HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-01-05, Page 11• I • • • el • . • Gop.E.Rims,IgthatsT • or" vg> a •�d • „. '4,1;0108001114HY 0,49(0E4t1 MISSfYiARYHELEN MAEVAMPBFU Miss Mar' Helen Marie Campbell of 84 Lighthouse . Street, Goderich died at, her::.... ‘: __••• . ' „ Monda_____—___ „ .,--,--.7.--- residence Oa Y, December 27 at the age of*. dent of the OntarieAssocia- She was born in Brussels, tion of Architects in 1978 and Ontario on January 14, 1936 has also been a director of to George A. and FlOirge the Empire Club ef Canada. (Sanders) Campbell. She attended sclioolinBrOP014:, He leaves three sons who In 1943 she moved to Ether live at Wine. . and then to Goderich in 1950. For many years, Mr..Mihe spent August with his family at Hayfield. In 1947 he, on his own initiative, requested Parks Canada to designate the Huron Historic Gaol as a Nationa„Histolic site. He was present at the unveiling of the plaque on July 5,975. • She worked as a cook at the . Bedford Hotel in Goderich for many years and was a , t She is survived by four aurer el s soldier in the Salvation 111 Army. . sisters, Mrs. Herbert (Ina) •Mr., and Mrs. John Cameron }Whitton! ' Steffen of Clinton, Mrs. (Photo b5lialtsyylVIcDowell) Florence Warnes of Seaforth, Mrs. John aloout exe ange . Wed • ( Margaret) Toth of Listowel in Dungannon and Mrs. Mary McMichael of Orillia; three brothers, Dungannon United Church provided the setting for the Stuart Campbell of Goderich evening ceremony which united in marriage Nancy Jane and Harold and John Errington, R. 2, Auburn and Joh. Cameron Hamilton ,of Campbell, both of Blyth; and Lucknow, on Saturday, November 27, 1982 atP p.m. Rev. R., ,seiteral nieces and nephews. J. Roberts officiated at the double ring ceremony. Flower 'She was predeceased by arrangements adorningthe church were created by Ponna one brother, Bill, of Sue McClenaghan, islisterof the bride', Lucknow. The bride is Goderich. e the daughter of Harold and Dorothy Errington, R. 2, Auburn A funeral servicand and the groom's p rents are W' liam A. (Bud) and Josie-coilesittiaul newrearel Hhaemlde. in Hamilton of Luckn Edmonton, Alberta friend of the groom, ushered by David Errington, brother of the bride, R, 2 ficiated. Auburn and Douglas Hamilton, brother of the groom, Interment tra's in- Mt. Lucknow. Dennis Park ofbungannon acted as candlelighter. Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel, Organist Ellen ThompSon, friend of the 'bride and groom, Ontario. w. Brenda Ab ett‘ -friend of the bride, Goderich on Thursday, as maid of honour. Ian Montgomery, December 30 at 2 p.m. u,cknow was best man. Guests were Captain Charles Will of- lio, Diane Park, Penny Hodges and Donna The Rotary Exchange Program arranges the ex- change of young people from country to country around the world. Qn Tuesday at the Goderich Rotary Club meeting, Goderich student, Martin Maurer reported on his exchange year in Venezuela. Martin was '- can - selected from many didates- to be the first Canadian Rotary Exchange Student to go to Venezuela. Martin's slides and commentary showed the rich vareity of life inCaracas and his -adoptive home -town, San accompanied the a Sue McClenaghan, sisters of the bride ,,when they sang, 0 VLADAN MILIC ' Cristobal. Martin spoke Perfect Love, The LOrd's Prayer and Let It Be Me. She also Gerrnan and French before accompanied the nieces of the bride, Sherry and Tanya Hodges and Dana Park when they sang, The Greatest Gift. A reception followed at the ,Lucknow Community Centre. Vladan Mille, a Toronto his year in Venezuela and architect instrumental in during his time there, saving St. Lawrence Hall in became fluent in Spanish Toronto as an historic monu- ment, died of cancer on Attends conference Mike Worsen, the presi- dent of the newly forrned • Youth Group at Victoria Street United Church, spent part of his Christmas holidays attending the 26th • Annual Christmas • Con- ference of TocAlpha which was held at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto. He was spon- sored by the United Church Wotnen's Group of Victoria Street Church, Goderich. The theme ofthe •Con- ference was "Paths" which and a great fighter offered the participants a, throughout his life," said his chance to experience first- Austrian -born wife, Ingrid, hand alternatives (and infor- Mr. Milic, 57, who was =thin about) alcohol and born and educated in drugs and a variety of per- Yugoslavia, came to Canada - sone' life skills and a chance in 1956 after living for two to make pew friends. years in Vienna where he Mike found the conference was involved in designing very interesting and would the passageway in front of - A partner in the Christmas Day. . "Since his operation. in March, 1981, he believed he was the one to battle cancer and win. He was an optimist Toro the opera house. like to attend next year as a member of the staff. • firm of Adamson Associates, plVIC CORNER • Huron County Council will meet Thursday, January 6 at 10 a.m. in the council ' chambers, Court House, Goderich. Goderich Town Council will meet Monday, Janu 10 at 7:30 p.m. in t chambers, town ha • he was involved in the design and construction of York JiniVersitX, . the...iiieeeWe Park- complex at Bay and • Wellesley streetS, the • University of OttaWa law The Planning Board will school, the Sudbury city cen• meet Wednesday, January tre -and - the C.D. Howe ,12 at noon in the. council building in Ottawa. chambers, town hall. Mr. Milic was a .49 active in professional orga tions The „Tourist COmmittee for architects, the Board of will sheet Wednesday, Trade of Metro Toronto and January 12 at 7:30 pan in the the Don Valley West Liberal council chambers, town hall. Association. He was presi- GET THE BASIC SKILLS YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED -- TODAY -.40A 1 itit\ pit 1111 1105 • 4 401wAt',d _ , • — . English, math,' science -- skills in these areas will 'help you meet either the job -entry standards many employers demand or the entrance requirements for other educational programs. You can learn these skills af Con e*tog. c. , . Our Certificate programs in ACADEMIC UPGRADING are designed for adults like you-. You learn at your own poce because instruction is tailored to your individual needs. Fees are reasonable and you can begin classes any Monday, providing spaceis available. You may be eligible for sponsorship by Canada Employment or for financial help through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Open the door'to your future through ACADEMIC UIRADING. Just call us for details. GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial ,School BRUCEFIELDI ONT. 482-9260, 565-5341 and 236-4979 10:00 - Family Bible School 11:00 - Speaker: Randy Mann PREACHING THE DOCTRINES of GRACE while attending a local high school. Martin is now a student in Grade 12 at GDCI, having „returned home in August 1982 from his /year in Ven- zuela. He said he gets freat pleasure from a continuing correspondence with a host of school friends and mon- thly "ham radio" _contacts with his Venezuelan,t'dad". SUPERIOR MEMORIALS Esradtwito OVER 50 YEARS SPECIAL PRI -WINTER PRICES IN EFFECT Goderich Area • Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7145 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street ' Clinton • 482-9441 Cards For All Occasions - * Gifts * Books * Stationery Suppties • * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST STREET. GODERICH I H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete lines of NEW YEARS PARTY FAVOURS - LOW PRICES PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every user. H.O. JERRY LTD. "The Paper 'People" 185 Park St. GODERICH 524-2855 14% OF BUM -EA mow ARE DUE TO MANAGEMENT ERROR! —DON'T BECOME A STATISTIC— No business can succeed ' without adequate and timely financing. Learning to present your needs the right way. to banks and other lenders, can greatly enhance your ability to obtain funds. "How to Arrange Financing" Conestoga College - Stratford January 12, 1983 - 9:00.4:30 REGISTER NOW Coll 271-5650 Collect $47.50 registration fee - • includes lunch. Presented by: Federal Business Development Bank Clinton Campus call 4E124458 Inammosimill""mmommoimimm 46 11R The OId Foshionesil HARDWARE STORE ' 1WHOLESALE WILE °FIRE EXTINGUISHERS • Sales& Servfce r EIWINDOW GLSS I, REPAIR ' 11 WATER CONDITIONER ' SALT n ICE SALT PIBULK KEROSENE PHIL MAIN HARDWARE 84 Kingston St Goderich ,•• ••,M...gonold twat .10 ACC0UWTM .2 • 524.053 Goiloch, omayie ONTARIO LAND RIMVITCMS ARoinema. GRAY & MCKAY LTD. 592A MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235-0995 arca!! London toll free 1400465-7988 Quality WO* by McKENZIE UPHOLSTERY HWY. 45. CLINTON PHONE! 482-9 59 , • • • -bursts; Vedder, CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANTS • 37 West Street Gederich, Clt. 5244011 , MacGillivray .Co.' • CRAMPTON , CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS • HAMILTON ST. CATHIRINfS•• RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. ris:01.ivir" • RESIDENT PARTNER 1 C*L°ARY EDMONTON 40 THE SQUARE. .•vatiCouvia GODERICH. ONT. . 524-2677 .Gcmailici • .. . ';,,,,114z.1111,11- 0:He Offtwor1?,f;IPROroprrolac' 73 Montreal St; qu�nst. • GO9424747;hk. cw, BELL OPTOMITRIST 1,- The Square 524-7661 NEW DAY . NC. US1980 * AND MOH UTATED WITH SOENOE SALON SERVICES SPECIALIZED:SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE -1111440IYIIKOM, PERMANENT. VOWING -"AtitlYASLISR-44NIR C°11299,"V911/11)1TNIKTNISIEV-MLIOSISTURIZER -AND FACIAL MAS1C'AYAICAI1S FOR HQME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT.' THE,:i3EA 9TY LOUNGE 81 EASI^S1, GODERICH 524-8994 • MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING it COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursement ledger. cash receipts ledger. accounts receivable, financial statements. time & charges & specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 PHONES BUS. 524-7379 RES. 524-6210 Direct Parts 524-7389 BLUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE LTD. - GODERICH, ONTARIO. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYLk BANNISTER AIRPORT ROAD West 11110wanosli Mutual Insurance Company ._ Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1R0 ' 5294961 ___ : FARM RESIDENTIAL AUTO AGENTS:Frank Fortin • R. R. 2 Lucknow 529-3824 Donald MacKay R. R. 3 FtiPley • ' 395-5362 Donald R. Simpson R. R. 3 Goderich .. 529-7597 'Masan Robinson 341 Catherine St. Wingham357-2479 Dehrlar Sproul R. a. 3 Auburn .• 529-7273 Lyonand Mylhern 48 West St. Goderich 5244878 , FOR A QUOTATION ON YOUR FARM, HOME, • : - COTTAGE OR AUTOMOBILE INBURANCE, toNtAcT,THEA9ENT IN YOUILAREA-. .," DIEECTORS: ' . 5523:92227154 Eldim Bradley Luck8 now , Gerkld Kerr • P.O. Box' 82 Myth 2 AuStIn Martin .P.O. Box 304 Lucknow 528-3801 Kwineth B. MacLean R.11: 2 Paisley 3884837 Donald McKenzie 183 Elgin Ave., Woo 524-7802 Goderkh John Nixon RCLAIMS SHOULD PROMPTLY TO THE DIRECTOR R. DS :RruEspsDrilsDTED 887-9417 IN YOUR AREA union GAS It pays to convert to a natural gas rental water heater anytime. Defore January 31, it d pays up to $140. Tor complete details, call The Gas Line today: 1-800-265-0562 (toll free), We're bringing home the future: ' \ o,,,..................m0+.-.1.......m............s.,...-ftat BEREA-BY-THE-WATER 1 LUTHERAN CHURCH i I I ' t Gibbons St. at SunCoast Drive , 524-2235 9:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes 10:30 - Worship • • "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Act 10:36 Calvary ' Baptist Church I HAYFiCilm ROAD AT BLARE STREET REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor SUNDAY. JAN. 9TH 10:OOA.ftA SUNDAY SCHOOL 110o AIM. MORNING PREACHING SERVICE • I WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH • ...I SOLOIST — MISS ELVA KEYS • . 5:30 P.M, - iNORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:00 P.M. - SPECIAL NAMES OF JESUS VIED. 6:30 P.M. - "THE OLYMPIANS" WED. 7 P.M. - BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER • • -ea. • ..••••.. • •,••...• • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • S. de •••••• 4,10•41..••,... • •.•6 41,•••••• ••••••• THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST. S. 524-9341 i • 9: 45 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL IT:GO A.M. FAAAILYVVORSHIP ' 6:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Felfowship 4 1 • First Boptist Church MONTREAL STREET • ORGANIST,: MRS. ALICE WARR Sunday 9:45 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP MINISTER REV. DAVID MULLAN Thursday 7:00 p.tti. • PRAYER £ BIBLE STUDT ,tra.e,Nap.,11 0-,u • •••••••••,.....1110.11.1111 i • „AI*, thitted. elluttek 1 I 1 i LORNE H. DOTTERER, Director of Praise 1 Sunday, -January 9 iio,00 a.m. Communicant'siCloss 1 11:00 ci.m. Divine Worship1:00.a.m. Sunday School Sermon STUDIES IN THE LORD'S PRAYER" (I ) "Our Father , " i i (Sunday ,(Nursery Facilities) • 1School retires froth the Service) 1 Enter to Wo Depart to Serve i - ---n* . • 'Cordially Inv,itesYou-to WORSHIP ' i ---1 1411-.1 j each Sunday at 11 a.m. i 1 1 1 Rev. R.O. Ban, B.A., M. Div .• Minister • Robert Blackwell, A. Mus., M. Mus., -director of music Clare McGowan • visiting assistant *lox Presbyterian thilrith THE' REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV. MINISTER 1 1 ,..................„.....................,..............„,....................................,....................._.• . ST. GEORGE' CHURCH Anglican -Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker . '' „interim Orgarvisf:,. poivid N. Cadogan -;:. - • The Epiphany Thursday, January 6 10:80 a.M. and1;00 p.m. Holy CottiMunion. First Sunday after Epiphany • ' .., ^ January 9th .. 8:30 o.m. Holy Commulion, ti :00 a.m. Church Schaal, (age 10 and tinder) • . Nurtery,., • ' 11:90 n.m. 'Morning Prayer . . Sermon: "Jeiusintrecised..... " -St. Luke 2:S9 7:00 p.m.,Youth Bible Study • parish haft - -You are a L,s,4.40.0,..00,...0*......04.,......i.,...0".....,..........4.......... lwayWe s lcome . -