HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-02-09, Page 10PAGE t0 .QODERICH SIGIVALrSTAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 19 83 Benmiller Benmiller United Church U.C.W. met m the church for their meeting on WednesdaY, February 2 at 2 p.m. There were 10 members present and the Benmiller Unit was in charge. Mrs. Hazel McMichael chaired the meetingand opened it with two interesting Poems- Mrs' Sharon Edward read the scripture from Psalm 8. It waS decided to change the U.C.W. meetings to the months of February, April, June, September and November. Mrs. Phyllis Feagan, secretary, gave the minutes of the last meeting and Clara Anne Jewell gave the treasurer's report. The various units gave reports of their activities. The Maitland Unit is busy making quilts and they would welcome any donations of material. Mrs. George McBride would willingly accept any donations to help in this work. The Benmiller Unit will be giving special at- tention to improving the basement of the church and the Irish Unit will also be giving attention to this matter. It is hoped the men of the congregation will volunteer to assist in this undertaking. Mrs. Sharon Edward has taken over the duties of Mrs. Florence Maskell, which were card secretary and Unit to improve church basement CORNER e Gertrude Keithly, 65124=2079 reporting the meetings to the press, a position she has given ,much attention to for many years. Mrs. McMichael and Mrs. Phyllis Fisher will be at- tending a planning meeting for the West Huron Rally to be held in 1983. Business being attended to,. the, meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, after which all enjoyed a social half hour with lunch served by Mrs. McMichael and Mrs. Edward. School News Colborne Central School had planned for their winter carnival February 1-4 but plans were not completely carried out as anticipated due to the lack of snow. However, the students did have some fun on Monday, January 31 by sampling tourtiere (pork meat pies) made by the parents. The students had started their snow sculptures a few days before so on Wednesday of last week, the sculptures were judged with Grade 3 winning the school spirit award and Grade 8 winning the snow sculpture award. Allcarnivals have what one might call a king and queen and for this carnival, a duke and dutchess . were chosen with the duke being Duane Sole and dutchess being Sherri Talbot. The school plans, to go ahead with the carnival activities this Thursday afternoon, February 10 providing there is snow. Public speaking for the school is Tuesday, February 15 in the morning. Winners from this will advance to the Legion Public Speaking contest. Social News Lisa and Lesley Buchanan of St. Thomas visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buchanan on Saturday, January 29 and were joined bytheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Buchanan and brother Tim from St. Thomas on Sunday who also visited with reiatives and their grandmother, Mrs, Lottie Pope, a patient in Goderich hospital. Mrs. Norman Durst of Goderich, formerly of Colborne Township, has returned home from a month's holiday in the U.S. Mrs. Durst and her sister, Mrs. Jackie Mills of Toronto and a school chum from Pittsburg -motored to Texas where they visited with another school chum. They also visited in New Orleans and St. Petersburg, Florida with Mrs. Durst's parents who are spending the winter there. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting on Sunday were Mrs. Kaitting's niece, Mrs. Eldrid Simmons and her husband of Exeter. Mrs. Cora Sherwood at- tended the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jim (Mable) Sherwood in Waterloo on Monday. Remember the euchre card party in Colborne Township Hall, Thursday, February 10 at 8 p.m. The Youth Group of Dungannon -Nile will be holding a show, "Pipi in the South Seas", at the Brookside Public School on Saturday, February! 12 at 2 p.m. and two cartd'ons will also be the attraction for youth of all ages. Refresh- ments will be available. MORTGAGES * Completely Open * Weekly Payment Plan for our Renewal Mortgages (Reduces lifetime of mortgage in half.) NEW LOW RATE for 1ST MORTGAGES 1 25% mi 1 YEAR TERM LOANS LOW 7 NEW RATE... 3 • 11=0/0 * Completely Open for prepayment * Simple Interest * Interest Calculated on the unpaid balance * Life Insured New or Used Auto, Home Repairs, Holidays, etc.... People Helping People GODERiCH COMMUNITY' CREDIT UNION 39 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH PHONE 524-8366 4-H News The first meeting of the Tiger Dunlop 4-H Club held on Wednesday, February 2 at 7 p.m., which was the start of the new spring 4-H project, "Ontario Heritage", topic Qf "Gifts from Native vias held at the home of the, Peoples" on foods such as lender, Niro.. Linda Bisset m4Domm, goose broth and with 17 mer ibera present duck soup, as well a English heritage and pioneei. Cooking was then done. Members made pumpkin soup, which some detested, Irish soda bread, Scotch eggs and maple baked ap- ples. While waiting for the goodies to cook, officers were elected: president -Liz Schoemaker, vice -president - Barbara Clark and secretary The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and some guidelines for members to follow during the club term. The roll call was then read, which was, "Can you name the country or countries of you • ancestors." Many an- swers were, given, including England, Holland, Ireland and Switzerland. Members then had a discussion on the and press reporter -Judy Walter. Members were then told what they each had to, bring for the nest meeting. They went into further discussion of crumpets and English muffins and the cast iron hanging pan. Home ac- tivities include making a list of herbs and spices you have on hand and bringing something for the next meeting's roll call. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, February 16 at 7 p.m. Council gets traffic count Bills and accounts in the amount of $32,221.99 were ac- cepted and approved for payment by Colborne Township Council when it met for a regular meeting on February 1. By-law No. 6-1983, to enable the township to levy -an interim tax billing in 1983, was given all required readings and was passed. The interim payment, which will be an amount based on the 1982 rates but not ex- ceeding 50 per cent of the 1982 rate, will be levied some time in mid-March and notice of the levy will be sent out to all ratepayers at least two weeks before the pay- ment due -date. The road superintendent reported that a recently completed traffic count on the Boundary Road showed an average annual daily traffic count of 310 vehicles using the road between its FRANK LITTLE DENNIS LITTLE 524-8429 RATES524-4376 BEST FOR YOUR R.R.S.P. 13v0 0 NO FEES Goderich Representatives for junction with County Road 25, west of Auburn and its. junction with County Road 1 at Nile, and an average an- nual daily use by 130 vehicles over the balance of the road from Nile to Highway 21. The clerk reported that one demolition . permit had been issued to Heinrich Stoecker through Sid Bruinsma, contractor, for the demolition of a barn on Part Lot 9 and Lot 10, Con- cession 8 W.D. The annual membership fee of $30 to the Ontario Farm Drainage Association was approved for payment. Council gave its support to a resolution passed by the Town of Clinton wherein the Government of Ontario is petitioned to amend the Assessment Act so that municipalities would have the right to have a represen- tative appear before the Assessment Review Court to present arguments against assessment appeals which the municipality considers to be unjustified, and also to give notice to the municipali- ty of the reasons for the ap- peal against assessment well in advance of the hearing by the Assessment Review Court. The meeting was adjourn- ed to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, February 15. Brookside news By Marcia Bonk and Christina Farrlsh Rooms 3 and 6, grades' two, went on a field trip on Wednesday to Miltenburg's Machine Shop and to Doug Cameron's farm to see new lambs. Congratulations to Penny Homes from Mrs. Cameron's grade 2. Penny drew a picture and had it published in Chicadee Magazine. Robert Skipper, the artist, is finished in room 9 and is working with room 11, grade 7. This year's Dairy Princess, • Marion Taylor from Belgrave came to the school on Thurs- and gave a presentation on milk and milk products. At the end of the presentation, anu9lLife.•■■.—' 1981: CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER GIN ML. FABERGE ORGANIC 9 REGULAR OR 4 . 8 9 2 • 8 TINTED HAIR FABERGE ORGANIC PERM WET SOAP 330 ML. PUMP OR as ML. REFILL x2.39 ',AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY NSML. $11 1 ®89 LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY ase ML. Finished in beautiful flremist gray. Carefully driven and maintained since new. Factory warranty remaining for approximately 21/4 years or 30,000 Km. Well equipped and automatic Including air con- ditioning, padded vinyl roof with coach lamps, genuine leather sesta, wire wheel coverts, cruise con- trol, tilt -telescope steering, power trunk, plus much more. View It today. $Z.19 JHIRMACK SHAMPOO 340 ML. —OR— CONDITIONER 3S0 ML. 814444.00 Come In Today -View Our Large Selection Of Low Mileage Wad Vehicles NAKAMURA PHARMACY SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH, 524.2195 • ' OPEN MON.FRI. 10 -its, 12:30.6 ;. wEEKDAY EVENINGS 6:30.9, SATURgd4YS 10:6.;: 348 Huhn Road - Highway No. 8 Goderich 524-9381 524..8411 the students enjoyed a soda biscuit with homemade but- ter. Marion is a grade 12 student at F. E. Madill High School in Wingham. Last Wednesday the Shooters and the Islanders played boys intramural hock- ey. The scores were Shooters 14, Islanders 6. In girls' intramural hock- ey, Donna's Dynamites tied Smitty's Smackers 3 - 3. Kindergarten registration will be held on February 11 at the school from 9 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Debbie Debold, a grade six student; advanced on to the regional level in the poster contest in the Goderich Leg- ion Poster Contest. She won first prize and 520. SNUG HARBOUR MUNICIPAL MARINA SEASONAL WHARFAGE — Available - Full Services RATE '13.00 PER FOOT PER SEASON P For Further Information Or Applications. Please Contact TOWN OF GODERICH 57 West Street Goderich, Ont. N7A 2KS 1-519-524-8344 Brennan Mulhern and Lisa Morgan recently won prizes in the Legion.Branch 109 poem, essay and poky contest. Mulhern, a Grade 7 student at SL Marys SchhOl,piaced third in the poster competition and Morgan, a Grade 10 student placed second in the essay category. (photo by Dave Sykes) WI sees slides DUNGANNON DOINGS Marie Park, 529-7719 Dungannon Women's In- stitute met at Myrtle Kerr's home on February 2. . Guest speaker was Jean Lobb who gave an interesting travel talk and showed slides on her trip to Ireland. While in Ireland she enjoyed a visit with Mollie Whiteside, who was a most gracious goodwill ambassador for Ireland dur- ing Dungannon's 125th birthday in 1980. Plans were also discussed on a dessert euchre to be held during the winter break at Brookside School. Dungannon 4-H Dungannon #1 4-H club met at Sharon Pengelly's home on February 3. The members divided into groups to cook the various recipes including Pumpkin Soup, Soda Bread, Maple Baked Apples, and Scotch Eggs. Election of officers result- ed in president, -Nancy Car- michael; vice president, Cathy Snyder and secretary and press reporter to rotate. Jim and Margaret Erring- ton and Elmer and Aileen Trommer attended funeral services on Tuesday in Cam- bridge for a former neigh- bour, Mel ; Markle. . -_Bessie McNee is a patient in Wingham Hospital as a ATTENTION: Newlyweds To Be! Welcome Wagon BRIDAL PARTY Free To The Bride and Groom Welcome Wagon 1s planning a spacial party for all engaged couples who live In the area. If you aro plan- ning a wedding in this area after June 1st, 1553 you are, (nutted one DATE: Monday, March 14, 1983 TIME: a oo. pm PLACE: Maitland Country Club North Harbour Road. Goderlch There will be exciting fashions, special displays. demonitrotlons and numerous idoor. prizes for the, engaged couples. Please call for a personal Invitation. ADMISSION BY INVITATION ONLY CALL 524®71 b5 or 482.7389 Displays open at 7:00 p.m. result of a heart attack suf- fered last Thursday. after- noon. Nathan Whitney is also a patient in Wingham Hospit- al. He was admitted on January 31 with the flu. Marybelle and Dwight Aldham and Lissa of Ingle- wood visited Bertha Aldham in Goderich and Mary Bere and other fatuity members in Dungannon on the weekend. Bill and Marie Park,' Todd and Brad, Gertie Park and all the members of the family were at Val and Mike Ben - dig's home in Goderich on Sunday to help Joel celebrate his first birthday. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Thomas Dickson and all the members of the family on the death of Mr. Dickson in Goderich Hospital on Sunday morning. There were 10 tables of euchre played at Brookside on Wednesday night. The high lady score was Isabel Kilpatrick. Low lady was Delores Culbert. High man score was Harvey Alton. Low man's score Fred Ward. Lucky cup winner was Max- ine Pollock. The seniors group will be celebrating Valentine's Day with a pot luck supper on February 16 ' at Brookside School Couple visit Detroit LOCHALSH NEWS Kae Webster, 395-5257 Ruth MacKenzie held a Tupperware Party on Friday when she entertained a num- ber of her friends and neigh- bours. Julie and Michael Mac- Donald, son and daughter of George and Andrea MacDon- ald spent most of last week- end at the home of Jim MacKenzie with their friends, Mary Ellen, Greg= gory and Keith MacKenzie, while their parents were in Detroit. On Thursday, February 3, Charles and Mayme Wilkens were with Mayme's mother, Stella lrwin of Kinloss, to help her celebrate her 82nd - birthday. George and Andrea Mac- Donald were in Detroit on the weekend visiting relatives. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles in Kincardine were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McTavish of Lon- don. Wellington, Kae and Cecil Webster were recent visitors with Mrs. Wynn Gammie of Lucknow. Charles and Mayme Wil- kens visited the other even- ing with Wellington, Kae and Cecil Webster. Donna Zimmerman of Lon- don visited on the weekend with her parents. If you are filing a PECIAL T1 S tax return this H&R Block will prep for the spec ear, specialists at are & double check it ial price of $15. 75 AUPND will also check at participating offices. The 20 areas of tax savings not shown on t any of these apply to you, we will or form that maximizes your tax sav It pays to be prepared — by H&R B vs ' H&R BLOCK he form. If epare the Ings. ock. THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 19 Victoria St. N. Gaderl Open 5 A.M.-s P.M. Weekdays, 5-4 11606 Phone 324-M3s OPEN TODAY -NO APPOINTMENT NEcl$ARlr