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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-11-03, Page 29
C rlow Allan Brown from Carlow, with a group of area hunters, has just returned from a hunting trip to the North Bay area. Of the six hunters in the party, Allan was the only one to be rewarded. He shot a cow moose which provided the hunters with 350 pounds' of meat. Church News All Saints Day was observed at Christ Anglican Church, Port Albert, on Sun- day afternoc,n. The Reverend Robert Crocker conducted the service. In his sermon he spoke about being Saints of God. The ACW will hold their meeting Thursday, November 4 afr.the homeof the president, Margaret Young of Dungannon. The ladies will be devoting their afternoon to working on the quilt. of e Lodge News At the emergent meeting Morningstar Masonic odge, Car!ow,•held Friday vening, the work of the an shoots 35 PORT ALBERT NF Tom LIvingstoness 5es=7 45 evening was conferring the Third Degree on Brother James Richard Dickson, a former resident off Goderich, and now a resident of Liin- .don. Visitors were in atten- dance from Stratford and Fort Erie, the former home of Brother Dickson. At the meeting of Morn- ingstar Lodge on November 10 at 8, p.m. there will be a Remembrance Service. The election of officers for the coming year will also be held The present Master of Morningstar Lodge is Eric Miller from Carlow: ' Social Netvs Visiting at their summer home for several days were William and Marg Balkwill from Downsview and their daughter, Karen and `hus- band Barry Hutchinson from Brampton. Barry was the re- cent winner of the quilt at the Christmas Country Fair held at Saltford. George and Kaye Fennell from Haniilton spent several days at their summer home in the village. Edith Simpson, . Deputx Returning Officer in Ashfield Township, reports that she was quite pleased with the number of voters who took advantage of the advance poll. Tom and Anne Livingstone of Port Albert attended the Area 4 Humorous Speech end moose on Contest of Toastmasters In- ternational at the Granite Club in Kitchener Saturday evening. Circle City Club, Goderich is one of the Area 4 Clubs. Five speakers took 'part in the contest. The win- ner was Bill Stevens from the Kitchener -Waterloo Club. It was also the occa- sion to honor the Charter members of the Kitchener - Waterloo Club which was formed in 1957. Tom Liv- ingstone, now a member of the Circle City Club in Goderich, was one of the six charter members in atten- dance. Pears Congram, area resi- dent, on November 5 will celebrate her•85th birthday. When queried as to her longevity, she was quick to respond that she was born on the farm, raised on the farm, married -a farmer and is now retired on the farm home on the 4th concession of Ashfield. On November 27, 1918, she married Gordon Congram. They had two daughters, Audrey Hasty who passed away seven years ago and Mrs. Nelson (Gloria) Pearson who lives close to her mother on the 4th concession. Friends and neighbors will gather at the Agricultural Hall in Dungan- non on November 6 to honor Pearl Congram. untin Fishing at Port Albert these last few days has just been fair. Monday morning, November 1, Harry Arthur of Auburn caught a six pound rainbow. We had a report of an eight pound also being caught Monday morning. We interviewed fishermen from GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1982—PAGE 11A trip to North Bay Kitchener, Woodstock, Blyth, Goderich and London. Many friends and neighbors gathered at the McCallum Funeral Home on Friday afternoon to pay their respects to the late Myrtle Hodges, a 40 -year resident of the village of Port Albert. The Reverend Robert Crocker, Rector of Christ Anglican Church; Port Albert, conducted the service. The late Myrtle Hodges was an active member of the church and a devoted member of the ACW. Interment took place in the village cemetery. Lunch was served after the service by the ACW Jack and Jean Weznel, Port Albert residents, celebrated their 34th wed- ding anniversary quietly at their home Sunday with family and friends. Local IODE chapter assist Labrador students The Maple Leaf IODE Chapter of Goderich will' join force with 600 IODE chapters right across Canada in a new campaign just launched this fall called `Invest in the Future'. IODE members and their friends and neighbours are being asked to donate $5 (or more - income tax receipts, provided) to assist students living in remote areas of Labrador tb further their education. These Indian, In- uit and white children lack the opportunities that many Canadians take for granted, and it is hoped that the pro- ject will attain its goal of at least $100,000, thus ensuring continuing funding for these children to obtain post- secondary training in profes- sions such as medicine, engineering and teaching, as well as in fields of such en- vironmental protection, skilled trades, and small business management. The IOPE has a long- standing record of assistance to people in the far reaches of Canada, and since efforts were focussed on Labrador in 1979, over $250,000 has been spent con (fihiliDiRhl TIRE Our all-new, all -color Gift Guide is filled with holiday values. for you Our wrapper specials, shown.belovv, are just a few of the great Christmas values we have in store foi\\ you, So come to Canadian Tire and let our Gift Guide be your guide to a fun -filled holiday season. Regular prices shown ere our everyday low prices. Special purchasgs'and sale priced itemean sale to December 24th. 1982 while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities Thrifty Slide-A-Boggan Special 99, Purchase Zoom down the hills on this sturdy plastic sheet with roll front and easy -grip handle About 36 x 18" (91 x 45 7 cm) 99.0530 Lufkin Ultralok tape 'G gl.n,N HOT S TREA K Spalding orange golf balls Special Purchase The optic range color. won't mark or chip - it's impregnated right In the tough Surlyn cover of each 'Hot Streak' ball • 995155 Lufkin Save shoo Jumborr e y bath towel Reg $14 99 16 ft 5m x - wide yellow blade with black markings, has nonglare finish Chrome plated case with belt clip Positive lock 57 7019 each Cambridge quality Hemmed 117 x 62 -cm towel in 88°o cotton 12°0 polyester with dobby border 'Choc- olate, Ruby Yellow, Blue, Pink or Ivory 99 4744 tic Car digital clock/alarm Siwe $20" I 11111 • r y i t All e* 1 is Ns vs k2 140vA iv WI WI LW 1 Pierre Cardin personal calculator 'Special Purchase 88 -Reg $29 95 Quartz -accurate LCD with time, -date, alarm, snooze, tight and -display lock Versatile—can be removedIrom car and -used anywhere 37 0132 Slimstyling with -rich -gold-colored keys Lacquered. metal case Percent, square root and full memory keys Battery and slip -in case included '99 4909 QSS0QlATE SUM coot. _0 m©U®can Ttre TED R. O'NEILL LIMITED GODERICH 524-2121 tnfgOipfi TIRE 123 456 789 0 'Mattel -Card . ...or save with Cash Bonus Coupons Special Purchase Moulinex 8 -cup Sunbeam_automat C, drip coffee maker electric kettle 99 Makes great tasting coffee' Has easy -fill cal bratod clear plastic water reservol' element on off switch with rn,1.:ator light that keeps the prepared coffee hot Includes glass .-oftee pot with plastic lid pla0c filter cup with filters and co'wentent coffee SCOOP tO measur" coffee 99 5041 What a great gift idea and at this low price it s an exceptional buy' The 1500 watt element delivers boiling water fast Automatic shut oft in case the kettle bods dry Attractive al mond color plastic body and handle with metal base Large 1 5 -litre capacity 99 5039 pleting and furnishing two community halls, assisting nursing stations and schools, stocking empty library shelves, substantially sup- porting the Labrador North Creative Arts Festival, and initiating a school milk pro- gram and TOTS (Teaching 'Others To Share), a ,head - start programfor pre-school children. Traditonally, the com- munity of Goderich has en- thusiastically supported local LODE projects and members of the Maple Leaf Chapter are confident that their appeal on behalf of the National IODE Labrador Bursary Fund will meet with that same generous response. The Goderich Lions Club held a banquet on Friday night to celebrate its sixtietkan- niversary. Prior to the dinner, Lions President Peter Bettger (left), presented the guest speaker, Judge Brian Stevenson of Calgary, with a special pin to commemorate the event. j Photo by T. Marr ) "1 would like to thank everyone in WEST WAWANOSH who has made my past 8 years as your councillor a terrific experience" 1 ask -for your renewed trust as 1 seek the opportunity to be the ASHFIELD-WAWANOSH PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE VOTEON NOVEMBER 8 MARYBELLE CRANSTON CAREY F0rCOUNCIL E -.E.LECT GLEN CAREY 1 / Who Has Shown, Proven And Efficient LEADERSHIP 2/ Who Is, And Speaks for SMALL BUSINESSMEN 3/ Whose LEGAL BACKGROUND is invaluable For Our Urban Problems 4/ Whose --- YO LIT Has r®adened Towns -Outlook THE CHOICE FOR THE VOICE ON COUNCIL IS YOURS ON NOVEMBER 8 '82 RE-ELECT CAREY, GLEN R