HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-2-22, Page 81.1 iR'NI'g11►r1r#••1F•404+4+►. +ka1'lf+ q i44+A0++++*i� +••••***** •••••••••••910++4•++6+++++++++.................. • WAd2T'S PRONE le • • tt 1 O ii t • •t • t0 •• tt •• tt •� • • O • t0 Oo ®O • • Ot t0 4 • 0 •+� • O • • • • v •• • •• O •• •1! ±t is to •; •: • 0• •• •• •t •• 0• p02 g• ,,y •O •4 •e •O •3 t • • *4 •0 •0 t: 41• b.• �. g • •• 9• •* t4 4 • _ 4 **************************•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••0•••••0•••00•••• ••00••00••••0.000000OOOO.. We represent all the lat- est ideas in Corsets as well as dry goods, and whether our customers want the ordinary straight -filled or the special Bias Filled, we are at their service. One advantage of ,Bias Corsets is that they never stretch or Iose their shape That s because the seams are sewed in such a way that there is no "give" to them. Th addition to be health and comfort Corsets, they are up to the last minute as regards style, with spe- cial models for slender medium and stout figures, also a pleasure to show them. Our corset trade is growing because of the satisfaction we are giving. Dress Goods We can show you every- thing that is up-to-date in the New Spring and Summer Dress Materials. Come to this department for the utmost in Style Quality and Value. Jacquard Silks Which make such pretty dresses for evening wear and which you can wear later in hot weather at /15 40 cents per yard Cotton Voiles These are very popular this year. ' They come in White, Cream, Blue, Pink and Green and are special value r)R C at per yard L Bordered Silks In .Dress Lengths, These goods are very new and are sure to please you. Ask to see them per $ C • q. $6 dress length $5 it Pallette Silks In many colors. It is 36 in- ches wide and guaaanteed to wear well and not to cut $ at per yard .P Silk Blouses These are very dainty. We have four dileerent styles. All have the New In Set Sleeve. Priced at $4.25 and $5.O0 J. A. STEWART OOUL,DS GROGEftY 47. PHONE 47. PHONE Opposite Electric Light t Light Plan Il Seep Happy in the Home 1 by getting YOUR HOUSE UOLD NECESSITIES Here. We handle only he BEST and we have everything need youat all Seasons, Tiff TEA AND WE STORE 1. WANTED- JB pice Butte h Eggs. WANTED- Uhoiee Butte re sh Eggs. semidi The Place Where Co.ori Clothes Come From Big snap Read y.m•wear O1ilCORTS� from $1Oto 15 - f I k" NI Tailor +• ri+i+3++1+'1++1'+;++1++>;++i++l++§++l++F++l'+1+++r+•s+++II++; +:++1•+'c++3+ Enter -Any -Time + One of Eastern Ontario's High 'l• Class and popular Business .fig. +i. Schools which keeps open + ++ throughout the year. Young ,§ ,g, people may enter any time and + + complete their course without 'l+ + interruption of midsummer hot- '§• idays. You may study all at + lli .;+ home or partly at home and fin- e+ + ish at the college, Thirty Years' ,g; Experience. Largest Trainers + in Canada. Affiliated with the +i• +§ Commercial Educator's Associa- ' ,g. tion of Canada. Write for par- +s:+ + ticulars. . Clinton Business College °< LEO. SPOTTON B. l . WARD ► sident Principal- .g. +++++. The best remedy on Earth for Ca- tarrh and cold in the head. Gunnell, Catarrh Cream. The Varna Orange Lodge which in- cludes Bracefield members, has de- cided to purchase a new flag and an Order has_ been sent to a large and reliable be{use in Belfast, freiand, The fi^er is to be made .of twisted silk, tv.th blue centre and orange• trimmings, with the emblem of Eine William crossing the Boyne on front and titer retreat of King James on the back. It will cost ;about $100 There is a sewing time and a 'time to reap. The wise an said. `Bring a child up in the way he should go. akid wheat he is old the will not depart from it." So' it is with the boys of to -da rh y a are allowed to run the streets till nine and ten o'clock at night. This does not .mean our town alone, as most all towns are similarly afflicted -for an affliction it surely preyves to be to many families in the after life of the boys. Par-ntst see about your boys and the company they keep. P It will be worth . more r e thanold ' !; to• thein in the years to co'me`. + f i Liar. S. S. Hearns, of, Toronto, arrived in town Monday, and has. taken u his P h' daises se ieCO Ltntant a the Bank of Comtneree. Mr. C. L. Whitby whn has occupied that pos- ition has received notice that he Will be transferrer) to the ,Peterborough branch bait as the manager Mr. W L Collins leaves the latter part, of this month to inspect 'the Bedford Branch of the Eastern Tpe, bank of Quebec recently taken over by the bank of. Commerce,, it is not likely 1'fz'. Whitby will be removed until hie re - tarn, CARL) OF THANES Mrs, rh ac ' r t o+ ate fa l Y dee . site t* thank the trian Criarids, f y for their ltiridriess'and sympathy during the Illness ante death of eXr; .error„ •tttx Market Report°, - .'he .tollowaa►g the itepeet of Exeter markets core rented up to xeobruars '2nd Wheat Standard 95 cents. Buokwheat 70 cents Oats 42 "to 40 Barley 90 to 05 vent Peas 1.00 to 1,15 Shorts $27.00 Bran $25.00 • Axodel +lour ;3.70 Feed ''lour 1.50 Butter 30 cents Egg° 95o • Potatoes $L25 •Chioked 8-10 Pea 12=143 ;Turkey 14-17 Gee 11 12 'owl 5-7 Hogs live weight 630 Choice export .s' eexk 6.50 to 0.75 A edible export steers 0.00 to A.40' Choice butchers heifers 6,25 to 6,50 Medium butchers, heifers/ 6,00-6,10 Chclice butchers cows, 5.00 to 5.25 Medium batehcrs cows, 4.00 to 1.50 Common cows 3.50 to 43.75' • Choice lambs 7.00 to 7.25 Choice sheep 4.00 to 4.50 A•@ •..Q.O @ObOi•..••• •••••••••• •• LOCALS • • Qac.o•vaa¢+ 0000•'.•+ Renew your subscription now. 1liss G1ay3 Bissett was in Lon- don Saturday. Mr. Jas. Spark:/- visited, his home in Heasall Sunday. The Misses' L.uetton entertained on Tuesday evening. Miss Lottie Welisb, of (Lolndon wa,o hcpue over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Boyle visited in Centralia on Sunday. Mr. E. Penick is, we are pleased, to say, on the mend. DIr. Charles Forrester of Parkhill spent Sunday: in town. Mrs. Jacob Edwards of Clandeboye was in ,town Tuesday. Miss Braun eP Sarnia, is visiting; with 2lliss Tillie White. etrs. F. Wickwire, left Tuesday to visit friends in St. Marys. Mr. Brophy of Toronto was in town. ;Tuesday •on 'business; Mr. Ed. Beaver, of Dashwood way in town Monday on busiess,a: Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Culbert or Lucan visited friends hare. Sunday last. Miss Olive Gould visited at' Mr. Albert Brown's Crediton this week. Ata. Fred .Rector and family are moving to Belleville in the sprigs;. The council has engaged the rooms over the Post Office for a band room Mrs. E. Nichols, of Bay; City Mich is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Luxton. Miss Mabel Walters re':urned last week from visiting friends ire Clin- ton. Feb. 29th "Extra Day". Special Yeo'sSale ,"Print Day" at Mrs. W. 'D. Several from Seafortb and Hensel' attended the carnival here Monday' night. Messrs. Doyle Bros. shipped s. car load, of horses to the west last week. Messrs. John Stacey end Fred Means of Hensall,; 1i,ere• in town on Monday. Mr. J. P. Ross, of Calgary vie ited. his brother D. A.. Ross, hers this week. err. and Mrs. Allan McDo'uxal of Lucan. Sandayed witty. Yr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton. Mrs. Co ins. C --ss• gg o f roe, ell Iylich., visited with. Mr. and Mrs. F. Luxton; here last weal:. Mr. J.no. Talbot, Revenue Inspec- tor of London, was in `town Monday on an Inspection trip. The great American Catarrh Rem- edy. Gunnells' Catarrh Cream, get. it. at iiowey's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Rd.'tHtll, of -Crediton East attended the funeral of the late Mr. Bernick on Monday. Mr, Jno. Knight is getting the ma- terial on the ground for his fine new residence en Victoria Street. Mr. Wm. Pym of Usborna, lout a valuable grey mare on Tues'iaynight The .mare was value1 at $300.00 `.' Print Day" Feb, 29't h at Mrs. W. D. Yeo's, II. 12 1-2 and 15 cent Prints new prints included. All go for 10o a yd, Y Miss Maggie ague Luxtonretarned home after a three weeks' Svisit with friends in Croleswell Mich., port Huron and Sarnia. Dlessrts. W. J. Murray, T. F. Boyle and T. Carling spent Tuesday 'niebt in Liman en OddfeIlow's work. DIr, Fred,: Gunning and Miss Edna Gunning, of Whalen, ,accompanied by Miss 'Leath of Herniate. Man., vier_ ed Miss Olive Flern the forepart of the week. Mr. George' 'Russell of North Bad: tlefore who has been visiting friends in town aurin'„ the past week left Tues:lay for Stratford where he will remain for a few weeks before, re- turning 'to his home. r 1)r. Brs ht 61 has rented toG'dl� � .., Hy y house on William St. and will trove in shortly. Mr. C. $Soper Etas' pur- chased Dr. Bright's house on Andrew street and expects to move into it about the 2nd of March. Mrs. Richard Tapp returned to Virden Man., on Monday after spend- ing g last three menthe with her Mrs. I • rs C Harrison •, a igen• of town. Mrs. A. Francis of B`irkton- accom- panied her as far .tug London, :Mr. Saxon Fitton is 'starting .• n al- teratio ,sn e the Storz occupied by Mr, Tamara as tailor; He isputting in a new front an d fitting it up to make it a first etas; entre. Mr. Taman is putting rite" i n fat P g a cele of Gent's Furnishings nishings in addition to his tailoring. Curlers Trophy -Daring the 'past week there has been on exhibition in Mr. EL Spackman',° window a hand- some trophy made, by Mr, G'sb. Anr, derson and which is now being Corn- peted for b5 the curlers: The trophy is in the form of a curring ;stone held Up fear P by trowel e bx bm b .tind t h,+' whole moue t,t e 9 on a bas... The 'work is unique and present/{ rt fin ap- pearance. It atftnd9 al,++oat' t'tv inches i'1g1#, Miss. efini~vie Jewell le holidaying this week: Mr, NOM,. Cook. of i. ceasing °pent Sunday fe town Miss 1), I)icksora, entertained on Friday evening last. Mrs Frank Sweet has returned after visitiu in Louden. Miss Aldo .Hartleih spent ;Beetle at her home in Dashwood, Bliss Beatrioe Ho`wcy, is viusiting. 11Tise Steen, of Ridge'towii, Airs. Powell., left on Sa'tarday to visit for a mawatb in Wntod.etook, Mr, Owoe Atkinson was off work Part of last week owing to i11netee Dr. L. Xi, TPc, dick, of St, Marys, visited his parents in town over ,Sun- day, Miss Annie Cornish of Lonion V1s ited Mr, and Mrs. Rd. Murphy taiel week. Remember 29th,n', e her tb� dart, Feb.r,.b. one clay only "Print Sale at Mrs. W. 1). Yeo's. Mrs. 11. E. Elusion and °begs Evelyn have returned home after visiting; in Hamar) n. Miss Mabel Follicle, of St, Marys is visitia,g her parent's., Mr. and Mre. E. Foillick. Miss Katie Making left Monday for Henden where she haat ceoured a position, Mrs, W. S, Howey entertainta1 • a number of friends • to Luncheon on Friday last. Mrs Nelson; Patterson ani ;laugh - tax returned to Londonafter visiting. relatives in, town. Mr. Geo .Crawley has purchased, the residence. of the ;Mieseis Cudmorr on Elizabeth street. Howey. the Prescription Droggirse iia stole agent in Exeter for Gunnells' wonderful Catarrh Cream. Mrs. E. A.• ;Follicle, was int Clinton and Br»sets last week in the inter- ests of the W. C. T, U. Work. Mrs. (Dr.) C. A. Snell of Eesex, vi ited at the Janes. 6treet Parsonage a few days duri{1g the past week. Miss Ednie Follicle attended the `Conversat"at Alma Ladies Colieee St. Thomas on Friday evening last, Mr. Wrn. Blatchford has returned home after being on a business trip to Buffalo. Toronto and :Hamilton. Mrs. Thos. Flynn was called to Sea - forth Saturday. owing to the illnes;s of her daughter. Mrs. Geo. Brownlee Mr, Mark ,14litchel1 of London was here over Sancay visiting his father 'Mr. Jahn. _Mitchell who is critically ilh Miss Annie Seldob. on Ingersoll ie visiting her +grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Samwell Mrs. Samwell is quite :111 at her hc4ne. w • Tack Burk who learned the barber business with Mr. F. I3oelc i'fti Mon- day fog _Georgetown ',i•ture he has secured a position. O.n Sunday evening next Rev. E. G. -Powell of Main Street Church will conduct the service in the interest of the Lord's Day-Alliaaoe. Mr. W. L. Steacy of Sensall arriv ed in town Monday having been transferred from the Motions bank at Zurich to the branch in town. Rev. W. lit Martie, of London, was in Clinton preaching on Sunday last. and stopped over in town on Monday and •:renewed acquaintances: Lost -In Exeter on Weinesday. of last week. a small green purse with some; change. and a .,old chain and cro,,ss set with pearls, Finder will be rewarded by leaving at 'thee office. Mr. Will Smith of Detroit has mov pd bis thoasehold effects to town and is oiecupying. the cottage of Mr. D. Braund north of the` river. Mr. Smith has secured a good position with the Connor Machine Co. The salt well. which was announ- ced last week, to be closed down. till spring. has only stopped the man ufactare of salt. They have a good supply on hand and are open to sap - ply the demands of any who wish to purchase .salt. ' Rev. Ba Snell, of B. irkton, preachy ed a very acceptable sermon in Main street ,church Iast Sunday morning; The pastor. Rev. E. G. poweil, coa- dueted anniversary services for Mr. Snell. Mr. Powell occupiee his own pulpit in 'the evening. Here is a m'essage..of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J, Martin, Boone Mill Va..who is the mother of eighteen children. Mrs. ,Mar'tin: was cured of stomach 'trouble -and cone stipation by Chamherlain's Tabletts af- ter five•_years of suffering, and now recommends these tablets to the pub- lic. Sold by all dealers.. Oyster Supper -On Friday evening next the Young Men's Organized Bible Class of James Street Metho dist chureh will provide an oysier Supper for the ' Young Ladies Class After supper the 'Yoang Ladies Class will provide the programme. The above is the result of a contest be- tween the two classes for attendance du,,ring last year and was won by• the ladies. . - • �. t , Your face wiII feel smooth ooth and groteful if you use FACE C1 EAI't Greaseless disappearing. appearing. Zt clears the complexion -soothes the skin after exposure to wind and sun and prevents the bion skin es d tro in !� effects Y g e to of the use hard fw water.' 25c buysa bigartistic site +a r J Anythingyou buy with the name Wll give entire it set, Sold and guaranteed ratteec� by, e W S. � Howey, hn1 P o Xe+lt Y� • Chemist and Optician, EXETER IahLAWAE4 LAIR- *mak+ d .g. AWANNA WESTERN OQA.'l: CQMX'ANYS Scranton Coal +� The Best Hard Coal Mined •l+. Try a top +'gh T: LEVETT +++++++++++++++++++++++++44 4. COAL MAN DIr. Albert Spencer has moved into the residence .of Mr. Matheson on William street. Lent commenced on Wednesday and will continue until after Easter Sun- day April 7th, Mies May Armstrong ant Mies Merle Goull left Wednesday mron- ing for Toronto to ,attene the mil- linery cipenines,: Miss Edythe Heideman .• and Miss. Hazel Bissett, visited friends in Clinton over Sunday,' From February 1st Ito the 24th my office will be ospn from 11, to 1i?J a. m,+ and 2, to 4 p. m+ foeethe. making of appointments for )vork on my return from Cuba. Dr, Kinsmam,;Lest On turday evening ingachil ds Bear Cloth collar, spotted with black on Main street between Simcoe street and Jones & May's, Finder please leave at Jones & •May's store. An enterianimen't will be given in Caven .Presbyterian Church ars Mon- day Feby, 26th when, Fred Bartholo- mew enteria.iner will assist 1 a an excellent program. Aemission, Adults '25 cents, children under 12, 13 c('s, Sneak Thieving -Complaints .have been made that a number of articles have been taken from the pockets of overcoats left in the waiting room at 'the rinkIf the perpetrator can be feeend out he should be taught, a lesson that will not Soon be foreotten Runnaway-On Satarday Iasi' a Mr. Cicero A.ldewroth was drivin into town from. tb.e north with Iolid of wood. his team ran away an left'tbet` wood along the road. For tunately nd one was hart. Part o the load had fallen off and Mr. Ald esworth had stopped to reload whe the team 'became frightened. T was stq'pped by J. Elliott near tb, Metro'poli'tan. hotel. For a engrain you will find Chambe lain's Liniment cxocllon+t, It allay the pain removes the soreness, an noon restore% the parte to a health condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles to sale by all dcalartu, Buren Publ c School Promotions - The annual Public School Promotio Examinations will begin on Marc 28th 1912. Papers will be prepare for the Junior and Senior Secon and Third and the Junior Foart classes and a copy - sent for enc pupil. The teacher must notify thei Inspector before Marcb the 9th giv ing the number of papers req aired, fo each class. The parcel of papers wil be sent to the teacher by ./nail aboa March 22nd; also full instractione for conducting the examination. Carnival, -On Monday evening las a carnival was held at "The Dome,' but owing to the very mild weathe it was not the success that the othe carnivals nivals have been. The ice was little soft and the attendance not a large as usual. Prizes were .awarded to the following: Lady representing advertisement, Birdje Boyle, repre seating Baker's Cocoa; Geut, Clair Wood, representing Cream of Wheat Boy's Comic, Gerald Hurdon, Clown. Ed. Anderson' of Seaforth, won the mile and a half race and Oscar Ander- son was second. Remember Next Saturday night - On Saturday evening of 'this week. the Royal E-iglish Han 1 -Bell' Ric- ers are to give as entertainment in the James street Methodist church This orga iization; has just complet- ed an extensive tour of the, States and are making their appearance in Canada. They are highly recom- mended both; by the British. United States and Canadian Press. The Peterboro Examiner says in part: The bell ringers arefar beyond, in range of executive capability, other organizations of the kind, and eight performers, using 171 bells, executed with wc,nierful correctness. and un- believing ensemble. involved operat- ic overtures as well as simpler mus- ic. The company has voices as sweet as the bells and svere heard in solo,, duet, quartette and double quartette. They gave one of the most delightful and uniquely artis- tic concert entertainments ever presented in the city." The I3rucefield Seed Show - The annual spring ;show ander the auspi•+ ces of the South ;Huron Agricultural Society will be ;held in Walker's hall Brucef%ield, oin Friday, Marchi, 1st, This 's is an event of which farmers should take adv t a e . There is no- thing thing moire .important -that the pro- curing .af good seed. Thi3 fairieem- ables the seller and buyer 'to get together at close range gives the mare who ,has seed to sell an oppor- tunity of tshowing' its excellence ani gives the man who wants to buy seed the opportunity of learning where he cant an et to h best. On. this s o•c o,'ir• r sion very liberal prizes are offered au 1 it is hoped 'that there will be a good display of seeds of all ki;nds.' The geed will be judged by 141;r. Lor - ter B. S A of et;roi' , >P tag who, will also deliver An addreas to those prey° ent. Dtr. Porter is a graduateof the Ontario Agricultural College and is being S bin iCn. t bythe Ontario eta . - rig D:' ax n. t merit or Agriculture. To Farmers! The undersigned wishes to announce that he will continue to purchase hogs in this community and tba,t there will be no change other. than Geo, Arm- stron will sot t lee h e /bete f olio g ed b w bey: the la e s r' Tna Pi t r , + sh" GShipments ev- er y :Chursday+ Highest tpaartiet price paid,.',. r 1. ARMVMSTRoNG +++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++++++++++++++ CARLING'S 4. PHONE 18 • EXET Is nearing us and you will be wishing to get your spring sewing finished up so call in and see our New Prints and Ginghams. The neatest Patterns ever 4' shown. +II+ v ++II+ +p+ .+�. Ladies ! Ladies ! • Geta Ruff or Stole while in the swing all to be cleared out. Also I Ladies Fur collared Coats Reg $23 for $18 Any Piece of Dress Goods to be sold at 'a Greatly Reduced Price. Come Early. t Room Rugs Brussels Rugs in green and fawn grounds to clear out at a price that will astonish you. Men's Fur Coats Only a few left to be cleared out.; Reg $23 coats for $13 ti Reg $25 coats for 19'50 Mens Winter Caps to be Bleared out at a piece Reg 75c for 50c Reg 50e for 390 Lad ies' Skirts Olily a few left. Reg- ular $3,50 to $5 Skirts all to go at the , 75 one price $ N. Ladies Fine ` Shoes to be cleard out at a rash Discount of 20 Per Cent.. Off All Dinner Sets Lamps and Chamber Sets to be cleared out at a Price. Highest Price paid for Produce t + ++4++II++++l•++4.++I+++l+-a+++r+l++s++P+++l+4,++i•++++€++++l++t+++++++I i+++++.+l- +++;1 J. Carling: .g.+F.+II++t+1++1+++1++i+++II++D++l++1r+l++l++II++1++*F+hf+;++fi+++II++i++l'3++i+-+T++1+++F++i+3++'~d+.I+.II++II++II++l•++II++2~+II++l4+S++3+ +€+ fi �€+ +Y+ +3• +II+ fi 4' +g. 0 0 •1. +E+ Wedding Rings Big Stock to choose from .:+g+.d++€+d++1+++l++i++3++g++l.,f.+II++€+q++Y+.F++E++q+.E+.p++g+.l+.i Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, `Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks ' Soup Spoon/, Pie Knives, Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Knives and Forks, Fish Servers, Carving Sets, DON'T BE ALARMED Sleep late in the morning. +,1+: Enjoy the luxury of waking up whenever you feel like it if you can, but if you cant better get one of our Clocks, Watches ' monds, Cut Glass, Silver. ,.: ware, Pins, Etc.' ft. Mr6Hdud JEWELEF .& OPTICTAN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ d,+l, This is the seat r of the year when mothers feel ver touch ''concerned over the frequent, kds contracted by their children, and have abeeadatrt rea son for it ex.. every cold weakens, the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way to the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures and is pleasrant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. Hick's s Po ecaa•ts r G4 Reactionary a Bonar 5 period is central during the last three days o;' Feb. The Mercury, Earth, alnd Mars •perio es combine their die- 'tutibing forces' at this time, calling for prolonged and very decided stdrms, of .rein, wind, ;sleet iand;snew It ,sho'uld be remembered especially by all who are ,exposed to gulf and! southn ' Atla; c ti coast ais s, that reg ion t - I equatorial or -West Indian istormis are probable fed lest 'hall of February, and Bach( probability/ is greatly increased when tench a, com-• bi,nation exist during ink t h e last half of the Present month. If all the peo- ple . knew theincalculable vitae of a gond barometer, one would be found inevery homee and public build- ings and calamities by hurricane tor- nado,. tidal wave and blizzards would be reduced Ito! a minimunl. •Ice gor- ges fiends arid much roagh'weather and knottiness 'is the 'ifutlopk for; this month. The Mars' period has i Anythin f gradually worked from 'the eulnmer i You buy back through the spring utitil this MIA% year . it is central en February 6th wai+sh facts leads, usto ,the eanclus ion that February and nitnost the whti!e of .''Parch this year will con- tinue unbroken; or normal winter weather, without delay, abnormal wartn spell* IA fait* some weeks pasti Nutritive Hypophosphites: You need a good tonic just no but perhaps you don't know':, Let us tell you a few pointe wli we can recommend Nyal's Nutrit ive Hypophosphites. I It is a splendid brain an nerve food. 2 Hypn hoeP hiter provide an easily assimilated and convenient form of phosphorus. 3 The best tonic for children studying hard, 4 Excellent after nervous' strains and in convalescence. 5 Good for the blues and lack of concentration, 6 A wonderful appetizer taken p before mea1 s, A big bottle full= -.l0 ot. costs you only $1.,00 *HT gift you entice eatirfactipie Sold and guaranteed by W S Howey, •n nl 8 Cheixi'ist and,, Optician, EZEVel