Exeter Times, 1912-3-7, Page 1e Vise
h'EEP PANACEA Eotrx.JJ'R•'li' Foca).
Treat OW egg glanply, . It is a habit
that pry One extra, egg a day will pay
the coat !4pg thio, Wale..
$xatail pacltagas 85c. -.1* lbs
Large ' "850 ,-- 5 lbs
Instant Luse Killer will kill all lice.
V'SIRTy-ExG1rTH. YEAR --NO 1996
Huron. 8c 1Vlid(Lesex Gazette
PHONE 32 •a,.
Ladi�s'Spring Coat
We are paying particular' attention to our Ready -to -Wear Department this year
and have a beautiful ran. a of Garments to show• y you. Theyy are bought from the
largest Fashion Centres and are right up•to the minute.g
Ladies' .Spring Coats
They are very classy for this:season
with the large Shawl Collars 'and .a
pointed cr square Sailor Back. Nice
Serge or Panama Cloths in Fawn, Tan
Whipcord, Navy or Black. •
Misses' and Girls' Coats
In colors of Grey, Navy Trimmed
with Rod Whipcord and Red. They
are real nifty for the girls rnd are sure
to please you.
Ladies' Spring Suits
They are real swell with the short
24 inch Jacket and new Collars. Grey
Brown or Navy are the leading colors
and we are showing some nice ones.
See • These.
Dress Skirts
Beautiful Black Voiles with Braid-
ing and Fringe. Grey Tweeds, Navy
and Black Panamas. Every Skirt Tail-
.. or Made.
Yard Wide Silk
The Best yard wide Paillette or Taffetta Silk on the
market. We are selling a lot for Dresses and Coats
25 Cent Bleached Sheeting
Good 2 yards wide heavy Bleached
Sheeting. Only 3 pieces to sell
at per yard 25c
Madras Curtain Goods
In Cream, White, Ecin and Color-
ed, real dainty for all kinds of Curtains
train 15c to 750 per. yard.
Black Underskirts
From $1 to $5 each. Black Sa-
teen Black and Colored, Regal Taffeta
and good Black Silk.
Lace Curtains
From 50c to $6 per pair. All the
new Patterns in White, Cream and
New Rugs and New Carpets
We are showing the biggest and best lot of New Rugs and Carpets -for Spring
we have ever had. You will want a new one when you are housecleaning. All
sizes in Wilton, Axminister, Velvet, Brussels, Tapestries, Wools and Unions.
Phone 32
Jones May, Exeter
Hot Air Heating and Plumbing
Let us figure on your Furnace Work and. Plumbing. Esti-
mates cheerfully Given
Baths, Lavatories and Sinks, Pipings and Fittings always
in Stock.
dor Stock or Poultry
50o to $1,50 package
Wash Day
Washing Ma-
chines from
$7.00 to $10.00
Machines as
cut $10.00
C alvanized
75c to $1.85
$1.50 to $4.50
Clothes Lines
10c to 45c
Pipe Wrenches from 10c up
Saws for every 'Use 25c to $2.00
Harnmers from 10c to 95c
for Stock or Poultry Caldwell's Molasses Food
25c, 50o and $3.50 $2 25 a bag
Salts — Sulphur -- Salt Petre
�`h Times" itnes to the tend 0t 1912 for 75c
The newsiestnewsiest•paper in:the County
IF YOU are anxious for a Hydro
Electric Line to come your way
ask C. R. JENNE, 10 Alice St. Toron-
to. for a circular on that subject. ITB
FREE and of VALUE fro You,
S. S. No. 1. USBORNE
V. class—W. Strang 1;32 James
Dougal 119,
Entrance—Wilfred Dougal 14i.
Elva Harvey 121,_ Maggie Strang 114,
John Dougal 106, Diger Rowcliffe 105
Oliver Rowcliffe 94, Cecil Harris 80,
IV class—Vera Bell, Mura Dew, Har-
vey Neal Frank Jarrott, Flossie Neal
Lily Selves, Katie Sanders, Ross Dick
IN class—Lorne Oke, Malcon Dotage!
Alice Dick, Laura, Neil, Ila Mitchell
Clifford Moir, Evelyn' Cann, tRosa
Moir, Clara Neal.
TI class—Lenwood Purdy Annie
Strang 11 class Wilber Selves Tom
Dougal Percy Harris Earl • Mitchell
Pt 1—Gladys Dew Mamie Selves, Har-
old Wood, Edgar Cudmore, Mabel
Purdy, Av. attend, 31. W, B. Ry-
den teacher
S S. No.. 13 'Stephan i •
The following is. the standing •of
the pupils of S. S. No. 13 Stephan
for the month of February 1912.
The marks are based an attendance
Behaviour and General preparation of
'Lessons Total marks 300' IV chase
Leonard Shroeder 220, Lela Sanders
1207, Sr. PDI—Tom Willis 246, Lila.
Sanders 214 Charlie Treibner 20.1
Corrina Parsons 212. Hilda Shroede
Intermediate III—Percy Sanders 211
Aai ,Sbapton 2118. Cecil Dearing 179,
Emalie Hiogarth 2018, Hazel Freeze
gator, 159, Marie Treibiner 1.85,, Verde
Box 1.58, Lloyd ,Schroeder 183 Jr
1111 Louise Blake 221 Ruby • Parsons
168 Verna Preczoator 159 Lawrence
(Hill 169, II class—Vivian Hogarth
1:81, Gladys Sbroedcr 168. Eddie Pre-
ezcator 212, Pt. 11—Norman, San,
ders 194,• Lloyd Parsons 160, Ethel
Preszeator 170 Charlotte Willis 123.
]Many sufferers froliz rheum tisrr'
have been earprisetl o,nd delighted
with the prompt relief afforded by
applying Ch,ambe.rinin's Linime it.
Not one case of rhoumntidtn in ten r,
quires auly internal t od:Inent wile...
aver, This liniment IS for Beale by.
all dealers
I' Far. CO Tha, >Li
Melt V1'11110 coli Livor Ex�tr.ct.
cure of shone c ghs nod. tori reliable
bilatec4. audition. •
rnereasee :the weight
Enriches the blood
Budde up the System* WO to
Cole's Drug Store
$x.ov per year In advance
ktS1)A Y MORN ING, MARCH ¢ th1912
Exeter School Board
H. 6. Department,
torn I,fl
S. Petty 7&8; N. Amy 72.4; E. Cass:
082; C. Copeland, 6718; E. 'Hunkin
65 4; 0. Wood 6446; R. Dearing' 61.6
G. Passmore 61.4; A. Hartleib 60. No
on roll 26. average attendance 24, W
13. Weidenham,mer, Principal.
Form II
Ada. Willis. 73,5 Mary Hanlon 73.3,
Florence Treibner 72.6 Arva Broken -
shire 72,1 Lillian: Boyle 70,5 Linden
Myra Morgan n 66 1
Harvey 67.3 o g'a J w.
Davis 62.6 Seam Seidon 61.1
No. on roll 21 Average attendance 20
L. Edmonds teacher
• 'Form •I
N. Truemner 90, L. Stewart 85, J.
Strang 85. G, Morley 84, I. McDonell
81.,J, Allison 81, M. Case' 78, $. Raver
75. J. Munn 75, G. McArthur 'i55,
Pass—T. Sweet 74, J. 'Hoggarth 74 A.
Ford 73, E. Harvey 72 13, Walker
M. Hanlon 70, A. ,Hoggarth 69, A',
Beverley 08. L. Taylor 68, D. Hall
67. E. Brooks 65, A. Tfabkirk; 65„ R.
Parsons 63, O. Hodgert 60.
Commercial Department
Sr. Commercial—Honors 13, Atkin-
son, 78. I. Rivers 7i, Pass—I. Hardy
60 Jr. Commercial— Honors F: Hill
79. Pass M. Acheson 69, E. Heil 6.9
E. Day 69. N. Jones 65, G. Baker 65.
C. May 63; A. Willis 62: No on' roil
41; average attendance 10.8. M. M.
Campbell, teacher.
P. S. Department
Boom -J
Sr. IV—Honors—Car'man Powell 85
Beatrice Hodgert 77; Willie Manson
75—Pass—Oliver Davis 72; Alberta
Knight and Beta Rowe, equal, 71;
Maurice -Senior 69; Gordon Penhale
66; Annie Day 66; Middle IV—Pass
Melville Gladman 73; Marvin Vin
' cent and Joe Follick, equal, 69; Anna
Bell 68; Marjorie s'Iustan 67; Lila
Zuefle 67; Florence Wood 63; Karl
Weide.nhammer 62. No on roll 27;
average attendance 24. C. Vesper,
• teacher. • • • , •
Room -V
Jr. IV—"Honors—Bertha Horne 77
Dorothy Kuntz 76; Ina Delve '75.
Gordon Ford 72; Amy Johns 69;
Edith Davis 64; Jessie Brickwood 61
Sr. IDI—Honors—Gordon Wells 85;
Marguerite Pickard 85; George Ort-
wein 62; Earl Powell 81; Grace Car-
arlino 80; Pass—Gladys Moir 73; Mil-
lie Walker 71; Gordon Davis 69; Mil-
dred [Tardy 69; Lillie Walker 66;
Mary Day 64; Margaret Sharp 63. No
on roll 32; average attendance 26.
J. S. Murray, teael; :ta -
Room VI
Jr. IN—Minors—Gladys Harvey 91 were present.; 'The minutes, ,of the
Viola Jones 80; Irene Zuefl, 77; Ver- previous meeting were read, and ad,
da Hartleib 77; Harold Boyle • •,6. opted.
Pass=Wm. Davis 74; Winnie KnightElliott—Yearly—That 'the auditors
72; Arto Delve 71 ; Czar Harness .1 report be accepted carried.
Vera Marshall 65; Violet Mallett 81
Delem Charlton 68; Bruce Rivers 66 Elliott Kellerman—Th,at the (tenders
Sr. II— Verde Hill 92; Mildred Mar- ,for the Aux Sable Bridge and brides
on the 10th 14th 31dt, and L. R. E.
ch,and 87; Clyde .Beaman 86; Clar- ; Concessiens be awarded to Robert
once Morley 83; Eugene Doyle 76; Hutchinson subject that on figuring
Edward Taylor 71;,Fred Brin%acomba out his tender according to the plans
63. No. on roll 38; averageelettend- l it is shown that he is' the lowest and?
ance 33.76. IL At: Kinsm,an, teacher I
inn such an event, the Reeve=is.bere
by authorized to execute a cotltradt
Room VII 1
for the due completion of the work."
Exeter Council
'Council met in Town Hall on Fri-
day•eveping the 1st inst:
Members were all present min>,ttes
of last meeting were read and approv
ed. .
3. Scott and. A. J. Ford', that the
following accounts be paid and orders
issued; For labor, G. Cudmore'w.97;
Russell sr., 2. ,5; Eli Snell 12,70
Geo. Atkinson.. 2.70 13obt Sanders 2.,70
Wm. 'Creech 1.93; Thos. Brock jr,
1.115 TI. Sanders. 43.15 Thos. Brock sr.
10.05.Thos. 6amders. 5.33; S. Sanders.
1a.51; T. fHoulden, 2.00; H. Eumulhr-
1„05 ; A. Anderson 1.05 J. Cookson
1.r?5 ; . E. Harness 1,20 Ray Horn, 1.18
Jas. Ogden 1.50 Fred Mills 75; Thos.
Cookson 75; !Hy, Kestle 1.27; ,Te
Creee,h 1.45 Geo Cornish 75t
Mrs. White cleaning Town Hall 50;
John Ford pt. Salary cemetery. �91,s25
W. 3. Bissett pt. salary 37.50 T.• 13:
Carling pt, salary 25.00; Clare Bros.
furnace 175.00; W. Coates registering
waterworks by-law 2.40; H. E. Hus-
ton insurance 10.00 C. T. ,T3rooks..
insurance 10.00; Ravi Southcott treas.:
hand, pt. grant, 50.0.0; Electric lieht
119.74: • ,total 481.39.
Levett—Rivers that It,he Reeve and
treastirer 'barrow •8500.00 if required
The `.hydro Electric power commis-
sion which was enn,ounoed to 'meet
et 'Clinton on the 29th inst 'tend 'ea
which meeting Messrs W. J. Hemmen
and J. H. Soott were deputed to at-
tend was' postponed owing to illness
of: it1r. Southam, e'nginieer of this dis-
trict. .'"""� ,,
'1's:nders were received for the 5,000-
00 deb'entares for the extending of
the water works mains as follows;
C. 11. 'Burgess Toronto, 4946; •Brent
Noxon & Co. • Toronto 4936 The Ont
ario Securities Co. Toronto 4917; G.
A. Stinson & Co. Toronto 4965; W:
A. MacKenzie and Co.. Toronto, • 494
63; National Finance Co. Toronto, 49-
19; W. L. McKinnon & Coe. Toronto'
4821; Wood Gundry & Co, Toronto
493.8 ; Gladman & Stanbury Exeter
5026. Lovett and Scott that the tete
der of Messrs Gladman & Stanbury
being the Ihi^,hest be accepted as per
waterworks by-law as advertised,--+
Levett and Ford that the Commis
sioner have all dead trees within the
limit of the 'corporation removed as
soon as possible Carried.
Rivers 'that we adjourn to meet Fri
day evening the 23rd inst.
• T. 13. CARLING Clerk;
The Council of the •Twonship of
Stephen convenned in Hills Hall,
Crediton' on Monday the 4th day of
March 1912'at 1 pm. All members
Class IDI—Honors—Alice VInelnt.) The following orders were passed
88:'2, Rowcliffe Maurice Harvey 88; Verde +William Finkbeiner shoveling snow
W87.4; rMildred1 Harvey Har-
Ion Crediton Road. 2.00 Wm. Nichol
Paul 73 Eddie 81; Greta Har-; Reps to road on 18th. 3,00 Chris
nese 80; Pass—Eddie Davis lle Thel- , 1Reps finer and others work on Crede
DavisMildredElsie Wood 73; iton road 4.00 Henry • Sweitzer and
Paul Collins 71; Wilbert Gillespie it iton 8.00 • Silas Henry Sweituditor8.
Josephine vi70; Knight 69 00 J• 00 • Silas
rs and others Gravel
Edward Yellow 69; Idella Davis 65 'from Morrison's pit 60.00 Je. E. Had -
starSanders 64, Class art II—Honors '
Earl Russel 77; Lizzie Hartleib ,6; gins and other', Gravel 'from Baker's
Pass—Kelvin Hedden 73; Mae Web- side road. 24.75 T. Isaac and others
iter 69; Charlie Salter 68; Harold Gravel for 22 con. 22.50
Kuntz 64; Clifton Davis 62. Class 1 The Council adjourned to meet ag-
I e honors—Verna Walker 76; Pass— Gravel
in the Town Hall Crediton, on
Beverley Acheson 74; Hazel Cookson April 1st 1912 at 1.p, m. at which
68 Waldo Bellwood 64 • Mildred Norry date the Path -masters Pound keep -
63. No. on roll. 41; average attend- era and Fence viewers will be appal -
once 36.9; I. Quackenbush teacher ted:.
Noone VIIQ
Jr. II—Mabel Johns 98, Dorthy Balk -
will 87., Marguret.:, Kuntz 86, How-
ard Dignan 80, George Hind 80, V.
Vale 77, Willie Webster .4, Newman
Hardy Arthur Rowcliffe 73. Reggie
Taylor 72. Levernt Harness 71, Pearl
Sanders 70, Everett Harvey 68, Inez
Moir 67, Clyde Heywood 62 Jr, Pt
11 —Gordon Powell 97, 'Grebe Hedden
78, Willie Ortwein 70, Ruby Davis 69,
Herbert Parishoral family mowed•
last week to their home east of And,
erson. 11Ir. and Mrs. Parish lore,
crouch respected by all who know them
No one has yet engaged the place
they have just left.
The storm last week damaged
the window in front of the church
Ronald Witaver 67, May Elworthy 66. Wesley Brethour left last week for
Dorthy Mallett 49. Sr. Pt I—Ma$ his home un 'rola a Hi^
Weid•enhammer 78. Lisle Statham 64
Georgina Hatter' 61, Florence Norry
57, Betty Brown 56, Cecil Ford 55',
Clifford Brimacombe 45, Eleazar
Cclokson 44,• No. on Roll 13, Aver-
ige attendance 33 F. W. Howard
H t Man.
many friends have enjoyed his visit
here during the past two months.
Mrs. Morphy sr. who has ib.een,
poorly is somewhat improved.
James Mills spent the end of last
weak in Toronto on a business trip
Mrs, A. Carruthers after spending
the month of February at the. par-
arsonage returned to her home in
Strathroy last Thursday.
The Ladies Aid and the Women's
Missionary society are called to meet ,
this week Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. Samuel Mills,
A. M. Dou,pe attended the funeral
of an elder brother in Palmerston
last week.
Thames Johnston of the Townline
'eft this weak with n car of horses
;or Outlook Sask.
firs; T. Johnston in visiting in Out.
look Sask. .
Mr. Ack rman of M. land organizer
.r the Chs n iri +1 has been in
h: community during the past week
'rs have
Ind some twenty memo
w y r. �
r',•n (Added to the strength of .tho
The mill m-',1 has purchased a piece
bush from Wesley Shier and,. ,
gang of: men are busy cutting.
leIre and Mrs. John Sawyer entee'
in••d the orch+'atra and a number
their friends 1,, their home last
• • k providing 1 h en with oysters,
niusio etc.
r. Shwv"r eeel his fa'tnily will
nove to Mount; Peets•ant in a abort
''n', they i I,. much missed and.
r is, the de sir of their, friends Met
.hey wall prosper it tbei.r new .home
On Wednesday evening last Mr. and
.Irs. Charles Harvey gave an oyster
supper to a number of young peo-
_ie The evening was spent in ;aures
end amusements and an excellent
.ime was enjoyed by all.
Mr. Bert Reddy of Trenton, Mich.,
•isited his grand parents Mr. and
rs. Ralph Keddy, for several days
,luring the past week.
Mr. IL Strang has purchased a
hie driver from Mr. W. Moodie.
Mr. Philip Ierayne of ,Alvinston.',
Otho spent several days in this neigh
eorhood returned home last Friday.
He was accoinperii .1 back by Mr.; et
Oke who will visit for a time,e
Mr. W. C. Keddy this week dis
pos •
•d of his driver to Mr. W. 13alkwill
of Mester.
Dear Sir,—Won'+•I yon be kind.
/tough to '2'xpr• ss to the L:ab•rr.e
Council. through the columns or your
elan kale pop, rh,.• sinner, thanks
myself end f maty for their groat
:indness In s„ r''i ex i\l'rs, Oarw't to
lcteria Elospit' Lnneo•, E'er 'r•n'•
lent so mach • ''ed. It is° hoped
9'er complete recovery will result.
Sincerely ;vowel, S. Garnet.
A Worthy Suggestion Serious Fire in Winghan
Mr. Editor—Being an old bandsman
and taking a deep interest in the
aiming band so reeently. organized 1
thought the presenile (time an oppor-
tune one to lay their condition' be-
fore the people of Exeter. The boys
have made a wonderful progress dur-
ing the winter and with proper en.
couragexnent to keep them ito2+elth-
er give every promise of becoming a
first class band. Now would it not
be .nice if they could come out in,
spring with a new uniform worthy(
the (ought to be) town of Exeter. You
will all say of course it would.
how are they 'going to ,getf it. I
know lour townfathers gave them a
handsome grant, But by 'the time
they pay their leader and hall, rent,
say 'nothing oi' new musio and an oc-{
casion'al instrument that will be more I
than used up. Now if I might make
e sug;estidn. 1 would say that we
have a number of ladies in our town
of wonderful ;executive ability.
Could they not take this matter up
and help the boys get up a concert
out of home talent to be held in the
Opera rElouse at some near date, and
the proceeds go towards the suits.
I am sure that everyone would ,be
patriotic enough to attend and ithe
ones who did not we could hold -cup
for subscriptions. Then again could
not the rink be secured for one night
for a Benefit for ebbe Band, a small
,admission being charged for epee
tators 'and a little extra for ska'tiers
I am sure but they're very few but
who would drop in and hear the band
play a selection or two and help in
so good a cause. I would be pleased
to hear from any one who thinks the
object a worthy one and will help
push the bing ahead for the dignity
of the town and the encouragement
of the band. Thanking you for your
vA.aluable space —Yours Respectfully
E. Fukel,.
Don't forget the English :Hand
Bell Ringers next Tuesday night in
James St. admission 25c.
Miss Louise Carling entertained
Tuesday in honor of her friend Miss
Elliott of Norwich. , 4.
Rev. Blatchford has commenced re-
vival services .here to the continued
this week,
Mr. Richard Hicks who has been in
-Toronto for the past few months
is spending a few days at the old.
home with his son Andrew.
Mr. Herb Mitchell of London
spent a few days visiting bis father
and brothers.
Mr. W. Elliott is making prepara-
tions to enlarge and remodel his
barns this coming summer.
, Mr._Douglas„Blatchford, is visiting
under - the, parental roof
•Mr,'J'ohn Lingard Ieft for his home
in the west last week. '
The best remedy ant Earth for Ca-
tarrh and cold in the head. Gunnells
Catarrh (Cream.
PRAYNE—In Usborne on Gunday
March 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Frayne 4 daughter.
.B +ESE=In Ridgetown, on Monday
March 4th 'to Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Beebe (nee Cora Prior) a daughter
(Medelon Priori)
''PETHICK—In Seaforth on Feb 20th
to Mr, and` Mrs. Lorne Pethick a
MATHERS—In McGillivray, on Sat-
urday Feb 24th to Mr. and ,Mrs.
J. W. blathers a daughter,
LAWSON— In Stephen on Feb 19th
to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson a
LAMPORT—In Stephen on Feb 23rd
to Mr. andl Mrs. Wes.{ Lamporte a
WALKOM—DOU PE—At the home of
the bride's parents on Feb. 20th by
by Rev. Dr. Fothergill Mr. Lloyd
M. Walkom of • Fullerton, to Miss
Annie L. daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs.'
Samuel Doupe of Kirkton.
WOODLEY—McNEIL At the residen-
ce of the bride's parent's on Feb al
Mr. Harold R. Woodley, to Miss
Margaret Bell daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John McNeil all of Fullerton..
tan on Feb 28th at the home of the.
bride's parents Miss • Eva, +dau3'bter
of John and, Mrs. Robinson, to, F.
J. Mitchell,
PERKINS— In Exetex on ,Friday
March lst Elmira Wilkins relict of
the bate Charles Perkins, aged 83
LAMPORT— In Stephen of Feb 25th
the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wes. Lamport aged 2 days.
11Ie•F,'ATYLS—On Lot 8, con 3, Bid-
duiph John McFauls in his 89th
WingSavebad m fionly redcly ,tha partoffioien
imnt,. oythe of t1�u
w ,a.,
tire .Josephine street business sectiprtj.
oe Winghar in :the early merrate0
blaze Saturday hada remarkably cloo0
cad from destruction. Aa it wee. th f,.
Seaver Block one of the best husinc89
blocks in the town was dVilx d oui;
with a total loss of A75,00Qtw.
Noticed first by nigf�atghmtan
Lewis at 1,36 on Saturday raorningi
the blaze was a spectacular one, thee
fireman working in ice sheeted tzara
xnents while crashing glass enel
debris narrowly missed many of t1 »l
and th,, spectators Who;
loadhistorgathered to see the most disaa t'-;
erous ,fire in '27 years in, Wingbana ;
The 13aave.r ,Block p\suied by B. .VaU
stogie barrister is a complete leas
with en estimated loss of 15,00x." on
the building alone. Tenants of 'tie
block suffered the entire loss of their;
prospective stocks, R. Knpk jeweler,
having a 6;000 loss covered by Apo
The heaviest monetary loss fell up•,
on Bing Bros., general dry;
goods ,merchants whos,l steak' loss iii
estimated at 35.000 with but 15,Q00. inl'
The tabulated insurance statem.enlia
as far as can be estimated, is.
R. Knox jeweler loss 6,000 insures
ance 4,000. King Bros, general dry- ,
goods furs etc,. loss 35,000 insurancee
15,000. Gus Schmidt general hard-
ware 8,000 insurance '3;,000 Dr„
Price Dentist loss 1.000 insurance,
5,00 Pings Bros. furs and carpets.;
R. Vanstone Beaver Block loss 15.00(4
with about 1.000 insurance, Mrr.,
Vanstone also suffered the loss of
many valuable papers as his Bawl
office was in; the second story of the
building and. the contents are a coin-
Greer shoe stock slightly;
damaged by smoke.
McGee & Campbell men s furnisl
Ings badly damaged by smoke and
seater but carry sufficient insurance
to cover loss.
Fire chief Van Norman and his
men fought two hours to subdue, the(
flames. it not being until day break
that it was certain that the fire!
was under contro{k,
W. J. Greer s shoe store 'was only
saved from loss by a 44 inch waIf
In• this store 18 also the G. N. W1. tel
egraph .and. Canadian Express office
and it was feared for some time that
it would burn • . A fire wall o zi thi,:
south side also prevented in a degree
the spread of the blaze. Some of
the firemen fought the night lona in
in their ice sheeted garments and in
peril every moment from falling de-
bris. None received any injuries how
ever. The firemen arir still pouring
• Tbe• following""self • explanatory
letter has been received by the super
intendent of the Grand Trunk Rail-
way Dining and Parlor Car Service
from a prominent Trontonian on
train No. 7.. ",Allow me to congrat-
ulate you upon, the excellent service
given on your Dining Car. I have
never had a better or more satisfae•-
tory meal servedon any . Diner.
NtrrtrrtrrttttrrtttttIrtimm tet
.---- I- N[M J Tit 118E :-...--1
F�lrniture or • a
"`-- with •a dry duster
f when the dust flies -+
,"... and follows in your -'+
Get a Modern Shuffle
Eon and Use =
E Ver ibrite I
e. -
on your duster and save your
health, It disinfects and
cleans everything it touches,
leaving the surface like new
Martin & Son
++++++4++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ +++++4++++++
Persistence and Progress
Keeping steadily at it means advance. This is what we are doing day
by day,
A Pew of Our Specials
Self adjusting Hail :Nets, 6 for 25 cents any color. Hair Pins many
kinds, Kid Curlers and Urtmps, Combs, Back, Side and Dressing, Bar-
rettes, Tape Lines, Curling Tongs, Neediee, Pins, Inks, Pens, Stat,iofx-
ery, Mirrors, Hundreds of tittle Articles.
Remember 3a Dozen piecpa Chir +vare Free vrteuP hugr. r
ations. 'tell Your Prietids.
Our Card Depottnrent restocked this week. See our assortalentOf
St. Pats' befog a buying. 13 Vievi s of Exeter too.
Come and visit our Magical Depart rent. We can supply you with
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