HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-01-12, Page 70 z N cI V tl it These members of the Second Goderich Girl Guide Company were recently presented with their All Round Cords by Sylvia Brady, Klahanie District Commissioner at a special ceremony at St. George's Anglican Church. In back is. Tania Cornish. In front, left to right, are Lisa Van Den Broeck, Michelle Rotteau and Mary Su MacLennan. These girls, along with previous All Round Cord recipients Anne Crocker and Tracy Garrick, have now ad- vanced to Pathfinders. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) rich to increase The price Canada's farmers reeeiae fora dozen • Grade A large eggs will in- crease by one cent MpndaY, as ti'" result of interim changes in the labour rate announeedd by the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency recently. "Last suinmer's Federal. egg probe heard from. all, producer groups that the .labour rate used in calculating the farmgate price of eggs was unrealistic", explained Jean Brassard, CSMA General Manager. "To resolve this problem, the . Inquiry recommended two studies which the Agen- cy has initiated. Results are not expected for about six months. To correct the low labour rate in the interim, the Agency as of . Monday, will cost this component bas- ed on 75 percent of the clif- f erence if-ference between the manufacturing labour rate and the current method. Once the results of the studies . are known further adjustments may be necessary." Brassard noted, "To soften the effect of these price changes on consumers, the increases will be im- plemented at the rate of one cent a month over the next few months". "This switch to a new labour rate will push up the price of eggs by one cent. Changes in the other cost G®DIi1Cli SI rNAL TAIL, >Q. 3;1983- -PAGE 7 The Cost Of Keeping Your Automobile Running Got You Down? egrnppnents In the pricing• formlla in December have offset each otherr, For In- stance, while feed was up, Pullet prices were down", Brassardconcluded.. • T.he Canadian Egg Marketing Agency establishes at the start of each ;nollth the price pro- ducers receive for. their eggs, based on a cost of. pro- duction formula. CEMA has no powers over the.price con suiners ultimately pay, since this is determined, by retailers and wholesalers.. • This is the first month since last August that pro- ducer prices have increased. These prices fie dropped six cents since last September. With soda fres fili.up you nava a 40411tat atiNklna you iditols to win our IM•akiy *ow. Hurry In to-dny. i;novo mad* Wednesdays - Wlnnors notified. WINTER HOURS: Monday -Saturday 7 am -9 pm Sunday 9 am -6 pm Opolf Four men take cruise. Four Auburn young men celebrated New Year's Day in a different way this year when they took a cruise down th,e Maitland River in a flat -bottom boat. Leaving the site of the Pat- terson bridge at Auburn, 'captain Eldon Chamney, rent Andrews, Terry Powell and Dave Rodger, started off about 10 a.m. and were driven by a small motor. • By a streak of bad fortune , the leaders, Mrs. George the motor, stopped this side Collins and Mrs. Douglas of the C.P.R. Bridge and Chamney before that date so they had to paddle their two books can be obtained. oars the rest of the journey No overnight to Forrester's Bridge. They parking gof arrived there about 1 p.m. The January meeting The rowing proved quite aw the Auburn Trustee Board chore as in several places was held last Saturday even - the water was • too shallow ing. Chairman . Warner An- and nearly grounded their drews opened the meeting boat. This event proved quite and the minutes were read exciting and was a good way by secretary, Mrs. Ross. to bring in 1983. We will be Dobie. waiting for your trip in 1984. The trustees are asking Citizenship and World Af- everyone to keep their cars fairs will be -the topic of the parked off the streets during January meeting of the the hours of 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. Auburn Women's Institute to in case of a heavy snowfall be held in the, Auburn Com- and the streets require plow- munity Memorial . hall on' ing. If everyone co-operates January 18 at 2 p.m. The con- a bylaw will not have to be veners for the program are drawn up.' This will save the s. Tom Jardin and Mrs. ratepayers' money:- It was ina Empey. The roll call.is announced that the Com- be answered by naming a munity centre building is ent event. The hostesses now covered with insurance, be Mrs. Frank Raithby .$20,000 plus $2,000 on con- Mrsx Lillian Letherland. tents and the insurance with 'ryone is welcome. Edgar Daer is also .settled inners at last week's for coverage. It was decided e party held in the to again grant $50 to the unity Memorial hall Auburn Horticultural Socie- novelty,' Mrs. Tom ty for their work with the high . lady, Mrs. flower beds and Manchester Daer; low lady, Mrs. Garden. Clark; high man, As there were several milton; low man, complaints about dogs runn- Lapp. The pro- ing at large in the village it uchre starts at 8 was decided to ask the owners to keep them on their property. Trustee Warner Andrews is going to deliver this letter to several owners of dogs. As of December 12, 1980, previously, an owner would generally not be responsible for an injury caused by his dog unless the owner had reason to expect his dog would behave in such a man- ner. The result was that quite frequently a dog has AUBURN NEWS. 236 Huron Road - Hwy. No. 8 Goderich Eleanor Bradnooka 5E8-7595 you are between the ages of 12 and 26 and/wish to take this project, please contact a E • euc Co wer Ha Edga Franc Ben Elliott gressive p.m. shatp every Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. -Maurice Bean and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer hosted the January meeting of the 3N1's club of Knox United Church last Saturday even- ing at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Maurice Bean. Six tables of court whist were ' played. Lawrence Plaetzer presented the prizes to the winners: high lady, Mrs. Greg Park.; low lady, Mrs. Marinus Bakker; high man, Bankmanager addresses• .Gordon Gross: low- man, been allowed one free bite before it could be proven that the owner knew or should have known of the dog's vicious tendencies. Now dog owners are liable for the attacks by" their pets. In some instances the dog may be ordered destroyed • and fines up to $2,000 can be levied if owners defy orders made under the new law. This is of course, in addition to any damages. the dog owner might have to pay to the person who was tnjered or attacked by the dog. Joggers everywhere will applaud this new provincial law. The previously "free" bite can now be quite expen- sive: • It is hoped that all owners of dogs will control their pets and keep them at home. The statutory re- quirements for Manchester Police Village drawn up by inspector G.F. Youngblut, D.E. Munro, secretary and Georgie Lemp many years ago has been found and an enlarged copy will be made and framed to hang in the new room at the Community Centre. Trustee Eleanor Bradnock was asked to look into this project. +++ Mrs. Tom Jardin and Mrs: Tina Empey returned home last Friday morning from trip to California when the were able to see the R Bowl parade. Mrs. Myrtle Munro ret ed last Saturday after month's visit with her son Glen Youngblut, Mrs. Youngblut and family. Mrs. Youngblut brought her home last weekend. The sympathy of this com- munity oinmunity is extended to Mrs. Florence Milian on the death of her daughter, Mrs. Colleen McGee of Kintore. IPA ...WHEN YOU NEED IT YOU NEED A FRIEND. When you own something special, whether it's a boat, motorcycle, or other vehicle, you need very special insurance coverage. We offer complete coverage for alt your personal property, even on items difficult to insure. Call us now! Total insurance service • For your car and home • For your business needs When you need a friend... call on us. We offer the best insurance plans and the mostaffordable rates. We're' always ready to help! all style merchandise, including *DRESSES ;k'BLOUSES * SKIRTS * SLACKS ,r*. SUITS * SLEEPWEAR * tWEATERS 5 ,, of TO. ON ALL ITEMS EXCEPT LINGERIE SALE STARTS WEDNiiSDAY, JANUARY 5 Greg Park. After Tuna • . president Glen Webster con- meeting o -f Rotary Club' e us . ducted th b mess. Mrs:- Marion Sproul and Mr. Dave MacAdam, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock manager of the. Bank . of visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Montreal, Goderich, spoke to McCosh at .Ripley last Sun- the Goderich Rotary Club on day. Tuesday, January Mrs. Lillian Letherland ar- Bedford Hotel: MacAdam rived home on Saturday presented two views of after a visit for two weeks to Canada, one, the popular Calgary to visit her daughter' pessimism and the other, a Mrs. Paul Lassaline, Mr. vision of progress in a Lassaline and family. Last resource -rich country. week she visited her . son He noted the key role to be Edgar, Mrs. Letherland and played in future develop - family at Acton. • • ment by small business and Auburn I -4-H club will be emphasized that small starting the new spring pro- businesses create new jobs ject - Ontario Heritage Cook- and adapt more readily to ing around February 1. If changing times. MANCE BROKERS PETER S. MACEWAN .1:SURANCE 38 St. David St. Goderich-Genera 1 Insurance Brokers 524-9531 AN STETT JEWELLERS 8Albert St., Clinton 482-3901 S*Eupto38% on 10 -Piece Service for 4 in Shlverplate and Stainless t ‘G'60 ae ..�,r : �.gttC�*.sar • nii1`t•� L .; :ter 20 -PIECE SERVICE FOR 4 T Includes 4' Salad Forks. 4 Dinner Forks. MADE TN 4 Dinner Knives 4 Dessert Soup Spoons. CANADA ' 4 Teaspoons C. HEIRLOOM LTD SYAINLESS • Sheraton 0. HEIRLOOM STAINLESS Michelangelo • MacAdam reminded the club that small businesses fail most often because of a lacy of management skills and he offered the services of has bank to advise and counsel the entrepreneur. MacAdam noted the necessary partnership of banks and businesses so that both .might produce the profit that enables new in- vestment in the future. 1MacAdam's speech brought a message of op- timism to a gloomy financial world. B- 1881- ROGERS • SttvERPLATE Corporation of the TOWN OF GODERICH Do you know someone who deserves a medal? If you know someone who has made Ontario a better place to live...through their selfless- ness, humanity and kindness... • tell us. An Advisory Council of Ontario citizens, whose honour- • airy chairman is the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, The Honourable John Aird, selects .,„..50;;•a•-4S,fe's' Colonial • Shelley E. COMMUNITY STAINLESS - x. P z Tennyson 11. 12 winners from nominations made by you each year. We need your nominations by March 16,1983. Nomination forms arc available now by writing: Executive Secretary, Advisory Council, Qntario Medal for Good Citizenship, • Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario „M7A iN3. Sug0nsted SALE A. COMMUNITY SILVERPLATE ,:- 9529.95 The exquisite beauty of Cnmmunity is imtttlnaiti*1 'Regurar stsgga$100 ,Mad 5, n(OU ...8. 1801," ROOERS•s' SILVERPLATE . 5 94 95 The Rogers name brings you a hi4t0r, M uncompromising Craltomalrettip Here is value beyond price Requtar,54RN1wlerl,otOd $ 1ail pit C. HEIRLOOM LTD STAINLESS 5209.95 Oneida 5 most highly [.rafted stainless Ownership declares one s'preterencefor high fashion hnrrte furnishings Regular suggeslen rehtd V0500 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH HEREBY OFFICIALLY DECLARES THE WEEK OF JANUARY 17-22, 1983 AS "SAVE OLUEWATER CENTRE WEEK" IN THE TOWN OF GO,®ERICM.,... • The Ontario Medal 'for Good Citizenship Loth Anniversary 1973-1983 Paul Revere T. -� Sabglque • .. ". Fromm stI're• •Venetia • y^,II LnoiSlana F, ONEIDA DELUXE STAINLESS D. HEIRLOOM STAINLESS 5104.95 Heavyweight luxury quality stainless created expressly for Consumers with disenmrnaling tastes Regular Suggasren .ore" $ l80 00 E. COMMUNITY STAINLESS S 72.95 Canada ibest selling brand of stainless Truly brie quality and superior designs ' Regular suggested retail 5105 00 F. ONEIDA DEI.UKE STAAdt-ESS.. •. 9 57.95 Popular price and popular design styles make this brand 01 stainless a fast seller Regurar suggested rete,) 559 00 • Mozart Capistrano so* ofilowtamosmoRegoisseapoms..,—..testeammai ON EDA I hevilNr. iii,,. iii,.d.rnnui l.. /n,pl .1., �-v Homestead Available with pistol handle and standard handle, Ge` ...- -- me° Arise Chateau