HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-10-13, Page 13Town&Country CLASSIFIED WANT ADS e ( GODERICH SIGNAL: -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1982 -PAGE 13 Sphone Z4-8331 31. Service directory STEPHEN'S FURNI1URE RESTORATION_ Q'uolity refinishing, repairing, and reupholstering of antiques and household furniture. Free estimates, pickup and delivery. Phone Stephen Norton. 524•, 9394. 20tfar CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERA. TIONS, 24 to 48 hour service for minor and major sewing, Dionne Molfough. phone 524. 2492. • 32.6 MAN wiih truck to do clean-up lobs and light delivery. etc Peter Proven 5248553. 33.43' RELIABLE SITTER available with references, Mondoy through Friday Phone 524• 7215. 400nx , GARDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE & AP. PLIANCES . bought. 1. sold. We deliver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 CONCRETE FORMING Walls a Floors For a complete lob col) SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 THE,Wleetl. iViLan •WEED CONTROL .*FERTILIZING '!INSECT CONTROL TOM, GRASSY (519) 524-2424 31. Service directory PIANO TUNING •Repairs •Rebullding •Key Recovered •Keys Recovered •Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 340-9223 Mitchell • For all your Carpet 1. ,Upholstery cleaning needs, call SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE Our steamvallo Power• brush method gets the deep down dirt, other miss. Phone 524-8892 Free Estimates *SEPTIC TANKS *SEWERS •BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL *TOPSOIL For a complete lob coil: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668' CHROMATROP_E UPHOLSTERY AND VINYL SERVICE 40 EAST ST. Goderich *FREE ESTIMATES* MURRAY F. TAYLOR 482.7920 CUSTOM APPLE` PRESSING (for Cider) Now Open Cali for Appointment Carl Seeger 529-7514. ROBERTSON FARMS CARLOW Custom Corn Drying, Storage Sales, Forward Contracting PHONE 524-6658 31. Service directory THE STK 11' SHOP 41'10111'in. REFINISHING (In the same building as The Hometown Body Shop) Gist. 1 uur Furniture •erune chance. ' r drip anything. full DOUG JOHNTri 528•2036 or 528-2736 Shop Hours 8.12 noon and I •6 p.m.' PRO -AUTO SERVICES CAN HELP SELL YOUR CAR OR BEAUTIFY YOUR OLD CAR Choice of One Year of Lifetime Shine service starts from $35.0* CALL 52.4-8897 i FOR YOUR • •Aluminum & Vinyl Siding •Replacement• Windows *Insulation Needs Contact GODERICH INSULATION 524-6844 cm.... HOUSES BUILT BEFORE 1971 ARE NOW IN- CLUDED IN THE CHIP PROGRAM. aha0 'CUSTOM (r,4 BUILDING' J*RENOVATIONS •it.1, Nt 0: • 41Qtr .'r•14717,11'4• • I•11(1, , U.1ti• FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS *,524-6866 LTD. (I H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years PHONE Clinton 482-3320 Seaforth 527-0284 . Or PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 ART'S Landscaping' Nursery and Garden Centre, • 160 BENNETT ST., E. • GODERICH LAWN CARE SODDING ROLLING CUTTING Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR&OUTDOOR GARDENING S24-2645 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance' Service Centre for all • *WHIRLPOOL *INGLIS *SPEED QUEEN *ADMIRAL *SIMPLICITY' *HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. SS Kingston St., Goderich V.I.T. UPHOLSTERY R.R. No. b Goderich ✓ CUSTOM INTERIORS ✓ ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILES • ✓ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS ✓ BOATS ✓SNOWMOBILES Please Coll 529L7805 CARPENTRt AND' PAINTING Repairs, renovations, Roc rooms, act. PHONE BUD HARVEY AT 524-7974 .You Conp De en d iOni Ua For Competitive`_ __ --Courteous and -- Fast Service Service iii' BACK HOEING ✓ BULL DOZING ✓ GRAVEL ✓SAND BLASTING ✓AIR HAMMERS Please Call Arnold Stothers 529-7403 31. Service directory CHIMNEY SWEEPING BeOnissg wood have it done. HAROLD LEDDY 524-7237 PELLOW CUSTOM CARPENTRY *Renovations _ *Home Repairs •Free estimates LICENSED CARPENTER Phone: Fred Pellow 524-2406 32. Custom work WILL CUSTOM combine corn. Phone 482.3518.-40.42 34. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married.or single, free. positive confidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT London (collect) 432. 7197„ 527.0115-. or_ ,524.2023' (after 6 p.m.).- 1.52x IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Goderich 524. 6001. Ask for an AI•Anon number •--5tfnx , ALONE, unattached, single? There is someone for everyone. No need to be alone. regardless of age. Try our Friendship Club, P.O. Box 104. Owen Sound, Ont. Please state age, ---40.41 x 35. Notice to ;creditors ALL persons having claims against the Estate of ELSIE MAY FRASER. Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, 'who died on or about the 21st day of September, .1982. are required to file the 'some with full particulars with the undersigned by the 30th'doy of October, 1982, as after that dote the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 30th day . of September, 1982., PREST and EGENER, Barristers, 'etc.., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. .40.42 All claims against the Estate of JOHN SULLY McKEOWN, late of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day of August, 1982, must be filed with the undersigned on or before November 12, 1982: thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED 'this 28.th day of September. 1982. ' JOHN DOUGLAS McKEOWN 'and JOHN MICHAEL McKEOWN; Executors, by their solicitors. ,, CAREY 8 OTTEWELL 50 North Street ' Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 40.42 . ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of FRANCES VERA LAWRENCE. late of the Town of Goderich. in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 28th day of April. 1982 ore required to send same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of November,;' 1982, after which dote the estate will be distributed, = having regard only to such claims as have then been received. DATED AT HAMILTON, this 23rd day of September, 1982. by BENNETT AND BENNETT Barristers. etc, 42 James Street South HAMILTON. Ontario LBP 2Y4 Solicitors for the Executors 40.42 36. Announcements, 36. Announcements, notices notices • CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF PRELIMINARY LIST The Municipal Election Act, 1100 Chapter 308, sections 24 and 25 Preliminary List 1982' TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE County of Huron Notice Is hereby given that 1 have compiled with Sec. tion 24 and 25 of The Municipal Elections Act, 1980 and that 1 have posted up at my office at the Township Hall, Carlow, R.R. 5, Goderich, Ontario on the 12th day of Oc- tober, 1982, the list of all persons entitled to be elec- tors In the municipality at municipal election. and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all electors to examine the list for the purpose of making additions or corrections to or deletions from the list. •Th. last "day for filing applications 1s the 20th day of October, 1982. , •Th. place at which the revision willcommence1s my_:. 'office In the Colborne Township Community Hall, R.R. S. Goderich, Ontario. *The time at which the revision will commence is Oc- tober 12th, 1902. Dated this 13th day of October, 1982. ' H. Milburn. Clerk of the Township of Colborne KOKANIE • I will no longer be responsible for any debts incur- red by my husband Joseph Kokanie as of •September 1st, 1982. Jerilou S. Kokonie.-39• 40.41 x '38. Auction sale SATURDAY. . OCTOBER 23rd, wanted farm machinery, > trac- tors, tools, cars;trucks for our machinery auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lind• say. , Consign now (705)324- 2783. Lindsay or bring to barn.- 0.4 I ANNOUNCING; BLUE WATER ANGUS 28th Annual Sale, Saturday. October 30th, Walkerton Agricultural Arena. -Bulls, Cows, Heifers., Catalogues available. Wm. Lee, R.R,3 Conn Ontario NOG 1N0, (519)323.4848.-0.41 Out of Business AUCTION SALE for Lewis Equlpmertt formerly Massey - Ferguson Dealer, Titter- ' ton, lver-'ton, Ontario. Saturday, Oct. 23 11 A.M. -includesshop equip- ment, office equipment, parts and some equip- ment. Sae next week's paper for full listing.. LARGE; CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Over 80 Tractors & 150 Pieces of Equipment at Brindley Sales Yard, Dungannon, Ont. • Saturday, October 16th at ,10:00 A.M. For more information coil BRINDLEY AUCTION 519-529-7625 or 519-529-7970 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7198 ' AUCTION CALENDAR THURS.. OCT. 14, 1 P.M. 4 bedroom house in Auburn for Wagner estate. • SAT., OCT. 16, 10 A.M. Riding lawnmower, tools and furniture for Katherine Querengess. or et the Wasterly edgi of Brodhagen. SAT., OCT. 23, 10 A.M. Antiques, furniture, etc. . t Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton for the estate of Luella Wagner of Auburn. SAT., OCT. 23, 10:30 A.M. Rlcherd Lobb's Barn • 8 school buses from Huron B oard of Educetion.1070- 1075 models. SAT.. OCT. 30,11:11 A.M. Antiques, good applian- ces. furniture, etc. for Frank Walkom .Estate, Goderich plus other ad- ditions at Richard Lobb's, barn. SAT., NOV. S. 10:00 A.M. Antiques, etc. for Elsie' Evens Estate, Brussels et Richard Lobb's Barn,, Clinton. 40. Lost 8 Found FOUND - One grey pigeon with leg band CPF%76-A5616 at 43 West St. Owner please claim, FOR SALE • Olds;' Ambassador Phone524.8845.-40,41nx trumpet and cose,; like ,new, LOST • $45.00 on Thursday, Oc 1175.00: exercise bench and tober7th. between Square and weights, 565.00. Phone 524• 2042,=41 Lighthouse Streets. Finder •-please call 524.7631.-41 , FOR.. SALE • Electric guitar and amplifier, like new. Phone 524• 7506, -41 47 Card of thanks ' HODGES We ,would like to thank 'our fomily, friends and neighbors ,.,for all the beautiful gifts and cards we received for our 30th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to our children, brothers, sisters and their families who helped arrange the party at Saltford for us. It is a. Memory we will treasure olwoys.-Harvey .and Marion Hodges. -4I FISHER We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Helen and Doug Pratt, 'Dorothy and Car- man Kerr, ar•man.Kerr, Donna and Horace Crawford, Darlene Crawford, ,Sandy and Ed, for the surprise anniversary dinner at the Bed- ford Hotel for both our families, and the evening spent together et Dorothy and Carman Kerr's. Thank you.-Bernord and Bernice. -41x McCLURE Thanks to all my friends and • relatives for cards and visits while I was in Goderich Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hollingworth and nurses on first floor. -Gladys McClure, -41x SOWERBY A sincere thank you to relatives, friends and neighbors for flowers, cards, treats aria visits while I was a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Watts, Dr. Thomson and nurses on second floor east who were °Il so kind and thoughtful. Thanks again. -Evelyn Sowerby.-41x • TOO LATE TO l CLASSIFY J • *** * ************' AUCT1ON'ISALE 62 CAMBRIA ROAD, NORTH odorIch • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th -4( at 11:00 AM * Numerous articles to be sold as building has been sold. * In the matter _o _,,the.;estote-nl._;, *.. EDWARD EVERET; (also known as EDWARD EVERETT, and also ---knowrras-EDWARD EVERT) who•-'*' died on August 31, 1982. Creditors and all others having a claim against the estate are required to file proof •of some with, the undersigned solicitors on or before' the Sth 'day of November, -1982, After that date the Executor will distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims which have then been received. DATED at Goderich this Sth day of October, 1982. TROYAN 8 PINCHER Barristers 8 Solicitors 1 Nelson Street East Goderich, Ontario --41-43 Consisting of: 2 chrome kitchen suites; 30 Inch elec- trlc stove; 'wringer washing machine; 3 wooden kit- chen tables; odd chrome chairs and wood chairs; set of cupboards with, kitchen sink; 3 pc. bedroom suite with triple dresser; 3 single beds with box spring and mattress; single box springs 4 mattresses: '2 chests of drawers; 3 antique beds; O pc. dining, Coon,-. - *... • 2. . sults: several coffee tablas and end •tables, pc ` chesterfield suite' now -davenport with 'metthhing chair; 2 reclining chairs; 2 swivel rockers; odd arm chairs, 4 bar stools;- small glass showcase; corn- bination radio & record player; antique dressers; small desk; stereo cabinet; humidifier; antique radios; lamps; electric lawn mower; 2 aquariums; antique record player; fireplace cleaning sot: dish.s and other articles too numerous to mention. AUCTIONEER HAROLD LAMB 524-9657 TERMS: CASH 41, To give away PUPPIES, free to good home, nine weeks old, medium sized. • 482-7962.-40,41 * Auctioneer & owner not responsible for accidents on * day of sale. ****'fir********** APARTMENT FOR RENT One bedroom, 5254.00 per month plus' utilities.' No pets. Phone 524-8649,-41 Huron farm news Custom feeding of cattle is where one person purchases the cattle and pays someone else according to an agree- ment to feed them for him. With many producers having lost Money feeding cattle, in the past, some are unable to , obtain adequate financing to replace their own cattle. These producers can reduce risk by feeding someone else's cattle. Other reasons are; the feeder of tt� cattle may: (1) have extra feed and facilities. (2) use contract feeding to obtain a more even cash flow. (3) not want to be involvgd in the buying and selling of Cattle. - (4) wish to have the option to sell a 'cash crop or to sell his feed through livestock. It may be profitable to sell a corn crop through cattle this year. The owner of the cattle may: (1) have no facilities for his cattle. (2) buy cattle to develop a tax shelter. • (3) be a cow -calf operator who wants to retain' owner- ship, wnership, in anticipation of greater returns. • (4) be retired, but wants to retain 'contact in the beef cattle industry. (5) wish 'to have cattle, in other geographic locales to obtain larger profit margins than .are available locally. --The owner has the opportuni- ty to be current with cattle feeding situations in other parts of North America. (6) want to own more cat- tle in anticipation; of market price increase; and (7) be a.packer who wishes to have a supply �of his own cattle for his plant. - Types of contracts: (I) Weight Gain Contract: The feeder is paid on the amount of gain put on by the. cattle. Gain is established from the difference in weight at the start and end of the feeding program. 50 to 55 `cents per pound of gain is an FOR RENT •Furnished bachelor, example of rice paid. apartment, available im• (2) Feed and Yardage 46. In memoriam .mediately, by week or month. Contract: The- feeder Phone Jack Cummings 524• charges the owner for feeds 8951.• -al ac , fed the cattle, plus a yardage 'HUFF In loving memory of a dear hus• bond, Douglas Huff, •who .pass- ed away Octobec•10, 1981. To a"beautiful life came o sud- den end, He died as he lived everyone's friend, He was always thoughtful, lov- ing and kind, With o glorious : memory to leave behind. " .He left me suddenly his thoughts unknown, . But left me o memory I'm proud 10 own, Treasure " him God in your garden of rest, For in this world he was the best. ' -loved too much to ever be forgotten by.his wife Mary. -41 HUFF . In loving memory of a'father father-in-law and grandfather. 'who passed away October 10, ;1981.. . • • There is nothing` so treasured and nothing so rare, As the love 'a father and children can shore. Through joy. through laughter. through sorrow through tears. There develops a closeness that grows through the years. - This love that we shore doesn't need to be spoken. It's a wonderful bond that 'can never be broken. For you who hove a father, treasure hi(m with care Because you'll never know the heartache till you see his empty choir. Lovingly remembered by his children: sons•in•law and grandsons Marie. Helen John, Ken and Betty fay. Terry and Mathew. - 41 MCCLURE In membry.of Forest R. McClure, who passed away one yeor ago Octalber 12 1981. ' Memories keep you always near, Silent thoughts of time together Hold memories that will lost forever, Remembered and sadly miss ed by wife Gladys. 41 xh 47. Card of thanks FOR SALE • Gas or propane Findlay stove, 20" "white, ex• cellent coed tion, Phone 524- 6027: -41, 42x 1," Articles for sale CLINTON BOXED MEATS As of October 18, we'll beat our now location - North of Clinton on Hwy. No. 4 SEE OUR AD IN NEXT WEEK'S FOCUS NEWSMAGAZINE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS We'd rather sell It than move Its 10% STOREWIDE DISCOUNT October 12to1• ° , of 11 ALBERT ST. CLINTON • fee.: The ya' age fee is to cover overhead costs m the feedlot. Fifteen' to 20 cents per day per head is common for yardage. (3) Margin Sharing Con- tract: The'feeder and owner both share the margin from the feeding of cattle. The in- itial value is deducted from the end value and the net balance is split according to the - contract agreement. 'A common split would' be 25 percent to the owner and 75 percent to the feeder of the cattle. • This brief outline may raise further questions for anyone interested ,in con- tractual feeding ar- rangements. Many things such as ' weigh 'conditions, time of payment, cost of vet and medicine, ,' implants, etc., can be part of a con- tract. • Sample contracts are available at the Ontario `Ministry of Agriculture and Food offices. A factsheet entitled "Custom Feeding Beef Cat- tle" is also available. -Stan Paquette, Assoc. Ag. Rep. Won't send tourists to Vanastra. museum Dear Editor,'. I am 'another concerned citizen who is worried about losing our Huron County museum. We have owned t4tiron Cliff Tent and Trailer Park, which is five miles north of Goderich on Highway 21, for the past seven years. The first question all of the tourists ask is: "What is there' to see in Goderich The number one place we send all of our tourists is to the Huron County*Museu n. ,This past week we had a group of trailers visiting us from Michigan. Their coulments were most favourable. They said the Huron County Museum is the best they have viewed in Canada and the United States. There is no way, I would send tourists' to Vanastra. \1'e want to keep them in l' odench. J1ar)orie'and Pant Rrit.tun. . __-_._Bus.,_tour planned 1 would like to thank relorrves riericls "o'nd' "'every'O helped to give me such o lovely day for my 90th birthdoy. 0 will "alwa"ys be �emenibeied."�igain 'thanks everyone Dove Elliott • 41x MAIZE • �,....... Thi' Chinese, --,and- .tht'ir'-.•seismographs;- •4w•e nc Wyle The family.of the late -Roy -Maize wish to thank their rrelatives friends . and neighbors for `messages of sympothy floral tributes. memorial donations and acts of kindness during Their time of bereavement Special thanks to Rev Wood Stiles Funeral 'Home and the staff of Huronview The kind nes* from everyone is deeply appreciated and ,will olwoys be remembered. -110 and Clifford Crozier and family 41 ar • culture have .been fascinating the western 'world fnr'centuriex-and new you too have a charm to see some of 'the unusual and wonderful aspects of their life and customs. ' " The • RIy'tli C eiit'fe . for "tyle Arts is sponsoring a bus tour to the fabulous ('innese exhibit now on at the Ontario Science ('enlQe 111 Toronto. The day long trip on Saturday, October 30 costs S22 and includes entry into the exhibit but not meals The deadline for tickets is October 22. You will. see scientific discoveries that• include rtx•kets, and surgery that Were discovered tong before thl were _knx t ,t-nj t here t'lsr.. lhl` l'hlnese vit're citstme. bronze using; compzisses. ,tnd inakin ► astront.,niit tT rii'ords about' :;;i1(><� i civ• ago in this exhibit over 7,,w. years of discovery are Lau,' osis for the viewing Tickets are available from 'llie Board and Batten in Clinton and The Blyth Sail a to ttlyfh. The bus leaves 1'Merit h from Sherwood's at R an, Clinton legion at 8 15 :tnd - front Blyth Town 110'1 at 8 10 d