HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-11-03, Page 6zz—u:zzzzZzs zzs_z�_s _zzzzsz _zszs:i
Saturday, Nov. 13
When o cub or scout stops at your door
please help a worthy cause. This is the boys
only way of helping.
Allen Gibson
Deputy - Reeve
Ashfield Township
De.utyreeve Jim Britnell
no stranger to county council
As a former Huron County
engineer for 21 years,, Jim
Britnell will be no stranger
to county council in his
capacity as deputy -reeve.
"I've probably attended
more council meetings over
the years than most of the
others. I'm going to feel
quite comfortable in that
(council) 'room," he says.
However, he feels it will now
be interesting to see matters
from "the other side of the
When asked how he feels
about being acclaimed,
Britnell says, "It'smuch
easier when you're ac-
claimed but it's always nicer
to be the public's choice."
Whether acclaimed or
elected though, Britnell
knows he has an obligation to
serve the public to the best of
his abilities and he has some
very specific ideas about
how to do just that.
Regarding local taxes, he
says he feels it is essential to
hold the line at five per cent
and this could mean cur-
tailing some services or
delaying certain projects.
"It's time to distinguish
between what we want and
what we need," he says.
He feels the emphasis
should be on labor-intensive
projects which provide work
for local people.
"We must limit our
spending to projects which
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oft fie
are needed for safety or
health reasons or to those
which create work. It's going
to be a long, tough winter.
Many taxpayers are already
at their limit. There are
going to be people who may
not be able to pay their taxes
and this will cause a cash
flow problem," he explains.
Britnell says county
council must be wary of
projects involving gover-
nment grants too.
"We can't afford to pay
our' share of projects which
aren't necessary. There are
times when you can't even
afford a bargain and this is
one of those times. We
shouldn't be stampeded into
projects because of grants.
Those grants will still be
available at a later time," he
Britnell, who says that
traffic is his specialty, would
also like some input into the
town's traffic study. He feels
that Goderich has too many
four-way stop signs.
"They have become the
rule rather than the ex-
ception," he says while
explaining that not only are
they gas wasters but are
conducive to bad driving
habits as well.
Britnell is also very
concerned about the Huron
County Pioneer Museum
being moved to Vanastra.
"I'm against that idea, I
don't feel the county has
considered all the im-
plications. An empty
building isn't reason enough
to relocate. I don't think the
county has looked at the long
range cost implications of
maintaining a building like
the one at Vanastra. It's far
bigger than they need."
Britnell says he feels the
museum should stay "where
the people are."
"Artifacts have to be
where they will be seen. The
lake draws tourists to
Goderich and they visit the
museum while they are
Britnell says he hopes to
defuse the "get-Goderich"
attitude which Paul Carroll
referred to in a recent letter
to the editor of the Goderich
Signal -Star. He says such an
attitude is not unique in any
form of county government
but that one .doesn't try to
decentralize things that
depend on tourists.
I Britnell is presently
retired and feels that this
will give him more time to
spend on county council
matters. He has lived in
Goderich for 26 years with
his wife and four children. In
the past, he has sat on the
Parking Authority and is
currently on the Goderich
Municipal Airport Com-
mittee and Committee of
Adjustment. He recently
resigned from his position as
the provincial appointee ori
the town's police com-
mission (the Goderich
commission is made up of
one elected representative
and two appointed citizens -
at -large. Now that Britnell
will be holding an elected
position on county council,
he felt it was only•proper to
resign from the -commission
so , that another citizen -at -
large could take his place as
a non -elected member of
that commission) .
Britnell served on the
Goderich hospital board for
16 years and is a past
chairman of that board. He
is also a past president of the
Lions Club and the Ontario
Good Roads Assocttiou. He
has served as a director of
the Maitland Country Club
and on the Board of Stewards
at North Street, United
Church. He even ran as the
Progresseive Conservative.
candidate for Huron-
Middlesex in the provincial
election in 1980.
Britnell hopes the citizens
of Goderich will see his past
experience serving on
various boards and com-
mittees as a valuable asset
to the town at the county
council level.
There is a definite
need to re -organize
our priorities and
use our tax dollars
For further restraint
in an uncertain
NOVEMBER 8, 1982
1..,01,®,.�44,.�41�.0THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT
Township of West Wawanosh
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of
West Wawanosh that polling for the election of Reeve and Three
Councillors and One School Board Trustee will take place on
Township of West Wawanosh.
Monday, November 8,1982
Between the Hours of 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p.m. at the
Four Polling Sub -Divisions
POLL NO. 1 Home of Bev and Ken Ohm, Dungannon
POLL NO. 2 - Auburn Community Hall ILlbrary]
POLL NO. '3 - West Wawanosh Municipal Office
P014 NQ. 4 - St. Helens Women `s Institute, Hall
Deadline for making Application to the Clerk for
a certificate by Proxy is 5:00 p.m.
Reeve Worsell eyes
warden's chair in 19
As Mayor of Goderich for
the past four years and a
partner in Worsen Brothers
plumbing business, Harry
Worsen found his life getting
a bit too hectic. This year he
has been acclaimed as
Goderich's reeve and he is
hoping life at the county
council level won't be quite
so busy.
"The mayor's job took up a
lot of time. I was expected to
sit on every committee and
when you're in business for
yourself, that's pretty hard,"
he explains.
Worsen -is no stranger to
local politics. He first got
involved 16 years ago and
since then he says politics
has "gotten in my blood." In
the past, he has served as a
town councillor, a member
of the PUC, mayor for eight
years off and on and deputy -
reeve at the county council
level. He also served as
reeve once before in 1969-70.
However, this is the first
time he has ever been ac-
claimed to a position and not
had to fight an election.
Worsell was . born and
raised in Goderich and as a
life-long resident, he is very
concerned with the issues
affecting the town. He is
especially convinced that the
Huron County Pioneer
Museum should stay here as
one of the- town's most im-
portant tourist attractions
and will now be able to fight
for that cause at the county
"I think I can be very
effective," he says.
Worsell is married to Ila, a
talented local musician and
they have one son, Terry. He
is a. member of Royal
Canadian Legion Branch 109
and North Street United
Church. He is also- a past -
master of Maitland Lodge
no. 33..
His future plans? "I might
run for warden in 1984. The
town hasn't had one since the -
1940s." 1940s."
Board of education
Chairman seeks re-election
Dorothy Wallace, who has
served as chairman of the
Huron County Board of
Education for the past year,
is seeking re-election this
November 8. •
Wallace has represented
Goderich on the board since
its inception in 1969 ex-
xcepting one year and prior to
that she was a . represen-
tative of the old Goderich
Public School Board.
Wallace says that, "school
boards are now faced with a
tremendous challenge." She
explains, "with the Ontario
government passing Bill 82
local school boards are being
called apon to porvide alot of
the funding. Between having
to finance that, keeping staff
contented and trying to keep
the taxes down, it's just
"There is going to be a
very difficult time ahead in
regards to financing
education without cutting
courses," Wallace says. She
realizes that dropping
courses • from the
curriculum, "will only make
the offerings to the kids,
A widow with four
children., Wallace was
brought up in Colborne
Township and has lived in
Goderich since. She taught
school for one year.
She is chairman of the
Huron Historic Jail Board
and is also chairman of the
Local Architectural
Advisory Committee.
Discussing the possible
addition of grades seven and
eight to Victoria Public
School, Wallace says, "if it
proves to be economically
sound to make that move, I
suppose the board will do it."
But she adds, "it has to be
remembered that all the .:
library, science, art and
music facilities would have
to be duplicated."
Parent voice needed, Adams says
Jean Adams is seeking re-
election for a second term as
trustee,for the Huron County
Board of Education.
Adams says she would like
to see better communication
between parents, trustees
and the school board. She
explains, "I would like to see
more parents voice their
opinions to teachers and to
the trustees.
She continues, "the best
way to get from point A, to
point B, is a straight line and
therefore, I would like
parents to come directly out
and say, I have a complaint,
will you help me?"
Adams adds, "the trustee
may not be able to help, but
they will try."
Currently, Adams is
chairman of the Early
School Leaving Committee
and she serves on both the
Education Committee and
the Staff Improvement
Discussing the possibility
of children leaving school
before they are 16, Adams
says, "I've got so wound up
in kids, I just hate to see
them wanting to leave school
at 12 or 13 years old. At that
age they can't get a job, so
let's see them being
As well as serving on
various committees, Adams
is a member of the Legion, a
past regent of the IODE, a
member of the Eastern Star,
a member of North Street
United Church and she
serves on the board of the
Day Care Centre at
She is also an honorary
member of the Goderich
Arts Fondation, a life
member of the Alexandra
Marine and General
Hospital, a member of
Friends of the Library and
has served on the Tourist
Committee for seven years.
Now that Goderich will
have only one trustee
representing the town rather
than two, Adams says,
"having one trustee is going
to make it a little tighter job
and that person will have to
be more responsible."
She adds, "I want the best
possible education for our
children since they are the
hope of the future."
A widow with one child,
Adams has lived in Goderich
for the past eight years
Energetic blood needed on board
Jim. Kingsley is one of
three candidates cam-,
paigning for the one
Goderich seat on the Huron
County Board of Education.
A first-time candidate,
Kingsley decided to run for
trustee after serving on the
committee which studied the
feasibility of incorporating
grades seven and eight into
Victoria Public School. He
says, "after serving on the
committee 1 gave it more
thought and decided why riot
go all the way and get
completely involved"
The forty -year-old
Goderich resident feels, "it's
time the board had some
energetic blood and some
fresh viewpoints as well as a
little more get up and go."
Kingsley has worked in
administrative duties in
research and development at
Champion and thinks that his
past experience will be an
asset to the board.
If elected, Kingsley has
three main goals he would
like to see accomplished.
His first goal is to see
Victoria Public School
corporate both grade seven
and grade eight.
Kingsley says his second
goad involves the school
budget. He explains, "I don't
like • paying school tax
anymore than anyone else,
so I would like to keep a close
watch on the spending."
His third goal he says, "is
having a major interest in
what happens in the schools,
since I have three school age
Kingsley has lived in
Goderich since 1965 and was
the founding member of the
Goderich Chess Club.
His wife's name is Linda.