Exeter Times, 1912-3-28, Page 5infX7X-ISDA, ffAX/C117 28th 1042 THE EXETER TIM emeaseanernewasesooweerereasse .:0 111.1).e.rola not only the greatest sound -reproducing instrument-- not only the greatest MUSICAL instrument—but the greatest Edison. Phonograph THE Amberola bringo to your home not only all of the extreme pleasure to be deriVecl from all of the, vety,bpitofevery kind of entertainment, but &further pleasure inHthe,ppssessibri of an exqui- sitely designed and, beautifully finished piece of furniture that will take its place in your home in harmony With your other precious possessions. Vow -074(t4 0.46%.hasseeeek You have your choice of four finishes - Mahogany, Circassian Walnut, Olvittn Oak and Mission Oak, The Amberola is the only "concealed" horn instrument,that is an Edison -Thomas A. Edison's highest development oftis own invention, the Edison Phonograph. That means that it is the instrument with exactly the right volume of sound for the home, that has the sapphire reprtxhicing point that does not scratch or wear the records and lasts forever -no changing needles; that it Plays both Edison Amberol (four -and -one- half minute) Records and Edison Standard (two -minute) Records as well. See and hear the Amberola and the koaify other styles of Edison Phonographs at an Edison dealer's today. Every Edison*Pho- nograph has' the definite Edison advantages. And there is an Edison: at almost any price you wish to pay. Edison Phonographs, $18.60 to $240.00. Edison Standard Records, 40c., Edison Amberol Records (play twice as long), 65c. Edison Grand Opera Records, 155c. to 0.50. _ 100 Lakeside Ave. edietyn, Orange, N. J. tliCORFOXITED U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found et J WILLIS POWELL, Main Stree Hopedale Sensation Tomato The earliest, best flavored and smoothest in the World. 11 IT'S COMING What's coming? Why Seedtime, then the Harvest but the Harvest depends very largely on the quality of the Seeds you sow. Our Catalogue for 1912 is bigger and better than ever. Tells you all about over 1,500 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget- ables, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements, ezb. If you cut this out" sending it to us with your name and Post. Of5te Address our Catalogue will be sent you and a present with it. Do it to -day, ADDRESS, Darch & Hunter Seed Co.; Limited, Dept. 34 London, Ont. 21 sellealie"'"eleeeeeie GRANTON . Mr. 'Wilbert Moils's-ten left last week for iNotherwell Sask.. where hn. is homesteading-. . . . .' Miss Edna Granit visited her. friend Mrs. James Young in 'Tepee don last Week. : Mr. Thies. Beetscan of Provest Alta is here owing to the . illness . or his wife who is staying with her brother gr. Geohlletbineis I - 'A number of friends from the town line spent a very pleasant Jexenipg On Menday last 'at the home ,of Mrs. Campbell on the 8th:con Blantharci They made it the occasion' to4rese eat Capt Shaw with a hendsome clock and accompanied by anaMdress ex- - enessive of their good wishes and sin- cere regards for one so much lassocia- • esed with them in 'church work and :social life .7o2 thecommunity t 1)ENHAM-In loving memory - .of i par dear wife and mother Mrs. ,Wlier Deinham (who .died one eyene ago -tor day ' We miss •thee from our..herne :meth= We ;Liss:the erom thy place. -- ' `A shadow o'er our life is case' effo tnaiss the sunshine'if • the .facee We miss thy kind antVerilling 'hand, ttily fond and 'earnest care. Oar home is dark without thee. We miss thee 'everywhere 1110.re end more each. day we miss 'thee. Friends may think the wound has e healed. '' • t 1 i But they little know the sorrow. - Lies :within our hearts concealed. Her loving Husband and Family -----4,-,---, If ycu 'are nervous or dyspeptic try 'Carter's 'Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepe pia )2aaleas you tivereens and ;lex:yens- nese makes you dyspeptic; either mare renders yea xaiserable and those little Pills bur e • both.: EL I MVILLE i Mr. acilin Delbridge beet week per - Chased a bhoroughbred Hereford 'bull from Mr. M. O'Neil, or' London Township. ' The animal is a fine year- ling And won (three first prizes al - the feendon fair. Mr. Delbridge sold. Lis old bull werich weighed ,2,100 Lb. Stio Mr. Wni. Shell, iof. ' he 0, 0. C. V of Elimville will cel- aincg eabebiorx2s5otchialAinnP7i!vo!mr•nsasrhyili. Habil thie (Thu-rsday) evenings A first. class musical and Literary program wilt be given :end boxes will be pre- sided' by the ladies Everybody wele , egsve. 4.11 eases: of weak and lame beck, backaehie rhetunatisin will find tee - Hee lby wearing one el Carter's Smart Weed and Meade:net Backache leas- •tere.. 'Price 1.25c.. 'the:re • • leASHWOOD )ist+Lily leavie oe Ex r, spent a : few days wit h Mess. &hies0 WC In bold M. Englend is learning mile litsery: in Tiernan &'Edighoffee • eitriete. department. Mr Fred McCray was called home ket Week .owing to eke illnese op his Wife The. Wany .frimds. ,of. Mrs.acob 'Welper will •hei eleesed to teem, she 10", 11.11. pro v g • a eti& !kr. recnnt ill n ese Nee.,ri.Ntiele-r hoe be= vie - •filets ler fern pert i• fitihe iferalerson r. Oleft fOr the la et few s weeks :Lae' reettrieal,.home Jr 1\t,, Cr apt i)tre •ts spending 4.0; t,.; eye ere; ;el roiroe ' eeleterhaellel ecdel fig Ifotkeyeentle qlee,:teeiler Creeme. DON'T BE BALD 'Nearly Any one May secure a Splexte • did growth of Hair,: We have (a remedy that has aided to grow tair and prevented baldness din 9;3 Nut of 100 cases where used ac- cording to directions for a reasonle ebl3 length of time. That may seem like a- strong stat•ement-it is, and tee mean it to be, and no one should deubt it teritil Iteey have putt ear claims to en actual ease. We are se certain that Rexall e.913e Hair Tonic will cure 'dandruff, pree vent baldness stiniulate (ehe. scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair and grow new their, that we personally 'give oux. positive g-narantee to refund every penny paid an for it i.n every instance where it does not give tentire sattise faction to The _user., '.9.3‘' Hair Tenic is as. p.- lea 'pant to usd as clear spring water. It. • es delightfully pereureed, and does met 'grease or gum the hair. Two siese, 50c a.n.d ,e1.0C1 With ear guar- antee back ,of it, you certainly take no 'risk. Sold only at our store. The., It•exall Store- W. S.. Cole. CROMARTY Mr. Joseph Speere receive•d word this week that his brother , Johni had died ;hers suddenly in British Mr, Donald Perk, of Hensall, and Mr. Alex Park ef Tuckeesmith, visite ed their mother Mrs. James Park, this week Mrs. 1 -ark is seriously ill at present'. 'Mr. rJames Mclentg °wine to te health is having a sal. • • : Rev. 'Mr. Fitichie preoched his be - Wel sermon an Sunday to a very targe con.gregatione and made a fav- orable impressians Children aremuch. more likely to contract the contagious diseases e% hen they have colds whooping cough, eiptherie, scarlet fever and consurription are diseases that are of- ten contracted whien the child' )1414 1 cold Tint is why all medical author- aties say beware .of cold. For the quick cure of colds you will find nor- tbing better than -• Chamberlain' cough. reeled -3% •It Can •6•11V.ays be de- pended upon end is aefo and pleasant to take. For sale by eel. e tars.. Mr. and Mrs. M Dobbs called on relatives in Sa in tsbury one day during the past weeks . Mr. Ed, "rho:ninon from Saginaw has sold his farm to oho of his old edge- btors • • Mr. Campbell Hodgins was the guest of Mr, Hunter mac day (Nein; the past week. Mr; Joe Sceli Aloe returned. to the were!. Mr. E. "lhompson is spending a few days hi -es, Wo srie sorry to say we will soon be Rising Mr. Wm. 'Reeve. 'There was quita surprise party at Mie T. McCatin's Friday evening.; el'he leople are very buy around here prepering to Make maple syrup Mee ena Mee 11. Robinson spent one y cr /IV I:0,St week in the eity. CASTI For Infante an Children. :the Kind Yoo ;:ate Always Bought With M:107 44! ;" • N To Correspondents To Corretespendente -Tee Exeter Tirwee wishes to increase its staff of erirrespondents throughout the couotry end invites the heip or those, willine to send In from week. to Iveek itetus of newe in the neighborhood lefatters of importance are elWaYe welcome, +but equally so ,are the teras of the movement ch,f the,people to and from the locallty. The Times asks that all willieg to help in tlae svork which will tbenefit the locality by bringing it befor,3 the world, write the 'editor of the Times, when sup, - plies of paper, envelopes and postage wiil be urnished. • , _see The great American Ca areli Rem- edy. Gunnells' Catarrh Cream, get it at Howey's Drug Store, MITCHELL Mr. `John A.1.16 the.olclest resident in the township of Iliehert, ulied et his home in Stefffa on Tuesday at the age 'of 97 -years, His intellect was lbright and he enjoyed gO0E1 health up to ta few 'weeks igo, whe.n, be began to fail. Deceased was born In England. . ,Le I The vote -an Church 'Union haa been taken in Knee churce and is decided- ly against it. Our ee n. inbership. a ever 300 the followiug was the result of the vote; Thirty-six mem- bers were in favor of union and 126 against; two adherents for and te0 against t• -elders ,for 0 e against five; total for Id and 111 ageinse Te -e. vote on the basis of union was Mem- hers 22 and .09 against; ' adherents Lor two, against nine; elders for none against five; total for p4 egainse 113. Mr. Thomas. Dodds who has beeni manager of the branch butcher shop here. for The Whyte Packing po. of Stratford rer the. past thirteen years 'was presented on Tuesday eveiring by the 'employers of Mitchell branch with an address and a baindsome =pie ca.binet. Mr. And Mrs. Dodds -will leave for their new horde in Seaforth in a eew days Mr. Dodds has played the snare drum for the Mitchell band since it was or- ganized eight years ago, and he was easlsta orta member of the !Mitchell Oiche A quiet but pretty marriage .took place at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hicks Trafalgar et. an Wednesday when their daughter Miss Mina E. was united in Wedlock to Mr..Joseph Thompson son of Rev. Gell, :Chomp son of Bornholm • The cereznony took place in tete presence of only the im- mediate relatives and friends. M. and 'Mrs. Thompson will settle down on farm in Logan. The beet remedy on Earth for Ca- tarrh and cold in the bead. Gunnells, Catarrh. Cream. HENSAL'L Anniversary services" was held in •:. •Carmel. Presbyterian church on Sunise: -da y Merck 24 t h Wir oil Rev -.S . - 13. 'Ro- 'hold superitztendant of work among the Jews in: Canada :conducted the se.r 'vices morning end. eveningAt the "morning service his subject Present condition to -Israel and -Their •ceititriistued„.e towards Christianity;- s and the evening theme "Israel.'s Cry fox Kr. A. L. Case our .new riteway agent, has rented Mr. A. Brandt's fine dwelling on the corner of Nele son and Richmond . streets, and win shortly occupy it. . et!se !Lila McDonald -who has been vicisbiatinnigedibere ear the past Month has rr , „ Mr. • Wm. Caldwell who has been hera for seine time left last weeic for his Ilene: in the weet, taking with him -a .h.umber ef fine, horses.: . Mr. C, Redruond w'ho has: been a„ resident of our village for the past. eight months has with this wife and. family moved back to his term La Hay Township. , iMr and Mrs. Alex Forrest .end lit- tia,daughter who spent the winter with 'relatives and friends in this sc.-tido:6 recently (returned- to • their Loins in th.e west acoonapanied by Miss Hazel Redmond who intends re- maining with them until 'Ohristrime. Tees Chas. McAllister. wes in Sea, forth last week visiting her mother Mrs. Sproat and hr sister Mrs. R. Reit. Mrs. 11.. Arnold has been' Visiting ;ij with vicinity. l . s rid friende London rd Parker Brosof. near Chiselburst have purchased. the I.mriesla.rzne . Mr. Time..Leitsg ,has steel his larm. in Hay.. Tolenatep to Mrs. Wm. 'Cole, man., of theee'dine'eneenehip eta good figure. . nee Mr. Garnet Sidelladonibe enn-of-the first ee.,sidents • of our village, and. who hos always taken a great in-, terest in Hensel! has .reeently et good position from the Onte ario .-Goveeximent, of which he has a tir,Ti'S been en ardent senporter. Ile lett herethis week to engage in his nee- clutiee ivhiCh are in connee- lnion with the Model farm at Guelph Mr. Smallaccmbe was iaccompanied th "re by his mother who int, ids re- atnining there for a time,.. heving daughter. Mrs. George - Walker resid- ing- in teat city: We wish Garnet ale success in his n•en- P051 tion • Mr. Gart Webber Los return:4i to Calgary ee restime his trade as cake winter. • , M ,hre 11. book and Sone pro pet- .. enricsa. rine n es- eneitte into !their Dour PILES CURED at HOME ' by New Absorption Method. If yott stiffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you, how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment.; and, will also send Seine of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality- if re- quested, Immediate relief and peril/anent ctire.asstiree, Send fte) : 11they 'kite tell btliers of this olyt.. Write tt/itcls,y tO Affrs4 1 Ata*iiiphekso tot P,s0"tIrIOAcw' ,' Cookery Points 'One Egg Cake, Cream a bait -cneful of butter, -week in one cupful of sugar. then one 04g yolk. When smooth Oir in one cupi of milk and gradually two cupfuls of sifted flour, with two teespoonfuls et baking powder. Flavor with vanilla, bake and ice with the following: Beat one cupful of coifed:Oiler's sugar slowly into the white of one egg and flavor with a half teaspoonful, of val,. nilla. Stir over'the tire a half cupfur of grated eliocOlate, two tablespoon- fuls of confectioner's sugar and one teiblespoonful of hot water until ooth, then add one more tablespoon- ful of hot water and stir into the sugar and beaten egg. Nuts may be added, whole or chopped. Veal Croquettes. Mince fine one cupful of cold veal, add a half cupful of cooked sweet- breads, also cold and minced, one cup- ful of cooked rice. a few drops of onion juice and minced parsley, celery or thyme to season.- Moisten -with a little veal stock and beat over the fire. Add salt and pepper and beaten egg yolk. Cook for one or two minutes and turn out on a dish to cool. When firm and cold form into croquettes, egg shape, roll in bread crumbs, then in beaten egg, to which a tablespoonful of milk has been added, again in the crumbs and fry in hot fat until a rich brown. Minced chicken may be sub- stituted for the veal and sweetbreads. New Scrambled Eggs. The member of your family who scorns scrambled eggs may enjoy theta in a new, glorified form. Cut thin slices of ham in strips like matches. Mince an onion. Fry both in butter seasoned with salt and pepper, and when nearly done add three or four slices of mushrooms. Make a circle of the•ham and onions and place the scrambled eggs in the center, garnish- ing with parsley. Another variation is to,epread round croutons with a layer of Sweet red pepper cooked, tben the scrambled eggs, then a springling of truffles. All scrambled eggs must be served at once and must not be tough. Banana Croquettes. - Peel aLt bananas. cut a slice from each end, then cut into crosswise sec- tions. Dredge well with powdered sugar and marinate one hour in -the- juice of two oranges, turning"the° sec- tions over now and then. Roll in -beat- en egg, then in grated crumbs, andity • In deep hoe at Fareth.e sauce. he sirup after the bananas hav'e`been taken out, bring just to boiling -Point; then thicken with one tablestaionful cornstarch stirred smooth in a little cold water. Cook until clear,talie from the fire and add a,lialf teaspoonful of orange extract. 'a• c1:1 Pot Roast. Use any kind of meat. Put into an Iron pot a tablespeonful of meat fry - lugs or butter; let it brown; wash off the roast and put into the pot. kter,it begins to fry, pour in 'enough water to half cover the meat; season with pep- per and eat; cover and Stew As the meat begins to fry, add mere water.; turn it Often, and ee k nbont three hours. A half hour.beee.- -err- ing add either Irish or Sweet pot:lees, or turnips; allow to brown With meat.« If turnips are added prepare browned sweet potatoes separately. Dried Fruit. Dried fruit tastes just as good when stewed in the oven, and this method bas its advantages -tbe fruit will ,n�t dry and burn, it will remain whole and may be cooked .while roasting or bak- ing.. Wash fehtiepone teeling wa,ter, over it and :tee le seine, tt a cowered 111411 Until .1...1t11,41Y„J14.0•,•1t,il Ili • 111e OVP.I•1 ;Ida t lt,r1101'. ,41.1V1-1' liti it ti Ito Ow c(0,;111t! Pratio:4 tire {I 1W14.,S st esvoti .1iti•• . • • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA maildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTC HOMESEEKERS' • EXCURSIONS TO Magnolia, Saskatchewan, Alberta SpecialTr:kisu leave Tommie 2.00 ism. on APRIL 2,15,36 MAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 0; 23 AUG, 6, 26 SEPT. 3, 17 Second eh,s ticket. from Ontario stations le erilithel Northwest poirtla at LOW IROUND-TRIP RATES Winsinee end return 04.00k Edmonton and rehire $42.00. and to other poinu proimmos. Tickets good to return within 60 der, from going ade. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS these, to Edmonton via Saskatoon, alto loWinnipes snd Gilroy via Main Line on all eget:Ilion*. Ccds. heeled herd...41111r ecuirMed with bearing, crea be .recur,dst noxlmate rake through lord arise eerie apolketioe Must he Made, AS:g 'VOR ,,ktootststlyite pAikoHLir eontatibria take and htil inforingtialt. st kcIr 611tEdt UNt CtIAIllit Or, For the Children Tiny Complete Watch Contaioed In a Pearl. Health AND I-Iappine Largely Depend Upon Blood Purit YOU cannot know the joy allying unless your blood is absoltitely pure. Slow sluggish and impure blood will produce an inactiVe unhealthy body, a body that will seriously handicap the keen. est mind or most active brain, Why gamble with your hap- - piness and your success in life? You must know if your blood is impure. Dull eye, sluggish brain and a pimply blotchy skin are Nature's indications of blood impur- ity Banish them -not by doctoring the effects, but by removing the cause—purifying the source. An example of ingenious craftsman- ship in watcbmaking is shown in the accompanying illustrations of a watch Contained in a pearl, the illustrations showing about its actual size. It took fifteen months of the time of the best workmen employed by French jew- elry firm to complete it. The pearl in its native state weighed forty-five grains and measured 0.57 of an inch in diameter. The movement, which is 0.45 of an inch in diameter, is of special construction, of course, and represents the most patient and mi- nute care. The piercing of the pearl, for instance, was exceptionally diffi- cult. The watch is valued at $6,000. - Popular Mechanics. • The Game of Cherry. If you Intend having a few of your friends at your house on the afternoon of Washington's birthday send out your invitations on cardboard cut in the shape of a little hatchet. In one corner paint a little cherry tree and then write your invitation. Some fun an be had if, after your guests. ar- rive, you play the game of "therry." Buz a candy basket and fill it with candy cherries. Suspend the basket from the ceiling by a long string and let your guests, with bands tied be- hind them. try to catch the swinging basket with their mouths. The snc- cessful one gets the basket of cherries as a prize. Another form of this game is to hang the individual cher- ries from strings and allow the chil- dren to try to catch them in their mouths. Still another "cherry" game Is to place a box on a chair at each end of the room and give each child a half dozen candy cherries, which be, at a distance, trien to throw in the basket. Washington and the Poacher. Washington was a tine shot, and the waters of the Chesapeake abounded in canvasback and other ducks. Wash- ington would not allow other people to bring down his birds. He learned that one poacher was filling his game bags at his expense. Washington determin- ed to end his fun. Hearing a shot one day, he mounted his horse and rode in the direction of the sound. Thegroach- er discovered his approach and, enter- ing his canoe, pushed a few yards out -into the river before the master of Mount Vernon came in view. When Washington, with anger in his eye, came in sight the poacher raised his gun, cocked it and took deliberate aim. Washington did not show the slightest fear. He walked into the water. seiz- ed the canoe and pulled it asbore. Taking the gun from the poacher. be gave him so severe a chastisement that he never again repeated his at- tempt upon Washington's birds. Conundrums. • When did Ruth treat Boaz badly? When she pulled bis ears and trod on his' corn. Why is a convivial man like a Quaker? Because he is fond of the society of friends. What is that which we all ent and drink, though it is sometimes a woman and sometimes a man? A. toast. Why would a tanner make a good chemist? Because he understands ox (hides. . When is soup likely to run out of the saucepan? When there's a leek in it. What is that which you must keep after giviug to another? Your word. -Philadelphia' Ledger. A Suggestion. The, next time the snow drifts Into your yard Instead of making a snow man try to make a snow pig. An ob- long mass of snow forms the body, and the legs, nose and ears are made of sticks surrounded by anew. A bit of rope nicely curled will. make a good tail. Various pigs can be ebaped and carved, according to the skill of the young artist, and will give a lively and sociable appearance to your yard and coupe the neighbors a great deal ef • annisetnent-at your expense per - baps. Frost Pictures. The other ehlairee Mt* to write 'their names noon the Leine Tilivilirestforoysottiedc'aonvetreoinththceitnitoleuth, itn, They dra* 3I sorts er'tiwkWarti chit** But L M0010 mullet- ten Tii.P1oUre3 that the, Whitt fteet. ainge MOO painted there foe otee train atrod thesiairY tolk • • "LNrheit.ii ihdigir"ifoMe litight11114 woe, tiookitay throw44ottokoo• 10:1tie oroatokOtak• BLOOD PURIFIER purifies and enriches the blood -remove the cause of all sorts of skirt diseases and tones up the system. Nyaes Blood Purifier banishes that feeling of langour-that run down, listless condition end con- sequent loss of appetite. The liver is stimulated. the blood en- riched and the whole system reepunds vigorously to the bene- ficial effect of this excellent remedy. We strongly recom- mend NYAL'S Blood Purifier because we know exactly what it contains. 11 18 the geod old fashioned German Blood Puriiiier of our grandruothers-made more effec- ' tive and palatable. Nyal's Blood Purifier was com- pounded for just one purpose -to purify your blood -and it does its work well • Price $1.00 a Bottle. • Sold and guaranteed by Ws Ss llowey, PluChemist & Optician m. lie EXETER, ONTARIO, .1...••••• GRAND . BEND Angus Patterson Las • loat a eroo driver also a 3 -year old colt inside the: last two weeks and at present has another one that is sick. Angus has a pile of poplar poles piled up ire the yard for wood, which are dry. The veterinary thinks it is from eating tee bark off those poles that effected the stomach causing acute. indiges' - tion. The monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church Ives held al the 'home of Mrs. Jas. MolSera Mrs. Thos. Stewards= and datigh ter Laura of Greenw•ay, visited at G. 0„ Olivers oti Sunday; The snow is disappearing very Cast DOW, Most of those who nave been fish- ing have taken out 1:heir nets and teaks as it has turned so soft and warm it Is not safe to go, out' en the ice any mons. Dislardine & Brenner ownere of our chief herring industry here had very Leavy lift of: fish an Monday morning'. They even had to return home for mare tackle to lift their toete:. Quite it number from Lere attend.. the Detour sale in Bosanquet on Mon- day. Tbey report that good prices were realized. 01,ANDE130YE d t A large number from this place at- ( reviled the sale of Mr. Thos. Atkin - sou on Thursday.. He has sold hie term and moved to London Wednesday ; A large -number of friends gatherece I at their home the other evening Mee and Mrs. Atkinson were .presented , witt a Their of rocking chairs. Their, ; son was presented with a signet xinge , and a pair of gold cuff buttons, Mr; ; and Mrs. Atkinson have lived in that; , part of the locality all their Ryes end will he missed by ale I Mr, lea Bice has just completed in- - stalling Lire steam heatine apparatus, and acetylene lights in his hornet kith. Andrew Patton has made ad purchase of a new- driver. • The funeral of the infant child et Mrs. Bel Simpson took place recently:. to S rciniei jhe:'nelle°sinCtlCemetery Mr. Geo. Simpsolel • Mr. 'Burley Illodgitts had a sawing be the other day, when he get, tee' large quantity of logs sawed. - You judge a-M7—not by what Ite promises to do but by wbat he hoer done. That is the onetrue tetie: • 1 -Chamberlain's Cogit Remedy jaded by this standard has no superior, 'People everywhere speak of it in tlah - highest terms -of praise. For sale by an dealers rip* - — THINK (THIS 017ER AILSA CRAIG • Quite it numbor ef cases of scarlet fever are reported in the town at Present, Five of Mr. John McKay' children •ars down with the dieeaset Nurse 'Campbell of Toronto is in atten dance ' Mrs. Harry Best and baby Whig, have *en ;spending, the winter withl her parents in town, returned !,e Weston this week. • Mrs. 3. F. Lougb is visiting ihee sarents in Tiondout. • Norman McDonald ih,as returned from Sarnia where he has been mei ploy -ed by the G. T. R. and is je.avingi next week for the wese Mr. J. A. Hodgins G. TY. B1 agent who took so serieasly ell last week is still in a very serious eonditien, Mr. S, Robinson who fraotured bia arm some weeks ago by falling frorri a car is able to be out again'. Miss Georgie Brown has returned to London after visiting her 'friend Miss Ottie Parker. A The local gristraill presents a very busy appearance. Never in the Wee tory of the tnill has it been known to rum s'o steady at thie time of the year They' now have 05 cars of flon ordered ahead, tmost of whiciejoanst be , out by April 1st. Afl other year the mill has been forced leo eke* down at this time of Ithe.y ear, for al couple of weeks at least ern emu* of shortage cd! order. By ehte appearance of the local saw - mai sear= svitn togs staiteesteae hitb as 30 to 40 feet conditions are very satisfeotory for an extra long •stavo season. Double tbe quantity or •loito have been drawn in this season to previous eeesens and Mr. S. R. Iles team aro sad terey. . • People -around Ailia Craig and sure rounding district report the roads great deal 'more favorable for trafthe ' than they have been for %reeks,. This Offer should Gain the 'Conti - deuce of the moet 'skeptical We pay for all the medicine used luring the trial, if our remedy to cemplete.ly relieve you of consti- pation's' We will take all the risk You are not .ohligated to ius in any way whatever, if you accept our offer That's la mighty broad statement hut we mean every word 'of it. Could anything be more fair to you? A. most scientific common-sense treatment is Ilexall Orderlies whice are eaten like candy). Their active prtnciplt is a recent scientific diseove ery that is odorless 'colorless " and tasteless; very pronounced gentle in action and particularly agreeable in every way. This ingredient does not cause diarrhoea, nausea flatulence, griping or other incon.venience. Rex_ all Orderlies are particularly good. I for children, aged and delicate per- I sons. If 'gnu suffer from chronic or tabitual constipation or the associe tate. or dependent chronic ailments. we urge you to try. Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Remember yau an get them in Exeter only at our store. - The 'Renee Store W. S. Cole. ZURICH Mr. John Geiger's sale took place, last Friday. Miss Ida Sipple has left .(or Pothole, weere she intends making her future hem e. . ;Misses Carle Eisenbach and Myrtle. Horner of the ilth Con. are visiting friends in Detecet Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reim returned Lo Berlin on Monday, after a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Goshen Line, Mrs. :Ruby Scbwartzentruber 01 the Bronson 'Lino is visiting relatives in New Ilainburg and vicinity, Mr.• William Wagner of the Gosel Len line North is laid up with an attack of paralysis. 13.is condition is someweat improved this week. eIrs. Beaver .if the ee can mother of William Bea V er to has been an invalid is suffering great pain from gangrene, which has befallen her. A meeting of Huron County Tem-, perance men will be held in Wesley church Clinton on Friday March 291h at 10 o'oloolc a. m. It is desired that every church and municipality in the County be represented. 'Mr. Charles Shoemaker of the Gos- hen line was operated on last week for rupture. He is progressing ease orablie Mr, Moses Geiger has purchased Mr, E. Appers dwelling or etie.160. This is the rproporrty formerly own - by else late Jacob Ort and is a nice. hp.Mes I Mr 3os, Guinan hes completel his work of ess.e.ssing in the Township of Stephen. The members of the Lutheran cleiroh choir met at the •home of Mr, E. Appel 'last Thursday evening, end presented Miss Ida Sipple wee) left for Detroit on Monday with an ad- dress and it tatideolne gift. Miss Sipple Walt orgenist, of the Lutherart cLureh for some years anti during tl.o.t, time performed her work in7 the most satisfactory mariner, Electric Restorer for Men otio.sphonot rdtiote§ everenerte in the body -itt teepee letesites restottet yeti end vitality,. isseitietate dote's ilia ell Seet1i1 Vielechese **mute at Mite. IShonnIfolint will *kr, Vitt it 1161v tnah.PtleelgebeeteelliteLlel iwalledfd told whellkOMH 111Se OR Anflts BABY TERRIBLY SCALDED i Doctor agreed Zamt-Bak was best Possible Treatment ' Mrs. Albert Sawyer of Midland Ont., says; " While' living in Brant.* ford east winter my little son spilled a vessel of boiling water aver hie neck. He was terribly scalded, and - 117121 immediately galled lint a dloothrt The treatmennt did not seem to giVe: the °laid ease or heal the te'rriblei Scalds, so after a week's trial we gole • some Zara:Birk (and applied it. It gave the tchild case alrnott iately, land after it fieW days use the scalds saemed to be getting Alorigi finel‘y; ' "To make 'quite nee 'that all Wan'. right, however, we ealled la a seeond: docto(r. He said everYthitig •was go- ing along splendidly, the scalds were healing the little blie ,will Soon be quite recovered. Then we told hied', Zam-Buk was what We were using and he told us we cauld usenothingi bettor. ZaineBnit Worked a eerie+, plete, ,oure." • Mrs. IS. Smith and, Mrs. 3 rt., Teazle.: ty" 73 fereck, ate Brantford, esim kneW ' o th.e above decedent, and What ftee ' lowed write. • "aVe Certify that theft tactare tree in every deta.iLl' 'Mothers ehould know thet for barns. Outs, scalds, bruises, eczerna, piles end all ekie dieeatice, there nothing to equal Zatur-Suk. „Than wos tJto :opinion ,of: the docitor itailtodee" fleeted With the Abirvo enael And i the opinion of hundeetle ot other doth tors the, world ower.,, brogitkla,oh,t, tainable fro/A all druggists , arid stores Ono, or 2ap*Ook 00,, Toroth*,