HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-11-17, Page 13Town& Country CL SS GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1982—PAGE 13 FIED RN D phone 5Z4-833° 29. Tenders 29 Tenders CANADIAN (OAST GUARD TRANSPORT CANADA Parry Sound, Ontario TEN • D SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned marked "Tender for Maintenance of Aids to Navigation Goderlch Area" will be received up to: NOON -FRIDAY -DECEMBER 17 '82 for servicing Marine Aids to Navigation located in the Goderlch Area. Tender Forms indicating location and description of buoys to be serviced may be obtained from the District Manager. Canadian Coast Guard Baso Parry Sound, Transport Canada. P.O. Box 310, Parry Sound, Ontario. P2A 2X4 Two (21 completed Tender Forms to be returned to the District Manager, Canadian Coast Guard Base Parry Sound. Transport Canada, P.O. Boa 310, Parry Sound, Ontario in the Tender envelope. SALE BY TENDER Receiver and Manager's Interest In The Assets of Blyth Pro Hardware. Blyth. Ontario. Sealed tenders marked "Tender, Blyth Pro Hardware" will be received by T.J. Mulligan, receiver and manager for Blyth Pro Hardware at D.H. Howden & Company Limited, 635 Southdale Road, London, Ontario until noon on November 24, 1982, for the purchase of certain assets of Blyth Pro Hardware consisting of the following parcels: Parcel 1 - Sporting Goods. Outdoor Parcel 2 - Giftware and Housewares Parcel 3 - Hand and Power Tools and Builders Hardware Parcel 4 - Plumbing and Electrical Parcel 5 - Farm Hardware Parcel 6 - Paint and Accessories Parcel 7 - Bulk Bolts (High torque, grade 5, grade 3 and carriage) Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque or bank draft for an amount equal to 10% of the bid, payable to T.J. Mulligan In Trust. The deposit will be returned if the tender is not accepted. Tenders will be accepted on the .basis thot the pur- chaser has inspected the assets and no warranty or condition is expressed or Implied as to title, descrip- tion, condition, sizes, quantities or any other matter whatsoever. The highest or any tender shall not necessarily be ac- cepted. All applicable soles taxes are to be borne by the pur- chaser. Assets may be viewed and the tenders obtained at Blyth Pro Hardware, Queen Street, Blyth. Ontario, between the hours of noon and 5:00 p.m. on Monday. November 22, 1982. Tenders will be. opened at 5:00 p.m. on November 24. 1982 and successful tenderers will be notified. CANADIAN COAST GUARD TRANSPORT CANADA Parry Sound. Ontario TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned marked "Tender for Maintenance of Aids to Navigation Bayfield Area - Lake Huron" will be received up to: NOON -FRIDAY -DECEMBER 17 '82 for servicing Marine Aids to Navigation located in the Bayfield Area - Lake Huron, Tender Forms Indicating location and description of lights and fog alarm to be serviced may be obtained from the District Manager, Canadian Coast Guard Bose Parry Sound, Transport Canada, P.O. Box 310, Parry Sound, Ontario.,. Two (2) completed Tender Forms to be returned to' the District Manager, Canadian Coast 'Guard Base Parry Sound, Transport Canada, P.O. Box 310. Parry Sound, Ontario In the Tender envelope. Ontario Government Tender Contractors are Invited to submit quotations for the following tender: Ceramic Tile Installation Tender PIN: 82-16 Tender is to supply and install ceramic tile on floors and shower walls of four (4) separate comfort stations at Pinery Provincial Pork, R.R. No. 2, Grand Bend,'Ontarfo. NOM 1TO. Information, tender forms and appointments to view the buildings may be obtained at Pinery Provincial Pork, R.R. No. 2 Grand Band, Ontario, telephone (519) 243-2220 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. until December 8, 1982. Tender quotations will be received at Chatham District Office, Ministry of Natural Resources. 435 Grand Ave. West, Chatham, Ontario. N7M 518 until 1:00 pm, Friday, December 10, 1982. 'Tendert vti111 be piiblicfy opened 'Of '1 30 'pm; 'Frida'y, Decembor'10, 1982. Lowest or any tender notnecessarily accepted. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources: Hon Alan W Pope. Minister 31. Service directory CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERA- TIONS, 24 to 48 hour service for minor and major sewing. Dianne Mollough, phone 524- 2492. --32.6 31 Service directory 55.000.00 TAX FREE GRANT removal of Urea Formoldel i.e Foam. Coll for free estimate, J 8 F Advanced Sales, call 1.679- 0735, ask for Ed Elliott. 43.46 31 Service di rectory V.I.T. UPHOLSTERY R.R. No. 6 Goderlch ✓SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM HIGHWAY TRACTOR INTERIORS ✓ CUSTOM INTERIORS v ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILES ✓ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS ✓ SNOWMOBILES Please Cali 5294805 ROOMING ALL BREEDS EVELYN VAN DERWAL R.R. No. 1 Varna 1 Km. South of Va.-na 482-7246 t 31. Service directory *SEPTIC TANKS *SEWERS *BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL For a complete lob call: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8468 CHIMNEY SWEEPING errnggwood have it done. HAROLD LEDDY 524-7237 PELLOW CUSTOM CARPENTRY *Renovations *Home Repairs *Free estimates LICENSED CARPENTER Phone: Fred Pellow 524-2406 FOR YOUR *Aluminum A Vinyl Siding *Replacement Windows •Insulation Needs —Contact-- GODERICH INSULATION 524-6844 HOUSES BUILT BEFORE 1971 ARE NOW IN- CLUDED IN THE CHIP PROGRAM. A�� CUSTOM � �•RENOVATIONS O� *ADDITIONS FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS 524-6866 LTD- A.P.E. CONSTRUCTION FOR •HOME RENOVATIONS •ALUMINUM SIDING •PAINTING CALL: EARL LAWRENCE 524-8730 MAYTA(i White -Westinghouse EUREKA AnCe.lviira tar toots dio 6 ELECd POHOM%°' We Carry These Fine Quality Brand Name Appliances. Plus We Have A Large Parts. Department For Fast Servicing GIVE US A TRY!! HUTCHINSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 308 Huron Road - Goderlch Bial 524-7831 Major Appliances Include HUMIDIFIERS • DEHUMIDIFIERS • DRYERS FREEZERS *FRIDGES *PARTS & ACCORIES VACUUM CLEANERS • STOVES • WASHERS 31. Service directory HOME INSULATION Walls & Attics ADAMSON INSULATION Government Licensed Contractors Free Estimates 524-7609 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all *WHIRLPOOL *INGLIS *SPEED QUEEN *ADMIRAL *SIMPLICITY *HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St., Goderlch GARDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE & AP- PLIANCES - bought & sold. We deliver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors For o complete lob call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 CHROMATROPE UPHOLSTERY AND VINYL SERVICE 48 EAST ST. Goderich *FREE ESTIMATES* MURRAY F. TAYLOR 482-7928 HANDYMAN SERVICES New Eavestroughs In- stalled, Repaired, Cleaned. Windows, .Caulked, Cleaned, Installed, Roofs, Chimneys, Flashing, Re-Torred & Repaired. Trees Trimmed & Cut. CALL 524-2234 TREE REMOVAL SERVICE Bush Clearing Phone 524-7921 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre. 166 BENNETT ST. E. GODERICH LAWN CARE SODDING ROLLING CUTTING Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 32. Custom work_ CUSTOM COMBINING CORN • 30 -_rows four wMee)_drixe:com•.. ne, buggy and trucks sup- plied. Bev Htl1. 482.3218- 46.47 34. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? • Married or single. free positive confidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- 7197 5270115 or 524.2023 (after 6 p m ) 1-52x 34. Personal 15 ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for on Al -Anon number.-5tfnx LONELY.,? TELEPHONE DATING SERVICE For Further Information Phone between 5-11 pm 524-9281 36. Announcements, notices 36. Announcements, notices ATTENTION FREEZER LOCKER RENTERS Anyone who has not been In to settle their accounts since July 1st, 1982 have until January 1st, 1983. After that time any locker unclaimed will be emptied and con- tents discarded. THE BUTCHER SHOP Phone 524-9672. For- merly Goderlch Frosted Foods at 65 Hamilton Street. A phone call will dol rb COUNTY APPOINTMENTS NON -COUNTY COUNCILLORS Certain appointments are mode each year by the County of Huron to various local boards or committees. For 1983, County ap- pointments are to be made as follows: Huron County Land Division Committee Huron County Public Library Board All present members of the Library Board except one ore eligible for reappointment and all members of the Land Division Com- mittee except one are eligible for reap- pointment. If interested, submit details in writing (including telephone number) and indicate committee or board on which you prefer to serve. Submissions to be received by the under- signed by December 3, 1982. B.G. Haply Clerk -Treasurer 8 Administrator County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian ServiceCbm- mittee of the Goderich Odd - fellow and Rebekah Lodges hove equipment for loan. Con- tact Amos Osbaldeston, 524- 9623 .or Fred Fritzley. 524- 7217.--2eowx TWP. OF WEST WAWANOSH notice to ratepayers the second (,final) instalment of 1982 taxes is due November '30, 1982.--46,47,pr 38. Auction sale SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 11 o.m., wonted consignments of Skidoos, snowmobiles, guns'. trailerssporting goods, tools, Machinery and tractors, lawn and garden equipment, cors. trucksfor our 13th annual Skidoo auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. All consignments must be in by November 20th. For information call: (7051324;2783.-0-46 AUCTION. SALE for the estate of the late Roy H. Ashton to be held on SAT., NOV. 27 at 12 NOON on the premises, 285 Mary St., Goderich, Ontario. In -\ be a chrome kitchen table, 4 high back} chrome chairs nearly new; 1/4 box springs & mattress with headboard; an iron bed; wringer washer; Elec- trohome solid state color T.V. & stand; Admiral range, self cleaning oven (almond); Mostercraft `p lawnmower; Briggs & Stratton engine & other tools. & miscellaneous household articles too numerous to mention. Also offered by reserve bid will be a two bedroom bungalow & a 1975 Chevy Nova sedan to be sold as is. AUCTIONEER WILL BE Brian Rintoul ESTATE AUCTION SALE Bridal Wreath Elite Limoges dishes, Antiques, fur- niture, modern appliances etc. to be held for the Estate of Fred Elliott of Clinton and for Mrs. Grace Crich of Clinton being held at Richard Lobb's Barn, ,Clinton, Ontario. SATURDAY, NOV. 20 at 10:00 A.M. Approx. sixty five pieces of Bridal Wreath Elite Limoges dishes, cups & saucers, gravy boat, covered bowl, lunch plates, tea plates, fruit dishes etc., large dinner plate, two cereal bowls, silver tea pot, croom & sugar; some antique dishes; dining table with seven leaves; Large antique chest of drawers with spooled corners and mustache pulls; Rogers Malestic 23" colour TV good one; Harvest gold Westinghouse frost free fridge, Harvest gold 24" electric stove, small apt. size freezer 1 year old; Frigidaire clothes dryer like new; Westinghouse clothes dryer; Westinghouse wringer washer; blanket box; A.W. wringer washer; Hoover spin dry washer; hu d . r• ball treeh`tir odern three plece bedroom s a wit Fsixtlited box spring and mat- tress; match) g dini table, six chairs and buffet; chesterfield & chair like new; antique mantel clock; chrome table and four chairs like new; two good carpets; rocking horse with wicker seat; high chair: long hall table; combination desk and chest of drawers; dressers with mirrors; large shaving type mirror; hand -made quilt; highboy chest of drawers :..with. cedar. chest. draw.et':_I,ln!en ,;..gelif, tap; feta fancy. hand hooked rugs; four round hand hooked choir covers; cedar jewellery box; large ,china cabinet with glass front and ends; treadle sewing machine; "`vat uurnw- cleaner; Upholstered—eh-OW-1i m®g®line - - table; small it of fable; ala njTl scute; Tv 'trays combination radio & record player; electric hooters; some bedding; child's table & chairs; wooden floor _ eenp; afal. CQ ermpert- fa. ass s6ei.. i b_gre. mattress; two small bookcases; clothes hampers: ga(f cart and clubs; lawn chair; crock; odd wooden chairs; files many other items not mentioned,. Note this sale has less small items so come earlier for furniture. This Ise good clean offering of modern appliances. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb - Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. 38. Auction sale, 38. Auction sale AUCTION SALE to be held at Wingham Auction Centre for MRS. IRIS (MORREY) FIELDING AND BALANCE OF MRS. MARGARET BELL'S FURNISHINGS AND ADDITIONS SATURDAY, NOV. 20, AT 11:00 A.M. CONSISTING OF: Unique period,, carved, solid oak 4 pce, twin bedroom suite; antique wooden pegged pine har- vest table; period dresser and commode; wool winder, minus parts; 4 dining side Chairs - upholstered seats; period waterfall dining suite; 4 drawer chest; maple kitchen table & 4 chairs, 2 Filter Queen vacuums; 3 pm uph. parlour suite; 2 Victorian uph. side chairs; 4 heavy maple office chairs; cedar chest; portable sewing machine; chair vibrator; odd chairs, tables, rockers, table lamps; Serto mattress; single bookcase- bed; 3 pm chesterfield; comb. stereo -AM/FM -record player; G.E. dryer, 24" electric stove and refrigerator; prolec- tor°screen; pictures; Ladles' bicycle; 2 tricycles; 2 B&W T.V. sets (one portable); 8' heavy duty aluminum step ladder; several stainless steel pots, pans & quantity electrical and other kitchen utensils; 4 Limited Edition plates; cruet set; glass candlestick holders; stemware; finger hold c.o. lamp; several Arcoroc (France) glass dishes; several other pieces of Interest; cutlery; etc. PREVIEW: Friday, Nov. 19, 2-3 and 7-1 and Saturday, Nov. 20, prior to sale. MOBILE LUNCH Jack Alexander, Auctioneer TELEPHONE 357-1011 and 357-1442 LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Over 80 Tractors & 150 Pieces of Equipment at Brindley Sales 'ford, Dungannon, Ont. Saturday, November 20th at9:30A.M. For more information call BRINDLEY AUCTION 519-529-7625 or 519-529-7970 I Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. NOV. 20, 10:00 A.M. Antiques, furniture, etc. for Mrs. Grace Crich pies additions at . Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. SAT. NOV. 27, 10:00 A.M. Antique furniture MacDonald Estate, Bruceffeld, Ont., at Richard 'Lobb's Born, Clinton. 46. In memoriam ARMSTRONG In loving memory of o dear father, father-in-law and grand- father. Leslie. who passed 'away November 23, 1977. His memory is a keepsake With which we will never port Though God has him in his "keeping We still have him in our heart4.- --Always loved and sadly miss ed by Bonnie Larry and•f Michael. -46 WARD In loving memory of my dear mother. Joy Ward. who passed away four years ago November 19.1978. You are not forgotten mother dear Nor ever shall you be As long as life and memory lost We shall remember thee. Always remembered by your daughter Tracy and grandson Jody. 46 WARD In loving memory of a , dear mother Joy who passed away November 19 1978 - When family ties are•broker And loved ones hove to part It leaves•a wound that never heols ' And on ever aching heart We can 1 have old days back When we were all together But secret tears and loving_ thoughts Will be with us forever . Sadly missed by daughter Debbie and son• in low Bill ,46 47 Card of thanks HOFFMEYER Doug Joy and Erin would like to thank our friends and farmiteter- .- the c"r5'!rcl's "flower4• and •grfts we received while , in hospital . Many special thanks to Dr ..Weiker-erad--nut-, ng staf.Lfotr_the - .excellent care which we recet:,ed ' 46' LASSALINE 1 :'wouTU-:1TFce10 ?flank Sit my friends .and relatives for the cords and gifts I received wh,!e rn .Stratford Hosprtot.. Year thoughtfulness will always be rernerribered Harvey 46* MADDOX A very special thank you to Or David Walker Dr 8 Thomson Dr J Hollingworth nurses and staff of 2nd' East for the care extended to us during our s'ay ,n hospital Sincerely BOtY and Ryon • 46 47. Card of thanks' THANK YOU to everyone who donated items and supported our toble at the 'Snowflake .Bozaor --Friends of the Library. --46or CONGRAM • I wish to express my, sincere thanks to my family and alt who helped in any way to make my birthday party such a happy oc• casion. also the many cords. gifts and good wishes from relatives and friends God bless .you all. Pearl Congrbm. -46 • CURRAN Sincere thanks to the ratepayers of Ashfield Township for your support of the polls.. - Grant Curran. , 46x DENOMY ' The family of the late Gerry Denomy wish to .express the - sincere appreciation and thanks. to relatives friends and neighbors for their expression,; of sympathy moss card' beautiful.' flora tribute• Memorial 'donations• sympath; cords and many gifts of foo' that were sent to,. the house during the loss of a loving hu' father and'grandfather. A sincere thanks to Rev Father loebach Rev Father R K!ffmon and • D -r J. Holhit.worth A special thanks to McCallurn• Funeral Home and ladies of the C vi L of St Peter s Church. Your thoughttulne• o - L ,.. ' ness at this time v: i!' (3)....o;S he remembered Sincere,v The Denomy Family 46 • FARRISH To the Ashfield ro'epnyers a most sincere thank you for your support at the pont, . Gront Famish' 46* FORBES Wolter o -,d Grace •rn•bss wish c thcn,k 'heir relat.,es friends • and neighbors fo I•^,n ng with' them on the,! 5011• V+edding An r,versor. Many thank' for• the beautify' fI,.rci' o'rongements ;ords q "s and visits Special thanks 'r the ladies of 'he On 'ar S' :t Ic. vb who provided o .Pry df, -,Cu< lunch A very spei. •a •' o' Ys to eu' family whc• or,J„gorf jar; us a r.erer to be t�ron"p • celebra':nn 46x REED Words a .' ,nodequote ro ex mess n . s ,sere thonksard op p,P,..o , ,• 'c so many pecp!1e f'oout,ful •cards of Byrn c•a't,y w' ',eve 'received ,n the occ of a dear husband father dr,dr r0;,1*0 her Spprierhtinks- t.--diSi t6rs"aONI- iO s e Ih'in. tin•--•.. sive core Your thoughtfulness o^d acts ..f kindness will always t*s* rptt<i*•rbered ftm'7rt<ro- Reed and +ern r!y 46x TEBBUTT We would. Irke to srncerely.- thank all relatives and. friends for the lovely cards and q•fts and for coming out to help us ceIebrole Our fiftieth weir 4.ng onnwerSary We would also !,ke 'o''har,k the cadres of the church to, oreoa' ng the lovely lunch and our four n,e(Ps for helping serve o' the tables also our sister for hp, help 'A eery S P('01 N.onkc 'r family for doing so much ' , make our special day a hoot-. o ^e 'o remember Carm.; and Ado iebbutt 46.