HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-2-15, Page 8TRE. .*xgrElt. TIMES rw+N+404*ip.$44+$4 414i444O*+k'►'P040, 00**4OO*O***•!!R 4r +>4+RA��r41►o!O*44..4110+ 4 r+IIOOr►4'0 ' r'�l'OO+�O �Qr 4i . EW IR a• 4 4.i PRONE -40 * O a• FEW il. EIA 1u. .• . • Palette Silks Muffs Z These muffs are'every one a bargain. They.are just the • o thing for girls going to school They will be cleared this* week at $1,00, ®Oo. FOR THIS WE. In Blue, Brown, Cream and Black. It is 36 inches wide and is fully guaranteed. Per yard $1.0(` Fur Collar Coats With curl lining interlined with (rubber. flood cloth and beautiful. Fur collar. Special Price $14,75. Prints In Reds Blues, Cadets, Li- lacs, Greys and Light Ground Good quality and splendid wearers, Special per yard 10c. Men's Caps These are made of Corduroy and are small sizes. Regular Price is 75c to be cleared thus week at 25 cents. Hockey Shoes Ladies Hockey Shoes with Wool Lining and low heels made of good 13ox Oa11'. Speeial Price per pair $2.00 Robes s Just three Astrachan Robes left These are large sizes and interlined with rubber. Yon can save money if you buy now. Flannellettes 35 inches wide splendid wash- ers, good weight and good wearers. Regular lio a yard Special Price 10 yds for $1,00 GROCERIES Prunes Large size and quality good. Regular 15c a lb., this week 2 pounds for 25 cents. 4e 0 •4 O Biscuits • • tr 04 • 4:g 14. • 1 t 40s• Are you getting the best Sodas and Fancy Biscuits? We sell Ohristies, They have no equal. Tea The best Green, Black and. Mixed Tea in bulk, These Teas a re superior or to what on buy in lead packages. Very Special at per pound 30c. Soap Baby's Own Soap, highly perfumed and suitable for tender skin. This week 3 cakes for 5 cents Honey Choice Clover Honey in sections, quart gems and pails Quart Seater sells for 40 cents Figs Good, Clean cooking Figs ho very tasty and .w wholesome. This week 4 pounds for 25c. J. A. STEWART ]dirket Be,per"tt .--+'Phe following to tee report of .$xe'tet• markets eor- 1ected: up Ito February 15Th Wheat Standard 95 to 90 Buckwheat enc to OOc Oats 42 to 45 fearleyf0to9+D Peas 1,00 to 1.15 Shorts $27.00 bran 05.00 Model ]:+'lour 2.70 Feed Flour 1.50 Butter 80 Stress Bee. • 1-'utatuets $1,25 Chieke_d 8-10' Thiele 1'L-13 Turkey 14--17 Geese 11-12 Fowl 5-7 Hoge live weight 0:30 Choice Export •Stet ee '13.25. to 62.x0 Mediurn, export 'staters 5.75 to 6,110 Choice biitohers h+eitere 6.00— 0,30' Mediate butchers 'heif•ers 5.50-5,75 Choice butchers cows 5,00 to 5,25 Medium butchers cows tl 50 ttlo 4 63 Choice Lambs 6,50 to 6,175 Choice, aheeap 14.25 to 4,50 4• 4+ 4. so 4• 0t 4* 44 4• 4• ♦ a fi• • e 4 4 4 • e it 4 4 0 e 4 44 4 4 • • • • o 4 • v • 4 4 • 0 • • O • 44 • 4 4• •• •e • 00 • 4® • 44 Op �• 4 • •4 •. •• •O 44 •d+ • O• +, 4• e3O am a sp•w.e oo,o, 4.4tostoo. e4►.....4•Wa+•fi 4 o LOCALS •4 Inspector Brom. of Godcrieh, was in town this week. Ur. Jas. Johnston, of Saskatchewan ,< is in town t hist week. Mr. and Mrs, John Mallett visited :n London on Friday lata. Mr. C. Hooper is visiting in Brantt.e ford and 'Toronto this week, leIr. Mae. Lindeufield was laid .tip a few, days with a severe cold. Miss Ida Cottle. of London, visit - at her hone here for a few days. r '- Mr. Harry Parsons. of "London, via.- ite.d at his home. here over Sunday. Mr. George Rusnall, of North Bat- tleford, is visiting at the Boma of Mr. Thos. 'Sanders•. The best remedy or Earth for Ca- tarrh and cold in the head. Gunnell., Catarrh Cream. ' Messrs....Cottle and 'T; I3ei sr at- tended thee automobile show. in Lon- don last week. Thornton Fear, of B15 the ';pent Sat- urday and Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. W..a5'. Howey The great American Catarrh. Rem- edy. Gunnells' Catarrh Cream, get it at l'Iowey's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. David Spicer, of Brantford, visited with relatives in town a few days this weal:. Midis Velma. Easterbraok is visite Ing in Hamilton prior to atttendi,n3 the' millinery openings in Toronto. Messrs. S. M. and 31 13 'Sanders. have returned home attar attending,, the Canners Convention at Rochester Brits, W. J. l.leaitaan visited m Lo'nk(++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dors Friday night,! Mr. lt. late. Pickard( left Wednesday, fats Chicago on hueeine'sh.• Mites Mattie] Weltera visited friends rte Clinton .the pat weeelc. Mr. 0, Doer. of London event Sue - day with Mr. (rail Spaokma+n. Master Mervyn Wilson, of Us++ borne is visiting Mr,, d'as, Ogden. DELAWARE LACK - AW 8 WESTERN CoA L. COMPANY'S • Mr, Nr; 13rolens•htrc of Dashwood. was in town Monday. on businel.,ts, Mies. Margaret Ilaedfoid left Sot•- urday to visit friend* hi Toronto. Cutins:, of ,1ylilverton,.• is vis-. itrng hex brother Ir. W }It Collins, 1W'eeeiees+ Doyle Bros. shipp'•O two, city load of horses to Me ryes' last week Tt cures cold in the ,head overnight W bat? Gunnells, 25c .a large tuba at, lio.w+cy's. A few of our young people tools •in. the carnival at Hensall WedneeRday night, lifitst May Sewell gave a pleasant valcntiae party to beer young friends We,ltietsda night.' Metre W. ,Mellvillea and F,. i3o5'1e attended the automobile show in London . l 'set Thur3sday. Mora ,Inti Johuvst• gave a patty ori. Tuesday night in honer iif Iter lsu+eleh Mus` Elliott, of Sarr_ia. Mosey. the Prescription Druggist is sole agent in Exeter for Gunnells' rvonderfui• Cittarrrh Cream. Mr. Well Bern rettirne:l Monday erten visiting for several :layrs with hay !brother. Noun., at Norwich. Mr. en:d Mrs Ey' Isaac, of Green, - way attended the funeral' of Mets. b aac's reveller, Misr. Crimm, here on 1 uelsday. Immediately relieves all forms of Catarrh and is sold by Ilowcy, your I)ruggis#; Gunnels' .Cream. 'The election expenses of Mr. .T. J. Ivlernex M. P. for South Huron dur- ing the election held on Sept, 21st ameunted to $542.63 Mr. Schoo.ier, of the !tLol',otes I3ank staff has teen moved to Et. Thomas and left for there Tuesday: Mr, Dunlop. ,of Dashwood Branch, is tak- ing' his place. • /004b04p04 4444404444044•e44.4040410044.4440444104440 * 44,4440,4_440 444.4444,44,404,44 4.•404••4•••44•••4.4.044+'+. stammosszassimat ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6O!JLDS fsROgftY PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Plan Keep Happy in the Home by getting YOUR HOUSE HOLD NECESSITIES Here. We handle only he BEST and we have everything you need at all Seasons, t TRT TEA ARO COFFEE STORE u hole ' eButter WANT En — re eh Eggs. s. NIANNUMININIINNIIII The Place Where Good Clothes Come From Big soap Reaay=ro•\year 01[HOII8� from $1Oto 15 4.. Enter Any Time 4 One of .Eastern Ontario's High + 41, Claes and popular Business .g+ 4. Schools which keeps open * * throughout . the year. Young 't,� people may enter any time and +4. .g. complete their course without + 4 interruption of midsummer hol- .'44, 4t, idays. You may study all at 4 4* home or partly at home and fin - 4* ish at the college, Thirty Years' ;FI, Experience. Largest Trainers .4 in Canada. Affiliated with the i Commercial Educator's Associa ,'` tion of Canada. Waite for par- � titulars, +F, 4+ Clinton Businessflollege I ,4.GEO SPOTTON B. F. WARD + Prsident Principal 4. 1+++++++++++++++++++++++++4 Here is a message of homit and N. Y. Mr. Jack Burk, who. has been bar- bering with F. Boyle, has ceecured a vocation in R+idgetowee and .leavw's Mon- day for that place. . � � Marys. v_le St. of J],5 Smith, � 3 Mi Miss Ethel Sweet during 'the past week. Miss Smith has been engage ed as trimmer by Jones & May, • Mrs. Fitzhugh, of Flint, 3Iioli:, hiesS been here during the past week in attendance at the funeral sI her ig grandmother{ Mrs.. W. L. :Wright. Remember the date of the visit of the. Fernaus London Male *eat tette and Miss Edna L. Smith, Elocutioaise tot James. street Churehl March dt'h. Mr. Frank Wright desires tot thank the many friends for their great kindness during the "illnase and eub- sactuneb death of his mother. From February 1st Ito the 24th my 11 123 m• �. . ofrom to .a office willbeap and 2, to 4 p. in. fon 'tha inakin.g of appointments for work on my returns from Cuba. Dr. Kinsmani..• Mr. Harry Smith of Springhurnt Stock Farm was elected first, Vico:, ,president ef. the Dominion Short horn breeders Association at the annual meeting held in Toronto 'last week. Birthday Party --Little Miss •Dor- othy . Balk -will entertained her girl friends en Saturday afternoon last in 'donor of her birthday. A. eery pleasant time was enjoyed by alt. Lost -la Exeter on Wednesday. of last week. a small green p'ur'se wilth some change and a .gold chain and cross set with pearls,. Finder will ' be rewarded by lea iv'n ig th at i+-1 office. Ai. entertaniment ivi11 be given in Caven Presbyterian ?Church oar Mon- day folly. 26th when. Feed .Bartholo- mew entertainer will assist i n an good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, excellent: program. Admission. Aduits Boone Milt Va.. who'is the pother of i 25 cents, children under 12, 15 ea. eighteen children. Mrs: Marlin: was For a`+sprain you will find Chamber Cured" f d a# stomach rouble an cone stt at on by Chamberlain's Tablets af- ter five, yeaars of suffering, and now recommends these tablets to the pub-, lie. Selri by all dealers. Against Common Music—Some peo- ple evidently overlook the fact thalt music is an art that has to be proper ly and !thoroughly studied under the beat possible ]guide. Their idea Is ,shared by a great many people., jet fact by nearly all who have not had some. musical education. Another class of people are tbosefwho take tte a 'cad melodious . opera must n ous icor o z a P such ars Verdi's "I1 Trovatore" The same people would not care for Bache preludes and fugues, or any of Beee- fhavens grand eortatas. Tho who are really nautical., have n proper training in music, are. the b i :t pleat - sed with german cornpostione by Bee- thovana' Handel. Mozart, etr•, To 'base who are Starting to ducatn.r. n R+' t th m. -1 �u n music, the advice of on e e v % ut ,h a z m who knows is. to keep on with the classic's. Ib make's much study and persevarence to properly enjoy vitiate, and when one sits down to hie mitts- I ment, he roust gent dawn to hard. work and Mat amuse himself with light music, coon songs and such.. lain's Liniment exoalla nt. It allays s 5 - s and rine n vv, the so he. pain removes s r � 1 • x goon restores the' parte to a healthy' condition. 25 and 50) cent bottles for sale by all deale'r's. Rev. Mr. Hobbs Continues Ill'. -- Mr. Herbert Philips. of town coulee - ted the services in Jame; fi.treet Church last Sunday and his'ser.manls wcrei much enpreciated by the con- gregations. The condition of the pas- tor. Rev. R, Hobbs. is little improved at Present bu: the doctor givess ev- ery en.courag ixnent that he will, be hes work. o.bl,. to resume i Mises Ethel IIarvey left Monday Ga visit lies sister, Mrs. A. E. Bus- well. at Harwell •Said.. 'Shoe' wits ac- companied as far es 'Toronto eby her father Mr. This, Harvey. Thier gentle 'action and good effect on the sfstem really make them. a' perfect little. pill. They please those who use them. Carter's' Little Liver Pill may well be turned perfection. Runaway—There was some excite- ment on Main sttreet Friday evening last when W. 3. Oarlin,g's pony .wade a wicked }run from Exeter • north down, town. It • was dr i+'+m by Reg. Biseet*but Reg sot. it.etoppe.d before. tine` damage- wes• done. Scranton Coal The Best Hard Coal Mined Try a ton W. It LEVETT 2 COAL MAN TI'Ii113$DA"Y EBB. 15'th 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++:++++++++++++++++++++++++ :Y CARLING'S 4 Don't Monkey ZFU with that Cough' USE 1 H en tike P lle of Tar Big Bottle for 25e. Ate•,.;.,�:�:,:;:..�.-._, TSE W 010 g. �1111 To Cure a Cold THE N W WAY Take Howey's' Cure-a,Cola Capsfales 25 Cents a Box 'There is ie better medicine for the colds than Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy. It WA on nature'e plan, • re- lieves the lungs opens the secretions. aids expectoration; and restore the system do a', healthy condition. For sale by al1•'deale.rt. ` Mr. 11. t ra'ha+m. who has' been man- ager' at the Crediton branch of the Hank of Commerce. is having his hol- idays this E'eek. After his' holidays he has bel n. 'notified to report at head office' wiliest he( Will be trans- ferred to another ,branch. His place Imo been taken by Mr. Paget, of t St. Ca,erines h Hiek's Forecasts—A Regular Storm Period covers the 20Th to the 25th being partly covered by the incoming Mercury period. Disturbances of the preceeding reactionary period Will scarcely subside, until falling barom- eter change to warmer ,ansd electrical 'tee '26th. ha. ' appear storms Will Il':1 p1? Rain and thunder, with violent winds south., will mark tho first stage:i of this) period; lint as the storms pro- gress during the 21st. 22nd, 23rd and 24th, rain will turn to sleet and snow, amounting to blizzards, follow ed from the north by'high gales and a sweeping cold wave Tho Late Mrs, Wright—On. Friday tast +thr.' remains of the late Mrs, W. L. Wright. of Exeter lvorte, Meal - Ulan, of ,whose death- was made lash week, were interred in McTag.gat!t's cemetery on hfriday afternoon. The services were held in Main t.treeet Methodist 'church, of which church the deceased. while living was 'the oldest member. The :deceased.was in heti 85th year and had beten ill' only about ten days. She was born. tui Prince Edward County and was a daughter' of the late• .Wm.• and Mrs, McTaggart, The deceased moved to a farm north east of Chiselhurat when, that part was a bush. Later they :"moved to Bellville where Mr, Wrighthtdied about 50 years ago. o. A and few years :after Mrs Wrt Bh�t family again moved to this part. The deceased is survived by two sons and anti, daughter. Frank. in Exalter; a daughter in Ilanses and Barry, in British Columbia; also one brother Alfred McTaggart of Rogerville azd one sister: at Colborne. Renew your subscription now. Yesterday was St. Valentine'S :Day Mr. J, A. Stewart and son Wilfred were in London last Thursday. 'Thee ':alt block closed down Satur day andwill not re -open till spring. Mr. Allan McDonnell haute, Bold hie residence on William street: to Me. John Heinlein, of 'town. Mies Norma Bobier of Buffalo, for- merl3of Exeter, spent a few days vt,siting friend's in town. blies Marjorie .Broderick went to London on Monday and intends re- maiuinpt in the city for some time. Mr, Warren Ross, who was, called home owing to the illness. of his fathe en Mr. D. k. ]Bolts returned, ;to Lies borne in St, Paul. on Friday. ltev, S. F. Sharp, of Gave.n. church, It Bch; u CIe Built preach in Tamen Utr,. ch next Sunday morning and an a,genittof the• Bible Socieulty in the cve36ng. The early days of steam,•boatiag on..Ehe Hudson will be de,scribed'in• the March Scribner wi.khi pictures in color by Stanley. M. Arthurs, the ar- tilet. Thirty-four 12el:w . -- During the past week we have experienced some of the coldest weather in the history of the oldest inhabitants. and the trips to the coal bin have brok?n' all records. On Saturday morning thethermometer registered. 34 de- grees below zero. At six o'clock it was 2acid ot ...e Veli 28, At ,noon it d w.aa 10 below. Monday morning at seven o'clock it was 18 degrees below. and Ttietsdray' •morning 0, Died on. 'Train—On Saturday morn- ing tri last ~iv bile Cyril a /ter. only son of Mrs.' jos. Carter, of Clandeboye, was being rushed to the St. Joseph bospital at London ,he died on thee t 'r leavin, ort] of e L.II & taco sh y Bruce The elecumsta/ices are lin- usually sad. About a week previous bet slipped andfel:'' 011 an ley rut in the road and it was thought the ankle had been sprained, It swelled rap - ally and blood poisoning developed and es a 1a6t hope they decided to' rush voting Carter to the hospital, hut the exeitetnent and .strain prov- ed titer much for him and he died on. the 'train. The remains wero 'tak,en to his lton%e and initetr,ed on Monday, The: deny aged was 12 years old. Mr. Fred Mallett, who . has been laid up eir.ec the Hensel hockey match last Thursday with a sprained, ankle,' is able to be out again, with the aid of . a crutch Edith Wharton's poetry has rare disstinction and in the March Scrib- ner is published one of her; moat erase bitious poems. "Pomegranate Seed," in dramatic form. Church Union—'The Quarterly Of- ficial Board of James, street Kathie - dist t n Church i �ch voted ed Union o d'vst 'church Monday evening and the result showed 23 for and one againist. FOUND— A number eight rubber was- picked up about a mile ea;?It of town on Saturday last and left at therenes office. Owner may have same by paying for advertieeman•t Little Alex Jackson of Par hi11 hoes third hi a This is the broken arm., >, fracture of tbe samselimb we'eh ltbec4 little fellow =bas had in his four years of life; .and the 'present "'njury may le'a've his elbow stiff �•' 'Notwithstanding the fact that Feb- ruary "is the shortest month of the year. there are five Thursdays and consequently five peblishing dayss for the Times It is '38 years since the la`sb occure'nce. of " this: kind. _ "It is not luck but labor, that makes 'men. Luck is ever waiting for eomethinn to turn up, labor;, with keeh aye and strong will, al- ways turns tip something. Luck lies abed and wishes the post men would Houle from China—Rev. and Mrs. Percy Weutawaywho left abobtifour years ego for China, arrived in Lone- don on Tuesday accompanied by their three children. Owing to !the recent outbreak in China Mr. and Mrs, West away have been allowed home. on fur- lough somewhat earlier 'than 'they otherwise would; Mr. and Mra• b. 1' ord and eon Morrie wenn' tai Londo n Tuesday to meet them bring kim mews of a legacy. Labor turns out at six and with .buoy, pen. and ringin,e hammer lays the foundation of a competence. Luck whines. Labor whistles. Luck relies on chance. Labor on characterm Luck steps down -ward to self indulgence Gabor strides up -wards and aspires taindependence. ,, Cobden. Your face will feel smooth aid groteful if you use e I3At FACE Greaseless disappearing. It clears the complexion soothes a • the slain afterxpostire to wind and sun and prevents the • biting, skin destroying effects of the use of hard water. 25c buys a big artiiitie jar, "U • will give 'vote sf act+ ion Anything ycu bu with they nanie Sold and guaranteed by W. r JS .Howey1 'Phil . B. Chemist and Optician, EXETER. Division court was held in Exeter er Wednesday of lest week. Judge Holt of Goderich presided. The only case thalt came up wa'a between Mr: James Rider of Biddulph., ands the; Des - borne and Hibbert Insurance Conn Uany, Thet action was taken b y Mr, Rider., to recover $100 for the lose. af his horee, which• was found dead in the field on Augusit 13, and which Showed . �sigos of having beeeln;killed by lightning. There were in allabou't 20 witnesses,es, who gave evi deneL he company contended tbsa't the horse died from natural causes. The judge reserved bits dtecision. %he, Late Mess. Carom --On Sunanly last. Mary Bailey. "relict' of thea late. John Ceram "died at lihe'horae of her daughter. Mrs., M. Pletcher, North The 'stree't, cit. the a,ge� of 86 •.yeax'1s. .Thi "deeeaised was born in England and came to 'thee cautmr3he n five e a its old. Her In esiband predeceased her a little over 26 years ago, The deceas- ed was the mother of eleven children. eight of whom eurvuve her, Three of 'herreside m ich° an.2r. Thep. Camra,: Mrs. Wm, Grey and Mrs, Collins, all of w'honi were home for the funeral; also Mr's. I;saac, of Woodham, Greenrva Charles, of Woo , Biel/arc' and Albert of Winchcis i arid( Mrs. M, Fletdher, of town, ra' whose home she, died, The funern.l was held ,d.'uesdey to Zion cemeettery. conducted by Rev. Mr. Steadman, of, Elituville. s 4 4 1 4•t• O 4 4 Z to .be Cleared at COST. +14+ BEAT BIG n• uc r 1•: • IN FURS Everything Must be Sold. All Furs t 4* 4+ IW. g++ ++Y ++E + ++II++ +++L+-IIB+F++€+ • ++ ++g+*F+++tir3••6+ 44,II++i„E++F• •4 •d•04+t++€++ +++P : +£ +'t' 4.4.++++++++++++++++44440+++1+++++++++++++++++++++++++1, , 9 DONT BE Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA TORIA: Tea Spoons, " Berry Spoons, .Co1d Meat Forks, Cake Forks Soup Spoons, Pie Knives, Pearl -handled Nutter Knives, Knives and Forks, Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wedding Rings Big Stock to choose from LARMED SleeP late in the mornin b Enjoy the luxury of saki 'up whenever you feellike if yon can, but if yoti ca° better get one of our • Clocks, Watches moods Glass, Si v ware, Pins, fl,• Mar6llrnr L+ OPT ICI4N .+++++++— .l+'l.,+l+g+++l+•4++g.+++II+++t+4++4+.,4t4+,j.'4,+E+.E+ar1++4+4* +++++++++++ ++++ Wedding R i 6 or Silk k Dr ess—Qne , of our prominent -eligibly young bach- elors was all in' a flurry on Monday morning es .he got a .vision of wedding. ring. or silk dress and was vainly trying to locate the fair damak el who bad disturbed the, equilibrium of his heart. We think possibly that+ ft must have`, een the white cosh. 'dei =lad eye �te'mai,.0 a thatattracted h y y the, and, won for jack 'a place among her affections. However by :this time: time Jaok's .heart is, back to proper place. bat he would like someone to plait him next tee` the Writer of the following:; Old Maidsv.ille; Lenseome, Co.. Leap 'Year, 1012 — +ILy Dear Sir :—My dear and most respected Sir, I write you this your love to stir. You' know 1 promised first of all, d call; you a maiden , risks oni 1'a ry ste and cart to askin baste. Your bund h And hope you'll grant my fond roquestt' And send me back Without delay,, An answer,"Yes" or "NW'. If your, heart does not in cline, to nae in wed- lock lock bind, the leap year, call you to , • obey and down a five pound note must pay. Likewise, sir. a bandsom,, dress, 1'11 ,eek no marc, 111 take nn. lass. You'llr think this letter r 'i the tunny. but I must have a man a: t r, matey, no after ,consideration' of,th', anything great tnClinalion. to become a rely.. sop" tiara, and by, speedy navigl.tian,' t'.• , wi''''ne change nxy habitation 'to a new sit-' • name uation:` If this application 1elaotil.:t meet your approbation. you moat con- fel+ art ,abligatiort from generation to, ,generation. and an asset+ to this ors a.tion •would give coesolatioln and r'es,, neve my palpitation. Yours in does- beration. Mises Observation, SOOT 111 SYRUP That's the onesafe re for a fretful, crying ba .frothing in it to stupefy to cause dangerous aftereffe Ny'al's is the only soothi syrup" we know •of that co tains no opiates whateve name Nyals-- . als- Rem em her the y chid a your 1 m of •the healthy. depend on it, Nyals Sooth- ing ooth in . Syrup induee5healthyand natural slumber— eases the worn nerves of mother by gib- ing the baby sweet anal peace tut sleep, We strongly recom- mend Nyals because we know exactly whets in it. Sold and gun,t'e,nteed by W ' S. f oWey, Pb� Cheinist"aftd Optioian.>