.1412. 29. Tenders 29. Tenders rinftC=i1C===HK===lti Township of Ashfield TENDER TO SUPPLY Petroleum Fuels FORA 3 YEAR PE,AIOD Sealed tender marked as to content will be received by the undersigned until 1:08 p.m. Tuesday, Murch 1st, 1983 For he supply of diesel fuel, gasoline, and furnace oil by the litre. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES HUNTER Road Superintedant 11 R.R.#7, Lucknow 529.7383 COUNTY OF HURON TENDER S ulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon Wed., Mar- ch O. 1163 for a new fire pump installation at H uronvlew.' Plans & specifications ora avalfoble from Snyder. Relcbard b Merck. 37 Allan St. W.. Waterloo. Ont. upon refundable deposit of •s The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. W.R. Alkodr Duty Clerk Treas. County Huron c/o Ha view Clinton, Ont.