Exeter Times, 1912-2-22, Page 5THU AKA FERHI7ABYid You were never too young - cm Will never be too old -to enjoy the Edison Phonograph . - The Edison Phonograph is not reader it -as true to life aa the only the greatest musician of all original. the ages -at is all the great rausielans ,The Edison tone is pure, smooth, of the present day -playing all of subdued and true, because of the the greatest music ever written. rounded, button -shaped sappbire re- • You select your program to suit producing-poinnwhichgives.exactly your audience when you own an the right volume of sound fcir the Edison Phonograph. The songs you home. And the sapphire point is per - love best, sung by the singers who manent-lasts forever. No changing sing them best -your kind of music, needles, no scratching or wearing of rendered as only theaSclieen can ' records. There are Edison, dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and 0; hear the Edison Phonograph playboth Edison Standard and 4.4. C.dmon: Edison Ambirol Records. Get complete catalogs from your ntotatromano dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, $16.50 to $240.00. Edison Standard Records, 40c. Edison Amberol Records(plar 100 Lakeside Avenue twice as lone),65c. Edison GrandOpera Records,85e.to $2.50. Orange, N. J., U. S. A. • A complete line of Edis' on Plionograpis and Records will be found M J WILLIS POWELL Main Street •••••••••••••••••••••• A MINUTE'S TIME and a two -cent stamp is all it will cost you to get our big, beautiful Catalogue of every- thing that is good in Seeds, Plants, Fruits, Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc. It contains so much that is good we cannot tell you here, send for it, and judge for yourself. We lave twelve big pages of the latest and best introductions, the Cream of the Whole World, and every variety is well worth twice the price we ask. Valuable Premiums also given. You cannot afford to miss the opportunity of seeing Giants of California what we have to offer you for 1912. Nasturtium Daxch & Hunter Seed Co. Limited, The Finest Strain in the World. Dept. 34 London, Ont. 12 vinimmansik Crediton Ir, Elmord Gower Sundayod \at ete3: with friends. , aday. Rev. Litt the presiding el- ifeltr:: wills be in ,ateendance., end Mrs. Robert I)inney Is/pent, tinday in Exeter with 'friends.. Jabee 'Young of London+ spent et 'few days 'here vieitinr his eons. 'DASHWOOD Mr. W. H. Wenzel of Crediton Las taken a poeition aa wood worker in Dashwood Planning mill, Miss 011ie Waltin, who has been visitiag friends 'in gerlin has return ed lio tne. Messrs Chris Faliner e.nd • 'Fred, Kerr of Crediton were in our town on Mosiday buying. horses. Quarterly meeting, servants; will /be Mrs. Wm. Lindenfield of Parkbial- h who. has been ' visiting iher parents ead in the Evangelical Church, neeet Mr. end Ars. Lore.nce Detricb 13 at' Mr. A. K;ubin of -Dunnville spent present con fined to the, house through ,Siencley in town visiting with friends. sickness7 Mrs. S.: Brown an a Ermo. spent. a ,Mr Ch. las E'dt alio ha's' been bead, r few days ,n Zurich last week .with milleat 'A.elia Craig for the past feionds. twenty years, has purcha-eed an in - Miss Kraft or Da...she/end ,epenla a teres t in the new mill atNerwieh 'elv days bere the guest or alias, Liz- and will leave for that town the ie Wein.first of March The mill is fitted up 'Miss Hickoff Centralia was with all the latest milling machinery s . the and gets_ i Ls power from the Hydnu noel ot (Mrs. Cara Orme for a few $ lest week. electric power Co., .The mill is also Mrs. D. Mole left for Toronto on , lighted throungoat wit,h the electric' light Mr. Fadt's raany friende here tarday where eta will attenca the • Peery openings.• etvill be pleased to learn of his new venture and WiM1 him every succens. We are glad to report that Mrs,. -air. Hartman 'Elsie last week pur- i Ring is improving after a serietis chased the pump bestaerse and pror tack of rheumatisma aerty froto Mr.Jacob Brenner and alise Viola Geiser returned home will now be .pleased to. attend to - en -spending e maiple of iweeke yaw wants in the pimp- line. Mr: th relatives in Blenheim. , Brenner intends moving to Stratford LX. and Mrs. Ss Martin, of Zurichshortly. nt ' Titeaday in town the, gueiste Mrs. 11. :Bender is confined to her. ma. ami eh,. 0,, .Feeeee.. , hoase through Meese. , ;Mr. alnd Mrs. 0...Anderson of Luck - ...new spent a for drays! Ulla gatest of ZURICH Mr„ vied Mrs., Herb .Eilbere . Simon 'Senates and family • Mr. and. Mrs. Newton Baker, • ett tnolve.d to town en Wednesday of last. 'Meter were the ,guests of Dlr. and week. ' * arIrs. It. Sweet one. day last week. - Mr David Beattie of tbn Bronsce l Om Tuesday last Mrs. Henry Vast- Line atanley diapotad of his farm leer had the raisCortime to fall down' to. Mr. C. •Zisk- for $3000.00 eteps brea.kine foar of her ribs: She Mr, • Alex Ehnes of Edmonton le- is now doing nicety. visiting ,with his brother, A. G. Me.' and Mrs. Alf /Clark and caild- Ettnes . ren of Anse 'Crete event Suneay in Mr. Junes lacryce left this week tetra visiting the former's parontie for his hoare near swift current, 111r. and Mrs. 3. Clarke Sask. after a short visit \vitt' hits ... . brothers near Blaae. - Mr. and Mrs. Sol.. Selaucii ter ant itroe •Brown. of achovaing aaicht ara Mr. Gearge 'Brock the new black- smith ig working up a goad trade and , spen ing a few, welts/ the gnessitei on is kept butsy. His father-in-law ' Mr, and, Mae. Sane, IlrOwn. .1\ar., Harry Scheek left for aVtau nu- shop ,•on Monday morning. 116 'hag KM- . Mr, and Mrs,. Egleson Elser, who ted a posM ition with r. Weeley have . been vth isiting. friends in is vis. We wish him eriocees. vioinity for a few mobehs, left thia Ve ere sorry) to report the death week -for their 'home near- Bigg' ' Mr Jacob (Hoist which took place Sask. / it his home en Friday evenitiga Thr After an illnesa extending. over a oceased was born in G'errnany and year lair. Jobe johnsten jr, of near am.° to thie collet:3*y when • • quite Blake. died on Tuesday moraine et' young- The deocetsed, woe hale eat last weelt at the age et 30 years • Mr. Sale INTerner is astisting in tile heartyftn.il the lisi fewyes nee u,o Id letirvivedby fear Isom- and One deaghter, acob, Nottla, and Seim of Michigan, aosaph 011(1 lArglt Got, Wein of town else two ,brethere arid one The deceased has received hie' certifi- cate as school teacher over a year 'ago etd was about to ongege in, his chose4 calling, whon he took plea smoraa and sten, then he Wes never • sister, Christian of Pellan, Asigara able to en anv itorle He was of a era airs-. .1. Mach of twerp The/ attat and kindly disposition and had ftraeral took paler: on Tuesday ao the relay warm peraonal friends, who Ciediten ceinotery. •regret his eaetly demise. The funer- al took place atrahursday afternoon the interment taking place in the 13:1'.eld cemetery. The Times ex - toads sympathy to Hoe futile' in ,e7 their a erevetnoi1t. fuee tat serVisee in memory or Franklin Dassow, hell in tie Bender:lionchurch lest Stiniay etson- !iig\arts triegely attended Ph oh:irate lv is filled with atteetive an sympatisetie audience. The pastor IlevaG ,F.• Brown 'bad tharge of tie saavien Tin' atonal Adult Bible ClaSo It-bich the dotes aeea WS 5 an atten- kei,Are- • Itt 0.; A. SLOG. • • 1,0NnAlk ?V, ONT. . talaSINESS anti. Sill /1.T.T.,ta SUB,Jaa0TS. Region:re& feat teeSellee apwores ef ale ettidelite tied tolvecti e'ver, trait, e. qtrEthitela Vlariat tatieleen" an, ). handfed 10•1Ir 3 .,n(l(r' firms ethr,r; 0)11i' .troltied 11 lrLr/oloae tozedeo 'fl AILSA CRAIG Mr. Cleveland) Zavitz£Il and sev- erety injured hie chat corniug out of Mr. la Nebloes' store recently Mr, N. MeLachlaii Met wittt aetir- lees accident while atteading hie twines recently. Two mite w ere aro tiallaa out of a door end Air. alaachlan ran to get them in but les slipped end ae went iow)3 heavily with one 'of aloe tiolts ae top af him The rat:sales cord* and aereceare afr footed up to the hip and his knee and ankle are sprained. Dr, and, Mrs, J. R. Anderson and Miss e1le ttended the funeral off Are, ItIoLeol at ,Parkhill on Thnlaa day afternoon of last week. alise Ethel •Smith who has been very ill in the hospital in Toronto is somewhat impeoved. Mrs. D. alcArthar was in iToroelto tacently attending the naeotine °teas Legislature. Dr Eason, of Parkhill. performed a slight operation for Mrs. G. Bice of East Williaras. Her niece, Misb Johnston of Victoria Hospital Loiadon is attending her., ales. Rice is( dotag well arid, expzatecl to be better in a sheet time . Gunnells' has a hue/deed uses: try one tube, anyway and got immediate relief from Catarrh troubles: ' EII1H Kra Tara If •Yea Have,. tica.lp or Lair Trouble Accept this Offer When we. promisa your money , back for the. mere aakiag if Rexall 94"Haii. Tonic does not do as we claim it, will, anti certainly have no reasotfoe-even hesitating to try it. We do not aslc yoa ea obligate your self in any way. could not afford to so strongly endorse . " to sell it aa we do, if it did not do as we claim. ShoUld your 'enthusiasm oarry as away, enn Rexall "9,3" Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the :leers, they would loose faith in us and bur statements. and in ,con- sequence. our Javanese prestiv woo -td suffer. Therefare, when: we assure . Toe that ltexell "93" iFXair Tonic . will premptly eradicate dandruff. stim- ulate hair, growth and prevent pre- mature baldness, you may root .asla sured we know what we are talkies; about. We honestly belive that Rexall S'3" Haix. Tonic, will do more than any other hum,an agency towards re- storing hair growth and hair health It is not greasy and will not gum the scalp or Hair or cause permanent etaa.n. It is as pleasant to one as pure ccad water. It comes in two sizea prices 50c. and $1.00 Rem- ember yea ma obtain Rexall rem- edies only at ear store, -The Rexall Store. --W.a. Cole. HAY COC/NOM • Cau,ncil met on Wednesday Feby 7th all present. The auditorn laia their report and financial statement before the Coun- cil which after examimatio,n was ado- pted by the council. A request of the .Salyatioa Army asking council for grant for a certain work of theirs was filed. Anew' of a drain- age by-law of, the Tawns hip of Stan: - ley in which certain lands in Hay are Assessed for outlet had beee received by th,e Clerk. the raatter was la.d over till neat. meeting. The following accounte were nrd- e.red to be paid -J. Harberer audit ors salary 6.00 ;G. H. Blackwell aud- itors salary 6.00 Thos Murdock over- charge .taxes $2.22; Municipal Weald Suscriptioes and supalieis 26.12; Township of liaborne, share of wore. L. In 1,8.1.3 Aug Ketehler work On tel- ephone 1911 26:25 Ezra Keohler weak on telephone 42.00; Wm. Etlers flour for indigent, 2.55 Crediton Star pan- lishing by-law 12.65 0. .Sureeas weak on telephone, 19,11/ 1.25 Dan Keotaler weak on celephorre 19.11 )27.75:: F. Me- Iseec week' on telepbone 15.00 Ezra Brenner raeals foe telephone men 1911 7.00 Wa'Go-Hesa work on telephene 84.00 Dail Ku/eller work on telephone 1912 14,43 Ed Wurm horse hire tele- phone 1912 12.00 .p. Melseac work on telephone, 19.11 .4.00 Wm. Zimmer board for meg telephane 50.40 Wm. Jarrett flour for indigent 2,10 Can Indap Telephone Iliad acct. 558.2a. Coaincit win meet again onWad- nesday March 6th at 2 o'clock p. m. Mrs.. Jas. Smith, of Jim -e, Ohio, writes:I have used *very remedy for sick headache I coald hear of for the past fifteen a -bare, but Carter's Lit- tle Liver pills regulate the bowele than all theerest. HENSALL At the regular meeting of the rec- ently elected Council. by-laws fixing salaries and cenfiriaing appointments of officials were read. Clerk George Follick' refused to act because his salary bad been reduced to $50 when he w rs led to expect $65. The ola clerk. R., Bonthorn had been dismia- eed but he atilt holds the post, peed ing the seleaticti of another. The curlers, ware so much pleased, \vitt' the suaceas oa the benepeil that they have reorganize ca with R. Bons thron president; Jainee Bonthron. eigeaaresicleat; W. 111eVeay, /secret- ary; Dr. Salute treasurer. Ed setdoa who had been visiting, his brother Harry here for came time has left for his home in- Neepawa. Bliss Yaill. nurse, is lichee visiting her parents. We regret to learn that Archle 131atehlord is is'erionsty ill. joha Taylor, and wife, Nepawit, Mane are visiting hit brother a'ataes on Nelson street. Thomas Simpson, who' bas been ill for some Limo has reenvered suffi- ciently to be eble to go out • Edward Solden, who bas be ea vis - 'titer for eome time, left. on, Monday tor his,, home in Nepawae. Mate Oa Tuesday Fred Ellerin ston, of Luaelee brought a splendid stick of sqoare timber to the station. It ryas one of the best ever eeen heed, A. very interesting raraier3 Club 'has been formedecnnpereeciof young. farmers of liogerville. Their Meet - mg piece is on the hone of M:r.. Jobb Elder, acnown sa the ''Old Elder Parte The youag teen are lookitig 'fore -era to great things. They have bad two tne-L,tin gra which have provea v.try interceing end helpfel to the Oats 8 ta •I'laa f". ''''. Paltoa tar,/ lien" Ore reeirib,r tenclorede bee:inf./Java Caog- „ farme,r • They met last . "Wednesday ' te:ee Fwv•e, ette.00. ,i'lltitk'r1,,'!'\17.11411-1 1 Kot hof,xic niabt ho.a very inting,addro,58e.:.1 ,4 /i Ilteslitato e . i atil . rud male Qoartotta and tho '.0110P eft 'farming Were given by tha Mem' aaottleall _, ,nl,to reotlering ;suitable anlectiona 4bets, Tbc, loxt meeting Will e4 eoli . W55T22VOlif, J`k. 1 W. WtsrtaVt1,4 111..5 s Tit} 0, (Id rtteitv ts' still kti the ill two weeke, All are cordiallYin- ChavtetedAeventteet. ltit14.0Plit bosp'tal. at , London stect 14 Making v..tel vidsrnocioss. . ti ' • • ' ' • .- •A-StitiSfiteforY ,::11ellovery. TRE EXETER. TIMES WHAT FOLLOWED A COT A Maeattrates Weaderfal expeze„. team with gelnefillk Mr. J. la Ataeneult. a justioe of Peace cuea station =tester at Wel- lington on the Itriace lildward Island Ry., has a wonderful proof of the healing power of ZatineBukt 'Ho says 'Pour yeers ago, I had an avoid - eat. I slipped in the station an I fell on a freight truck.. sustaining a bad cut on the front :of my len thong's thiswould local but iteaead qf cittang eo it developed into a bad elcer and later into a form of eez which spread very rapidly and els° started on the other leg, Beth !ego became ell swollen: and sore that I could only go about my work by having them bandaged. My donar said that' I must /stop work and lay up. "After six Menthe of this trouble I consulted another doctor but with nio better results. I tried all the salves. liniments and lotions I heard of. bat intsead of getting better got worse. "This was my condition when T got my first box of Zeta -Belt Great-, la to (ma delight the first box gave me relief. I co.ntinued to apply it to the sores. and day by day ihey gat (better. I could sea that at last I had got hold of something which would cure me and to the end it did "It ie :non; over a. year since Zorn- Buk wcaked a cure in nay ,case, and there has been ho return of the ecze ema, or any trace of it." • Such is the :nature of the great cures which Zara -Bak is daily effect - lag. Purely herbal in composition, this great balne is a euro. cure for ell. great skin diseases. cold eores, chap- ped hands, frost bite ulcers, blood- poinoning, varicose sores., ,pilee, scalp' mem ring worm • inflammed pat-' • cuts. burns and bruisesa AR druggists andl,store,s teen et 500 u• bo;x or post free from &ma -Mak Co.. Toronto. upon receipt of price. . It cures cold in the head overnigha W hat? Gunnells 25b a huge tube a ti Howey 's. FARQUHAR. Greenwood -Bell -0. . Wednesday • Feb. lath, at our 'Lacteal:se very pret- ty wedding' Was .sotenanized .at the heme of.. Mr. Geo:. Bell when their 'eldest daughter Vina May was :mit- en raarringe to Mr. Geo. Green - weed. cea Logan township. The cer- emony was performed by the Rev. C. Fletcher, The nuptial knot was tied -under an ,arch of evergreens and flowers in the presence ofabout six- ty guests. The bride who was given' away by her father leaked charming in a .g.cavn of cream albatros with satin and fringe trimmings, wearing the usual bridal veil caught up, with, lily of the valley and, carrying a- bequet of cream carnations. aline Margaret Dell a slitter of the bride' played Lehengrin's wedding march.. After th.e .ceremoity all at down. to a very sumptaous "wedding dinner. Th,e bride was the recipient of ,many co,stly and useful .piesentis. Tha dream's gift to the .bride was handsome gola watch. The evening was very pleasantlypank in music.. and dancing. The bride's travelline suit wee' of navy bloe broad! .elot h with hat to. match.' An and Mrs.. Greenwood will revicle in Mitchell. Their many friends' joiu with the Tiraes in extending; congratalatioas.. :WHY HESITATE? An Offer That Involves No Money Risk If Yea Accept it We are so positive that our remedy will completely relieve constipation' 00 naatter how chronic it may be., that we offer to furnish it free of - all cost if: it faias, Constipation is commonly caused by weakness oft (the nerves and mu,scles of tile large intestine. To expect a cure you must therefore tone up and, strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Remit Order- lies and our guarantee. They are eaten like candy and are rertiacularly good for children. They . to act directly on the nerves a.... I.,: -cies of the boweii, They apply 'Ay have a, neutral action on the ote r organs. - they do not purge or cause other incenvertienee. We will re- fund yoar money ifothey do not over- come chronic or habitual catistipa-, than and thus aid to relieve the myriads of aseociate or dependent chromic ailments. Try Remit Order- lies at our risk. Three sizes..10e. 25c add 50c. ,Sold only at our store the Rexall Store -W. E. Cole... WOODHAM This community has loet another of its pioneers in the person of ales. David Bretheur, of the Base Line, Elizabeth Shier was bora neer Mon- treal in 1,8125. of Irish peruses, ani at a years of age 'navel with her fathers family to the township of Brock. There in 1851 she was united in marriage to David Brethour and in 1854 they moved to Blanshard. making their hone on•the Base line. To them were born three sons and four daughters, six of. whom are inn living. airs. Brethour was ever peace laving and industrious and her home was the centre of goodwill and gen-, eroas hoepitality. She tvais an obis supporter of her hue/band in hie pub- lic activates especially in conneceion with the Orange Order. She was bles,sed with' good health and was seldeen !sick aVeln in old one. Her end came peacefully in the early morning of lab. 16th, The amoral service was heaa, at the home in which she lived and died, on Monday the 19th inst and .wes eonducted by the Rev. W. It. Vance. Interment Mak place en the Kirkton cemetery. Mae, Erethour, was it lifelong mem- ber eit the Methodist church. Her husband predeceased her in death by seven years. ; A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Wetnen : Will send free, with full instructiona, any atomo treat- ment which positively curds Leticorrr ham, Ulceration; Displacenteats, Patt- i/1g of the Womb, Paibfel or Irregular Periods, Uterine attd Ovarian. Tumors or growths, also Hot Plashes, Nara. ousnesti, Melancholy, Paine 111 the (Head, Back, 13oWels, Kidney and Bladdertroublee Where ertueed by Wealtnesi peceliar to our tsek. Yott ea.n et/attired tteatnient at licene an. coot Of oily &bout 12 teitt a Week, attat book,- ` Wothaft's Oxen Mettle -01 Adeleeraa also pont fade on 104000. Writs ta,tlay, Addrens )11fra... It,Sum- **It i WindriOra 044 ',KO MID Mall TO MOTHEII AND MIDI, AIR,S.WItrgt4IW'S SOOTZUNO SIMI:71.1M be0O used for Over SIXTY XX(AS by ii4X1.1401,1$ 3.10,THURS for their CIIILD1UE11 wurIni Tat:Tilt:4G, with l'RF,LiC1, SOCCMS. It soomeas the quir.,o, SuutTENS the ()VMS, ALLAYS all PAIN CP1IES WIDIP COLIC, emu s the best remedy for DIARRYICEA, 4 is sb- souitely harmless. IM sure and ash' for "zeta winslowa Soothing Syrup,,i and *sue tio °the'. *lad. TWeiltYlfive cents a botti iimABIG STEAK. This Homely )1 h May Appeee Various, A p etizing Woes‚ That plain hn ltrIShing dish ime as Hamburg- aka maY aPPrar in v nos guises tee. e a great impe , ment air tho 1,64 way of sorvin:, A very nive r".11 mith cakes mad :re for a „... eakfast Is w it' 4 it I ice, i 4 hirds of Ilae.: se ealo and 0 -(1 of sausagc.. s.,.:v.;re soo i h 'rich with firlge , b.r )41,1,,vm• ;g The dish ti ...e. h ' 'Ike e... -a, 'I, but without te-asy rpm ie • • th refore persone ,,., t., : .,1e2 can partakr; c'.' -...., " . . •,. :tee 'limy . .;„ tt e forced 10. ri ',". teen enlina, t. e d erated satisti'ge. Another lt,,e-, yr of serving Ili Ing stink is (.10 !lowing: Mteste entice et' poelie d cracker ern, - with a Mae nii, enough to in et teietare of • tied tg-like consist, te• Stir tids this.oeli. pound of Ilr o , • eteek end stet, on he whole win: 0 per, salt :lad me tred sage. Two r spoonfuls of the p vvdered sage wet about right. Flom palates may Ian, little more end some less: After e• ,.. ;wining knead the mixture with .t" hands until all the ingredients I: becorne properly amalgamated: Itoa. It 'into a roll and slice the roll in. • cakes. Fry the cakes in very hot su -or butter. If the Hamburg steak seen to -be lacking in fat it is well to add I little chopped suet when mixing th softened crumbs into it Probably mere housewives are chea ed by.butchera through the medium o , Hamburg eteak than in any other way along the meat line. The best way to manage is to buy a piece of first class round steak and have 11 ground before one's own eyes. Then one knows just exactly What one is getting. , t One of the interesting specimens at 'a recent food show was the Hamburl steak shown in the exhibit conducte by Uncle Sam's meat inspectors. The .Hamburgs looked' fresh and 'healthy,/ ' but their appearance was most deceir4 lug. They were in reality old minced scraps of meat freshened and coloredi with a, preaerVing 'liquid that ,come especially for the purpose -a veritable invention of Satan. As butchers 'seem( to have the power to,.ellide the.inspeei tors at times and as meat treated with' this preparation is likely to deceif any one, it is best to avoid all Ham burg- steak that has been previousl I chopped unless the butcher's sense'ef. honor is above suspicion; and even the it is just as well 'not to trust to one'el own opinion. It may.'he vvell, to -wit* young.: housekeepers in - particul against, tempting "specials" in: line. ' ' Up to Date Laundry Essentials. Even the humblest household neede come boxed in gift style nowadays, any laundress proud of her hand. fOrk might be grad to receive 01.3-0. (11; IfLATIRONS OF IDIFIrinENT suArna. these well equipped cases containin flatirons ofdifferent weights an shapes; with stands -and wax sheets chided in the'outfit, Immediately relieves all forms of Catarrh and istold by Ilowey, your Drug,glat, Gunnells' Cream. CUMLEY ;While the boys were playialg foot- ball on the Ischool qv:twee !eat week a very :infertile* leo accident hap- pened to ante of the boys, viz., "Willie lloatan. Whilst two of the tope were Sorambliinig a f ter Lha bali. llo;ra ton slipped 'jitet in /time to get thief kick of the olthSr ateys, with the roe telt th,at ..he ie confinci to his bed with dislocated jaw .and minus two teeth'. Mr. W. Miller's condition ,doe le not improite very much. ARE YOU GOING 1,VEST TIES S.tEtING? If so take advantage of the re- markably law one-way second class collenial rates to Nelson, Vancoaver; Victoria B. 0.; Seattle, Tacoma, Wash; Portland Ore. to,, In stfeet Mardi lst to April 15th; or if Wes- tern Canada is your destinatioa the one-way second cla.ss settl.,rs' trains to Western Canada will leave Toron- to 10.20 p. •tn, each Tuesday during March ona April. Bear in tnincl that tbe moat rambie. in the world. It, la train eerv:ce, The route is one of the Canael:an. Pacifie Railway offers th.e fittest etiait,'.-)ent and atisteat the only line Nara:era ehroueh stan- deed and toarist eleepere, also din- ing cers to Winnipee anti Vancouver' with the yeast modern compartment taunt tabeervetiOn lbrary `Oars through the otnotinteins end across Canada on transtontinental traine. Ily travelling C. R, s'ou avail necessity ah &angles depots. All .equipeeerit is, Operated atid owned by the Ge P. la). affording the highest Nett of effieiener. If such a trip is ander oraisideration‘ apply to any C. P.L "'goat frit aoll particulars.. Tor Oity Office 1.6 ging Street got, ........................... . . .-E . ti ,. . , ,,, . . 4 I/ . 0 0 . ft Rajah • • • a • e • • • e ) • ' A Tale of the far East • 4 0 D • • • • • By CLARISSA MACKIE • Copyright by American Frees asso- * Gla t lob, 1911. 4) 40.60 dialescreerie 00e1004s0060. "This is a story that than1as Sline old me." warned Captain Raenabas • eish as be skillfulty mended a net on the silver sands of Quttnr•e harbor; 'therefore, ma'am. Ian not responsible for its veracity," '.Never mind." I assured Was eagerly. -'01 cofirSe I know they ean't be'true. Nevertheless they are interesting if one an separate the truth from the fic- tion." "Miss Telhatn," said the captain, turning his winkling eye upon me, "fiction ain't no word to nse in connec- tion with my old tnessmate Ananias Sline. ile's just a plain and simple liar, but every once in awhile, like most liars, he swings the pendulum so far to leeward that back she comes and runs afoul of the truth. At such times Ananias gets into heaps of trou- ble. "Now, the story I have iu mind is about the time Ananias got into trou- ble with the rajah of Raddabah, out In India. You wouldn't think the mete of a peaceful trading ship like the old lodes was would be mixing in such high society as Indiau princes, but when Ananias got started on an ad- venture there was no knowing where he'd stop- net at princes anyway_ Likely it would nave to be kings or queens or big bugs of spine extra high standing. "Well, we bad left Calcutta and was running along down the coast with the Jaipur bills in the background when Ananias came aft and told roe that the water butts had sprung a • leak and that we would have to put ashore and get another supply of water. "I won't go into the details of how this happened, ma'am, for it was all most unseamanlike, and it bad never happened to me before. Our ship's carpenter repaired the damagesand all we had to do was to tie up at the right place and try and find some pure water, and in India, ma'am, that's no easy matter. . "At last we came to a fair sized vil- lage whellithe natives didn't seem any more than naturally curious at sight of us, and Ananias went ashhre with some men to have a powwow with the headman. "'How could, you talk to that bead, man, Ananias? I aaked him. 1 didn't know you could speak Hindustani.' "'1 don't wear all my accomplish- ments on my sieves,'skipper,' he says excitedly. "'S'pose you talk a little Hindustani to me,' I baited bit.' "Then Ananias rattled off a lot of queer gibberish that sounded as if he had swallowed all his teeth and was laughing about it. 'You savee?' he ended up just like a Chinee laundry- man. "'1 understand,' I says to him grim- ly. 'I understand from what you say, Ananias Sline; that you're throwing me a game of bluff about talking to the headman. Ele looks too intelligent to converse in any langeitch lite that. Whatever be told you about the water you go and do it. I can stand anything except water from the Ganges. If you're going through the jungle You better take guns.' "A nenlas didn't say a word, but be and tee men he picked out hustled around and got the water casks and provisions and some guns and ammu- nition, and away they, went in tbe bul- lock cart, with the headman of the vil- lage lashing a long whip and yelling at the bullocks in a langwitch that didn't sound like the one Ananias made up. "It was the next morning before Ananias and his party came back, and they were hurrying some, ma'am, I can tell you. Ananias was in the lead. running for his life, and behind him came his four seamen, and back of them were three of the tallest, longest legged Hindus I ever set eyes Upon, and I've seen a sight of 'ern in my day. "I had a boat at the jetty to wee! 'ena, but 1 declare if the three Hindus didn't get tbere at the same time, and all tumbled in With our men, and so they were all brought aboard end came before me. "'What's all this?' I demanded of Ananias. explain, skipperif you'll send my men below for 5 bite to eat and a little rest,' he says slyly : istal so I sent the four seamen below, and that left Ananias standing them, looking scared and mad at the same Hine, While the three aindus stood just he, hind hire, staring siity at me. "'Explain; then.' 1 snapped ont. "Ananias took a chew Of tObacco and folded his arms: 'It happened this wear, skipper,' he began, And then he launched ont in a wonderful tale of how they had reached the shore of the lake where the rajah's palace was sit- uated when the rajah -was taking Ins pleasure In a boat, on the'lake. "It seems he didn't understand the dialect. that Ananiaa nsed. Of ponr84 AnAtlin§ told tue he had fl perSonal In. terview aid: the big thant Wed 'he or= deeed Ananias to be bronght before him the nett Morning for essmination„ So MO night 'the men from the Indus eaMped oflutp, snorti or int Wei iind *4'eler04111:1:1:119.44' 1414e4Sreivlatk:::141111n4ru' n'e7p,oarripPelltu, Ware, where they kept .otol-outil t neIE'Ttle7he •bOP4 fie wort hroogst fore the rajah with other Olean and exemitked, awl he eald 11 W9 have made Your Wood ran cOld to the offhand way in whieh that des -"desperate despet` vvam What Amin ecth:nel.leepideris;hellynnicrtoe7i:Itid: ticli.:171atainU(aPrtntetidnor.ttlioewnla01 th jailers and they would be earried, lteoashe, edput to death or torture or res "Ananias said that the Minh was mos:: awful looking critter he ever til eyes upon -a giant in size with w iy hair and squint eyen ancl it was t squint eyes that caused all the tX0 ble. It seems the rajah was so cro eyed that the jailors would get Mixed up on the sentences and h the prisoners got the wrong sentenc It was all right fitrasettle; littiibilfif other's. So Ananias says *bona ea his turn to plead he got'lip and tOl the rajah all about the Indus, and ho her water casks had sprung a leak, that we wanted fresh water from everlasting waterfalls, and that was citizens of the U. S. A. The rttf just smiled and said it was all rig and he could have all the water wanted as long as the waterfalls la'a ed, and then he nodded one way an his eyes got so horribly squinty ari crossed just then that the execution made a grab for Ananias saying rajah had lookth ed at him and e raj was to busy to interfere, so they ha • ed Ananias off to put him to death. "He says he got away and s ashore and roused our four men, aa they all cut and run for the Indus wi three of the rajah's men chasing them, and here was Ananias and her was the three men. staring horrn struck just as if they had understoo every word of what my first mate said, and they didn't believe a word io It. "Then one of the three Hindusapok up politely, and what be said woul have flabbergasted you. ma'am, for A• spoke in English. Says he: 'S captain, this man speaks lies wheneve his mouth opens and he has called 0 prince by. evil names and -with a fal tongue. We have been ordered ' bring him baelt to the palace that o prince may exemine him: , "Of course I wasn't surprised to h that Ananias bad been drawing t long bow as I could see that he pretty much chapfallen to think he been wasting all that breath befor these Hindus who could speak his Ian witch better than he could. I just c ed the second mate to command t Indus, and, taint g a fresh supply 6 men, I started w_th the whole lot fo e the rajah's palace. "At last we arrived at the palaek and Ananias was right about that p of it He always did mix a little ixu in wiela his falsifying. It was on a island in tbe middle of a lake, and could see waterfalls here and :Oar among the hills. "We all got into a big barge an were rowed across the lake to the p ace and hustled into the audience roe where the rajah appeared in all glory. "When he smiled at Ananias the cheerful prevaricator just hauled in • tops'ls and looked down at the floo and I don't wonder. for that .raja turned out to be one of the handsome men I ever saw in all my days, an his eyes were as straight as you ma'am. That part about his bein squtiet eyed was all a yarn of my fl iiia "It seems tint the rajah of Radda had been educated in Englandand talked with me quite a spell in a fe and easy manner. Be told -me that men hadaaound Ananias and his fo mates stealing fruit from the palaC gardens, and for that reason he ha arrested him. He escaped all rig and the rajah's servants had giv chase. and caught him on board t Indus. "The rajah of Raddahar" was a Venue after all, and he laughed an made a joke of Ananias and his sto Of the 'squint eyed rajah.' He p tended he wonted to buy Ananias t his chief story teller, kind of a eo • fool, he explained, with a twinkle those straight, handsome eyes of and poor Ananias huog his head az( looked mighty Reared, tor the raj pretended to offer me all kinds of rl. jewels in exchange tor the critter. an I pretended to bargain for him an then put the matter off until the b. time Ananias told a big yarn. , ($ "So I insisted on Ananias paying fu the fruit he had stolen, and he ape!' glzed to the rajah as decently as idnd can apologize to somebody wli bee done them a good turn, and th as the rajah bad made us welcome all the water we Wanted, we all fell and filled up our casks and away went back to the Indus with SOM bresents that 'desperate despot' ha ill°'Wfeli ercedrt Is '0'sent a special me ger back to the rajah with some p Sits krona the Mita stores, and th We. h'isted 'Sail and away we wen homeward, bound." 44And what did Ananias have to �a1' l'irs et Wait 2at ovk err 1 asted arllVII,. . , . "WhY, Ananias recotered his net? after we get out or sight Of the J'a hills, and he came to me and tot tniother yarn -about Ma having Stroke when he got to the lake arl he Aldn't rightly romquibor what h pened after that • "I lohked him bi the eye and tiatti 'ilirtnitiri Mine, yeti ttattY not tightly Member What hapPetted, btit th 'len& that does, end I want to Yn!nd you that there berth to Lig for the court *IP* it:,