Exeter Times, 1912-2-29, Page 1Wise 'OM1'. FA ACl 4 PAcrx.xivg xi' 007) Treble your egg supply.* It is a habit ,that pays.. one extra ego a day will, pay the coot o Bing this tonic. Sm packages 135 .,-, li lbs. Instant Louse ItIliow will kill all lice. COU'$ DRUG STORE 4. 7. n EI4 wt rR YEAR --NQ 100. iii sit •., 'i• roe''' I For C ani T Jex tCpd 1..ivetr txtrlttx No of ae _ emedy rs morez pDl�C3 l.lgalaZtj 3:10. ' renis aovgihs and louing ul bilated condition, Increases the weig.ht Banshee the 1bineil: iXeq Builds up trio Sym EXR 'ER, ONT C UL DA; THVBSD,A,rAMOBNING1 FEBRUARY 291 Locals 'HONE .2 3 � The Spring here Spring is ver near. Are YOU . . �' . Ready It ? "We Are." ing daily from .the Fashion. Centres .shape to s arri W e never were in better aha e to supply your demands. Nothing hasp, p p Nothing been. left out to wake this headquartersp ping public. for the shop. New Spring Coats They are full length and come in beautiful cloths and colors with the large Shawl Collars. Be Sure to Se e Them. Dress Goods Nothing is left out in Cloth or Colors to make the best we have ever.' shown. We wantyou all to seer Stock. our Foulards and Wash O000¢ We have a magnificent dot to show yon in the New Foulard Patterns. Linens, Crashes, Gin hams bras ' C Ginghams, Cham - y , Cotton, Voiles, MusIins and Prints. Dress Trimmings gs Something to match any Dress of any dolor. Silk Fringes, Ball Frio Laces, Braids and Allovers in all shades House Furnishings Here Thisis a Hood time t� su.:..i, ..�..,_....--- .. .,. This is a good time' to think about'them w><II wain .. You will soon be Houseoleanin and. t a lot of g New Goods. We are showing a blggerstook than ever. Rugs Ca rites and Wall Paper Wilton Rugs, Axminister Rugs, Velvet Rugs, Brussqls Rugs, Tapestry Rugs and Wool Rugs in all sizes from. Door mats up to 4x5 yards. Gents Furnishings for Spring Wemustyou tell all the y NeW Things New Spring p g Overcoats c Suits it Si7itin��gs We are showing some New Pat- terns in Brussels, Tapestry and ,Wool. Carpets and hs've 10,000 Rolls of the New Wall Paper for YOU. for Men New Shirts Collars Ties New Hats . Caps " Fancy Sox ALL WINTER GOODS* TO SCO Anything that is left in the Winter line of Coats, a s, Fnrs, Fur -lined Coats, Robes, Etc.: will be cleared out at Bargain Prices. They Must Go. Phone 32 Jones & May, Ex�ter COAL OIL GASOLINE ETER'S BIG HARDWARE Hot Air Heating and Plumbing Let us figure on your Furnace Work and. Plumbing. Esti- mates cheerfully Given Baths, Lavatories and ` Sinks Pipings and p g Fittings always. in Stock. Wash Day Supplies Washing Ma- chines from $7.00 to $i0:00 Machines as. cut $10.00 Galvanized ,-; Tuba 750 to $1.85 Boilers. $1.50to$4.50 Clothes Lines 10c to 450 Pipe Wrenches from 1.0e up , Saws for every Use 25c to $2.00 Hammers from 10c to 135e r ROYAL PIMPLE INTERNATIONAL MOLASSES FOODS :for•Stock or Poultry for Stock or Poultry. Oaldwell's Molasses Food 50c to $1,50 package 25e, 50c and $3.5o $2.25 a bag Glauber Salts Sulphur Salt Petro flEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STOP SCRANTON GOAL ROOFING "The Times" to the enAf 191'2 for 75c The •newsiest paper in the County .ln Memorian (Lines on the Death of John .Eng_ lisp, who departedt this Life onthe lath. of Oct. 1911, aged 16 years and 1 month: Gone, but not forgotten; His voice we loved, is stilled; A place loadsvacant in alar home. That 'never can be filled. The cold and chilly blast of Death Swept o'er .his feeble form; • He was likes' a summer flower, Bowed before a sweeping storm; Each day'goeth and aged are dying. flurried to the Judgement seat; Unprenared or pnforgiven. They .must go •then. their God to meat. And the good that thou has 'taken, And laid low beneath the sod, In this way 'oar Lord is saying, Prepare to meet thy God. Oh. that: we, like him, when ing, l'hatstill conscious 'we m e, Would be on the Lord relying, And am faith; all placed; in thee. For. to boo hie pale: face smiling, And notice the •_hortnis of his breath, • It would press upon each memory, That wo all must taste, of Death. May Gods comfort the bereaved, one -For in grief, later heiti t in sore; It was a dismal day fair. her, When death . came" to their door. He took the eine who, always filled A drooping heart with cheer, So blame her not for weeping, She lured her husband dear. My huseand, how I missed. him, Since his lace: frown Ina (s hid; Isis loving eyes are closed, in death Beneath the coffin lid. Yet. some. day, I hope to 'nest himu M Whet chis spark of Iiee has 'fled, dad, And add Elea.venly joy to greet him Where no Cardwell tears are. >hed. day's --.13•v his toeing 'Wife. Mr The beast rentsly osai Earth for Ca- tarrh and cold !.. the, head. Gunnell Catarrh Cream, 1ixr. D. A. Ross, is slowly improving land is,. able to sit up a little, .' Miss Etta: 19Iay Bowcy, who leas been 01 for the past two weeks is able to be out Miss K. Makints`has returned home f > after attending at ,ti in , the millinery g ail loci o t n - Y � l Ings in London. • Miss Gladys Bissett has been coil - fined to the house this week with an a la grippe, t Ile washed ,ti, job' and Like everyone else, Ile wanted a good one, you know; W here his clothes would not ,Soil and his, hands would keep clean And the salary muen't be J&w. Ile' asked ter a lien, but they gave hire a spade, And hoc; half turned ,;iwity with a shrug. 13i"'seizing tt e,aPtsc hi' 'nd • h altered d 5 relied, and zi. s .d t e. h e a 1? : lIe-dug ie evosked with a will test is bound. track of to succeed, Miss Edna Follick ire,. visiting with Ared the .months and years went relatives in St. Marys,' Miss lr'ollick will take part in the '.Temple of Fame being put on there Thursday and Friday. song. 11tiss +idle Job�ns was. in London. Sotne jeered bine aria sneered at the on Wedwesday to meet Mrs. Chale, task, but he, plagued. Adams, and ten David, or Calgary, Just as 'hard es he ever oonld plug whc will visit. tier •nigt jer, 11irs, n, Their wards never scented to desturb Johns ' town for aoine rim, flim ai bit--• , Concert i-ostpuned.--Owing. to the As he dug, snow' blockade last week the Royal �, English band, Bell ' llih3'ers . did not d h:e day came at 'last when they cal- give their concert in Jarnes str>>�t •ed for the spade Church Saturday evening. ; The en- And gave him a ben in, its piece tertainmont bas been.. irleeltponedh unlit'. 'he lynx t ,aobieveinent was sweet the 12th of March. To his hire. A.nd victory Atone, in' his, face;. Do you know that more real danger 1Ve can'ttalways get ,what we hope lurks in a conimoni cold than any other of the minor aihnen,tsf The safe way is ,to take Chamharlainls Coag$ Remedy. a thoroughly reliable preparation. and .rid `ylitrself of the cold as qu%ckly 'as possible. This remedy is for Sate. by all dealers. Businesis,. Changed hands to, take effect March 1st, 1912 'Having; bought out the butchering busin�e,'S:s aind•good-wilt. of • Mr, •- ;t Wood, we The, way it w,as rctigh and 'the labor was hard ,Bat his heart he kept filling with iv and 1 like ton d bus' l,ne frith it hall the aid L t us o en. m and 9 Q3 many new ones an would wish to give ast'a call. Our aim wile be to• ,give sa�tisfactiatj. and baring bad somas Fifteen years, experience •in the business I have some idea :of the wants of the people As I cannot yeas you all pex'sonatly' 1 take this way of ,soliciting your I patronage -Wm Rivers Yoan Iiad' - ie> E b" nt . � rt•i`n -. z ed 4 very pleasant evening was spent in James' when the Young Men's Orran zed Bible Class provided h , s Clays. Supper was served Erato, Half pa"t"io eight o'clock. The oysters were s ,r d .bt E+ Mr. hilts tJ tori eft for the West last week, Ois Wednesday of last week, a blizzard passed. over ;this distrilet dog- ing considerable `daznaee, wrecking Dir. G. •13rook's wind rill,• Alias Jeannie Perkin on 'vitiated friends iii Centralia last week. edther. oitor West on.ins Monday, s,Ing a couple of months with freindebere Mr. D. Hicks s a spent Sunday nFills yi tartan. •r Our village ase aarb,;r is kept gess' these clans. One day last week ,after coming tram town; he trimmed one gent out side. add Blimville J�'ami.ly. Gathering -On Friday nftee noon of last weak the tome of Mr. iichard Johns sr. wets the moan of a pleasant gathering when bins none grandsons, and daughters and famil- ies gathered at his home to celebrate with him his 881h Birthday. Fdy. Mr and Mrs. Steadman and family ere also present and some 35 sat down to a splendid birthday supper. Tea, ingover the evening eni n wasspent" in vol•: ions games and heedless to ay all en- joyed themselves, Despite the four score years Sad eight i fr. Johns is still quite active and joins in the games like one many years younger .He has lived on the.7th con. of Us - borne for nearly 62 years and during that time has seen many changes. for at first- Be takes great delight in reading the Success. cats many . (lacer jigs; Times. May he yet. be spared to see But n thing .is ieare-a man will. many more such gatherings. [f be digs Selected, On Saturday afterncon and evening the Farmers' Institute meeting was held. The speaker Mr. G. Barber of Print Day" Feb. 291h at Mrs. W. Orosshill gave a very interesting ad - D. Yeo's; 11. 221-2 and 15 cent dress on Draft horses and also on the Prints new printu included All go subject "How to grow good crops in for 1Qo a yd. a dry season's during the afternoon ,. MI CH1•, L T L Proclamation hills have been posted.np in our town by the ''Board of health ordering all dogs to be chained up. or mnziled for.one month Dogs Mend running' at large' will be put eat of business. Between 40 and 50 couples at- tended the On? Yive Club dance in the O df lain s Halt all on Tuesday even ing. A very pleasant time was spent street Church on Friday eveniii + Good music was furnished° 'by the 9 _ ze4 Blackstone Orchestra of Goderich. a;t oyster sup: Air. G, tlauglas of iE.agean, .hash beers Per four, Ole Totingad' eleoted; Pre ders't- of the . nominio,n Swine Breeders' A o;ck tiara. to • At the last meeting or- the Council • eve •' by r.. A, `Fiyllick and ReLv..e • Bill and councillor • Avery were were fo•tlowed by cake',. fruit sod appatnted delegates to attend the cap cream. After supper tile. Young good roads conventions to be held in. Ladies Class provided the Torointo'on "February 27th. which consisted of vocal and in trim Mr. and Mrs. Mutt nee Mists /Tar- mental solos and •duetts, readings. ioa .xvbo 'left on" their honeymoon and addresses and wa,s qf, high order. trip to• England •early in December The entertainment was the result of have returned, ita town and- are visit contest in attendance &ring 1911 and' ng her parer s Mr.: ands. Mrs. Wil- lyes irrou b3' the yoiie ladies; the .Tiara Burton, before `keaeing.for their gentlemen. to pat i n�'the suppers i uture. ho;ma Jai . Vancouver B.. C. - which they. did' .an. a manner that' _deserves much credit► and con ratu- lations. To 1Ir. Jones. the President and teacher, who is quite at horse among the young men, is due much of the credit for the success e of the evening. The young ladies were not to be out -done by the young men and provided a program equal to the occasion. their teacher, arise M. Tom, occupying the chair. The ,evening Here .de a. neeisage of hope` and good cheer from Mrs. " C 's. Martin, Boone Mill Va.. who is the another of eighteen ohildren Mrs. Martin .:was cured of stomach trouble end cone stipation by Chamberlain's Tablets af- ter five years of suffering, and now recommends -these tablets to the pub - lig Sold by all .de,alers. was. greatly enjoyed by the large l' Remember •.the: date Feb. 2912, one number present. ( day only `'Print sale at errs. W. D. Yeo's. Crediton The young people are enjoying good skating on the rink these nights. Miss .Ella Link left for Toronto , on Monday where she will attend the millinery openings. Miss . Link will take charge of the Millinery depart- ment for Mr. P Preeter of Zurich. Mr. M. Brown returned to his home in Pigeon Mich, after spending a couple of weeks visiting with his brot- her Mr. Samuel Brown. Quarterly meeting services were held in the Evangelical church last Sunday, Rev. Litt the presiding Elder was in attendance. We are sorry to report that Miss Merle Clarke is still in a serious cond- ition. We hope for a speedy recov- ery. Wedding Bells are expected to be heard in the near future. The Messrs Sam and Noah Hoist have returned to their homes in Mich- igan after attending the funeral of their father. Miss Florence Dinney returned *to, Exeter after soending afew days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Disney We are glad to report that Mrs Eli King is doing nicely after a severe at- tack of rheumatism. Miss Clarke of Dashwood ds spend- ing a few weeks with friends in town. Mr and Mrs. 3. Heist returned : to their home in Kilmanagh after spend- ing a conple of weeks with friends around here. Last Friday night the Hockey boys were making good utie of the rink, the Methodist church played against the Evangelical. Both sides did good work but the Evangelical cbitrch yens out with a good score. Keep the good work it. going boys. Mr J`. Hoffmann of Dash ood was a pleasant miler he town en Tuesd iy, Mrs. G. Baker of London &yenta few days in town lest week visit:•tng with her sister Mies Elia, .Beaver, Mr. and Mrs, F. Gratton of Grand Bence are spending a • couple of days with the lattrr's patients Mr. Oh tries Wolfe.. Mr Carey of Goderich spent 'Nea- p town. • DA'ali:WOOD Mies Lizzie. Wein bas returned Ito, her home• in Credito,_ Miss 'Ruth Grenzebach "ways can- fined to the house a few days thro:ua illness. Mr. Case of Exeter spetn�t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs .Frank Case, Miss 'Lily and, Theo `Tiartleib spent Sunday with their parents. Mr.Wm. Schroeder has sold - hie two-year-old. pacer to 1Ir. Jonas Bar- tleib fo'rthe• sum of $200.00 We un-! doles along the east end were crush - understand that the co;It has paced 't r before the wind and the resultant Mile in 2.45 and giros' prtimiee of mak 1 pressure of the gale lifted the roof rood a much lower mark this pumper from its bearings, hurling l:arg•e por- Dr ALcLaughlinaa was an pat' of tions upwards of 100 feet into neight- town visitor 1a,,,t week. • boring yards. Nearly 100 men and Mr. Saddler of 'Irirktoli was in g•ris are. employed in the plant. and tctwra Thursday last that . a serious fatality was not r -- The special mea`tin•as which are ba- corded is considered nothing short of in,; conducted 'in the Evangelical m'raculo,,is. As it was manly narrow church are meeting with a great. d�atl escapes o workman. Thomas re- verts.Pritchardct while one tof aaccesb. There being many con cc ved severe abdominal injuries and I'lr. illerb' Miller; who has, Neat` was rendered unconseio,as :or a time visiting friends and relativ2+t5 in. down Th n: r arr. C. 1•. Brandt re.- (tit cin Ivlenday 'for .London. wbrr,. c'' v ' ""•=t iniuriesabnot the trhoat he, will visit' for a.'€env days before The dam•tg"' to the building and a leaving for the west. • large stock of children's vehicles will Mr, Andrew Musser visited for a agyref:"t • in the neighborhood of few days Last week with, air. Dan, :,25.000. on which it is understood, Sohreeder near Exeter. • no ;u'•3nce is recoverable. The The affioe of Postmaster here has been changed. Mr. Henry Wiltert sec seeding Mr. Jacob Kellerman. The retiring' official who held t he office during the past ten years, has givt+n satisfaction but being i party man and in fa belonging to the inner circle of the Liberals of South Huron he vas not at all surprised to be in- formed of the change beim; mech., In 1908 he was a na.ndidaI.e for ch,, Legislature. opposing Henry Eilber. 11I. p. P. TJ AM'li1S :BOND The anniversary services in ogn.4 las Sabbath re ction with the Presbyterian atended, th'e church being full both uorninzg, and; evening. A. little disaj pointment wee felt by some ' by ,not bein able tq' hear Prof. Kilpatrick, who by i, accident was not able to come, hat the pastor Rev, Colin l Fletcher) full made Y a e t t the lase by s d�, iv e n• l rx two e� very inspiring i a p �er mo " 3 nn Yli if meditatedx. lith,! upon .bq those -who!, heard him, should have afar..reach�,. ing offset. The speciai *lensing of hers. Wyatt, off'• London was highi,t appreciated by all. She was accent.? Pealed by Miss. Nina kinsman, op Exeter. err. John Allison has been; 00 444 inr ed to his bed with an attack of It grippe, Mr. Hal Brown is under the weatire er with a very sore throat, CLANDBBOYE Mr. James Atkinson, the beetior man 'was struck , by G. T. R4 Q'rain; No. 3;l going north ,Friday afterneene When D. Stevensc,n who wee sent oat froux '1,(ondon by the G. T. 134 arrived lie decided to take the inaurd man to the hospital but the tiraiit; was delayed by being. snow bound axriv I. Decear. Atkinson sed3 won 58 beforeeartsold having lived in this village for 1' years. He'i.3 survived by hist' wife and five children all of this place Death was due to conouletsion nb the brain the man having ,ben . hurled into the ditoh` with great force where struck by the train. SEX6 TH Mrs`. John Carrick and little Baugh - hit w sin the evening r hespoke on r. e g'> P terit Ta•or i � of � i PPa ha s o are s eng t agricultural r alt g c ural. needs in n : friends b in h,'• ' ale. vicinity i oily at a present which was very interesting and pro- We are glad to note that the little bitable, daughter ' of Mr. and Mrs. .Jame% Some young people of our burg at- Bagshaw, wild are visiting the, lat. tended the anniversary services of the ter" parents here, is recovering front,' Thames road church on Sunday last. a'severz attack of whooping cough. M. John Profits sale on Thursday Mrs. J. Geddes, returned to her, afternoon was well attended and in home near London cast week, aftek, spite of the stormy day everything visiting with her sone here. • sold for a good sum. The telephone glen have finished. their work these , ina parts for r The tv' p the Unn! r= , r.e r4s�s tel i r • J?eFt' . t u present. -tents s p that during the' coining summer in Oanada's western provinces, there t -----.s. are teff be built 3,000 miles of rail- way at an appropriate tcos1 of $60e - District News 000,000. The work will require about A sekia.usa afire broke out lajsb Wed-. 60.000 men, and it is feared that nesday about noon at the Ontarial there will bac. no little difficulty in Agricultural college at Guelph, and, securing enough men to carry out the fire was kept from spreading by %thits great railway program. It is the great work of the volenteer estimated that at ]worst thirty-five brigade: of students. As it was about thousand will. have to be brought 81.000 daYnage. was done to the, znu; for this purpose from Great; Britain, seam. Europe. It seems unlikely that :the pewee the Presideeee address, of programme can be, carried tout in its the Gocferich I3oard or' rade +.v take entirety because. of thus lack of work- item vhieh' Is i trade, e - men: but the" fact that' the plan has i. of liiterest to toys be:nix; la id o'Xt, and .Ebro ui,paey provid- tenma t Jackson •Factory employs, Ods, �..r suet"'a "gi 'Stn e• program . of hasthan mai -and 'fifty Mals, O he outpaoo . - raiiway construction may give ,stran- 160,000 69 i0 area d from.0„0o f pair' a1 gers some pint of the immen,senesa used is pair and. ahs class Th svagali .if our territory and the extraordin list mare t valuable. The sva ary rapid character of the growth of tthe is •re 7cic n, If hydro possible c Domed whais well. termed, the Great rico. are cc►rtsicicring extol - what West"The proposal to spelnd, 160, 000,000 in one year within, the Iimits After a lingering ili:nese Walter AL of 4 provinces whose combined pop- Deck, Registrar -of Bruce . Comity, elation does not exceed 124000,000 smile passed away at hip home in Walker -- ton is .signifiieentt oaf,smote' hfpnday morning. He is sur- vived by his o widow •pod, one dangle GODERICH3 ter. The fun,�ral took place on An easterly gale with the velocity Wednesday and the remains were The 1012 edition of thet popenr end indispensable booklet. "500n Pacts aboet Canada." eomplied Freed: Veleta. the Widely knee tor anti lecturer, and weber ., Tbroagh the Heart of Canaan." now out and is renter,' with: 1)1 t 4. SPECIALS FOR MARCH ; 41. TRTY DOZEN pieces of pretty Chinaware will be given away tlo ,iiir Drug Preparations. Perfumes, and Flavorings. Ib 14' , eery Evotiornical lady to visit this department of our store es tl 1) of MARCH. We guatanthe every preparation we sell and + 1). hina, as en advertisement for thie month. Bring al - 4. t lids and neighbors and share in the bargains, Don't put eorne. Best choice. There will he Cups andSancers, Spoon t st a eds. Creamer s Plates and Salads. ••1 k of Ponographs and Records were never larger. The 41. ineg as they last, borth table as rear SAPLIFLOAY, 1 fill borth window full of large Granibwaro at a price to 4* f. lines belosv cost as were discontinuing them. Early be ehoice. Dou'e forget Mir CANDY DEP'T our stock le e London after spendino rew figures. In compaet form visit ing his st,ns. MOAN' Th FINICEEINFR -In Stephen on Thurs.. hnvir day Feby. 22nd, to Mr. end Mrs,, wint Michael Finkbelper, a daughter. their yettx's ani three months. a wealth of. facts and figur ' Lewis Carey Is lead tie with an the Don:union that vtill prm ‘, elut*e. Canadian, ape the e ;0. see, FOR FLEICIfFR b PubY,PlAirtt; Co CO; ;-,t4, Pltiotitie 4444+