HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-10-13, Page 25PROCESS CHEESE SLICES Kraft Singles 5009 PKG OF 1 OZ SLICES SAVE 2.43/kg • WING OR SIRLOIN.. T-B•one Steak MOUNTAIN DEW, REGULAR OR DIET Pepsi- Cola 6 PACK -750 mL BTLS plus bottle deposit OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.39 OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.681kg-4.39 LB SAVE .88/kg- ■40 Ib COMBINATION PACK CONTAINS: 2 RIB ENDS 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 39 199 Ikg IN Ib OIJR REGULAR PRICE 5.27(kg-2.39 LB RIB OR 3 TO 3,7 LB. TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork 'Loin 4"/189 Roasts Ikg Ib (BONELESS RIB PORTION 7.251kg-3.29 LB) PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs 4 ,kg /299 In Stores With Deli! CANADA PACKERS PORK & BtEF. I'trrtH. SWISS OR. Baked Meat Loaf ,51/1008 /2�9 FINE. COARSE OR CREAMY MAPLE LEAF Liverwurst BRANDT (WITH CUCUMBER) Headcheese BRANDT MEATLOAF COARSE OR, Sausage .31t/100g / Ito 139 II 551100 g / 2lb 49 TONGUE & BLOO. 89 .640009/ lb with ,,upr'rm,trYrt pni r� /kg GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13,19e2-pAGE9A rmap caw ow diva Glossa somi wis silo row iiiw ww 401 rivio mar Nue sae maw sr 1 z traps for two to the 2.trips for two to the t►1 SUPER BOWL! Plus 2 pairs of GREY CUP tickets to be drawn at each ARGO home game. j(Complete details at you A&P Store.) Fill in this entry form and leave tt with cashier al any A&P Food Store Name: Address: ......... Postal Code: Tel No: REGULAR, AUTOMATIC, FILTER. COFFEE Mother Parker 1 Ib BRICK PACK 99 Price WITH COUPON BELOW ONLY OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.19 MARVEL SLICED White Bread 675 g (24 OZ) LOAF made with 100% pure vegetable shortening. • OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 SAVE 1.76/kg-.80 Ib it BONELESS, RUMP, SIRLOIN TIP INSIDE ROUND Beef Roasts 93 Ikg OUR REGULAR PRICE 7.69/kg-3.49 LB SAVE 1.10/16 69 Ib ROAST OR CHOPS Centre Cut Pork Loin (BONELESS 8.13Ikg-3:69 LB) FRESH. GREAT ON THE B.B.Q. Lean Ground Bee CGT FROM THE HIP . Cube Steak SAVE 1.98/kg-.90 Ib BONELESS. OUTSIDE CUT. EYE REMOVED Round Roast 49 Ikg OUR REUULAR PRICE 7.471kg-3.39/Ib Ib A&P. REG OR THICK SLICED OR TOWN CLUB 615 279 Side SAVE 5008 69 Ikg / Ib Bacon 30 vac pac • OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.99 MAPLE LEAF REGULAR. GARLIC OR THICK • 4) J1bSliced', Bologna 2S 2MAPLE LEAF REGJLAR. THICK OR HINT JF MAPLE 7 Ikg/31b9 Sliced Side Bacon SHOPS SLICED PASTRAMI OR 6 VARIETIES INCLUDING OKTOBERFEST. 500 Schneiders. Sausage vacpag 39c 2 SKINLESS & DEVEINED Sliced Beef liver 1968 Ab ■89 REGULAR, BEEF OR B.B.O. • Maple Leaf Wieners , '11b 179 vac pac MAPLE LEAF, 16 VARIETIES INCL MAC & CHEESE Sliced Cooked Meats vac pac ■ 99 rned Beef 500 g 229 vac pac 500 g 329 vac pac pkg of 4 219 50 g envs SHOPSY old na Salami vac500 pag,99c 2 T WN CLUB SWEET PICKLED 39 99 Cottage Rolls 4 Ikg /1 BUR , S 6 Br � 'kfast Sausage 373 , /1 fb9 ALL PURPOSE OR CAKE & PASTRY Monarch Flour SAVE up to 1.36 OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 4.05 3.5 kg BAG KRAFT, PROCESS 269 Cheez Whiz OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.39 500 g JAR IN TOMATO SAUCE. WITH"PORK IN MOLASSES 079 Libby's Li Beans OUR REGULAR PRICE .99 14 FLoZTIN 2 PINEAPPLE BLENDS,. Oel monte ASSTVAR INCLIIn WHOLE KERNEL CORN (12 oz) 48 FL, OZ. TIN SAVE .24 Libby's Vegetables '4"°z 59 DPG FOOD, TENDER CHUNKS n- L: R ata n-_.-� T_ NO. 1 GRADE. LIQUID Billy Bee Honey Our Regular price 1.23 m ■ fruit Brinks.__ bag 5:99 = Spaghetti Sauter ---2411:1:49 99 PRIMO PIZZA SAUCE (7 OZ TIN) OR 500 92■19 Tomato Paste NEW. CHOCOLATE OR CHOCOLATE MINT 200 ml PRIMO. MEDIUM OR BROAD Ice Magic 0 1.69 Egg Noodles Smit ELr NEW ORLEANS ST IL KiONEr BEANS /4 Van Camp13 eans PRIMO ,9tin ■89 Italian Tomatoes .2 s.5 fI'oz tins 375 g' pkg. . 99 . 79 28(1 oz 89 tin • ORANGE PEKOE PKG OF 60 1 L CTN 1.79 Galway AvE Pure Ve etable Tea Bags b0 Primo 11 OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.29 OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.49 111111111111111111111111111 A&P RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! 3 LITRE CTN '299 NESTeL INSTANT Hot Chocolate i00cin 4 2 ■39 WITH THIS COUPON 754 OFF THE. PURCHASE PRICE OF frozen, boll -In bog. asst var. GREEN GIANT ENTREES 9 oz. pkg. L Limit one pkg. per family purchase. Valid until �--�- Ott. 16/12. 0387691H ( Z) )1( bE 7501166U FROZEN, CONC.. JUICES Minute Maid 12.5 fl oz tin SAVE .50 ASST VAR, LAYER OR SNACK CAKE MIXES Duncan Hines • ® 520-g pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.63 SWEET MIXED OR YUM YUM PICKLES 1 5 L JAR 1,99` . PLAIN, WITH GARLIC OR POLSKI OGORKI Bick's Dill Pickles 199 1.5 L jar OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.99 SAVE 1.00 ALL PURPOSE FLOUR Robin Hood 99 10 kg bag • OUR REGULITR"P'R10ETO' T3" SAVE r 2.80 i )r Lv d'&V IV 83113E GO MAGA Flu bug hits town LOOKING BACK 75 YEARS AGO Mr. Dean, the grocer, has started the foundation for a cellar and storehouse behind his store, corner of East Street and the Square. Owing to the difficulty in securing Suitable premises and • satisfactory teachers, .. the Goderich Business College will not be opened until November 1. A new salt pan is being, put in the Western Canada Flour Company's salt well. Mr. E.P. Paulin is this 'week installing a hot water heating system in the Sterling Bank. The brick work of the Wheels Rigs building, except the smoke stack and' round the engine room, is complete and the roof is now being put on. The neyv freight depart- / epart/ ment of the GTR will be opened in two meeks and is a great improvement over the old shed. 40 YEARS AGO Sharp at nine o'clock next Monday morning, October 19, the boom of great bombs once more will mark the opening of a Victory loan campaign,_ the third in little more than a year. G.L. Parson is chairman of the campaign for Goderich. Flt. -Lieut. J.A. Bremner, who for over a year has been in charge of works and buildings at No. 31 Air Navigation School, Port Albert, today reported to No. 1 training command, RCAF, Toronto for duty elsewhere. His successor is F-0 McDonald; 'who' comes here from Edmonton. Forty citizens of Goderich gathered at the Bedford Hotel Saturday night to pay honor to J.D. Thomas who, for the past five years, has been sales manager of Imperial . .Oil Limited headquarters in Goderich. He is taking a leave of ab- sence. 0 0r 0 co "4 ))L4 NEW REGULAR, AUTOMATIC OR FILTER Mother Parkers Coffee 99 1 Ib brick ® pack Limit one per family purchase. Valid until October 16th, 1982 --�' Feature price 2.99 without coupon. V.C. 2433052x1 Ul ;I •'l9,l 1 I 1 • l VUU �, l � V�� � w 1 25 YEARS AGO . . There was a total of 225 students away from the Collegiate, Public School and Separate School with the flu on Wednesday. Closed since last Saturday while undergoing extensive alterations, Emerson's Drug Store re -opens tomorrow. Modern display counters and lighting, give the store a completely.new look. The 78th anniversary of Holmesville United Church was held on Sunday with the minister of .the church, the Reverend J.A. McKim, as the speaker. Maitland sweaters will be worn , ay members 'of , the Goderich team which will play in the OHA Junior "B" Western Division this coming season. 5YEARSAGO By recorded vote Tuesday evening, Goderich town council 'agreed to ask Engineer ,Burns Ross and Solicitor Dan Murphy to hr -the necessary steps towards the expropriation of the . Glousher property. This is the 2.98 • acres of land which is needed by the town to extend Suncoast Drive eastward and link up High-. way 21 and 8. Police chiefs and town officials from Clinton, Exeter, Wingham, Goderich and Seaforth , met last Wednesday evening to discuss installing a common police .communications system for Huron County. The Goderich Area Planning Board last week approved an application by Joe Essex for rezoning a parcel of land south of Goderich on Highway 21 to permit him to build an auto body repair shop. XFC to supports _ T The MVM'(ltiple Sclerosis .- Society of Canada (Ontario Division) is pleased to an- nounce that Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Licensees of Ontario will hold a special day in support of multiple sclerosis, . commencing to- day October 13, at approx- imately X50 Kentucky -Fried . Chicken outlets in Ontario. This new association will provide the Multiple Sclerosis Society with the necessary financial stability to carry on its work in the fields of research, patient services, and other ongoing programs.