HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-12-01, Page 27A vent pre Mr. and Mrs, Bryan John Howard (Photo by Abma ) Wed in Sarnia Candelabra with lighted white tapers and pink and white flowers decorated High. Park United Church in Sarnia on Saturday, October 16 at 4 p.m. for the wedding ceremony of Bryan John Howard of Gorrie and Kathryn Jane Pickell of Mississauga. The groom is the son of Mrs. Myna B. Howard • of Listowel and the late John F. Howard and the bride is the daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. Gordon G. Pickell of Goderich. The bride's father, the Reverend Gordon G. Pickell officiated at the double -ring ceremony assisted by the Reverend Paul Parkin of Sarnia. Music was provided by organist Marie Klatt of Windsor and soloist Mildred Davies, also of Windsor. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Norman Pickell of Goderich, on behalf of her parents. She wore a Hi -lite chiffon gown with re -embroidered alencon lace on the bodice and cuffs of the full sleeves. It featured a high neck and a chapel length train with lace trim. She •also wore a flower wreath headpiece with fingertip veil to match and carried a cascade bouquet of orchids and stephanotis. . Matron of honor was Virginia Mierkalns of Amherstburg, sister 'of the, bride. She wore a floor - length gown of frost rose jersey with spaghetti straps and matching ribbon -chiffon jacket with high neck and long full sleeves. She carried a nosegay of purple roses,•. Citizens hold `vigil' On Sunday, November 21, concerned citizens from Goderich, Clinton, Kingsbridge and St. Joseph's travelled by bus to London to join with Southwestern Ontario's "Concerned Citizens for . Life" to hold "vigil" outside of London's Victoria Hospital to grieve for the lives of some 2000 children who have been killed by induced abortion in the city of London annually. The opening ceremony outside Victoria Hospital was led by Mr: Boersma of Woodstock and Father Loebach of Goderich, stressing the significance of public grief. Mr. Boersma, representing some 75 Pro Life supporters' involved in the vigil, said,' when in- terviewed by London's CF PI, TV that "the right of a citizen stops when it .,in- terferes with the life of another." "In that sense," he said, "abortion is a crime." Protesting 'the "vigil" were some 10 pro - abortionists led by Noreen Gunn who . countered Boersma's basic positionby stating: `-`We don't believe -that any •outside agency, group, state, or religion should make that decision for the woman." Tfiis meaYr -that aside - from her conscience, the mother 'Can exercise ab- solute control over the life of anoTheF• gin= 'ening, _a --eont-r-ol--that- .s--therefolre .. totally beyond any check or balance by any societal institution or authority whatsoever. The "Citizens -for- Life" vigil will be kept every . Sunday from 2 - 4 p.m. at the Victoria Hospital in London in the hope of stirring the consciences of the Canadian public. All concerned citizens are invited to join and can inquire for arrangements by calling Mr. H. Boersma of Woodstock at 539-2356. a,. pink cornflowers and white. baby's breath. Bridesmaids were Janice Ferguson of Stouffville and Kathy Kinch of Toronto, friends of the bride. They were gowned the same as the matron of honor and carried similar bouquets. Groomsman was Douglas Stapleton of London, friend of the groom. Guests were ushered into- the church by Warren Howard of Toronto and Randall Howard of Waterloo; brothers of the groom. " Ringbearers were Mark Mierkalns of. Amherstburg and Colin Pickell- of Goderich, nephews of the bride. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held at the LambtonShrine Club in Sarnia. For a wedding trip to Southern California, the bride changed to a tapestry rose ensemble with orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan John Howard are now residing in Gorrie. BY THE REVEREND FATHER A.F. LOEBACH, ST. PETER'S CHURCH People live by seasons. There are seasons for sports, seasons for cultural events, and especially there are the four seasons that dictate, for the most part, the rhythm of our lives. So also in the church, we have seasons. Just last Sun - GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1,1982—PAGE 11A ,..momX ares us for Jesus' birthd MINISTER'S STUDY day we began a new season alled Advent. It is not as well known as Lent. But, like Lent, it too prepares for a do abahra.ttionothe.histb day of Jesus. _`• - ___ -_._ make God known in the most understandable way possi- ble: by His becoming man in the person of Jesus. And that tonlatronv -ezknow; .ade us - sur e, if -we-were-ever in doubt, of God's love. For Jesus was ready and willing to die on the cross to save us. There are two main themes underlying this season of Advent. During the Your weeks; we are firs -of all -- invited to look ahead to the coming celebration of Christmas. We do not pre- tend that Jesus is still to come; certainly our whole Christian Way of Life is bas- ed upon this truth. We live by the wonderful truth that God loves His people. How much? Holy Scripture is a history of God reaching out to man, revealing Himself through the prophets and the events of history until finally He sent His Divine Son to .And-sa, or one whais_truly a follower of the Way of Jesus, this time is one of joyful waiting in preparation for the celebration in the Liturgy of the birth into the world of the Saviour. The second theme of Ad- vent looks to the future. Jesus spoke very clearly that there would be another Coming, a Parousia. That it will happen, of that we are sure. When? No one knows! But it will be a time when New film to be shown here REFLECTIONS OF HIS LOVE, a- new film highlighting the life and ministry of Joni Eareckson, will be' shown on Sunday December 5 at the Free Methodist Church, 51 Vic- toria Street, Goderich. The color feature, produc- ed by World Wide Pictures, the film ministry of the Billy Graham Association, will be shown twice, at 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Miss Eareckson is the star of a recent theatrical motion picture, JONI, which relates the story of her diving acci- dent, as a young girl, which left her paralyzed from the neck down. It chronicles her struggles to piece together her life and her faith in God, in spite of the devastating circumstances. In REFLECTIONS OF ANSTETT JEWELLERS 8 ALBERT. ST.. CLINTON 482.3901 AT THE MAIN CORNER We're at your service... With in-store WATCH REPAIRS Certified Wa'chmoker on staff WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION Supplied and in S stalled while .you wait . 4e each Also Instollotion of electronic calculator batteries We stock 20 different Power Cells. HOURS Monday through Thursday 9 a.m.•6' p m Fridays 9 o m 4itI 9 p.m 'Saturdays 9 om 530p.m HIS LOVE, Miss Eareckson, who is also the author of two best-selling books, JONI and A STEP FURTHER, tells of the great transformations that have taken place in her rife because of her will- ingness to accept all the. things that have happened to her. A remarkably talented young ' woman, Miss Eareckson . is an artist of great merit, , as well as an author, actress, and singer. She has learned to draw and paint with a brush held in her mouth. Her works have been displayed in major exhibi- tions, as well as on a number of network television pro- grams. More recently, her lustrations and paintings have become the basis for a major line of greeting cards, plaques, and framed prints. those who seemed foolish and stupid in the eyes of unbelievers, will be revealed as the true sons of God. Unbelievers and wicked men also know deep down that a day of reckoning will come. But, in their stubborn- ness, they try to drown out such unsettling thoughts by -hurling, -themselves into every kind -of pleasure - seeking. There is a real temptation for Christians to imitate them. Their lives seem to be without worry - seesn to -bye full- sof joy, -But - we know by our 'faith that they are living in a fool's paradise. They try to forget the future because they can- not bear to face it. Not so the true followers of Jesus who look forward to the Coining of Christ. As the Gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent reads: "when these things According to the Reverend Ronald Ashton, pastor of the Free Methodist Church, REFLECTIONS OF • HIS LOVE introduces the viewer to "the real Joni Eareckson, We meet her parents, her sisters, and her friends. We gaininsight into the thoughts of the actors who played ma- jor roles in the movie, JONI, and we learn of her new per- sonal ministry, Joni and Friends." Pastor Ashton has extend- ed an open invitation to the community at large to at- tend these special screen- ings. There is no admission charge. 't'We feel everyone who at- tends will be touched by the remarkable life and witness - of Joni Eareckson. It's really an unforgettable ex- perience," he concluded. _ 0- 38 HAMILTON ST: 524-7181 DOG CLIPPING AND GROOMING IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES BUDGIES, CANARIES, TROPICAL FISH, ALL PET SUPPLIES.' reh D • THE SALVATIONARMY 18 WATERLOO ST. S. • . 524-9341 te 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 1:00 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 6:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE + j All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship �.. �.. -S...-...-e. ST: GEORGE'S CHURCH • Anglican -Episcopal , ' North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Interim Organigt: David N. Cadogonl Second Sunday in Advent 8:30 o.m • Holy Communion, 11:OOa.m. Church School. age 10 and under. Nursery 11.00 o 1m. Holy Communion. Lighting the Advent Candle. Sermon: "The T3ible acid out:Hope" -Roman's 15.4 7:00 p.m. Youth Bible Sfudy - Recreation CorrtitiissiOn Room •Grandstand. 7:30 p. m. Board of Management. You are always welcome - December 5th Knox Presbytenan Church f.._ THE RFV.C. i:Z5C1<1i�iiiROYAL, e 1 M.A., M. DIV. MINISTER LORNE H. DOTTERER, Director of Praise Sunday, December 5 10:00 a.m. Communicant's Closs 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Lighting 2nd Advent Condle 11:00 a.m. Sunday School SERMON SERIES FOR ADVENT SEASON: Sermon First Baptist Church MONTREAL STREET ORGANIST: MRS. ALICE WARR Sunday 9:45 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP INTERIM MINISTER REV. DAVID MULLAN Thursday 7:00 p.m. - PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY • BEREA-BY-THE-WATER 1 1 LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons"St. at Suncoost Drive o 1 (1 9:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes 10:30 - Worship Marvin L. Barz. Pastor 524-2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ He .s Lord of oil' • Act 10:36 Calvary Baptist Church DAYTIME) ROAD AT BLAKE STREET • r REV_ R. BRUBACHER_P.astor 10;00 A.M. - FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE WITH .REV. - REG* SHELL CONTINUING TO SUNDAY DEC. 5th SERVICES ON SUNDAYS 11 A.M. & 7 P.M. WEEKNIGHTS 7:30 P.M. 1 A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU 1 t.-._..-....- �e® ....,...-roar• _._o..�.-. ...,......- ®.� 1 NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH (2) "A Time Being FulfilledFulfilled" (Nursery•Facilities) " • • WHITE GIFT SERVICE•' • • 1 1, re res ervice • Enter to Worship Deport to Serve 1 1 SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CRAIGELLEN SINGERS Sunday, December 5, 1982 11:00 a . m. Annual White Gift Family Servicece • (Sunday Schoo I ti fromtheService) (No Sunday School Classes) .wtr�...1..-.,...iw. ..•r...r..rw.r u....►...Y....,..1 •s4O0.►01ov.•'w..n►.-s/•V•w..•�e.-V..+►...w..®nn�►e.a..-®..w...•a...-w..se,>..w..s.•a..vl ar GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial -School BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 482-9260,565-5341 and 236-4979 10:00 - Family Bible School 11:00 - Speaker: Randy Mann PREACHING THE DOCTRINES of GRACE r Y begin to take place, stand erect, hold your heads high because your liberation is near at hand." Advent emphasizes this at- titude of the true follower of Jesus, which should be an in- tegral part of his year-round life - prayerful waiting, even longing for the Coming of Jesus who will bring to com- pletion the salvation we have just begun to enjoy. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS SPECIAL PRE -WINTER PRICES IN EFFECT Goderlch Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Rood Goderlch 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 MONUMENTS MARKERS -CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR PRYDE MEMORIALS GODERICH - CLINTON - EXETER Phone 524-6621 DON DENOMME - AREA REPRESENTATIVE 4 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS December 2ned till Christmas ®Rug 'looking Kits ....... > , ... 40% off *Needlepoint Kits.-- .0. 30% off *Tapestry Wool Res. 69° ..... m . NOW 494 or Box of 12 for $4.95 SPECIALS YARN FABRICS phone orders accepted g g Country Crafts & Things 175 Mal t St. Liman - r rte, ..d. :k's-'�. 227-4033 -TALK ID THE GAS COMPANY ABOUT GAS WATER HEATERS 1.800-265-0562 (TOLL FREE Find out how much you could save because gas heats water cheaper and 4 times faster than electricity. You could rent a gas water heater from Union Gas for as little as $3.25 a month if you're already on gas. A phone call will arrange an appoint- ment at your home,at the time most convenient for you. union GHS We're bringing home the future. We supply these respected gas water heaters. BUSINESS DIRECTORY R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235-0995 If no answer call 1-800-265-7988 l D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal P. Queen st. Goderlch Slyth 524-4555 523-9321 Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursement ledger, cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial statements, time & charges & specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 West Wawanosh E Mutual Insurance Company Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1RO 529-7961 FARM RESIDENTIAL AGENTS: Frank Foran Donald MacKay AUTO R. R. 2 Lucknow 528-3824 R. R. 3 Ripley 395-5382 Donald R. Simpson R. 3'Gods-riclr ___.___._ _.-.5 wn87 Mason Robinson . 341 Catherine St. WMgham357-2478 Delmar Sproul R. R. 3 Auburn 529=7273 Lyons and y Mylhtbrn,48 West St. Goderlch 524-7878 FOR A OUOTATION ON YOUR FARM, HOME COTTAtiEdit AUt01,416BILE INSURANCE CONTACT THE AGENT IN YOUR AREA DIRECTORS: Eldon Bradley Lucknow 528-2214 Gerald Kerr P.O. Box 62 Blyth 523-9275 Austin Martin P.O. Box 304 Lucknow 528-3601 Kenneth B. MacLean R.R. 2 Paisley 368-7537 Donald McKenzie 183 Elgin Ave., West 524-7802 Goderlch John Nixon R. R. 5 Brussels 887-9417 CLAIMS SHOULD BE REPORTED PROM'TLY TO THE DIRECTOR IN YOUR AREA Ronald • McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 524-6253 Goderlch, Ontario (Quality Work by McKENZIE UPHOLSTERY HWY. 4 S. CLINTON " PHONE: 482-9359, Cards For All Occasions * Gifts *Books * Stationery Supplies *Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST STREET. GODERICH 111.0. JERRY LTD. Complete lines of NEW YEAR'S PARTY FAVOURS d - LOW PRICES PARTY SUPLIES Products for every loser. H.O. JERRY LTD. "The Paper People" 185 Pork St. GODERICH 524-2855 _The Old Fashioned HARDWARE STORE We Now Have In Stock •MAGNETIC STOVEPIPE THERMOMETERS •CHIMNEY BRUSHES •WOKS & FONDUE SETS •T.B. WOODS SHEAVES (PULLEYS) 8 V -BELTS •SPATTERLESS PAINT ROLLERS PHIL MAIN. HARDWARE 84 Kingston St.. Goderich MacGillivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE, GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 MONTREAL TORONTO BRAMPTON HAMILTON ST. CATHERINES PORT COLBORNE LISTOWEL WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER GODERICH - PHONES BUS. 524-7379 RES . 524-6210 Direct Parts 524-7389 DLUEWATEH TRUCK CENTRELTD. GODERtCF ONTARIO - W,E SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYL' E BANNISTER' Alr!'POIi1:16A6. 'NEW DAY NE �L Y�....1.v.. A ' ,^P 04, if 4NC, t RPtw UMW, UP". Sc. CYCf \\� US19aa- �' SALON SERVICES SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE -INDIVIDUAL PERMANENT WAVING -NATURAL HAIR COLOR -DESIGNER STYLES ANALYSIS -SHAMPOO -CONDITIONER -MOISTURIZER -AND FACIAL MASK AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 EAST ST GODERICH 524 8994