HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-12-08, Page 9The installation of the Worshipful Master and the In- vestiture of the Officers of Maitland Masonic Lodge No. 33, Goderich, took place Wednesday December 1 at 8 p.m. Shown here front row left to right are Senior Warden Bro. Douglas Wray, Immediate Past Master W. Bro. Gerald Morgan, Worshipful Master 1982-3 Leonard Boyce, Dist. Deputy Grand Master for South Huron District, Rt. W. Bro. William Cook, Junior Warden Bro. Donald Larder. Second row - Organist Bro. Ralph Henderson, Inner Guard Bro. Ronald Goy, Secretary W. Bro. Keith Cott, Senior Steward Bro. Lawrence Scott, Lodge Historian W. Bro. Richard Rompf, Installing Master Rt. W. Bro. Earl Rawson. Third row - Senior Deacon Bro. Eric Gosse, Junior Deacon, Bro. Ron Maines, Tyler W. Bro. Leroy Harrison, Junior Steward Bro. Ray Hurd, Director of Ceremonies V. W. Bro. Roy Mugford. Chaplain W. Bro. Herbert Such. I Staff photo) Work programs get approval Employment and Immigration Canada has ap- proved a grant totalling $73,251 for three Goderich projects that will create 268 weeks of work. The town of Goderich received approval for a grant of $28,330 that will create four jobs for a total of 107 work weeks. The money will be used to upgrade the St. Christopher's Beach area near the water filtration plant. The Goderich Arts Foundation received approval for a grant of $36,000 that will create 10 jobs and 120 work weeks. The Foundation will use the grant for renovation and reconstruction work at The Livery on South Street. The Goderich tourist and recreation committee received a grant of $8,921 to hire one person for 41 weeks to work on behalf off both committees. Last year the committees also received a grant to employ one person. Harbour could service needs... • from page 1 "The study doesn't give anybody' wishing to locate at Bruce any idea of where the port will be," he said. "If there is a need for marine shipping at Bruce, we'll build a port." Sam MacGregor, one off the original investors of the Bruce Energy Centre, called the decision on Goderich's port a "logical conclusion" based on the criteria for the study. "In response to the criteria for the study, th& con- sultants came up with a logical conclusion," said Mr. I)) � PRICE �2 PHOTOFINISHING* ' ROLL SIZE ar PPrice Law Price 1/2 Special 12 Exposure 5.49 2.74 20 Exposure 8.49 4.24 24 Exposure . 9.99 4.99 36 Exposure 13.99 6.99 hiSC 15 Exp. 6.49 ,. , 3.24 — •(C41. •Process: Sizes 110, 126, 135. avSC Film Only) GODERICH DISCOUNT CENTRE 70 SHOPPERS SQUARE • No Limit on Quantity Otter Expires DEC 18 GODERICH 524-6861 Wetoss Kodak popet For the good. MacGregor Tuesday. "There is industry in Goderich and there is none in Bruce right now. The report has left an appreciation for a harbor at Bruce pending a clarification of the industry that could come here." Mr. MacGregor added that he would have rather had seen the study based on the resources on the Bruce site. The findings will be presented by the engineering firm at Kincardine Town Hall tomorrow (Thursday) from 3-9 p.m. The study was originated last March by the Ontario government and Transport Canada. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT will present an Information Night on STRESS WEIGHT CONTROL EXERCISE at the Assessment Office 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich December 15, 1982 from 7:00 pm -9:00 pm EVERYONE WELCOME! Why not get involved?... Just for the Health a it 1 ORCHESTRA LONDON SERIES STILL A BARGAIN! Saturday December 11 - G.D.C.I. Christmas Pops Traditional favourites sung by the world famous Woodstock Choralaires Jbring a,special warmth to the Christmas Season Saturday April 16th - North Street United Church Hooray for Hollywood and Regards to Broadway with Brian Jackson, conductor, and song stylist, Pat Leavens 0 Series Still A Bargain Adults - $1541O __Family - 135 .04.1 (Compared to 1.50 for rush seats night of concert) Tickets Available from *Campbell's: The Square * Noi than Pickell - 58 South St. *R terry Club member 1 OFA has potential manager claim By Stephanie Levesque The potential for the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to do well, is there, says OFA general manager Harry Zwerver. He made the remark at a joint meeting of the Huron and Perth federations, op Thursday, December 2, to Seaforth. "The federation has to be a sympathetic, dependable and effective organization," said Zwerver. The general manager said the federation has to be seen speakinj with authority, respected. though not necessarily always agreed with and flexible in responding to the needs of the individual members. Maximizing the federation's resources provides the opportunity to form a strong, visible organization said Zwerver. The general manager noted the 26,000 member organization does have a high degree of credibility. Currently the OFA has a planning and review com- mittee, which should take the federation several years into the future, Zwerver said. The organization represents the majority of farmers through a democratic structure which considers and develops a consensus of the farming community, commented Zwerver. The federation influences decision makers, such as politicians, and the OFA general manager said, it should work in close co- operation with other farm commodity groups to achieve success in dealing with government. ``rtes --nc . __-u t the politicians that have to be educated, so do the con- sumers," added Zwerver. Communication between the OFA iiai Toronto and county and township organizations needs to be improved, Zwerver told the gathering. He noted there is the members' digest, but a more effective way of reaching the farmers has to be sought. Referring to the OFA's theme, Farmers Working For Farmers, Zwerver said the farmers can make the organization do well in the future. ASHTON'S LUCKNOW GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE FINAL MARKDOWN ALL MERCHANDISE g2 PRICE & Less (except for Yarn) CHILDREN'S, LADIES', FABRICS ASHTON'S FASHION'S 8 FABRICS LUCK NOW 528-2126 • ■■■■■■1110■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ SouaRe For your shopping convenience Shoppers Square. Goderich is proud to announce... ■ ■ ■ ■ GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8,1982—PAGE 7 0000 8®®®00! 004000000000000000000 ® 0th,D.tFabrks ® GOES DISCOUNT ® EVERY DAY •• % 50 • iu: OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE • EVERYTHING IN THE STORE .•• • • • All Fabrics —• All Sewing Supplies All Patterns ALL DAY EVERY DAY 371 Main St., South, Exeter - 235-2842 VISO back from KODAK Godench Hanover Walkerton Stratford Woods lock 112 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 524-7924 M ■ ■■■■■■e■e■■■■■■■mmeo•s®®e®a CARMAN CAMERAS Sales Service Rentals ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Because you'are shopping for that special gift for that special man, you will find one of the finest collections of men's gift ideas around at David E. White Ramsreem ■ ■ ■ ■ • Pinwale Polyester Corduroy Slacks SPE CIAL CHRISTMAS SHOPPINC HOURS:: 1 ■ CLIP b '■ SAVE FOR EASY ■ REFERENCE al 1 1 MOST STORES PEN1 TILL 9 PM. ■ ■ • By GALA. Available in four colours • nay. grey. brown and camel. And from now until Christmas. regular `35.00. a special value at 627. 50 4 • ArOitotzto 1 • ttx UTHURSDAY (.1 FRIDAY_._DEC. 9 ft 10 M I THURSDAY fr FRIDAY....DEC. 16 f1 17 EL ® MONDAY THRU. THURSDAY - DEC•. 20-23 Friday. Dec. 21....Open till P.M.(r ■ •!mm■SU■S*■-■l®■*niS*®■m■**o1 1111 t+6 s pi .00k o G .$24431:2