HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-12-01, Page 21NON GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1.198,2 -PAGE 5A Gift giving suggestions from A&P! ENN Gift Certificates THE WEAL GIFT: An A&P Gift Certificate is the ideal gift for customers, employees, or friends -almost everyone on your gift list. A gift of r food will be we:comed and appreciated c: by everyone on your list. AVAILABLE IN 5.00, 10.00 and 20.00 denominations. Redeemable at any A&P Store in Canada. FAMI REX g MEN INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS CONCERNS! Turkey Certificates If you are accustomed to giving your employees or friends a gift at Christmas, may we suggest an A&P TURKEY CERTIFICATE, redeemable at any A&P Food Store in Canada. See Store Manager for further information. IRREEMI, SAVE CHEFMASTER OR ELMGROVE Soft Margarine 1 LB TUB 100% VEGETABLE OIL. SAVE .89/kg HEINZ,FANCY Tomato Juice 48 FL OZ TIN OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.53 iTr 4 GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, A&P SELF-BASTINGi MAPLE LEAF MIRACLE BASTE OR SWIFT DEEP -BASTED Buttrbali Turkeys with supermarket prices REGULAR OR KING SIZE Canadian Cigarettes CARTON OF 20'S OR 25'S 4190 WARNING: Health & Welfare Canada advises that danger to .health increases with amount smoked -avoid inhaling. `OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 12.65 , SAVE .40 Ib *One Price -All Sizes -No, Confusionit A&P OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.731kg-1.69 LB CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF BLADE, CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SHOULDER Boneless Beef Roasts 3911.99 Ikg / . lb OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.051kg-2.29 LB FRESH SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, 14 VAR. Medium Ground Beef 3971 /17 Cooked Meats EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks 39,7,g /17 BREAKFAST, Burns Sausages 3 Ikg /16! SLICED, SKINLESS & DEVEINED, PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Beef Liver 1';lkg /.791 RED HOTS, ALL BEEF, DUTCH TREET, DINNER FRANK 89Schneiders Wieners VaCpac SCHNEIDERS, REG. OR ALL BEEF Sliced Bologna SCHNEIDERS Chopped Hari SCHNEIDERS, 9 VAR - Mini Deli Sausage SCHNEIDERS Ham Steaks 1758 109 vac pac 375 g 1" vac pac 175 g vac pac SCHNEIDERS Pepperoni Sticks SCHNEIDERS Headcheese 300 g 129 vac pac 375 g 189 bowl SCHNEIDERS, LOOPS 1``° Polish Sausage 52'g / 239 250 g 199 sae 175 g 199 vac pac SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, REG., THICK, COUNTRY MAPLE SCHNEIDERS, VAC PAC, HALVES Side Bacon vac t: 299 Olde Fashioned Hams 11004 /499 SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGES, ASST VAR. INCL Mini Sizzlers 500 g 239 pkg SCHNEIDERS, 6 VAR. Sandwich Sireads 250 g 119 roll In stores with Deli SCHNEIDERS, BLUE RIBBON Bologna .51 SCHNEIDERS, BEEF OR STEAK Meat Pies 1100g/2 b each ■ 69 CANADIAN BRICK, COLBY, FARMERS OR MILD CHEDDAR Schneiders Cheese glt,1009/37 : rf JERGENS, BLUE, BROWN OR WHITE Liquid Cream Soap 350 mL CONT MOTT'S '99 Clamiato ASSORTED -VARIETIES ---,- Derby Dog Food OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.09 1 LITRE CONTAINER ORANGE PEKOE " Tetley Tea Bags OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.43 IIEVIV BIEVERAGE,-• -APPLE OIVOR NGE `RIMKINJ BOX' 23 ti 02.59 McCain Juice 2 OmLof 3 box 1 ■ LIQUID 11d-Durcnr Bleach p=.89 ASSORTED VARIETIES, DEL MONTE Fruit Cups 5ogtns 1.79 BREAD & BUTTER; KOSHER BABY DILLS OR SWEET MIXED Heinz Pickles 5T,"11.49 . GHERKINS OR KOSHER BABY DILLS Heinz Pickles 37A1 711-1.69 GLAD, PLASTIC' PKG F 10 Garbage 99 Bags you OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.89 5_naL Perrier Water -.=69 1n1 1.09 PLASTIC Saran Wrap IS 1.99 DEL NIONTE-CRUSHED.OR SLICED__. Pineapple GRISSel M -OL b�a Toast MONARCH, ASSORTED VARIETIES Quick Loaf Mixes 12: 1.29 LIPTON, ASSORTED VARIETIES Cu La®Soup Mikes 4envs .99 ASSORTED VARIETIES 6 OZ TINS Miss Mew-'1'iOo Cat Food Ruv SUNBERTA Sunflower Ail MITCHELL'S. FANCY Applesauce WILL -O -PACK, COOL MINT GOLDEN BUD, Neilson Candy ASSORTED COLOURS Viva Towels 99 pkg. of 72 14 fl oz tin pkg i 1 litre cont ® 3 4 VAR INCLUDING GINGER ALE Chateau Dry Beverages CASE=2410 FL OZ TINS 99 Canada Dry Beverages 6 Pack of 300 mL. retumable btls. available at our regular price OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.99 CONVERTED Uncle Ben's Rice 99 2 kg pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.79 SAVE 1.80 ALL PURPOSE, REGULAR OR UNBLEACHE Five Roses Flour • MITCHELL'S PURE Apple Juice • 48 fl. oz. tin ■vv OUR REG. PRICE I.63, OUR REG. PRICE 1.63:. SAVE .64 FACIAL TISSUE, ASST COLOURS 411 • Kleenex box of 200 sheets OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.19 r-G-ASHMERE, 1 -PLY, ASSORTED COLOUR Bathroom Tissue 119 pkg of 4 rolls L. OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.73 d'RV IV 1131138 0 r 0 W m Round 'n About with Martha Monday - and I should have stood in bed! My car hates this cold weather. Nearly every time I try to start it, it chokes itself and dies! Then I have to call a Saga- atemtptafl me b it igg air the :car. GR-rrr! I have driven dozens of different cars - I LIKE to drive and have been driving for years. So if there's nothing wrong I resent that! This one has never been in the cold until now. I can just see, it shiver- ing and shaking, but my sons want us to fly down to .the warm country - and my car wants to - also. Well, fly or drive - my day is ruined. Did I tell you the Minor Hockey club is having a BAKE SALE this Saturday at Suncoast Mail - an ALL daY one, December 4. The following ° Saturday, the Music Boosters also have a bake sale planned. The Christmas time is the time youngsters all look for- ward to having NEW clothes and toys. The Childrens Aid Society are once again try- ing to reach these people in Huron County who really need help. They try to give the children up to 16 years (I think) a new toy or game and a new piece of clothing besides the mitts that are available every year. Mrs. Stan (Ellen) Connelly is co- ordinator for Goderich. Ellen says there is quite a large group this year and Audrey Royal, co-ordinator for all of Huron County, says they really do need used clothing and toys that can still function. Even 'canned food or other non-perishable goods are really needed. So, do whatever you can. There is a "DROP" in Suncoast Mall next week, December 6 to 11 - where you can leave the donations. If you need any more info', you might call Ellen 4-9684. This must be my day to beef - and I think other women will feel the same on this subject - called SPORT. We have only one T.V. so I see the so-called SPORT whether or not I like it. I en- joy most sports and ap- preciate the effort put into them but - I saw boxing - a one sided affair after the third or fourth round, where one fellow was trying to keep his feet and hold on for a few more rounds while the other BOXER - called - tried to knock huout. It was sicken- ing. • ' In the last two or three rounds, the attacker eased up a bit and let the poor defender follow him round and round the ring. Even Howard Cosell, the sports announcer, was disgusted with the referee and said the fight (?) should have been stopped many rounds sooner. Of course I got into a big fight myself because I couldn't keep quiet about it. Walt wasn't disturbed at all - to him that is what boxing is all about - trying to knock another man out. Later I found a sports ca!- umn written by a surgeon ii, Halifax who had been with a boxing• association for 30 years. He believes the sport will be banned in many coun- tries of the world within the next 15 years. "People • will not put up with boxing much longer unless these officials start listening to reason". Dr. H. Hastings says he is sickened at the spectacle of a defenceless boxer being hit repeatedly before the fight is stopped. Summing up his thoughts on the situation as it stands now, he likens it to a traffic light, the green is -GO" - both men are attack-. ing and BOTH are defen- ding. This is fine. We enjoy it but, when one stops attack- ing and only defends, the yellow lite- should be on because usually one has been hurt or doesn't have the /74" energy 16. attack. After this. if there . are three con - 3 secutive punches to ,the, jls -host_ the fig_ht._..sho.tth .4 stopped. RET3light. "_ - 15 i t 120 it. If one can no longer keep attacking AND defending. 19 then don't let that attacker Iknock him out of his mind. There _have been a- great many boxers killed after the but do help stop this kind of fight should have been stopped. The SPORT to me is gone out of the sport. The item was in last Friday's London Free Press. I promise no more beefs - SPORT. I don't like to see anyone HURT. So be careful. Love. Martha. 19 fl oz89 tin SLOW POP 200 kgg 1 e 59 PK G OF 2 ROLLS OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.59 11J INSTANT Nescafe Coffee 10 oz jar OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.99