HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-2-29, Page 8TSF.' EXgT .14 TINLJS THURSDAY EEBii.'tJ'.., RT 290 tt " `' • CARLINCS 9L +1+ PHONE 18 ♦ ♦ 1 *ilk•♦O+l+ !r ►iF1►4►41►OM♦♦i►♦♦ i0•OM1/♦♦1•91►1•', P 4 4 • 40 4' et 4 1: 5TEWART9.5 roomimmaarsoworiataarismario PHONE 16 • • 4• •• •• ♦ 0 • • • •• •• 4R•• "4t' We represent ail the lat- ' k est ideas in Corsets as well a • as dry goods, and whether our customers want. the ordinary straight=tilled or `• the special Bias F.Il .d, we • are at their service, One •advantage of Bias Corsets 4 4.s that they never stretch or lose their shape That • s because the seamare ▪ la sewed iu such a. way that there is no "give" to them. In addition to be health and comfort Corsets, they are up to the last minute as rewards style, with spe- cial models for slender medium and stout figures, also a pleasure to show there. Our corset trade is growing because of the satisfaction we are giving. • se 4 • ., •rt . • 4, $ 4 * 4 4 • 4 4, • 0• ♦ • iJ • vele• •0 Y• ♦♦ • ♦:.. • Dress Goods We can show you every- thing that is up-to-date in the New Spring and Summer Dress Materials Oonee to this department for the utmost in Style Quality and Value. • Jacquard Silks Which make such pretty dresses for evening wear and which you can wear later in hot weather at 45 cents per yard Cotton Voiles There are very popular this year, They come in White, Cream, Blue, Pink and Green and are special value 25c at per yard L Bordered Silks In Dress Lengths, These goods are very new and are sure to please you. Ask to see them per dress length $5 & $6 .`moon Paliette Silks In many colors. It is 30 in- ches wide and guaaanteed to wear a ell and not to cut $1 at per yard Silk Blouses These are very dainty. We have four different styles. All bave the New In Set Sleeve. Priced at $4.25 and $5.00 J. A. STEWART • Market kor' .-•-• 4'e otlowa*ig i✓�. eo t Exeter markets J" r 't .of e t8 repox recited up to Febranry 29th, Wheat Standard 95 cents.. Buck whea tfi 0 een.'ts sBarley 00 to. 05 voutis Peas 1.00 to 1,15 Shorts $27.00 Bran $25.00 Model Flour 2.70 Teed Flour 1,00 to 1.05 Butter 30 cents Eggs 83c. Potatoes $1.25 'Chinked 8-10 Puck 12-13 'Turkey 14-17 Geese 11-12 Fowl 5-7 Hags live weight 6.30 Chatoe export s'oers 6.50 to 6.75 Medium export: sheens 16.00 to 6.40' Choice butohers heifers 6.25. 'to 6.50 Medium butchers heifers 6,00-6.111 Chalice butchers gown 5,00 to 5.25 Medium butchers cowls., 4,00 to 4.50 Common cows 3.50 to 8.75 Choice lambs 7.00 to '7.35 Choice sheep 4.00 to 4.50 • •• 4 •4' • 4. •• •• •• • • • • ♦• •• •• • • •• • t • • • •• • '• •• • Y• • •• •• ♦ • • a, • • • . • Y • • •• • •• ♦• • • •• •• • •• • •• .; •• • Y • •• ♦• •0 •• ♦• •• •• • • •• •• • 0 ♦ 0 • • • •• O• ••, AS,B Dr. Bright nzoved into Hy* Gidley'a house la's't WIDt,k, Ur. Jas. Sparks spent Monday' 'at his home U. Hans'a11, Mr, M. AZ, Doyle was in Denfield: on busine a last Saturday.•••••••••••••••••••••• • • LOCALS •• *44.404..0N 4.4•••♦••+ Renew your subscription now. Miss Walker, of Atwood, is the guest of Mr. and 1lrs. D. A. `H,onzcr, AIr. A Min- neapolis this „-eek - the late Robert Hiss , attend- ance u who continues- hose condt2io The sby- teriancom- pleted with the res 74. • •••♦♦••••••••••••••.••••••i•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •♦•♦•••,4$•••••4•••••♦•••• O••OO,••••••••♦O♦0004400"•- GOULD s fsROG�RY PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Plan Keep Happy in the Home by getting YOUR HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Here. We handle only be BEST and we have everything you need at all Seasons, TIE TEA AND DOfEEE STORE W . TED -Choice But to re sh Eggs, The Place Where Good ' Clothes Come From Big snap Ready -to -Wear 011EAC011188 from $lOtolS L .. •1•+4 44.4••, 4•+1.4.4•+••1••1•+1• Y Enter Any Time ;* • '1+ One of Eastern Ontario's High 'i1, '1+ CIass and popular Business +. Schools which keeps open + throughout the year. Young T people may_enter any time and + complete their course without + interruption of midsummer hol- +§+ idays. You may study all at • home or partly at home and fin- • ish at the college. Thirty Years' .g Experience. Largest Trainers with the +� in Canada Affiliated M •1• •1• 4• 0 4• 4• +s+ 4• 4+ 4• 4• • 4. Commercial Educator's Associa- tion of Canada. Write for par- + tioulars, Clinton Business College GEO. SPOTTON 8. P. WARD k President Principal .1. +++++++++++++++++++++++++44 Tdmdil The Nifty Man's Tailor quill,a F. Manning, of Minn, was in town :tending the' funeral cE Fanson, Tohntston, nur+..e, is in pon Mr. Nalscn Prior, e: ill at his home, but.% n is slowly improving. congregation of the Pre Church at Goderich has is vote en Church union. alt -For 137; against �! n•I Mrs. 'Jahn Ha3artq, �n residents of S,ogan T r many years, celebrated wedding on Saturday L. Vdalper has sold his London Road iiny near • to Mr .Jo•hln R. McDonald, alper intends removing • the sprier;. correspondents' will renew when they' Head ar;t this is the time. Free people_ have time to 11 apprr:ciati all the your section. is no better medicine than Chamberlain'; Cough It acts on na'ture's plan, he lungs opens the encra expectoration; and 'restore to a healthy condition. all dealti.,r's. few days age Albert R'nb ;;a' Road, near Mitchell, on the head by a was made which had be stitches put .in it. His so badly swollen that closed for some days. Had been wearing shoes it likely that the young have be=r:. billed, Mail Delivery -A num of .U:shorn'c Township in rural mail delivery . m Central 'on Saturday scussed• the prartibility the whale township incl boundaries served by Committees were appoint- ed Comm P y. canvas, the to�vnhrsip for s and if th•e scheme general approval and a bers.are gotten. a petition sent to the government. h Up- On Tuesday morn., Kerslake ani sisters were returning from a met with an accident tubi; rough town. During the of the past week drifts are piled up on and they drove over on 'the:. cutter. Arthur lines and pulled the street in front of W. J. store The cutter Gtruek a the horse fell on the sidewalk some way broke a large pa in Mr. Cariino'a windouv freed itself and went while ?1r. Kerslake were driven home by Parsons. Late Robert, Fannon -On last another of the early s person of Robert Paxson home at the age of R4 s. The deceased had for several weeks, bevies which gradually pulled The deceased was Devonshire England, and when a young' man s Darlington. About sixty came to this district se:6t1 Thames road where he In liii4 with his family to ');serer residing on Ten Tt:axs later they forth where bis first wife three' years ago he mo and shortly afterwards ed to his, now •sorrowing The deceased was � s Methodist and a total ab early youth, in politics Fal. Besioea his idoiv ved by three children A y of Edmonton Alta., 'Wilbur lla Min., and Alarett,a ur_era! was held >~i.�aday to the Exeter cemetery. Makin Good -The follovrin taken from the holly, Mich., has reference f Mr. and Mrs, Walter A formerly conducted a in town. "Arthur An of the ;lolly hogs at the Univer- sity Ann Arbor making whenever he appears in a lee students' lyceum bureau already spoken at n nue in the state and has s on hE.} lust, tfa hate, in the study of oratory a exceptional promise as er and reader. 1rle has T'wain's well known "'Tom Sawyer,'• and c into a lecture recital, a • of narratives and itn 3 the complete story n's pictures of n. boy's es and sorrows.' elle a co e of pleasure :a ,•the, Fetid Andrews md)zzs than- s'e joyabie for Iris p�iidFetucea,•' •;: Mr. las, Doyen, of London, was in town Friday on business. 1lt ss :Iilirottr of Norwich. is visrit%n,;. her uuole Air - I, B. Carlini. • The town milliners have rill left for the openings in Toronto. Mrs. Dora Atkinson of Lucan, vis- ited friends in town. Monday. Mr. J'. Broc1eriela{ of London was in town Tuesday on buosineas. Mrs, Jas. Snell's sale last Sat'irday was Well. ,attended, everything being sold, A sleigh load of young people from Hensel; attended the rink here Fri- day night. Mrs. McQueen of West Lorne is visiting her d iiighter Mrs. (Dr ) AieGillicudy- , r LOST -On Tuesdays ,last tsomewhrere on Victoria. or Main street a gold watch and fob. Finder will be rewar- ded by leaving the same at the Post office. Most of the rural pablio ,schools• were closed lastTh�ursday an .,account of the storm. Mr, Walter, High, School Inspector+ visited our High School Department here 'Tuesday:r Miss Tom is again starting dress making shop at her Thome, Main street •south. • The curlers ,are playing this week for the Iiaatdsome trophy donated by Air. Geo, Anderson., Mr. awho, have be. Town - for their goldenFebru- ary 24. Mr. farm on the Rod- gerviile Mr. �V to the west in Ruralkindly let us more station of nee e year w and will news from y Therefor the colds Rem- edy. - re- lieves t tions: aids e the system For sale by • A inson of Huron' , was kickedhorse and a gashhave eighteye were they were e the animal is al- togetherman would Ruralbar of farmersinter- ested •'t at ilia G. last and di of having' including. the rural trail oint- t + 'v P dr_li delivery; to scriber meets, enough sub with will be A man is known by the corn- patt'►y' he keeps• likewise by hit husine5s Cards, Circtatlara and Stationery. Let us print them and they will Smash ng;Mr Arthur of [ s borneparty they e driv ing thsnow stormy several largeMain streete up sc4ting held on to the horse on- . - to the Ca.l ings post and k and in pane of glass . The horsehome alone and the girls Harry, Parso The S�ewir es Circle of the English Church nine to -.day at the home of Mrs. W.. 'A., Acheson. Quite a number from came in Saturday night Bell Ringers and were pointed. On account of the big storms we' are getting' no freight' trains and some lines of provisions are very low in the town. A big ;dance was held in the Hall at Farquhar Monday night. A num- ber of Exeter people attended and report a. good time. Messrc. J. G: :Stanbury and Dr. Kinsman returned Saturday from their trip. to Cuba. They had a splendid trip and tell some very in- teresting items. The Boy Scout movement is be- ing agitated for Exeter. We hope some 'enterprising person. With mil- itary ability will take hold of it as Exeter could turn out one of the best Boy Scout :Corps illi the county League Entertained -On :1'aesda. evening the Epwort League of Main street Metb;odils't Church visited .the Teague. of. James '1st. and a very uoc- iable evening •was ;spent. The visit- ors provided an 'egc�a.Ilent'�program after which re.fxeshmentei were :ser- ved land 'a pleasant tlm'e enjoyed. Since winter 'set .in, our lskati,nn rink has been particularly • mll, ;gat- rondzed • Mr. •Leavitt is well ira.tia- fied with •thy, way tire people ere tieating him; and promises better ac- commodation for next winter. One part of his ,p'rog'ram., will be two band nights a week. Monday and Friday. **414+++++++++++414+4.41.44+++++, DELAWAR,RE. 1,,40K- AWANNA . WESTERN COAL COMPANYS the country to hear the: quite disap- Scranton: Coal oL 4• The Best tlard Goal Mined Try a ton - • W. H. LEVETT +1•, COAL MAN 4.' *++ 4+ 4+oL4.4�4.4+++ : 4°4.4 ;.4 +4+4++4++1+4• EXETER 14. Is nearing us' and you will be wishing to get your + spring sewing finished up so call in and see our New * Prints and Ginghams. The neatest Patterns ever shown. W. Bigler spsnt Saturday last in London. W. Greig spent Sunday at his home in Clinton, • Alis; Edna is visiting is Strathroy. . Mr. F. W. Gladman was in Godericb Tuesday on business,. Mr. Ern Taylor was in Clinton Sunday and Monday. Miss Mary, A., Tom is spending' a few weeks in Toronto.• Mr. .7;. A. Stewart is .peading. a few days in Toronto this week. Miss Nellie Crews. returned borne Saturday evening rola London. .Dir. Smith of St. Cloud, Wnn% is visiting Mr. W. Isernick of Usborne., Airs. S. Quance Is visiting ,her daughter Mrs. W. Lamporte at Grad- iton. The Fri- day 1 day la settlers in the n died at his years 3 monthbeen ail- ing taken a cold'him downborn in Devon came to Canadasettling 'in years tete he caring on the, Twas mar- riedi1y he. moved Baron street.movedt to Sea e died Aboutmoved to town wan married wid- ow.staunch Meth stainer since he was a libehe.. is survi Ir. J. Dunne ilbur of linatiat home Th fafter- noon Hockey Match., -on' Tuesday even- ing a game of hockey was played at the Dome by the town, vs.' Southcottia and Eilliots. John Sam and Herm El- •.-. and Karl Alcly Herb Da and Orv. ;rotes a ' were li;n,ed ul3 agains.t., R- 13nsisett T. Carling 0. Atkinson S. Fisher W. Bradt, Clarence •and Allan Pickard. At balf time the. score. was three' ito one and the sodre wound up with the town one ahead, Score 5-4. W. Greig refereed the -game. Successful .Entertainment -On Mon- day evening. last the Young Men's Bible Class of Cavan Presbyterian Church held a suce-eresful entertain- ment and., despite the (very unfavor- able weather there was Sa fair at- tendance. Mr. Fred Barthalomew,en- tertainer,. was the chief attracition: of the evening and his Iselectioinls were well received and repeatedly encored.. Mr. R, Phillips also gave several. instrumentals which .greatly pleased his hearers,. Mr. I', W. Glad- man occupied the chair., Bissett Mr. J. K. Maker of He•nfryn. visited with. relatives •in town this, week. Mr. Will Piper, of S•eafcrth, visit- ed his mother for a. few days' last week. ♦ 4 ♦ 4. ♦ 0 ♦ 4, 4. 4, ♦ +•II+ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦1+ fi Miss 'Mattie Bunter ' has returned home after spending •several months in Landon, • Mr. Greenlee has accepted r althea •in. the butcber bnsi.ness with W: Rivers. ' Dir. and Mrs. 3I. Braithwaite. of London are visiting for a few days with Mrs. Piper. Mr, Jas. Jewell returned home Sat- 1 urday even•.ng'• after spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mr. J. W. 'Taylor. who has bean wafering with pneumonia, is able to be around again. Miss Eobbis. of Bill, is visiting l'cr a couple' of weeks at the Eng- lish Church Rectory Mise:' Eunice 1:iernick very plena - aptly entertained a number of friend on Monday evening. Mrs. W. Gillespie; and IYTts:t Flan- nigan of London, are the guest=- of• 11Ir. and Mrs. •I),. Rusisell.. The result of the voting on church union in the • Blyth P-resbyterian Church was as follows; Against un- ion 236, for union 45. Mrs. Thea. Flynn returned home. from Seaforth . where she has been at- tending her: daughter, Mrs. Brown- lee. who bas. been ser•iously i1L J. M. oouthcott of the Times, woes in Toronto .the 1.atter pact of lait week attending the first cost confer - ease. of Eastern 'Canada printers. Mr. Zellers; of London, and Mr. DlcLeod 'of .Luoan, have .been rngag- ed by DIr. F. Boyle and comai.n.ced work in. his barber shop Monc:ayi Mr. J. S. •Clarke of the West who has been visitinz his father Mr. 'Park ,Clarke. et Clinton, was a pleasant caller at the 'Times office on Satur- Please remember the grand con- cert to be given in James St. Church en Monday evening next, March 4th by the London Male •.Quartette, which, is composed of four of London's lead- ing soloists, also Mies Edna L. Smith, elocutionist, who is considered. a reader of decided tatent land abil- ity. •and fast winning a place .among the best of present-day reader.. A good pro3'ramme, of variety. has been arranged, consIitine of So1oe. Duetts, Trios, Quarctte:'s, •Rea.di.ng's, Piano solos etc., all being of a high order and without doubt will be well. worth hearing. So 'don't you forget to , come and take in this., great treat of the season. Admis- sion 25 cents. ' a clip- pingNews, of Holly to the son oAndrew): who farniture store Andrews. one niver sity a hilt when lecture on thr, He has a number. of townsseveral' other peeial- ized and has r' shownx speaker taken Markmaster- piece ondens- ed it 13 : meanperson- ation ie told. i war: catadcs'. joys continual BE A CREDIT TO VDU, soarc er an.l Your face will feel smooth and groteful if you use P - V C'. E Greaseless disappearing. It clears the complexion -soothes the skin after exposure to wind and sun and prevents the biting, skin destroying efients of the use of hard water. 26e buy a big artistic jar, Aryl king you buy with the a it Ivo antishOh. ion Sold and guaranteed by W" - S. Howey . Phan. B. . J9 Chemist and Optician, E +TOB. r r 411. .• day last. Mrs. Wanless. of Duluth, returned to her home this week; after being in attendance -upon her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. (lardy, who were ill, but have recovered. Misses Thelma , and May Ford daughters of Mr, and Mrs. W. Ford. of -Osborne, sang a very pleasing duett at the Main street Sunday School last Sunday afternoon. For a sprain you will find Chamber Iain's Liniment exceillonit. It allays) the pain removes the soreness, and Goon restores the' party to a healthy condition. '25 and, 50 cent bottles for sale by all deale +1. Mr. C. R. Howard. of the Molson;, 13'ink staff, of London, who has been confined to his home here for sever- al weeks through illness has suffi- ciently ree+rvered "to resume his da - ties e ' t t o L d•on Mon- day. and returned On Sunday evening he sang a solo %n • the • Main street Methadisb Church, ••' r Mr. •C,. L. • Whitby, accountant at the .Bank of 'Commerce here. left on li'riday' last for Pcterbarough branch Air. W. 'II. Collins manager• of the. Exeter branch, is in Quebec this week inspecting the Bed.ford branch of the•Eastern Townships hank, and Mr. R. Gresham,,, of llamiltoo, form- erly of the Creditaa branch, is re lieving here.. •• Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Handford have returned to town after spending some weeks visiting in. New York, .Tor- onto. St. Thomas. and Ingersol,, nd d While away ALF. Era Cor purchased a residence in Ingersoll and expecte to move ':here the beginning of April. 1Ir. Handford and family -have been valued resident; of oar tol n and have many friends by whom they will be greatly missed: Trains Twelve Hours Late -During the past week this vicinitY has been visited' by the worst snow storms of the season. Wednesday and Thursday were very stormy days and during Thursday no trains . arrived in to en .,until the evening ane com- ing in about eight o'clock and the other ten o'clock, Monday was an - Other stormy day when the wind blew quite a gale in the morning. among the young' men. is due inside To Farmers! Ladies! Ladies ! Any ' Piece of Dress 'Goods to be sold at ' a Greatly Reduced Price. Come Early. '_ ♦ a • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Y ♦ ♦ ,„44,4,„,÷÷4.,.+++++++++++++0,+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Get a Duff or Stole while in the swing. all to be cleared out. Also Ladies Fur collared Coats Reg $23 .for $18 Room Rugs Brussels Rugs in green and fawn'grcunds to clear out at a price that will - astonish you, Men's Fur Coats._ ti Only a few left to b cleared out. Reg $23 coats for $18 Reg $25 coats for $19.50 d• •P Mens Winter Caps :' to be cleared out at a $ piece Reg 75c for 50c $ ;n Reg 50c for 390 ; 4+ Ladies' Skirts Onlya few left. Reg- t� ular $3 50 to $5 Skirts ole to cel the $1.75 I ♦ Lathes Fine Shoes to be cleard out at a Cash 1 Discount of 20 Per Cent Off• All Dinner Sets Lamps and Chamber Sets to be f cleared out at a Price. :4'1,▪ + 4. 4 4. ♦• ' 4. 4 1. 4, Highest Price paid forProduce Carling The undersigned wishes to announce tbat.he will continue to purchase hogs in this community and that there will, be no Change' other than Gert. Arm-, strong will take the route followed by the late 'Thos. Prior, Sbiitunents eV ery+'1 burgtday. ` Highest market price. prftt, , , X • ARMSTRONG +II,•i++II••'b3�3�3vi.•II••i••€+�+•II++1:•II•.t•l..g:•1,.,.+ iF++ + ++ •4+++++4•+1+•4+4+3••F•-i+•1•✓r:+i•+3++II••1•✓r•II++•+II••i++ 4. . +ir i �... DON'T. B Y *IP1 iD 111 '. ,I�l f ALARMED.1. !• : + � c"`I j"` .Sleep- late in the morning. . 4 'L i I , Enjoy the luxury of waking M If ,L �f �,`�.��--..you feel like it , up whenever � . + ! if you can, but if you can't Cs � better get one of our .. 4. 0 • 4• 4+ +t+ '1• Tea Sp 4+ ♦ 4+ 4+ 4• 4+ 4+ 4. 4. ++•+++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 M ' oons, Berry Spoons, Oold •Meat Forks, Cake Forks Soup Spoons, Pie Knives, • Pearl -handled Butter Knives; • Knives and Forks, Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wedding Rings Big Stock to choose from Clocks, Watches ' monds, Cut 1 Glass, Silver= ware, Pins, Etc, fl. Mar6lillU :g. 4. JEWELEP & OPTICI .AN fi A new type of wagon known as th i 'Bull -Dog" has been introduced by the Canadian Express Co. for its Winnipeg service. This wagon .is the, first to• be constructed by' the com- pany in the west and, although ap- parently of light construction has the unusual Capacity of twelve tone and stands level with the, floor of the or- dinary 'box car. CALL US UP Whenever you Want Bull- Rees Cards, Letter Yield* Circulars or enthrall eh*, in the printist0 ling. We give PROL4PT SERVICE ate G R4N; ,EE .. SA.nsr.Acrl00000s. Nutritive Hypophosphites- You need a good tonic just• W but perhaps you don't know it. Let us tell you a few ports why we can recommend Nyal's Nutrite ive laypophosphites, 1 it is a splendid brain and nerve food. 2 •Hypophospbites provide an easilyy assimilated and convenient form of phosphorus, S The best tonic for childre studying hard, 4 Excellent after . nervotle atraina and in convalescence, G ..Good for the blues and lack of coneentration. 6 A wonderful aivitetizer' taken before meals. A big Mottle full --16 oz.+• -0,0e,, you only .1.00,• anything youiuy with the nawo will gh'. ydu ea brit ant,at tii014 Sold Arid guaranteed by We S1 Howey, e, Ph. uB OhOlnist and Optician, EXETl