HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-2-22, Page 1• YOU. PP, ..- , KNOW? hat we tell ROXAL.LE. REM.EDIMIS That we guaratatee them That tklere is a rewedy for each human ailment,' That the Majol:ity of your neighb re have usedlo.ne of more of them That W' "' aut;to tell YOiiT .all about them, : era/„ R96dalira bio Yore? COLE'S DRUO2STORE aiIBTY-ZiGUTJI YEAR-•- TO 1994 Huron ea Mitidiasez Gazette EXETER, .ONT .- CANADA, TH OBSDA•Y MORNII Gt FEBRUARY 22nd 1912 :-: PHONE 32 Obituarys Daniel . Beriniek-On' `Friday morn- ' iiie; of last week liar. Daniel Bernick Iwho was in dab fla year, passed away very suddenly at tilt home of hip son Frank, in Usborne 'Towns/31P, ' Mr. Kie•rnick although -Lve11 ap in ' years and somewhat feeble was able to 'be around and on''the : morning he died, he got lip and, ate his ,breakfast alnd went ito the barn; where he was • overtaken with a stroke, a n ddi ed in n Th,eSr1.Rush wilt soon bhere I nui n Cortwa11 Ertglan1. and wbexi a .bo eame tc Canada wtth Jais par entscutssatlig%n Dr1inton Toin.a few minutes: The deceasd waras ,a ship, .eater hovasarriedfin Eliza -Y U Read for It? WeAre. New Goods arrive• th Truer of Port a,ambta and S rin is very near, Ale O ypg pout forty years ago they moved to daily from the Fashion Centres, yV a never were in better shape tQ snppl ing a ly I i been left out to 'rake this headquarters for the shop ,your demands.. Nothing has q ping public. Exeter Council Mee'tin'g; af. %bn cotuoil was held in the ;fawn hail friday evening the 16th Inst A.11 Jueinbere present t .ex- cept Mr. ILevett M.rinutes of the last eneetina were read cud approved. Communication • was read' ,from D. le Mc Pherson. town •e1erie of Clin- ten statins that it Wee the opinion of theft oonneil that some united'ed' ,action; should be taken. re the Hy Electric Commission and it was sug- gested that a mereti,n;,r of .the repre- sentatives of the Municipalities, eoncerned be. held. in Clinton on or about Feb, 26th. -Rivers and Ford. that 11aeeers. Bea- man and Seat be a deputation to. •Usborae township. Their fanlilycon- attend said meeting. Carried. listed Of eight children, neves of Scott acid lord that +the Jo11owT:n' whom are still living. Mrs, Ia,erniok aeoounts be paid and orders i..lsuedi in. Predeceased her husband in 1901, A paymelnt. Qt1e'O City Cil i:o., '�.bbls few years afterwards Mr; Bernick yasol;afe 16.50; 9`hoa' Brook, jr, lab. flied ed Mrs. Brewer• of town, who 0,aso nH.e 6.50; hr, snowplowing 6:75 died about two years ago'. The aur- Rctbt• Sanders, {lab. 18.51; Tho San- married members of : the family are ders, da 1.15 ;l Sid. aamderu'' do 145; Thomas, of .town, William and I . Wes, 13i'easett ref water tax 1.50; Francis, of U•aborne; .Mrs, Charles Fred Kerr fila 49.75; Fred Kerr Frayatan of 'et. Btarra, Mrs. damelumber and' brick for cement 4'2,70 Frayne of d Ati ne ; ,Airs, ,Lashes Smith. Total 128'138: of St, Claud Aiinn., and Bars, R. BetteBiesars. Treble and Mellott waita9, .ling of town, all of :whom were prey on the council re the Band. Mr. Brit at the funeral. The funeral tock Treble stated that the building they place Monday to the Exeter (Demeter had been in. the habit of pratjas ins for interment. in was too •ama1T and that they .curd Mrs Samuel. Isaac -The old require more room which woald n�a- pion- oessitaee more, money and tasked the eers of 'Huron' traet who tam: to Council for a 'grant of $225.00. this part and hewed nut a home„ for Rivers and. Scott that the band b themselves in i he bush -land are fast granted $200.00, the, same. to he paid dying reward wineh a one passed quarterly: Carried, to her seward on Wednesday last in Rivers and Scott that the Reeve the person of Bins. 5. Isaac who dba and Treasurer !barrow $1400 for c+ir at the home of her daughter Mrs. P. rent expeuse:d' and that a bylaw T. W. .Madge.. Lot 15. Concession 8 be drawn confirming same, By-1'iw and her. husband same faxen on hen they No.' 6. for the borrowing of money and her- husband.settl.d when they for current expenses having been oversixtyr.et mzs came'Canada. aof i tx 0. 7"' the necessary alar numbs dn�e ccs read 3^ e had n'goodScott ago. The deceased, e o edmotion of S o g ed•' y was finally passed on health up to a few, weeks ago n-beix seconded by Ford. she suffered a slight paralytic stroke By-law No. 7. authorizing the bon and gradually grew weaker. She rowdy; of $5000.00 glad the issuing. was 89 years and 6 months old. Mrs of Pillage :debentures for. a term of Isaac's maiden name wars Eliza Redd 20 Vegas .for the les rimg of the She was born in Devonshire England water work maths eft read zvehe and shortly ter marrying Mr. Isaac !sears number eiti timers and ;finally they came to Canada and cleared passed on ;motion of Rivers and Scott fifty acres of land an the Ford and Rivers that we advertise they 8th concessioniof retired r d Here the sale of $5000.00 water works 3e - they lived until they retired andmov- bentures by tender. Tenders to be ed to 'town. About fifteen years receive 3 up to Friday evening March ago Mr. Isaac died and the deceased 1st at 7.00 p. `me went to live with her only daughter Rivers that we adjourn to melee Mrs. Madge, he was a Methodist in Friday Blanch 1st. Rcligian and was a member of James T. B. CABLING Clerk, street church and althoagh of a quiet anasdnming nature was beloved by a wide circle of acquaintances ani especially by those who knew her Exeter School Board best. Besides he only daughter, she Ts survived- by one sT�ter BIrs Rowe and possesses all her faculties and the Town Hall Monday. Feby. 19t6t .al was field' on Friar enjoys excellent health. The funer- with all members present. The foi- e Iasi, interment lowing is Ike order rf busi�ess duly taking place in the Exeter cemetery submitted and .approved,. er chair Thomas Prior --One after another minutes of trevious mertiner cords Ile - tae older resident of !our town are ports of of areitees;' Wood, passing away and this week we re- duly received and ample supplies cord the death of Thomas Prior who available; Insurance. policy for $5400 died at his hone on Elizabeth street renewed with, Atlas Ins. Co. for the on Friday last at the age of 68 years sum of fifty four ,dollars for a. term and 4 months. The deceased had not of three .years; Educational. County been well for some time. About three grants for the H. S. department as - years ago the wase kicked by a horse grants as for the year 1911. Per J. and had this arm broken and shortly Armstrong and A. E. Flake• that R. afterwards anaemia set in and since N. Creech and the Secretary' be a that he gradually grew weaker al- permanent eammittee to secure the. addresses t b monthly a ddra a kers for th m y sea ,,to p til bo being able weeks get o when un- for the year. Per Secretary that wasabout four ago ad.e . he fee receipts would realize about $400 was compelled to take- his bad, The for the current term. Per F. Wrood England and parer tdeceased was orentod family Canada Devonshire in n 1 three and L Armstrong that the fo. Wrong with his parents and family of thee+': ,-11lajor brothers and one sister: They set- payments be approved, SergtF. E. Hector, drill $20.,00; E. McDou= tied ab. Soars afterwards, near St. Thomas gall. wood. 20.00; J. A. Stewart sap - to six years they came, plies. 2.10; Atlas Insurance Co. prem - to sign. o settling on the and ton: rum 54,00 J. Grigg', school auupliels cession. He.was married to Rhoda and cards 16.31. Per P. W. Gladman • Rankin who predeceased him and adjournment. GG Secretary. GRI J. , was survivedd s ethree m i bysmall children. n Iii 1881 he was marries to Susan -.4.---•- Cudmore, his bereaved widow. Fair a number of years he conducted a THAMES ROAD butchering business'in town and lat- During the recent cold snap, quite er Event into hog -buying and as .each a number of farmers complained' of was widely known throughout this how hard it was to keep their stablas district. He was a member of the , warm enohgh to ketep the water Methodist Church for nearly 40 years Those who survive him, ba,sidee his sorrowing widow, are, Mrs. Rebt. Sweet, Nolso;;• and 'Herman. of Por- tage,la J?raire ; 'Mae Kay. of Ueborne Mrs. E.. Beebe,. of Ridgetown and Olive at borne, The funeral was held Tuesday •from the James street Methodist Church and was conduct- ed by the 1,, Q. 0. F.,esskisted by Rev. John Bali. of Oilsprings. The flor- al tributes teen very beautiful and consisted of wreathes from the fam- ily. The White ,Packing Co., of Strat- ford the I. O. 0. F. and the C. 0. P: besides several sprays. The inter- raeait took place et the: Exeter cem- etery. Robert 1tnmteith-Another of the early settlers, inn(, the •porison of Mr- Robert rRobert Alotn,teith, of the Thames Road. died en Tuesday, F iby. '20th at the age of 87 years and 7 months The late Mr. Monteith has been re- markably smart fo;rhire year's and enjoyed fairly good heiaith up lee about tea months ago when he wee taken ill end .gradually weakened en, tir his death, At the time of hits death he was .probably the oldest settler of the Thames Road. file came to Usborrre in the fiifties and cleared the timbee frum his farm. Ile wales of Scotch' descennt having been born DIED in Glesgo w and /lame with his par - exits. when eleven years old, to Cann Is„ERN.toK--rn Ushorne. Friday. Feb atda settli'tvx in lJralkiotii,wc. lat,r core - 16 Daniel Kerrick, aged 80 sears tad k months. a ISAAC --la Usborne, on Wethisestday Feby. 14th•.Eliza Rudd, relict of the lata SamaeJ. Isaac, aged Se sears and d months. I?RTOR--fn Exeter. en Friday n'ebv. 18th.. Thom2,s Prior, aged 68 years 1 month and 4 days. MONTEITIT-in TJsborne on Tuesday Feby. 20th,r Robe. Monteith, mend .7 years ane 7 menthe, The fon-who !:naw hinx. i'lie ftrn,eraa will be f. ,` M. , •lea l at held t:•�-cln ,C"hurscla ) ,t \i 1 G C era! �. will take lace, Thu#sday y ( 1 p . (.a, cemetery. thn. T i.. t ht' ':ritcririen : in two o alocitr . i New, Spring .Coats They are full length and come in beautiful cloths and colors with the • large Shawl Collars. Be Sure to See Them. • Dress Goods Nothing is . left out in Cloth or Colors to make 'the best we have ever shown. We want you all to see our Stock. • Foulards and Wash Goods We have a magniflcent lot to show you in the New Foulard Patterns. Linens, Crashes, Ginghams, Cham - brays, Cotton, Voiles, Muslins and Prints. Dress Trimmings Something to match any Dress of any color. Silk Fringes, Ball Fringes, Laces, Braids and Ailovers in all shades Here llouseFurnishings' This is aood time to think about them. You will soon be Housecleaning and will want a lot of New Goods. We are showing a bigger stock than ever. Rugs Wilton Rugs, Axminister Rugs, Velvet Rugs, Brussels Rugs, Tapestry Rugs and Wool Rugs in all sizes from Door mats up to 41x5 yards. Carpets and Wall Paper We are showing some New Pat- terns. in Brussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpets and hive 10,000 Rolls of the New Wall Paper for YOU. Gents Furnishings for Spring We must tell you all the New Things for the Men New p `S ring Overcoats New Shirts ti Suits Collars Sritings Ties New Hats " Caps Fancy Sox. is ALL WINTER GOODS TO up Anything that is left in the Winter 1 ine of Coats, Furs, .Fur -lined Coats, Robes, Y Etc. will be cleared out. at Bargain Prices. They Must Go. Phone 32 Jones May, Exeter COAL OIL GASOLINE XETER'S BIG HARDWARE and' Plumbing Hot Air Heating Let us figure onyour ` Furnace Work and `Plumbing. Eati- -' mates cheerfully Given .Baths;` -Lavatories and Sinks, Pipings and Fittingss always in Stock. Wash Day Su1 s pp18 Washing Ma chines from;: $7.00 to $10.00 Machines as . cut $10.00 Galvanized Tub' 75c tar$1.85 Boilers $1.50 to $4,50 Olothee Lines, 10c to 45c Pipe wrenches from 10c up Saws for every Use 25c to $2.00 Hammers from 10e to 950 R oakAL PURPLE INTERNATIONAL MOLASSES FOODS for Stock or Poultry : for Stock or Poiiitry Caldwell'a Molasses `Food package 25c,.a $.,,o 50c to $1,50 acka e ,500 and $$.50 25 a bag GIatnber Salts Sulphur Salt Petre EA1NAN'S AND COVE STORE Iii !! G L ROOFING SCRANTON fl, �} end of 1912 for75c Thi Times" to the The newsiest paper in the County' l ANOTHER RAILWAY SCHEME Mr. J. A Rothery, superintendent of MacKenzie & Mann electric rail- ways wae in, St.:Marys ane day re- cetT l - n t ��'-had had a conference rence 5 with the directors of the Strattl!ora Electric railway and the result of that cotnference• is said to have bean the completion of arrangements for financing a road to run from Strat- ford to St. Marys and then to Grand Bend. • It is anderstood. says the Beacon that the MacK'e,nzie' & Mann inter- ests will take oyer take bands and have a controlling .voice in the con- strut/Lion. and management of the the road. It is expected that the work will. be started before the es - tension of time granted by the Strat- ford council expires, "which 19 1st of Mae. Indeed, ie. there is any early break up in winter, considerable pro- gress maythe madebafalee, May Day AMeanvhile the council may be asked to make some changes. ,in the route whinh will, onthe whole, be benefi- dial to the citizens.., It is intended to construct theline to St. Marys as speedily as possible with the ultimate, object of extend- ing it to Grand Bend on Lake lluron. Another ILne from Stratford to God erioh is contemplated, making Strat- ford the, centre ,of an elaborate sys- tern of Mactlenzie & Mann radials. It is also stated. that thiss ste, y ns of radiate is to be a feeder for the Canadian Northern railway ,whiob will have its steam line from Toronto to Stratford, evith possibly a branch leading from Guelph to I3rati ford, Woodstock and 'London -St. Marys Argus. of Exeter. who is . in her 'll4th year, Minutes of the meeting. heli in irng to Usborne, In Juno 1862 he, d Jrate Mill;�r, who was married to i a a , with two lsitghters and one son war- vivo, viz; Mary Helena and Charles at hotmP ane! 11r.rs, Andrew C.rnpb:+l1 o± the Thames Jr3oart, `t b,-. dceee,laee 1 was a member oir the '1'Ihain:•s. leeee ,Presbyterian Choreal. in lurli'ir.'kk h was a Liberal ;and voted at, the last heiieral t leotian. EIe, tuns highly re- spected area ,ealroniod ru laic ne'a;k' borhood in whichi he lived and by all Locals (Witch ;fled andlll.,:,. ad's t +ilot laeeeekiirty fur aallia Ped ban faco. or zips, Pinar and all irritations of the skin. 25o; a bottle ole' Drug Store Mr. lay. hlllworeby'is oc the tick list.. Miss. Verde Leavitt is •con'fined to Leer bed through illness. UP,'Rarry Wood, of London visited. Misa Mabel' Walters over Sunday. Diss Nettie Walters Fpent is few days in London during the past week Mrs. Holloway. of Clinton, ins vis- iting ber daughter: Mrs. R, N. Rowe. Air. Frankauk Waltc s, of Detroit.troit. visited his, parents; in town one day last week. Mrs, G: P. Connor, returned home, on ,Saturday last after an absence' of some. months' in the' elates, 14 Ir. P. •Rowolitfe has mold hits res.- ideuice on Sanders street to Wxls, B. Passmore, of the. Thamela; Road. ATr. T. E. lEIandfgrd„who has been visiting in New York, St. Thomas and Toronto as in''town on Satter - day .last. ' A number from town intended the dance at Air, W. rt. Smith's of Crede itori East, on, Thursday evening last and report a good time. Mr Jahn Brokenshire, of Henfryn formerly of Stephen, was a pleasant caller at the Times rim Tuesday. The North has !still many attraction's foo Mr. Brokenshire. Always avoid harsh purgative pills They first make you sick and then leave you constipated Carter's 'Lit- tle Liver Pills regulate theboweb and then' !Hake you well.Dose. one pill. Butcher Easiness Sold. -Mr. Frank Wood has disposed of his, butcher busines on Main street toe Council- lor Wm. Rivers, who takes pdsstes;-• sion March lst. Mr. Woad has, no't yet decided what he will do, There is no better medicine for the colds than Chamberlain's Cough Rer- edy. It acts an• na'ture's plan, • re- lieves the lungs opens the sn:eretioinse aids expectoration; and restore the The vote ' on the ba. system 'to ° a beaithy condition. For sas on church union was talo sale by' all dealers. en and .stood 13 againat to 9 far;.•. Miss Viola, area, only daughter' of The Pastor. Rev. II. Cooper, mice Bir. and Mrs. James Neil, of Fair- given a. hearty! and unaniendus invae field. underwent an operation for tattoo' to return a third year and appendicitis at St. Joseph's hospital be :aeeepbed .subject fo the unuai 0114 ditions. The funeral of Miss Lillie Langfoj1 of Granton' which( 'took place Thane day afternoon; to Pi= cemetery, a 5 very Largely attended. Rev. Mr. League Entertained- The Epworth aloorhouse,-of. lair• conducted the ales; League of the Main Street M,+thodist vices at the home. The pall bearers church drove to Bethany Tuesday were all first coaeles of the • decea'sir• everting and were very pleasantly en- ed, Miss Langfoid; wall the eoan!ge $1,00 pe year in advance er of deeded, talent and ability and;: fast winning a place cation,;' tine Wait of throe presetet-•day aeadees. The: pregranlme will consist of Wellas duetts, frlos, grfartet'bets, readte tete,. piaxio O04/5, etc„ all being. of ,a hi,'hl order and without doabt, will, be well worth hearing; so mind you, den%tti forget to oonae and take in tale' great treat. ' The Bible. Sioeiety-••Rev. Mr. Bow -i. en, agent for the. 'Bible Society, wad in.totwn' on Sunday and preached ha Cavan presbyterial" Church: in the+ moaning and Ja mts Street Chiitaoli' in the evening. 11?,r. Bowen is Pa�kr` ling his seventeanthi trip across (,atee adn in the. interests df thle Society; and is probably in touch, more, theta anyone else. with the developplb$t of the Dominion andthe great 'el raisaio;n protblem created by able � flux ea foreigners to roar sLorres, ,A. public meeting was held in the Tanen: Hall in the afternio'on but there wale' not many present. The following klaa ricers were elected: president, F. Wi Gladman;` Vico Pres. Wm. Prouu,t Sect.' H, E. Hustcln, Trea.s. N. T).' Hata don Executive, W. D. +Sanders,• II, Collins, and T. H, McCallum. The resident :clergy are Vice-Presitten;ai ex -officio; A hearty vote of thea ksr was tendered to arise Alcock, ; win has been collector for the society and who' 'has, been very Painsfaideait in her work. : The 'hopewasexprer sed that the ,coinmitbe+e would, be able to retain her aervices, another year. District News John Munroe aged 50 died at 3�ie home on the 111111 Road near Bra ere field an Wednesday after an illnes.{s extending over many months. Ret sides his mother be is survived• four sisters and one brother.. funeral was held in fRaird's Cemette�. There wasn a a large tfe dance t the meeting of the uarterly Offic a2 Berard of the Methodist church, tai: Milvertotn on. Tuesday of last wefek7J London on Saturday last. The op- eration was performed by Dr. Wiuh.- art and was quite sfaccetssful and the patient is iiow doing as well as can be expected, ter.tained by the Bethany League. Main Street League provided the *pro- gram after which refreshmea'ts were served by Bethany young people. A very enjoyable time was tenant. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral off the lata Thos. .Prior. on Tuesday were.; Mr,. Weekes. oft Lambeth; Mr. W. Clark of Landon; Mrs. Westtedtt, of Sea-, forth; Bir. and Mrs. Sam. Cudmore' of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Work= man and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. of 1Lippen; Mr. Gray, of the White Peeking Co.. Stratford. anct Rev. John Bali. n£ Oilsprings Don't Prti. ells' dh would this *e�t- u't Ashes on the St Dur.T�ng the past winter .a namber of the residents of town have.teen dumping their ashes Oat onto the the street. Do!ubtlesl these citizens are mot ;aware !that a few ,years ago our town) caancil 'took ,action in this matter and a by-law eva.s paged pipes from: freezing. In some cases prohibiting it, Putting, ashes 'into they have fr::zern' and every laboriotus the street not only spoil the appear - are the results. Also.some of the once of our town, but is' also a dant- turnip anr turnip pits have been frozen through gerous practise ars braises aria very Mr. Percy" Past?mare intends hav- apt to shy at them. We 'hope any ing a shooting match on Tuesday. who have not seen any' error in this Feb. '27th ending with enolvsber sup- practise for we•believe it i}s, done ' per. through thoughtlessness than any - Mr, and Mrs. Chars. Cann spent thingthingelse. will take kindly to t�hi,5 Sunday at AndersaM, intimation and discontinue the prao- , Mr. and Mrs. We Armstrc{ng cel- tise. Busin anjed hands to take March •+ effect1st, 1912 - Having. bought oat he butchering businersla and geed -will of Mr. F. Wood, we woald like to do •busirnei•4 with all custom the old ens and as many new ones ars wish to give tar a call. Our aim will be to; give sa'tils+factioa and hewing had some fifteen, yearn experience in the businisIs I have some Idea of the wants of the people As I cannot see you all pertlonally I takeway of soliciting your patrcna m Rivers ebrated their tin wedding at their home last Monday evening amidst a circle of relatives. Anniversary tserviods of The Prete- byteri.an Cbureh both mornrne and .evening. Rev. Kilpatrick oC Toron- to will occupy the palpit at both ser- vices cin Sunday., enure San asnapd o1, sins asn Senn aZ,tnd Too op lug slaat.oq aura eels naea pee aaere eel tereerrtu!Ts thane. emu •rasnpou pun' pllut ;r's+slsaTd vl slTgd a o a� saeiZ ellen. mean* 3 tr 1lotb 0.s "5 0 0 0 rrACTS• ABOUT CANADA .IrCill; 1912 The 1912 edition of that popular and indispensable booklet. "5000 !wets about Canada." complied by rralnk Ye;gh, the widely known •''r`ter and lecturer, and mallet' or Through the Heart of Canada. is now out and Is replete with new mit- ten, including an outlaw map of Can arta. _a calender and the New Census T:`gures. In compact forth is found a wealth of facts and figures of the Dominion that will prove arev- elatio,n of out' natural resources and growth. The mess of information gathered with 'urinate pains, !honkl he in the hands of every intelagent na;nadian, and the wide scale of pop- 4 ta,arity of rhe publication is castle 4' Be sure and hear the Grand Con" cert to be given in James Street Methodist Church on March 4th. by tbe' Famous London Male Quire tette. which is composed of four of London's leading soloists, also Mins Edna L. Smith,' -elocutionist who has made a careful study oft the art of expression and is considered arced - est of a family of eight, and lir; death is the first break in the family circle. . • Stratford Presbytery with Rev. W. L. 'H. Ro wand, as moderator. met ate special session int St. Marys last' Thursday night to induct. Rev. S. 1i'.: McLean, late of ALoosejaw, into the pastorate of Knox Prenbyteris,ni church. Rev.:J. G. Miller. of First Church preached the induction ser- mon; er-mon; Rev. Dr. McRae, of Mitchell, addressed the copgregatioa and Rev. R. Stewart, of Motherwell ,narrated[ the leading steps up to the call. A' reception to Rev. Mr. McLean. and Mrs. McLean. followed, the service. . The marriage of Miss Lizzie Mun- roe. to Mr. Peter i 'Sbertann, of 1. Fiske_ Sack. wasd 'n b . !!mule! i t James Church solemnized. Seaforth. Wednesday Last, by the Rev. Fr. ' North. graves. The bride wore a auit oN blue lady's cloth, with brae velvet hat with willow plumes. The brides- maid, Miss Nellie Duo g'aan wore a navy blue sait, with black velvet hit Augastine Munroe, brother of the bride. acted as groomsman. The. young couple left =the eight o'clock train fort 'a brief 'honeymoon in Tor- ontond a Galt, They e a expect to leave p'e for their Western home about Mareh 15. Institute Meetings Postponed Elimvifle, Saturday. Feb, 124th - Grand Bend. Monday February 56th Zurich. Tuesday Feb. 27th • Varna. Wednesday, Feb. 28th'. Hensall, Thursday Feb. 29th The following Speakers will he. likesent'" Gavin Barbour. Crosshill Henry Grose. Lefroy and other La - cal speakers., Meetings at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. T. T. Allison. B. S. Phillips, Preside n t. Secretary'. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S��°A ° A S '� O R I A; ,.,.... • •t. •4.+++4.+ +++ * ''444eel eLeke+4.+++++++1'+1,41*'++++++++SII++ti 4. February ainSe Still Continues 1I0ns,t Fail to Visit this Store Often ! o I ,' seeHornless" and �.s �►k to the "Victor� "Edison" Phonographs ..� 1so Pho�a �1aphs e, • a stock to choose from °gash or easy payniente. , o ti a><gain to Saturday p b Thursday w understood. Copies may be had for 4.t z,: a Pauta t � h:� Canadian. .,, s 25 cent, from t .a '° Phone pwbn,, king Co, 607 epadiaa, Sven Toronto. 4-4.44+4-4-4-:”:-44+4,4.44+4.÷1.4,44+01, . •...;,4±;"4-++++++++++++4'++ ' .` •