HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-11-10, Page 9St. George's annual Hollyberry luncheon and baaaar was
well attended on Saturday. Here, some customers Zook over
the homemade preserves for sale. Crafts, baking and a
Kiddie Korner were also featured. (Photo by Joanne
Warden feted at banquet
By Stephanie
Tributes rang loud and long as Huron County
Warden Harold Robinson was feted at the annual
warden's banquet at North Street United Church in
Goderich on November 4.
As his year as warden draws to a close and he
• retires from public office Mr. Robinson, reeve of
Howick Towm•:iip, and his wife, Margaret, were the
recipients of a mirrored corner cabinet.
Huron -Bruce MP Murray Cardiff, also speaking for
Huron -Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell and Huron -
Bruce MPP Murray Elston, commented that public
service is a demanding and never ending task.
• He noted public officials are often targets for the
public's frustrations instead of being the public's
hope. Mr. Cardiff also pointed out, as did others, that
Warden Robinson received a silver tray for placing
first in the warden's plowing category at the Interna-
tional. Plowing Match this year.
Middlesex Warden John Whitmore of Ailsa Craig,
the host county for the IPM, presented Mr. Robinson
with a trophy for placing first in plowing.
Representing the past wardens of Huron County,
Elmer Hayter congratulated Mr. Robinson on his
year as warden. Also Bruce County Warden Clifford
Pegelo, representing neighboring co.wity wardens,
paid tribute to Mr. Robinson.
In Mr. Robinson's comments, he praised his 'wife
by stating, '`She's been a pillar of strength."
The warden thanked Huron County employees for
their assistance to him throughout his year.
Mr. Robinson said .that through the year county
council has made decisions it will have to live by such
as the model liquid manure storage bylaw and the go-
ahead for studies on the county museum.
The highlight of the evening was the singing of the
Howick Township Municipal quartet. Besides Mr.
Harold Robinson
Robinson, Coun. Stuart L►ougia,, clerk -treasurer
Wesley Ball and road employee Ken Deadman gave a
rendition of life at the municipal level.
Master of ceremonies for the: evening was past
Warden Fred Haberer, reeve of Zurich.
Woman visits great-grandchildren
.Mr. and' Mrs. Jim Mac-
Kenzie had Ruth's grand-
mother. Mrs. Mae Rock of
Seaforth spend the Hallow-
e'en weekend with them. She
had the joy of also spending
time with her great grand-
children. Mary Ellen. Greg -
gory and Keith.
Visiting on the weekend.
with Charles and Mavmc
Wilkins and. family were
Mayme's sister-in-law. Lor-
ene Irwin and her mother.
Mrs. Maggofin of Oshawa
and cousins. Laura and Mab-
el Campbell of Toronto. On
Wednesday. Charles and
Mayme went to Paris. Ont-
ario to visit with their two
daughters, Barbara Shep-
Kae Webster, 395-5257
perd and Janet Wilkins. •
Eugene Blue and Kathy
Rohson of Detroit were up on
the weekend with Finlay and
Margie MacDonald. Margie
returned with them for a
couple of weeks to visit with
her famih .
Dr, , Russell and Lesley
Moncricf moved from Loch-
alsh the first of the week to
their new home ity Aylmer
where Russell will continue
with his veterinary work.
Good luck in your new home.
On Saturday Rhetta Mac-
Lennan and her daughter.
Florence MacLennan of Kin-
cardine %vent to Palmerston
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Millar and boys.
Mrs. Wynn Gammie. of
Lucknow visited with Wel-'
lington and Kae Webster for
a while on Sunday.
Dorothy Finlayson had her
son. daughter-in-law and
their family. Mr: and .Mrs.
Rod Finlayson of Sarnia with
her on the weekend.
Visiting recently with Dor-
othy MacLennan were her
son. Finlay MacLennan of
Kitchener. her daughter and
son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs,,
Ted Heffcrnian of London
and her sister. Katie Suther-
land. also of London. Dor-
othy MacKenzie called on
her one day last week.
Quilt chosen to represent county
Stephanie Levesque
A quilt made by a Seaforth Guest speaker for the
woman will represent Huron evening, Lavonne Ballagh of
and Perth Counties in the Wingharn, • portrayed a
Canada Packer's competi- humorous character, Jake
tion in, Toronto later this Flett. Then on the serious
month. side, she told how to live life
Mary Fotheringham's at five levels.
-quilt was chosen to represent They are t -t - live with
the two counties from
numerous quilts on show
from local lairs at the annua]
meeting of he Huron-Pertlt share by constant associa a€ter Bill 441 -€f C Me. 198a-241.4114 (gleet
Agricultural Societies in tion with othet-s and finally, ton with Elvie Brodhagen of wilt be held in Listowel and
Howick Township on Nov. 2. to cultivate life of the mind Milverton as the associate hosted by the Listowel
Second place giii]t was and spirit. dffector--14on-A: Dung-of41R-1---Agrictilt-t al-Seciety.
-rnade-by Alm -Wilfred Aunt -_ _ ___ - _____ -
of Mitchell and third place
was by Evelyn Dickson of- Look for newphone book soon
Howi+ck,Towxiship_ -- -- -
displayed throughout isle Directors • and • other ex -
province. ecutive members were
chosen for both the
agricultural societies and
the women's division.
Auburn is the
The Ken Heaney memorial
plaque was presented to the
Exeter Agriculture Society.
The plaque is presented to
The women's director is ..the society with the largest
Hazel McIntosh of Milverton number of delegates
with AliedaMurray of multiplied by the number of
Howick Township as the miles_ I Exeter had 21
nature, tO live by doing a alternate. The secretary is delegates at the annual
stint of bread labor, to carry Emma Coxen of Milverton. meeting in Howick Township
professional activities, to The -'---agriculture- :soeicty for-tokii-point l 644.
secretary -
Last year's winner, Grace
Drummond of Mitchell, was
presented with a dried
flower arrangement as her
quilt went on to place first in
the Canada Packer's com-
The Caliada Packer's com-
petition is for the best quilts
from agriculture societies
across the province. Each
year the chosen best is added
• to a collection of 12 and is
Delivery of the 1982-83 edi-
tion of the telephone direc-
tory for London - St. Thomas
and sun rounding area begins
November 16, 1982.
Peter Croome, local Bell
Canada manager, said
239,000 directories will be .
delivered, about 9,000 more
than a year ago. Delivery is
scheduled to be completed
by December 1.
The cover, front and back,
features windows, through
which can be seen people in
their homes - all using the
The HELP! page has been
moved to the inside cover,
making it easy to find police,
fire, ambulance and other
emergency numbers.
On the inside back cover is
a reproduction of an oil pain-
ting of Bass Lake, north of
Brockville. by a Cornwall ar-
Local couple
celebrate 40th
Approximately 60 guests
sat down to a smorgasbord
dinner at MacKay Centre,
Goderich in honor of Gladys
I Weir) and Allister Green's
40th wedding anniversary.
Lloyd Weir and Jessie
Harris were their attendants
for the Greens' wedding on
October 27, 1942.
The bridal couple of 40
years ago have two
daughters, Mrs. Charlie
ILynda) Bruinsma,
Goderich, ' and Mrs.'.Ted
(Janis) Crawford of Strat-
ford and six grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. Green mov-
ed to Goderich from
Wingham 23 years ago.
The ruby red theme was
carried out in flowers,
candles, bells, serviettes and
a three -tiered wedding cake.
Mrs. Green's corsage and
Mr. Green's boutonniere
were of silk gardenias: •
Allister Green replied to a
toast proposed to the
to Rotary.
tist who became a polio vic-
tim at age three.
The introductory section
has a new customer services
format and a new page for
those with special needs.
Listings in the white pages
are in a new format: five col-
urnns insteadof four. The
typeface is Bell Centennial.
Letters and numbers are
closer together than with the
former typeface ..
The . Reverend ' Robert
Crocker of Li. George's
Anglican Chin ch addressed
the Goderich Rotary Club on
a Remembrance Day theme
when the club met Tuesday
at noon in the Bedford Hotel.
He stressed the importance
if reminiscing and said that
in spite of the blunders of
mar; we must be proud of the
victory as well. He also
'stressed the importance of
avoiding another conflict.
Grant Langridge ably
thanked the speaker who had
been introduced by Mike
The Rotary Club is
preparing for ladies' night on
December 7.
Members participated in
election programs and did
excellent work.
In last week's paper there
was an error in reporting
about the attempted robbery
of the Ultramar Gas Bar on
Huron Road: It was not one
of the would-be thieves who
was hurt but rather the gas
The attendant was
working outside pumping
gas and when he went inside
the building again, he was
attacked by a man who tried
to hit him on the head with a
mop. When the attendant put
up his hand to stop the blow
to the head, he was cut -and
this cut later required
stitches at the local' hospital.
As the attendant ran to the
door, he was hit repeatedly.
When he got outside, he saw
a man in a phone booth and
started toward hint for help.
However. he soon realized
that this man was an ac-
complice to the man who was
chasing him and he then ran
across the street to phone
police from a house there.
Before police could arrive,
the two men, one of them
wearing a ski. mask, drove
away in a,white Monte Carlo.
Nothing was stolen from
the gas bar and police are
continuing their in-
Two men
DUBLIN - Two young Dublin
residents were killed in-
stantly when the van they
were in collided with a
tractor -trailer and burst into
flames on October 30, just
norUrof-Parry Sound.
• Dead are Douglas Small.
26, and Bob Eckert, 24, both
of -Dublin.
OPP in Parry Sound said
the Dublin pair were
travelling north on Highway
69 when the i r,vehicle crossed
the centre line, colliding
head-on with the southbound
tractor -trailer. No charges
were laid.
Both men are suvived by
their wives and children. Mr.
Small worked in the Clinton
area, as a forester with
Ontario Hydro.
honored couple by the
master of ceremonies, Lloyd
A reception followed with
Paul Dockstader as master
of ceremonies.
During the evening of dan-
cing Kim and Vicki
Bruinsma did highland danc-
ing. Paul Dockstader sang
two solos.
Lois Wise cued for the
Huron Happy Hearts Round
Dancers and the Wheel 'n'
Dealers did sortie square
A mock wedding was
much enjoyed.
A buffet luncheon was
served by the family.
Guests were present from
Burlington, Mount Forest,
London, Toronto,
Bracebridge, Clinton,
Seaforth, Londesboro, Strat-
ford, Belgrave, Gorrie,
Blyth, Wingham, Lucknow,
Wroxeter, Auburn and
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