The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-12-15, Page 8PAGE 8—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15,1982
Invites You...
To our
)PEN HOUSE ' kl'
Tuesday December 28,182 ��\
Room, Sauna & Pool
OPEN 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Children mosi ae accompanied by as GeGhl J
Nelt let ektatatea &
Vat IV - e
Give the Gift of Fitness
far all memberships for any
Special Occasion. FOR FURTHER
Exchange :::t, tudents
spend weekend here
Over 30 students from 18
different countries visited
Goderich this past weekend
for a Rotary International
Student Exchange inbound
The students are all
staying in District 633, a
triangular area bounded by
Tobermory, Flint
( Michigan) and London.
They arrived inGuueri-h�fcu
Friday evening and were
billeted with various
Rotarians here. On Saturday
they were treated to lunch,
an afternoon of bowling and
supper. In the evening they
all attended the London
Smyphony Concert spon-
sored by the Rotary Club. On
Sunday morning they went to
a special mass at St. Peter's
Church and were later
treated to lunch in the parish
hall before returning to their
various areas.
Inbound conferences are
held in different towns and
cities of District 633 once a
month to introduce new
students to the exchange
program and to say farewell
to those who are returning to
their native countries.
Each year, the Rotary
Club sponsors 3,800 ex-
change students in-
ternationally. This year, the
Goderich Rotary Club is
hosting a student from the
Philippines. In the past they
have also hosted students
from Brazil, Australia,
Venezuela and Finland. As
well they have sent students
to live for a year in
Australia, Brazil and
Venezuela. This year, Claire
Davidson of Clinton is living
in Ecuador on exchange.
The Goderich Rotary Club
says that any 16 or 17 -year-
old from this area interested
in the exchange program,
should contact the principal
of their school.
A few quick interviews
with several exchange
students who were in
Goderich for the conference
on Saturday • showed the
Rotary program to be a
rewarding and happy ex-
perience for all those in-
volved. Both Claire
McDonald of Zimbabwe who
is staying in Petrol's and
Eva Suits from Sweden who
is staying in Michigan say
they would like to return to
Canada to attend college or
Eva says, "It's great.
Everything's great. Rotary's
great. I .don't want to go
Eva does admit that she
likes Swedish food better
than our food though. She
eats more fish and less fast
food at home which she
thinks is healthier.
Harald Ringel of . West
'� i �'i'''' i �]iltrritiI►IIII 1i►rdta ii�iii t'tiri i ,l(lf 19'itItibMNitlt►$iiiDDtFLtiltititIQdQIhj!itit1b11i
is staying in
Forest and he says the
biggest difference between
his country and Canada is
that there is much more land
here and it is flatter.
Anja Lahermaa of Finland
is staying in St. Marys for
the year and says she likes it
very much. She says there
are a lot of similarities
between Canada and her
country, including the
Ana Taylor of Brazil has
stayed in Clifford for the past
year. She returns home after
`Christmas but says she
hopes to visit again some
day. She says she found the
climate to be the biggest
difference between her
country and Canada. She
also said she noticed that
there is a lot less poverty
Eduardo Talamas of
Mexico is staying in Listowel
for the year. He was one of
the few students interviewed
who hardly spoke English.
Many of the others had
already studied English for
seven years in school before
coming here.
Mary Ramondou is from
the south of France. She is
staying in Hanover for the
year. She says she finds the
time factor to be the biggest
difference between her
country and Canada. In
France, she begins school at
8 a.m. Lunch is the biggest
meal of the day and lasts for
two hours. At that time,
everything is closed. Supper
is not until 7:30 or 8 p.m. And
she says there is less fast
food in France.
Choir prepares
for assembly
The Robertson School
senior choir is quickly
preparing for their part in
the Christmas assembly.
The assembly will be
December 22 in the morning.
You can count on some great
singing! -by Craig Smith.
Last week the school's
Christmas tree was put up.
The tree is completely
decorated with ornaments
made by the students and is
very beautiful. --by John
Model SGT100 is an amazingly affordable VideoDise Player
thottla siva ple to nese ssead loaded Jaelth ever; thing yew -need -
to enjoy great prerecorded entertainment. It hooks up to
any standard TV set, and It's easter t® operate than an or-
dinary record player.
Rag. 8499.1"
MN Nab4 it NI N NRI III l0 4111i11011111.1110111,
Round -up
Robertson `students have
raised $1041 so far and will
still be collecting Zehrs tapes
after the holidays.
Pictured here are some of the Rotary International students are all staying in District 633 which includes
Exchange Students from' 18 different countries who visited Goderich. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan)
Goderich Saturday for an inbound conference. These
omen's Institute holds card party
A . very successful card
party sponsored by the
Goderich Township W.I. was
held last Thursday evening
in the Community Centre in
Holmesville with seven
tables playing. Scores were:
ladies high, Della Slavin;
ladies low, Pearl Cum-
mings; men's high, Bruce
McClinchey; men's low,
Frank Cummings; lone
hands, Mrs. Doug Bland.
United News
Mr. Robert Parr of Clinton
conducted the church ser-
vice in Holmesville United
Church last Sunday mor-
ning. Jackie Norman sang a
Mr. Parr told the childreh
the story of the man who
wished to go to Africa as a
missionary, but cir-
cumstances always
prevented it. He continued to
And when he does,
he knows the best place to go for a little extra
assistance. We've been helping people with great
gift ideas for years, and we're always happy to be
of service. We carry a full selection of unique and
one -of -a -kind items from around the world. Some-
thing to suit everyone's tastes to a tee. And
we'Ihbeautifully gift wrap your selection free
of Charge so you won't need to bother. Simply bring
in your list and let one of ou\,r salespeople help
you choose the gift that's jut right! And like
Santa, you'll get the credit for being so clever!
Next week! Our annual '
- next -Meth cslay-and .Thursday, ._December_ 22 and_23- frost 7- -
p.m. to 9 p.m. Two special nights for your special lady. Do stop
in - we'll take special care of jou!;
43 Albert Street, Clinton 482-3876
HOLIDAY SHOPPING HOURS: Now 'till Christmas 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., except Satur-
day Dec. 18 and Friday Dec. 24 closing at 6 p.m.
Blanche 482-3383
various school trips and
projects. We have worked
out a generous package deal
that we call our "Inflation
Fund Raising
The school wishes to take
this opportunity to thank you
all for their support in the
Fund Raising. The money
raised will be used to buy a
"PET" Computer for the
help and visitthe people in Grade 2 will be hiking to a
his own area. He was told nearby bush to collect types
this was what God wanted of evergreens. They are
him to do. making a dealing If anyone has not been
Mr. Parr spoke to the with Christmasbooklet trees and contacted and would like to
congregation about God's other related topics. purchase some chocolate
Promise. Frank Thompson On December 20th the bars please contact the
and Murray Lobb received Grade 2 class is having a pot school (482-7751). The bars.
the offering. luck lunch at school. Each are Christmas wrapped and
person will be asked to bring sell for $2.00 each - an ideal
H either a main course or stocking stuffer!
Pubbliclit School
Holmesville dessert. Happy holidays! Dates To
Mrs. Chisholm's grade 3 Remember
Congratulations to the has been learning how to
Junior girl's volleyball team. subtract larger numbers in Concert Dress Rehearsal -
They showed that they had Math. They have been December 14th at 9:15 a.m.
mastered not only sport- studying `Lumbering' with Christmas Concert -
smanship but a high degree Mrs. Steenstra's class. They December 15th at 7:30 p.m.
of competitiveness as well. had a visit from the Christmas .. Film
This was demonstrated by Department of Natural December 22nd at 9:15 a.m.
the fact that all the games Resources and have learned Early Dismissal at Noon -
the girls played could have about the life of a logger and December 22nd.
been won by either team. shall end their study by School Resumes - January
The Junior boy's volleyball making paper. 3rd.
team placed third in the They arecurrently
round robin tournament on composing their own books
December 3rd. They for the library and have
defeated Victoria and started Christmas activities.
Brookside and lost to Mrs. Chisholm's grade three
Robertson and Colborne. will hold a Christmas Party
Then, in a sudden death on December 21st in the
game against Victoria to afternoon.
determine who, would place Grade 3 in Mrs. Steen -
second, they lost 15-11. The stra's - Miss Facey's class
boys played very well, have been busily writing
especially the close games stories for the making of
against Robertson, and also class story books. They are
displayed good sport- also hard at work in Art, on
smanship throughout the Christmas Murals and are
Congratulations boys for a
very fine`effort!
Congratulations to the
Senior girl's volleyball team.
For the third consecutive
year the girls won the
championship at the
Goderich Zone tournament.
This year's competition
waa extremely close,
however the girls played
very well and were most
deserving of their victory.
The senior boy's volleyball_
team played outstanding They have picked names to
games at the tournament. exchange Christmas gifts on
They went the full three December 21st. The limit is
games per match against $2. They will be having a
Colborne and Robertson. No little Christmas party at this Senior Boys - Robbie
game was more than a four time. Christmas Greetings Roosemalen, 3rd; Scott
point spread whether it was from Grade 4! McVittie, 5th; Mark Leitch,
won or lost. All teams were 6th.
closely matched and our
boys played well.
Legion Literary
Contest Friday sales go toward
The School sent entries into .
the Legion's annual literary
contest, the theme was
Remembrance, -Day—I-n -the—
division, Diane1
Bradshaw placed first and N [' \/V B O R N ..EW8
Greg Lobb placed second in
-the poetry-elass-Holniesvalle
_didiquafly..wel1 in the prose
class with Darryl KISCH
Hemingway placing first and Terry and Jayne are happy
David Jones placing second. to announce the birib of their
Congratulations! first child, a son, Coley
In The Classrooms Alexander, weighing 7 lbs. 7
The grade 1 class has been oz., who was born November
learning subtraction facts, 30, 1982 at Alexandra Marine
subtracting from five or less. and General Hospital. A first
They have been talking grandson for Mrs. Sandra
about the first Christmas Kisch of Goderich.
and doing lots of Christmas
art about things such as MERIAM
Santa Claus, decorating Brian and Darlene wish to
trees, and pretty wreaths. thank God for the safe
They are practising very arrival of Kelly's little
hard for the Christmas brother. Derrick John
concert and hope that their Robert arrived December 9,
parents will en joy it. 1982, weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. at
looking eagerly to December
20th for the making of
Gingerbread Houses with
Mrs. Wammes as their in-
On December 21st they
will have a small Christmas
Party and the students will
exchange gifts.
The Grade 4 class is
coming to the end of a unit in
Social Studies on the 'Tun-
dra'. This is a study of the
people in Northern Canada.
An excellent performance
was put on by the
Holmesville Public School
Cross Country team at Point
Farms on October20th. They
placed higher in the stare
dings than ever before. The
Midget girls won the pennant
with the low score of 20.
Junior boys and senior boys
placed second. In individual
scoring 18 people finished in
the "top 10".
Midget Girls - Elizabeth
Hummel, 3rd; Bev Jantzi,
4th; Joy Mabon, 5th; Sherri
Lobb, 8th.
Midget Boys - Derek
Bradshaw, 5th.
Junior Girls - Diane
Bradshaw, 7th; Kim
DePutter, 8th.
Junior Boys - Jordan
Grasby, 2nd; Joey
Roosemalen, 3rd; Luke
Shephard, 6th.
Int. Girls - Jenny Allen,
8th; Angela Bakker, 10th.
Int. Boys - Mike Bush, 9th.
Senior Girls - Margaret
Hummel, 5th; Rosanne
Gowanlock, 6th.
This school year the senior
students will begin selling
hot dogs on January 7, 1083.
The proceeds from the
Special thanks to Mr.
Grasby, Mrs. Allen, and
Mrs. Lobb who volunteered
as marshals for the race.
St. Joseph's Hospital,
London. Proud grandparents
.are Bill ,and Helen Burdge,
Owen Sound and Bill and
Lois Meriim, Goderich.
Eric and Nancy (nee
Fawcett) are pleased to
announce the arrival of
Michael Eric Christopher, at
Clinton Public Hospital,
December 10, 1982, weighing
8 lbs. 5 oz. Proud grand-
parents are Len and Betty
Fawcett of Clinton and Ken
Scott of Auburn.