HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-10-13, Page 24PAGE 8A-GODER,ICH SIGNAL -STAR WEDNESDAY, OC!'OBER 13.1982 A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! We redeem all food store cou.. ns! BIRTHDAY CLUB Hi, My name is J.D. McGuire. I live with my mom and dad, Wendy and John, at R.R. 6 Goderich. 1 would like to join your birthday club. I will be one., year old on October 14. I would also like to wish a happy birthday to my' two aunts who have birthdays in October too. Bye fo 'now, J.D. Mac Campbell speaks By Helen Owen There was a particularly good turn out on September 27 when the members of Bayfield Historical Society held their monthly meeting. The speaker on this occa- sion was Mr. Malcolm Campbell from Goderich. Mr. Stuart Oakes, who in- troduced him, told of .his in- terest in the Great Lakes, which he had acquired as a young man and subsequently recorded in pictures as a professional photographer. Before dealing with his maim _theme, Mr.. Campbell. provided his audience with a series of pictures illustrating the rich variety of fall colors. From glorious views of trees en masse, to close upshots of crimson maple leaves against a background of crisp, white snow he cap- tured for his audience a photographic portrayal that was essentially Canadian' in content. ' • • ,lis second - presentation dealt with "Shipping on the Great Lakes" a subject which had engaged his in- terest over a number of years. Initially, he said, this interest had been stimulated by working with Mr. McDonald, Harbor Master at Goderich,, a remarkable man who had been responsi- ble for the saving of many lives. From him he had gain- ed an insight into the history of the Lakes, from canoes to vessels up to a thousand feet in length. Many changes had. taken place since the turn of the. century hi size, shape, construction .and power. Typical examples were shown in a series of slides. These ' also depicted the passenger ships which had been a popular form of transport across the Lake, and one frequently usedby summer visitors to Bayfield. Although the pictures of the crowded boats suggested the delights of this form of travel, there were hazards, Mr. Campbell said, and sud- den storms had resulted in tragedies for all shipping on the Lake, the most notewor- thy being the storm of 1913. In addition, wooden ships were always a source of fire risks. The introduction of steam brought in a new era, and the increasing need to transport steel, wood and. iron increas- ed the cOmmercial aspects of the harbor at Goderich. In other areas the transport of grain in large quantities stimulated the construction of vessels adapted for this sole purpose. The examples shown demonstrated the in- genuity and resourcefulness of successive ship builders to meet the needs. Nor was shipping on the Lake `plain sailing' since apart from storms the commanders of the ships had also to deal with thick ice. More graphically than any words, Mr. Campbell's portrayal of •-1he._shi s�themseives lying - , . Jhe„ Lakc s, conveyed.. to his audience a wonderful sense of the history of their ac- tivities over many,y_ears. He concluded with a pic- ture of the new Marine , Museum, situated in the har- bor at Goderich, and only -established n"Juiy^nf iitis year. Mr. Joe Mayman, on behalf of the audience, ex- pressed their sincere thanks and appreciation. The meeting ended with refreshment served by Kelly Ball, Margaret Clift and Esther Wright. YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P Prices effective thru Sat.. October 16th. 1982. Tide Detergent 6 LITRE BOX r BATHROOM TISSUE, ASST COLOURS Velour Tissue Y 05 4 4 CC IW 0 0 .71111, 29 pkg of4 rolls OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.89 box of 200 sheets OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.13 ASSORTED VARIETIES Primo Pastas OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 900 g pkg READY -TO -SERVE. ASSORTED VARIETIES Quaker Oatmeal 411811111111111111 ASST VAR INCL OATMEAL CHOCO Ct91P Colonial Cookies -29 450 g pkg LIQUID Old Dutch Bleach 3.6 LITRE PLST BTL OUR REGULAR PRICE 1:83 • 4E FA ,m • gv •For Freshness & sayings You'll do better at our great Fall... SUN SQUEEZE °'PURE" Apple Juice ■ 48 FL OZ TIN 99 INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell House 10 OZ JAR L OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO OR U.S.A., GREAT IN SALADS • • FreStiQ 99 fi °vkir a` 10/1 o PRODUCT OF FLORIDA Seedless White �� Grapefruit No�� Spinach PROD- OF CALIF-, LARGE SWEET Fresh Ripe 99 Strawberries quart 1- CANADA FANCY. PROD. OF ONT.. THE PICK OF 1HE ORCHARD Jonathan Apples 1541 99 CANADA NO. 1. PROD. OF CALIF.. THE NATURAL SNACK Red or Black Grapes . 2!!/%99 PRODUCT OF CALIF, OR ONTARIO Fresh Broccoli CANADA NO. 1. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Fresh Cucumbers bunch 10 oz pkg CANA ANO. D1 PROD. OF ONTARIO. TENDER, SWEET Fresh Carrots b5ag .99 CANADA NO:'1,'PRODUCT Or ONTARIO, LARGE- CRISP Fresh Celery Stalks each e69 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO. GREAT IN SALADS . 99 Fresh Mushrooms CANADA NO. 1. PROD. OF ONTARIO. YELLOW 3/ 1 Cooking -Onions CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO �• Fresh Cauliflower . each CANADA-NO.1, PROD. OF U-S.A., SWEET. RIPE Cantaloupe PROD- OF ONTARIO, FIRM, GREEN, FRESH Brussels Sprouts each PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA. SIZE 88'S . 99 Oranges CANADA NO. 1. PRODUCT.OF ONTARIO . 99 Fresh Parsnips 12oz 199 pkg b .999 ■ CANADA NO. 1. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Red or Savoy Cabbage, each .59 CANADA NO.1. PRODUCT OF •ONTARIO Rutabagas 21 .99 CANADA NO. 1: PROD. OF ONTARIO.• Green Cabbage 2/ .99 CANADA NO. 1. PROD. OF ONTARIO. ALL PURPOSE Potatoes 201b 289 bag PRODUCT OF CALIF.. HALLOWEEN SHELL OUT 10/ 299 Raisins: • OF ONTARIO. ON bg 99WildBrd Seed CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF U.S.A., FAMILY PACK 1, Ib 69 ASSORTED 1 $/96 kg/ , Ib 89 Rupe Tomatoes tray 1 Tropical Plants YOU'LL DO BETTER WIT? Baked Goods from A&P! JANE PARKER Pumpkin Pie OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.89 624 g size Health & Beauty Aids and General Merchandise LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE 139 Pepsodent Toothpaste OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.09 JANE PARKER, GOLD Pound Cake JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake MARVEL, HAMBURGER. BUNS OR Wiener Rolls 5108 1 �� SY�VA�A, pVFRIGERATOR cake . Light Bulb REGULAR, OILY, DRY- 5cake 39 g 1 ■19 Faberge Organic Shampoo NOXZEMA.-BONUS PK OF 300 mL PLUS 50 mL FREE p12°' ■99 Shave Cream JANE PARKER, SLICEDIMADE WITH 100', PURE VEG SHORTI Cheese Bread JANE PARKER Twin Rolls JANE PARKER, HOMESTYLE Glazed Donuts JANE PARKER Angel Cake JANE PARKER Raisin Pie 450 g loaf .99 Dristan Tablets 100 mL TUBE e99 each 1 ■ 29 450 mL plst bbl 2 ■ 99 350 mL aerosol tin 1 ■ 99 624f 1.99 CHEWABLE VITAMIN'C 120'S OR VITAMIN 'E.' 400 IU, NATURAL 60' p12af .39 A&P Vitamins • bil ■99 MINI SIZE or 1.49 Stayfree SILKY PANTY cake 1 ■69 Secret Pantyhose 390 g A&P, BASKET STYLE ssze 1 ■59 Coffee Filters JANE PARKER. SLICEDIMADE WITH 100', PURE VEG SHORTI Protein Bread450Ioaf6oz) ■9 JANE -PARKER Cherry twee 10W30 Shell Motor Oil MA-KISIZE"'REG-ORUEO dRAl+1'T • Freedom _..� .._._ GAINERSREGULAR OR.DEODORANT `Li ht'N Flakey' Lard lib ®79 Kotex Lig.htdays ASST VARIETIES INCL ORIGINAL OATMEAL Dad's Cookies 2258 79 pkg ■ $6 V nodxelk, ASso'hT£D VARIETIES Hambur er Helper '1,741.39 A&P. RED Sockeye Salmon OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.19 OUR REGULAR PRICE 1 hal YOU'LL DO BETTER AT Ab YOU'LL DO BETTER AT 4&PINIIMEMIMMEMEIMm WHITE, YELLOW OR PRINTED Hi-Dri Towels POWDERE17 J*VEX'BLEACH For Unbleachables • pkg of ao 10 ■ pkg1 ■ 99 pkg of 99 100 ■ br,1■2 bag of 14 '/2 oz. packs ;59 20 lb 399 bag �:. 499 pot YOU'LL DO BETTER Frozen Foods from A&P! FROZEN 3FillCod SAVE06 39 ets ,601b ,, ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.391kg11.99 Ib SEA BUOY, FROZEN, IN BATTER Fish Cakes FROZEN Mackerel 174kg/Ib 1 "1kg/Ib . 79 . 53 GOLDEN SKILLET. FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE Chicken Cutletts 2 ko /129 HIGH LINER. FROZEN Fish & Chips CARNATION. FROZEN Tater Gems FRASERVALE. FROZEN. RASPBERRIES CIR Strawberries FROZEN. PEPPERONI Totino's Pizza FROZEN, BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY Swanson Meat Pies 32 oz 269 pkg 2 Ib poly hag .39 t., 9 Aka 89 pkg ■ 8 oz pkg • 9 NEW, MOTTS, FROZEN CONCENTRATED Apple Juice 12.tnl°z 1.29 FABRIC SOFTENER Ah cif sheets 4 30 ■1 bounce sheets ■ • p glof 2 ■ Ani GLAD "BIG ORANGE" Garden Bags pkg of 1 ®59 REGULAR OR OVERNIGHT OVEN CLEANERS pkoll't 2 1 e09 Easy -Off , 400q 2■09 ctn ROO q box 2 9 ALUMINUM WRAP 7.75 mL TIN TODDLER SIZE 199 Pampers Diapers A&P Wonderfoil 12;0115 2.59 PKG OF 24 SAVARIN-4 \/ARIE 1IES 489 Frozen Dinners 1 1 0: Ch C, 129