HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-3-28, Page 1The Werst CSro of Ethelliniatlam an be relieved by the use of RELALL AMATXWREMEDY*. iot only' retie.# butt co late cure fellows Re nee. Sq ant °$i,00 Bottles Coto's Dtogirors ► The Rexall guarantee means exactly' what ib says "Satisfaction or your money back for the asking." 11M-EIoWTI IC AR No 1999 Huron & Mjddldsex Gazette R ?privet Flt Guaranteed WWa carry a Targe variety° of all tiie bed }Bi* in stock and can, Supply the one adapted to your case. Trolls fitting ie °AO. of ouir specialties.. Cole's Drug Star EXETER, ONT CANADA, , THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 28th J)2 BONES & MAY PHONE 2 Our Spring3 Millinery Now Ready for Your Inspection All the newest Ideas from Paris and New York are shown here. Our millinery is the best we have ever shown and you will do well to pick up your new Easter hat early. SPRING COATS For Ladies Misses and children. Another shipment of those nifty- spring coats. They go quick you must have one. SPRING SUITS Have you seen them. The real Nobby stuff Short jackets with com- bination trimmings All Tailor made at lowest prices. Tub Goods. For Spring COTTON VOILES GINGIIAMS & CHAMBRAYS In all colors Plain in White Cream, Tan, Mauve, Sky and "Grey. Stripes in Green Blue, and Red, Real good Stylish Dresses, Weare showing a veryl arge range of Plain Chambrays in all colors also Ginghams in all shades of Checks and Plaids. Gents` Furnishings for. Spring We Always keep the new up -to- date Goods. New Dress. Shirts Fancy Sox New Snitings Outing " Suspenders " Suits Dress Collars " Belts " Hats Lounge CollarsRc Ties Caps The Easter Neck Wear all here. 1 • RR HOUSE FURNISHINGS The Spring House Cleaning is just here° You will need a New Rug, Carpet or Linoleum, • Do not forget rs we are Head Quarters for all kinds of House Furnish- ngs. Wilton Rugs Brussels Carpet Axminster "`:R Tapestry " Velvet RR , Wool Brussels Union Tapestry " Stair Wool ,l Japannese tR • RR RR Lace Curtains Tapestry Sween " Linoleums Oilcloths Window Shades SHOES All the new. Spring Shoes for Gents, Ladies and Children are now here in Plain, Patent and Tana Phone 32 COAL OIL WALL PAPER For any room in the house 10,000 Rolls from go. per Roll up. Jones it May, Exeter GASOLINE EXETER!S BIG HARDWARE Sap, Sugar Making Supplies PAILS, PANS. SPILES, & BITS Leave your order for pane. we make all sizes out of the beat Galvanized Iron. Stock and Poultry Food International in 25 50 and 350 Pkges. Heave cure50 Colic Cure 50 Poultry Food -25 ";ifarbsgeuni in 25 and 5o. pkges in bags at 2 85 Sulpher, Salts, Salt Petre Everything for the Stock Furnace work and Plumbing estimates cheer= fully furnished. Royal Purple 1n 50 and 1 50 Pkges Poultry in 50 and 150 Lice Killer , 25 Oows Relief 50. Caldwell's Molasses Meal AMAN'SAll E ANDD STOVE STORE SCRANTON COAL ROOFING res" to the end of 1 12 for 75e neW les rape In the o t> ty FREE A receipt that will absolutely break up any fever, . no matter what caused it if taken time. I have used it twenty years without a failure, A postal card will bring it by return mail. Ad- dress C. R. Jenne 10 Alice Street Tor- onto. HURON PRESBYTERY VOTES FOR UNION; Huran Presbyterry's record on re- cent union vote is as foll s ,-a Elders,. for .115, .against 30; Members for 215$, against 1113; Adherents for; 451 against 231; Totals for 2724, against 13.74 t Chamberlain's ce u g =edty! • has .von its great reputation and eaten sive sale by its remarkable cures for coughs, colds, and croup, It can. !be depended upon. Try at Sold by all dealers. THE WOMAN Who Looks olcsOl i Old sot Wise Neglect your skin and the years are hound to leave their traces. Your skin needs care and attention just as much as your teeth. NYAL,'S FACE CREAM contains enough oxygen to destroy all decayed matter. Disappears in the skin without a trace of greasiness. it leaves the skin perfectly clean— clears the complexion andeoothes the face after being exposed to the sun, winder hard water. .A, big artis- tic jar of it for 25c. ronq with lit horns tagaoittir 1I wilt give von entire sattafki tlon '$nla and guaranteed by , y hen, D W. S. Howe B. ()heOnnist'and TOpticiari, EXl3JTEL3, Exeter. Council Meeting of the oduncil held in; the Townhall Griday levening March 22nd Memb,;i's all present . Minutes of last tne'eting were read and approved Soott—Rivers that the accounts be paid as ;read. Geo. Mantle coal 85.82, Queen Cas Cil Co. Gasoline 16.87; Sidney San- ders labor 4,.05;Wm. Creech 4:80 T, Sanders 5.40 W. Wescott 1:20 John Glouoher 60; Jno Eydd; do 60; Wm. Hatter do 60, Geo Atkinson do 180 Thos. Brook sr. do 4.80 Thos. Satin-' den 7.10 David Russell sr, 150. Fred Wells 75o. total 136079,• Levelrt—Rivers-- That the Clerk bill the Grand Trunk. Ry with, $'2,00 for lass of water- in depleting the water in the stand pipe and to draw their attYntign to the fact that such loss might prove a very ser- ious matter in the event of fire. Leve'tt that we adjourn tomcat at the' call of the Reeve;. T. B:. CARLING Clerk Crediton Miss Weida Banes is spending a few days in London this week with frielnds: ' ,Mr. and Mrs. Northcott of Exeter were /the •guests of Mr. and Mrs. Math, eal Hirtzel one day Iast week. 'Quil'ti'ng bees are 'tb:e order of the day Ass Clara Hist returned Lome af- ter ,spending a couple of days with friends in Detroit. ,Miss Myr'tl'e Clark ;entertained a number of young people on Monday e•venin'g. Miss Elia Beaver is spending a Lew' dans ,with friends in London. One, by one the pioneers of this sear tied, are passing ;away a.nd on Sahara day lupi nin'g another of our ,respec- tive, tci'tizens in the person at Eliza- belt'h Krain, passed to ,her reward. Deceased head reached the good old age of se.ven1y-five years and with her lc'hildren and friends celebrated. her seventy-fifth birthday. She was an acttive member of the Evangelical Church and when able attended every service in, connection with the o'hurch. She is survived' by three sons and two daug'hlbers. She jived' with her daugh ter Mrs. Henry ,Motz for the last few years. The funeral which took place on Tuesday was very largely ;at- tended the rerna:ins' being interred r in The Evangelical cemetery,. Mrs. Chas. Zwicker relturned home after spending a couple of days vis- iting 'their parents in New Bambara. A carnival was held in the rink last Wednesday evening. Some of the costumes were Elate. The yotng Deo", .pl'e are gelating a lot of Witting this wintbeat Mrs. Dan. ,Sweltzer is spending a few days visiting 'friends in Lond'an. Miss 'Alma 'Hill was in Exeltaer one day .jasa' week, Mr. Bert 'Clark has the job of pant ing the Town Hall rt certainly will add to the appearance .of it. Miss R. Roeszerer was in London on Tuesday. ' The; Misses. Nicola of'Teals tock are the guests of Mr. and airs. Oe9tricher Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Schtvantz re- turned to their home in South Cay- uga'af•ter spending a :couple ofweeks. with r'elativas.1 We are •glad to report that Miss Merle Clark is able to be arcaund.ag- ain after her recent ilJntess. (Mr. Wm, Neirgartth of Reed !City spenit a few days in town. Mr. George Silber has been laid up for a flaw drays with an attack of la Gripp!ec THAMES ROAD A subscriber who read in the Times that the farmers had started to tap their maple trees, wants to know how they are running. On the 22nd of March the Lumley sluggers came to school section No 2 intending to give the Thames Road Duffers a beating, when the ;ams ended the score was 2 to 1 in favor of Thames Road. Mr. Arthur Cola refereed the 'game to perfectioln, CEN7.1RALIA Miss Williams. of•Tux."do Irk N• w York. Misg F. M. BIa'tchford, of Tor- onto Mr. C. V. Blatchfrard of Windsor and Mr. E. A. BIatchford, of tondos - bora, visited at the parsonage over Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. J. J. Colwill had a very stto- oesaful sale of farm implements am stock on Friday, the 22nd inst People here will be glad when al the snow becomes' cleared aft the walks and roads. Spring will recrivr a cordial welcome after the severs winter, WOODS M Dorris McNaughton, I'!f.lJr i,:u..h: r pf the miller is ill with ;:,teum., i Dr, Campbell is in att. ndstise. Mr. 13. Allem and fatuity 1 f; f.rr :he west on Monday of this w k. The infant son of• teit;.t M;lis is still very poorly. The Millinery opening:, ie at: lh end of that week. Clarence Gunning lea ler b: on Friday last and will <!;r Arrab. time near Itamiota The Bev. W. B. Van ; don attending the fun;, a, 01 It li0v. Dr. Ha,natlon, Mrs. P'eglar has gen 4:, P;. k het Moine for a t im • v r ia . • r,,. daughter Mrs, Ferry as 1 I rk- tlan, Her daughter Mre !, ,re t ;e- turned on Monday to Js- r It Harte, ; Walkcrvi,r te. Sugar making has The vote on . Church 1 tala 'Woodhatn Cireut rcault. t't ,,,1,1a li'tembera over 18 for Members milder 18 fri a? Adlset'eitts tor 260_ ag. 11..; . for 154; against 370 R0 , limon the off (dal boar=1 aime t . Rev. Dr. Hannon Dead Former Pastor of James Street Church Dies in St. Marys Rev. James Hannon. D. D. one of the best known 'Methodist Ministers in Western Ontario, died, in St. Marys last -Saturday evening at the home of his son -an -law Rev. F. E, Malot, after a lengthy illness. '' Ie was 75 years of age, The late Dr. Hannon was a widely known and highly honored minister of the Methodist church, having lucid some of the most important charges in the Toronto, Hamilton and London; conferences. Be, was born in Nara wind in 4837 and was educated at • the, Norwlood Grammar School and • Victoria University, Cobaurg. At the • age of 120 years be entered the minis-' try, beginning his clerical career in • • what is now Toronto Conference. i • After ordination he was stationed • successively at Newcastle, Bowman). ° • villa Toronto., Young,: street Adelaide • and Berkeley streets),'Hami1lton,,(Oe.n. ; t tenary and Zion), London (First 1 • Cburch), Hamilton (Zion Tabernacle), i • Dundas 'St. St. Marys, Kincardine. Guelph, St. Thomas, (First Church) • Stratford, (Central Church), Chatham • (i -ark Street), Exeter James: street • &wen years ago he retired from the • active work after 47 years of almost • continuous toil. He was a man of • fine physique, superior mental powr- ers,pathics. kindly nature and broad syma He was an able preacher and a man of fine executive ability and very arly in his ministry won a leading , place among bis confreres, by whom he was held in the highest esteem. For over twenty years he herd the ° position of ctairman of district. ILI was president of the Guelph con-! • ference for a term and was elected ; • a member of every general confer-. 4' once except the first, es long, as be • continued in the active work. As a • member of the general conference • t • he served the church on the general board of missions for eight yearsand I • for the name length of time on the • superannuation hoard. • Forty-two years ago he was mar - mod to Miss Sarah Margaret Wilson, daughter of Squire Wilson ea Wile lowdale to them were born two sons and one 'daughter. ' Dr. Hannon is surv rived by his wife and one son, Judges J. W. Hannon of lRegina His death wssete .,,;; ill• ' , nese y-. a, ^r'as 'sirole of"friends who were sincerely at- tached to bin A •'service for the family was held at the parsonage St. Marys. on Tues- day at 11.30 a.m, and a public eerya ice in-G'irst Methodist church London .lye same day at 1.30 p.m.' after which the remains were interrei% in Mount Pleasant cemetery. Double Wedding A very pretty wedding was 'held at he. home of Mr. and Mrs., • Th'o's. larke., of Usborne, an Wednesday aroh 27th when the following were n.ibed in- marriage., 'Maggie Priscilla Mr. Wilson 'Hawkins and Laura. AUMr. John 'Simpson. The ceremony as.•p'er'formed;at 6 p,%m. by,.the Rev. A. Steadman in the presence 'of out 50 invited guests Both brides. (tared the parlor each leaning on n arm of their father, while the edding march was 'being played by eir causal Miss Goldie PMil1s, They oked very becoming in pr'e'tty gowns cream diagonal satin .trimm'•d with .lege and ball trimmings;. Masters uberit Hunter and Ernest Prouty. ads 'two very 'cute little page boys d were 'the only attendents. After s ceremony all repaired to the din- g room where a sumptuous weda ng dinner was partaken of. The ides were 'the recipients of many s'tly s'nd useful 'gifts, including the rooms' gifts of pearl aresemt a)oches. To the page boys they ve watches and chains Guests re present from AIvinstan, Seamrth.. London, Kineardine•, Rondeau rlin and Saskatchewan. Both Mr. wkins and Mr. Simpson have fine rots in Usborne on which they will tla. The limes jbtns with their ny friends in extending conaret tions. C M u to to w T. ab em a ry rh 10 of f H an th in di br cog br ga we fo as Ha ra istit ma uta RIRKTON Mrs. Gemmel and son spent the 1> end with Mrs. 8. Tufts.. alas Doig is intllrovinr irradually Itt hone, of her sister Mrs. Kemp M'gs Ruth Elliott is visiting in St, ?iarys. Th. vas a good attendance at the 1hrdist church en Sunday night +ltd Ire.'n interest taken in the pas- ,.or's stirring sermon on "Gossip," The Kirkton mill is closed on ac - of • anotle r brook down. :Tire. Wm. Ross unrl:• rwent an oper- ation in St. Jos• pa's hospital a; y lest. Slat is making es .).11 h rrgress ata [i l;I' h c'xp•c+•c. "h Sacred Onn'are Plaster Angels 11 i. hCow, l lriv •Fridsy,n int is Methodist church 11 r teals n public meeting in the 1', irltt'on e nretrry eday or re nighh. V° 1•iAL'*v `air.:ln 1 .l•Ire. r. • ^'urning spot•!! ;h pm, M t' r, Fred Gun= • r Anl1 rs•••n. 't tlar ne r y 'art las' r Man. {•;b , t r a r proposal ny1)11. vt tarp 1'.r. •, lc.. , t, r,. Suede; n e in_.1 ab •r!x t7 . , a 1V1 rel ll •,1 )u''fia'!mg 111 •' 11,.e'r.. I,' 9n" res .. d'. Mr. ir- hrr 11• ' .11„ ' Pr >,r ltc ;q PI ,r 1t ill • • • • • • • s • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •, e • • • o. • • • a Dressy Meii Men who are most particular about style and quality always have their clothes made to measure. The name of "Taman" is the best guide for made -to - measure clothes. There is a guarrantee behind every Taman gaament that meansyou can have j back if ,you .,?.rte-.. ,.r.. . _ "_- ..,- money. d atislied _."Weare showing the Spring lines in Suitings and Overcoatings. Come in and have a look. t present our store is being remodelled prepara I. tory to putting in an up-to-date stock` of Gents'Furn- •; ishings such as Shirts. Collars and Ties, .Hats, Caps and I Gloves. 'Ready-made Clothing, Overalls; Etc. We will then be in a position to fit yon out in the Latest Styles I leave Your Order for your New Spring Suit. for Fashionable Men. In the meantime step in and 1 W. TAMA MEW: TAILOR •••O.Oe••e••••••44+•••••••+•••,•••000•.•.•••••••••. Palpitation 'of the hear't', nervone tremblings, nertous headache, cold .ands and feet, pain, in the back and other forms of weakness is relieved by Carter's Iron Pills made especial)- ly for blood. nerves and complexioln. THROUGH TRAINS TO THE WEST via Chicago and Sit. Paul. Berson - ally conducted Greed Trunk spatiat train will Ieave Toronto 10.30 p, rn, Tuesday April 2nd to Cainrose, Ed- monton and points in Manitoba, Sask etchewan .and Alberta, stopping at all poinits on Grand Trunk pacific west of Winnipeg, L'uItman Touris- ts •sleepers will be carried fully equip ped With bedding and porter in charge,. Berths may be secured in these ,cars at a low rate. This is an rxc"+ptianal opportunity fpr those wishing to take advantage of the remarkably low one way set- tlers rates e r round trip 'Homeseek- re •'Scursieutt, • hrough the American titres+, No cllang,' of cars.' Secure tidketa berth reservations etc. from any Cenral Trunk agent. Or tvritie A. E .11111 district pass•enr per a•gennt Torentet ilowey, th' r • rription Draggle.; •' sole a,gen :" n Exeter for Gunnetis t onderful ('a 11 Cream. • The following is the report of'exa;1 in,ations held in S. S. No, Ft, Bay, V. Class —Ella Tones 68; Witfreti Northcoth 81;. IV class— Joan Must ray 68; Ealph Hawkins- 61, Willie! Smith 58; •Earl Campbell 55; EMIL Willard 50 Hilda 'Williams 48; •II'IZ class—Gretta Case .67; Edna ,Geddeeg 63 ; Vera Janes 62; Alma Dearirg 50 Willie Millard 47;, Herman Willer..' 44; G'eo Mawson treaoLer. MARRIED,.... o---- SIM Ps z o — L N C ARTiIl—In Usborne on Wednesday March nth at the home! of the bride's parents, Mr. andMrse Thos. Clarke, Miss Laura'M. 'tot Mr. John Simpson, by Rev. T. Al. Steadman. HAWKINS-CLARKE In Uebornequi• Wednesday March 27th at the home; of the bride's parents, Me and Miss Thos. Clarke, Miss Maggie PresilIat to Mr. Wilson Hawkins, by Rev. 'P, A. Steadman.. PI PER—BROWN—At the Jatnes St. parsonage, on Monday evenba:g' March 26bh, by rev. Rd. 1l3obbs,i Mise 2rfargaret A. Brown, of Parte Piper, of WaN lace town, formerly .:.Of Exeter, hill, lto Mr. Edwin Pi •-444,4.444-1,44.+4.4.4.+++++.14+41-1. 4-14-14.14+++++++++ 4-1-1-1-1.444.44. f)AITS 10 4. i„ To Get Premium China in .;r Drug Department , Pieces Cbirraware Free with vitt 'Drug Prepar-. taim,', refi Vour Friends, t t rray of Easter Cards. '11.11.1,• I)pi'wramenta ,. We est, upp) yottwith -4' IN s, V1("1"0iiS the best made, 8: trig: selec- N INil lili.lNG 'Y`O`tJJt p'I•tI>aND$, '.•t" Phone • • •lr44.4 4 444, • af•44,