HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-12-08, Page 20PAGE 18-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8,1982 T%tVi & Coumtr CLASSIFIED. A,NT as CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 7. R.V s for sale 2. Yard sale E Marine 3. Garage sole r, Automotive 4. Antiques for sale • 10. Pets for sale 5. Cors for sale 11. livestock for sole 6 Trucks for sole 12 Real estate for sole 13. Mobile homes 14. Pecreationol properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy • 26. Help wanted 27. Wonted (general) 23 Commercial property '28. Business opportunity for rent 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 32. Custom work 33. Form services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements noiices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sole 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42 Death notice 43 Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Cord of thanks DEADLINES: Classified want ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. some day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.75 min./23 words, 174 a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.75 min. plus 304 per rhymed Ilne of verse. Cords of Thanks '3.75 min., 25 words, 54 o word thereafter. Public Notice '16 for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors '27 for 3 insertions, '22 for 2 in- sertions, '17 for 1 insertion. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our s •tial discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 524-8551 Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, ' Goderich, 524- 8431.-1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. ,Call collect (416)637-6904.-040tf OSTOMY . SUPPLIES. and 'ap- pliances. Rieck I.D.A. Phar- macy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-24tfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con- valescent products,, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-24tfar IN HOME mastectomy services now available: Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-24tfar CORTLAND, Russets, Macs, Delicious and other , varieties, potatoes, onions, , cider. Call Bellview Fruit Farm. We deliver. 524-8011.--40tf CHILDREN'S' CLOTHING, shoes, jackets, etc. Various •sizes. Phone 524-9293.-43tfnx 1850 the. . ,,- "too good to be true FURNITURE STRIPPER Available Ott JOHN JEFFERY &SON Elgin Ave. E. Goderich 524-8171 YEAR END BEEF 'SALE Top quality home but chorea guaranteed ten- der Sides of Beef cut a Wrapped. to your specifications. 1.38 ,. GROSS WEIGHT RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 or 395-2979 Evenings F09 THE PERFECT GIFT.... *MODERATELY PRICED TOWELS •BEAUTIFUL , ASSORTMENT 'OF HAND - CROCHETED OR MACHINE -MADE TABLECLOTHS - We Monogram while You Wait! Le Trousseau 73 Hamilton Street GODERICH PHONE 524-2448 1. Articles for sale FIREWOOD Hord Maple, will deliver. Phone 529-7917.-49,50 HARD SEASONED, firewood, 4'x4'x8', $130.00 split, free delivery. ' Phone 1-235- 0742.-48-51 FIREWOOD - Hardwood,. seasoned for one year; 4'x8'x1', $40.00 delivered. Phone 524- 7921.-48,49 SNOWMOBILE PARTS ,for all makes. Largest stock in Huron County. Argyle Marine and Small Engines, 88 Britannia Rd., Goderich. Phone 524-9201.--48- 51or ONE ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner, good condition. Phone 524-8889.-41 tfnx CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - for the young shooter,- FREE ,WEAVER SCOPE with every 22 rifle. Plus many specials at Village Market Guns, Underwood. Open 7 days. Phone 368-7182,-46-51 CRISP JUICY APPLES 54.00 per bu. and up. Red and white potatoes, fresh cider, honey. Delivery arranged. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037.-46tfar TECO WATER piston pump, '/4 h.p. motor, pressure switch, steel base. Asking 5100.00. Phone -524-6872 after 6 p.m. -48,49 TWO MOUNTED snow tires for Datsun 8210: two 1500 watt baseboard heaters; double hung 4 x 6 foot picture window: modern bathtub, toilet and wash basin. All items excellent condition. Phone 524- 2887.-48,49, KITCHEN AID portable dishwasher, in excellent condi- tion. Phone 524-6371.-48,49 LARGE GINGERBREAD houses and sleighs, completely decorated. Available now, $12.00 each. PAT -A -CAKES 524- 9042.-48.,49x 21 CUBIC FOOT deep freezer; 30 inch electric stove; 10,000 BTU propane heater; 1 h.p. grain roller; oxyacetylene gauges and torches. Phone 524- 2005.-48,49 CAPONS - Oven ready, available December 15. Order now. Phone482-9738.-48,49 GIRL'S SKATES, size 1; beige legal size filing bin on casters; Zenith stereo cdssette recorder, 40 waft speakers. Phone 482- 3312.-48tfnx . 1. Articles for sale THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up from 56", 7' and 9', $45.00; three 40" I Beam rods with run- ners, 59.00. Phone 524-8331 between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., ask for Carol.-26tfnx APPLES - 56.95 a bushel, Spy, Macintosh and Golden Delicious. Also available of regular prices, Mutsu, • Red Delicious, Ida Red and Spartan. Crunican Bros., 11/2 miles south of Elginfield on Hwy. 4.-48-51 SOFT BLUE suedene maternity dress, size 12, worn once. 524- 8889.-40tfnx 5' X 6' SOLID antique pine and oak roiling door. A steal at 5100.00. Great'as accent wall or room divider. Phone 524-8423 after 5 p.m. -41tfnx MODERN, WALNUT, eight -piece dining room suite, includes buf- fet, hutch, sideboard, table, four chairs. Will sit ten people. Phone 524-6780.-45,47tf C&E FURNIT3JRE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades CHRISTMAS Ideas *. Moto - Cross Standard or Speed Bicycles *. Feedometoes " .Reflectors- _._ *Rear Carriers *Horns, ete, "ALL IN STOCK" at PONS BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 Ontario St. Clinton 482-9941 BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new locution just off Hwy. .#4 north of Clinton, 1'/4 mile south of Londesboro - watch for our sign! By the case or by the pound. Coll collect 523-9508.-45eowtfar CROSS COUNTRY skis; boots, size 8, poles, 560.00: lady's skates, size 8, 515.00; artificial Christmas tree, 520.00. Phone 524-2360 afternoons only. -49 ROLLER SKATES - a perfect gift! Size 8 lady's, precision wheels. Only used one season. Excellent condition. $80.00 new, asking $45.00. Phone 524- 8895.-49 CHRISTMAS TREES - Pine, Spruce and Balsam, 5 - 10'. Phone 357- 2440. Hwy. 86, east of Whitechurch, Niel Edgar, -49,50 CHESTERFIELD and chair, ex- cellent condition, 5125.00; two matching (amps, 515.00 each; baseboard heater, .$15.00. Phone 524-9422.-49x SLEIGH; CHILD'S safety 'helmet for skating; man's three ,piece' brown suit, size 40; man's skates, ,size 9; skis and ski boots. Phone 524-8618.-49 LADY'S FIGURE skates, size 4, excellent condition, $25.00; double bed with mattress and spring, 545.00. Phone 524-9273 after 5 p.m. -49 NEW VILAS dining ' table in candlelight finish, half price. Phone 524-7463.-49 WATERBEDS complete with pedestal pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit. $319.00 at Vanastra Fur- niture. ur- niture. 482- 7922 .- 27 t f a r THINKING of building? We've got the solution - the most com- plete line of steel -buildings available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (705)474- 1180.-27otf APPLES 54.50 per Ipushel and up, all varieties availaable. Fresh apple butter, cider, potatoes, ,onions. " Bulk cookies. •Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, R.R; 2, Goderich, 524-8008.-42tf HUSQVARNA SEWING MACHINES, full selection, new models with open arm, genuine Swedish quality from only $369.00, 25 years experience on service. Call Clinton 482- 7809.-45-51 or MATCHING FRIDGE and stove, Westinghouse, avocado; color TV, Magnavox 26" floor model; queen size bed with roller frame; pair glass lamps; mirror 4'5" x 3'6" (rose tint); folding table tennis; wringer washer;, dryer. Phone 528-2073.-49x 1. Articles for sale OLD STYLE refrigerator, work- ing well, ideal for second fridge, 535.00. Admiral block and white television, excellent condition, 575.00 Call 524-4622 until Friday.-49nx COMPLETE ATARI Video com- puter system, plus seven car- tridges including Pac-Man and Asteroids, six months old, $350.00 or best offer. Phone 524-8947.-49nx LAIRD'S MINI tractor with snow blade, 5 h.p. motor, good condi- tion, 5150.00 Phone 524- 2856.-49,50 TRACTOR CHAINS, size 16.9 x 30, 5100.00. Heat Houser - fit Ford 5000, $25.00. Phone 524 6958.---49x USED 36" x 81" white screen door, 560.00. Phone 524- 8192.-49 - MUST SELL all steel arch design buildings left over from Royal Winter Fair. Various sizes, some complete and some par- tial buildings. Must be delivered or picked up by March 30; 1983. Call Miracle Span toll-free 1- 800-268-4840.-0-49 tea 1850 ANTIQUE PASTE VARNISH Available at: JOHN JEFFERY &SON _: Elgin. Ave. E. Godeerieh. 524-8171 FREE HEAT from waste oil, Lenoir Waste Oil Fired Heaters. Six models. Phone for demonstration in your shop. Willoughby Auto Supply, Har- riston, 519-338-3441.-0-49 ELECTROLUX rug shampooer. Phone 524-8889,-41 tfnx THREE-YEAR-OLD quarter horse mare, well started under sad- dle. Quality show material. 15 hands high, sound and gentle. Phone 482-3312.-47tfnx WOOD IOR_SALE._- _ MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver. 482-9250 and 482-3571 YEARLING QUARTER horse filly, sorre! with Tots of white. A solid show prospect, easy to handle as well as sound. Phone 482- 3312.-47tfnx QUARTER HORSE mare. An ex- cellent brood mare that rides. Nine years old, sorrel, sound in every way.. Phone 482- 3312.-47tfnx SURPLUS OFFICE MACHINES: several ' quality used adding machines and print-out calculators from, $25.00; two. manual typewriters, good con- dition, from 575.00; IBM electric typewriter, good, condition; two 3M copiers Model 107, 595.00 and 5110.00. 'Priced to sell. 524- 4500.-47tfar ACRILON 9 x 12 purple rug. Phone 524-8889.-41 tfnx 1 A - Snowmobiles 9. Automotive 9101111111111, SNOWMOBILES for sale: 1979 440 'cc Scorpion Sting with cover, 51,395.00; 1976 250 cc liquid -cooled Mercury Snow- Twisterwith cover, 5975.00; 1974400 cc Skidoo TNT free-air with new rings and C.D. igni- tion, 5525.00. Phone 524-7108. evenings only.-47tfnx 5. Cara f•)r sole Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only $23.95 GODERICH 10. Pets for sale PUREBRED wh,te afghan with papers. Phone 524.6076 mornings. -49,50 11. Livestock for. sale 17. Apartments for rent LOVELY ONE or two bedroom apartment in the country with a view, located 10 minutes north of Goderich, at Port Albert. Phone 529.7775; -40tf NELSON STREET Apartments - Two bedroom apartment, $271.00 per month, plus utilities. No pets. Phone 524- 8649.--47-49x ONE • . BEDROOM, reasonable rent, heated and hydro, stove and. fridge. Phone 524- 2974.-48,49 SMALL, ONE BEDROOM, suitable for one adult, ground level, $225.00 per month, utilities ' included. Phone 524- 6923.--49,50 TWO BEDROOM apartment, in Goderich, heat included, 5313.00 per . month, available December 29th. ' Phone 524- 2015.--49,50x CLINTON, NICELY decorated, carpeted rooms, fridge and stove, private entrance, lawn and driveway: Phone 529- 7949.-49-52 SERVICEABLE AGE Yorkshire, Hampshire and Duroc boars.' Also Homp x Duroc and York x Homp boars. All are guaranteed, . ROP tested and herd health approved. Call Bob Robinson, It .R.4, Walton, 345- 2317.-48-51 1975 VOLKSWAGEN. Rabbit, 4 speed transmission; four door, 66,400. miles, certified. 52,000.00. Call 482- 3342.-48,49x 1973 TOYOTA Corolla, new paint, new snow tires, good condition. 51,400.00 or best of- fer. Phone 524-7060.-49x 1933 FORD ROADSTER, street rod, 75% finished, Pontiaf 3501 engine, automatic, positract, Volhio front discs, 32 rad shell. Best offer. Phone 524-2477.-49 1967 CHRYSLER, 300, two door hardtop, bucket seats, body real good, ,certified. Phone 524- 7998.-49,50i< 1976 PINTO stationwagon, 4 cylinder, automatic. Best offer, Call days only, 482-3013.-49 12. Real estate d� for sale. CLINTON - To rent or buy,' three years old, three bedroom, split- level, semi-detached house with rough -in fireplace for future family room. ' Price 525,000.00. To qualified buyer, mortgage at 12%. Call Ron after 6 p.m. 672-0206,-48,49 ,� COUNTRY HOME - Seven miles south of Goderich, three bedroon'f bungolotii, half 8cre lot, main floor fancily room with Shadow stone fireplace,. modern throughout. Coli 524- 6440 after 5 p.m.-48tf 574,900 -'99 ACRES Talisman Ski area. 7 room house, large barn. Lillian McDonald. $52,900 - Coledon. 1 acre building lot. Ann McMinn. Century 21 Brown Limited (416)232-2100.-0-49 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT; Bruce Nuclear Area. Four 4-plex, in- dividual .lots. .Great 11'/z% financing till 1984. Asking $375,000 for all four units. Coil Don Poulton R.E. (519)396- 3500.-0-49 13. Mobile homes MOBILE HOME; 1976 Bendix - 68' x 17; three bedroom, excellent condition, well insulated. Available for immediate possession. Asking 59,900. For further information call 357- 2606.-48,49ar 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, $30.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524=6777 after 6, p.m.--33tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent MODERN - ONE bedreem, near lake, available January lst, 1983. Phone 482-7081 or 527- 1315.-47tf 1976 DATSUN 8210, four door, in reasonable shape. Asking 5800.00 as is or $1,000.00 cer- tifi,ed. Phone 524-6076,-.. mornings. 49;50 6. Trucks for sale BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION. One and two bedroom apartments for rent. Cable. Fridge and stove included. All utilities paid. Security con- trolled. PHONE 524-6653 i 18. Houses for rent LARGE FOUR BEDROOM, 'Ywo both home in Clinton, wood bur- ning stove. 519-284-3400.-45tf' FARM HOUSE in Ashfield Twp. Phone 529-7349.---48,49 FOUR BEDROOM house for rent in Goderich. Available im- mediately. Phone 524.2032, after. 5 p.m. 524-6825.-49 FARM HOUSE, stove and fridge included, to rent to reliable cou- ple , with references. Reasonable rent. Phone 524- 6885.-47 24. Wanted to rent COTTAGE WANTED: Three or four bedroom cottage wanted for New Year's Eve weekend, Persons wanting to rent are in- terested in a place with good cross-country skiing area. Phone Terry at 524.6585 (days) or 524-9577 (nights).---48,49nx GARAGE - One or two car for storage and sign pointing. Needed immediately. Call Mike at 524-2263.--46,48 • 25. Wanted to buy WANTED TO BUY • PIANO, not necessarily in good condition. Phone 669-2280 or 669-2198 anytime. CaII collect, 29-52x CASH FOR old wooden duck decoys. Call 416-562-7086 or write W. Schlombs, R.R.1, Jor- dan, Ont. LOR 150. - 46-49x USED GIRLS' figure skates, size 3 or 4. Phone 524-2975._ - 46tfnx WANTED - PARTS for 1974 Ven- tura two door Sedan, grill, driver's' door, windshield, power brake, booster and master assembly. Phone Mike after 6 p.m. 524-4667 or drop a note to P.O. Box 122, Goderich.--49 WHITE 24" width refrigerator in good condition. Phone 524-4325 after 6 p.m. --49 4 26: Help wanted 20. Room & board TOURISTS - Bed and breakfast, 515.00 single, 520.00 double. • Special wing for retired people downstairs at the Von Demme Holiday Home, 108 Ontario ,St., Clinton. Phone 482-3685. Open to the public for daily meals, noon 12 to 2 p.m., 5 to 7 p.m. -401f 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space JO 60 Lighthouse St. {Phone 524- 2717; 26tf OFFICE SPACE for rent. Available immediately. Phone 524-8845 after 5 p.m.-36tfnx ' Offices To !Rent 524-8382 mem sesmilmeme 24. Wanted to rent GOOD CLEAN house with fireplace. Close to or in Goderich or Port Albert. Reosonoble rent. References. Please call Ripley 395-5960 after 6p.m.-3ltfnx 1969 GMC HALF ton, 8 cylinder, tiaree %pewit,-st,a.nd.a.rd transmission, body and,, drive :_ -frOrli-,i'i'flgOad'" orrciihon-...61144, -._.-_ as it for hest offer, also topper to fit 8 foot pick-up box. Phone 524.23-58: Can be seen at 222 Oxford Street. -47-50 10. Pets for sale PUREBRED Australian Blue Heeler pups from working parents. Phone 529-7850.--49 BLUEWATER MANOR ADULT APARTMENTS 32 SUNCOAST DR. E. GODERICH 2,Redrool;a,a Apurtiollents RELIABLE FARMER, preferably with horse experience, for North East Toronto. Write P.O. Box 99, Unionville, Ont. L3R 2L8.-48,49 ELECTROLUX CANADA needs a representative to assist with consumer service. Area seAfic- ed out of Goderich is extensive and 'additional help needed. Must have car and good credit standing. Phone 519-743-5301 collect. -48,49 QUALIFIED PERSON, .experienc- \ed with developmentally han- dicapped infants, to be available two to three hours per day, five, days a week. Remuneration to be negotiated. State hourly rate. Write to Drawer 171, c/o Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -49 27 Wanted (general) 25. Wanted to buy CASH FOR GOLD All Gold and Silver items, rings, watches, earrings • chains, medals and dental gold, Damaged or broken items acceptable. Seeded prices for Canadian and American silver coins, any con- dition, Also buying any foreign silver coins. ELGIN STUDIO & FRAME SHOP 106 The Square Goderich Exclusive Agent ' in Goderich for Northland Gold & Sliver Inc. SNOWBLOWER to fit Gilson lawn tractor. Phone 1-367- 2383.-49 28. Business opportunity REQUIRED A LIMITED number of distributors. If you have had direct selling experience, own your own business or would like to, write: Hydro Coil, Director of Marketing, Box 2861, London, Ontario. -0-49 MODERN COTTAGE resort, French River, 10 cottages, trailer sites, 9 room ranch -style home, store, hunting, fishing, boats, motors, beach. One mor- tgage, Private Sole, 1-705-857- 2195.-0-49 LEARN INCOME TAX by cor- respondence. Individual, Business; and Farm Returns. For free brochure, no obligation, write: MR Tax ' Schools, 1148 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2W 3S6.-0-49 29. Tenders MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER B05 PT 4246 Move -Out Painting at Varloul Prolects In Huron Coun- ty. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, December 17, 1982, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 00 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", Landon, Ontario, NSA 2P3, (519-679-7110) from whom details and specifications may bo obtained. Details and specifications may also bo obtained from Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M5; (519-524-2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY. TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEP- TED. 30. Employment - wanted PROFESSIONAL Santa Claus ovailable for.Christmas parties and businesses. Reasonable .rotes. Book early • to avoid disappointments.. Phone 482- 7130.-45-49 4$01 ABOARD The Canadian Armed Forces is !milting for candidates to train as Marine Engineering Technicians. The Canadian Forces offers a subsidized college education andthe opportunity to join the team of highly skilled technicians who operate and maintain the navy's ships. If you're medically fit and meet the entrance requirements of the plan '•- you may qualify. For more information, visit your•nearest recruiting centre or mail this coupon. You can also call Collect - we're in the Yellow Pages under Recruiting. • r There's No Life Like It THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre 520 WELLINGTON ST. LONDON, ONT. 679-5110 (COLLECT) I'm interested in hearing more about the Marine Engineering Technician Training Plan. Please send me information, . •. _; .•..... : ,. Name. Address ,City Postal Code Talaphona Pr v T -,.11-tetfti ssa-easel,Iss tsrdingcableT.V._Alitiond_eotour_etl-� appliances. Carpeted throughout. Laundry facilities. Controlled entrance. Private balcony. Available Immediately One bedroom apartment - available January '83. 524-2315 28. Business Opportunity GS5:2i 31. Service directory 'STEPHEN'S FURNITURE RESTORATION: Quality refinishing, repairing, and reupholstering of antiques and household furniture. Free estimates, pick-up and delivery. Phone Stephen Norton, 524- 9394.-20tfar CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERA- TIONS,,24 to 48 hour service for minor and major sewing. Dianne Mallough, phone 524- 2492.-32-6 'RELIABLE SITTER available with references, Monday through Friday. Phone 524- 7215.-40tfnx BOOKKEEPING SERVICE - Do you ; need help balancing y'bur books for 1982? Are you wor- ried about paying income tax on your 1982 profits? Then call Keith Metzger, Bookkeeping '8 Income Tax, R.R.3, Lucknow, 395-5482.-49-52 V.I.T. UPHOLSTERY R.R. No. 6 Goderich ✓SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM HIGHWAY TRACTOR INTERIORS ',CUSTOM INTERIORS ',MIRK AUTOMOBILES ✓AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS , ✓SNOWMOBILES Please Call 529-7805 "KATY -LEE" ALTERATIONS Let Us Recycle Your Old Clothing Into New Styles. EXCELLENT PRICES Experienced Seamstresses Phone 524-7116 After 4 pm HANDYMAN SERV10ES BEAT INFLATION. Raise large bolt worms at home_ for ,,xtra income. Neat. odorle', opera- tion. Low investment, Terra Worm Forms (since 1975), R.R.1; Stratford, Ontario, N5A 652. (519)625.8140.-- 21tf 31 Service directory DO YOU IATE doing housework/ Veli we can help. We will come in and do all that housework for you. Why not call us today! Bon -Ali Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 524.6724 or 529- 7939, 48,49 New Eavestroughs In- stalled, Repaired, Cleaned. Windows, Caulked, Cleaned, Installed, Roofs, Chimney Flashing, Re -Tarred Repaired. Trees Trimmed & Cut. CALL 524-2234