HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-3-28, Page 8**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . STEWART'S ij PRONE 16 ♦Z •♦ • • • • •+ • ♦• ♦•b ♦ • • • • ♦: •• ♦ •• • +i s* • • 1 • • 4 • a • * • *. ♦• • * ♦• • • • • ♦♦ a • • ♦* ♦ Snils 0 Coats a 4• III ♦ %;14* ,• 41 mss. • A* 1i i t .. • • • ♦0 E 4 Blouses A choice assortment of SPRING STYLES in SUIT S COATS and BLOUSES that will appeal to women of the most refined taste, The Styles are absolutely correct for spring. Voile Skirts In the Newest stiles we can have them made to fit any figure, Order one now. so thatou canget it for Eas- ter. y s ter, SILKS Yard wide, Silks in many cohere a! o in Black. is guar- anteed at per yard $1.00 and $1,25. • Wall Paper Such pretty effects in plain or small figures. Suitable for Halle. Parlors, Dining rooms and Bedrooms at per roll. 5 8 10 15 to 30c. Rugs Of many kinds and sizes Velvet, Axminister, 'Wilco Tapestry end Union, A wide variety -of designs and colors A big shipment is just to hand. Opening Display Of Spring Millinery From now on our show rooms will be open when a comprehensive showing of the Season's Best Styles executed in materials of many descriptions will be shown. Miss Quante is in charge of this department and wishes all lad- ies of Exeter Pnd surrounding country to tali and see the display. J. A. STEWART ♦ • #. • • • • 4. •. ♦• o• f% • •• if • AO•♦♦•••♦••••••♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦o0e♦N••♦•••••••••••••♦ss♦♦ •••••••••♦•••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦•o♦ •••••••••••••••••••••••••o* 1111111111111141 GouLD s ORNERY PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Plant Keep Happy in the Home by getting YOUR HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Here. We handle only the BEST and we have everything you need at all Seasons, iRE TEA. AND DOME STORE WANTED -Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs. 11 Seed Barley Seed Peas No 21 Seed Barley and Northern grown iced Peas for Sale at the Exeter Warehouse Also a large ,want= ttr ofFeedon Hand $ELDON� +++++++++++++-:-++++++++++++ .. HOME STUDY 1. * Thousands of ambitious young 4 people are instructed in their, .;. NO VACATION 3' ,j Clinton Business College .l, • GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD -',n President Principal +++++++++++++++++++++++++41 ++++ r++++♦ar'4 ++++++♦-4: homes by our home study dep- .g. artment You may finish at College if you desire. Pay whenever you wish. Thirty ♦ Years' Experience.. Largest � trainers in Canada. Enter any T. ` day. Positions guaranteed, If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write' � for particulars. The following was clipped from the M'innesoda Tribune of March elst. An esteemed resident of Minnesoda, Mr. Sidney Fairburn, was called hence last week dying at Portland Oregon, on Thursday; He had not been in the best of health for sev- eral years . but no fears were enter, - tainted of on early demise, (Rpweva;r last fall he thought a milder climate for the winter might be benefi!nia.L and he went to Calidornia: When there his health rapidly failed, so he started for the home of this dough-, ter, Mrs. Smith, at Langley, B. 'IC.,! but only a'eacLed Portland, when the summons came/. The iaody was brought home yesterday and the fun - 'oral (bakes ;place 'to -qday. The late Mr l+airbairn wilth ihis family moved. to Maniitoba from Exeter, about 82 yrs thirty-two years ago and settled on. a farm about twenty miles west of Minnedosa. From' :here be carne to Mlnnedosa and opened up a furei`ture business which he carried on ever sincere. He was 'also a builder and con - erector. Hee has 'held ;office as ki towini cpirnciilor and (also las mayor of Min.' nedo a �� s i. (13,, was i k'he �Cha.npion wing stet 'of Manitoba for nevem' years and twee a. lover of horses, having is couple of last one a few years sago. He was an Oddfeliow, a member of the Church of England and a cone servaltivea. He leaves behind a widow two sons, George, of Eibcw., Sask., and Befit, ,of l amioops, 11. IC., and five daughters, Gertrude and Florence. at home; Mtn. Peahen,' of Winnipeg, Mrs Smith of Langley B. O...and Mrs. Hanool of Shoal Langley, The remains were initerred in .M1nnespda cemetery, the Idez'. G. A. Wjells, con!., ducting the service." I i•ldren Ory FOR. F ETCHER'S AsTIo R I THE EXETER TIMES Market Sitepnets.-'The following i$ this report of ;Exeter markets sure-. x \ted up to March nth Wheal' 03 Buckwheat 7Q oents Oats 45 to O6 Marley tis to 85 Peas 1,00 to 1.10 Shorts $27,00 Bran t16.00 Model Flu1,00 1,05 Battnl.r 30 Eggs '22 Potatoes 1.40 Hogs 7. 40 Choice Export Steers 0.90 to 7,15 Mediumuexporft steers 6,75 to 0,85 Baster Heifers 7. 25 Choice Bu'echer Heifers 6.40 to 6.15 Medium 13utchsr Heifers 6.00 to 6:2.5; !Choice 13ulteher cows 5.00 to 535 Medium Bu?'cher !Cows 4,75 to 5.00 ICommlo:n Butcher cows 4.00 to 2,25 Choice 'Lambs Rots. !Choice Sheep 4,50 it,o 5 00 'Calves 7.50 bo 9.00 ♦♦•••♦♦♦♦ ••••••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 •LOCALS• • ♦�►•a�s• • •♦•♦♦s•. Mr. J'. Mallett was in London Mon- day Miss Ethel Briekwood is on the sick list. Mr. W. W. T man was in Lon a don. ou Friday last.. The Seaforth Spring Fair has been postponed until April 16th. Mrs. Gee. Anderson left Tuesday to visit her daughter at Aiopetaivn. Miss P. Davis of Wingham is visiit- irig her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis Mr. Austin Hewitt left.Monday for London where he has secured .a pos- ition as barber. BOY WANTED- Good smar!r boy wanted to learn the printing. apply at Times Offline. Mrs. Fowell who has been visiting in Woodstock for the. past few weeks Las returned home. Mr. Boney of London, spent Sunday irit.h Mrs. Boney, who is visiting with relatives in town. GunneIl's has a hundred uses, try one tube anyway and' get immediate .relief from Catarrh troubles. Miss Elliott of Norwich who has been visiting with relatives in town. returned to her hums\ this weeki Mrs. B. Boon and babe. who have bean visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Ander- son left .Tuesday for Hamilton. Mr. Phil Rowcliffe has rented Mr. J. 'Campbell's residence on Siinooe street and is 'moving in this week. Mr. Jos. Hawkins.is this week mov- ing into his resideace on /Huron st. rec.'nrly purchased from Miss V Faller ' Miss Fanny 'Crosby, the 'blind Hymn writer" celebrated her 92nd birthday et her home in Bridgeport. Conn on Sunday Last. Stable To Rent- Anyone desiring co rent a first \lass stable, centrally looate.d and convenient to gel, at. should apply at the 13xetei Times. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wanless, who were called to tdwn owing to the death of .the late V. L. Hardy, have returned to their ,home in Duluth. Mrs. S. G. Bawdep who with Mr. Bawden spent the winter in California arrived home on Wednesday last. Mr. Bawden is remaining in Edmon- ton Alta for a. few weeks'. Rev. T. A.. Steadman of Elimville Preached two very acceptania sermons in James Street church last Sunday. Next Sabbath Mr Geo. Stanley of Lucan will occupy the pulpit. 'League Anniversary -The anniver- sary services of 'the Main Street Ep'- worth. league will be held . next Sane day. Special sermons will be preach- ed by Rev. Mr. Barker of Seaforlth+ Mr. Geo. Crawley this week moved) into the residence on Albert 'street rauntie purchased from the Misses Cudneorer The Misses Oadmore are moving into the house on Andrew st recently vacated by Mr. Crawley. A number .of our readers _. have been good enoueh to renew their sub- scriptions for 1912 hut a large num- ber have evidently forgotten, we need the, money, and every dollar counts in business. It costa- money to run a newspaper., The value of Varnish Stain depends very largely upon the grade of var- nish used in making it. Campbell's 'Varnish stain is made from the tough est gum floor Varnish. You can fin- ish your floor with this stain and pound it with a hammer wit'ho'ut[ causing the finish to chip or scratch W. J. (Beaman sells it. Mr. W. H. Collins manager of the Bank of Commerce, has received not- ice that he bas been transferred to Brockville Branch,. Mr. Collins has been with the bank in town a little over a year and during that time has made many friends. He and Mrs. Collins will be greatly missed,ss they Lave been valued residents of Exeter In assuming his larger chargee we wish Mr. Collins the success he de(s, erves. Mr. G. L Waugh, of Toronto i? corning to take charge of the bank here, Leaving Town -On Saturday Iast A., E. Rodgert bad a successful aha• Lion! sale_ of his household effects and properity,. The house and .lot. was purchased by Mr. Frank Hamilton of Cromarty for 1400.00, Mr. Hodgert and family who have been valued residents of Exeter, left on Wednes- day for Toronto ..where they will make their future home. They have many friends in Exeter who "While regrettiing their departure will wish for their success in their new home. Hick's Forecaslts-A Reactionary Oran period falls centrally on the d and 4th, but it is More than p7rd- hiet'hat storms of thunder and rain 11 develop a day or two. nattier, or on The ,lst. with 13 oon ab full and n the celestial ,equa.t(blr; The Wpm/ uinox, also Earth's equinox, bear Poon 'this Period making very active riias podsible and probable. Change Muth cooler. with Snow to north- ard, May be.expected behind 'and e.. t11e etottd.s, A seismic period. tttr fifig:.t►rt the 1st, drivers thine 'to aur; atm( before and after that date. st ba w` o eq rip !tin tett. f Uric Acid in the blood is the chief cause of rheumatism, STONE ROOT CQCIPOUI�fiD chases uric acid ----keeps the blood pure, prevents rheuma- tism. Price 50c. and $ .00 Anything you tiny with ,the name wiIl ,give you entire eatiettc- tion W. S. HOWEY, , Phm.B. I' XETER; ONTARIO Monday .next' will be/ all Fool's day. 'Mrs. Jas, Grieve was in London,. Saturday, 'Keep smiling it will be hot enough next .August. Mrs, W. Danncey is improving from her recent' illness Mr.. A. Iiaslangs was in Parkhill on business (this week., a Miss Kathleen Stewart entertained on Tuesday. evening, - IMr. .T McLennan of Toron!b'o was in 'town Tuesday on business. (Messrs F. Wood and S. Rowe leave on Tuesday next for the west. (Messrs Doyle Bros shipped a car of horses to the west last week Mr. Thos. Essery who has been laid .up with .La Grippe is better again. The Grand Bend Fishermen were-• out last week with their first spring catch. Miss Beatrice Howey returned last weak from visiting friends in Ridgee invent, • Mr, Al McDonald bad a successful sale of his household effeo'ts on Fri- day last IMrs Jas Taylor reeturned Saturday from visiting leer dau ehter Mrs. Wm Burke Berlin, Miss Jennie Pickard is visiting,her sigbe•r Mrs. Wm. Verity at \Braentford for a couple at? months. Mr.. John Rankin is this week move into the residence nn William street recently purchased ,from Mr. Al Mc- Donald.. Mr. F. Washburn left Monday even- ing for 'the west after spending ithe past month. with 'his brother luteomas of Wanohelseea. lefa. Walter Connor is this week in- stalling the ''Premier" air cooled en- gine at Dunnville. Hagersvilic, Port Dover 'and Mitchell;, le/Ass Lily • May Bowden who ihas been visaing friends in Exeter ;for '1'heP..past month returned '6 her home. in Lucan on Saturday last. Mrs Samuel Passmore of the Thames Road has purchased Mr. Rowpliffle's residence on Sanders s't, and will move to tgwn next week. Oddfellows at Lucan-About twenty Oddfellows went to Lucan Tuesday evening to exemplify the work of the second and 'third degrees of the or- der. After business the visitors acre treated to a sumptuous banquet Mr. A, R. Gratam formerly of the Bank ofeCommerce, fere was in !town over `Sunday,. He left Monday to re- port at the Winnipeg Branch and will be s'tatio'ned in the west : You can say +elroht1bye• to eonstipaw tion with a clear cofnscience if you' use 'Chamberlain's Tablets. Many Lave. been permanently cureul: by their; Luse. For sale by all Tleakrs Mrs• B. Mae of the London Road North, had the misfortunie last week to fall and break her lett arm be- tween the wrist and •the elbow'. She is progressing as favorably as ,eau. be n:apeeted On Thursday 'evening of this week Rev. Mr. (Hanna Secretary of the Dominion Allliance. will conduct a union service of the Main street and James street Methodists, in James street church. The plate glass for the windbws in the ,store occupied by W. W. Tam- an. arrived last Saturday. The in - interior is now being fitted 'up and' Mr. Taman will open in a few days with a stock of gents' furnishings. Piper -Brown-A quiet wedding was solemnized 'aft the James stredt, parsonage on Monday evening March, 25th wh•eax ' Rev. Rd. 'Hobbs (united in marriage Miss Margaret A. Brown of Parkhill and Mr. Edwin Piper, pt Wallacetown who have been visiting his mother here,. We !exte'nd pone gra.tttleationse ;I. Confidence means Success Health and strength beget confidence, and pure blood means both. BIootl Punter is an absolute surety of blood purity. It, is a scientific remedy and we confident- ly recommend it. $1.00 a bottle Anyltitsg oi u ii(h the *- neat naafi will glvr %skirt Sold and guaranteed by • Oben:List and Optician EXIOAR *- DELAWARE LACK- + +find'++++++++++++ l) 4 AWANNA & ' WESTERN GOAL COMPANY'S Scranton Coal The Best)Hard Coal Mined Try a ton ♦ ♦ 4.41 W H.LEVETT COAL MAN X4'3-' ♦�'+++: •1.++++��+•1•i,.a.ar'II'+++++N Dr. A. R. Kinsman spent.Sunday with friauds in London. Mr. S. Poppelstone of Blyth, visited bis..notber here on Monday. l Ir. 'I3alder McFauls of London was in itown Tuesday on business • Mr. F. W. Madman attended the assizes nt Goderich this week. Miss Elsie Kelso of Port Huron is visiting. 'her oousin Mis Stella Gillies. Mr. Elliott of Goderich spent Sun- day wfth.:Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coultia Mrs. Thos. Willson is able •to be around again atter her recent illness Goud skating at the rink all this week. Not bad ,for the last week in March. , Mr. Chas.• EIo,oper has moved insto his new home corner of Andrew and john at. Mrs. Daniel Schroeder is confined to taer bed through illness but slowly nccoverinig; Rev. Peter Strang cif Regina, visit - Rd his brofther Mr. 'Henry Strang on Mbnday last. Mrs. A. Brooks and Mrs. G. Asides- son of Centralia visited with Mrs. C. Birney Monday. Mr. and 'Mrs Edwards of Carduff South Wales, are visiting their aunt Mrs. Jas. Walters. Mr. R. N. Moir, who has been visit- ing his brother, Percy, at Kings•villo returned Saturday night. Mr, T, Treibuer is moving into the house recently occupied by' Mr. Fc Hector, on Huron street. Mrs. 1). Rowclifee of Granton re- turned to her home Tuesday after visitting relatives in town and at Cen- i:ra7iea. Mr, Evans of Forest who superin- tended the finishing of the Canadia.rl Bank of Commerce was in town this week. Miss J. J. Allan. Eye Sight Special. ist will be at The Central Hotel (Acheson's) on Saturday March 30th One Day. , Rb • Rev. Fr. Forrester, of Mt. Carmel was in London on Tuesday consulting a specialist having 'received an injury to his left wrists. All those taking part in the • Vie, lage choir at the Old Time Concert on April l 0th will meet •Por practise Monday evening at Mrs.. Fitton's Mr. .I. G. Stanbury gave -an address on "The Decisive Hour of Christian Missions" at the Mid -week service in Coven Church on Thursday evening lab. Mr. Chas. Lind'einfield has purchas- ed from Miss Fisher the fine two storey- brick residence• on William street. •'He wi�i11 take posscrssiott the - WANTED -Man and wife to work on .farm in Saske•tchewan. Zan to work beam; woman to look . after house apply .at once to R. E. Pickard' at 'residence Exeten Many sufferers from rheumatism have betern surprised and delighted, with the prompt relief afforded by applying . Chamberlain's ' Lininee it Not one case of rheumatism in ten re quires any internal treatment whai„ ever. This liniment is for sale by all dealers. Mr. Nelson Wood, of rHamiGkon, soxi. of Mr. W: H., Wfood, of London and who: is well known in ;town, has (been successful in twinning •second prize in .a subscription. contest by the Ham- ilton Spectator, The prize is an 4p.' tion of, three things, a $12,000 auto-, mobile, a 1.$12,000. store account or. $1,600 in cash. New Story -Next week w,: will com- mence the publication of a new story entitled "The Fightin; Hope" from the play by Wm. 7. 'Hurlburt.e The, story is ,eoteetainingly told by fhe au'th•or' and stirring action as well as captivating romance fills it colums and conveys the. intended lessons more effectively. Do not miss the opening chapters. Baster Music in Caven Presbyterian Church -Easter Sunday the choir will bei assisted by Mr. L. C. Fleming late principal of Exciter School also Prof. Brown., who Twill have charge of the organa On Monday evening April 8'tlu a program' of Eas�ter Music will be given consisting of anthems, carols, solos etc., •with organ recitals.,' Look for further announcements. Progressing, Favorably -On Friday last, Mrs. Thos. Creech, wife of our enterprising bus. and dray man, was suddenly attacked with violent pains and internal bleeding, eo severe as to 'bri'ng her in a short time to. death's door. Though pulseless at the time, as the only hope, she, WRs 'operated upon by Dr, Browning, as- siu+'ted by Drs., Wishart, of London. and Quackenbush, of town, Wie are pleased to learn, that though the case appeared almost hopeless at the tibia fof operation, she is progressing favorably. Enitertainment-The Willing Wor- kers Mission i cion C' c it Is of James Street Church held a successful entertain-, meet on Monday evening last. The. Siris seared sandwiches cake and coffee from a number of sell (tables '+fear which t'he following excellenti program' was given; chorus by girls; solo by May Ford; dialogue, curious 'things about china; instrumental' deett, Mary Morlock and Ani JDhns; recitation Oarrie May; duett May,. and Thelma Ford dialogue, Citrin; an invalid; duett Madeline Carling and Alva Ford; recitation Lola Taylor;. violin selection Enema Fisher; quare tette., Madeline 'Carling. Viola Bowie. Alva Ford and' Stella, Soothcott; dick logne, .Aiissioniary Ite.i1nion instru- mental daett Viola 1iow4 and i.°. Frayne. land chorus by the girls Miss S tella lSouthcott 'presideiIt of the Society_ occupied the chair'. ; Tltntvs� tv3ts a good nittendande , esent alIUItSDA'P' M'A1ktpH nth j,A;4R� 4.4.4+144.4.44444+4444$4444.444.4++ ++44444444 CA•RLINC'S PHONE 18 EXETER •I HOUSE •1. 4 i CLEANING t ,,., 1 .,,,,, OW that the time •is so near for HOUSE CLEANING, yoti + will he in need of several necessities such as WALL 3•.r PAPERS, , LINOLEUMS, CARPET RUGS, •` -atic, rt, LACE CURTAINS. I ,I 4 Wall Papers '! Wall Papers ! 4. We have something NEW and UP-TO-DATE in this Iine in $ all SHADES and DESIGNS. 4, are of the LATEST $ come and see them, Lace Curtains DESIGNS and are well worth your while to CARPETS In UNION and all WOOL in very neat designs, RUG - • In UNION and BRUSSELS in • DROWN FAWN and GREEN GROUNDS with floral designs. LinoIeums And Oilcloths Are now in for inspection come and see them. ,4.. We are giving a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 15 per cent for 4 week. on all the articles mentioned above. ♦ one Highest Price paid for Produce arlin 4 ♦ •4; ♦ 4.4+,++++++++++++.1.44+++++++++++++++++++++++++'+ dr'4'+3�3�3'♦3'+++++♦♦♦++4•+++++++++�1r3�II�♦4•�II»:��F♦♦�l-♦+-F++♦+++++++ DONT BE ALARMED ! Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat,Forks, Cake Forks Soup Spoons, Pie Knives, Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Knives ann Forks. Fish Servers, Carving Sete, Wedding Rings Big Stock ta choose from Sleep late in the morning. Enjoy the luxury of waking 4. up whenever you feel like it t if you can, but if you can't better get one of our Clocks, Watches ♦ monds, Cut I Glass, Silver- 'I ware,' Pins, Etc. 1 ft. Mdr6haid i JEWELER • OPTICIAN This Appeals To Exeter -An Cntario exchange gives this good advice to its citizens, and we commend it to the good and loyal people of Exeter "If you siniplY make up your mind that you ore going to live here, if pan will tnext spring do some painting and fixing hp to show that you mean If you evill invest your money kere instead *A every cornet a the eirth, your ;property will go (np value 50 par cent This is a pretty big advance, but try to sell out in any Ontario town tosday and you will find that you have to dispose of your theldings at 00 cents 'on the dollar,. simply because everyone has got the western craze and are treating their own loWn as if they were only there for one night. Make up your mind that Yon are going to nee where you are, and you will find that Will soon; make a difference to the value of your propertyi, By means of the excellent Horae Study Department trains over two of young peopte Ore learning ov:hile they learn. Many stiidy entirely at Lorne and others partly•at home and finish at the Business College. This chain of col [egos , with its Home Study Department ,train oVer tWo tkousand :young Canadians ennually Ite graduatas are tote found in lead- ing. positiona throughout Canada 'and 'United ,States. *Any young Person. 'edudition in life., 'should write lo -'day to the nearest Spotton Biatbess Cel - leges are . eiteated `at London. Well- and, Paterhero, *Ingham Olplion have ens established doongthe past WIIIII8 THE OSE DUSTING Pirniture or Woodwook with a dry duster wben the dust flies E wake. and fellows in your air' Get a Modern Shuffle on and Use Veribrite r Venoil tat': on your duster and save your health, It disinfects and fee ee-oe• elealle everything it touches • leaving the surface like neW S. Martill & SOH Oi