Exeter Times, 1912-2-15, Page 5Ll'El3 5th 1992
Wherever you are, whenever you want it,
all that is newest and best in the• theatres
is yours to hear and to enjoy, right in
your own home when you own an
The Edison is the theatre -with the
volume of sound exactly suited to your
home ; the sapphire reproducingpoint
does away with changing needles, does
not scratch or wear the records and
lasts forever. Amberol Records -
play twice as long as ordinary, records
-giving all the verses of every song
and rendering instrumental compusi-
tions as theant to be played. The
Home Recording feature enables you
to make and reproduce your own rec-
ords in your own home, tele to life.
There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the
nearest and hear the Edison Phonograph play both
Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records.
Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from
us. Edison Phonographs, $16.50 to $240.00.
Edison Standard Records, 40c. Edison .Amberol
Records (play twice as long), 65c. Edison
Grand Opera Records, 85c. to $2.50.
100 LakesideA.ve.,
a eriltart... Orange, 1‘17.
A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at
Hopedale Sensation Tomato
The earliest. best flavored and
smoothest in the World.
What's coming? Why Seedtime, then the
Harvest but the Harvest depends very
largely on the quality of the Seeds you
sow. Our Catalogue for 1912 is bigger and
better than ever. Tells you alI about over
1,500 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget-
ables, and Flower' Seeds, Small Fruits,
Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements, etc.
If you cut this out sending it to us with your name
and Post Office Address our Catalogue will be sent
you and a present with it. Do it to -day, ADDRESS,
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited,
Dept. 84 London, Ont.
IAL'. Alex Neab e.a Saturday sold a
heavy grey horse for the handsome
sum a Nom It pays to raise -gaol
x. and Mrs. Fred Clarke are visit-
.felends in Aisle Craig and Gran-
ter a few weeks.
. and Mrs. J. Haist of Sebewaing
ch. are visiting friends and relatiy-
Wearound here.
' Miss Clara Heist visited friends in
Shipka, over Sudday.
The Crediton Hockey team drove
4own to Luca,n last Thursday evening
and played a• friendly game with their
team. Our boys are getting to be ex -
reds at Hockey. The game stood
.0.6.in favor of Crediton. We are took-
ing forward for afew return matches.
Jteep the good work agoing boys.
" Mies Gertie Short who is attending
e Collegiate at London spent Sun -
with her parents here.
e are s rry to report that Miss
rle Clarke is seriously ill and we all
a for a speedy recovery.
r. ancl'Mrs. D Sweitzer spent a
clays in London last week visit-
-with friends,
. 5 Flaist of Sebewaidg Mich. is
ding a few days here visiting his
er who is seriously ill.
e, are sorry to report. that Miss
an Geiser Is at present sick with
let Fever We hope for a speedy
E Worm of Zurich spent Tim-
m townon business.
person who prophisied an open,
ter vvaf badly mistaken. Tbe '
ople are getting more than their
are of cold weather this winter.
The concert given in the Methodisb
urch on Monday night proved a
eat success, the Imperial Quartette
London was in attendance. The
ele were all well pleased with the
ging and elocutionist,
We are glad to report that Mrs, Eli
ng is improving after a serious at -
k of rheumatism.
•Mr. Wm, Winer'of the 44h of Step -
n. lost a valuable brood mark.,
orn blood poienning oa Friday of
t, week and the follewing Monday
e of his workhorse& drapped dead
- animal with another hors woe
ving )an cuisine. when it started;
•p axil le CI. ea using some in ter
jury from which it dated in a
inutee. This is a severe loss
g at this 'time of thecykiar when,
sea are a ,g;ixed prio,e and hard to
Honore. 75 percent. ,Pasts 60 pee
3r. II Honors, Aaron •Sweitzer;
Pass, Gladyle Wolf, ,Hilda Burn and
li'reddie Hill; equal Garnett Sims.
Pt II Honors Earl Heist, Irvin Fink
terser; 'Pass Freddie Edber. ,
Ofestricher. Wiilie Appeal:on '.
Pt.' 1 A. Honors Royal Gaiter, Bev
/Mae Winer, Erma Brown. Pasi, Vex-
glenIkaver, Willecet Eime. Eat tie lle-
j 33. Ileators, Mary Ho/tertian
Royal 1taist; ra.18, Beatrice Haase-,
Harold 'Taylor'. 011ie Goetit bar,
Pt, 1 0, Eanora Harold Intl; Poen;
Ilerble Beaver, Note Faust. Lute
• M. Snider teachers
Honore 76 'per cent Tann 60 pr
(tent -
Sr - Clara Haist,
POSS. Olive Eilber, Myrtle Lawzon,
•Mildred Cotenther. end Oren Winer
Jr 13T Honors. IVOuriel Benediet.
0041 Brown itoy Wolf: and Fey Fin-
ch= equal Eli Brawn t 'Asa; Lorene
albreek Lucy Lawsoti
II Ironer.% Nora 'Geiser. 'Lily
n 13 n iey Inierl'etr; Pans Lizzds
,If h 0ueit'hx',
F. Wattan treeteher,
Mr, H. Brenner has snit ona laal
of furniture up to 'his faina nogth of
Zurich. He expects to move the rest
in a couple of weeks.
The trueettees of our school have
made a great improvement in the;
school by putting in the new Hylo-
plate black board. This will be
greatly appreciated by the' teach' -.r&
and pnpite.
Mr, and Mrs. War, Nadiger of thite
village have the sympathy of the com-
munity in ithe lase of their enfant
soniLeonard Ogden Nadagen aged. 2
months. and 21 day's. The litttle fele
/ow was aiek only two day a and was
taken to the London Hospital in
bonen of saving idol life but he die d
on Saturday. The funeral was held
Tuesday conducted by Rev, Mr. Tune.
Gunnells' has a huridred uses. try
one tube anyway and. get immediate
relief from Catarrh troubles.
The Ge T. R. yards are being well
filled with square timber and saw
lags ready for shipment.
Mrs. Hebert Jarrett avao in Blyth
-recently visiting friends.
Mr. Chas. Jities has rented Mr.,
Nelsarda Wurna'a neat dwelling and
is now occupying the' same
Mr. Edwaid Sheffer avho bar been
Ln Blyth far several, months, was in,
the village thie week renewing ae
Mrs. Simon Hunter whadhas beet
here for a couple of months or re
being called through the critical ille
nese of her late' mother. Mris. Laing
left' here this ivsek no her way home
be Saskatoon..
Mr. F. G ,Pruetere who carried on
Lha harness bueinetss 'here some years
ago. was in th.s village last week as
a salesman for a Petelborou.gh firm.
1VI:ers King a f Victoria Hospital
London lately visited her brother
Mr. A. IL. King station agent here.
We ere r ionsed to, learn that Mr.
E. Rann:e contemplates building an-
other block in the spring, which
wo,ull pretty well fill up our froal
'street from the effects of the fire
a year ago, and that with very mucha
improved class of building's and we
holm mon to report other propoeed
(buildings. Hensel' still presspers,
Misr) Alice Robinette who has been
the 'guest of her eouein, Mrs. Robez t
Stewart, of Tuekersmith has return -
el to .1ar• home. in Detroit
At the fast mintieg of the council
held cn Mcn "ay et ening the following
changes were made in Municipal of -
Mr. George, If. Penick was ap-
po le.1 clerk in Ile, place'or 5Y1r. Rob
ere Bronthrot and Mr. Via Of ,Hare
barn as a/swear, in ',lace of Mr.
;lames, Don t h ran sr.
The members of the Independent
Or'ar ed Ferrestere held a grand en-
on-Sin/relent in their lodge, room on
Wranosday evening /est which was
f•,1 lowed by a banquet in Mr. War-
retter'a restaurant IThe tfteary arid
musical pert .af ihe prognintune wee,
weIl eustained . and the hanritiO'
provided by Mr. Warrert.Pr rd(1.,c te d
credit upen him as a caterer,.
Mr, J, telirearthur who has., been in
Toronto der:rig the' ((net Ivo eh' -
• Tr --1A botno on Wechieeday laet
Wee, jeosie Ilobkirle of Seriftertb
has .beert renewing acqueintancoe
here daring the past week.
Mr, and Mrs, I...k.lKacarthar; who
has bean at Gilbert Plains Manitoba,
are her con zvilt,
Mr, Percy Reynolds who was here
from the west af tsr an absence of
some Leven years, visiting his par-
ents returned recently after a very
pleasant few weeks vi,sit,
IYIrs„.IP, A. $ellery was in Toronto
last week visiting her sister ,Mrs.
3%, 5, Ott,se.
All disorders caused by a bilious,
state of the sytstens can be cured by
nth -1g Carter's Little Liver Pals. No
pain, gripingordiscomfort attending
their use,
Mr/ Henry Anderson .gave a _dance
last Friday evening and Ithetyoune
people hada very enjoyable time.
Mr. Wes. Harvey of Sask„ is visit-
ing at Mr. Wesley Johns'.
Mies Hilda Bray ;spent last week
In Exeter visiting friends.
The. 'members of the Bethany lip
worth. League have invited the mem-
1 bers of athe Kenn street League to
0 spend a social 'evening with, them on
Tuesday Feb. 20th.
Mr. le Taman of Manitoba, evae the
'guest of Mr, Chao. Cann last Sabbath
A eleigh load of young people Brent
a very !enjoyable time at, These. Bel-
lantynee Friday night.
The Thamee Ilee P» byterian
Churth will heat c. • an.versary
services on Sunday Feb, 25th. They
have secured Rev. Prof. Kilpatrick
D. De of Knox College Toronto, who
will oircupy the pulpit morning and
evening. Na doubt large numbera
will take aiventage of the opportune
itY of hearing this noted preacher and
divine. Mrs. Wyatt. soprano soloist.
at London, has alo been secured.
The vote on Church Union. which
has, been taken by the Presbyterian
congreeateon during the past two
Sundays shows a very strongfeeling
in( favor; of the union. 'There were
only two recorded ballots, egeinet
while 205 voted in favor,
Will be found an excellent remedy
for sick headache. Carter's Little
LiVer, Pilla. Thousand of letteri.
fiera people who prove this feet. !Try
them. •
We. Guarantee to Relieve Dys-
pepsia. If We fail the Med-
icine, Costs Nothing
To unqueztionably prove to 'ths
. people that 'indigestion
'and dyspepsia can be permanently
relieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets will bring about 'thi3 reeult
we will furnish the medicine absolute
ly free if it fails to give entire satini-i
faction. to any one using it.
Th e remarkable success of Resell
Dyspepsia Tablets is due 'to the high
degree of scientific tskill 'used in dee-
ising their formula as well as to the
care exercised in their marairfacture,
whereby the well known properites
of Bismith-Subnitrate and Peponn,
are constantly employed and recon-
ized by the entire medical profession
as invaluable in the treatment of in-
digestion and dyspepsia.
The Pepsin used in Rexall Deispepe
sia Tablets are carefully prepared so
ete to develop it greatest efficiency.
Pepsin, supplies to the dizestive ap-
paratus one of the ;moat imnortane
elements of the digestive Huai.
Without it the digestion and ansinii-
lation of food are impossible.
The Carminatives possess properties
which aid in relieving the disturbane
ces and pain caused by undignisti d food
This combination of these ingreclienes
makes remedy invaluable for the
complete relief of indigestion and
We are so certain of this that we
urge you to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tab
lets on our own peneonal guarantee.
Three sizes 25e. 30e, and $1.00 Rem-
ember you can obtain Rexall gemed-
ies only at our store The Rexall
Store W. 5 Cole.
Bonspiel at Hensall
Skip J. G. Murdock and his Luck -
now rink won premier honors at the
annual bonspiel of the Hensel Curl
ing club. which was completed last
Wednesday. C. A. McDonald of Hens
sail. was tbe runner up. Lucknow
also carried of the console tion. Skip
W. Allen defeated John Steacy. of
Hensall by a single shot.
Twelve rinks in all competed in(the
bonspeil. which was one, of the bast
that the club has ever hetd. Over
40 curlers eat down to the banquet
given by the local club Wednesday
nigh 6.
Fired; Round
Alain Craig Hensall
A Mahn sk 8 R. Brzeithron eked
Luckno tv Parkhill
J. G. Murdock sk 17 0, Baird ale '7'
Hensel]. Seaforth
Dr. Sans Sla 17 W. M'Deugall sk 10
Hensel!. Exe ter
3'. Steacy sk 11 A. Tesler Or 10
Exeter Zurich
R. -Sellion sk 14 Eta Stp1 s.k 8
Hensel' Luekno w
C. McDonald sk 11 W. Allen ed
Second Round
Lucknow Hen ea 11
J. G Murdock sk 15 Dr, Se/I•ry sk
Alsia. Craig ,... Henntll
A. I/fabler sk 10 Steacy sk
Demean .Exe ter
a McDonnell ,sk 11 it. Seddon ek 13
'Third Round
Hen.stel Alsip. Craig
C. Darien rk 11 A Mahler, sk. 10
Ge Murdock Lucknow drew a bye
Lunknow Hensall
J, 0. Murdock sk 12 C. Doren sk
First Round
9.-afornr Parkb:il
W. McDougal ek 11 0. liaird ek 9.
Exe ter
A. Taylor skip 11 U. Bullhorn sk 10
Lunknotv , Zurich'
W. Allen sit. 14 P. Seeple eit 12
Seoend Round
tucknow HensaIl
W. Aaten sk 14 Dr. Sellery sk
Exeter Seaforth
A. Taylor 31r 16 W. MeDougalle 6
Sno. States- el Hermit won from
Sel.ion of Exeter by default,
Third Bound
Lueknow Exeter
W. Allen sk 14 A, Taylor skip
Hewett! Aisle Craig
3. Steacy sig 10 A Mr; bier els 6
W. Allen k 9 3,Steaey sk R
Inc Lad/ea Aid gave an "At Hoene
ta the eortgregation lest, Eriday evr,
evening Oysters and eleindanco of
other good things :were ineladed la
the.: bill of fare. After, supper an
imprompto progrant of speeches were
given. Mere then Ofke hundred w,ere
presen t to enjoy the oecaleion.
- The, faerners Institute neeel.e lnr
,..kbertieen Ilan- next week.:
Mine Floeeirt M. Snell, of Peri Ilur-
ea spent Illhe wink end at the pare
eona,ge. '
lYfra Rasa had an operation last
sveek and is re.eovering laicely.
1)on'e forget the Epworth Lee eue
eencert on Vriclay night. The San -
don Male Quartette with an Elcien:-
tiontsit will furnish Itlea program.
Idles Mary Hazelwood spent Sunday
ather home here.
Some,- of ehts local Isnorld$ are( bag-
ging rabbits these days .
Next Sunday eerviee will be Ireld n
the co/ening in the Methodist church
The Salem Epworth League took
eliarge of the avanine service here
on, Sunclay. There was a good 'at-
tendance and a very enjoyable pro-
gram was given,
SVIrs. Jahn Canna. iir„ passed away
at; the home of 'her daughter in 'Ex-
eter on Sunday morning at an ad-
verting] age. The funeral service
was belt in Zion's claireh Tuve
'day aftern,o,on.
Idra Wm. White of (lie Baal line
spending thlio month an nit -onto.
Rev, W. It'• Vance attendedattleDoe
mien Alliance Convention held In
Toronto thee week.
Tb;e chief topic of dirondelion i the
vitlaga is 'tbe drop in the ,mercury
All ogree that it hasbuena cold anal
In the vote on Church Union at
the quarter:1y official board lent week
the ballot !stood nine for and five
The:' pastor the Rev.. W. IV., Vance
was unaminously invited to return
for a fourth year.
For Infants and Children:,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
We Back up .Our Statements with
Our Personal Reputation And,
We are so positive thatt we can re-
lieve constipation. no matter how
chronic it may be. that we offer to
fernish the medicine free, of 'all cost
if we fail. e
We think this is worse than, useless
to attempt to our constleationavith
catharatie drugs. Cathartics may do
ranch( harm. They may cause a re-
action irritate and weaken .the bow-
els and make. constipation more
Constipation is often accompaniei
and may be caused by weakness of
the nerves and. muscles, of the large
intestine ar colon. To expect a care
you must therefore tone. up and
strengthen those parts, and rev -stun
them to a healthier aceitity.
The discovery of thenactive -prin-
ciple of our reinsdy involved she labor
of &killftzl research °herniate. 'This
reraedy produces results such. as are
expected from the beakof the best' -
known intestinal tonie.s, and it is par-
ticularly prompt in its results.
We wait you to try Rexall Order-
lies on our guarantee. They are ex-
ceedingly pleasant to takeand ari
ideal for children. They apparently
act directly upon the nerves and
• muscles of the bowels. having, It
would seem, a neutral iction on
other organs or elands TheyCdo not
purge nor cause inconvenience. If
they do not positively eure.ehronie
or habitual constipation and thus
relieve the myraida of atesoCiate or
dependent chronic ailme.nts, your
money will be refunded: -"en Rexall
Orderlies at our risk 'a r ie:erie of
packages. 10. 25c. and ,50e. j,.es-
ben you can obtain Rexall Iten.
in: this community only at ur r t
Mr. Christopher McCarthy who hats
been in Winnipeg and Chicago for
the,. past three yearp now honie
visiting his father and relativea.
Mr. John Liagard, formerly of
Central:a. and who is now homestead-
ing 100 raile.s west' of Saskatoon, is
spending the winter with relatives
at Granton. Whalen and Centralia.
Mies Lillian Langford, of Granton
who was teacher here in our public
school teat year, latt.owing Ito Wrote,
'resigned last fall, has !since that time
been graduallly growing worse and
on Sunday Feb. llth, she palSeced away
Deceased was a very efficient ;teach-
er and was highly reepecited in this;
Several of our young people/attend-
ed the oyster 'sapper given by the
Woodmen, at Granton hat week.
Mr. Thee. Gunning gave a party
to. all the youngt people around here
last Friday night in honor of his
twice, Miss Minerva Leif, of near
Herniate, Man., -
Meet all the farmers around here
are complaining about their water
pipes being frozen under tbe ground
and as a -eosult have to carry water
for all their stock which means quite
an inconvenience.'
Special meetings will be 'Comarenc-
ed here next Moridaw night Vet). 19
conducted by our pastor, Rev. Mr.
BlatcliforiL ert: (Ite fo I
Church UniOTI and how to vote is
the topic of discussion among otir
&embers thcee days.
Mr. Frank Langford and sister,
TesSa visited friends here on Sturdily
Y, M. 0, A. BLDG.,
Registered last season upwards of 300
students and placed osory graduate, Seven
rifeelally qualified regular teachers. nue
hundred and fifty Londoxa firms employ
Our tm'iscd help. Colega itt scssion from
Lot. 5 t nano 39. P.tee.r ety Cale.
C al El gue Prpo,
Ohm ri ttlrISS Cite ges
lar NO 14
15 -1 sem lend
W. WESTERVELT, 0, .1. ra. Waving:vet/a
e Chattered Acceinitant,IYcincpal
Yps Priv•elpal. 15
1106% OF THE COO,
Apathy and Indifference Mark the
Fisherman of Labrador.
In the conditions surroanding the
industry of cod fiehiog there is a fas-
eination for the inlander that takes
hint back year after year, And most
interesting of all is the fisherman
himself, I am not certain, but it
really seems to be his supreme in-
difference to everything but the
"Ash" that makes him so attractive.
I have wandered in and out among
them where they do not see a visitor
in a month; I have seen them empty
a boatload of shiny cod that equalled
a fortnight's ordivary eatCh; I have
watched them lift a large horse into
a tiny skiff where nothing save pray-
er appeared to offer any -hope of its
reaching its destination; I have help-
ed them carry into the steamer's hos-
pital men siek unto death, and have
bade "good luck" to a patient retells.-
ing . from the hospital legless lord
helpless in life's fight; I have handed
out food to the starving from the
steamer's stores, and ha-ve heard them,
refuse to accept well-paid work until:
the cod ran again. But I have never
seen a cod fisherman excited. If one'
of them should rouse the ire of the
strictest judge of wolking it would be
taken locally as eonvineing evidence,
of insanity; and I could heartily
• Far down the coast of Labrador we
were returning from our northerni
trip, trying by every means to reach
a eertion part of the coast before
darkness set in. But, as usual, the
fishermen lolled over the steamer's'
rail despite the warning whistle. The
bell rang from the bridge., and the
last of them wobbled. clown the ship's
steps towards their small boats moor-
ed alongside. The captain leaned
over the edge of the bridge, and,'
thinking the last one had stepped in.-,
to his boat, gave the signal to the,
engineer. The steamer swung awaye
just as a fisherman was reaching for
his boat. -Thereupon he calmly step-
ped into the icy -water rather than
exert himself to regain his balance oni
• the steps. Of course the fisherman
cannot swim, and this one sank with
expected prompturess. Upalong the,
rail we were wildly running for the
mailboat, which was always in readi-
ness on the davits; but the men int
the small boats alongside quietly;
watched the widening circle where the;
man had disappeared, He came up'
calmly as if it were hie morning ablu-I
tions, turned his head towards a boat,
within a foot -and promptly com-
menced to sink again. But instinct
was stronger than reason. Just then
his hand went out and fell over the
boat.side of the They hauled him
in, and we drew away, with him sit-
ting on the edge 'of the boat, so that
there -would be less to bale.
Perhaps it is the cod itself that
imparts some of its apathy into its1
worshipper, since that vari-sized por-;
tion of the world's refreshment is!
scarcely a gamey fish. When it take&
tbe hook it does not trouble to tele-
graph its surrender; it takes that for;
granted. When it lounges.into a net
it lets the next one push it up against'
the one in front until it makes onel
of a mass of fish so solid that it can,
be walked on in the water. Its captor,
pulls. it over the side as one puts'
on his cravat in the morning, easts,I
the line in again and awaits the in -1
Benet of "fish." At the proper timel
of the afternoon, be the catch great'
or ;small, the sails are hoisted and the;
flight homeward commenced. -W.'
Lacey in The, Globe.
Is He in Alien?
The large Canadian colony in Bos-'
ton, Mass., is vastly excited. The,
cause of the furore is a row between
an ex -New Brunswieker and Mayor
Fitzgerald of Boston.
Mr. Horace L. Britain, son of Prof.
Sohn Britain, of Macdonald College,' ,
took his M.A. from the IThiversity of
New Brunswick some years ago, and
is now a teacher of note - a big
enough pedagogue to be superinten-
dent of schools in Hyde Park, Boston.
Recently, Mr. Britain went to collect
his salary for looking after infant cul-
ture in Boston, and the mayor vetoed
It. His worship claimed that Mr. Bri-
tain, Canadian born, was an alien.
The superintendent of schools replied
that he had becom, a citizen of the
United States. The Intercolonial Club
and other Canadian organizations in
Boston got hold of the news of the
fracas between the mayor and their
fellow -Canadian; they raised a howl.
The Intereolonial issued a statement
drawing attention to the significance
of the Britain -Fitzgerald incident:
"The fact that Mr. Britain is of Cana-
dian birth is of interest only in so
far as it indicates a belief that en. ure
just discrimination may be Made
against a Canadian which would be
regarded as impolitic and unsafe to
make against a man of another na-
An Ottawa Hostess.
Madame Rodolphe Lemieux holds a
very prominent place in the social life
of Ottawa. As the wife of one of the
few Ministers who retained their seats
at the last election, she will probably
take the lead to a great extent this
coming -winter, especially among those
Z her husband's side of politics.
Bright, pretty and always exquisite-
ly gowned, Madame Lemieux is well
fitted to be the -wife of a man in pub-
lic life, as she is the daughter of one;
her father, Sir Louis (Tette, formerly
Lieutenant -Governor of Quebec, hav-
ing been always a very prominent fig-
ure. She entertains extensively at her
handsome house on O'Connor street,
and makes a delightful hostess, being
both original and independent and
possessed of that charming manner
that seem q the special heritage of the'
Prench. The three children of Hon.
Rodolphe and Madame Lendeux are
still at sehool.-Canadian (leerier. 1
A Record In St. Ceniface,
St. Bonifate, Man., which is a large
suburb, of Winnipeg, Made history the
other day. St. Boniface, predominant-
ly French in population, elected ale
English mayor. No Englishman ever
was mayor of St Bonifsee before. The
man who did the trick is Alderman-.
Dove Mayor Moines Berry -an Eng:
lishman twin Manclester, who has!
prospered in Canada. Mayor Berry,
mixed in St..13orkitace jpolitioa firati
in .190a _ 5
014 NTQN
Abeata dome dogs tiwn 'been.
Poisoned during the mat week ond
a dog is now a rare i:ight on 011tiSon
stree ts,
Two, new members le the West
Huron Lieeence Coinmiseionere have
beeu rppointed, J. 13. /lover of Clin-
ton and Adam Hayes, of Seafortb
both resigned and their plaeee have
boa tilled by the nPnoin:ttnont of
R. 3. Cluff of Clinton ,and G, M.
Elliott of Goderich.
Robert Welsh night conetable of
Clintbn tuts been appointed baliff la
place of David Dickens. who has mov-
ed to 13raniford,
inspector forrenee of south Huron
has sold his farm and is, moviag- into
Mr, Henry Clausius has returned
home after five months' stay in Tor-
onto., ,
Mr. Simon Boxeres bad a very sac-
aessf Ul farm iatock sale on Tuesday
Mr. Sararas and feinily will move .to
town and occupy 'the dwelling reer-
ently, vacated by Mr. Fred WitsVer,
Mrs, David Schnell, who with her
husband and family left last ,spring
for Aberdeen Sank, died there on
Tuesday last after a abort iiire.esa,
The, deceased was a daughter of the
late Conrad Wagner a.nd weedire mo-
ther of seven boys. She was a kind
neighbor and when living in, this sec-
tion had a great many warm friends
who sincerely regret her early death.
Mrs. Sosepir. Lett and- son William
have returned to their home in the
west atter a short visit with relat-
ives' in this viols:lay.
A pretity wedding ttool place Wed-
nesday afternoon Ireby. ath at 4 P-
olack. at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
,Te.eob Brown, Goshen Line, when
their daughter Lydia Edna was mar: -
lied to Fredrick Kehn of Berlin Ont.
son of Mr. and Mee. ChristianiKelin
of Hanover. The bride who was un-
attended, was ,given away by her
father, ',The ceremony was perform-
ed sby the Rev. G. F. Brawn, uncle of
the bride in the presence of nearly
100 guests. Mime Eva 13rown sister
of tbe bride played the wedding,
march, while Mary Kehn of tiareoyer
niece of the groom acted as rheas:11hr-
er The bride was the recipient or
many beautiful gifts. They will be
at home to their many friends in Bee-
line Ora which wilt he then future
I Harsh purgative. remedies are fast
giving way to the nettle action and
mild effects of Carter's Little Liver
Pills If you try them they will cer-
tainly please you.
To late for, last week
Mrs. Church of Moosejaw Sask., i
at preeent the guest of her easter
Mr. and drs. All Dow. have return.
ed home after spending a few days
with Dr. and Mrs. D. Dow in Dutton.
Mr and Mrs, A. Ryekman, of Chisel
finest are at Trevseitit the gueStes of
the letters aunt, Mrs. A. Etodgert.
Mr. Gleason held a very suecensful
sale on the 30th mac. prior to his lav
ing for the west in a few weeks.
When. I see women all diked out.
In a swell hat with costly wings.
And' with a wagonload about
Of up-to-date and costly things,
I wander -sizing up the Mt
From swagger hoots to nifty hat.
Her frills and furs and fittings -what
Her father paid for goods like tha't.
If %were not for the load of foot.
EThe nifty hat, the swagger boot,
The furs and guide that she doth
sareehfTele carries here and there
I'd let one round mes up I would -
Yes, I would stand without a funs;
Until the leap -year maiden, should
Have s.
vuesbranded this poor lonesome
Pam seared. The beauty of the girle
Their eyes bright with eliablerla,
Their witching smiles, their wind-
blewn curleas
Their gowns, have gob the beat of
Oh won't some married man'iarise
• An.d any the wonds to make rat, glad
What does elic cost one, Each aprize
Pam longing for one mighty bad!
'Chicago, News-
Addi Rarpley
Mr. Mansel Hod,gins and Bride have
returned frem Detroit where they
spent their honeymoon.
Mrs. Roy Sherritt is entertaining
a number of relatives from the West
tar a few days.
Friday night of Iasi, week- was the 1
coldest night I his winter. The tiler- ;
mometer otood 25 .degrees below zero ;
The enplementary meetings of the
Sleuth Huron Farmers' Institute will
be held at Drenner's HlI Grn.nd
Bend on February 21s1. The after-
noon opeakers will be. Gavin, Barbow.
subject. "Draft. Horseand bow to
raise them". lIeery Grose, subject.
"Selectionof -.seeds". The same speak- ,
ere will speak on different s.ubjecte
ia the evening when a good: proeratri
will be frniehued by local talent: con-
sistingaof Tustrumontals. Quartettes
O1',Q4ATI0N rein .1.1,11,1$8
Ztanellele Was then trio ti ocx
.4104fres: i°414.'4 -r, R. C.,
tCh'eUVo44ttcmillerloriierf ate'rpaTePrlf/r D.t27e u
fered for VAX'S with 1)1 eeleig pilea
Tee peta eit” so bid et titneis chat I;
ecod.lelal oah %/IL leuettlakb. to
ergiviir ralszrocrien;
ease. Finally 1 cloided teundertoi
an oPeration, and weat to Saereell
Heart Ilospktal in Spokane. Twee,
they performed an opera Lion a Ild dt
all they eoeld for me. For a thee
evas certainly better, but withizi.
twelve mantles the trouble started
again and the piles bocatu, an palatal
Ss tever. I tried Ena2xiel-11e. hot poals
does. various ‘pils cures: and indendt
everything I could think that would
be likely to do ally good, bat sIlilE
I continued to ;suffer. aod the ehotahl
,buraino, .stin ging pains, the Milt,
aching and wretehed. 'worn-out' feels
bag that the disease eamisee cantianed
as bad as ever.
"One day 1 read about Zeno -130i
and thought I would try it. Tieei
first one or two boxes gave me more
relief than anything else 1 had tried
so I went on with laze treatment ID
a aimed Gine I began to feel altos
nether different and better, and I
saw that Zane -Birk Wkla going to Miro
ree Well, I went 'on using it, °ma-
bs; the time I had used eix hozoo.
was iclelighted to find, myself entirely
eured. That was three 'sears ago,.
and from then to 'the preseat timet
there /MS been no return of the
Zik is a sure cure for ,p-ilos
eczema. ulcers, o.bsee,ides, cold. sores,
obapped hands, var:cose sores, burns,
scalds bruises, inflammed patohes,.
and all skia injuries and d'seaSese
Druggists and stores everywhere 50d
box. or Zam-Buk Co. Toronto'', for
voice. Refuse harmful s abs ti
Mrs. Johnstone Aikens, of Mooreen
ville and her three little children,.
beret y escaped with their lives
in a fire which destroys
ed tbe house early lase: Wednesday.
A nurse in attendance an Mee. Aikene
got up and started a fire in the kits
elven to get some things rea,dy fog
the Patient, aud noticed that tha
stove emoked badly Shi went back
and told the affair, and was told
that i tile chimney WaSt simply sraoko
in,g. By the time eho got back the
sriaoke was pouring from the room in:
such quantities that it was impot.st.:
sible to leraer. The nurse ac oneei
gave the alarm. and the little child
red and Mrs. Aikens, s,r, ter some desSi
lay were gotten out. Mrs. Aiken -en
was carried apron the way to the;
home of Mrs. Simpson. Inside twerna
ty minutes from the time 'the nurse;
noticed' the smoke. the house was a
mass of flames and only the brick,'
walls were left standing a..short erase ---
afterwards Tim lasts is partially cone
ered by insurance. Mrs. Aiken( in
suffering greatly from the shock. Thei
family for the present have taken
up their residence at Lucan.
Do you know that more real dangsal
lurks in a common cold than dayt
other of the minor ailments? The
safe way is to take Chaenberlaieds;
Cough Remedy. a thoroughly reliable(
preparation. and., rid yourself of thn
cold as quickly ae possible. This
remedy is for sale by all dealers. . (
A special corigreg,ationaldmeetin.g of
the Brucefiejd Presbyterian Church'
was held Wednesday afternoon to
ohdose a pastor. Rev. Mr. JohnitoT.
moderator presided, and Mr. Jamea
Gemmell was secretary. Rev. Hall
Wod. 33. A. of St. Thomas, was. una:
emulously chosen. The pulpit Ina
been vacent sinoe last fall when Be.. H. Sewers rzsigned to aceerpt a
E ;%
call in North Bruce. There was a
close vote before Mr. iaa
Wood was finally chosen though the
call was later made unaminone.
The annual seed fair under the au-
spices of the South Huron Agricul-
tural Society will be held in Walk..
er's Hall at Brucefield on Friday,.
March' 1. The exhibits will be judge
the sawmill and chopper from
stone the grand neaster of Blyth, also
aezteanhdned.6'11:nr, ., a
At the annual tnstallation. of offi-;
several brethren present from Exetter,
and neighboring towns. Mr. Pople
also deliver an adr,ss on the seed
ed hies!
eecuto the Walke.r House where the4
genial host had waiting for them re
cera of the Oddiellosys of the village
father and. will conduct the busineSes
most tempting spread. There ever
ed by an expert from the- Ontariol
departmen, tof agriculture, who will
having finished their labors, adjourn -
Mr, John B. Mustard has purchaeR
well-known and, a
reepected rusident of 'his village*
paned away at hie home on the Mill
Road on Wednesday night at elle age
of 50 years. He had not been onion-
ing good health for 'some months peal
Ile leaves, to mourn Lis loss. his
mother. three .siseers and one broth..
.er. 'The funeral was held yeeterdase
and was largely tattende.d. The rea
mains were laid to rept in Baudisi
ama womoaat's suirerings,
efoutnidtch orecualn•ey. chum my.
e son with fun instructions to any suererer frorre
-er eion's ailments. / want to tell. elf Women about
thiP cure- you, my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to -
tell you bow to cure yourself at home without;
the help Of &doctor. Men cannot 'understand wotas
en's sureerings. What we women know from axe
'poricoce, we know batten than any doctor. I know .
that my hometreatment iis a safe and sure Mire for
anevierrheeaor Whitish discharge, Ulceration,Dis.,,
phicernerit orPaiiing of theWorab, Profuse, seality
or Si.Aiithat Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tamara -Or
Orervoim, alim pains in the head, back and bowels,
heor,,1 g down f eelings, hervousneS0, crcepingfeel.,
frig an the Aptile, inelaneholy, desire to cry, hot
ilastg.,e,!, weariness, kidney and bladder troliblets
+whet e caused by Weakness peculiar to our seer.
Tyra • t to.send yoe 5 template le ease treatment
entin iv free to prove to you that you ean turn.
YOurSelf al Inane, easlbr, quickly aria surely. Re .,, ember, that it will coat you nothing to give)
the treatnierit a coMple te trial; audIf you wavelet WiSh to cintlnuo, itwillcost yen only abont 121
cents a weekor less thau two tionMa day. It will not interfere -with abut work or oecutation.
Justsend me yournaMe an d address, tell um bow ylu slitter, if you wish. anal will send you the
treatment f or your cage, tirely free, in plain vuan p er, by return mail. I will also Send you. tree.
Olcost my book-" WO h1AN'S OWN MEDIC ALAUVIOBit"evith exelavetory illusteatioes show, .
Ing why women sintet, and how they can easily cure themselves at home, Every woman ehoirld,
have it and learn to think for herself. Then wh om doctor says -"You must haverni opera,'
tion," yoit tan deeidefor yourself. Thousands of welpt• haVe Mired themselves With my hoe* '
remedy. It cures ail, oiti or young. To Mothers or., uaughters; 1 Will Orals:in a sireple hotin
treatment which seeedilyand effectually cures Lcuilorrhosa, Green SicknesS, and Painfill
Irregular 1%lens1rtiation in Young Ladies. Plunnmess end health &WAITS resint forte lee toe,
eaVnlyeesruoirevereoyrosi live, can refer you to Iodic% of your own 'twenty who know arid Will tfltulli
teXithat thie ElOilleTreat meat really cartes all woreeres dhows; and Makek Weiner,:
Well, slang, phone end robust.s Just send no yattradd resit, and the free ten dance trail:meet le
yours, also the boOk. Write to -day, as you may not See this tiger again,. Addrese
MORS M. sUM1vings, tkot Xi 841 * WINDSOR, °NV*
• 1