HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-01-05, Page 19OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.69; , t.. a'r 4' v n, ` 2,..r w• 4i� JANE PARKER, SLICED 100%1 't ! Wheat Brea' 24 OZ (675 0) SIZE made with 100% pure vegetable shortening OUR REGULAR PRICE .89 READY,TOrSERVE, ASST VAR H 8F TINS OUR REGULARP CE3 F.049 SAVE 1.331kg with wpi rm, rkrt pruu rti• SAVE 6O ib ,BLADE OR CHUCK SHORT RIB CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE `A' BEEF Semi -Boneless Bee oa OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.61Ikg-2.09 Ib P-rifi_ gs M' tsr`. s e •i WITH PORK, IN TOMATOSAUCE,,. WITH PORK IN MOL SSESO,R•KIDNfY Heim a n �" SAVE •. k C 14 fl oz .• ,ten OUR REGULIr PRICE .99 511159 Ib BLADE, CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SHOULDER Boneless Beef Roasts SAVE 1.10/kg .50 Ib EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks SAVE 1.33/kg .60 Ib FRESH Medium Ground Beef 417/'89 351/'59 lb OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.05/kg-2.29 OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.611kg-2.09 lb FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND, SHOULDER FR Lamb •1139/199' Chops/kg Ib SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGES, ASST VAR INCL Minn 00 Sizzlers 5pkgg 249 SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, 10 VAR INCL MAC & CHEESE Cooked Meats 5 VAR INCL RED HOTS Schneiders 1 lb pac SLICED, SKINLESS & DEVEINED, PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Beef 96 rbga Liver 1 /kg./ muu '79 395/179 kg b OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.271kg-2.39 Ib A&P REGULAR OR THICK SLICED ICED Side Bacon 500 g vac pac SCHNEIDERS; SLICED, 3 VARIETIES ' 175 g .99 vac {lac ■ Side 299. . •, '� 500 g $aeon vac pac BREAKFAST Burns 69 Sausages373/,kg lb SHOULDER CUTS / 99 Stewing Beef 43Ik9g / 1 IN STORES WITH DELI! SCHNEIDERS, SLICED Chop ed Ham SLICED F R ALL BEEF Schn iders Bologna- 1758 159 vac pac 37Sg179 vac pac SCHNEIDERS, 5 VARIETIES Farmers Market Sausage ALL BEEF Shopsy Wieners 300 g 199 ring 1 Ib vac pac SCHNEIDERS, VISKING Salami ..64.89 Moog Ib SCHNEIDERS, BLUE RIBBON OR ALL BEEF 179 Bologna .4411009/ lb 1:99 Nabisco Shreddies OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.59 500 g PKG 129 ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING FANCY PEAS tins 10,1 oz ■89 2 York Vegetables RAGU, PLAIN Spaghetti » Sauce RIDGEWAY, ORANGE PEKOE o Tea Bags HEADY -TO -SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES Habitant Soups 1 L. .tar 1.79 .:- ps o11■99 14floz tin ■ 5 DOUBLE FUDGE BROWNIES (Angel Food Cake Mix 410 g pkg 1.99) 'Duncan Hines Mixes :41.49 ORANGE FLAVOUR 3684PKG OF 4 ENVS Tang Crystals OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.85 148 LJ' L. L, DO ECONOMY • CEIjb PKG OF 100 Mother Parkers 149. Tea Bags SAVE .a0 OUR REGULAR. PRICE 2.29 MARINER; SEAF000 0R.(Lobster 'Chowder 403 ml tin 1.59) Clam Chdwdu:r DETERGENT Ivory Liquid SNYDERS, SMALL, WHITE Whole Potatoes INSTANT CFiOCOI.ATE Nestle Quik 750g. SYNDERS, CHOICE Asparagus Cuttings ASSORTED VARIETIES Lipton Cup -A - SAVE .20 Soup Mixes PLG OF 4 ENVS OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.19 99 LIDUID 40im L 1 A&P Bleach 1pls1 btl .5 Li1re 4 ■ 99 Daily Cat Litter A&P 19 loz ■59 Choice Peas 2.99 A&P,PURE Prune Nectar.. 12floz tin ■ 9 OUEENSBURY, 3 PLY, ASST COLOURS Bathroom Tissue OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.99 BITTER AT A&P PKG OF 4 ROLLS '79 2 litre 69 plst btl ■ 2bag ■5 Ib 29 1 21411oz 9 tins ■ O btlOz 1 .79 Ant? APPLL, FRUIT PUNCH, GRAPE OR ORANGE Fruit Drinks 48tinIIoz .99 KRAFT;SALAD DRESSING Miracle' Whip OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.63 y YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P 500 mL JAR 139 IN TOMATO SAUCE, SPAGHETTI ORSCARIOS C ffo • news The Birthday Club winner for;the716#ofDecemberis Amy Browi who, ted two yearp oldDecem r3,. Rill 's parents:can pick up her cheque for $7 at the • Signal-- r office on Bayfield 'Road • any time ive*ifoiay-Fridap from, 5 mr My name is Julie Betties ,and I will be seven years old on .January 10. I live on . Jones Street with my brother Rainy and my parents, Paul and onvine.. I'm fn Grade 1 atVictoria School and I, enjoy figure skating too. I- would like to wish nilly. friend Crystal WindmiS.;a,Happy Birthday. She is etlebratmg; on the 12th of January. I would" like very much to join your Birthday Club. Love, Julie Lodge gets OUR REGULAR PR 14floz tin. E.83, rONDENSED, TOMATO OR VEGETABLE Heinz: S`odps 10floz tin LOUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO EACH. LARGE FLAKE, MINUTE OR OUIC . COOKIN „Old Milt Oats a• 59 SAVE • .30 -- 1.35 kg , bag .-- OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.89 INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell House 99 6 oz jar OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.76 SAVE .77 ' SPECIAL MON., TUES., OR WED.! EASY OF.F CARPET CLEANERS 48 Hours Rental for 24 Hours Rate" Get 2 days for the price of1 ! When you rent the EASY -OFF* Steam Carpet Cleaner on Monday Tuesday or Wednesday, you can keep it for 2 days but pay for only 1! Minimum rental of 517.50 (plus tax). EASYI.OFF ,s•••• your Carpet...Save§ you Moneys at N acv :addition. Work .has . begun on a ' $657,000. addition to Thameswood .Lodge at the London Cancer Clinic. :The addition. of 20. beds will bring. to 50 the number of cancer, patients who can be bearded" at Thameswood Lodge while undergoing radiation ' therapy or chemotherapy treatment at the Londoil"Cancer Clinic. Capital "' funds for „•the - Lodge ea �,nsion have been provided by the Canadian Cancer SiocieteEdnovietitin of tl g'eddiflohllfillil tr -`' pectedid=eiievverciiiiding in the lArdge. resulted in sorne'paitieiit'S"be- ing : billeted:..at athe n residence and private homes. Although the patient load id increasingat the rate of four 'to : six per cent per year, it is expected, t •the t 50 beds in • the patided Lodge will be sufficient until 1990. ..♦,. ocated ust, 65. meters kora the Clinic, the Lodge provides sleeping, dining and recreation facilities to cancer patients from the 10 Southwestern Ontario conn ties served by the London Cancer Clinic at. no cost to the. " patients • or ' .their families. The Lodge's operating costs, as with the six other similar facilities in Ontario, are Paid by the On- tario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, which ope ates,the' London Cancer Clmic... The'Lodge also houses the local offices of the Canadian 'Cancer Society. The current expansion is the second since the Lodge opened as ail'! 18 bed facility in 1962. In 1970, 12 'beds ,were added. As Weil as the 20 new beds presently -befog added, lounge And leisure areas for patients are beinglenlarged. The contract for construction has been awarded to Bronnenco Limittyd of Hyde Park; On- tario.: To identify equipment Every year within the pro- vinde of»Ontario and O.P.P. District No 6, there ' are thousands of dollars worth of skis and lilting equipment stolen . the;nority of this propil canttot't properly tdentifi i the. police are often le With iedoVered ski equip dent, with no possibili- ty of tracing. who the owner may have been. 41, January 1983 will see the Ontario Provincial Poli Comfnnunity 'Services Pollee_ fo fitters from No. 6:Dlstrkt 11 conducting a ski equipiiient. identification, program. The' officers will be working the Blue Mountain Ski Resort, in the Meaford Detachment, On the following dates: January 7,8,9,14, 15, 16, 21,2tand23. The officers will be on dth ty, weather permitting," to mark your equipment and supply helpful tants on how td protect all'' of our proper;, kty. There is NO t GE for seethed •