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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-10-13, Page 23
• • • • • • • • 0 • • • • ••_ -• MAITLAND TRAIL ASSOCIATION will an- nounce plans and ski outings for the upcoming season at their annual meeting, Wednesday, October 27th, 8:00 p.m. in Music Room, Robertson School Anyone interested3 is welcome to attend. Refreshments ser- ved. -41-42 HOLMESVILLE U.C.W. Bazaar, Goderich Township Hall, Wednesday, November 3, 1982, 2:30 p.m. Afttrnoon tea, home baking, sewing, knitting, garden produce, books, Christmas booth.- 41- 42-43 'VOLUNTEERS of Bluewater Centre , present their Christmas Bazaar in Bluewater Centre, Auditorium on Wednesday, October 27th from•12 - 5 p.m. Proceeds to the han- dicapped,- 41,42ar GODERICH GARDEN Club meeting October 20th, 8 p.m. Robertson Public School. Speaker Blanche Pownall - Garrett from Benmiller - "Edible wild plants and fruits". -41 DANCE at ` the MacKay Centre; Goderich, Friday, October 15th, 8 p.m. Music by Gordon Harrison's Croup, modern and .old time dan- cing, lunch -provided. Admission $2.00. All welcome.-41ar HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Meeting in the Auxiliary room of A.M_ &G I-lncpital at. 2 p.m., Monday, , October 18th. Mrs. Deanne Dixon of \Town & Country. Homemakers will speak. Everyone welcome.- 41 ATTENTION ,NAVA[. VETERANS: Oct. 22nd, 1982 at 8:00.p.m. there will be a meeting in the Vimy Court Lounge of .the Royal Canadian Legion Goderich. The purpose of the meeting is to 'find out how much in- terest there is in .forming a local branch of the Royal Canadian Naval Association. Coyne out and renew old friendships and create new ones. -41,42 REPERCUSSION presents . an exciting concert of music from Bach to jazz to African• rhythms at Blyth Memorial Hall, Sunday, Oct. •17, 2'p.m. Good tickets available at the door, $8.7-4 lar EXCHANGE STUDENT, Martin Maurer, will show slides of his Year In Venezuela at the "Friends of the Library" meeting, Tues., Oct. 26,' at 8 p.m., at Goderich Branch Library, 52 Montreal Street. Everyone is welcome.--41,42ar RUMMAGE. SALE - Knox Presbyterian Church Auditorium, Friday, October 22nd, 6:00 p.m., auspices Arthur Circle. -41-42 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - Tuesday, October 26th, 1982, 2-5 p.m., 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., at G.D.C.1. Free babysitting 2 - 5 p.m.--41,42ar GUN SHOW Sunday, October 24, 8:00 a.m. till noon. 'Legion Auditorium, Listowel. Buy, sell, trade, look, display. Firearms related items. Reservations, information (519, •291-3960, 1519, 291-1299.--o-41 YOU STILI. HAVE TIME to join in the fun. 3rd Goderich Boy Scouts, 7:15 Knox Church • every. Wed nesday.- 41 BF:NM11,,L :R UNITED Church \Fowl Supper, Wednesday, October 27th. Sittings are 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Adults $6.00; children 12 and under $3.00. For tickets phone Mrs. John Wood 524-2756 or Mrs: Dan Willis 524-8078.- 41 "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend __the Child Health. Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, Court House, Goderich 1 please note change in locationon Thursday, October 21, 1982 • from 9:30 - 11:30 a.ni.. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia Screening;' 3. Inlmunizati'on, 4. • Fluoride 41ar-_.__a. TAYLOR'S CORNER BAZAAR 2:30 p.m. Satur- day, Oct. 16 at St. George's Parish Hall,.•Goderich. Bak- ing, sewing, garden produce, candy. Afternoon tea serv- ed. -40,41 DESERT SONG., - the rollicking hit musical comedy from' the Shaw Festival will be at Blyth Memorial •Hall. • Saturday, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 24 at 2 p.m: Tickets $10. Reserve by calling 523- 9300. 41,42ar • 'FRANKLY', YOU WONT WANT TO MISS ITI GODERICH & DISTRICT OPTIMIST CLUB HALLOWE'EN ,,P r RTY 1 r:r t . L r "AFTER HOURS" UPSTAIRS GODERICH ARENA -FRIDAY;-OCTOBER 29 DANCING FROM 9 P.M. TO 1 A.M. LUNCH PROVIDED TICKETS `5.00 (LIMITED NUMBER AVAILABLE) AVAILABLE AT: •JANA NATURAL FOODS Hamilton St. •R.G. STODDART GOLDSMITH West St. •OPTIMIST CLUB MEMBERS LICENCED UNDER L.L.B.O. PROCEEDS TO COMMUNITY SERVICE PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES 'jI•PERS FISH.& CHIPS •WILLIE WIMPERS FISH & C, In E M E b rr °Sd13dWIM 31111M• SdIH) 79 HSU Sd13dWIM LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Come in and sample some good Food and at the same time relax and enjoy the mellow sounds of GRANT ELLISON - ON GUITAR APPEARING THIS FRI. & SAT. NITE OCT. 15 & 16 OPEN: MON. TO SAT. -NOON -2 P.M. & 5.1 A.M. LOUNGE Fully Licenced Under The L.L.B.O. DOWNSTAIRS'IN THE COURT RESTAURANT 120 THE SOUAOE (;ODE RICH 524 9111 CAROL'S HOBBY CLUB has a bus to the North America's Largest Hobby Craft Show in Toronto. There will be remote control boats, cars, model railroading, world of miniatures, pottery, ceramics, tole, stitchery, chocolate, plus many more, on Friday, Oct. 15, 1982. All this for $17 includes admis- sion. For more information contact Caro�Wammes 482- 9809. Lim ed space available. -38,4,41 BINGO every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, R.R. 5; Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1..00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! -Admission restricted to 16 years and over. -25-52X,1-26X THE SALVATION ARMY Pumpkin Patch Tea and Sale. Saturday, October 30th, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Corner of Waterloo Street and Lighthouse, Goderich.-40-43 GODERICH COMMUNITY Cre it Union Limited 29th An ual Meeting. Thursday, No ember 25, 1982, Saltford Val y Hall at 8 p.m. Please nil up tickets for com- pli entary lunch and • refreshments.-39-46ar WORKSHOP with Lynne Gordon on "How to buy - from . products_ to people .= . saving money and emotion." We-dnesday, October 13t11 -at: 7:30 p.m.. at Clinton High School. Free admission. Sponsored by Huron Women Teachers' Association 'F.W.T.A.O.-40,41 • CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. • first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years lir. over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. -1-52x • • • • • • • 1 0 • • 1 • •, • • • •, • • • H.THt SOU*RL GOIHRICH 5244811 WED..THURS. LAST DAYS FOR SHOWING AT 3:00 P.M. 4 1982 Walt Disney ri Productions ` I where mon hos never been. STARTS FRIDAY, OCT. 15 FRI,-SAT. 7 a 9 SUN..THURS. Han a Five years ago, the Lutz family fled this house with their lives.. The previous Owners weren't so lucky._ this is their story! AM I7Y1/I LLE 0: THE PC6W610N DINO DE LAURENTl15 AMITYVILLE u: THE: POSSESSK)N JAMES OLS. N BURT YOUNG RUTANYA Atfl ANDREW PRINE JACK MAGNER DIANE FRANKLIN w MOSES GUNN ..-Burt" .w .t bu LALO SCHIFRIN caw- SAM O'STEEN a.Kto. or Photwraphto FRANCO DIGIACOMO P,aauct,o„ Dersigrwr PIERLUIGI BASILE • • • • •' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ******************** * DELUXE * * MOTORCOACH EXCURSIONS * * OCTOBER 22, 23 - SOUTHWESTERN * ONTARIO DISCOVERY $81. ea. * "Deluxe Accommodations (Twin) * * "Fish -Fry Dinner * * "Winery Tour * *Pt. Pelee National Park * * November 8, 9, 10 - U.S.A. * MYSTERY SHOWTOUR $150. ea. * "Deluxe Accommodations (Twin)* * "Factory Outlet * * "Deluxe Theatre Presentation * *Much. Much More. * November 15, 16, 17 - FRED WARING SHOW (Pittsburgh) '189,ea * *Deluxe Accommodations (Twin) * *Hawaiian Evening Show * Riesereed`Siibits * NOVEMBER 19 - ROYAL WINTER FAIR * SHFRWOOD TRANSPORTATION INC * $25. ea. "Queen's Guineas Day "Evening Horse Show Tickets 'Features R.C.M.P. Musical Ride FOR INFORMATION & DETAILS PHONE * 524-7622 524-4540 ,* ******************** HAPPY 3 TH BIRTHDAY NANCY F. BEST WISHES AND LOVE FROM Gord and the Kids, J & B, K & M andR&A Discover Huron County's Newest and Finest `Sit -Down' Eating or `Stand -Up' Meeting Place.... "IT'SOFFICIAL...FlNALLYt" 212€1 M E,It...11 A.M. TO � A.M. ER �60BAYFIEL© RD.,GGDE.RIC OPEN 7 ©AA �� Y® You've heard of MOTH'S, McGINNIS' and KELSEY'S... now there's MURPHY'S! FADULO US FOOD AND FUN.,.ALL IN ONE! r GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13,1982 -PAGE 7A Colborne Township's 17th Annual CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR Sale of local arts, crofts A country baking at Saltford Valley Hall, ('/. mile N. of Goderich, E. off Hwy. 21) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20: 10 AM -0 PM AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23: 10 AM -6 PM Teo Door Prizes Over 50 Quality Crafts Admission 25° & 10° SPECIAL FEATURES: Both Days: Quilts, tole ort, ap- pleheod dolls, paper tole decorated eggs, etc. Saturday only: Chinchilla fur novelities. HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY MOM & DAD! Clarence & Loretta Doherty Join Us In Lucknow SATURDAY, OCT. 161'82 9-1 A.M. Everyone Welcome Lots of Love, Joanne, Anita, Rick, Heather, & JR. Blais°, Mark, Mary Louanne & Wesley • • 404 +4044.4.4: x.444.40 IHappy 25th Birthday SHEILA MONTGOMERY from the Party Gang. • • • • THE SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEASON ROTARY BALL Saturday, October 16 Goderich Township Community Hall (HOLMESVILLE) Sit down dinner at 8 P.M. SHARP (Catered by Friars Cellar of London) Followed by dancing to BOBBY BREWS ORCHESTRA FOR TICKETS PHONE: JOHN BANTER - Bus. 524-8376 RES. 524-8149 KEN McGEE - Bus, 524-8391 RES. 524-8487 OR CONTACT ANY ROTARIAN Tickets - 45.00 Couple 1 1 1 1 WE'RE FIGHTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Save up to $1.00 and join the fight! Multiple Sclerosis is a crippling disease that attacks people mainly between 18 and 50— in the prime of life. Thousands of people in Ontario are afflicted each year. ,The research money we donate on your behalf will help in the search for a cure. on a Kentucky Fried Chicken Bucket. When you' redeem this coupon, you'll save 50C. And we'll donate 50C on your behalf to the Ontario Division of The Multiple Scledrosis Society. Redeem at any Kentucky Fried Chicken store in Ontario. Expiry date -October 31. 1982. on a Kentucky Fried Chicken Thrift Box. When you redeem this coupon. you II save 30C. And well donate 30C on your behalf.to the Ontario Division of The Multiple Sclerosis Society. ,.. edeem at any Kentucky Fried Chicken store in Ontario Expiry date - October 31. 1962 h 14 on a Kentucky Fried Chicken Dinner-for-One:,When you redeem this coupon. you II save 20C And well donate '20C On your behalf to the Ontario Division of The Multiple Sclerosis Society Redeem at any Kentucky Fried Chicken • store in Ontari Expiry date.-- October 31 198:.' \\'N s\WI s:\\„\„x Kentucky fried irs FINGER LICKIN' G000. 94 ELGIN AVE. GODERICH .1