HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-3-7, Page 8TB EXETER ritE
40 4
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4, 4'
You Will Like Them /1 !11111
• .0
The Prices are Right •
• 49
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44 49
49 •
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49 •
4 •
• 40
• •
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'Shirts 40 *
All new Patterns some ha ye 40 *
the soft :Lounge Collar. They 4! *
are made roomy and are fast 4.0
colonic. 1.00, 125, 1,50 400
• *
40 *
44 •
J. A. sTEWART 40*
• *
• *
0 4
49 4*
1•49.4•••••••••••••••••••••• 4190•4949•••••••••••••••••••••
4) •
3 :
• •
4 #
Coats and
Lace Curtains, Bungalow
Nets, Madras, Plain and Fan-
cy Scrims, Cretonnes and Art
Sateen s. We have everything
you want in this department.
-y-4,u will want some of this
sanitary floor covering this
season We sell NAIRNS'
It is the Best.
Wall Paper
Beautify your home by dec-
orating your rooms with a
few rolls of our New Wall
f)rni 5 10 15 to 30c
In Wool, Tapestry and Vel-
vet Squares. We have them
for any size room. All big
range of piece goods.
In Patent, Gun Metal and
Tan. These will be leaders
for this season. We sell the
BE RESFORD $4.50 and $5
Mens' Cape Gloves. You'll
need a pair for Spring, Every
pair is guaranteed
Per Pair $1,25
We have a splendid show'
ing of the Soft Felt Hats
which are so popular $2this season
Opposite Electric Light Plan
I* Time Any
Enter *
+, . , . •
4. One of .Eastern Ontario's High *
+ Class and popular Business +
+ Schools which keeps open +
+ throughout the year. Youog 2
" +4' people may enter any time and .1.
1 4. complete their course without t
t interruption of midsummer hol- *
: *. Ways. -You may study all at 4.
, + hothe or partly at home and fin- le
j t ish at the college, Thirty Years' *
i T Experience. Largest Trainers +
! + in Canada. Affiliated with the t
is Commercial Educator's Associa,- .1
* tion of Canada. Write for par- +
+ ticulars.
. +
+ .
+ Clinton Business College +
Pd nd pal * ÷ President
Keep Happy in the Home
by getting YOUR
Here. We handle only
he BEST and we have
everything you need at
all Seasons,
Wsorres- • ; ; te ,
; •
The Place Where Good
Clothes Come From
Bia 8llap
Ready -to -Wear')
0 IFRO/I188
$1 0 to 15
W. W. Taindil
The Natty. Man's,
A man lls known by the com-
pany he keeps - likewise by his
Business Cards, Circulars and
I Let us print them and
• they will
Market Reporthie--The hollowing hs
,orart PAXYAlt#r markets ore
000 t'o Mutt Yla ,
tt :seat Stemeard 05 cense
Buckwheat 70 cents .
Oats 45
Barley 90 to 95 cents*
Peas 1,00 to 1.15
Shorts $27,00
Bran $25.00
Model Flour 2.70
Feed Flour 1,60 to 1.65
13otter 30 cents
EgQ,'s 23e
Potatoes $1,25
Chicked 6-10
Puck 12-43
!Turkey 14-17
Geeee 11-12
Fowl 5-7
Hogs live weight 4.55
Cloice export Weere 6.50 to 6.75
bledinm .export sheers 6,00 to OA'
Choice butchers heifers 6.25 to MO
Medium butchers, heifers 6.00-6.10
Cholice butchers cowsi 5.00 to 5.25
Medium betchers cows 4.00 to 1.50
Common cows 3:50 to 6.75'
Choice lastbs 7.00 to 7,25
Choice sheep 4.00 to 4.50
Renew your subscription now.
March came in like o lamb
Mr. L. Stade), spent Sunday at Ben-
lt demi t look like maple .susear for
some time yet
Mrs. Lindenfield and son, Ned are
visiting Mrs, J. Merner in Zurich
Oh's. McFaul of Seaforth 'visited
Miss IC, Meraul in town over Sun-
day. .
Miss Al. VVidte is attending the
Millinery Openings in Thrento this
The English Hand Bell Rinhers wi'l
be well worth hearing next tTuesday
night. Admission 25c.
Miss Maud Elliott returned from
Ettrick, Monday after visiting for
two weeks.
Bliss Winnifred Huston left for
HaMilton on Monday' to resume her
position as ndlliner.
On Sabbath next Bev. GS J, Kerr
of Locan will preach in James Street
Methodist church.
Mr. Herb Mitchell, wife and fam-
ily. of London, spent Sunda i visiting
Mr. John Mitchell.
Mr. Thos. Russell has been ap-
pointed on the cattle conanaittee of
the Western Fair AssocLation.
Mr. D. Kinsman left Tuesday for
Elbow Sask.. with a car, of settlers
effects for Mr. Jas. Bagshaw..
Mr. and Mrs. 5.. G. Dawden who
has spent the vinter in Calfornia
left o:� March 1st for Edmonton Alta..
Miss Emily Brooks, of Elizabeth
street underwent an operation on
Thursday last and is confined to her
Miss Strang is visiting in Toronto
where she was called owing to the
serious illness of her sister
(Rev.) Hanna.
Mrs. A. Bowey kft Tu.esdaY or
Port Huron. where She was oalled
owing to the; serious illness .tetf her
mother Mrs. Sinclair,
Mr. Wm. Blatchford gave an oyster
supper to a numb.er of young people
frorn Hurondale and town. A, plea-
sant evening was spent.
The Hockey team from Hensall
are expected down this Thursday'
evening to play a game at the Dome.
Everybody should turn out to see
this game.
"The City Hotel, London, requires
the services of two dining room girls
also upstairs girls. Permanent pos-
itions and liberal wages paid Apply
ouiek." A. H. Brener.
The. numerous friends of Mr. R.
H. Verity, of Toronto, general sup-
erintendent of the Massey -Harris.
plow works, will be sorry to learn
that he is in New York undergoing
a serious operation.
Mrs. Silas Johns of Elimville has
been in town during the past', week
in attendance upon her niece Miss
Mabel Miners who has been quite ill
We are pleased to note that 'Miss
Miners is improving slowly.
Miss Ethel Sweet who during the
past few seasons was milliner with
J. A. Stewart has accepted a similar
position in Orilla. Miss Olive Quance
takes her position here.
A surprise party was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior on
Wednesday tvening of last week.
Nvben a number of young people sur-
prised blauriee, and spent a very plea
sant. evening. t
'Hockey -The Urediton hockey
team came out last Thursday evening
and a clean friendly game was played
at the Dome the visitors defeated.
the home team 5 to 2. eh, half (time
the score was 2-1. W. Greig refereed
the game to the satisfadtion of all.
'Chamberlain's congh remedy, • has
won its great reputation and exten
sive sale by its remarkable cures for
coughs, colds, and 'croup, It can ho
depended upon. Try it Sold by all
Mr. end Mrs. C. II. Smith and
daughter Marearet Nolo has been the
guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Smith left for, Exeter on Wedtes
day' Mr. Smith Waves for Sault St.
Marie, on I'eiday where he will open
up a new dry goods store.-Ingers011
Tribune. Mrs. Smith was formerly
Miss s May Smell of town.
Drove 35 miles -The conthnued cold
weather is the general topic of con-
versationand haany coal b ins, are
getting quite low. Despite the story
weather most of the roeds are at pre -
sett in good cotelitiOn for travelling
We have learned of different exper-
iences luring the heavy Storm, but
the experienoe of Ihts Brovedlog who
drove thirty-five miles dorhaes ithe
stormiest day, seems t elheat, them
Missionary Sunday -Last Sunday
was Missionary Sunday in Janie*, St,
blethodieU Otinreb when' ReVee Ant,
Snider et St. George preached two
very tteeeptable sermonto a Large
and opprediatiVe. dengrogetiolta, Mr
Snider iarinite witty end does not alio*
congregations to'falintleep while ho
•presehhig.ti ittadit.eggdd thtt Sah-
eth. school bv the aftern0On Sahr,
were r tc!,
scriptiona and coilootiOns her Missiont
strtifsz J, Hardy spent SundaY in
zu,ss Lottise Carling entertained on * DELAWARE rsAvx.
Tu e'Sday. e vesting.
INIe. arid Mrs. Wm. Kesele sPent * AWANNA & WESTERN
Sunday in London,
h flrol iomh, a IS eorltdo: f Ingwsoil
visiting his son R. G.
Mr, Ed Anderson has returned
"uie -
Mr. H. ,Phillips leaves this week
se4is'Yis .visiting her
daughter in )3rantford.
Mr W. .11, Delbridge of Usborne
was it 13rueetie1d in Tuesday,
Oliss Ne11i Heywood visited her
sister at Landon for several 'days
during the past wok.
Mrs. Jas. McFalls of Sarepta visit-
ed his parents Mr, and ,Dars. Wm,
Whiteford over Sunday.
The result of voting on
union in Main street
will be counted this week.
Howej: the Prescription Druggist
is sole agent in Exeter for Gunniells'
wonderful Catarrh Cream.
Word has been received from Troy
N. Y. that Mr. Ern. Rivers son of
Councillor W. Rivers is ill with. Ty- Miss Janet Brown is laid up with
phoid fever. severe attack of Grip.
Mr. end Mrs. Jas. Bagshaw and Mr. Wm. Harding a London wa
children leave on Friday for Oxbow in town Monday on business.
Sask., after spending the winter with M. F. Wickwire returned las
relavtives here, • week from visiting at St. Marys,
No one should miss the treat of Airs. Thos. Heama.n of Crediton vis -
their lives, the English Hand Bell Red Mr, Jno Mitchell last week
Ringers in ,Tames St. Church next Don't forget the 13and Benefit at
Tuesday evening, . the rink Monday evening next.
Scranton Coal
+ The Best Hard Coa I Mined
Try a ton
fl1URDAY AtAR011 7th 191.
Mr. F. Boyle visited in Central
• +++
Is nearing us and you will be wishing to get your 4.
4.. spring ewing finished up so call in and see our New '-`rt
ts -and Ginghams. The neatest Patterns ever 4,1t
velerlynioJwaios.tattchell continues in a
Mr. Thos. Beck of London was in
town on Tuesday.
Miss Doyle visited friends in Mc-
Gillivray, last week.
Presbyterians in rayon -The vote
on ehurch anion in Caven Presh.Y°
terian Church resulted in 63 votes
in favor of union and '32 against.
A sleighload of young people drove
out from Dashwood on Saturday last
and bad our genial photographer Mr,
Jos. Senior take a group photograph.
'‘Vord has been received from Win-
nipeg of the death of Mr. John Ran -
con. which took place on Friday last
The deceased at ome. time conducted
a store in town.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey and child,
rent of Harwell Sask, who have spent
the past Dew 'months visiting with
relatives in .and around Exeter, leave
this week for their home in the west,
The Exeter Gun Club who for- a
number of years have conducted an
extensive tournanaent each Good Fri-
day,. have decided this year to hold'
a shoot for the gun club members
only. .
Mr. J. A. 'Camas of Woodham is
moving to tciwn this week into the
residence. he recently purchased from
Mr. D. Made. •Mr. Mack is moving
into the house purchased from Mrs.
James Snell. .
Mr. Samuel Rowe has rented the
residence of Mr. John 'rei-nan on
Main street. Mr. Rowe intends go-
ing west in the near future while
Mrs. Rowe and family will remain
in town.
Immediately relieves all forms of
Catarrh and is sold by Howey, your
Druggist, Gunnells' Cream.
Royally Entertained -The Sunday
School scholars of Caven .Presbyter-
ian Church enjoyed their annual,.
sleighride on Saturday last. Four
sleighloads drov.4 dp to Mr. and hlrs.
John Rowcliffe'Swhere they were
royally entertained to luncheon.
Leaving for West -Miss Jennie
Hardy win has .been the stenogra-
pher with Messrs, Gladman & Stan -
bury for the past six years and a
half has received a very tempting
offer with a law firm in Regina and
has accepted it. She will leave next
,week for her new position. Miss
Hardy has not only become well and
favorablyknown to the, public, gen-
erally, through laer 'business conned-
tio.n but socially and in church cir-
cles she has tbeen an influence and
her removal will be' greatly felt
among a wide circle.
. The lat.,: John McFalIs-On Wed-
nesday of last Week ane of the old-
est settlers of Biddulphin person of
John Mcralls died at bis hone in his
39th year. The deceased gentleuaan
came to Canada over 70 years ago
from north. of Ireland. He settled
on Lot 3. con. .2 .Biddulph where he
lived until he died. About 65 years
age he was married to Eliza Rollins
Sister of Iho Rollins formerly of town
who predeceased hhn about 20 ,years
ago. The deceased was highly res-
pected in the community. For a
number of years he occupied the pos-
hdon of Rheye and Councilor of Bid-
dulph He 13 survived by five sons
and three daughters. Alex of Lucan
Robt of London; John Oscar and Al-
bert of the 3rd con Biddulphs BIrs
T. Boyle Centralia Mrs. T. Lincott
of St. Marys i and hlrh" C. Atkinson
of London. The funeral was held an'
Friday last to St. James cemetery
Lucan and was followed, by a largo
concourse of friends, nearly 100 rigs
being present st the. funeral. .
WANTED AT IDNCE-A. nurse maid
to go to Cobalt care of one -babes No
hotse work, good home, Wages $15 4.
month at first ;• if satisfactory $20
apply to MRS. W. FL COLLINS, •
Exeter Chat.
Your fq,ce will feel smootb
and grateful if you use
Greaseless disappearing. It
clears the complexien- soothes
the Orin after exposure to
wind and sun and prevents the
biting, skin destroying effects
of the use of bled waaer, 25c
buy a big artistic jar.
till Ow
sat ,hozt
Anything y
with thenatne
Sold arid goaranteed hy
S. Howey, Phrn B
Chemist And OpticianEXETER.
Mr. J. G. Jones was in. Toronto the,
Lore part of last week on business.
Miss Beatrice Wilcox of Elimville
spent Monday with friends in town.
Mrs. Rohn Zeller and child from'
London are visiting Mr. Zeller here
Miss Leila Gould entertained,
number of her friends on Wedneday
e vetoing.
Miss V., Easterbrook returned
'ruesday from a trip to Toronto' and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mellott attend
ed the- wedding of bliss Fink.beine
Creditor; Wednesday.
It only costs 25e to hear the_Eng
ash Hand Bell Ringers in James 5
Church ,on Mareh 12th
Messrs Frank and Thos. 13oy1e at-
tended the funeral of their grand.
father, Jno, bleralls, in leucan last
Friday. • i
Mr. S. Martin last week r-eceived a
crate ot oranges from California sent
by his daughter Mrs.. 5. G, Bowden.
who has spent the winter there.
You can oan say good-bye to con-
stipation with a clear conscience if
you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many
have been permanently cured by
their use. For sale by all dealers.
The new rink has steadily been
growing in popularity during the win
ter and the proprietor. Mr..
Leavitt, has been delighted with the
patronage he has reeeised.
Friday evening there was one of the
largest crowds of the season. The
ice is in excellent condition.
You judge a man not by what he
promises to do but by what he has
done. That is the only true test,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy judged
by this standard has no superior.
People, everywhere speak of it in the
highest terms of praise, For sale by
all dealers
A Lucky Escape -On Satureay last
as Mr. E. M. Brokenshire and Miss
Theo. Hartleib of Dashwood. were
driving to town they were overtaken
by a runnaway team belonging to Mr
A. Glanville, ivhich they did not hear
until it was right upon them. Tho
The tongue of the .sleigh run betwen-
the two occupants. The young lady
bad her dress and 'hat so badly torn
that she had to change her elsithing
before coming to town. Mr. Broken -
shire was slightly injured in the back
The cutter was badly broken up.
I3and Benefit- To aid in buying un
ifornas the rink has been Secured
on Monday Eve. Mar Ilth for a
Grand skating event. A Burlesque
Hockey =tell will take place he
tween the bachelors add Mary Wid-
ows The Grand March will be made
a spechd event to take place at
o'clock- skating from 8 o'cloek to
30. A full band will be in attendance
Admission skaters 150 Spectators 100
Corae everybody and encourage the
band. All receipts go towards buying
uniforms Remember the date Mone
day March llth 8 p. ra. Season tick-
ets not accepted. •
Entertainment a suecess--The en-
tertainment given in James St. Meth-
odist church on Monday evening un-
der the provision of Dlr. E. Phillips
A. L. C. M. leader of the' James St,
choir. was well attended. Thera was
a little disappointment on account of
two of the members of the London
Male Quarttette being unable to at-
tend. but their places were filled by
others. The program consisted of
solos, duetts, trios and quartehtes and
also readings by Miss Edna L. Smith
Df London who gave, some very fine
'selections. Mr. Phillips played two
excellent piano Solos, which were well
received: The entertainment through
out was enjoyed by those present.
Death of Mrs. Chaxios Perkins-41re
Friday evening last Mrs. Charles 'Mr
kins passed away at tho home of 'her
daughter Mrs. S. M. Sanders at the
age of 73 years. Mrs. Perkins had
boon ailing for a number Of years
tIthough able to be around until
ebout two sveeks previoup to her
death vshon she was compeiled to
takh her bed. A general, brea king up
ef the constitution was the oauee of
her &alit The deceased WAS born
in Burlington near Hamilton her
maiden name being Elmira Wilkins
She was noolied to the iota Oharlss
'erkins who predeeeased her oon
Tune 7th 1.006, Shortly after tht ir
marriage they came to thOunene sot -
ting on the 4th ooh, Thirty en:'
ears ego tbeY WOW! i0 t011eW where
the deceased has resided ever sinde
was a /nenaber of the Jellies SL,
tethodist CbOtth, and possessel
natty arniahje qualities° which won.
.lor her a pled() in the affection of
theta who knew her; Sevet abrdren
ix girls and One boY survive, viS, Mr#
'.1.10%) D. M. Suollanftri of Iteuteau
lask;Mr. Charles Perkins of town
'Teat -John Loadrette of Scott 'Soak,
qrs. Thos. tintrvey Urs. S. ht.Sond
ef tommt, ATI* A. johnaton, Of Aals
Iced Ip, and Mrs: 5. Powe of town
The funeral Was Jidid Monday to the
Elieter Cetootert
+ Ladies! 'Ladies -1.
Any Piece of' Dress
*.t Goods ' to be. Sold at a'
$ Greatly 'Reduced Price.
$ Come' Early.
Get a Ruff or.Stole
Reg $23 for $18
Room Rugs
; Brussels Rugs in green
!T and fawn grcunds to clear
out at a price that will
* astoniEh you.
while in the swing all to
be cleared out. • Also
Ladies Fur collared Coats
Men's Fur Coats ;13'
only a few left to be
tcRl eeearedggv622 53o ucc oot
a'attss ffoorr z$IluBiu'titu ;-
Mens Winter Caps 14i
cleared out at a
Reg 75c for 500
Reg 50c for 39c
to be
Ladies Skirts
Ouly a few left. Reg-
ular $3.50 to $5 Skirts
ail to go at the
one price•
; Ladies Fine Shoes to be cleard out at a Cash -
T. Discount Of 20 Per Cent Off
• All Dinner Sets Lamps ahd Chamber Sets to be t
cleared out at a Price. •
Highest Price paid for Produce
ib eL Carlin
, Enjoy the luxury of waking 4.3:
Sleep late in the morning.
AIF up whenever you feel like it +
if you can, but if you can't-
+ better get one of our
+ *
3- Clocks, •
. --3-41 Watches +
3- ' , Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons„ mondsCut.
,Ciold Meat Forks, Cake Forks
4. •
I Soup Spoone, Pie Knives. •
+ ..13earl-handled Butter Knives, Glass, _Silver. •
• ,, Knives and Forks, 4.
+• Fish Servers, Carving Sets, ware, Pins, Etc. •
• $
• - Wedding Rings
4. ,Big Stock to choose from fi. ilkarGhand I
On Mondayevi3enCikngeYthe'Exeter ,Ttin-
ior hockey boys drove to Hensall to
play a friendly game but on landing
there were disappointed to find they
had tbe senior team to deal with.
Hensel' seemed out to knock from the
start, both spectators and players
tried to make it unpleasant for the
boys. When tire Exeter boys went on
the ice they demanded that Hensall
play the team they agreed to and after
much dibpute they laid off three of
their Seniors, old 0, B. A. players.
The game then started and was fast
and interesting. Both teams played a
good game no scores being made until
near the end of the first half when
Exeter on a little bit of combination -
scored a goal. When the puck'was to
be faced for the second half, Hensel),
in their eagerness to win, bad one of
their senior men again on the for-
ward line, an injustice. to the Exeter
boys and against the rules of Hockey.
On refusing to take their man off the
refuree gave the game to the Exeter
boys. At the conclusion of this there
was much confusion a,nd very unsport-
stnenlike actions on the part of some
of the Elensall players and spectators.
The Exeter boys bad yet to see the
time when ti.ey received such treat -
merit as was accorded then, but they
will carry no revenge and when the
boys come down tonight (Thursday)*
to plarbockey we will try to use the,
as hiendsand neigbbore.
Staff Reporter. I
There are many tortne of nervous
debility in men that yield to the list
of Carter's Iron PHIS. Those, who'
aro troubled with nervous Weakness
night elicitl etc. should try them
You need a good tonic just ow,
but perhaps you don't know it.
Let us tell you a few points why
we Can recommend Nye& Nutrit-
ive Hypophosphites,
1 lt is a splendid brain and
nerve food.
2 Ilypophosphites provide an
easily assimilated and convenient
form of phosphorus.
3 The beet tonic for children
studying hard.
4 Excellent after nervOus
shades arid in ceinvaleseence.
k Good for the bluets and lack
of concentration.
6 A wonderful appetizer taken
before meals.
A bigehOttlot oz.-coste
you oniv *1(40
you buy
with the
will 64
Sold dk a guaranteed by
Ws S. Howey, Phm.
Olunnist and Optielant EXErES