Exeter Times, 1912-2-29, Page 5tIOT rft6 llEfaeI .3,'h til.I Do not fail to hear the AMBEROLA —THOMAS A. EDISON'S highest development of his own instrument, the dison Phonograp 11 Musically----the.Amberola has the truest, sut4st, smbothest tone,the most lifelike reproduction: Exactly the rightvolume of sound .for the home. It has the sapphire reproducing point; which is permanent—no changing needles. It renders aU compesitions completely, without cutting or hurrying, on Edison Amberol (four -and -one-half minute) Records—and • all short selections on Edison (two -minute) Records, as well. ArbotwaIly—a masterpiece of the cabinet maker's art, as • .11 beautiful to look et as it is wonderful to hear. You have your choice of four finishes, Circassian Walnut, Mahogany, Golden -Oak and Mission Oak, Mechanically—perfect. The silent motor will play five Amberol Records, each four -and -one-half minutes long without rewinding. There are *various other styles of 'Edison Phonographs at almost any price you wish to pay—and each offers definite Edison advantages. But the Amberola is the greatest of all. Hear it today There are Edison dealers everywhere.. Go to the nearest and hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Edison Aniberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer or trona us. Edison Phonographs, $101.50th 4240.00. Edison Standard Reeords,40e. Edison Amberol Reeorrig(play 100 'Lakeside Avenue twice as 1ong),65c. Edison GrandOpemitecords, 6Soto.$2.30. Orange, N.J...1.7. S. A. A complete line of Edisiori Phonographs and Records will be found ;A /NCOXPORATED J WILLIS POWELL, Main Street auesiconaseameram. WE WANT YOU Yes we want you as a customer. Ask us to send you our 1912 Catalogue. It's brim full of all that is good in Flowers, Vegetables, Field Roots, Grains, Plants, Small Fruits, Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc. Valuable information • is• what we have aimed to give the Farmer, tiardener.and Private Planter. All it will cost you is one moment of time and a two -cent stamp. Write us to -day, the day you are reading this. DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO., Limited. Dept. 34 London, Canada. 13 .& firoo Canadian Gem Swede Tarnip--Acknovrledged az the bat feeder, the best coolcer, the best shipper. TRY IT. KIRKTON The London Male Quartette gave fine concert for the Epworth eagae last Friday night. Mrs. S. Brown returned hchne last burden. The Methodist Cboir took chargh of the -music ahAnder.son Q011 Sunday. •A number from here attended the oyster supper at Anderson on Mona day night. .tIrs. Rasa eras so far recovered as tO, be table to wallr about the house. Mr. Hackney has secured the ear- evicea or Mr. J. Moorer of Stafra as tinsmith 111r. Moore 'wilt rneve back to Kirkten in the near future. . Subject in the Methoiist church xt Sunday will be "Judgement." A large number from here attend- • the funeral 'Pet Mise 13rethour on • day. -Mr. E. N. Shier is on the sick list Tho annuli/ meeting o the cermet- y committee, was held Tuesday ght. iss Anna Belle, Yale is keeping use for Dr. Campbell. Ir. Tani. Hazelwood had his eat - broken la a. collision last Friday . Mills of Motherwell visited his, her George on Saturday. Lia mild tenaperanare of the last days wag greatly Jnjoyed. Arr. and Mrs. Gea, Sweitzer visit- ed part of this week {vitt' Mrs, Wm. Mr. WM. Hanna has eeveral teamia liauling gravel for extensive repairs ao is house next summer. •St. Patin church will have anniv- rsary servicee next Sabbath. Earn Brea aesieted in the program ,Anderson Monday. •night. Rev. R. nalt preached -in Main St. pvster last Sunday. morning. ,..hrthiss Rachel 'Kirk ispeert the. weik end at her home here. • Feb-. '29th "Extra Day". •Special Sale "Pr:nt Day" et erre. W. aleph. ..lrf Strrarrner,-,-1:7,,.. SETTLERS' TRAINS —TO -- MANITOBA, ALBERTA S4SKATCBEWAN TIec,jtfIroUh Hee LOW COLONIST RATE roll tatters frev;:iiing tvith livestock vita dons pedals Trans Will leave Toronto Each TUESIIAY, tilARCH chid APIllt 19.20 P11. Scitters and witlicoi livestock sitould use :RgOinr Trains Leaving Toronto 1020 P.M. Daily Thetaigh aoloatnt, and rourlat0lactoora lonist Cars on 411' Trains Ncip ctiame„ foe berths ugh Trains Totonto to litionlpeo' and West e, ReArala ensient"Seeitin CAW IttISISELDALE Mies !Lizzie. Dow ef Stratford .and Mt. and Mrs. 3.).. Doles of Dutton spen the week end with Mr, and Mrs. D. •Dow. . 'Mis Firemen .and Mr. George, Francis 'of 'Mitchell werepee, guentis of Mr e and Mrs, AR. Dow en Sandaye Mr. Ackerman Of Midland deputy organizer of tbe 0. 0. Di F. is in our midst in the internal( of •hie Order • - Mr. and 'Mrs...Alex lelocigert enter- tained 'the manna= of .the Ladies' Aid of Iloy's preabyterian Church, to gether with their husbands, an Sat- urday evening. Tea was aerved at 7.00 O'clock the .erening being very pleasantly spent in mueic and games. •.Mr. and Mrs. Glettean GUI kits returned home atter a week's true to St. paurs Thunder:to London • and other points. If yo a are tired taking the old fashioned griping pars try Carterte Little Liver Pills and take some coin forte A team can't stand everything One pill a dose try them. BIAYFIELTY Mrs. John Toms hale. heat returned from Southampton where she attend- ed the death' of her mother the late Mrs. McNeil who has been an old resident of this' place: Sam Moore is fareman of the Gov- ernment work on the harbor_ in plaoe of, III. Roes who &as been .dis- missed nnder the new Government. The Rev nerr. Grant of Clinton will preach in • St Aeavirews church on Sunday next while' Rev. Mr. MsFar- affieiete :in his place at Olintbir - • The Clinton, Co.. • who entertained here' undesetiab 'auspices of the Agri - cu.:viral society on Feb. 20. was very welconae to our town. The enter- tainment was the grandeat of the oea- son and a genuine trent to the vaet audience that granted them svitb hearty applause. The, actorfulfil- led their, parts with great luncheon and we will be pleaeed to bane them over any time in the future if they promise an exposition likely to be ; as good ah :the Private: Secretary. • gain from inciinestlion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating4 is relieved at Wee by taking one of Carter's Little Lirer Pills immediately after dinner don't forgot this. • PILES CURED at 11011E by New .Absorption Method. If you stiffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send meyour address, and I will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treat/tient and will also send some of this home treatment, ,free for trial, with references /rout your reentt locality if . re- quested. Immediate relief and, permanent cure assured, • 8etid ' ito money, tut tell othersyttOf • this otfor, Write to -clay to Mts.:- s M: Sturitgersi 13oit P s4iVitindSOf ' Oat, • , emend's' hats a isueldterl'iesee. trY one, tube auyeray and. get immediate, relief from Getarrh trolehlen,. ---te- e ZURICH Mr. z.. w Wing who hate bad a very pleasant visit ,for eome menthe wide her reaether UPS. Pa1iiti0h left for her home at Berilre on Setarclay. Miss Erma and *Ruth .Riannie of Lieesall and Miele E. Guenther cd Dashwood were .vialtoris inlittfre home ar Mrs, $, Bennie last Sunday.. Mrs. Dan Ithobler spent a tew days with leer parents Mr. land, Man Erect Witwor, at Exeter last week, away, the Prescription Druggist la wole agent in Exeter for Gunnella' wonderful Catarrh Cream. • FOR DYSPEPSrA. •you Risk no Money Try Xhis ' Remedy • We went everyone troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to oar store and obtain a box oe Rexene Dyspepsia Tablets. They contain leis- nauth-Sabnitrate and pepsin carefully combined so as to develop,their great est power to overcome digestive. dis- turbance. Rexall. Dyspepsia Tablet3 are verY pleasant to take, Tiaey lend to isoolth •the irritable, weak stomach, to strengthen and invigorate the dig- estive organ e re' nee eetesea, and indiges doer, hu neon, nutrition and bring %beet a feeling of comfort If yoie give,. Rexall Dy.spepsia Tab - Its a reasonable trial we. will return yoar money if you are, not satisfied with tile results, Three EinS 250 50G and $1.00. Remember you can ob- tain Remelt Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store— tle,S. Cole. FARQUHAR Moved North— Ira, W. R. Stewart and farann left this vicinity on Tao - day to take up their residence in Mc., Hilton on, the fine farm, whiela Mr. Stewart purchased from Mr. Alexan. der Gardener. Mewls John Duncan John 1.30.11ayntyne Waren McGill and William. Ward accompanied Mr. Stew art each taking a load of hiss effects. They returned on; Wednesday, !and had a cold stormy ride and found roads 'both waye very bad. Mr. and and Res, Stewart leave many warm Mende here and in 'the vicenty of their did name who wilt wish them every S4100a1313, and happixtees in their .northern home, Mr. jahrn Radcliffe of Thames Road South, is having a big auction sate of home% and cattle on Tuesday March 5th. Re has a lot of goon stock and like many others es setert of feed The hammer will be welded by Usbohne's vetern auctioneer, Mr. Thos. Cameron pf this plaoes Anniversary services was held in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath r. Kilpatrick of Toronto conducted both services and lefts. Wyatt, of London rendered several -eon*. • , OR.OMAIttrin Miss Mary Currie attended the funeral chi bet uncles Mr: John Bain last week e . : • • Mr. Alex Park of Tackersraitle and Mr. Malcolm linKeller of Seaforth Sandened with' relatives here. Mrs. Aikeneei who. hats spent the last two weeks at leer home int Bruce Co. has returned to the Inane ref, hernant Mrs. D.Park. • ee • • eonetregation.al meeting was held en thei church on Monday last, for the purpose of extending a call to a minister .Rev. • Mr. Ritchie on, for - Onto was the minister Who received the can]. Miss Lulu Godbolt of Wincheleea spent Sunday with/ her extant Dins S. Miller. 'Miss Lizzie Hoggarth is .vieitieir her sister in Goderich. Mr. Johra, Scott has purchased the. brick residence on the centre road froini Mr. John Hoggarth Coming events cast tiler sthadowe before. Quilting bees ere the Oder of the efay here. , SEAFORTH ; J. T. Curtis Principal of the psehllo snhool has accepted a position in • one of the public schoois at Ottawa and assumes his new duties on March 4th. Tina. Johnston a member of the fire -brigade had the Misfortune to fall from 'a ladder while at the fire on Tuesday morning and fractured his left arm. While going down Co the, furnace foam Mr. J. the Doherty of Egmond- villa, had the 'misfortune to elip at the head of the stair, fracturing his evriste and receiveing other palatal Injuries. Miss Marian Roberts of Parkhill visited her certain Mrs. '0. • N. Henry last sveek. W. D. Stewart of St Paul Minn.. is vigting at the homa of hie par- ents, Mr. end Mrs. Alex. Stewart. -3fise Sproat who bee been spending- tits past six weeire vieitine relatives arta friends in the West has returned home. Miss Annie Lawrence who has been teedang in the west has returnsd barne. At the reenlar meeting of th offi- cuf in the Methodist Church a inarty and nnammous tarttat(nn svas extended to tbe piston Ilev. W. A. Parker. 11. 3), to remain a accend year. rine Ladies Aid Seciety of the Meth- odist church are making nreparetionn to hold an Irish asocial in the church tho owning of St. patricks day March, 17th Will positively cure side headache and prevent its returu. Centerts Lit- tle Liver Pine. rhtg Is not talk but truth. One pill a dose. See viver- therrient, Small pin, Small dosh Small price, • GRAND BEND Min Fritz of Zurich 'spent a few days het week •with here deter Mrs, Jreeph Brenner.. Mrs. Wilhara lefollard returned home last week after .apendinn the tviater with her .children. Mr, John :Baird .has , received had news of the death of , ble seder Mrs. eteCloy of Miebigan. Mr. WtIlearn Baird was the galihst. CYt h.e brother Arr. John Beerie. etre ;lad Mr. lkrOlSan Heater tit - id at :Mr, end Wen0 Ileaterie on 0 twiny, We ntei StittlA to na that lIr. 7 Pugh ie vary Hi at the, tinit oil writ - (ng, . S0111403 FROM FLDOW TO FINGERS Zam-Bek worked a Miraele of Efealina Reverend Gentleman Fitly Core roberatee, Miss 1t rDolliver, of Calenonie Queens County N. S., tzay i; '1 must add inn testimany to the value of Zetu-Btak 1:1eers aad•sores broke eel; on my aria, and aithoagle 1 tried to heal tierby using varioes I rep- antic:las , nothing seemed to do me any good The sorest spread earth from fingers to lbosi, wan one mase of ulceration. "I had, five different doetors, end faithfully carried out their Duthie - nails I drank pint alter pint of blared medicines. tried Salve after sal in Sad 1(11cm afters lotion; but St wes at no avail. sh My father then Leek me tbirty miles to see ewljisnotere doctor He protege:nestled the arm end hand This ueotegreple Was Bent to a New Yark hoepital in thespeciallets but they sent word that they could do nothing further for me, and I was in despair. "One day a friend asked me if I tried Zants13uk. 1 said I had non but 1 Ot; a box right SWAY. That first boa dd me more good thau all the medicine I bad tried up to th'at time, se I coatinued the treatment Everybox healed the sores more and more until, to make a long., etory ebeirt, Zarn-Buk healed all the sores conatletely. Everybody in this place knows of my case aria that it is Zan -Bak alone which cured me." Minister corroborates-aThe Rev. W. B. Ali Esker. of Caledonia. Miss Dol. Iiver's minister we;tea; This is to ihrtify that th,e testimonial a Mies Dolliver oorrect as far as my know- ledge goes. I h,ave knosvn her for a year and a hat, and her iures effect ed by Zarn-I3un is remarkable." Wherever there is ulceration blood -poison, sores, cold cracks abeesseisa cuts barns bruises or any ;kip injury or disease there Zata-Buk eleould bi applied. It is also a cure for pilels An druggests and sforee sell at 50c a box or post free trona Zara-Buk Co. Toronto forPrice Refuse cheap mad harmful imitations arid sabstitutes. • BRUCEVIELD . Miss hive...Boar-eye has gone to Tor onto te attend the millinery open- ings Mrs. McGuire. of Clinton is vieite her brother Illras. E. Patterson. Mr. Neil Boas who haa been visit- ing his inotber Mrs, A. Bobs has re- unitarbniead to his nome in. Britieh Cole The farmer's Institute that met on Friday evening last was poorly at- tended. The meeting was dismissed to meet on sorno future time. Mr. Wilson. Tuner, of Drayton is visiting at ilia home. Mrs. Frank Plewes of Clinton, via- ited last week at the,. home of Mrs Little, • A number frOm tne. Methodist Church went to Shatorth Oa Monday,' evening where they were the guests of Rev. Mt. Barker.. • Miss E. Daymend of Roxbury is the guest on 3Ine. D. 'Ross. Mrs. Addison, received the sad in- telligence last week oftbe death of her mailer, in &pained • The unnual seed' Whew of South Huron Agriculturai `,Sogtety will be held in Walker's hallnen• Friday. March ist. The anatial spring shonz af borses and cattle wile be held on Thursday April, oth There was general sathfaction Man- ifeet in this community wben it wee announced this week that the Govern ment at Ottawa had appointed a judge to investigate the affairs of the learzners Bank. There are few men in this village who, wien the General conarnettee, are working hard for some measure of relief to the depositors Tho lateist move" is to procure the services co. one of the best lawyers in Ontario to appear before the investigating judge as representative of the depositors, and fellow him' around the country. 01 course this tvi I require Nelda, but a very small contribution m all these interested would be One day recently as the field stage stage earne nto town the d had occasien to etop in front of Si I a hardware store and -he went into the store for a moment leaving the hor- ses untied. Something .had etartied them aird they started to run up the street. There was no person in the ve.hicle but bliss Naha Miller of Bentsen who was sitting in the back seat; She climbed over the seat% and hitting into the front got. possio,n of the lines and succeeded in getting the frightened team under control and stopped before they reach ed the Royal Hotel .corner. Misa Miller is deserving of the greatost credit for i. display ot pluck and nerve. It cures cold in tines head overnight What? Gunnelle. 25c a large Wine at, Howey's. • HENSALL Robert Dins.dale has purchased the elooper priparty London Bond. T. Berry was in larvato attend a horse sale laet evetk, - Mrs. Dickson and brother Allen McDonald of Exeter spent Wediaes- day in town, • Mrs. Shinny and daughter Mine seggie. are in Toronto visiting EL D. Ocok and wife. Jahn Taylor and wife from the west who have been visit(' fne here went to Centralia last week The ladies of Hensall give a leap year knee en the opera house on Tuesday night. There 11,413, a gobd turn oat and a vexes pleazant even- ing spent. • Miss Rattle Sutherland was ea Lan. don last week attending the funsral of her uncle Mr. Scott Who died aft er years on illneene Ile visited her lent summer and wive then in poor health. LUCIAN Miss Morgan Iroise: London tbwne ship is the guest of friends here A great number were is town Sat-. urclay o accoaret of the blockade of tbe reed Thnrsclay and,Pridayo hfiseee D. Einane L Mash" mad 3. naskett wx,e the gueetsa of trientlei her bit Saturday, , • NVO 4110 nitre to reset' that the Lane guage teacher in the Ltrean Rigla School will 170 lai d tr17 for a time 146: G, Hatentore tt,n SattlitdAY 164 t arid hill"( inmeelt. AILSA Oonsinerable ext e relent 'was canoed here Met Thursday when Ilaruee were nothed issuing froui the roof ttla mating, *Moe, The fire brie gado was called out and ie was found that the flee had orginated from 4 defective chimney. As a high wind was y a it g the greatest clanger was felt, As the building as well as them sareounding it ate old. The quan- tity on snow on tne roof WaS. the rally :Winn 'that prevented 'any ser ions damage. While helping to unload an 'POI) bridge from a car in the local G, T. IL yards Thursday last. hem Rob- inson had the mini. rrtune to fall from the car aligleting on his elbow. He suffered a very painful injury having disienated ins elbow 4,trid splinterien two xnall bones in his arra. Mr. Robinsan has been name for a while from the west as Weatherspcou was abort of hells and he was anI iug hinz for the afternoon. He IN be laid up for Santa time, Mrs. Wm. Bruton and grand daugbter Edne Bee returned from a months visit with friends in Brant - Mr. A, R. Laidlay ofStrathmore. Alta waS in town the first of Met tveele Mr, Laidiair was lab on time manager of the White & May Oo store here. Mrs, J. Grant of Lonclore has bean visiting her sister, Mein L 'Stephen - 50n. ArrS. D hiacarthur is spending e coeple of weeks with friends in Tors onto, Mrs. William Graham and daugh ter Mauretta. • of Toronto are visit- ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. John- stune Alexander. Inspector Johnston of Strathroy wae siIttoosor on Monday inspecting tile • While reading. by the table in hie zoom over the Standard Bank, Mr. Ackmier had quite Ian unpleasant ex- perience The lamp was noticed to flicker and Mri:e . Aok'er had no soon- er thrown it through the window( when it exploded. Mrs. eelfred Anderson and Mrs. Drank Anderson and, son of London. are visiting Mr. end Mre. J. Ander- son. Mrs. Carter, who buried her ean a.iveek or so ago, death, being caus- ed by blood -poisoning, is how con- fined So her bed, in a very critical. condition, having contracted the die - ease from him.. Mrs. Carter is well known here. . The winter meeting of the Farm- ers Instituta wan held tri the town. hall, Owing to the severe snowstorm the afternoon meeting was called off on amount of the speakers being unable to get here. The evening meeting was a joint one of the, gen- tlemen and ladies and a very' later- esting pregram Nra5 provided. One of. the delegates from Hespeler ad- dreseed the meeting and during the evening several eeleetione from the mixed quartette were given. A num- ber ofschool children gave a very pretty ribbon drill, The attendance was small owiag to the/ atorm, Mr. 3. E. Westcott, hardware, mer- chant, has purchased the property owned by Mr. J. Morgan. and intends erectile; a two etorey 'building, en it this spring. Io t of new buil/dings will be erected this spring. Mrs. Alex. McLean and five Child- ren are confined to their beds with an attack of scarlet fever. • Imaaediately relieves all forms of Catarrh and is wild by Howey, your .Druggist, Gunnells' Cream. ligTAVFA, Miss Jewess.. Allan visited friends. in Dublin last week. Mr. and Mrs. nIcKanzie of Mani tOba, wore visitors at Mr. E. Drake's last week . Mr. and Mrs. Robert lehlery of Exe ter. were the guests of Mr. 11. Norrie last week. • Mr. John Allen who was, serionelY HI is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. kr. Hamiltcrn Tuckersinith anent Friday with relat- ives here Hy. and Mrs. Couzens ertertained the members, of the league leaf: Fri. day night. Ward was received here that Dins. Walter Whyte had passed away en her home at Herniate Maine on Sun day after a lingering illness at five or six mointlis. Mrs s Whyte wan a daughter of the. late William Sillery of Ilibbert and was married tvviee Her first husband was the late Mr. F. Dickell of this villages by whom she left three children an grown up She also leaves a sorrowing husband two broth•ers Robert Sillery of Bah, bar and Richard of Hibbert. and sev en sinters Mits. R, Sadler Mrs.. W., Sadler and Mrs. .1. Livingstores..of this village;, Alree • D. Drii go Mrs. R. Hongarth. and Mrs., D. 1.1111, of Rib- bert and Mrs. 'Redd of Winnipeg. Deceased ware 172 'name OP 'age and. was very highly respected resident of this place for years, where the news of her death was received with searow m a *The great American Catarrh Rem- edy. Germans' Catarrh Cream, get it et Hoeveyn Drug Store. ARE, YOU* GOING WEST THIS S.ip11NG? If so take advantage of tbe re- markably low one-way Second clee's eolioniel rates to Netson, Vancouver; Victoria 13. (t.; Seattle., TaeOlna, Wash; Portland Ore. to., in effeett tfarc.h ist to A'W pril 15th; or if ese tarn Canada is year deetination the one-way seeond class settlers' trains to Western Canada will leave Toone to 10,20 Is. oe. each Tuesday during March it ntl April. 13ea in raind that the motet reenie, in the world. It, is train servhe. The route is orie of the Cartachan Pacific Railway afeers se the fine,,ntriipment and hastett dee only tr operneine; tbroatla stare an . data d tenries Heel -nes, also din- in,g oars to Winnipee and Tancotreer with the most modern compartment relent observation ibrary `.cars. through Vie mountains end aerow Canada oft traascontinental trains.. he1 travelling C. P. Re yeti avoii neeeseitg• of ohangin-g depoi.e, Afl equipment os &jarnLed rind owned by the Chhthi . affording. the highest t Oita mt. °len cy , if saa. da trip is andenth ratrerh epply to any 0' aleadhsseinherthetirsfl pettioularse Tor city Ofiice 16 Xing Street at to 9 0 0 StarAttemptino to Prova That It Is Immortal Ry T. G. APPLY Copyright bY Amerinan Press lino,. • dation, 1911. oa00•00#00000010000.0000** rezws ars changeit • er ber en I not COW 0 ham nen 1 $ was buriet. Pot than 'it to weep. Intent) pee c , • I don bur n• 4. Plea bP1' at 4''' the plant', c a be lead pie 4 "Why, e c 0 "If there i 0 0 0 6 0 Professor Markham, who ocruple the chair Of sat tenth ittit aeheinelenne; a materialist. etinerin WOO. Pro fessor of 'Antietam is tau ettrentis • on the opposite side. taking the ground that man hs an eternal spirit. ix/Mused in a material body. The rye° were din enssitsg questions twee upon these two rery different opinions, when Pro- fessor Markham saki: • "Taee, for instance, love, To be more particular, let us confine our- selves to love between the sexes. You men of spiritual bent coneider that this IS spiritual comfition. a naingling of two spells, We materialists take it, to be. In the initiative at least, simply a deflect of nature to compel obedience to one of leer taws, procreation:" "Which we deny. Love is eternal," "Then When a couple who love are separated by death why is the plat* of the one who has been taken filled by another?" "Cases of real love are rare. In such eases the place ot the departed one Is not filled by another. 1 have known or heard of several Instances of this true love. but only one where the eon- ditions I leave stated were fulfilled. it was related to me wben 1 was study- ing medidne in Paris, and the Princi- pal figure in the story bad been a pro- fessor in the university vrhere 1 re- ceived my education. "Jean Leroux, a bachelor of thirty - sir, a botanist, ehas one morning tramping through the southern prov- inces. bunting for plant specimens, when be came upon a chateau in whose gardens were many beautiful flowers. In his enthusiasm he jumped the wall and was soon lost to every- thing except the objects of bis stndy. He Was bending over a variety of aza- lea which he had never seen, though he was familiar with it tbrough his book.% when suddenly be was recall- ed to himself by a musical feminine voice saying: "'Monsieur is absorbed in the flow- ers.. "Leroux looked up into a pair of eyes that were looking into his. • 'Nosh if you anatomists were to claim that love acts as two chemical affinities, which on meeting become one and the same substance. I could in' a measure sympathize with you. Both these persons admitted after- ward to the other that the moment their eyes met they loved. "Pardon,' said Leroux, lam a tres- passer. I .have been led by my love for my profession to examine your plants. I will withdtash at once.' •"'On the contrary. you are welcome to study my plants to your heart's content and if there are any that you covet I shall be happy to give them to you., "For the rest, of that. morning Le- roux and the lady wandered about in the gardens, he giving her much in- formation about ber plants. She loved them for themselves; but, loving them, It pleased her to learn of their nature. She was Mlle. de In Fontayne. who lived with her old mother on the place, ber father being dead. Made- moiselle was some half dozen years Leroire• hinter. and since bother them had peeeed the heyday of youth it can- not be claimed that the love win* flashed into being between them was of the grosser type. Leroux when asked afterward if that was not the happiest morning of his life replied that it was far happfer than any he had known before, but no happier than those that followed. • Nile. de la Fontayne would not per- mit Leroux to depart without partak- ing of luncheon, or, rather, the second breakfast of the French people, and after the meal they returned to the garden. In spirit the professor never left the chateau so long as SM. de la Fontayne »ermined there. But she did not remain there very long—at least perm:silently. for Lerman was obliged to be at the tininersity in Paris, where be lectured, and the two found it ex- crueiating to be apart. No great time, therefore, papsed before they were nearried, residing during the winter in Pails and in tbe summer at the De In Fontayne chateau. "These here lived, se far as their re- ligions to each other were concerned, in perfect happinese. No 'word. of an- ger ever passed between them." "Vas not that the result Of normal nervous system perfectly assimilah ed?" asked the listener. '41 do not admit it. believe that from their naeeting the had become one being. Nor can it be said that they were united through their children, for no eirildren were born to them, rt was a ellaa of nultY between two individ. lulls whose individuality was lot in each other. And shall she* you by an incident which occurred that this love ernatInteed lifter they were sep. arated by death. I cannot prove that the love of tbe one who was taken 0011. tinted the St1711e as before, for 1V# Can.. net See beyond the veil that Print. deuce hare hung between us and that which ilea beyond. must confine my - 1± to the Ono whd zernained here Mang tea "Mine. LeIronet fall tit ural died ten r were ineri."1, '.rit* of tier husband aft* simply that be did r clokiti ratie°1! 4Telfer :let: Letelf also cemetery, wl.i- mighl coi mere lel not rom4der her 'Ig 1,t;i:::eed::::a::n.:d4.::::e: eirglit colivenientlyii • isionally io see the* ..1,1e8-tur MarithaIng the sod w-'-.1:111..irril)isPit°Iel bwPoumaent4n had loved pi. A. r i heree Coreuptient bee no zippy...sneer "ln you mitten:lints " responded RN., where the tin -line er sendrnent shoUld. feasor Tilyell "reeve is a vacuum exist. The e haver did not place the! • flowers there ho i lie dead, but for tiik uvula Wornini ' I'll him the 'thread. .41 her life had nerie been broken. tiere-i over, in our natures there is tht)tf which we (-ail assoviation, and therek. was to Min a illt.ugns'e in ASSOCiatinf tb,e plants she loved with the place where her monist part lay. , "One evening a bout sunset Ler0t1 entered the cemetery al' Pere Lanll to visit his wife's grave and see tb till was in order there. AS he a preached it he was astonished to see man, uncovered, bending over Mit mound, apparently abeoenesd In glint What could It meant• -Leroux lar never heard his wife speak of a brot 4 0 or other male relative ne.sr an I dear to her, and he wondered wb this Mourner could be. Advanong, b ad.dtrpearsseddonehme estrai‘nferr:aey1 ask w,,kt to are thus grieying for my wife? "The man turned. The grief countenance bad worn Was turned anger. "'Your wife! Then you are the mad who robbed me of my love.' "'Youroe3,n? acloovei, Sbe never Intrl butOn that th Jove, and at surely was not you ivb04 "One who loved the vremen isOfikr,t, lies • "'Shetherthere' —es not lie there,' interrupt Leroux. She is in heaven. Had 4 loved her as yon saye you would no , ' y . , speak of her as lying there.' "'I say I loved Ger,' reiterated Mt other fiercely, and she loved me. Nifitr, parted in anger' • . "'Real love is never angry. It mag grieve for another's fault, but it carte not be angry.' •I "'I left her for a foreign. lan America. There I have been sin then.; there I prospered. I return to do penance and claim my love, heard that some one had won h hand, though I know that no one hitt, myself could have won her heart; tint she had died and was buried here. came to her gra re to weep for he'rt and fate,has brought me the man wild( believed he occupied my place: "'I know not what this means,' lien roux rejoined. *i t my wife had a loii affair before she married me she kne speak of it; therefore elf ni that it was not true love and wo . , pain us to refrained.' , "'Who are you to assutae this—youe who if you receired any love at alhe receivraan, dadeapdrolvoovek.ed' altiby the tinc6 . promising certainty of one he eons1d ered his rival. was by this time bead himself 'with anger. "Had we V.Pa pons I viould 130$4, convince you that I am the rightful; mate of the woman who lies there that you are an interloper. The on recompense you ean grant me for tie robbery you eomnaitted is a meetin tomorrow morning in the Bois Boulogne,' be said. "'Since my wife through a mistalt" i once may have thought enough of yd to engage herself to you I shall he -. barna a hair of your head.' "The stranger felt convulsively for weapon he knew he did not have abet him, then, taking out a cardcase, thre a card at Leroux's feet, saying, you are not a coward I shall hear fro you.' Then he strode out of the • closure and down the avenue tole' the cemetery gute. "The card bore the name of Tut Bombardier. Leroux, calm as when h entered the cemetery, attended toWle he had come to do, then returned' Paris. On the way he tried to of some mention of a love affair wife had passed through. before m Ing hire, but he could not. Nevefi less he was content to remain in ign ranee concerning it "This is what I call true love, an will show you that the stranger $it manifested all the outward appear4 of love had not experienced it. six months after Professer Leroux met him weepiag at the grave of woman he believed he loved Leto taking up a newspaper, read a 114,, of the marriage of Jules Bornbardie a Franco -American, wile had Meet., returned on a visit from his adopte country. "Leroux lived the same life, ea far a evomen were concerned, that hie Illi lived with his wife. In Other evoryi after her death he continued to livlic with her in the spirit" The narrator paused for a enoMfeldll thoughtfully, thin concludedt fill t have not proved my case I bait at !east made it equally strong and more acceptable than your theory - love la but a means by which na produces prhateation." '1 admit that you /nivel' repli etarkhinte "There le a barrier tlitt neither of We can pass. I reason 40 analogy based on cause and effect 0 I tee in material things about while yotir reasoning fp baeed tin same premises in a spiritual tense. , are both confined within our istati sphere. Nevertheleile trel the retUf tth len t)f e world here iteteigu lea fi dIVIne #ttribuN got, . 0 djiie attribute re passais Ili it* it IS 114 ete11114 'I'M WV NA ttot an tbiggit 411401